Scenarios contests cool congratulations on the anniversary. Funny woman birthday script

We all look forward to the holidays. Delicious food, chic outfits, table conversations - all this is usual. Arranging a fun holiday for relatives is not such a difficult task. You can prepare toasts, a lottery, funny scenes for anniversaries. Guests will be happy to participate in the host's undertakings and have a good time. And the birthday boy will be generally delighted, all attention will be riveted on him.


In order for everyone to feel the festive mood, you need to dress up, decorate the room in which the celebration will take place. You can do it yourself, making compositions from balls is very simple. If the anniversary is themed, then the props and decorations need to be thought out in advance. Cool scenes for an anniversary do not require expensive costumes and props. Hawaiian parties, pirate parties, gypsy motifs, congratulations from are very popular. Costumes for scenes can be made from old things by adding purchased hats and masks.

fairy world

For the hero of the day of any age, you can play a fragment from the beloved fairy tale "Cinderella". It will take four guests of either gender: a stepmother, a fairy, and two sisters. It is better for the presenter to dress up as a fairy, he has the most words. You will need fluffy skirts that can be made from old curtains, hats with feathers and ribbons, shoes - a gift for Cinderella. To make it funny, use galoshes, rubber boots or disposable slates as shoes. Well, if one of the sisters will be played by a man. You need to speak in a nasty, gentle voice. On the theme of this fairy tale, you can make Cool scenes to diversify with other heroes.

Host: “Every woman in this world is a little Cinderella! Her closest relatives want to congratulate the hero of the day: stepmother and sisters.

Stepmother: “My dear little stepdaughter, I wish you to wash dishes all your life!”

Fairy: "In the most modern dishwasher!"

Sister: “I wish you, beloved sister, to sew clothes all your life!”

Fairy: "Together with the world's most famous fashion designers!"

Second sister: “I wish you never meet a prince on your way!”

Fairy: “And I met a real king!”

Sisters and stepmother present shoes as a gift.

Fairy: “Dear guests, I wish that you and our beloved birthday girl did not have such relatives, and each of you had a personal fairy fluttering behind your shoulders!”

Flowers and fragrances

You can congratulate a loved one on the anniversary by arranging a ball of flowers. Invite guests to come in bright dresses to make a real bouquet! On the head of each guest participating in the congratulations, you need to prepare wreaths - colorful, cool. it is better to do it in several stages. Wreaths can be made independently. Buy several types of artificial flowers and glue them to ordinary headbands.

Presenter: “What wonderful aroma is in the hall? This is our birthday girl blossomed! Delicate, beautiful, some bumblebees fly around her forever! A real pampered flower! Her friends came to congratulate her, the same blooming and beautiful ladies!”

Rose: “Be always, like me, beautiful, a little mysterious, slender! Well, if you really need it, release the spikes in full!

Cornflower: “I am a simple boy, a mischievous cornflower! If you need help, always reach out. I’ll help you spend your salary, at your expense I can do everything. ”

Mack: “It's great to live with me, maybe we will be friends? Let's stand - do not spill water, you will always be cheerful! Although you are a laugher anyway, just a delightful merry fellow!

Chamomile: “Be the same slim, mischievous charm! You always be modest, win hearts like me!

The host takes out a basket of flowers, hands it to the birthday girl and invites her to a waltz with flowers.

Everyone will like these small scenes-congratulations on the anniversary. Cool costumes will add humor.

star Rain

The real stars of the stage will congratulate the hero of the day. Find out which singers he likes the most and prepare costumes and props for them. Parody famous people Not everyone succeeds, so agree in advance with the guests who will be able to speak, do not be shy. Cool funny scenes for the anniversary with congratulations from popular performers will turn out to be incendiary, and the dance floor will be full. Dress up one guest as a pop star, pick up backup dancers and musicians. The host will announce that guests have unexpectedly arrived who want to perform a song in honor of the birthday man. Dressed-up guests enter the stage and, to the soundtrack, grimace in front of the audience. Such costumed scenes for the anniversary, funny, unusual, go with a bang, especially if the guests have already drunk a few glasses!

be healthy

The foreign Doctor of Jubilee Sciences is in a hurry to congratulate the culprit on this anniversary. If you need to congratulate a man, prepare a short white coat for a female doctor, a huge bra in which you need to put 5 kg of cotton wool or air balloons. Two seductive assistants will arrive with the doctor, they also need depraved costumes. If congratulations are addressed to a woman, you will need a charming half-naked doctor with the same medical brothers. You can buy face masks, gloves, a doctor's kit for children with all sorts of tools at the pharmacy.

