Which flash diffuser is best. Diffusers and color filters for flash

Why is this needed? The fact is that the built-in flash often casts strong shadows. Although, compared to my Olympus VG-170, the Nikon D5200 flash gives much better lighting, besides, do not forget that you can adjust its power, which also gives its advantages. Still, hard shadows do not please us. In order to make the shadows softer and the flow of light from the flash more uniform, people come up with all sorts of homemade options. diffusers. From what materials at hand they are not made and by what means they are not attached to the flash: both scotch tape, wire and even metal plates with bolts are used :) The Internet is replete with similar ideas, but it is one thing to read, and quite another to try it yourself. No, I will not subject my camera to extreme loads and will not resort to radical methods, this is dangerous (though interesting) and long.
But let's imagine that you urgently need to take a photo with a flash and at the same time you understand that you need a diffuser, but how and from what to make it?
Below I have personally tested some variants of such diffusers:

1) Nikon D5200 battery cover. Just threw it on the flash.

2) You can attach with an elastic band just such a porous film, in which the goods are usually wrapped during shipment.

3) It's not my idea anymore. Table tennis ball.

4) Plastic disposable tableware. This example saw was used for macro photography.

5) And this is my idea! We buy a small binder and insert an album sheet into it, or rather a square piece from disposable tableware (pictured). I think from the photo figure out how to mount.

(!) By the way, regarding options 3, 4, and 5 - the flash not only hits the subject well, but also hits the photographer's eyes great, be careful. Wear welding goggles :)

Below are examples of photos taken with different diffusers. Shot on a Nikkor 18-55mm, manually adjusted the flash output to create approximately the same lighting.

1) Built-in flash. Notice the shadows and light reflections on the shell.
2) Battery cover. Not much use.
3) Porous film. Slightly better than a regular flash.
4) Pin pong ball. Already better, the shadows have become softer.
5) Plastic plate. Best result! Shadows and highlights are almost gone! Very good for macro photography.
6) Binder with a piece of plastic. A little worse than a plate, but still noticeably better than a pin pong ball.

Conclusion: As for me, I would use a plate purely for macro, well, you won’t run around in public with this plate, especially at a wedding :))) and the option with a binder looks much more presentable, you need to keep your image :)

Many believe that a real photographer needs only a camera and nothing more. But it's not. As a rule, a professional in his field, in addition to the camera, has a whole arsenal of additional tools. Alas, it is not always possible to obtain truly beautiful pictures with only a camera. In this article, you will learn about such a device as a reflector for photography.

What is a photoreflector and what does it look like?

What is the most important photography tool? This is the light! So, it is simply impossible for a photographer to do without a photo reflector. If you are new to this business and have never held this gadget in your hands, and indeed you have no idea what it looks like, let's sort it out in order.

A photoreflector is a structure that consists of a frame and a reflective material stretched over it. It is completely mobile and easy to use. With its help, the photos are much better and better. The described design is also called a reflector, light disk or screen, but the term "photoreflector" better conveys the whole meaning and principle of its use.

Reflector for photography happens different forms, colors and has its purpose.

Why do you need a reflector when shooting?

The principle of operation of the photo reflector, as the name implies, is that this device is mainly used when shooting a portrait to highlight the details that are in the shadow, thereby equalizing the overall illumination of the frame.

Also, under certain conditions, the reflector can be used as a light source. For example, you are taking a portrait of a model who is standing sideways by the window. What will happen in the end if you do not use additional funds? Of course, the part of the face that is directed towards the window will be light, while the other part will be in shadow. Accordingly, half of the face will simply fall into darkness. The frame is not exactly perfect. And if the side that is in the shade is illuminated with a reflector, you will notice a significant difference. The overall illumination of the frame will be even.

Another option is shooting outdoors on a sunny day. The photo will definitely have ugly shadows from the sun's rays. This trouble can be easily corrected by a reflector. Now you have seen how important this accessory is not only for a professional, but also for a novice photographer.

What kind of reflectors are there?

