Management of corporate projects in a crisis novelty. Project Management in a Crisis

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The course introduces the general analysis of the organization, the causes of crisis situations in projects, ways out of the crisis.

Performance practical tasks develops the skills needed to recognize a project crisis at an early stage of its occurrence, to identify problems in a project and their role in predicting a crisis, and to determine the real causes of a project crisis. And if the project is already in crisis, then how to get out with minimal losses.


  • signs of an impending crisis;
  • the main phases of the crisis and opposition in each phase;
  • procedure and tools for conducting crisis analysis;
  • approaches to solving the problems of project management crisis.
Be able to:
  • identify symptoms crisis projects;
  • determine the true reasons why the project is in crisis;
  • find best ways resolution of crisis situations;
  • get acquainted with practical methods of bringing projects out of the crisis;
  • develop a strategy for further actions in the organization to reduce the risks of crisis projects.
Successful completion of this course will allow professionals to:

    Manage people in times of crisis.

    Determine why the organization periodically experiences crisis projects.

    Understand what to do in an organization where all (most) projects are in crisis.

    Learn lessons from the crisis project.

Purpose of the course

Formation of knowledge and skills necessary to eliminate the threat of a crisis and ways out of a crisis situation.

The target audience

  • project managers,
  • technical leaders or main project engineers,
  • risk managers,
  • team members project management,
  • professionals whose activities are related to project management processes.

Required preparation

  • experience in managing or participating in projects;
  • basics of project management;
  • knowledge and skills in the scope of the course UP130 "Fundamentals of project management"

1. Introduction to crisis management

  • Crises and crisis management
  • Crisis classifications
  • Crises, problems, conflicts and risks
  • Stages of crises
  • Crises during the project
2. Phases of crisis action
3. Responding
4. Analysis
5. Planning
6. Action
7. Reaction
8. The crisis of project management in the organization


Received Document

certificate for professional development, or Certificate.

Any new project can develop even during a crisis. It is no secret that the task of a project manager is to attract more clients, so he must always act. Productivity depends on determination and the ability to properly prioritize.

This material was kindly provided by the already mentioned Wrike service.

There are three periods in crisis management:

  1. pre-crisis;
  2. crisis;
  3. post-crisis.

This infographic will help you understand what a project manager needs to know in order to effectively operate at each individual stage and complete the project successfully, despite all the obstacles. Your task is only to study this guide before starting the project and success will not be long in coming. When you feel an obstacle on the way to the goal, we advise you to remember that you have everything you need, and our short guide will help you focus on the main thing.

How to avoid a crisis situation for a project manager

If the project fails, it is a real collapse. Of course, it is difficult to completely avoid failures, but it is possible. Are you confused and do not know how to move forward? Follow these guidelines:

  1. pre-crisis moment. Some unpleasant situations are difficult to avoid, but you can try to anticipate them.
  • Become someone you can trust.
  • and always have a plan of action.
  • The Crisis Response Team is there to help you get through difficult times.
  • Learn to anticipate the first signs of an impending crisis.

  1. Crisis period. What can be done if a crisis occurs?
  • Positive and real understanding of possible solutions is the way to success.
  • Mark sources of important information and document all steps.
  • It is important to determine the type of crisis.
  • Remember the Crisis Response Team.
  • It is necessary to localize problems and monitor their status.
  • Prioritize problem solving.
  • Don't be afraid to provide full information about the crisis to both internal and external recipients.
  • A rational response and the opportunity to listen to each employee will help to overcome difficulties faster.
  • Evaluate whether it is possible to solve the problem on your own or if it is worth asking for help.

All this can be done with the help of a wonderful (comfortable project management with a high level of security and convenient analytics).

  1. Post-crisis period. The crisis is over, but the work is not over yet.
  • Evaluate all stages of the crisis.
  • Give a complete and understandable response to external recipients.
  • Discuss the crisis with colleagues, listen to all recommendations.
  • To make clients interested in cooperation, tell us about how you are going to prevent or deal with crises in the future.

Infographic provided

Most people go through life without regaining consciousness.

Project mission

By restoring your business, we return your successful future!