Host: “We all know that you can’t buy health even for millions. We must take care of our birthday girl and therefore invited a doctor from a distant country. He will examine and prescribe medicine. The doctor and assistants enter to the music.

Doctor: “I find out that there is a hero of the day in this building. A health check is a must."

To make cool scenes at anniversaries go like clockwork, prepare everything in advance.

The hero of the day is laid on a couch of chairs and examined. You can tickle the birthday boy, listen to the heartbeat, measure the pulse. Assistants also manipulate the imaginary patient.

Doctor: “The patient's diagnosis is disappointing! We urgently need to take a medicine, the patient is sad!”

Everyone raises their glasses, the presenter brings a glass to the birthday man.

Doctor: “Let's drink to my patient! He is not sick at all, but healthy as a bull! I recommend to gather here every year and have fun! Then no disease can frighten my patient!”

Guests drink to the health of the hero of the day. Cool scenes at the anniversaries of doctors will be especially relevant.


You can congratulate the birthday man in an exciting and frightening way. Two guests dressed as terrorists burst into the hall. grenades, pistols, stockings on the head - and the images of bandits are ready.

Terrorists: “What a rich crowd! Let's take hostage the most contented one!

The terrorists grab the hero of the day, put him on a chair and handcuff him.

Terrorist: “Take off all the jewelry, put the money in a bag. And now we will take the birthday boy with us, you will have to go home.

Moderator: What do you want from us? We are celebrating!

Terrorist: “Everyone stay where you are. Now slowly raise your glasses and quickly drink to the bottom. Then I will let your birthday boy go!”

The guests drink, the hostage is released. But on the condition that he dances and drinks with the bandits.

Have fun from the heart

Cool mini-skits for the anniversary need to be thought out to the smallest detail. Words for guests who participate in the skit should be light and memorable. The costumes are not that hard to find.

Be sure to arrange cool skits at anniversaries. After all, just sitting at the table is sometimes so boring.

Traditional gifts and postcards are, of course, great, but what could be better and more fun than a congratulation scene arranged for a woman’s anniversary, which will clearly demonstrate your love for the birthday girl, amuse the guests and diversify the standard feast?

Such scenes imply a huge variety, but the most popular are fun activities that are not difficult to fit into any.


Interesting, but somewhat indecent, will be a funny scene called "Fishing".

To organize the scene, you will need three male volunteers, three fishing rods, and three pairs of decorative family shorts. The degree of attire of the fishermen will depend entirely on the standards adopted in a particular company, however, the meaning of the scene is that there should always be at least one more under the upper and decorative shorts.

So, the presenter broadcasts a text like: "The first fisherman threw a fishing rod to try his luck." And after these words, the first fisherman's underpants burst, they fall, and everyone sees the inscription "wish that." Then the leader says: “The second fisherman also decided to try his luck,” and at this moment the same thing happens to the second fisherman, the linen falls, and the inscription “everything” is exposed. And then the third fisherman takes a good swing and casts the bait, but his elastic band also bursts, and under his shorts there is an inscription "dreams come true."

After that, the hero of the day receives a symbolic gift in the form of a souvenir fish or in the form of a live goldfish in a pretty aquarium with a solemn wish for great success and good luck.

New Russian

Cool scenes are very popular and usually accepted by guests with a bang. For example, you can organize a congratulation on behalf of the new Russian.

A moneybag in a crimson jacket and with a massive gold chain around his neck enters the room with a casual gait. At the same time, he waves a pack of souvenir dollars. He delivers a tirade like this:

- What are you, Masha, today is a birthday girl or what? Well ... I wish you that everything in life was complete nishtyak, that your glade was always richly covered, and that there was a trough for dough. And for your promotion, here is a small capital.

Bucks are solemnly handed over to the birthday girl. The moneybag drinks a glass and continues:

- If there are any problems or misunderstandings, please contact me, we will figure it out. I wish you a happy, prosperous and peaceful life in nature.

At this, the new Russian either leaves or joins the general fun.


