Description, secrets and chips of the Internet-Maxi option on MTS. Description of Internet Maxi on MTS

Enough a large number of people in Everyday life uses mobile internet.

This is convenient because active life modern society does not allow you to constantly sit in one place, so using stationary access to the network is not always possible for users.

Of course, the cost of mobile Internet is higher than the cost of an ordinary one, but it is not so overpriced and is quite affordable for extensive use.

As for the use of the Internet. Then the subscriber needs to decide on the services that he wants to connect to himself. To date, there are also such starter packages in which this service already connected and the subscriber can use it.

But, there are enough such tariff plans in which the subscriber is provided with access at the base price, and this is about 10 rubles per 1 MB, which is quite expensive.

In this regard, the user can always connect an additional option, such as " Internet Maxi from MTS and use the network at a fairly low rate. Among the services provided, one can note MTS Internet Mini, Super Bit, Bit and a number of other options.

Description of Internet Maxi on MTS

If you decide to connect the option " Internet Maxi”, then first of all you need to familiarize yourself with the terms of the service. As soon as you connect this service, you will be charged traffic in the amount of 15 GB per month. Within a month, you can use the entire available Internet traffic package.

If you do not use the traffic provided to you within a month, then it will simply be reset to zero, and a new package will be charged.

You should pay attention to the fact that all unused MB of Internet for the previous period are not transferred to the new period. Another situation may also arise, you can use all the traffic provided to you before the accrual period.

In this case, you will automatically be charged 500 Mb of traffic for 75 rubles. This will continue until you are credited with the 15 GB monthly package.

How to connect and disconnect Maxi Internet MTS

As soon as you decide to use this service, and it is connected once and will be automatically renewed every month, then you should use one of the available methods:

  1. You can connect using USSD request *161#
  2. It is also available in the MTS personal account.
  3. You can activate the service at the nearest customer service department

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the cost of connecting the service is 500 rubles, which should be on the balance of your phone. To disable the service, you can use the following methods:

  1. USSD request *111*161*2# and press the call button on the phone
  2. You can also always use Personal Area MTS

Mobile Internet billing MTS

There are two ways to use this option, one of which is to use it monthly. In this case, you will be charged a subscription fee of 500 rubles once a month and a quota of 15 GB of mobile Internet will be provided.

There is a second way to use - daily. In this case, a subscription fee of 22 rubles will be debited from your account every day.

As a result, you will be provided with 1 GB of Internet traffic for using the Internet. Subscribers who activate this option have the opportunity connect MTS TV with a 30% discount. To get more detailed information, it makes sense to contact the nearest customer service center of the company.

  • Do you have a modem and want to get the most out of your high speed mobile internet?
  • Do not want to think about the cost of traffic?

Connect any of the Internet-Mini/Maxi/Super/VIP options and use the mobile Internet as actively as usual fixed access at home or in the office in any MTS network: 2G, 3G or 4G.

Option Access speed? Traffic quota per month Monthly payment Where does the option apply? How to connect
Internet Mini
Not limited 4 GB 500 rub.If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 20 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.

When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
All Russia Closed for connection and
transition from 04/30/2013
Internet Maxi
Not limited 7 GB 700 rub.If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 30 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
All Russia Closed for connection and
transition from 04/30/2013
Internet Super
Not limited 12 GB 1000 rub.If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 40 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
All Russia Closed for connection and
transition from 04/30/2013
Internet VIP
Not limited 25 GB 1400 rub.If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 55 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
All Russia Closed for connection and
transition from 04/30/2013

All prices are inclusive of VAT.

    What to do if the quota is exceeded?

    Submission Conditions

    The action and parameters of unlimited options apply only to traffic via APN, (traffic via APN, is charged at a cost of 0 rubles). The effect of unlimited options does not apply to traffic through all other APNs (realip.msk, corporate APNs, etc.).

    All tariff options are available to subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow region.

    Accounting for Internet traffic in monthly quotas - per kilobyte.

    Internet options do not work when accessing sites with premium rates

    Simultaneous connection

    Tariff unlimited options are mutually exclusive:

    • "Internet-Mini", "Internet-Maxi", "Internet-Super", "Internet-VIP" - among themselves;
    • with options "Unlimited-Mini", "Unlimited-Maxi", "Unlimited-Super", "Unlimited-VIP." and their modifications
    • with the options "Unlimited Start", "Budget Unlimited", "Unlimited Online", "Internet Chaos" and their modifications;
    • with Internet packages: "Connect-100", "Connect-250", "Connect-500", "Connect-1000", "Connect-3000" "Bonus Connect-200" and their modifications

    If the option "Internet-Mini 2013 / Maxi 2013 / Super 2013/ VIP 2013" is available, the options "BIT Smart" and "SuperBIT Smart" are not available for connection.

