Opening a company in Georgia. Registration of a company in Georgia

Georgia is steadily rising in international rankings reflecting the ease of doing business. In the European Doing Business 2017, Georgia entered the top 20 for the first time, overtaking Italy, Spain, Greece and other countries. The ease of registering companies, low tax rates, little state participation in the economy and the absence of corruption have made Georgia one of the most attractive countries for doing business.

What you need to know at the start

Georgia has a law "On Entrepreneurs", according to which all the rules for starting and running a business equally apply to both foreign citizens and citizens of Georgia. Companies are registered with the National Public Registry Agency under the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, where data and documents about companies are kept in public access, including the charter. This means that each person can easily obtain information about the activities and participants of a particular company.

State and tax registration companies are held in the Houses of Justice at the same time - according to the principle of one window. Only VAT registration and obtaining the status of an electronic payer require a separate application to the Revenue Service, which controls taxes in Georgia.

Some activities require state permission or licenses. First of all, these are areas related to the health and safety of a person, country and environment(health care, construction, communications, energy, gambling, etc.). Full list such areas are contained in the law "On licenses and permits". A foreign businessman can request permission for licensed areas of business on a par with a Georgian one.

Requirements for minimum size there is no authorized capital for organizations in the law; moreover, an entrepreneur may not even report this information to the state. Banks are the only exception. Any person can become the head of the company, regardless of his citizenship.

“There were no problems when registering a business,” Oleg Zobov, an entrepreneur and owner of a travel company in Georgia, told Sputnik Georgia. “Taxes are also not difficult. But there is a problem in the lack of qualified personnel - it is very difficult to find a good accountant and lawyer. , this is not only a Georgian problem, but it is more acute than in Russia."

What company to open

The choice of legal form for a new company depends only on the desire of the businessman.

"In Georgia, the forms of an individual entrepreneur and LLC are most often chosen. Other types are used, as a rule, large companies, - said in an interview with Sputnik Georgia, an expert on corporate law Tariel Chochishvili. “The key differences between legal entities are the rights of owners and the responsibility of the founders.”

Basic forms:

- Individual entrepreneur;

— Society with limited liability;

- Joint-stock company;

– Society of joint and several liability (partnership with unlimited liability);

— Limited partnership (limited liability partnership);

— Cooperative;

— Branch of the company.

Individual entrepreneur is not a legal entity. At the same time, he is personally liable to creditors for any obligations arising in connection with his entrepreneurial activity.

"To become an individual entrepreneur, you need to be registered in Georgia," notes Oleg Zobov, "and if you have not purchased your housing here, you will have to ask for help with the registration of Georgian citizens."

“It is important to know that according to a number of international agreements (including those in the post-Soviet space, including Russia), a foreigner is liable with all his property available to creditors, regardless of the country in which this property is located,” Tariel Chochishvili explained.

Limited Liability Company is the most popular form of business. The liability of the founders to creditors is limited only by the property of the company, and to each other - by a share in the total capital. A company can be established in Georgia by any individual or legal entity. The capital of the company is divided into shares only once, without the right to issue new ones.

Joint-stock company- entity, authorized capital which is divided into shares. Shareholders can issue different types of shares and increase the capital of the company by issuing additional shares. Responsibility joint-stock company limited to the value of assets, and shareholders are not liable for the company's obligations to third parties.

Solidary Responsibility Society- a company in which several partners carry out permanent and independent business activities on behalf of the company. The founders are personally responsible for the obligations of the company. Only natural persons can be partners.

Limited company brings together several partners to operate under a common brand name. The Company has two types of partners: limited partners (limited partners), whose liability to creditors is limited to the payment of the guarantee amount, and full partners (complementaries), whose liability is not limited. Dividends may be distributed among the limited partners.

cooperative is created with the aim of developing a common business and increasing the profits of its participants. First of all, this form of business is aimed at achieving the interests of all participants, and making a profit fades into the background. The cooperative is a legal entity. The liability of cooperative members to creditors is limited to their own property.