Scenes for a woman's anniversary can also be improvised. A fun and enthusiastic improvisation is usually "Kangaroo". The facilitator leads the volunteer into the next room and carefully ensures that others do not peep or eavesdrop.

The host calls the volunteer some animal that he must portray. After 5-10 minutes, the volunteer, having prepared, leaves the room and begins to portray. Before this, the host informs those present that the volunteer will portray a real kangaroo, and they must plausibly pretend that they absolutely do not understand anything.

The result is a kangaroo that suddenly had a fit of rabies.

Police officer

In order for the guests not to immediately guess that there is a joke, it is better to involve a man with whom the hero of the day is not familiar with the costume performance. It is better to agree with others present in advance.

So, in the midst of the celebration, an unexpected knock is heard at the door. A policeman in real uniform enters and introduces himself as the new district police officer Kozlov (or others). He makes this speech:

Yes, everyone stay where you are. Let's celebrate, shall we? Let's drink, sir? And you, citizen, who will you be? Ershova (the name of the hero of the day is substituted)? You've received an anonymous complaint here. Usually we do not consider anonymous letters, but this case is extremely interesting. We learned that you have a moonshine at home. How not? Why are there so many bottles on the table? From the store? And where does the money come from?

2 witnesses are appointed from the guests in advance. On command, they get up.

- And if you, citizen, have expired yeast or sugar is infected with bird flu? Here you need to take action. Expertise is indispensable in such cases. It’s impossible for me to check, I’m on duty, but pour some for the guests, please.

When the guests are about to drink, the policeman exclaims:

“What am I going to write in the protocol if you haven’t even introduced yourself?” Stop. You will have to personally conduct an examination with a natural risk to life.

The policeman is poured.

- Good vodka, but it’s a little bit overpowering, it won’t fit much. Hostess, the examination unequivocally showed that you have a top-level apparatus. It is somehow ashamed to withdraw props on a holiday. Ah, the protocol does not go dry at all. Pour some more. What about snacks? I came for the smell. My salary is small, like your pile. So, during the examination, it was established that the hostess likes to arrange holidays and fun, that she is loved by everyone and gives quality drinks to guests. A lot of food was bought for the holiday, and so many people were fed to the full on the anniversary.

In order for the anniversary to be a success, it is worth giving free rein to your imagination. A holiday limited only to a standard feast will never be memorable and interesting. It would be a great idea to arrange fireworks or a ride on ATVs, horses or boats and a boat on the lake surface.

To make the holiday more fun and interesting, you need to come up with a script for the evening, be sure to include two or three cool scenes for your birthday. Guests with a birthday boy should participate in them. It can be theatrical performances, funny and funny jokes, practical jokes.

If the birthday boy is planning a noisy holiday and many guests are invited, it's time to think about how to prepare cool scenes for his birthday, prepare a script for the evening. Ideally - to collect a small catalog of various competitions, funny numbers and bright performances, so that there are options and "in reserve".

Funny scenes for a birthday

How to spend and what to choose?

A celebration in honor of the upcoming holiday (especially if it is an anniversary) will be more fun and interesting to celebrate if, in the intervals between a wide feast and generous toast-wishes, there will be small, but funny and funny scenes, birthday greetings.

Much will depend on the sphere of interest not only of the birthday man himself, but also of his invited guests, because you can pick up (or come up with) intriguing, humorous, comic, with jokes and practical jokes for adult birthday scenes. If a family holiday is planned, then family small theatrical performances and even mini-performances will be quite appropriate.

Many scenes at a birthday should not be. It is enough to show three or four things for the whole evening. They need to be evenly distributed: at the beginning of the celebration, demonstrate one, in the middle of the evening - two more, and at the end prepare another one. This is enough.

Create an atmosphere

Birthday scenes will help create a fun and relaxed atmosphere at the holiday. Depending on the number of guests and invited target audience, you can pick up all kinds of draws and contests. If the holiday is to be a family one, then to create an appropriate family atmosphere, you can choose options for paired scenes. If a youth party is planned, then as many scenes as possible should be fun, incendiary. It's good to arrange even competitions.

  • Wanting to please mom, every child thinks about it.
  • Parents, in order to please their child, need to plan and organize the upcoming holiday well, which means choosing a place, entertainment and invitations, more.

