Service "Distribution of the Internet" Beeline - setting up and bypassing restrictions. MTS Unlimited - wean from greed: paid distribution of wifi - bypass

If you like to go out into nature, or simply live in an area where it is not technically possible to install cable Internet, but it is very necessary, then you are probably familiar with the tariff from MTS "Smart Unlimited". This proposal meant the endless distribution of Internet traffic from your mobile to other devices. Naturally, there were a number of restrictions, which, for example, included a ban on the use of this SIM in modems. The marketing ploy more than justified itself and users ran to connect. True, after a while, MTS, without particularly warning anyone, changed the conditions for providing the Internet and now it began to take a fixed fee of 30 rubles for the fact of distributing traffic via wi-fi. The service automatically decreased its popularity, but loyal subscribers still remained and simply began to pay more. What needs to be done in order to still not spend extra money, as well as how to use this tariff in a 3G modem, we will tell in more detail.

Since human cunning is endless, there are a lot of options for how to deceive the operator. Some of them have already gained popularity and are being practiced with might and main, some are still silent due to the fact that not everyone will be able to master it.

Change IMEI on the modem

The most understandable from the point of view of logic is the replacement registration number devices. Every smartphone has its own unique 16 digit IMEI. Since the characters in the modem and phone are different, the operator's equipment immediately sees where his SIM is located. Frankly speaking, even an ordinary employee of an MTS store can tell, without looking at your gadget, what brand of smartphone you have, based only on your number. Since we need to put the sim in the modem, we will have to change the sim to the latter. Keep in mind that if you can flash a mobile device with one number to another, then the original equipment containing the unique IMEI will have to turn off or contain a SIM from another operator.

So, type in the program "Qualcomm Product Support Tools" in the search engine line, download and install it. Go to "Control Panel" and open "Device Manager" and "Ports". Select the modem port (3G Huawei), if suddenly it is not there, then add it ( Add command). On the tab that opens, remove the command that allows you to show the serial number and run the Start Clients client. Select the RF NV Item Manager service. Sequentially open the menu "Setting", "Comport" and load "RF NV". Next, you need the “File” item, find and run “Read From Phone” in it. When the process is completed, the desired cell with We will be inaccessible. It is needed to enter a new combination from your smartphone there. To see this cell, from the "File" menu, select "Read supported RF NV items". Now it remains only to drive in the desired IMEI ( NV_UE_IMEI_I) in "Hex" format. After all, save the entered parameters with "Select write only listed item on Phone". As a result, the new IMEI will look like 8 (the first digit of the old imei) A (then we turn over the numbers from the modem in pairs). So it is possible to successfully bypass the restrictions and flash the mobile modem.

TTL packetization

The method is needed in order to deceive the operator when distributing traffic from a laptop using a usb cable. So, for this procedure, a fee of 30 rubles is taken. Let's figure out how MTS finds out that not only a smartphone uses the Internet. The term TTL refers to the packet lifetime. If you use the same number from different devices, then the package will "jump". This is due to the fact that each equipment has its own TTL parameter format. If during a period of time the package changes this parameter, then the operator automatically sends you a notification about the write-off of 50 rubles. To prevent this from happening, the line of values ​​for a period of time, which is fixed at the MTS, must be fixed or aligned. To do this, launch a command line on your PC, or hold down WIN + R. Enter the "regedit" command. The registry window will open automatically. Type in the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters. Right clicking on the list creates a new 32bit DWORD value. In the window, we fill in the value 65 ( since ttl phones usually have 64) and call it Default ttl. The value must be decimal. For the adjacent registry branch, create a similar setting: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\TCPIP6. Now, when sending a report to the operator, the values ​​in the line will differ from each other only by one, which means that there will be no jumps, and money will not be debited either.

Unfortunately, this method does not work with the "apple".

VPN Organization

As you know, with a properly built private network, the traffic that passes through it is monitored only by the owner. To organize such a network, use the built-in "Setup Wizard" in the "Start" - "Networks" menu. Instructions for creating such technology are everywhere in space global network and even on the same official website of MTS. Let's not focus on this. Just remember that VPN implies a secure data transfer that cannot be identified by the operator, which means that it will not set restrictions. Also, in order to use the torrent client without speed limits, you can change a number of parameters with the help of which MTS will not see the data transfer stream and will not apply its sanctions.

These methods do not call for deceiving the operator, since, in principle, they are not legal, but they will help a lot in understanding what limitations the “Unlimited” tariff offer has for naive users. And this means that you will not lose Money, of which there are not many. Do not forget that IMEI substitution is, in principle, a punishable procedure in Russia, and the site does not take responsibility for your actions.