Company branch- subdivision of the subject entrepreneurial activity, is not a separate legal entity. Thus, the founder's liability cannot be limited to the assets of the branch itself. The founder of the branch bears liability for all obligations of the branch.

How to open a company

“Opening a business will take no more than 30 minutes,” Georgian businessman Solomon Mamuchishvili told Sputnik Georgia. “To do this, you need to come to the House of Justice, fill out documents together with consultants and pay all fees on the spot.”

If an entrepreneur does not speak Georgian, the presence of a "translator" is obligatory for him, that is, a person who will help to familiarize himself with the documents and correctly understand the employees of the registration services.

The future individual entrepreneur needs to have an identity document, a questionnaire that can be filled out on the spot, and a receipt for payment of the state duty. If the place of registration of a businessman does not belong to him, then the consent of the owner or a drawn up and certified agreement on the use of the specified object (lease, hire, etc.) will be required.

The cost of registration is 20 lari (about 8 dollars) for one working day and 50 lari (21 dollars) in case of urgent registration and issuance of documents on the day of application.

For commercial organizations more documents will be needed: an application (filled in by the operator accepting documents), a copy of an identity card, an agreement / charter signed by all partners / founders and certified in the appropriate manner, and a receipt for payment of state duty. If the documents are submitted by a representative of the founders, he must have documents confirming his authority and an identity card. Registration documentation can be certified by a notary or an employee of the House of Justice.

The name of the company is written only in Georgian, but this will not affect the possibility of using the Latin alphabet on signs along with the Georgian version.

The cost of registration is 100 lari (approximately $42) for one working day and 200 lari (approximately $83) in case of urgent registration and issuance of documents on the day of application.

A little about taxes

On January 1, 2017, a provision came into force in Georgia according to which law firms may not pay income tax if they send funds for business development.

“Essentially, income tax has been replaced by a tax on dividends,” Gigla Mikautadze, vice president of the Taxpayers Association, told Sputnik Georgia.

For legal entities, the standard rate for value added tax today is 18% (for electricity, shipping, tour operators, a zero VAT rate is applied). Income tax - 15%, income tax - 20%.

An individual entrepreneur can take advantage of a preferential taxation regime: if his annual income does not exceed 30 thousand lari (about 12.5 thousand dollars), then he is exempt from taxes. This rule does not apply to trade, the work of financial companies (for example, currency exchange offices), and licensed activities, and individual entrepreneurs with employees. If a businessman has earned up to 100 thousand lari (about 42 thousand dollars), then he will have to pay 5% income tax.

Georgia also has three preferential tax regimes.

— "Free industrial zones"for the export of Georgian goods to the EU market.

— "Free Warehouse Enterprise" for international shipping companies.

— The third preferential regime involves the creation of an international financial company, which is exempt from taxes on profits and income from valuable papers and dividends.

Project "Liquidation"

If something went wrong and you decide to close the company, then doing so is as easy as opening one.

"You need to submit documents to close the company to the House of Justice, and if the company has no debts to creditors, then there will be no problems. The Revenue Service will conduct a tax audit, which can take up to three months. Based on the results of the audit, the company's registration will be canceled in the register," Tariel Chochishvili explained.

You can cancel the registration of an individual entrepreneur within one working day. Liquidation process legal entity must be completed no later than four months, if the company has no debts.

Take the first step

Sometimes a person is separated from his own business only by the lack of information on how to organize everything correctly. In Georgia, it is easy to get help and support from the professional community. There are state and private programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, co-finance business projects. According to the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, over the three years of the "Produce in Georgia" program, 3,205 projects were supported with a total value of more than 29.1 million lari (about $ 12.1 million), the amount of co-financing exceeded 22.9 million lari ( over $9.5 million).

If you want to start a business, but do not know where to start, seek advice from professional associations, go to the House of Justice for information and go for it!