Funny congratulatory scenes

"Good chicken"

An excellent version of a mini-sketch for a birthday is the theatrical performance "Kind Hen". One of the guests needs to put on a chicken costume, first hide two Kinder Surprise eggs in your pocket.

A dressed-up guest, the “hen”, runs up to the hero of the occasion and makes a speech-toast that she laid two magic eggs especially for him, and invites the birthday boy to choose one egg and break it for luck to find out what is inside. This is a kind of fortune-telling. The birthday boy breaks a chocolate egg, and according to the toy that was inside the egg, all the guests determine what the culprit of the evening will be waiting for in the near future.

Ideally, guess a toy. Today, many chocolate eggs with a toy inside are produced, many manufacturers launch thematic series: cars, airplanes, famous cartoon characters, boats, dolls, cute little animals.

Having handed over a chocolate egg and "interpreting the future" for the birthday man, the "brood hen" guest should offer a drink to all guests for the health and well-being of their dear birthday man.

"In the forest after the holiday"

In order to carry out this comic scene for a birthday, you will need a lot of participants. Among the guests, you need to choose seven volunteers who will agree to play the role for a while: cuckoo, frog frog, gray wolf, mouse, sweet tooth bear, beautiful fox and hare. You will also need “props”: a chair, an eggplant with a carbonated drink like Fanta, Sprite or Coca-Cola.

The scene begins with the “bear” guest waking up in a chair(this is “like his lair”), he has a terrible headache. "Bear" takes an eggplant (it should be next to the chair) and takes a couple of sips to get drunk.

In the meantime, the Cuckoo calls five times. Someone knocks on the door, and “Wolf”, an alcoholic, enters the hall. In the entire forest, he has no equal in terms of the amount of vodka he drinks. “Wolf” asks “Bear” for a loan of one hundred grams of vodka, but “Bear” is fast asleep. "Wolf" drinks with "Cuckoo" a glass, and she cuckoos six times.

Again there is a knock on the door. This time came "Frog". She is horrified by the fact that there is a mess in the Bear's lair, she begins to scold him, at the same time trying to clean up. "Wolf" offers "Frog" to drink a glass of vodka, but she refuses. "Wolf" drinks with "Cuckoo", the latter cuckoos already seven times.

"Wolf" begins to sing songs loudly, "Bear" is still sleeping, "Frog" diligently sweeps the floor. Again someone knocks on the door. Now the Bunny has arrived. Seeing the "Frog" for cleaning, he tries to interfere with her in every possible way. Starts jumping over the broom.

"Wolf" offers him a drink, but "Hare" does not pay attention to him, so with "Wolf" he drinks "Cuckoo" again - and sings eight times in a row. Another knock on the door. "Fox" came running, who had long been in love with "Wolf". She begins to flirt with him, but "Wolf" simply offers her a drink. Having received a refusal from another "potential drinking buddy", "Wolf" drinks with "Cuckoo", and she sings nine times in a row.

The heroes of the impromptu "performance" go about their business. "Frog" is cleaning and swearing loudly. The “owner” of the lair continues to snore, the “Fox” flirts with the “Wolf” in every possible way, but he sits with a bored look. Someone softly knocks on the door, and "Mouse" runs through the lair. Seeing an eggplant with unfinished alcohol, "Mouse" grabs it and runs away. No one noticed her appearance and disappearance.

"Frog" woke "Bear" with his scolding. Sleepy, he is looking for an eggplant to get a hangover. Noticing the "Bear", "Wolf" with "Fox" quickly run away. "Hare" loses his senses. Now the "Master" of the lair is calling everyone for a drink. Only the cuckoo agrees. After singing ten times in a row, she falls asleep. The "bear", staggering, is heading towards the guests of the evening. Guests should pour him a glass of vodka - then the "Bear" will make a toast.

Woman's birthday scene

Scene for lovely ladies

An excellent option for an interesting birthday scene for a beautiful birthday girl is to conduct a comic medical examination of a girl and write out a medical report for her.

For example, you can write in the certificate that a girl of flowering age, has universal hearing, one hundred percent vision - she notices only positive in everything. You can joke about the pulse that it has a tendency to freeze, then, on the contrary, go off scale, which indicates the girl’s cheerfulness. Give a recommendation: enjoy life, do not strain and relax more.

