What is uniqueness. What is the uniqueness of the text

The number of sites on the Internet is steadily growing, and at the same time, the demand for quality content to fill them is also increasing.

In order for the site to get into the field of view of search engines, it is required to fill it with articles - unique, competent and optimized for certain search queries, as well as informative and readable.

What does the uniqueness of the text mean?

A unique text is a text based on information taken from several sources with an exclusive sequence of words in phrases. Only such text will be well indexed by search engines.

Here we should touch on the concepts of "rewriting" and "copywriting". A lot of controversy is born about the establishment of the framework of their difference.

Copywriting is the writing of an article that is unique in meaning, and rewriting is the transfer of the essence of the finished article in other words. Text copywriting has semantic uniqueness, and rewriting is associated only with technical uniqueness.

Text rewriting (or rewriting) means a presentation in other words of the text that has already been published on the Internet. In order to increase the technical uniqueness of the text, they use rewriting from several sources, that is, they rewrite in other words texts from different sources on the same topic.

There are synonymizer programs that allow you to automatically rewrite existing text. Therefore, rewriting refers specifically to the technical uniqueness of the text, but NOT to the semantic one.

Previously, for some people who make money on the Internet, it was enough to rearrange the words in a sentence to get a unique text. And such text was defined as copywriting. Now this approach does not give results - the programs have learned to determine the source by a repeating set of words in articles, and regardless of the sequence of their location.

Rewriting and the degree of its uniqueness can be determined using certain tools, which will be discussed below. And, by the way, it's good that there are tools for checking the uniqueness of the text, because they allow you to increase the informative weight of the texts posted on the network.

How to determine the uniqueness of the text?

Suppose there is a text and you need to determine how unique it is. It is possible that exactly such a text has already been published on the Internet. How to do it? There are many possibilities, let's look at two of them:

1) Exchanges for the sale of content to control the quality of their products - texts, have created the necessary tools for this:

  • checking the uniqueness of the text online, without installing programs on your computer. There is such an opportunity, for example, on Advego;
  • programs that determine the uniqueness of the text. The most popular and effective of these programs is the Advego Plagiatus service.
Rice. 1. The Advego program is downloaded free of charge to a computer to check texts for plagiarism

Note. that by clicking on the specified link, you will first see the service “Checking the uniqueness of the text online” (it appeared on Advego relatively recently), and below you will find a link to download the program.

The Advego program is downloaded and installed on a computer. It's simple to use.

  • Just copy the text
  • paste it into the Advego program window,
  • in the top menu of Advego, click "Check for uniqueness" and select "Deep check" there.

As you can see in Figure 1, after checking the text turned out to be non-unique. Such text cannot be used on your site for publication, because search engines can impose a filter on the site for non-unique content.

At the link above on the Advego website there is a warning in small print (it is not visible in Fig. 1):
Advego Plagiatus is in public beta testing. The program is provided as is. The developers of the program are not responsible for any consequences of installing the program on the user's PC.

2) Not all users like to install programs on their computer. Some prefer to use online services that require access to the Internet, but do not need to be installed on their PC. Consider such an online service, which is also on the content exchange.

There are also services that allow you to check the uniqueness of the text online without installing the program on your computer and without registering.

Check the uniqueness of the text online for free without registration http://text.ru/antiplagiat

Rice. 2. How can I check the uniqueness of the text online for free without registration
  • On the site text.ru, you need to insert text into window 1 in Fig. 2.
  • Click on the red button "Check uniqueness" (2 in Fig. 2).

How to determine the uniqueness of the text published on the Internet?

To check the uniqueness of text already published on the Internet, there is an easy way. To do this, you can use a search engine, such as Google or Yandex.

To check the uniqueness of the text by a search engine, you need to select a small piece of text (7-8 words) on the site and insert it into the search line, for example, in Google (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. How to check the uniqueness of text published on the Internet using a search engine

For example, I took part of the text from , selected it, copied it and pasted it into the Google search engine. As you can see in the screenshot, Google found this text (1 in Fig. 4) and highlighted it in bold in the search results. Bold is the part of the text that completely matches the query entered by the user in the search box.