Sputnik Georgia will continue to acquaint its readers with the peculiarities of doing business in Georgia - in following material read about where an aspiring entrepreneur should go for help, advice and, most importantly, money.

Q Features of doing business in Georgia (from personal experience)

Here at Sukhumych yesterday, there was a discussion about doing business in Georgia, I want to share personal experience, advice to both foreigners and everyone:

1. 90% of the population of Georgia see foreigners as millionaires, as a result they want to fuck to the fullest.
2. Being late for a meeting from 15 to 30 minutes is in the order of things, 15 minutes late for work, as well as leaving, is also normal.
3. In an hour means a period of time from two to 24 hours.
4. Tomorrow is a period of time from 24 hours to a week
5. It is not realistic for a foreigner to do business without a Georgian business partner or just a good and honest consultant, there is too much local flavor.
6. Virtually none marketing research market, you can’t look at those that are without tears.
7. Logistics is poorly developed, for the installation of equipment outside of Tbilisi, most companies will take three roads.
8. Weak qualifications of the local labor force, especially on technical issues.
9. Representatives advertising agencies instead of a degree in marketing or PR, they have boobs of the 3rd size, when asked which segment reads your magazine, they languidly answer: good.
10. For land that no one has used for the last 5 years, except for a landfill, the owner, as soon as a buyer appears, will break the price as for land in Manhattan, although the land is located in Chorvila.
11. The day after the holiday, it makes no sense to work, the workers will only discuss the details of yesterday's booze.
12. The worst of the Georgians are: builders and repairmen, a foreigner will begin to hate them with all the fibers of his soul very soon after the start of communication, for them all the listed time factors are multiplied by 3 or 5.
13. There is no racket in Georgia, but there are a lot of blessed ones who gather for a just cause in offices, I suspect that these blessed ones used to serve in the GRU because they slip unnoticed past any guards.
14. There is no web marketing and web commerce, but everyone finds suppliers through the Internet.
15. The tax code is simple to the point of impossibility, if you pay everything on time, then you don’t have to wait 5 or 6 years for an audit.
16. Despite the simplicity of tax administration, the revenue service has practically unlimited powers.
17. A good and honest accountant is half a step on the road to success, otherwise what and when to hand over and pay must be entered into the diary.
18. Credit-experts are no better than builders, they will start offering a loan for 18%, they will raise it to 25% when you draw up an agreement and get a loan, it will turn out that you pay all 28%.
19. It is possible and necessary to bargain, just as customers, especially in the business to business segment, will bargain to the last.
20. There is no sanitary and epidemiological station and sanitary standards, but there are journalists.
21. Having a good website is a matter of honor! Even if you are a pie or beer "riser" system, you need to start a Facebook page.
22. Somewhere in a year of business you will understand that not everything is good that outsourcing.
23. Corporate booze is sacred! And the more solid the company, the greater the holiness of the event! I personally drank in the kitchen of the main office of a bank in the top five.
24. God forbid to look down on a subordinate! Attach the label of a despot and a tyrant.
25. Georgia is strong with contacts! Do not skimp on dues to business clubs.
26. Charity is good, but you can be without pants.
27. There is practically no crime, but you shouldn't skimp on security, homeless people can choke a shop window or competitors can play dirty tricks, "nonsense" again.
28. If someone requires a bribe from you, feel free to go to the Department of Constitutional Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, you will be welcome there! The person offering to solve problems for Ingodvitrast's papers is a swindler.
29. Labor Code Georgian document on 8 pages, so the flag is in your hands, dear employer.
30. If you open a business in the region, then get acquainted with the local authorities, they will not require anything from you, but they will promote you in every way and the price of this PR is only a couple of barbecues.
31. If you are a foreigner, then do not be too lazy to learn the Georgian language, at least a couple of phrases, everyone will immediately begin to respect you.
32. Before renting something, you need to think even more than when buying. There are many times more offers for rent, so do not miss the fortune.
33. Attention law enforcement(if you are honestly doing business) you will attract only once, a few weeks before the opening, a district officer will come to you, introduce himself, give a business card, ask what you do, wish him luck, now if you see him, then only as a client.
34. Don't be afraid to invest vertically, there are endless possibilities.
35. Investing in real estate is also interesting! This hour, in general, in Tbilisi, prices are higher than pre-war, and continue to grow.