Objective of the project

Bringing the company out of the systemic crisis.

Project objectives:

1. Analysis and assessment of the state of affairs in the company.
2. Definition of the company's short-term goal.
3. Choice optimal strategy goal achievement.
4. Formation of a list of key decisions based on the chosen strategy.
5. Development of an Action Program for the implementation of key decisions.
6. Organizational support for the implementation of the Action Program (maintenance and implementation).
7. Conducting individual consultations on problematic situations in the implementation of the Action Program for the first person of the company (support and coaching).

Project stages

  1. Analysis and assessment of the state of affairs in the company:

    • The system of performance indicators of the organization.
    • Analysis of trends by indicators.
    • Strengths/weaknesses of the organization.
    • External causes of weaknesses.
    • Internal causes of weaknesses.
    • Consequences of inaction.
    • Findings.
  2. Determination of the company's short-term goal:

    • Refinement of the system of indicators.
    • Modeling the desired future by indicators.
    • Examination of indicators by specialists for the probability of achievement.
    • Risk analysis / Correction of the model of the desired future.
    • Goal-SMART (long-term).
    • Stages of achieving a long-term goal.
    • Goal-SMART (short-term).
  3. Choosing the optimal strategy for achieving the goal:

    • Strategy options.
    • List of restrictions in the implementation of the strategy.
    • Weighted criteria for choosing the optimal strategy.
    • Evaluation of strategy options.
    • Choice of the optimal strategy.
    • Approval of the strategy for achieving the goal.
  4. Formation of a list of key decisions based on the chosen strategy:

    • Results of the previous period by indicators.
    • Forecast based on the chosen strategy.
    • List of decisions by indicators.
    • Implementation budget.
  5. Development of an Action Program for the implementation of key decisions:

    • Formulating SMART tasks for key decisions.
    • Development of action algorithms for tasks.
    • Formation of draft plans for the implementation of tasks.
    • Coordination of plans in terms of deadlines, results, responsible.
    • Preparation of the draft document "Program of Actions".
    • Budget adjustment.
    • Approval of the document "Program of Action".
  6. Organizational support for the implementation of the Action Program (support and implementation):

    • Formation of the Controlling Group (GC).
    • Development of regulations on the work of the Civil Code.
    • Approval of the work schedule of the Civil Code.
    • Organization of the work of the GC.
    • Adoption of decisions by the Civil Code based on the results of control.
    • Implementation of solutions.
    • Analysis of the effectiveness of implemented solutions.
  7. Conducting individual consultations on problematic situations of the implementation of the Action Program for the first person of the company (support and coaching):

    • List of reasons for the low efficiency of implemented solutions.
    • Ranking of causes by importance.
    • Determination of the main cause.
    • Setting the task to overcome the main cause.
    • Formulation of a SMART goal.
    • Development of a plan to achieve the goal.
    • Implementation of the action plan.

What are the mechanisms and methods of anti-crisis management? How is anti-crisis management of the enterprise carried out? Where to order the services of an anti-crisis manager?

Here is a very typical situation for you. Another financial year has come to an end. The reporting of the enterprise is formed and submitted. However, the problems did not decrease after that, but on the contrary.

Taxes have to be paid, accounts payable are growing, delinquencies on bank loans have begun to appear, staff salaries are below the industry average, suppliers are refusing to defer payments. The picture, frankly, is sad, there is a crisis.

But there are no hopeless situations. The most important thing is to find the right solution in time!

I, Alla Prosyukova, will tell you today about one effective way to overcome all these problems in the company - crisis management.

Even if your company has no problems, the business is thriving, the basics of crisis management will not hurt. As they say: "Forewarned is forearmed"!

So let's get started!

1. What is crisis management and what is it aimed at

I propose to define the main concept of the topic from the very beginning.

Procedures aimed at improving the financial and economic activities of the company, allowing it to get out of the crisis.

The main tasks of such management are:

  • prevention of negative situations at the enterprise;
  • crisis recognition;
  • overcoming their consequences;
  • mitigation of crisis processes.

Anti-crisis management is in demand both during a crisis and for preventive purposes.