On fig. 3 (number 2) shows that this text was copied and posted on another resource. If another resource has a link to the source of the text, then that's great. But if there is no link to the source, then this is terrible.

I want to clarify one nuance about the authorship of unique texts. A unique text (both semantically and technically) can be published on a newly opened site. New sites are indexed poorly, and old sites are indexed quickly, sometimes instantly. Therefore, the text copied from the new site and placed on the old site will be indexed faster and may well be placed by a search engine (for example, Google) higher in the TOP than the text on the new site.

Texts for uniqueness are checked as follows: they are divided into many small fragments and the service looks for matches with texts on other sites. If there is a fragment that occurs somewhere else, this will automatically downgrade the result. Accordingly, if you wrote an article or description yourself, an online text check will show a high result - from 90 to 100%.

How to write texts that will pass the test for uniqueness?

  • To write such texts, use several sources of information.
  • If possible, have the article reviewed by an expert in the field you are writing about.
  • Structure the information so that it is easy to understand.
  • Do not chase 100% uniqueness, it is much more important to answer the reader's questions.

Why can't I reach 100% in uniqueness?

The fact is that checking your texts for uniqueness will almost always show a result that is different from one hundred percent. This is due to the use of formulaic phrases and expressions, such as sayings, famous quotes, song lyrics, etc. Search engines are good at distinguishing citation from copy-paste, just make sure that the overall text uniqueness is high - more than 90%.

Is it possible to use the service as an anti-plagiarism online?

This online service can also be used as an anti-plagiarism tool. If you want to know which of your competitors is illegally copying your texts, check them for uniqueness and get a complete list of links with copies of your articles. You can also exclude from the anti-plagiarism check those sites that do not need to be checked. To do this, enter the domain in the "Ignore site" field.

- this is the main and key requirement for articles on the site. If the articles are not unique, then there will be no promotion, no matter what you do, no matter how much money you invest in the site, its traffic will not increase. Therefore, the uniqueness of the article is important, like, for example, breakfast for a person.

What does a unique article mean?

A unique article is a text that has no analogues on the Internet. Search engines are not yet very good at recognizing the meaning of the text, so only the text analogue is taken into account, that is, the words, and not the essence. Therefore, any thought can be presented in dozens of unique, in the eyes of the search engine, articles.

How to check the uniqueness of an article

The uniqueness of the article is checked using a variety of services, we wrote about some of them. It is noteworthy that each of them can show different results of checking the uniqueness of the article, as it works according to different algorithms. And it is impossible to say for sure which of them is the most correct.

But no matter how complex the algorithms used by the program for checking the uniqueness of the text, if the article is 100% unique, this result will be shown in all services. Therefore, in order to be sure of the uniqueness of your article, you need to achieve just such an indicator.

How a non-unique article will affect promotion

Uniqueness up to 95% is considered normal. However, even a small deviation from 100% can affect the position of the site within the TOP 10. Therefore, if you are aiming for such high positions, you need articles with 100% uniqueness.

The uniqueness of the article below 90% can begin to negatively affect the promotion of the site, since when ranking, the search engine will take this into account and significantly reduce the position of the site.

Uniqueness below 80% can attract overlay filters from search engines, which will permanently lower the site to the bottom of the search results, from where it will be difficult to get out.

Therefore, if you think about an article with “average uniqueness” “maybe it will do”, then you are mistaken. This will not only not benefit the site, but can also harm it.

How to make a unique article

The best option is to do absolute copyright. That is, to express your unique thought that was born in your head, and not to rewrite other people's words. But the presentation of someone else's thoughts in your own words will also do.

The worst way is rewriting, especially if the method is used as a synonym. Search engines have long learned to recognize not deep rewriting of articles.

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I'll ask you straight: you know how are you different from others?

About 7 billion people live on Earth, and none of them is alike.

Even twins who are completely identical in appearance have differences in character.

Understanding your uniqueness- one of the first steps to self-knowledge and spiritual development.

But many, if not most, have no idea what is special about them ... what is inherent only to them and no one else.

In this article, you will find an easy way to will help you determine what makes you unique.

Bonus for readers:

How to find your uniqueness

I offer you a very simple exercise that will help you understand how to find your uniqueness.