Since 11/10/2016, MTS has deprived subscribers of the ability to share the Internet with other devices using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB on the Smart Unlimited tariff plan. Now, for the fact of distributing the Internet, 30 rubles per day will be debited from the balance of the phone. Such an innovation caused dissatisfaction among MTS customers and there is nothing surprising in this. The large-scale advertising campaign worked very effectively and many subscribers abandoned their old tariffs, hoping that MTS will keep its promises and will not change the conditions for the Smart Unlimited tariff. Unfortunately, MTS did not justify the trust of customers!

Someone in defense of MTS will say that 30 rubles for the opportunity to share the Internet is quite an acceptable price and other operators charge much more for this opportunity, but here the matter is different. Unlike MTS, other operators initially set a fee for distributing the Internet. Why didn't MTS do this? Most likely it was a marketing ploy. In general, what exactly led to a change in the conditions for the tariff of subscribers is of least interest. Many people are now thinking about how not to pay for the distribution of the Internet on the Smart Unlimited tariff and whether this is possible. Of course, you can just go to another operator, but there is not much sense in this, because all tariffs with unlimited mobile internet provide restrictions on the distribution of the Internet.

Operators often act unfairly towards subscribers, so why don't we reciprocate? Do not want to pay for the distribution of the Internet? You have come to the right place. As part of this review, we will tell you how to hide from the operator the fact of distributing the Internet to other devices. Before publishing this review, we personally tested all the techniques described below. To avoid additional questions, we recommend that you read the article in full.

  • Important
  • This guide is relevant not only for the Smart Unlimited tariff. You can apply the instructions for other tariffs, which are characterized by a restriction on the distribution of the Internet.

What you need to know

In addition to TTL adjustment, we will also look at other measures that are likely to be used by the operator (MAC tracking with analysis of visited sites, etc.). The topic is fresh, so the article will be repeatedly edited as new information becomes available.

Practical ways to adjust TTL

We have tested all currently known ways to change the TTL. There are many options, but not all of them suit us. The disadvantage of most methods is that after rebooting the device, the TTL value returns to its original position. It is much more convenient to fix the TTL on the distributing device and never return to this issue. In addition, TTL fixation is not only more convenient, but also more efficient.

Please note that very little time has passed since the introduction of restrictions on the distribution of the Internet for the Smart-unlimited tariff, so the article will be repeatedly edited as new information becomes available. It was planned to publish the material a week after the introduction of the new conditions, but we are well aware that few are ready to pay the operator 30 rubles a day. Nevertheless, it was possible to identify effective ways, and so far the operator has not fired the distribution of the Internet (although very little time has passed and it is too early to draw conclusions). In general, use the guide, and if you have any questions, ask them in the comments and we will try to help.

TTL Correction with Apps

Surely, most of the readers want to bypass the restriction on the distribution of the Internet without complex operations. The easiest option is to use the TTL Editor, TTLFixer or TTL Master applications. The apps are really easy to use, but this option is not the best in terms of efficiency. If you are ready to tinker with changing the TTL, then it is better to consider a method that involves fixing the TTL through the firmware.

What are the disadvantages of these applications? First of all, it should be said that after each reboot of the device, it is necessary to run the program again and update the TTL. In addition, applications are unstable and can fail. Nevertheless, they deserve attention and, perhaps, many of you will prefer this option. In any case, initially it makes sense to try the simplest methods.

  • Attention
  • To change the TTL value in TTL Editor, TTLFixer or TTL Master, you must first obtain root rights. We talked about how to get superuser rights in a separate article.

Instructions for working with applications for changing TTL are not required. Everything is extremely simple and clear. Download TTL Editor, TTLFixer or TTL Master, grant the application root rights at startup (see ), set the value to TTL=64. You can also specify which network interfaces you want to apply the selected TTL value to. It is important to fix exactly TTL=64. If you use the TTLFixer app, then install SuperSU.

Now you can distribute the Internet to other devices and not pay for it. The method is simple, but not always effective. It is important that your smartphone's firmware kernel supports iptables. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

  • Attention
  • We checked the operation of all applications. So far, there have been no write-offs, but too little time has passed and it is too early to draw conclusions.

Instructions for fixing TTL on Android

The method described above is convenient, but it has its drawbacks. We consider the most effective method, which provides for TTL fixation without the use of special programs. You need to perform a series of actions only once and the TTL will be hardcoded. It should be said right away that this method will seem complicated for many, and if the instructions are not followed, it can even harm your device, but it definitely works. After fixing the TTL in this way, you can distribute the Internet to any device (smartphone, tablet, laptop, Smart TV, game consoles, etc.). You don't need to change anything on the receiving devices.