Prevention includes:

  • monitoring of the company's activities;
  • timely detection of negative processes;
  • assessment of the work of the company's divisions;
  • development of a set of measures to prevent crisis phenomena.

Crisis management involves:

  • stabilization financial condition enterprises;
  • increase in sales volume;
  • optimization of the company's expenses;
  • increase in profits;
  • resolving internal conflicts.

2. What are the methods of anti-crisis management - 5 main methods

Any management involves the use of a whole range of different procedures. Anti-crisis is no exception.

I propose to get acquainted with the most popular methods.

Method 1: Cost reduction

During a crisis, the company, as a rule, experiences financial difficulties. In this case, the use of such a method of anti-crisis management as cost reduction is justified.

Costs are reduced by eliminating expenses that are not related to the core business of the company, optimizing personnel costs, etc.


A prime example of this method would be the 2009 crisis at Ford. The automaker's problems at that time were observed on all fronts.

The most important were:

  • systemic economic crisis;
  • repurchase of shares by competitors;
  • internal conflicts;
  • decrease in consumer confidence.

The main ones were associated with strikes by staff demanding a 30% increase in wages. The company could not afford its growth even by 15%.

At this point, the management was faced with the task of reducing the costs of the enterprise, including personnel costs.

The management made the following decisions: reduce the number of employees by 1,200 people, cut the bonus fund, reduce payments to shareholders.

Similar measures, in combination with the reduction model range produced cars made it possible to successfully overcome the crisis.

Method 2: Create optimal reporting

For the activities of a crisis enterprise, the formation of optimal reporting, that is, able to objectively reflect the state of affairs of the company.

It is based on the analysis of movement Money and profitability of the troubled firm.

Method 3. Reorganization of the company structure

Crisis management uses the reorganization of firms in the form of separation and / or separation. This method allows you to financially stabilize the position of the company, prevent the loss of its market value, diversify capital.

Method 4. Increasing cash flow

The increase in funds makes it possible to carry out anti-crisis measures. Here it is important to correctly determine the priority ways to increase the cash flow of the enterprise.

The choice of methods is quite wide, we will consider them in more detail below.

Method 5. Determination of the organization's development strategy

An analysis of the activity of a crisis firm serves as the basis for the development of an anti-crisis strategy. This strategy changes under the influence of many factors of the internal and external environment of the enterprise.

It is important to consider all of them. Only with this approach, anti-crisis management will be effective.

The definition of an anti-crisis strategy can be conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Comprehensive company diagnostics;
  2. Adjustment of the goals and mission of the company based on the results obtained.
  3. The choice of an alternative strategy that can bring the company out of a crisis situation.

3. How to get the company out of the crisis - 6 important steps

The difficult situation in the economy, international sanctions, high exchange rates complicate the activities of almost any Russian enterprise.

In order to prevent the development of the crisis, it is necessary to know the main stages of the company's withdrawal from the current situation.

Stage 1. Determination of the crisis epicenter

The conclusion of the company from the crisis must begin with the definition of a site in its activities, which has become the starting point. This may be an uncontrolled increase in production costs, deterioration in product quality, non-compliance contractual relations, growth of receivables, etc.

Only precise definition epicenter of the crisis will allow the development of effective anti-crisis measures.

Stage 2. Work with personnel

Personnel management in a company's financial difficulties is the most important component of anti-crisis management.

In such a situation, it is necessary to carry out the actions presented in the table:

1 Optimization of the number and structure of personnelrevision staffing, the formation of new job descriptions, refusal of the services of employees performing minor operations (duties), working part-time, etc.
2 Information SupportThe team must be aware of the real state of affairs in the company - the lack of information gives rise to rumors and destabilizes the situation
3 Creating a favorable microclimate in the teamEliminate misunderstandings, disagreements in the team and any other situations that can lead to conflicts
4 TrainingRetraining of employees in accordance with the new crisis conditions and requirements

Practice shows that such actions are able to set up the team to solve new strategic tasks.

Stage 3. Cost reduction

Cost reduction must be reasonable. It is very bad when this procedure negatively affects the quality of products and services provided.