Birthday scene for a man

For the stronger sex

An excellent version of a small scene for a man’s birthday is the “Technical Inspection”. Two guests play the role of automobile inspectors and very meticulously examine the hero of the occasion. For example, you can start with the release of the model - say the number, series of the passport, by whom and when issued, date of birth. As a mileage, name the age.

It will be very funny if the inspectors, touching the pulse of the birthday boy, with the most serious look they say the motor is fine. About the eyes, you can say no less funny phrase "the lighting is stable, the headlights are in order, not broken." Traffic inspectors can determine the carrying capacity by the muscles. You can joke about the shoes of the birthday boy something like this: “The security system is normal, the brakes are working properly, there are no accidents.” It is necessary to finish the “Technical Inspection” with “good wishes” and a toast to the “protagonist” of the evening.

Creating a happy holiday

Creating a happy holiday

How to turn an ordinary boring feast into an enchanting holiday show? Need to come up with a few funny scenes and play them at a birthday party. Everyone should participate in them - both the birthday man and the guests. On a festive evening, no one should remain at the table.

During the holiday, any impromptu and improvisations should be immediately accepted.. If “according to the script” the appearance of a waiter with an excellent soufflé dessert was not planned, but the waiter suddenly appeared, this should only cause admiration. Any initiatives from the guests should also be supported, then the evening will be really successful.

Bright and funny birthday scenes will be presented to everyone good mood, a charge of vivacity and good impressions. The most important thing when organizing a celebration is not to be afraid to fantasize and be creative, to show ingenuity and ingenuity.

Birthday is very important for every person. In everyday worries, a person rarely manages to find a moment to cheer himself up, to have fun from the heart. On your birthday, you can forget about worries and problems and spend a holiday so that it will be remembered for a long time.

How to prepare birthday scenes: video

Birthday must be made fun, bright and unforgettable. We have created video casts of the most funny scenes so that you can laugh heartily, be inspired and write your own cool script based on them.

The main task of festive scenes is to captivate the guests of the celebration in an unobtrusive way, to endow them with a positive mood. For this, funny games in the form of impromptu are used. At the same time, the host of the holiday acts as a good conductor and a kind of psychologist. He notices that the mood of the guests rushed in the wrong direction and knows how to divert the attention of the audience from the problem that has arisen in time.

Why are scenes needed?

Women line up with each other in a modular structure that allows you to change the program at any time, to close the pauses that have inadvertently arisen. Even if the script has already been prepared, and everything in it obeys logic, it can be changed almost between toasts. It is unlikely that the guests will notice anything, but the holiday will gain momentum.

The main congratulations

Before conducting cool skits and congratulations on the anniversary of the 55th anniversary of the woman, the presenter should congratulate the hero of the occasion. His speech might be:

“Beloved (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion)! On this bright day, we can talk a lot about how honorable this noble age is, and about what is still ahead, and you are at the very beginning of your journey. All these words, of course, are standard and ordinary. But I would like to fill my congratulations with warm words addressed to our irresistible Birthday Girl. Unforgettable, sweet, and beloved (name of the hero of the day)! Let all the troubles and hardships bypass you. Let relatives and friends become a source of happiness, kindness and light. You really deserve it, and no expensive Loreal cosmetics can replace the peaceful family happiness that remains with a person, no matter what.

I congratulated, and now our dear guests are taking the reins of government. But they will not just congratulate. Each of those present will write wishes on balloons. But you need to do it in such a way that no one notices. Even you should not read these bright words. All balloons will be collected and released into the sky in the evening. So all the best wishes will come true - tested on yourself!

Cool skits on the anniversary of a woman 60 years old or older at this stage are yet to come. In the meantime, the presenter gives each speaker a helium balloon and a felt-tip pen. All balloons are taken by the leader and released under the ceiling. There they are until the end of the celebration.

Birthday Girl Achievements

One of the first cool scenes for a woman's anniversary can be a congratulation. The leader's words can be as alternative start evenings. If you wish, you can change the order of congratulations, starting the evening with a toast of the hero of the day, and then continue with the above-described congratulations from the host to the birthday girl.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We are sincerely glad to welcome you to this significant event - the 50th Anniversary of (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion). Now let's all greet our wonderful, dear and irresistible birthday girl with a standing ovation!

(Celebratory music plays, the birthday girl enters the hall).

“Our dear guests! I hope that everyone has already managed to fill their glasses with champagne, because now, according to tradition, our Birthday Girl will be the first to raise a glass and make the first toast of this wonderful evening!