To fix TTL you will need:

  • Root rights;
  • Core with TTL latching support;
  • Computer or laptop (Windows OS);
  • AndImgTool utility;
  • Notepad++ editor.

First of all, you need to check if the kernel of your smartphone supports TTL fixing. To do this, you will need any free file manager, such as ES File Explorer or Explorer. Using a file manager, locate and open the /proc/net/ip_tables_targets. See if the TTL string is present in the given file. If there is such a line, then your device has a kernel with support for fixing TTL and you can bypass the restriction on the distribution of the Internet. If there is no TTL line in the ip_tables_targets file, then you will have to compile the kernel with its support, provided that the sources are available, or look for another way to fix the TTL.

To fix TTL on Android OS follow these steps:

  1. Pull out boot.img from the device. This procedure may differ slightly depending on the device. If our instructions do not suit you, look for tips on specialized forums in the topic of your device. To extract boot.img from our device, you must first install a terminal emulator on your smartphone. Android Terminal Emulator can be downloaded from Google Play. We type in the terminal on the phone: su dd if=dev/block/platform/.../by-name/boot of=sdcard/boot.img Instead of …, substitute the path to the by-name folder (in our case, substitute msm_sdcc.1). We transfer boot.img, which lies on the memory card, to the computer.
  2. Point boot.img to AndImgTool.
  3. A folder will appear, find it and open init.rc with Notepad++.
  4. Insert at the very end of the file following code:
    service freebie /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j TTL --ttl-set 64 class main oneshot

    service freebie /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j TTL --ttl-set 64 class main oneshot

  5. If you have Android version<4 также необходимо убрать строку class main.
  6. Attention. The file contains an empty line at the end, it is important that it does not disappear!
  7. Save the file and transfer the folder to AndImgTool.
  8. We get the img-file and flash it (see how to flash the img-file on the Internet. We may soon prepare a separate instruction).

Of course, for many this method will not work because of its complexity, but it will be enough for you to tinker once and in the future the packets will go to the operator with a TTL=64 value. We remind you that changing TTL through firmware requires a responsible approach, otherwise you may harm your device. If you are not confident in your abilities, then try to bypass the restriction on the distribution of the Internet using the applications discussed earlier.

  • Attention
  • If you have an iPhone, you need to find and download the TetherMe tweak. It does not require any settings, it just turns on the modem mode without restrictions. Through the terminal emulator, you need to register: sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ttl=63

How to change TTL on Android

Above, we considered a method that allows you to fix the value TTL=64. You should also consider changing the TTL. On the forums, you can find information that supposedly on the Big Three operators TTL should be fixed, not changed, while you must specify the value 64. Again, we cannot confirm this information yet. In any case, we are also testing the option of changing the TTL (so far, the money for the distribution has not been debited).

To change TTL, do the following:

  • Turn on Airplane mode on your phone;
  • Install and run the ES Explorer application (you can use another one with similar functionality). Go to the following path: proc/sys/net/ipv4, find a file called ip_default_ttl there, open it and change the value from 64 to 63. Remember to save your changes before exiting the application;
  • Turn off Airplane mode to connect your smartphone to the network;
  • Turn on Wi-Fi sharing and you can connect your phone or tablet to the network.

If you need to connect a computer to the phone, then in addition to the above steps, you need to perform the following manipulation:

  • On the computer, click - start -> Run -> in the line we write regedit;
  • Open registry go -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters;
  • In the right window, right-click -> New -> New DWORD value (32 bits) -> Name it "DefaultTTL";
  • Right-click on the new parameter -> Edit -> On the number system, put a point "Decimal", in the value field, write (64);

After rebooting the phone, TTL will return to the default value and you will have to repeat steps 1 to 4.

Change TTL on OS Windows

If the information about the need to fix the TTL is confirmed, then there is no point in changing the TTL on the distributing or receiving device. So far, there is no confirmation of this information, so we will talk about changing the TTL on the computer. There are two options: manually or programmatically.

To change the TTL manually do the following:

  • On the computer, click - start -\u003e Run -\u003e in the line we write regedit.
  • Open registry go -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.
  • In the right window, right-click -> New -> New DWORD (32-bit) value -> Name it "DefaultTTL".
  • Right-click on the new parameter -> Edit -> On the calculus, put a point "Decimal", in the field we write the value (TTL 65).
  • Save everything and restart your computer.

The smartphone distributing the Internet should have a default TTL of 64. You can also use a special script. (Download the script).

Summing up

For today we have everything. Do not rush to get angry and blame us for the fact that the promised review turned out to be not as voluminous and detailed as we promised. We continue to work on this issue and as new information becomes available, the article will be edited. Ask your questions in the comments and we will try to help you. Also write about your results. It is possible to bypass the restriction on the distribution of the Internet, but this requires time and experiments!