    How the fee is charged

    The monthly fee is deducted on the day the option is connected and every month on the day corresponding to the connection date. If there is no date in the next calendar month that is similar to the connection date, the monthly fee is charged on the last day of the calendar month.

    If at the time of debiting the number is blocked (at the time the monthly fee is charged, it is in financial or administrative blocking, voluntary blocking, blocking due to the loss of the phone), the fee will be charged at the time the blocking is released.

    For the full calendar month in which the subscriber was actually blocked due to the lack of Money on a personal account, no monthly fee is charged.

    If there are not enough funds on the account at the time of debiting the monthly fee, then the option fee is charged daily until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debiting of the full monthly fee. The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting. When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs.

    If the number is blocked, the fee is charged immediately after the block is released

    Automatic notification of reaching limits

    All subscribers of the MTS mobile communication network who have activated tariff options "BIT", "BIT 2011", "BIT 2012", "SuperBIT 2012", "SuperBIT", "Unlimited-VIP.", "Unlimited-Super 4G", " Unlimit-Mini", "Unlimit-Maxi", "Unlimit-Super", "Unlimit-Mini 2012", "Unlimit-Maxi 2012", "Unlimit-Super 2012", "Unlimit-VIP 2012", "Internet-Mini" , "Internet-Maxi", "Internet-Super", "Internet-VIP" when traffic limits are reached, receive SMS notifications about the connected option, the current limit and the time remaining until the speed is restored (traffic quotas).

    You can check the rest of the traffic through the "My MTS" application or on the website

    If you use the Connect Manager program, it is convenient to send SMS to 5340 using it.

    The cost of outgoing SMS to numbers 5340 and 111 is 0 rubles. when staying in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, in intra-network, national and international roaming, tariffication is carried out according to roaming tariffs for outgoing SMS.

It is not possible to automatically switch between 4G and 2G/3G networks without disconnecting the connection. In the 4G network, it is not possible to make and receive a voice call and send SMS messages. To make or receive a voice call and send SMS, you need to manually register the modem in the 2G/3G network using the "Connect Manager" program, which will be automatically installed when the modem is connected to the computer for the first time. Attention! When connecting one of the above options by Subscribers whose modems do not support the specified technology, data transfer will be carried out in 2G/3G networks.

Super - Super, 2G - two gee, 3G - three gee, 4G - four gee, GPRS - GPRS, EDGE - edge, LTE TDD - LT and TDI, 3GPP - three -gpi-pi, huawei - huawei, sms - es-um-es.

From 04/30/2013 the options are closed for connection, we recommend connecting a new line of Internet options

  • Go online often mobile phone or smartphone?
  • Want to get unlimited Internet access at high speed?
  • And no longer think about the cost of traffic?

By connecting one of the options of the Internet Mini 2013/Maxi 2013/Super 2013/VIP. mobile Internet at a reasonable price.

  • Options are ideal for owners of smartphones and tablets.
  • Options Internet Mini 2013/Maxi 2013/Super 2013/VIP. recommended for permanent active work with official and personal email, Internet browsing, visiting forums and blogs, Skype.
Option Territory of action Access speed* Monthly traffic quota, GB** Monthly payment
Internet Mini 2013

Moscow and Moscow region

Not limited 3 380If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 15 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.

The transfer to daily charge does not apply to subscribers with activated "Corporate Budget" service." class="b-hint">?
Internet Maxi 2013 Not limited 5 580If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 25 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts.
The transfer to daily charge does not apply to subscribers with activated "Corporate Budget" service." class="b-hint">?
Internet Super 2013 Not limited 15 780If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 30 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts.
The transfer to daily charge does not apply to subscribers with activated "Corporate Budget" service." class="b-hint">?
Internet VIP. Not limited 30 980If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 40 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts.
The transfer to daily charge does not apply to subscribers with activated "Corporate Budget" service." class="b-hint">?

* Speed ​​within the quota is not limited within specifications 4G, 3G and 2G networks and depends on technical parameters of the MTS network at a given point, the current network load, the channel of the requested resource, weather conditions and other factors that are outside the area of ​​responsibility of MTS PJSC. The maximum speed in the 4G network is up to 173 Mbps (when using the Huawei-E392 modem - up to 68 Mbps). The maximum speed in a 3G network is up to 42.6 Mbps, in a 2G network (EDGE) - up to 296 Kbps, in a 2G network (GPRS) - up to 85.6 Kbps.
** If the set quota is exceeded, the speed is limited to 64 Kbps for the Internet Mini 2013/Maxi 2013/Super 2013 options and to 128 Kbps for the Internet VIP option. Speed ​​recovery occurs at 0:00 on the day corresponding to the option connection date every calendar month.
All rates are inclusive of VAT.