In general, as he said

Is it easy to decide to move if you have lived all your life in your hometown? Manana and Oleg cast aside all doubts, sold a small business, collected 70 kg of the most necessary things and one fine February day ended up on Georgian soil. For 34travel, they talk about how to live, work and enjoy life in the Georgian capital.

Everyone who knows us more or less closely will declare with all responsibility that we are far from spontaneous people. Guilty on all counts! We are just one of those who like to plan all the fun in advance: the menu at our parties is thought out to the smallest detail (no chips and soda!), hotels for the next trip are booked six months in advance, and the list of things for the trip is scrupulously compiled in a special application on the iPad. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine a situation in which we simply come to some country, fall in love with it and continue to live according to the principle “well, then we’ll think of something”.

We really came to Georgia and fell in love with it. It was in 2014 and it took us 4 years of spontaneity to move here to live. We had no tourist illusions about the move. We knew perfectly well the economic situation in the country, the approximate prices for long-term rental housing (according to the old tradition, we started monitoring them 4 months before the move), everyday troubles that you might encounter in Georgia. But, considering that moving here is very simple, both physically (fly by plane to the Georgian capital from our native Rostov for a little more than an hour), and morally (there is practically no language barrier and the locals are very friendly), we chose this country as our haven for permanent residence.

Preparing to move

The procedure for moving from Russia to Georgia is very, very simple. Russian citizens can stay in the country for 365 days, after which they need to cross the border and reset their stay counter for another year. Usually for this they use the border with Azerbaijan, which is very close, unless, of course, they leave from time to time to visit their homeland. That is, there is no need to bother with a residence permit and other papers. We personally know many migrants who have been living the pattern described above for years.

“It’s hard to imagine a situation in which we just come to some country, fall in love with it and stay on the principle of “well, then we’ll think of something””

The main issue that we had to solve before the final departure to the homeland of khachapuri is the business that we will be doing in. Finding a job here is not so easy, and salaries leave much to be desired even compared to those in Rostov. In our hometown, we had a small coffee shop where we worked for 5 years. small business took a lot of time and effort, and I didn’t want to repeat a similar experience in another city. Although the number of karmic and bureaucratic bumps that we have stuffed during this time has made us practically superhuman, we associated the move primarily with improving the quality of life and reducing stress. Therefore, coffee bondage was discarded as a business idea at the first stage of reflection. That's when we came up with Past Perfect Tbilisi.

Our project is an interactive tour of the old city in headphones. The idea of ​​doing business in the field of tourism, of course, is not new, but it is very tempting. Every year, the tourist flow to Georgia increases, if not exponentially, then in arithmetic progression for sure! According to statistics, more than 7 million tourists visited the country in 2017! This is 2 million more than the number of people permanently living in it.

Of course, we were not at all interested in just leading excursions or organizing classic tours with accommodation and transfer from the airport. We ourselves, although we always travel on our own, love good excursion products very much. It is not shameful to pay money for a really good tour that will open your eyes to the city and the country or offer you an unusual time. In our project, we aspired to this! Combine an interesting adventure and a tour that will show our beloved city from a slightly different angle. And put it in the form of audio immersion: when nothing distracts you from knowing Tbilisi, and everything that happens becomes a real urban soundtrack. Together with the participants, we go down underground, race up the stairs, take a peek into the cozy Tbilisi courtyards and even cool off by a real waterfall!