(Toast of the hero of the day)

“Today is a very special day. After all, 50 years is not just an anniversary. This is one of the most significant events in a person's life. The figure that indicates the number of years lived is not at all the main thing. And the main thing is that our dear Birthday Girl has acquired over the years. Who among those present will tell us about her main achievements? Let's find out, dear guests, who will tell the most information about our Birthday Girl? Who has such exclusive knowledge? Of course, there are prizes waiting for you for this!”.

(Guests call achievements, and the presenter gives a prize to the one who can list the most merits).

Husband and children toasts

Before you spend cool skits on the anniversary of a woman of 60 years old, a loving spouse and children should voice their toasts. The host says:

“There is a person in this hall who not only treats our hero of the occasion with love and respect, but, in addition, considers her nothing less than the most beautiful, charming, expensive and beloved. This is the closest person (name and patronymic of the birthday girl), husband (name and patronymic of the spouse).

(Husband makes a toast).

“And now, dear guests, while you have not started dancing yet, your attention is invited to a fascinating and fun competition. An interesting prize awaits the winners. So, attention! All of you are well aware of the name of our Birthday Girl. The guest who can come up with the maximum number of rhymes to the name (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion) will be able to win. Sheets of paper and a pen can be obtained from me. You have 15 minutes to come up with a rhyme, so hurry up!”

(In a quarter of an hour)

“Well, it's time to find out the name of the winner. Let's listen to the rhymes that you managed to come up with!

(Guests take turns calling rhymes, the winner is chosen, who managed to come up with the most a large number of rhymes).

“The winner of this competition is (name). And the prize for him is a ticket for the fulfillment of any desire by the Birthday Girl!

(A cool scene on the anniversary of a woman of 50 years old continues with the presenter presenting a ticket. It says:

“This ticket entitles its holder to the fulfillment of any wish by the Birthday Girl in the amount of 1 pc. Validity - from (date of celebration). Signature of the birthday girl).

The game "Princess Nesmeyana"

Another great cool scene for a woman's birthday. Everyone present should be divided into two groups. The players belonging to the first team - "Princess Nesmeyana" - sit on chairs and try to take on the most serious expression on their faces. And the task of the players of the second team is to work together to make the “unsmeaners” laugh. If in a certain time it will be possible to make all the "unsmeaners" laugh, then the team of "mixers" will win. If not, vice versa. The participants can then switch roles. In order to unbalance their rivals and make them laugh, representatives of the second group can tell jokes, make funny faces, and demonstrate pantomime. But it is not allowed to touch the "unsmiling".

congratulatory song

In the holiday, you can include not only cool scenes. The scenario of the anniversary of 60 years for a woman (or any other age) may also include a song congratulation to her best friends.

“Our dear (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion). So many wonderful friends have gathered here today who are eager to congratulate you on this wonderful event. Each of them, of course, will congratulate you personally. But now I invite everyone present to sing a congratulatory song for our Birthday Girl!

(The host distributes the text of the song to the guests, the melody plays, everyone sings).

Congratulations to girlfriends

No less warm congratulations will be uttered by the closest friends of the hero of the occasion. For this cool scene for an anniversary, a woman will need the participation of her close friends.

“Well, now I will ask the most best friends Birthday girls."

(Girlfriends of the hero of the occasion go on stage).

“Now you ladies are one team. I will give you 20 A4 sheets. On ten of them you write the bad things that you want to protect our dear hero of the occasion from. And on others - the best that you can wish for the Birthday Girl!

(In this part of a cool scene, congratulations on the anniversary of a woman's girlfriend do what was said).

“And now, right in front of our dear Birthday Girl, we will perform magic. With his help, bad things will never happen in her life! To do this, we put the sheets directly on the floor and, to the active music, begin to merrily trample on all the bad things with our feet. If the paper rips and you can't see what is written on it, that's very good! So, friends, let's move to the music as actively as possible!

(A cool scene for an anniversary for a woman 50 or older continues with cheerful music. The host turns on a fast melody. The goal of the friends is to tear the sheets).

“I see that you did great! And now all good wishes must be sung to our Birthday Girl to the sounds of life-affirming music! Do you sincerely wish our dear (name) what you have written now? And let the guests support you with a storm of applause!”

(Girlfriends “sing” positive wishes).