Ask your loved ones: What makes you different from other people? What do they value in you?

Ask your husband, parents, children, friends, co-workers...

The more answers you collect and write down, the more food for thought you will get.

I will warn you right away: write down ALL answers.

Most people do NOT see their uniqueness just because they think it's natural and accustomed to. It means they don't appreciate it.

The purpose of this exercise is to SEE yourself through the eyes of other people.

And then start broadcast to the outside world everything you found!

Expressing your uniqueness, individuality and passion through voice and communication will help open and balanced.

Soft motivation on the topic of uniqueness

And finally, a portion of motivation and a soft pendel from me in this fragment from the accompanying webinar for clients:

Examples of Human Uniqueness

They have not seen the article yet, it will be a surprise for them :)

Natalia Prokofieva:

I discovered relatively recently that I have a unique quality bring joy and uplift with his presence.

Joy with a touch of naivety, more precisely such a childish joy.

Julia Lorum:

Are we talking about our virtues and gifts that we can give to the world - what we have and others do not have? This is hard for me to articulate. And I can uniqueness)))

I perceive any individuality, any living creature as uniqueness, for me, this is a set of genes, qualities, experience - everyone has their own. Like iris or handwriting.

Svetlana Vilkonis:

I received two answers about my uniqueness. I couldn't figure it out myself either.

1 - excessive analytical mind (not even sure if this is good or bad).
2 - highly developed intuition.

And, as it seems to me, these are two opposite qualities ... strange. Maybe the uniqueness lies in the fact that these two qualities coexist in me somehow.

Olga Ludera:

But I feel this uniqueness, but I can’t quite put it into words)

For example, I can calm people down give them confidence and show direction how to look at their situation more positively.

And then I have a question for myself - can this be considered unique? Of course, not everyone has this quality, but I'm not the only one))

Alena Starovoitova:

I have been looking for an answer to this question for a long time ... As a result, I got the following:

I see every situation at an angle of 30 degrees. That allows me to easily expand the picture of the world of all my readers and clients.

What is YOUR uniqueness? Write in the comments!

The word is closely connected with the concept of uniqueness, uniqueness, originality, originality, difference from others. It can refer to both a person and objects of the surrounding reality. Today, information will be provided on the concept of the uniqueness of a person, a literary work, an Internet text, as well as on the semantics of this word.

Word in dictionary

About what uniqueness is, the dictionary says the following. This is a property of a person, object, phenomenon, determined by the meaning of the adjective "unique". It, in turn, means "unique, available in only one copy, one of a kind."

Synonyms of the noun "uniqueness" - originality, uniqueness; antonyms - usual, divergence. Synonyms of the adjective "unique" - special, exceptional, single, unique, unique, rare, valuable; antonyms - repetitive, common, commonplace.

Etymology and phraseological units

The noun "uniqueness" is formed from the adjective "unique" in a suffixal way. That is, the suffix “awn” and the zero ending are added to the base “unique”. And the adjective comes from the Latin language, where it looks like unicum, and means "the only one." In Latin, it was formed from the word unus - “one”, and there it appeared from the Proto-Indo-European language, where it was written as oin - “one”.

In the Russian language, there are a number of stable phrases (phraseological units) with the words "uniqueness" and "unique". These include the following:

  • The uniqueness of the situation.
  • Unique key.
  • The uniqueness of the snowflake.
  • Unique thing.
  • Unique exhibit.
  • Text uniqueness.
  • Unique building.
  • Unique key.
  • A unique piece of nature.

Where is the concept used?

After reviewing the information from the dictionary about what uniqueness is, the following becomes clear. This word refers to the property of a person or some other object, which, when compared, reveals that they are unlike anything else.

When this concept is used in relation to a person, then, as a rule, we are talking about his personality or other specific characteristics. This gives an understanding that, unlike the people around him, he has some unique features that do not occur within the horizon of comparison.

When the term "uniqueness" is used in relation to a commercial product, then this concept is used most often in order to distinguish it from the general range for marketing and advertising purposes.

Other applications

Studying the question of what uniqueness is, it is worth mentioning some other areas of application of this term.