The implementation of all the plans required a whole year of preparation. We went around the length and breadth of the entire old city, wrote the script, prepared the soundtrack, bought equipment - in general, 365 days flew by in an instant. We joke, of course! Probably, if we didn’t have to combine the main work and preparation for the move, we would have done it much faster. Our favorite moment in the 1.5 hours that we spend together with the group is when the participants take off their headphones and share their impressions.


The same tourist flow and Airbnb for a couple take away all the possibilities of renting good and inexpensive housing in the city center. Of course, it is difficult to compare even the most daring price tag for a long-term rent of an apartment with the benefit of a daily rent. Therefore, everything that can be passed off as a “cozy loft in the old city” is rented for $40-50 per night. Those few who are not ready for constant communication with tourists still rent apartments on a monthly basis.

Their offerings fall into several categories. The first one is really good flat, spacious and comfortable for living, with a good fresh renovation in a good area (near the center or just in a prestigious place, like the Vake district). The price tag starts at $ 500. It should be mentioned that in Georgia after the collapse Soviet Union there is no central heating, so everyone heats the home in all sorts of ways. In the old city it is an electric heater, in newer houses it is an old-type gas battery "Karma", which is attached to the wall, most often in only one room. In very fresh apartments - batteries familiar to us throughout the dwelling, heated by the same gas water heater.

The second category of housing for rent is a drywaller's dream. Usually this is an apartment with the most fantasy renovation, where the built-in shelf light is combined with a multi-stage ceiling of a cheerful color, flowing into plasterboard wall niches of an incomprehensible purpose. Furniture in such apartments is brought assorted, from where it is necessary. The price tag for such mansions is not particularly different from the dwellings of the first category (starts from $ 400-450).

The third option is especially sad, but the most affordable in terms of price (from $ 250-300, depending on the area, you can find cheaper). These are grandmother's apartments: the repairman's hand has not touched the local walls since at least 1985. Furniture and plumbing have survived several generations. Happiness will be to find a new washing machine and refrigerator here.

You can look for an apartment to rent through a broker - this profession is flourishing in Georgia. Brokers receive payment for cleverly rented housing from the owners of the apartment directly. For "social phobes" like us, there are sites with ads. It took us 2 months to find a good apartment. The main thing here is not to give up and know that your apartment is definitely waiting for you somewhere!


Compared to our hometown, Tbilisi has developed and sufficient convenient public transport. He, of course, is far from European counterparts. However, even now, buses on the capital's roads run strictly according to the schedule, which can be tracked on the scoreboard near the bus stop. If there are none, just send an SMS with the stop number (it is indicated exactly) to a short number, and the schedule will be sent to you in a response message. Very comfortably! The local bus company has a website and app that allows you to plan your trip or track the movement of public transport in real time.

Tbilisi has a small (only 2 lines) metro. It is open from 6 am to 12 noon. During peak hours, the number of erratic passengers becomes a little intimidating, but it is still the only form of transport that is guaranteed to get from point A to point B without any traffic jams.

The fare in public transport ranges from 50 to 80 tetri ($ 0.2-0.5). There is a single travel card for buses, metro minibuses and cable cars - Metromoney. From September 2018, they promise to introduce payment using any Georgian and international payment card.

Work and business

Unemployment in Georgia is quite high, and salaries are not the highest. This is due to the low standard of living in the country as a whole. A salary of 1,000 lari ($400) is considered good. Such a job is available to a few, even if there are higher education and knowledge of 3 languages ​​(Georgian, Russian and English). Therefore, we do not have to rely on local vacancies. But if there is a good business idea, then it will not be difficult to bring it to life. Opening a business in Georgia is literally a matter of two days. Or even one, if you can fork out for double the fee for registering an IP.