As we have already said, they make reflectors of different shapes, sizes, colors and purposes:

  1. The shape of the reflectors are round, square, oval and rectangular.
  2. They also come in both small and large sizes. The most optimal is a reflector with a diameter of half a meter to a meter. Of course, the most practical option would be a 5 in 1 photography reflector, which, in addition to the base (white fabric), has 4 more covers of different colors.

Each color of the photoreflector has its own purpose:

  • White is used in bright sunny weather, perfectly diffuses light.
  • Black is used in the opposite case, for example, when you have to remove glare surfaces. That is, it absorbs the excess part of the light.
  • Silver reflector is used more often than others. It is indispensable when it is overcast and cloudy. On a clear day, it is not recommended to use it, as it can blind the eyes.
  • A golden reflector is rarely used, but it is still desirable that it be present in the arsenal. With this accessory, you can add warmth to the picture or create the effect of a sunset.

How to choose the right reflector

If you decide to purchase such a useful accessory for yourself, then most likely you will have a choice of what size and what shape to give preference to. If you are working in a studio, then of course it is better to get large reflectors or screens. If you are shooting outdoors and you do not have an assistant to hold them, then it is better to purchase an accessory in a small size.

As for the shape, the triangular reflector with a handle is considered the most convenient option. If you have an assistant, then both round and oval will do.

The price difference is also large. It all depends on the brand, so choose a light disk not only for its intended purpose, but also for your pocket.

How to use a reflector correctly

Now you know what a reflector for photography is. How to use this device? There is nothing complicated in its application. Even the most inexperienced photographer will quickly understand what the point is. So, how to use a reflector for photography? The rules of use are presented below.

  1. Try to keep it above the subject, at a natural angle. The "bottom-up" option does not always justify itself. You can shine in this way only in order to even out the shadows under the chin or on the neck. Many of these rules are neglected and as a result they get the effect, as if they were shining a flashlight from below. If the subject is a person, then bruises under the eyes in the photo are definitely inevitable. As a last resort, use two reflectors, and the one on the bottom can be smaller.
  2. The smaller the reflector, the closer it needs to be brought to the subject. If the screen is large, then it is better to place it further away.
  3. Try not to shine the model's reflector into the eyes. So it is unlikely that you will get good photos, but your eyes in a wet place are provided to you.

How to make a reflector with your own hands

If you don't want to spend money on professional equipment, then you can make a reflector for photography with your own hands. For example, if you urgently need a reflector and don't have one, you can take a large piece of white paper. True, this option will not serve you for a long time, so it is better to do something more serious.

So, before you make a reflector for photography, you need to choose a frame for it. Remember that it should be as light as possible. You can use a small diameter children's hoop or make it from hard wire.

Now about the reflective surface. Glue a sheet of white paper on cardboard - here's a white reflector for photography. And on the other hand - slightly wrinkled food foil - here's a silver screen for you. If you want to get a warmer picture - paint it with paint.

By the way, you can find an old umbrella in your attic and glue it on the inside with crumpled food foil. You also get a great reflector for photography, and even with a handle for which it will be comfortable to hold.


If you think that it is quite possible to do without this accessory, then you simply have not come across it in your work. Even the most experienced photographers, alas, cannot always adjust the exposure compensation settings on the camera so that the photos turn out perfect in certain conditions. That is why useful devices come to their aid. And buy a reflector or make it yourself - it's up to you. May your shots always be successful!

Hello, dear readers my site! Today I am publishing a post about an interesting accessory for built-in camera flashes, which should give the photo depth and volume.

Almost every novice photographer has heard about such “buns” as softboxes. They are different sizes, configurations and even colors. As a rule, they are designed for an external flash, for example, like mine, but not every beginner even has one. Therefore, we will talk about the built-in flash and diffusers for it.