This year, tariff plans with unlimited mobile Internet caused a big stir. MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2 and Yota have similar offers. Tariff plans do provide for the absence of restrictions on speed and traffic (at least, the operators say so). However, it was not completely without restrictions. The main disadvantage of such tariff plans is that they are only for smartphones. It also does not provide for the possibility of using the phone as a WI-FI access point and there is a restriction on the use of file-sharing networks. Many subscribers are interested in whether it is possible to bypass these restrictions? With some effort, you can bypass restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi, use a SIM card in a modem, and download files from torrents.

As part of this review, we will consider all the ways to bypass restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi (TETHERING). Select one the only way difficult, so you will have to independently determine the most suitable option for you. The guide is relevant for all tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet, which are characterized by the presence of restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via WI-FI (“#you can EVERYTHING” Beeline, “Infinitely black” Tele2, “MegaUnlimited” MegaFon, Beeline postpaid tariffs, tariff plan Yota for smartphone).

All ways to bypass restrictions on the distribution of the Internet
On the Internet you can find many instructions for bypassing restrictions on the distribution of the Internet. Unfortunately, not all of them are relevant and most do not achieve the desired result. We tested all the options and found the most effective ones. With their help, you can bypass restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi, but we cannot guarantee a 100% result.

We will consider the following methods for bypassing restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi:

  • Change IMEI on the distributing device;
  • Change/fix TTL value (TTL Editor and TTL Master programs);
  • Editing the host file on the computer.
Consider separately each technique (you can apply them all). If you have any difficulties, ask questions in the comments. We also recommend visiting the relevant sections of the forum, which contains many recommendations for bypassing restrictions on Internet distribution.

Change IMEI on the distributor
If you want to use a SIM card in a modem or distribute the Internet using a Wi-Fi router, you need to change the IMEI on the distributing device. You need to use IMEI from a smartphone running on the windows operating system. You can use any other IMEI, but then the risk increases that after a while all your efforts will be in vain. Traffic to windows resources from a computer is not suspicious, since mobile devices running on the Windows operating system go to approximately the same resources.

Also note that the IMEI you are about to write to your device must not be registered on the same network. That is, you cannot connect to the network simultaneously from two devices with the same IMEI. If you can't find the IMEI from the windows background, you can generate it. You can download IMEI Generator WinPhone.

There are two ways to change IMEI:

  • Through the engineering mode;
  • Through the console (Terminal Emulator).
Which method is more convenient is up to you. We will bring detailed instructions for both options.

Change IMEI via engineering mode:

  • We dial in the phone: * # * # 3646633 # * # *, after which the engineering mode (engenieer mode) opens;
  • Go to the Connectivity tab.
    Choose: CDS Information > Radio Information > Phone 1;
  • Above the AT+ line, add: EGMR = 1.7, "your_IMEI";
  • To change IMEI to the second SIM card(if any), repeat the previous step, but write already: EGMR = 1.10, "your_IMEI";
  • Press the SEND AT button and reboot.
  • Attention
  • If all else fails, then try putting a space after AT +.
There is another way to change IMEI, which involves using a terminal emulator. The emulator works similarly to the Windows command line. The utility can be downloaded for free from Google Play. Find the Terminal Emulator for Android app and install it on your smartphone. A number of commands that must be executed in the emulator to change IMEI may differ depending on the phone model. In most cases, you need to enter the following code:

echo -e "AT +EGMR=1,7,"YOUR_IMEI""> /dev/smd0.

If you have a dual SIM device, then to change IMEI to a second SIM, you need to add:

Echo "AT +EGMR=1,10,"YOUR_IMEI""> /dev/pttycmd1.

Change/fix TTL value
The TTL number indicates the lifetime of traffic packets. By default, for most operating systems on smartphones, it is 64. When connecting to the operator's network, the device transfers the default value to it. If a modem or router is used to connect to the Internet, the TTL value is reduced by one unit, as a result of which the operator recognizes that the subscriber is using the SIM in a device other than a smartphone. The same applies to using the phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot (the smartphone acts as a router and TTL is reduced).

Bypassing restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi by changing the TTL is quite real. You need to change the value in such a way that packets from other devices (possibly non-rooted ones) have the same value as the TTL on the “default” donor if one is lost from TTL. Devices running on iOS and Android operating systems have a default TTL of 64. To distribute the Internet, you must assign TTL=63 to the donor.

Changing / fixing the TTL value is possible manually and with the help of special programs. First, consider a method that involves changing the TTL using programs.