Our experience in registering a business, unlike the Russian one, is more than positive. All that was required was to come to the House of Justice, which is located in the center of the city and resembles huge porcini mushrooms (or, as the locals call the building, the Rafaelo box). Here you can do everything at once and in one place, the House of Justice offers more than 300 services and serves up to 15 thousand people a day. If you want - issue numbers on the car, if you want, get a birth certificate, and if you want - open a business.

In order to become individual entrepreneur, you need to provide a passport (an international passport is also suitable), a copy of the apartment rental agreement and pay 20 lari ($ 8) right on the spot. The finished certificate of registration can be received at the House of Justice the next day or printed from personal account, the number for access to which is issued immediately. If you pay 50 lari ($20), the certificate will be ready within an hour.

After that, it remains to visit the tax office and register with the selected tax regime (the cost of the service is 10 GEL or $ 4). Since we do not resell anything with our excursion project Past Perfect Tbilisi and work ourselves, we were able to register as micro-entrepreneurs. This means that with a certain amount of our income per year, we are exempt from taxes and submit a declaration to in electronic format once every 365 days.


If you arrange a survey among our friends and acquaintances who have visited Georgia, and ask them one single question - what did you like most during the trip - 99% sure that they will answer - people. Perhaps this can be considered the main "unique selling proposition" of the country, no matter how funny it may sound. In all the time we have spent here as tourists or locals, we have never encountered any difficulties.

“Georgia is such an amazing country where you can visit complete strangers just by hiding from the rain under the canopy of their entrance”

There is almost no language barrier in Tbilisi, everyone speaks either Russian or English. And if you have difficulty translating, they will get you a bilingual who will show you the way and help you choose sausages in the store. Georgia is such an amazing country where you can visit complete strangers simply by hiding from the rain under the canopy of their entrance. Of course, we have no illusions about the holiness of the locals. But on our own example, we can not yet prove the opposite.


It is generally accepted that everything in Georgia is very cheap, almost free. Compared to Moscow or the cities of Europe, perhaps it is. However, we live in Tbilisi and the prices here for many things are capital, albeit not on the scale of the richest state.

The cost of renting housing starts at $ 250 and rushes to infinity. Communal payments in winter period(this includes water, gas, electricity and garbage disposal) we get about 50 lari ($ 20), summer period– 25 lari ($10). Internet in Tbilisi is quite expensive (we pay 30 lari or $12). Depending on the area, the Internet connection is medium-speed or frankly slow. cellular costs about the same for all 3 operators (Magti, Geocell, Beeline) and differs in expensive packages mobile internet– about 15 lari ($6) for 6 GB. One can only dream of "unlimited"!

What pleases especially - the price of fruits and vegetables in season. Just a treat for the eyes and a delight for the wallet! In June, a kilogram of delicious tomatoes will cost 2 lari ($ 0.8), and half as much cucumbers - 1 lari ($ 0.4). Apricots and cherries are sold at the price of tomatoes, and a little later to this pricing policy the value of grapes and peaches will approach.

If you have plans to taste hedonistic pleasures, then the prices for wine will also pleasantly surprise you. It is difficult to try frankly bad wine in Georgia. A bottle on the store counter starts from 8 lari (simple Saperavi or Tsinandali) or $ 3. In the category from 25 lari ($ 10) you can already treat yourself to qvevri wine (an ancient method of making wine in huge clay vessels buried up to the neck in the ground) .

Cultural life

When you move from a pretty big but still provincial town in a small, but still capital, life around becomes a real kaleidoscope of events. Interesting exhibitions are held in museums (Titian and his Madonna were recently brought in), wine, cheese, tea and God knows what festivals are held at different venues, open-air events of various kinds, concerts, including world stars (in September we are waiting for The Chemical Brothers).

“Frankly bad wine in Georgia is difficult to taste”

All summer in Tbilisi on Saturdays you can enjoy the performance of the dance group "Sukhishvili", in July it is planned to visit the Black Sea Jazz Festival not far from, and in August it will be possible to rush to Zugdidi for the first festival in Georgia ... adjika! For lovers of nightlife in Tbilisi, there is also where to roam. The famous techno club Bassiani is consistently featured in the rankings of the best music clubs in various international publications.