For subscribers of the tariff plan "Ready office-2011" special tariffs are provided.

    How to disable

    Who can connect

    Options available for connection on all corporate tariff plans, except for the tariff plans "Business Connect", "MTS 3G router", "Navigation", " BUSINESS Online”, “Corporate Onliner”, “Telematics” and their modifications

    Automatic notification of reaching limits

    All subscribers of the MTS mobile communication network who have activated tariff options "MiniBIT", "BIT", "SuperBIT", "Internet-VIP.", "Internet-Mini 2013", "Internet-Maxi 2013", "Internet-Super 2013" "", "Internet-Mini 2013'", "Internet-Maxi 2013"", "Internet-Super 2013"", "Internet-VIP 2013"" and their modifications, when traffic limits are reached, they receive SMS notifications about the connected option, the current limit and time remaining until the speed is restored (traffic quotas).

    If you use the Connect Manager program, it is convenient to send SMS to 5340 using it.

    The cost of outgoing SMS to numbers 5340 and 111 is 0 rubles. when staying in Moscow and the Moscow region, in intranet, national and international roaming, tariffication is carried out according to roaming tariffs for outgoing SMS. .

    How to get rid of speed limits

    Turbo button option

    How the fee is charged

    The monthly fee is deducted on the day the option is connected and every month on the day corresponding to the connection date. If there is no date in the next calendar month that is similar to the connection date, the monthly fee is charged on the last day of the calendar month.

    If at the time of debiting the number is blocked (at the time the monthly fee is charged, it is in financial or administrative blocking, voluntary blocking, blocking due to the loss of the phone), the fee will be charged at the time the blocking is released.

    For the full calendar month in which the subscriber was actually blocked due to the lack of funds on the personal account, no monthly fee is charged.

    If there are not enough funds on the account at the time of debiting the monthly fee, then the option fee is charged daily until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debiting of the full monthly fee. The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting. When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs.

    The transfer to daily debit does not apply to subscribers with activated "Corporate budget" service.

    If the number is blocked, the fee is charged immediately after the block is released

    When using the Internet as part of the option outside of Moscow and the Moscow Region, the fee is 50 rubles per day. The daily fee is debited upon the implementation of the first Internet session for the current day (the period from 00:00 of the current day to 00:00 next day according to the time of the home region). If the subscriber stays outside the home region in several regions of Russia for one day, then the daily fee for Internet access within the options will be charged once in the region of the first access to the Internet. The monthly quota of the option used is shared between the home region and other regions. When traveling across Russia from one region to another, traffic is summed up.

    Options scope

    Tariff options are valid on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region.
    The action and parameters of unlimited options apply only to traffic via APN, (traffic via APN, is charged at a cost of 0 rubles). The effect of unlimited options does not apply to traffic through all other APNs (realip.msk, corporate APNs, etc.).

    All tariff options are available to subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow region.

    Accounting for Internet traffic in daily and monthly quotas - per kilobyte.

    Simultaneous connection

    Tariff unlimited options are mutually exclusive:

    • with options “Internet-Mini 2013’”, “Internet-Maxi 2013’”, “Internet-Super 2013’”, “Internet-VIP 2013’”
    • with the options "Internet-Mini 2013", "Internet-Maxi 2013", "Internet-Super 2013", "Internet-VIP 2013" and their modifications - among themselves;
    • with options “Internet-Mini”, “Internet-Maxi”, “Internet-Super”, “Internet-VIP
    • with "Business Connect -125", "Business Connect -275", "Business Connect -575", "Business Connect -1150", "Business Connect -3350" packages, and their modifications,
    • options providing access to corporate information resources (“Secure Data Transfer (APN)” service, “GPRS access to the corporate network” and its modifications, “APN XXX” and its modifications, “APN: Access to corporate resources” and its modifications.

    With the option "Internet-Mini 2013/ Maxi 2013/ Super 2013/ VIP." options "BIT Smart" and "SuperBIT Smart" are not available for connection.

  • Do you often access the Internet from your mobile phone or smartphone?
  • Want to get unlimited Internet access at high speed?
  • And no longer think about the cost of traffic?

By connecting one of the Internet Mini 2013/Maxi 2013/Super 2013/VIP. options, you get a wide range of mobile Internet options at a reasonable price.