Let's start with the TTL Master program (previously the program was called Yota Tether TTL). The program requires root user rights to function. With the help of the program, you can change the TTL value in one click. The utility can be downloaded from Google Play. To change the TTL, the free version is enough. Instructions for using the program are not required, since everything is already very clear. After launching the application, your current TTL will be indicated, as well as the TTL, which must be specified in the corresponding field. Enter the desired TTL and click on the "Apply" button. Now try to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from your smartphone. The TTL Editor program works in a similar way.

You can change TTL on Android without using the above programs (root rights are required).

To change TTL, do the following:

  • Turn on Airplane mode on your phone;
  • Install and run the ES Explorer application (you can use another one with similar functionality). Go to the following path: proc/sys/net/ipv4, find a file called ip_default_ttl there, open it and change the value from 64 to 63. Remember to save your changes before exiting the application;
  • Turn off Airplane mode to connect your smartphone to the network;
  • Turn on Wi-Fi sharing and you can connect your phone or tablet to the network.
If you need to connect a computer to the phone, then in addition to the above steps, you need to perform the following manipulation:
  • On the computer, click - start -> Run -> in the line we write regedit;
  • Open registry go -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters;
  • In the right window, right-click -> New -> New DWORD value (32 bits) -> Name it "DefaultTTL";
  • Right-click on the new parameter -> Edit -> On the number system, put a point "Decimal", in the value field, write (64);
  • Save everything and restart your computer.
Now you can distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from your smartphone. The method works, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

The above instructions are relevant for the Android operating system. If you need to change the TTL on another OS, on a modem or router, then follow this link and use the appropriate guide.

Editing the host file on the computer
The hosts file is designed to match the names of domains (sites), which are written using characters, and the corresponding IP addresses. Editing this file is necessary in order to block the resources through which the operator detects the distribution of the Internet. Unfortunately, it is physically impossible to collect a universal hosts file, so install a traffic analyzer and track on which resources the operator detects distribution. Lot useful information for editing the hosts file can be found by clicking on the above link (

The hosts file is located in the folder with operating system Windows is usually the "C" drive on the user's computer. For quick access to the file, press the key combination "Windows" + "R" on the keyboard. This will open the Run window. In the "Open" field, enter the command: %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc and click on the "OK" button. Next, the "etc" folder will be opened, in which the "hosts" file is located.

Bypassing restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi is quite feasible, but no one can guarantee that the result will be preserved for a long time. We have repeatedly checked various ways bypass restrictions and most of them stopped working after a while. You can try the techniques described in this article or find other ways on the forums, but operators will always make sure that the restrictions they set are problematic to bypass.

If you know of working schemes that were not mentioned in the review, share them in the comments.

Since November 10, 2016, the mobile operator MTS has introduced a daily payment for distributing the Internet from a smartphone to other devices via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB. This applies to the "Smart Unlimited" tariff plan. Now, for the fact of distributing the Internet from the phone, 30 rubles per day will be written off. Some people will say that 30 rubles is not such a big price to pay for the ability to use the Internet on different devices. But that's not the point. At the beginning of the appearance of this tariff plan, the distribution of the Internet was free and many subscribers fell for advertising and changed their old tariffs in favor of "Smart Unlimited". It was such a marketing ploy. Everything was fine until MTS decided to introduce payment for distribution. Such actions of MTS led to dissatisfaction among subscribers and many thought about how to bypass the restriction on the distribution of the Internet or switch to other operators. But this does not make sense, since their prices are even higher.

Where is the way out of this situation? Operators often deceive their subscribers, so why not repay them with the same coin. In this article, we will look at how to distribute the Internet from a smartphone to other devices for free and without the knowledge of the operator. All methods have been tested and proven to work.

This technique is relevant for different tariffs that limit the distribution of the Internet.

First, understand how operators monitor the distribution of the Internet to other devices, and then consider practical ways to bypass blocking. You will not be able to distribute the Internet to other devices due to the TTL control that operators use to detect traffic from an unauthorized connected device. What is TTL, we explained in detail in a separate. If you are unfamiliar with its working principle, then you should read this review.

Briefly about how it works. Each device is set to send packets to the network with a default TTL (iOS and Android - 64, Windows - 128). When the packet passes through the router, the value decreases by 1. Our router is a phone that distributes the Internet to other devices.

Suppose you want to distribute the Internet to a laptop and another phone. Packets from the distributor are still transmitted with TTL=64. Packets from the laptop to the distributor arrive with a value of 128, lose one on the distributor and go to the operator with a value of 127. Packets from the receiving Internet phone reach the distributor with TTL=64 and are transmitted to the operator with TTL=63, losing one unit. As a result, the operator receives packages with three different meanings TTL, and this indicates that tathering was used. With the help of TTL adjustment, you will distribute for free to other devices. If you have questions, then go to the link above and study this issue in more detail.