Let's not keep silent about the various nutritional establishments of the Georgian capital. Since this city is very multinational, the business in restaurants is not limited to local cuisine alone. On the scale of a small neighborhood, you can have breakfast with a crispy French croissant, have a snack on the best khinkali in the world, then move to an authentic Thai diner, and finish the day with a burger.

Domestic tourism

- a strikingly compact and at the same time diverse country in landscapes. Traveling here is a pleasure! You can always come up with a “weekend” route for yourself and rush in the chosen direction.

Comfortable, albeit rather slow trains for quite sane money (from 12 lari or $ 5) can deliver to large (by Georgian standards) cities. At the end of May, on the double-decker Swiss train Stadler, air-conditioned and entertained by Wi-Fi, we went to see the sea in Batumi. A round-trip trip for two cost us 80 lari ($33).

In more remote places, a bus or minibus will help you get there. The drivers of the latter are quite capable of frightening inexperienced travelers with their dashing manner of driving, but we are hardened rolls, and often choose this way of moving around the country. Only a plane can be faster than these deadly minibuses in Georgia.

“Faster than deadly minibuses in Georgia can only be a plane”

There is definitely something to see in every region of the country. Every year we came to Georgia several times as tourists, and now we live here at all - and still have not had time to visit all the places even from the must-visit list. To fall in love with Georgia once and for all, you definitely need to go to the mountains. We were conquered by Svaneti, and especially by the high-mountainous village of Ushguli, which you need to get to on absolute impassability. The beauty of the local landscapes against the backdrop of ancient ancestral towers is definitely worth the hours spent on the road. By the way, you can get from Tbilisi and Svaneti by a small Swiss plane. The destination is so popular that tickets fly like hot khachapuri.

Many locations in Georgia are still unknown to us. So we have yet to discover again and again this wonderful country, which made us, real pragmatists, fall in love with itself not only with the taste of excellent khinkali.

Photo from the personal archive of the heroes. Photo on the main page:

When I was asked what a foreigner should do in Georgia, I usually answered "work with foreigners" and there was logic in this. The solvency of the residents of Georgia themselves is low and you will not earn serious money there, though life is not expensive. But life does not stand still. In Georgia, a still weak but already noticeable middle class has grown up, the so-called generation of Saakashvili, those who are now 17-25 years old. For the most part, these are educated guys, many of them are IT specialists and specialists who know foreign languages who periodically travel abroad. They are drawn to everything new, they are open to communication and new experiences, and they are a vivid contrast to the offensive image of a Georgian who does not get out from behind the table, where he drinks wine and eats barbecue, not forgetting to look under the skirt of a tourist. By the way, having lived in Georgia for three years, I have not found confirmation of the ridiculous Soviet jokes about Georgians, well, you know what content. And who came up with these jokes? But it's all poetry. Let me tell you about my friends in Batumi who have staked their business on the new and modern Georgia.

A married couple from Belarus moved to Georgia a few years ago and have been in the construction industry for a long time. That is, they did not lay tiles, of course, but managed projects. For a long time exactly Building bussiness was the most profitable and, frankly, the only possible one. We return to the topic of the solvency of the inhabitants of Georgia, who are not even a third among the buyers of new, and even more so elite real estate, and so mostly foreigners. So, the guys decided to open a solid network pizzeria and their establishment in Batumi is unique, both in terms of investment, and in terms of the level of service offered and overall presentability. Although, no, they have a competitor - McDonald's, which is in the neighborhood. They chose a place in Batumi Mall and Batumi people know very well where it is, pay attention to the second floor -

They have not opened yet, but I think that by the time this article is published, you will already be able to visit them.