In general, when I bought mine, after reading the Internet, I decided that I needed to buy diffusers for the built-in flash. Of course, you could make them yourself out of paper, but I decided to pay no more than $ 2 for them on Ebay. In short, I bought these, they are universal and suitable for both Nikons and Canons, and in general for any cameras that have a platform for a hot shoe:

As you can see, it comes with black mount under the hot shoe and three light filters of different colors: white, blue and orange. Why are there so many? Let's talk further ... Such a diffuser is attached to the built-in flash is intuitive and looks like this:

The photo was taken on a mobile phone, so be merciful! In general, such nozzles are designed to make the shadows in the photographs softer, there are no sharp transitions, and the angle of illumination changes upwards. However, there is a but! Here are the diffusers that I bought, and all the others that I saw for built-in flashes, are small, which means they cannot globally change the state of affairs. I'm posting two pictures to prove my point: left - without diffuser, right - with diffuser.

It can be seen from the photo that in the left photo the shadows are sharper, and the photo is not as voluminous as the right one. Also, the glare is not so strong on the hair when using diffusers. In general, and all the differences. Others I have not yet found or do not remember. As a minus of my considered accessories, I would attribute the fact that the mounts sit very tightly in the hot shoe, and it can be quite problematic to pull them out quickly. But how does it happen? I do not use them, after buying an external flash. Now let's move on to the question that I posed at the very beginning of the article.

Why orange and blue diffusers for the built-in flash?

I want to continue writing articles in the "" section, but there is no time yet and there is a desire to rewrite some of the posts already written. So the answer to the question lies in such a concept as white balance. In short, for those who have not yet mastered this item, if the white balance is not set correctly in the camera, then the photos may turn out blue, yellow, reddish, etc. To fix this problem, manufacturers began to make diffusers of different colors. With white, everything is clear - it's just plastic that scatters light. But we also have orange and blue.

Now let's imagine a situation. We adjusted the white balance to some parameters, filmed and went into a room where the lighting was yellowish (for example, incandescent lamps). As a result, when using the flash and the previous settings, our image will be blue:

If you do not use editors to eliminate blue tones, then you should resort to our orange diffuser. As a result, the photo will already look like this:

The blue color is gone from the photo, although not completely, you still have to edit. What am I for? And besides, I still don’t see the need for these colored diffusers. It’s much easier for me to set the white balance manually on a white sheet or select a white balance blank in the settings (incandescent or fluorescent light).

In the end, what I want to say. Diffusers for the built-in flash do not give much effect, at least those that I talked about in the article. You can easily make your own good diffusers, for example, from paper or a tennis ball, and the result will be no worse.

Do you use the built-in flash and diffusers for it?

I think now it is necessary to answer the question, why do you need a flash diffuser at all? In fact, everything is very simple. The built-in flash, due to its design features, can shine in one single direction - straight ahead. Such a hard light creates its own special pattern, which, unfortunately, is not distinguished by beauty and elegance.

The first problem with the light from the built-in flash is the destruction of all the drawing shadows. That is, the picture or the person becomes “flat”. Experienced photographers probably dislike this effect more than anything. And, indeed, a photo with such light is boring. A flash diffuser would greatly reduce this effect.

The second problem is that a lot of glare appears on the subject, which is then almost impossible to remove. A diffuser for the built-in flash might not completely eliminate this problem, but it would greatly reduce it.

The third problem with such light is a deep shadow in the background. Of course, it is better when the background is dim and your subject is clearly visible. But, that doesn't mean you have to shoot in a cave! A flash diffuser would not be able to completely remove this effect, but it would mitigate it considerably. That is, the difference in the amount of light between the background and the subject will decrease significantly and the whole picture will become smoother and more harmonious.

I hope I was able to explain how the built-in flash shoots. Everything written above does not mean that you immediately need to forget about it altogether. There are times when there is no choice. Either you take a photo with the built-in flash, or there is no photo at all. Of course, it is better to do it, but try to use some secrets, such as a diffuser for the built-in flash.

Flash diffusers, however, as well as a reflector for the built-in flash, will be useful not only to owners reflex cameras, but even to the owners of soap dishes. The fact is that general structure not very different, and the work of automation, if you do not go into technical nuances, comes down to the same thing.

Before we proceed directly to the manufacture and fastening of the diffuser, I would like to say a few words about a very similar device - a flash reflector. General essence this accessory is the same, except for one nuance. The reflector not only allows some of the soft light to pass onto the subject, but also reflects some of it in a particular direction or directions. This effect can make the picture even more harmonious and even add drawing shadows. True, not everything is as good as it might seem at first glance. Built-in flashes are of very low power, so their momentum is often simply not enough to illuminate a large area.