Below we will consider not only TTL adjustments, but also other measures that are likely to be used by the operator (MAC tracking with analysis of visited sites, etc.).

Practical ways to adjust TTL

The most popular methods of change have been tested. Almost all of them had one drawback. If you reboot the device, the value returns to its original position. But it will be more effective to fix the value on the dispenser and forget about this problem for a long time.

After a long search, nevertheless, an acceptable solution was found that would eliminate this drawback.

TTL Correction with Apps

One of the most simple ways is an adjustment through the TTL Editor, TTL Fixer or TTL Master applications. Many of the readers are unlikely to want to mess with the firmware and choose this method. But he has flaws. Firstly, when you reboot the device, you will need to run the program every time and update the TTL. Secondly, they can work intermittently and let you down at any time. Be that as it may, most will choose this method because of its simplicity.


To change the value in TTL Editor, TTL Fixer or TTL Master you need to get root rights. The process of obtaining rights is described in a separate .

To set up applications to change TTL values, you do not need special knowledge. It is very easy to do this. First you need to download the TTL Editor, TTL Fixer or TTL Master applications. Then, on startup, give the application root rights (see how to get root rights), set the value to TTL=64. Then specify to which network interfaces the selected TTL value should be used. It is important to fix exactly TTL=64. If you select the TTLFixer application, then install SuperSU.

This completes the settings. Now connect other devices to your smartphone and distribute to them free Internet. Everything is simple, but not very effective. First make sure that the firmware kernel on your smartphone supports iptables. If you have questions, then write them in the comments.


All applications have been tested. So far, nothing has been written off.

Instructions for fixing TTL on Android

And now let's look at a more complex, but at the same time more efficient way to change the TTL value. It is based on hard fixing the value in the smartphone. The whole process needs to be done only once and it will be fixed. But keep in mind that you can harm your smartphone if you do not follow our instructions. But having done it once, you will distribute the Internet for free to any device (smartphones, tablets, laptops, Smart TVs, set-top boxes, etc.). The settings are changed only on the distributing device, but not on the receiving ones.

To fix TTL you will need:

  1. Root rights;
  2. Core with TTL latching support;
  3. Computer or laptop (Windows OS);
  4. AndImgTool utility;
  5. Notepad++ editor.

First, check if the kernel of your smartphone supports fixing this value. You can do this with a free file manager like ES File Explorer or Explorer. Use it to find and open the /proc/net/ip_tables_targets. Make sure the file has a TTL string. If it is, then your device has a kernel with support for fixing TTL and you will be able to bypass the restriction on the distribution of the Internet. If there is no TTL line in the ip_tables_targets file, then you need to compile the kernel with its support, provided that the sources are available, or you will have to use another way to fix the TTL.

To fix TTL on Android OS, follow these steps:

  1. Get boot.img from your device. This process differs depending on the device. If our instructions do not suit you, then visit specialized forums and look for information on how to do this in the theme of your device. To extract boot.img from your smartphone, install a terminal emulator on it. Android Terminal Emulator can be downloaded from Google Play. Type in the terminal on your phone: su dd if=dev/block/platform/…/by-name/boot of=sdcard/boot.img
  2. Instead of ..., we substitute the path to the by-name folder (in our case, we need to substitute msm_sdcc.1). We transfer boot.img, which lies on the memory card, to the computer.
  3. Point boot.img to AndImgTool.
  4. A folder will appear, find it and open init.rc with Notepad++.
  5. At the very end of the file, paste this code:
    service freebie /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j TTL --ttl-set 64
  6. If you have Android version<4 также необходимо убрать строку class main.
  7. Attention. The file contains an empty line at the end, it is important that it does not disappear!
  8. Save the file and drag the folder to AndImgTool.
  9. It turns out an img-file and flash it (look for information about the firmware of the img-file on the Internet.

To many, this method will seem complicated, but these steps need to be performed only once and then quietly distribute the Internet to other devices for free. The main thing is to approach this matter responsibly, otherwise you can harm your smartphone.


For iPhone owners, you need to find and download the TetherMe tweak. No settings need to be made, just turn on the modem mode without restrictions. Write through the terminal emulator: sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ttl=63

How to change TTL on Android

Above, you learned how to fix TTL=64. Now let's look at how to change this value. On some forums, there is information that the operators of the "Big Three" TTL only need to be fixed, not changed. This option was tested by us and the distribution fee was not removed.

To change the TTL do the following:

  • Turn on Airplane mode on your phone;
  • Install and launch the ES Explorer application (or another with similar functionality). Follow the following path: proc/sys/net/ipv4, look for a file called ip_default_ttl, open it and change the value from 64 to 63. Be sure to save your changes before exiting the application;
  • Turn off Airplane mode to connect your smartphone to the network;
  • Turn on Wi-Fi sharing and connect your phone or tablet to the network.