This term is also associated with the concept of American exceptionalism, according to which the United States has a special place among other countries and peoples. This is explained by their own national spirit, as well as political and religious institutions. More characteristic is the belief in the exceptionalism of Americans for conservatives than for liberals, who believe that it is based on myths.

When they talk about the uniqueness of works of literature and art, they mean their unique impact - both on individuals and on society as a whole. As a rule, we are talking about world masterpieces created by ingenious masters.

Unique Romance

As an example of a unique literary work, one can cite the novel "The Master and Margarita" by M. A. Bulgakov. This is reflected in its most complex composition, in a large number and interweaving of the literary techniques used by the author. This book uses:

  • The parallel existence of two worlds: contemporary to the author and long gone - Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century and Ancient Judea - a novel within a novel.
  • Complex branching system of characters.
  • Lots of twins.
  • Lots of parallels.
  • Application of antithesis.
  • The unification of disparate aspects of a common idea.
  • Appeal to the subtext.
  • variety of literary styles.
  • Mystical and religious motives.
  • Powerful love affair.

Taken separately, these techniques are present in other works. But Bulgakov's genius, by combining them and passing through the personality of the writer, managed to break all the genre canons of the novel and tell the story of not individual people, but entire nations. As a result, the impact of this work on readers of several generations was unique.

Text uniqueness

Since the Internet has firmly entered our lives, such a thing as “text uniqueness” has appeared. It means an indicator that characterizes the absence of duplicates of any specific text on the Web. This is one of the basic criteria by which search engines evaluate the quality of text content.

If non-unique content is published on the site, then with a high degree of probability it can be argued that search engines will impose sanctions on it. In addition, information that is not unique is unlikely to be of value to site visitors.

The uniqueness of the text is divided into two types:

  1. Formal, when the assessment is carried out in accordance with technical indicators. They include: vocabulary, word order, text structuring, and the like. This type of uniqueness indicates that the article in the form that is being analyzed has not been published anywhere else. At the same time, the semantic load does not have to be unique. The meaning can be duplicated on other sites, but only in a different presentation.
  2. Semantic, when content is taken as an evaluation criterion. The uniqueness of the text in terms of meaning means that the information presented in the article was not considered in other sources. As a rule, such texts are the fruit of the work of experts in a particular issue. They contain tips, thematic information, recommendations that are beneficial to the readership. Semantic originality is also of great importance for the successful promotion of the site.

Having studied several different aspects regarding the concept under consideration, let's move on to the uniqueness of a person.

Individual exclusivity

The uniqueness of a person's personality implies several of its types, which include its levels:

  1. Biological.
  2. Physiological.
  3. Psychological.
  4. Moral.
  5. Spiritual.
  6. Social.
  7. Creative.

The uniqueness and uniqueness of a person are closely related to the properties inherent only to him, such as:

  • A set of innate inclinations inherited from their parents.
  • genetic program.
  • body parameters.
  • Differences in higher nervous activity.
  • Own experience.
  • Individual forms of perception, emotions, will, thinking.

The uniqueness of each person is also made up of the culture perceived by him, the wealth of knowledge, traditions. And a person masters them through their own attitudes, views, motives, needs, expectations, character. According to this "scenario" the uniqueness of the unique spiritual and psychological world is formed.

Thrice born

The uniqueness and originality of a person in his existence is manifested in the interaction and unity of the three main dimensions:

  1. Biological.
  2. individual.
  3. Social.

Man is born as a biological being, as an individual who is a representative of the species Homo sapiens (reasonable man), a member of the biosystem.

His socialization can be called a second birth. He becomes a normal member of society who is capable of fulfilling the appropriate social role. A person, as it were, brings social relations and the characteristics he has acquired into conformity with each other in order to embody a social role. This is how the personality in the sociological sense appears.

As a result of the interaction of factors such as biological inclinations and social conditions, a unique individuality is formed that characterizes the unique inner world of a person.

When a person's life becomes valuable in itself, his third birth occurs. He begins to experience, dream, create, transform the world around him. Thus, human uniqueness and integrity are contained in a complex: a healthy biological individual, a responsible member of society, an individuality aimed at spirituality.