Typically, cost reduction is achieved through:

  • reducing material costs (buying cheaper raw materials and components, using resource-saving technologies, concluding contracts with local suppliers);
  • reduction of funding for research and development;
  • wage cuts;
  • assortment regulation;
  • expenses for administrative and economic needs, etc.

With the help of a professional, it is necessary to analyze all costs item by item. There will definitely be positions that can be reduced or optimized.

Stage 4. Sales promotion

There are many ways to stimulate sales. The specific choice depends on the type of activity of the company.

So, if it is necessary to stimulate sales at trade enterprises, then sales, promotions are applicable.

If we stimulate sales of a manufacturing enterprise, then this is mailing commercial offers by base potential clients, discount cards, comprehensive customer service solutions, the use of crm-systems for processing customer requests.

Stage 5. Cash flow optimization

The company optimizes cash flows through a range of activities.

Here are some of them:

  • daily reconciliation of the balance of availability of funds;
  • formation of the register of payments;
  • increase in non-operating income through the sale of unused equipment, materials, etc.;
  • discounts for customers who purchase products for cash;
  • reduction of the term of trade credit;
  • increase in sales;
  • conservation of unused fixed assets (will reduce property tax).

Stage 6. Restructuring of accounts payable

One of the important stages of anti-crisis management is the restructuring of existing debt to creditors.

This can be done by assigning your receivables to the company's creditors. The advantage of this method is the reduction in the cost of servicing creditors, while there is no need to divert funds.

Also used:

  • installment;
  • exchange of debt for securities;
  • debt cancellation.

4. Who provides crisis management services - an overview of the TOP-3 companies

Crisis management is a complex process. Efficiency strongly depends on the specialists involved in the development and implementation of the necessary procedures and processes.

I propose to get acquainted with a selection of companies professionally engaged in crisis management.

The Moscow company "Navigator-Consult", founded in 2003, specializes in three areas: audit, consulting and evaluation.

Details of the main activities of Navigator-Consult LLC are presented in the table:

All auditors and appraisers of the company have qualification certificates and certificates, extensive specialized experience. The professional liability of employees is insured by Alfa Insurance.

The company specializes in restaurant consulting.

Main services:

  • support for the activities of institutions;
  • design;
  • design and construction;
  • crisis management;
  • audit of restaurants;
  • brokerage services.

Based on a deep, comprehensive analysis, the professional RESTCONSALT team is able to develop a strategy that increases the efficiency and profitability of any catering establishment.

"BusinessHelper" provides its clients with business assistance and offers services in the field of management consulting. The company operates in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Company advantages:

  • works for the result;
  • individual solutions for each client;
  • deep diagnostics of the organization, taking into account specific features;
  • All employees are practitioners with extensive experience in their field.

5. How to increase the resilience of an enterprise to a crisis - 3 useful tips

The disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This common truth is known to all. It is also relevant for the "health" of enterprises and organizations. After all, the crisis of the company is also a kind of disease. And, therefore, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to prevent its development.

How to do it? Read my advice.

Tip 1. Periodically diagnose crisis phenomena at the enterprise

Due to my main profession, I often have to deal with the documentation of various companies. So for many, management reporting is in a deplorable state.

Even if it is conducted, its data are not analyzed, or are analyzed superficially. A similar situation develops with accounting. Naturally, in such a situation, important signs of a brewing crisis are missed.

My advice: do not neglect the analysis of all types of reporting! This will make it possible to diagnose the crisis phenomena of the enterprise in advance, and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Tip 2. Use the services of a crisis manager

If a crisis is on the threshold, then it is better not to try to deal with it alone. Invite a specialist - an anti-crisis manager. His services are useful not only at the peak of the crisis, but also at the first sign of tension in the work of the company.

The manager will conduct a comprehensive SWOT analysis, develop an action plan to avoid cataclysm and major losses, optimize cash flows and costs.

Tip 3. Do not delay using anti-crisis mechanisms

At the first symptoms of an impending crisis, you should immediately apply anti-crisis measures. You shouldn't expect that "will dissolve on its own".

Remember, if the boat has cracked, and it is not repaired in time, then it will sink. So do not bring the matter to disaster!