If you need to connect a computer to the phone, then in addition to the above steps, do the following:

  • On the computer, select - start -> Run -> write regedit in the line;
  • The registry opens, follow this path -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters;
  • In the right window, right-click -> New -> New DWORD Value (32bit) -> Name it "DefaultTTL";
  • Right-click on the new parameter -> Change -> On the number system, put a dot "Decimal", in the value field, write (64);

When the phone reboots, the TTL will be set to the default value and you will no longer need to repeat steps 1 to 4.

Change TTL on OS Windows

If there is confirmation of the information that it is necessary to fix the TTL, then there will be no point in changing it on the device that distributes or receives. So far this has not happened, so we will describe the process of changing the TTL on a computer. There are two options: manually or programmatically.

To change the TTL manually, run:

  • On the computer, select - start -\u003e Run -\u003e write regedit in the line.
  • The registry opens, follow this path -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.
  • In the right window, right-click -> New -> New DWORD Value (32-bit) -> Name it "DefaultTTL".
  • Right-click on the new parameter -> Change -> On the number system, put a dot "Decimal", write the value in the field (TTL 65).
  • Save everything and restart your computer.

The smartphone that distributes the Internet must have a default TTL of 64. You can also use a special script for this. (Download the script).

Summing up

At the moment, this is all the information we have. Some may accuse us that the review was not as voluminous and detailed as we would like. But we will work on this topic further, and we will test different methods. As new information becomes available, the article will be updated. And to readers, please ask questions in the comments and share your experience. It is possible to bypass restrictions on Internet distribution, but this requires time and tests!

Tariff plan "Smart Unlimited" from the well-known operator MTS was released relatively recently and managed to become in demand among many subscribers. It includes 10 GB of Internet traffic, which made it possible to use it for distributing Wi-Fi. However, according to many users, the company acted dishonestly by introducing a fee for providing the Internet from November 7, 2016, amounting to 30 rubles. per day. This is even more expensive than the monthly payment of the tariff. Advanced netizens began to look for ways around this injustice. And found!

The specifics of the use of TP "Unlimited"

As soon as it appeared on the market, the tariff plan provoked a real stir. This is not surprising, because with the advent of this opportunity, subscribers have found a way to surf the Internet (read also) and communicate by voice in a home network without borders. To communicate with subscribers throughout the country, you need to pay 12.9 rubles. per day. Along with the standard options, this offer includes the following features:

  • 200 minutes for calls to all networks in the home region;
  • 200 messages to the phones of all operators within the DR;
  • a well-known package from the very beginning of the action costs 387 rubles;
  • from the second month, a fee of 12.9 rubles is withdrawn. per day;
  • when connected after the date 08/31/2016, the cost began to equal 19 rubles. in a day.

The pricing policy is variable. In order to change the TP, you should use ✶ 1 1 1 ✶ 3 8 8 8 # . To transfer the ability to use the World Wide Web, you can use Wi-Fi, USB port, Bluetooth.

As a result, your smartphone will become the object of distribution of access to the network.

Ways to bypass restrictions

It is not surprising that such ill-conceived innovations on the part of mobile operator irritate many network users and force them to either switch to competitors or look for ways to circumvent the bans. Therefore, the most active subscribers began to look for all sorts of ways to "deceive" and avoid paying. Currently, there are already several methods that allow you to do this quickly and efficiently.

Change IMEI within the distributing device

The operator makes it possible to use a SIM card only in a smartphone. As for the modem, there are a number of limitations here. The easiest way to bypass this ban is to change the IMEI from the modem to the phone. Its value includes 16 digits, which are different for each device (i.e., unique). If this combination is changed, the card will continue to function normally.

Remember that this act is fraught with criminal liability.

If your goal is to use a SIM card in a modem or use it to distribute the Internet through a router, you need to replace the IMEI on the distributing smartphone. It is worth using the value from the device that operates on Windows OS. After all, the flow of traffic to such resources does not entail suspicion. But there are a few points worth paying attention to:

  • there is a high risk that all actions in the end will be in vain, because the operation may fail;
  • it is worth paying attention to the fact that the selected IMEI is not registered in the same network (connection from two devices with the same value of this parameter is prohibited);
  • in the absence of the possibility of searching for the IMEI value from a special background, it is possible to carry out generation activities.

The change can be made through two options:

  • engineering mode;
  • console.