“Well, (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion), you really have wonderful friends. They really are ready to do a lot for you - and it's very cool! And now I propose to encourage your friends with the help of sweet prizes - chocolates and sweets!

Wet viewers

The draw can be held separately or included in any scene. During one of the host's performances, a cleaning lady suddenly appears from behind the scenes. She is wearing a blue bathrobe, in her hands is a wet mop and half a bucket of water. Her intentions to clean the floor are serious.

Leading: “What are you doing, citizen! We're having a celebration!"

Cleaning lady: “I have a job! What is incomprehensible?! Everyone who is not too lazy walks around, trampling ... ”(grunting, he begins to wash the floor).

The host, shrugging his shoulders, tries to continue the previous scene, periodically glancing sideways at the cleaner. She, not at all embarrassed, continues to wash a rag in a bucket and rub the floor. Gradually, the bucket moves across the stage and at a certain moment hides from the eyes of the guests behind the scenes. At this point, the bucket of water must be replaced with exactly the same bucket, but filled with confetti. As if nothing had happened, the cleaning lady with a bucket approaches the very edge of the stage and, with all her strength, suddenly “pours water” on the audience. Frightened guests with a squeal are trying to dodge. There is an explosion of laughter as confetti falls on those present.

Scene with a cap

This cool scene is suitable for the anniversary of a woman of 55 years old, during her retirement.


“She burst into tears, being born into the world,

And everyone around - fervently laughed ...

But it’s true, today we have a young pensioner born. We all know how naughty babies can be. They are afraid of a babayka and a cold. And yes, they don't have much of a mind. And so that different thoughts do not climb into the head of our Birthday Girl, we decided to give her a warm cap!”

(A cool scene of congratulations on the anniversary of a woman continues with the fact that the presenter puts a cap on the hero of the occasion).

“And also all the guests know that little children are so clumsy that when they take a spoon in their mouth, they dirty themselves and everyone around. To prevent this from happening, we will give our pensioner an apron.”

(Puts on an apron for the birthday girl).

“And I would also like to add that young pensioners are terribly upset with or without reason, they worry very loudly and cry for everything. So that our Birthday Girl does not cry, we will give her a dummy.

(Puts on a pacifier on a silk ribbon.)

“Well, now, dear guests, I want to invite you to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, who still has a lot of important things ahead!”

Arrival of foreigners

For this cool scene for a woman's anniversary, the presenter must choose two assistants. One will play the role of "Italian", the second - a translator.

"Dear guests! Dear birthday girl! Now I propose to greet our honored foreign guests with a standing ovation. An Italian delegation has arrived today.”

Italian: Tsvetutto, shampanutto, congratulations on the hero of the day!

Translator: Dear hero of the day, congratulations!

I .: Sitting for free, drunken dormoedo!

A: Dear guests, we welcome you with all our hearts!

I.: Catitto scoragio from here.

P: We are very glad to see everyone who is here.

I .: Hard labor hard laborer, hunchbacked vkalovadzhi, nothing will be received.

P: Representatives of the working class, as well as commercial organizations.

I .: Brought on anything.

P: I arrived on a special flight.

I .: Italiano stubbornly shone in the eyes.

P.: From sunny Italy.

I .: Congratulations to the name of Catherine (the name of the hero of the occasion).

P .: To congratulate the birthday girl.

I .: From German, French and Italian different nonsense.

P .: I brought with me congratulations from German, French and Italian friends.

I .: And differently junk.

P .: And also valuable gifts.

I.: Now forgiven.

P .: In conclusion of my speech, I would like to wish.

I .: The legs are not bolento, the nose is not chihanto, the tail is a pistol, the catfish are kusatto.

P: Health.

I .: Copanto in the garden, the house is cleaned, tascanto products, everything is done well.

P .: Youth and long life.

I .: Not mothering, friends are respected.

P .: Happiness and true friends.

I .: For the hero of the day poured!

P .: Let's drink to our birthday girl!

"Vegetables": a cool fairy tale scene for a woman's anniversary

The host announces: “Once in the country at (name of the birthday girl), vegetables started an entertaining argument.”

(Vegetables come out, they have corresponding hats on their heads, which depict different vegetables. This cool scene for the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman consists of dialogues from each of the participants).

“I am a pot-bellied squash.

I lay down my barrel.