How to make a diffuser for the built-in flash with your own hands? You will laugh, but it is very, very simple! To do this, you can use almost any improvised objects and materials. The main thing is that they could not only delay the light, but also partially let it through. Consider the most original examples of diffusers and reflectors for built-in flash.

Very simple, but not the most successful version of the diffuser. If you are going to shoot something not very dynamic, then the shown design can be supplemented with small wings, which from the sides will direct part of the light onto the subject. This light will be minimal, but it will give its effect.

Do-it-yourself flash reflector. This copy is made of foil, while the author provided for fastening to a hot shoe in it. In general, a very good option, in which the light will bounce off the ceiling and repeat the lighting of almost any external flash with a swivel head.

This design has two nuances. The iron holder is best covered with black electrical tape. This will prevent the hot shoe contacts from shorting. If they closed, nothing terrible would happen, just the flash would not work and the reflector would have to be corrected. When using the maximum flash output of the built-in flash, the camera collects energy for a long time for its flash. Such work is not suitable for intensive shooting.

Below are a couple more options for what a do-it-yourself flash diffuser and reflector might look like.

In the arsenal of any photographer, there is a flash that acts as an additional source of light during shooting. Unlike ordinary lamp constant light, it does not heat the air. In addition, the light that the flash creates is close to natural sunlight in terms of the nature of the spectrum and color temperature. Modern on-camera flashes provide the photographer with the ability to control the impulse and can turn on at a given moment in time.

However, as useful as flash is, in addition to helping to combat low-light scenes, it also brings some not-so-pleasant moments into the photo, such as hard light or harsh shadows. That is why there are a huge number of additional accessories for flash (reflectors, softboxes, diffusers) that help control the distribution of light in space.

Using a head-on flash, unfortunately, often results in glare, harsh shadows and harsh light, resulting in a photographic image that does not look the best. At the same time, it is not always possible to use reflection from walls or ceilings for objective reasons. This is where various reflectors and diffusers come to the aid of the photographer, allowing you to create a more even light pattern with soft shadows, which, in turn, makes it possible to give the picture more depth and better capture the subject in the photo. A flat subject, ugly hard shadows - this is just a consequence of using a flash without special nozzles in the form of diffusers and reflectors. Such accessories help the photographer not only in reportage or portrait shooting, but also in macro photography, allowing you to illuminate the object from the right side, avoiding light entering the camera lens.

As a rule, the larger the surface area of ​​the diffuser capable of "re-emitting" light, the more even the light pattern will be. Such diffusers with a sufficiently large working surface can be used in the studio. For operational shooting, large diffusers and reflectors can become a big hindrance. Therefore, today compact, mobile camera attachments are produced that take up little space and are capable, in addition to everything, of quickly unfolding into working condition.

It should be noted that at the moment photographers are offered a wide variety of different reflectors and diffusers for on-camera flashes. For example, soft boxes are widely used to create uniform soft lighting. The soft box softens the flash light a little, it can be used when the photographer has to shoot in the thick of people at an event.

For shooting in a spacious dark room with high ceilings, reflectors are often used. "burdock" type. Such a flash attachment can be very useful when you need to reflect light, but at the same time there are no natural reflective surfaces in the room, in particular, there are no high white ceilings or light walls. There are other reflectors that work on the principle of a simple white sheet - the flash “hits” the ceiling, and the light reflected from the sheet of paper additionally highlights the shadows.

On sale now you can find ready-made universal diffusers and reflectors for on-camera flashes. However, photographers do not have an unambiguous opinion about whether it is worth spending money on buying them. Many consider such flash attachments to be a waste of money and prefer to make their own flash reflectors and diffusers from literally any means at hand. Such an approach, of course, has the right to exist.

In any case, today you can still see professional photographers-reporters with sheets of A4 paper or a piece of cardboard that are attached to flashes. Such a simple design does not look very attractive, but it creates the desired effect - the hard light of the flash is softened, the shadows in the portrait shot are reduced.