In the first case, the order of events is as follows:

  • set on a mobile device of a special combination: 3 6 4 6 6 3 3 ;
  • opening Engenieer mode;
  • transition to Connectivity and selection of the next combination – CDS Information è Radio … è Phone 1;
  • writing the combination EGMR=1.7 above the AT+ line (and then the new preferred IMEI value);
  • in order to take measures to change the IMEI to another SIM card, if any, you need to repeat the agreed combination and write already EGMR = 1.10 (followed by a 16-digit number);
  • the last step is to click "Send At" and reboot.

In the second situation (when acting through the console), we are talking about using a terminal emulator. It functions in a similar fashion to the Windows command line. As a command, the following code value is entered:


If the device is equipped with two SIM cards, the same combination is prescribed, but with a different value (1.10).

Carrying out TTL change

This number symbolizes the duration of the "life" of the packet with traffic. By default, for the lion's share of the OS, this parameter is 64. In the process of connecting to the operator's network, this default value is transmitted. This value is decreased by 1.

Make sure that packets taken from other gadgets, in the process of losing one from this number, acquire a value identical to that set by default. For devices operating on iOS, Android, this number is 64. In order to be able to distribute the Internet without any payment, a value of 63 is required.

You can carry out a set of shift works in manual and program modes. The second method is more convenient, and therefore preferable. TTL Master service is common. Previously, it was called Yota Tether TTL. In order for it to function smoothly, root user rights were required. With one click, the system promotes the value change. And you can get it on Google Play (you can be content with the free version, because it is quite enough to solve your problem).

It is possible and not to use specialized services. To do this, you must follow the algorithm of events:

  • turn on flight mode;
  • run it through ES Explorer;
  • pass the path proc/sys/net/ipv4;
  • find in the final step a file called ip_default_ttl;
  • change the value from 64 to 63;
  • return the device to normal mode;
  • enable distribution.

If you need to connect a computer to a telephone device, then you need to add a number of manipulations to the above commands:

  • click start, execute, regedit;
  • opening a register with parameters;
  • right-clicking on the create keys, a new parameter (32 bits), specifying the name "DefaultTTL";
  • changing the system, prescribing the value 64;
  • saving the results and restarting the computer device.

Now you can distribute the Internet and not be afraid that a fee will be charged for it.

Editing the Host File

Its purpose is to match domain names, which are recorded using characters and special IP addresses. Editing is required in order to block the resources with which the operator detects the distribution of traffic. Collecting a universal document is not possible, so experts recommend installing analyzers and keeping track of which resources the operator manages to detect the fact of distribution.

Traditionally, this file is located in the Windows folder on the C-disk. To gain quick access to files and folders, you need to press the Windows + R key combination. After that, the execution window appears. In the field with the opening, you must enter the appropriate command and confirm the action by clicking "Ok". Next, the folder where the hosts file is located will open.

VPN connection and its organization

The abbreviation VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It is a special technology that facilitates the maintenance of an anonymous logical network on top of another network structure. This is to protect her from external influence provider by creating a protocol cipher. The operator is unable to identify the presence of a file exchange, respectively, no speed limits will follow.

Absolutely any OS assumes in its arsenal an integrated set of tools for creating a VPN. Such users can expect to study individual clients. Detailed briefings regarding the connection of such networks are present on all services that provide exchange operations with files.

Torrent client and encryption

By using the option associated with protocol encryption, you can instantly get rid of the fact of traffic cuts. This is done by optimizing the workflow of the torrent client in incognito mode.

Under the current conditions, identifiers will not be able to track information flows and map them to specific IP addresses.

You can consider a way to circumvent the restrictions on the example of the most popular µ-torrent client. To achieve the activation of the mode associated with the encryption of the network protocol, it is necessary to follow the algorithm of measures:

  • launch the file exchange program;
  • open the menu section with settings and the subsection with program settings;
  • from all possible options, select the BitTorrent item;
  • within the lower part of the form, achieve the activation of the encryption section;
  • select the enable command from the menu that appears;
  • uncheck the checkbox next to the tracker support function;
  • one by one, complete the events by pressing the "Apply", "OK" buttons.

Particular attention is paid to the procedure for supporting UPD trackers. If this requirement is neglected, the channel will be subject to filling with the service volume of traffic. And this, in turn, will lead not only to a decrease in the overall speed of file exchange, but will also help to track the "arbitrary" use of the network.

The advantage is that the program is completely free. And over the entire period of operation, it has acquired a huge number of modifications, variations and versions, so it will not be difficult for you to choose the best option. There are also minor differences in the organization of the main menu and user interface.

Thus, bypassing the restrictions set by the MTS operator regarding the distribution of the Internet is real, but not always legal. It is necessary to choose only legally permitted methods, this will allow you to share access to the network for free and receive high-speed high-quality Internet at any convenient time.