Here the hostess passes by,

Pinch me on the side:

"Zucchini you are my favorite,

I love you!

“Well, stupid. Spread your brains:

What will you give to a beautiful lady?

Useless from you anywhere - neither in the country, nor in food.

And here I am ... Full of clothes,

And imagine - all without a fastener.

I will sew such an outfit,

Will (name) flaunt!”

“What are you talking about, cabbage, foolishly,

Don't cover your figure.

Maybe with your leaf

Is it shame to cover one.

"What are you guys arguing about?

She has only one love.

Among you I am a gentleman.

They call me crap.

I look so freaky

Who sees - will not forget.

What do you look awkward?

It's about preparations."

“I am a green cucumber.

The guy is just great!

(name) loves me

When he misses a stack.

“You should only drink and argue.

Stop talking stupid!

To me, a carrot, everyone is happy.

Vitamins in me are a treasure!

"My yours do not understand,

I'm actually a foreigner.

Ladies are easily driven crazy

(Name) - always mine!


"Hey guys, without me

(name of the hero of the occasion) - nowhere.

Our lady without potatoes -

What a skinned cat.

Weakens, weakens

And, look, it will lose weight.

"Stop arguing, friends,

Everyone has their own benefits.

Together you are a hundred times stronger.

And today is the anniversary!

Congratulate the birthday girl

Bring her souvenirs!

(Vegetables are placed in the basket and presented to the hero of the occasion).

Cheerful children's ensemble

This cool scene is well suited for the anniversary of a woman of 55 years. The host announces:

"Dear guests! I ask for a moment of attention! Sensation! Another delegation has just arrived for our evening. This time it's the kids from kindergarten called "Snotty". They claim that they are our birthday girl's grandchildren. Do you confess yourself, or will we take a blood sample for DNA analysis? Do you confess?

The children came for a reason - they have their own congratulatory program. Now I will ask all the guests to warmly welcome our little ones. So, your applause! Katerina Vyskochkina, Petya Obormotov, Olechka Zabubennaya!

In this part of the script for the anniversary of the woman, the cool scene continues unexpectedly: “children” awkwardly enter. They hold hands tightly. You can see that they are shy. They have toys in their hands. In the role of children, colleagues or relatives of the hero of the occasion can be. It is desirable to take men for female roles. Special costumes are not required. You can put on bows for “girls”, and panamas for “boys”.

First, the “children” stand in a line facing the guests, and then, after the second or third quatrain, they dance. Each of the following quatrains is spoken by one of the children.

  1. Cheerful day today

To everyone's surprise.

Babe Shura (name of the hero of the occasion)

Let's celebrate a birthday.

And not just a birthday

After all, today is the anniversary

Day of delight and fun -

Get in a circle soon.

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary

We wish you happiness, joy.

We want to wish grandma

Like fire, to be afraid of boredom,

To work, work

Hands were busy.

III. How are you going to retire?

Don't get lost right away.

Buy goats and nutria

Have fun with them!"

"We are funny kids,

Every guest will be happy with us.

Happy birthday babu (name)

Congratulations kindergarten!

(Children bow to the audience and leave).

“Oh, how I was inspired by the creativity of the kindergarten “Soplyachok”! I even had my own ditty:

Stretch the fur, accordion,

Hey play play!

(name) has a name day today,

Drink, don't talk!"

(A cool scene for an anniversary for a woman of 50 years or older ends. The music turns on, the guests sit at the table and the celebration continues).

Completion of the celebration

To bring the celebration to its logical conclusion, the host unobtrusively invites everyone present to go outside. First you need to release balloons with wishes, and then a salute can become an unexpected surprise for the guests and the birthday girl. This is how it ends funny script anniversary. skits cool scenario(a woman may be 40, 50, or 60 years old) have come to an end, and now the presenter shows that it is time to end the celebration. He addresses the audience:

“At the end of our grandiose celebration on the occasion of the anniversary birthday of our beloved (name and patronymic of the birthday girl), I suggest that you implement the plan we have outlined. Let's all take up ribbons of balloons together and say everything to ourselves good wishes! They will find their mistress and bring her a lot of happiness, joy and strength!”

(Guests release balloons).

"And now let the bright fountain of fireworks shine in your honor!"

(Gives a command to launch fireworks. The hero of the occasion is invited to dance a dance with her husband).