However, ready-made solutions from various manufacturing companies are also very popular, which differ not only in compactness, but also in compatibility with all types of on-camera flashes. Moreover, many companies specialize in the production of a variety of flash attachments, which ensures the high quality of their products.

With the help of reflectors or diffusers produced by them, the photographer can get light that is close in its characteristics to the studio. If you are into macro photography, portraits, reportage shooting or fashion, then to ensure High Quality shots, of course, it is worth buying a few flash attachments. The main advantages of such nozzles are the versatility of use, reliability, the ability to obtain an even fill or main light with soft shadows.

On the Russian market accessories for photographic equipment, there are several companies that are already well known to photographers for the production of high-quality and convenient attachments for on-camera flashes. This is, in particular, the American company LumiQuest, which offers photographers various systems of reflectors, soft boxes and accessories for creating light accents. With their help, you can adjust the light flux, while achieving softening of the shadows, making the lighting of the scene directional, or more diffused.

LumiQuest attachments can be used with almost all Canon, Nikon, Metz, Sony, Pentax and Olympus flashes thanks to the Velcro fastening. One part of the Velcro is attached directly to the flash, and the other part is attached to the reflector or diffuser. LumiQuest produces reflectors and soft boxes.

The principle of operation of reflectors is to redirect the light flux from the surface of the reflector. In this case, the surface itself can be either white, or silver or gold. LumiQuest soft boxes work on the principle of passing, scattering the light flux through a special scattering (softening) material.

An example of a LumiQuest product is a reflector kit called the PromaxSystem LQ-105. It includes a matte diffuser screen as well as interchangeable white, gold and silver inserts. The detachable diffuser screen is well suited for creating uniform lighting when shooting portraits. The white insert can be used in rooms that do not have low ceilings but require a more directional, soft fill light. The gold insert allows you to add warm tones when shooting, while the silver insert adds a mirror-reflective effect to the scene. The kit is convenient in that it allows you to adapt to various shooting situations and in just a few seconds, using simple Velcro, you can install the desired accessory.

If the photographer needs to soften and distribute the light flux over a specific part of the scene, then LumiQuest offers him to use the LQ-114 Snoot light diffuser. This is a general purpose softener that directs the light from the flash over a narrow area.

Another company that offers high quality softeners, diffusers and reflectors for flashguns is Flama. It does not produce large photo products, but specializes in the production of small accessories designed to make life and everyday work of photographers easier. In the company's product range, you can pay attention to the reflector for any Flama FL-B9 external on-camera flashes. This is a professional light reflector that is able to redirect the light flux from the flash at an angle of 90 degrees.

Thanks to this solution, a wider, even and soft lighting is created. Reflector Flama FL-B9, which is easily attached to the flash with Velcro, it is important to use in rooms with high flows. With the help of such a reflector, you can create a soft, drawing light, indispensable for portrait shooting. Approximate light loss due to scattering is only one f-stop.

In addition to universal solutions, Flama also produces reflectors and diffusers designed for use with specific flash models. For example, the Flama FL-SB600 diffuser is designed for use with Nikon flash SPEEDLIGHT SB-600. This diffuser is a matte white "hood" that allows you to create soft and even lighting, thereby preventing harsh shadows or red-eye.

Speaking of reflectors and diffusers for flashes, one cannot fail to mention the Raylab brand, which is known to photographers for studio equipment, lighting fixtures and professional photo accessories. This company, in particular, offers Russian photographers a white reflector RPF-BR1925-S for on-camera flash. With it, you can eliminate harsh shadows in the photo image and get soft diffused lighting, which is especially important for portrait, wedding photography or still life photography. A similar option is the Raylab RPF-BR2027-W reflector with a robust design. It is conveniently attached to any type of flash and creates a fairly soft, even illumination of the scene.

Flash reflectors and diffusers are definitely useful accessories for a photographer. They make it possible to adjust the light, correctly distribute the light flux to achieve the desired illumination of the entire scene or a specific area. Modern reflectors and diffusers, when used correctly, can be the key to obtaining high-quality images.