  • Options are ideal for owners of smartphones and tablets.
  • Options Internet Mini 2013/Maxi 2013/Super 2013/VIP. recommended for constant active work with business and personal e-mail, Internet browsing, visiting forums and blogs, Skype.
Option Territory of action Access speed* Monthly traffic quota, GB** Monthly fee, rub.
TP Lines "Connect" Other TP
Internet Mini 2013 All Russia in the MTS network Not limited 3 330

When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
380If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 15 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
Internet Maxi 2013 Not limited 5 530
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
580If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 25 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
Internet Super 2013 Not limited 15 730
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
780If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 30 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
Internet VIP. Not limited 30 930
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?
980If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the fee for the option is debited daily in the amount of 40 rubles. per day, until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debit of the full monthly fee.
The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting.
When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs. If you change the date of debiting the monthly fee, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota also shifts." class="b-hint">?

* The speed within the quota is not limited within the technical characteristics of the 4G, 3G and 2G network and depends on the technical parameters of the MTS network at a given point, the current network congestion, the channel of the requested resource, weather conditions and other factors beyond the responsibility of MTS PJSC . The maximum speed in the 4G network is up to 173 Mbps (when using the Huawei-E392 modem - up to 68 Mbps). The maximum speed in a 3G network is up to 42.6 Mbps, in a 2G network (EDGE) - up to 296 Kbps, in a 2G network (GPRS) - up to 85.6 Kbps.
** If the set quota is exceeded, the speed is limited to 16 Kbps. Speed ​​recovery occurs at 3:00 am on the day corresponding to the activation date of the option every calendar month.
All rates are inclusive of VAT.

    How to disable

    Who can connect

    Options available for connection on all tariff plans per exception: VIP, TP line " Connect"including corp. (closed for connection from 09/15/12), "Super Onliner", "i-Onliner", "Onliner", "SIM", "MTS iPad", tariff plans "Cool", "Caring "and all their modifications; "X", "Smart", "Smart mini", "Smart Zabugorishche"; on the ULTRA TP (from 03/20/2015).

    Automatic notification when limits are reached

    All subscribers of the MTS mobile communication network who have activated tariff options "MiniBIT", "BIT", "SuperBIT", "Internet-VIP.", "Internet-Mini 2013", "Internet-Maxi 2013", "Internet-Super 2013" "", "Internet-Mini 2013'", "Internet-Maxi 2013"", "Internet-Super 2013"", "Internet-VIP 2013"" and their modifications, when traffic limits are reached, they receive SMS notifications about the connected option, the current limit and time remaining until the speed is restored (traffic quotas).

    You can check the rest of the traffic through the "My MTS" application or on the website

    If you use the Connect Manager program, it is convenient to send SMS to 5340 using it.

    The cost of outgoing SMS to numbers 5340 and 111 is 0 rubles. when staying in Moscow and the Moscow region, in intranet, national and international roaming, tariffication is carried out according to roaming tariffs for outgoing SMS. .

    How to get rid of speed limits

    How the subscription fee is charged

    The monthly fee is deducted on the day the option is connected and every month on the day corresponding to the connection date. If there is no date in the next calendar month that is similar to the connection date, the monthly fee is charged on the last day of the calendar month.

    If at the time of debiting the number is blocked (at the time the monthly fee is charged, it is in financial or administrative blocking, voluntary blocking, blocking due to the loss of the phone), the fee will be charged at the time the blocking is released.

    For the full calendar month in which the subscriber was actually blocked due to the lack of funds on the personal account, no monthly fee is charged.

    If there are not enough funds on the account at the time of debiting the monthly fee, then the option fee is charged daily until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time debiting of the full monthly fee. The date of the next debiting of the monthly fee is determined by the last date of the full monthly debiting. When changing the monthly fee to the daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS informing occurs.

    If the number is blocked, the fee is charged immediately after the block is released

    Options scope

    Tariff options are valid throughout Russia in the MTS network.
    The action and parameters of unlimited options apply only to traffic via APN, (traffic via APN, is charged at a cost of 0 rubles). The effect of unlimited options does not apply to traffic through all other APNs (realip.msk, corporate APNs, etc.).

    All tariff options are available to subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow region.

    Accounting for Internet traffic in daily and monthly quotas - per kilobyte.

    Simultaneous connection

    Tariff unlimited options are mutually exclusive:

    • with options “Internet-Mini 2013’”, “Internet-Maxi 2013’”, “Internet-Super 2013’”, “Internet-VIP 2013’”
    • with the options "Internet-Mini 2013", "Internet-Maxi 2013", "Internet-Super 2013", "Internet-VIP 2013" and their modifications - among themselves;
    • with options “Internet-Mini”, “Internet-Maxi”, “Internet-Super”, “Internet-VIP”

    With the option "Internet-Mini 2013/ Maxi 2013/ Super 2013/ VIP." options "BIT Smart" and "SuperBIT Smart" are not available for connection.