In general, I like to visit projects in the process of their creation and figure out what awaits them. Remember, a couple of years ago, I told how my Israeli friends opened a brewery in the resort of Eilat? By the way, the only brewery on the entire Red Sea. Today, their establishment ... how to put it mildly? You will most often not get there without a preliminary table reservation, and their beer is served in the most elite restaurants and hotels. Then they opened another restaurant in the same place. But Yashka Ziryukin, the owner of the establishment, did not stop there and decided to become a pilot, but that's a completely different story.

I also told you about Shimi Margolis, who opened a hotel in the mountains of Galilee, see, and most recently I told the story of two friends who opened a network of hostels and you need to book places well in advance. And many other projects opened by my friends in different countries world, I don't want to list them all now. I want to say that they were all extremely successful and I predict that this project of the Pizza Room pizzeria in Batumi will be just as successful.

There are several reasons for my assessment. Firstly, there are very few serious network establishments in Georgia and especially in Batumi. Cafes from the series "Uncle Vano will cook khash, pizza, Chinese mushrooms and make repairs in your apartment" - there are many of them, but their level leaves much to be desired. As well as service, product quality and, frankly, sanitary standards. Everything is clear, fast, professional and without ambition in one place to cook pizza and cook kharcho, which is why both the first and second are bad.

The guys seriously invested in their project. I did not ask how much it all costs, but it is clear that everything here is very thorough and for a long time. And the location is very "passing" in the Batumi Mall on the embankment, where the concentration of the middle class of Georgians and many tourists is just high. Just this one shopping center, full of fashion boutiques and a huge supermarket (not the cheapest) implies a certain contingent. In the photo below, the ventilation system, and not at all a huge TV, as I first thought -

Seize the moment, a few more days and the restaurant will open -

Inside, it’s just sterile cleanliness, although the final work has not yet been completed -

They made their own branded glasses, salt-pepper-sugar and even their own coffee -

In the photo, the baking unit looks small. Illusion of the eye, he is as tall as a man -

Utility rooms, for example, a refrigerator, over which they finish with the installation of ventilation -

Here is the staff room, where the boys and girls will have their own wardrobes, plus a toilet and shower -

I also asked how much they intend to pay employees? They answered that in the region of 1000-1200 GEL per month, which is twice the average salary in Georgia. But you still have to qualify, and it's not easy. They need people who are literate, advanced and, most importantly, responsible. And to know foreign languages.

Batumi sunset -

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    Set of company documents

    The standard package of corporate documents includes:

  • Certificate of registration (extract from the state register)
  • Company charter
  • Meeting minutes
  • License

The documents will be prepared bound in Georgian-English with the certification of a local notary. Apostille certification is paid separately if necessary.

Order lead times

The deadline for completing an order for registering a new company and opening a bank account is 3 weeks.

Rated service

Given the fact that the register of directors and shareholders is publicly available, we recommend using a nominee service. The cost of services of a nominee director is $790 per year. This amount includes all standard documents, for example, a general power of attorney for the account manager for a period of 1 year, an agreement with a nominee director. The cost of services of a nominee shareholder is $490 per year.

The company must conduct business only with foreign counterparties. If the company does not hire employees and does not pay salaries, then there is no obligation to keep records and declare income.

Opening a bank account

Opening a bank account is carried out in the Bank of Georgia remotely and almost simultaneously with the registration of the company on the basis of a power of attorney prepared by the director of the company. Further, the nominee director issues a full-fledged general power of attorney for the representative of the client or beneficiary to manage the bank account.


There is no register of beneficiaries in Georgia, that is, information about the real owner of the company is confidential. However, data on directors and shareholders (surname, name or designation) are available in the public register.

General information about jurisdiction

Georgia- a state in the western part of Transcaucasia on the eastern coast of the Black Sea.

total area



The population is 3.73 million people.

Official language


Currency unit

Georgian lari (GEL).

State structure

Unitary state with a mixed form of government.


The leading industries of Georgia are: food, light and chemical industries, mechanical engineering, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy.