Day old chicks have green diarrhea. Diarrhea in chickens: treatment methods

You have decided to breed broiler chickens and have purchased newborn chickens. If you do not want the entire brood to die in 2–3 days, you must know how to drink the chickens in the first days. Then the survival rate of babies will be 100%.

For small chickens, be sure to give vitamin and mineral supplements with water. Chickens that are fed with vitamins turn into strong and muscular broilers faster.

It is important to give any drugs to birds according to pre-planned schemes, which we will discuss later.

Caring for day old chicks

Newborn broilers should be kept in a clean, bright place at a temperature of about 30 ° C for several days before settling in the house. For this, a corrugated cardboard box with an incandescent lamp suspended 50–60 cm above the bird heads is quite suitable.

Chickens that look sick should not be placed in a common box. They can be infected with the infection and infect others with it.

About 40% of purchased individuals may die if they are not drunk on time with medicines.

Newborn broilers are fed like regular chickens. Suitable for feeding:

  • boiled eggs;
  • wheat crusher;
  • millet.

On the third day, chopped greens rich in vitamins are added to the chicken feed mixture (mash).

Features of watering chickens

The scheme for soldering broiler chickens depends on many factors:

  • whether the chicks have received medication before;
  • what substances were they;
  • on what basis they were given;
  • what diseases are common among parent chickens;
  • whether vaccination was carried out.

Accurate and complete information can only be given by the seller (breeder) of the birds from whom you purchased the young.

Each farmer has his own technology for soldering broilers. Some poultry farmers give antibacterial drugs to day-old chicks. Other bird breeders consider antibiotics dangerous for babies and replace them with water-soluble vitamins. Still others trust fragile chicken health only to pure water.

Drinking water for broiler chickens: schemes

Scheme 1 (the most common)

Day 1.

For seven days after hatching, the chick receives nutrients and energy from the residual yolk located in the yolk sac at the bottom of the abdomen.

On the first day of the life of a small broiler (and as soon as he was transferred from the incubator to the "nursery"), you need to help dissolve the residual yolk from him.

To do this, glucose or sugar is added to the drinker (a teaspoon per 0.5 l of boiled water). Sweetened water will also help relieve stress in toddlers.

If this simple procedure is not carried out, part of the young will inevitably die.

Day 2-5

Chickens need to be drunk with vitamin complexes. Suitable "Chiktonik" or "Nutril".

Day 6–8

In order not to get an excess of vitamins in the body, and also not to immediately load the chickens with other complexes, a three-day pause is made in taking medications.

Day 9-11

At this time, there is a peak age when broilers begin to die. During this period, it is important to support the immunity of birds with the help of antibacterial drugs.

Antibiotics selected for broiler chickens should not contribute to their rapid addiction, otherwise preventive measures will be ineffective.

For meat chickens, preparations of the fluoroquinolone series (specifically enrofloxacins: enroflox, baytril, ernostin) have proven themselves well. In private backyards, where birds settle in the same places from year to year, habituation within the farm occurs on average over 3 years. Even with regular disinfection of premises, bacteria settle in the soil and gradually develop immunity to reused antibiotics.

Important! Do not use human antibiotics, not all of them work on birds. It is better to buy medicines in a veterinary pharmacy. For example, you can purchase an inexpensive and effective drug Farmazin (the active substance is tylosin tartrate).

Day 12-18.

Week break after a course of antibiotics.

Day 19–21.

course of vitamins.

Day 22–24.

Break after vitamins.

Day 25–27

course of antibiotics.

Day 28–34

Break after antibiotics.

Then continue to alternate periods of vitamins and antibiotics. As the birds grow older, increase the interval between courses from one week to two (that is, broilers should receive vitamins every 14 days).

Usually broilers are slaughtered on the 42-45th day with a weight of 2-2.5 kg. It is unprofitable to keep meat chickens longer: for each kilogram of subsequent weight gain, the bird begins to eat more feed.

Prices for Chiktonik


Scheme 2

Suitable for those who rely on antibiotics immediately after hatching.

Day 1-5

To avoid an epidemic of bacterial infection, drink the broilers with Baytril or Enroxil, diluted with water in a certain proportion.

Day 6-11

Prevent beriberi with balanced vitamin complexes. To do this, you can pour an aqueous solution of "Nutril" into the drinkers for broilers.

Day 12-14

Use for the prevention of coccidosis special preparations - coccidiostats. The most popular among them is Baycox.

Day 15–17.

Conduct a second course of "Nutril".

Day 18–22.

Repeat the course of Baytril or Enroxil.

Interesting! Most chicken breeders have come to the unanimous opinion that excessive consumption of antibiotics harms broilers. Especially if they do not have external deviations in development. It is much more useful to water farm birds with vitamins.

If you wish, you can make your own schedule for watering the chickens, but in this case, you should also follow the scheme:

  • 1st day: water with 2 g of vitamins and 20 g of glucose;
  • 2nd day: water with 0.5 g of tetracycline;
  • 3-4th day: water with 0.5 g of tetracycline and 0.5 g of chloramphenicol;
  • 5-8th day: water with vitamins useful for the liver and immunity (the most common "Chiktonik" or "Nutril");
  • 14-15th day: water with a drug against a fungal infection - candidiasis (Baykoks is suitable).

Prices for Baytril

Tip number 1.

If you have begun to solder broiler chickens with an antibiotic, do not stop doing this after the first day. Continue to give the remedy according to the scheme prescribed in the instructions for the medicine or determined by the veterinarian (2-3 days). Suddenly interrupted, but often repeated, courses are addictive, and the antibacterial agent stops working.

Tip number 2.

When you give the birds a course of water-soluble drugs, make sure that the drugs selected according to the scheme are in all the drinkers of the chicken coop.

Tip number 3.

Use only settled water (boiled or raw) for drinking.

Tip #4

There should not be an increased concentration of magnesium and iron in the water. If the water in your area does not meet these requirements, then it is better to order imported clean water of the appropriate quality specifically for birds.

Tip #5

Do not prepare medicinal solutions for the future. The healing properties of the preparations are preserved in water for 24 hours after dilution.

If the chickens have not drunk the water with dissolved medicines to the end, then after a day it must be poured out, the drinkers thoroughly rinsed and filled with freshly prepared elixir.

Tip #6

If you notice that some chicken is avoiding the flock or looks lethargic and weak, then he is sick. To prevent an epidemic, broilers can be drunk with a Tromexin solution (at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of liquid). The course of the drug is 5 days, upon completion, be sure to give "Chiktonik".

Tip number 7.

It should be remembered that some dangerous diseases are transmitted from birds to humans.

Video - Feeding and drinking chickens in the first days of life

Veterinary chick rearing activities

Diseases of farm birds living large groups It is easier and cheaper to prevent than to cure. A number of preventive measures will help to avoid possible epidemics.

  1. Before settling young animals in poultry houses, prepare carefully: remove garbage from the territory, clean the cages, wash the feeders and drinkers, disinfect the room with special smoke bombs, cover the walls of the chicken coop with lime).
  2. Raise birds of different breeds and ages in separate isolated rooms.
  3. Check the condition of the bedding daily (replace the soiled diaper with a clean one or add fresh sawdust).
  4. Constantly monitor the drinkers and feeders (wash the dishes at least twice a day, use only high-quality compound feed, add fresh drink).
  5. Ventilate the chicken coop regularly, control the humidity and temperature in the room.


Babies are vaccinated with a vaccine based on maternal antibodies obtained from the blood serum of hens of the parent flock. Antibodies injected into chickens will protect them for life.

When breeding broiler chickens, it is important to immediately vaccinate newborn chickens against Marek's disease. Approximately on the 10–12th day of age, small broilers are vaccinated against Newcastle disease, and on the 12–14th and 26–28th day, grown-up chickens are prevented from Gumboro disease.

All procedures should preferably be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Table. Broiler vaccination schedule.


(from hatching)

VaccineMethod of carrying outDosage and procedureResult
Day 14Viral vaccine "Nobilis" (live dry) for primary vaccinationStop giving chickens water 8 hours before vaccination.

In sterile glassware, dilute the contents of the vial with chilled boiled water.

Solder broilers early in the morning at the rate of 5 ml per chick.

The finished solution should be drunk to the birds within 30 minutes.

Water and food can be given 2 hours after vaccination

Day 24Virus vaccine "Nobilis" for the second stage of vaccinationAdd to water for soakingBefore vaccination, do not give the birds to drink for 8 hours.

Dilute the drug from the vial in a clean glass container with cool boiled water.

Solder chickens in the morning in a ratio of 7.5 ml per head.

It is necessary to ensure that the broilers drink the prepared suspension in 30 minutes.

2 hours after the end of the vaccination, the chickens can be fed and poured with fresh water.

Prevention of Gumbor disease
Day 27Virus vaccine from strain "La Sota" (live dry)Add to drinking water, drip into the nostrils or eyes of the chicksSolder or instill 2 drops at the rate of 7.5 ml per bird.

Chickens should drink the solution in half an hour.

You can give food and drink to broiler chickens 2 hours after the end of the procedure

Prevention of Newcastle disease

Video - Vaccination and disease prevention in chickens

Relocation of chickens to the poultry house

If you are going to populate chickens in brooders or in cages, disinfect the agricultural premises and prevent downy.

To disinfect the poultry house, use "Biodez-R" or "Virkon-S". A 2% solution of these drugs is suitable.

Ventilate the room again for 5 hours.

Prices for Biodes

The scheme of taking antibiotics and anthelmintic drugs

It is used against coccidiosis in birds (can be given in parallel with other medicines). Suitable for chickens over 14 days old. They need to be given an aqueous solution of the drug (1 ml of Baycox per liter of water) during the day.

Baycox prices

It is used for infectious diseases (enteritis, mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis, etc.).

If infections of a similar origin have already flared up in the compound, "Baytril-5%" is recommended for prevention for birds. The solution is prepared at the rate of 0.5 g of the drug per 1 liter of water.

Important! Do not overuse antibiotics - the birds must have their own immune system!

It is used for diarrhea of ​​an infectious nature.

The medicinal powder is dissolved in water according to the following scheme:

  • 1st day: 2 g per 1 liter of water;
  • Day 2-3: 1 g per 1 liter of water.

If symptoms persist, continue to give Tromexin to the chickens for a couple more days until they are completely eliminated.

It is used to treat infections (salmonellosis, sinusitis, bronchitis, hemophilia, etc.).

To strengthen the immune system and prevent viral diseases, daily broilers are being soldered with Enroxil-5%. The drug is dissolved in water in the ratio: 1 ml of Enroxil per liter of liquid.

The course is carried out no longer than three days.

It is used for colibacillosis, salmonellosis, necrotic enteritis, mycoplasmosis, diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems.

When treating birds, 1 ml of antibiotics goes to 1 liter of water.

It is used for diseases of young animals: salmonellosis, colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.

An aqueous solution of the antibiotic (0.5-1 ml of the substance per liter of water) is given to chickens for 3-5 days.

Prices for Enroflox

It is used to treat respiratory mycoplasmosis in chickens.

In 1 g of Farmazin, gradually pour 1 liter of water and stir.

Effective in the fight against ticks and helminths.

The drug can be diluted in water (0.4 mg per 1 kg of live weight) and give the bird a drink, repeating the course in 10–14 days. And you can rub it into the skin of the neck, just below the head.

Mixed in feed.

It is important to strictly observe the dosage: 3 g of medicine per 1 g of dry food (for better mixing, you can add vegetable oil or fish oil to the mash).

The course of treatment is a week.

Broiler chickens are unpretentious, but the health of freshly hatched chickens is very fragile. Birds will grow up strong and healthy if, in the first days of life, their development is stimulated and immunity is strengthened with the help of vitamin complexes and antibiotics added to drinking water.

An experienced veterinarian will help you choose the right drugs and draw up a scheme for their use. And relying on the tips above, you can prevent the occurrence of epidemics in the chicken coop and, as a result, get tasty and high-quality broiler meat.

Broilers have long been grown on poultry farms and in households. There are reasons for this - such chickens are relatively unpretentious in their care and grow quickly. But they also occasionally cause trouble for their owners. One of the most common troubles is diarrhea in a bird, so this problem requires separate consideration.

The appearance of diarrhea in chickens or adult hens can be caused by such factors:

  • intake of poor quality food or, conversely, the use of overly fortified food;
  • a sharp change in diet (from grain to greens and vice versa);
  • poisoning;
  • seasonal (spring) beriberi;
  • the stay of chickens in a polluted poultry house, which is especially dangerous for young animals;
  • severe stress or hypothermia.

In addition, there is another group of causes that can cause diarrhea.
This is infectious diseases birds, the most common of which are:

Important! The cause of the disease may also be a long stay of a bird in an open area like a pen (especially if other animals are nearby or the remains of their vital activity are visible).

Many people know about these reasons, but with the content large livestock it is far from always possible to immediately calculate a sick chick, which becomes dangerous for the rest. If this is not done on time, then diagnostics will soon come to the fore.

A correct diagnosis is the key to successful treatment, so it would be most appropriate to take the litter to a veterinary laboratory. This will clarify the cause of the disease, differentiate ailments with similar symptoms and prescribe treatment.

But in practice, bird owners do not always turn to specialists: it happens that there is no veterinarian nearby, and the situation requires an urgent solution.
The main thing is not to panic. Moreover, experienced owners know how to determine the cause of diarrhea by the nature of the discharge. Let's listen to their recommendations.

White diarrhea in broiler chickens

Frequent whitish liquid droppings are evidence that diarrhea is triggered by infectious diseases. Usually it is salmonellosis of the initial stage or pullorosis.
The following symptoms should suggest the same thought:

  • slow breathing through a constantly ajar beak;
  • lethargy of the bird and unwillingness of the chicks to move;
  • lag in development (in the case of pullorosis, sick individuals are almost half the size of healthy peers).

Did you know? The Ayam Chemani chicken breed has a gene that causes hyperpigmentation. Because of this, the birds are completely black, and not only outside, but also inside - their organs and even bones are black.

These manifestations are most dangerous for chickens younger than a month old. If the infection occurred while still in the incubator, the chances of survival, alas, are extremely small. Monthly broilers with diarrhea are considered conditionally healthy and can be treated.

If you notice traces of dark brown diarrhea, pay attention to the bird - there is a high probability that acute intestinal pasteurellosis develops in broilers. It is recognized by:

  • inactivity - the chicken is fluffed up and practically does not move from its place, and the feathers are ruffled;
  • decrease or complete absence of appetite;
  • constant thirst;
  • a change in the color of the crest (it becomes pale or blue);
  • copious secretions of mucus from the nasal openings;
  • the presence of blood fragments in the litter.

All these symptoms, along with difficult breathing, echo the signs of coccidiosis.
Unlike extensive pasteurellosis, it is quite treatable, therefore, if brown diarrhea is detected, it is advisable to send feces to the laboratory - this will allow the veterinarian to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

This coloring of liquid litter usually indicates feeding mistakes:

  • if light green diarrhea is observed, then the reason is in poor-quality wet mixers;
  • a darker shade of green discharge often appears with a sharp transition from grain feeds to greens;
  • yellow feces are noticeable when using low-quality grain mixtures and compound feeds.

Important! Day-old chicks are best bought at poultry farms or from trusted sellers - culled chicks often enter the markets, whose health raises questions.

Such manifestations are non-infectious, and therefore relatively safe and easy to treat.

Broilers with their "sedentary" lifestyle rarely get sick, but the owners should still be aware of the symptoms of a dangerous illness in the form of:

  • decreased activity and lack of appetite;
  • lowering of wings in chickens;
  • darkening of the skin on the head: in young animals it turns black, and in adult chickens it becomes dark blue;
  • lowering the temperature;
  • changes in the behavior of a sick bird - it hides its head under its wings, and in case of a mass defeat, sick chickens stray into flocks.

Fortunately, broilers tolerate histomonosis more easily than other birds (like turkeys), but 1-3 weeks of exacerbation still leave the owners in the dark - the bird can recover, remaining a carrier of the infection, or die.

The arsenal of tools used is quite extensive. The most popular of them are the following compositions:

  • chloramphenicol. It is used in the fight against salmonellosis. Reception is carried out at the rate of 30-50 mg / kg of weight, three times a day;
  • coccidine. From the name it is clear that it is taken to treat diarrhea caused by coccidiosis. Within 3-5 days, 250 mg of this powder is added to 1 kg of feed, after which the dose is reduced to 125 (this rate is maintained for another week). Analogues of the drug - Zolen and Sulfadimezin;
  • furazolidone. His "specialization" is the treatment of pullorosis and pasteurellosis. The dosage depends on age. For example, chickens up to 10 days old are fed with 0.02 mg (this is for 10 individuals), while two-week-old young animals need 0.03 mg. The adult norm is 0.04 mg;
  • metronidazole from histomonosis. It is put into feed for 5 days (20-25 mg/kg of live weight);
  • "Biomycin". This is the most versatile tool. It is diluted in water at the rate of 1 mg / 1 l or injected intramuscularly (2-3 mg per 2-cc syringe with water).

Did you know? The number of chickens on the planet exceeds the number of people by about 3 times.

All these drugs are used to treat infectious diseases and are strictly prescribed by a veterinarian. He adjusts the dosage according to the situation.

It is somewhat easier to cure diarrhea caused by an improper diet - it is being revised, removing the ingredients that caused such complications. Here, too, there are nuances.

So, if digestive problems arose as a result of eating a large amount of greens, it is replaced with grain, pouring oatmeal jelly or rice water into the drinkers.

If it turned out that the reason is poor-quality food, broilers are given disinfectant solutions (weak furatsilin, potassium permanganate). In parallel, you can use chloramphenicol. Baked potatoes or boiled eggs served in crushed form are used as fixing agents.
When starting treatment, do not forget about the isolation of sick birds, as well as the disinfection of rooms or cages, feeders and drinkers.

The health of young animals is the most important thing that owners should take care of in the first days of life. The body is adapting to new conditions, the chicks must receive the necessary nutrients. How to drink chickens, each owner chooses independently.

There are various schemes for taking drugs that are quite effective. Some farmers do not even consider watering a mandatory procedure. But you still need to know what medications are needed.

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Various soldering schemes

Why is it necessary to give chickens antibiotics, vitamins? After all, before the birds grew up without them. But we should not forget that people have genetically changed the bird, so it will be difficult for many breeds to get stronger without support. Few people want to risk the loss of livestock, because money is invested in the acquisition of young animals. It is believed that only outbred chickens are really able to do without drugs, since their immunity is stronger from birth.

But crosses (including them and) have little resistance to infections and viruses. They need the protection that modern medicines provide. Also, young animals need the whole set of biologically active substances. That is why it is recommended to feed a thoroughbred bird with ready-made concentrates. Today, many raise chickens without the use of hens, so all the worries about the needs of the kids fall on the shoulders of the farmer.

Most often, the necessary drugs are given in liquid form, adding them to the drinker. This method has a number of advantages:

Before drinking chickens, carefully read the instructions and correctly calculate the dosage. It is better to take care of the prevention of dangerous diseases in a timely manner, because it is the kids who are especially susceptible to them. Remember that the meat (as well as eggs) of those individuals who took the medicine should not be eaten for two weeks. Stop giving antibiotics before slaughter.

There are different approaches to the issue of prevention. A number of poultry farmers believe that it is advisable not to give in the first days, wait until the second week. According to this scheme, from the 1st to the 7th day, only sugar (or glucose) and vitamins are added to the drinkers. From the second week of life, a three-day intake of antibiotics begins.

Another scheme involves giving strong drugs on the second day of life. There are diseases that kill birds in just a matter of hours. Having compared the risk of taking antibiotics with the possibility of losing all the young, many decide that prevention is more important.

Not all diseases can be cured by antibiotics. Vaccination alone saves against some. About how and when to carry it out, you should talk with your veterinarian.

Scheme for broilers

Do not be afraid of drugs. If everything is done correctly, the drugs will have time to leave the body of the chicken. Then it will not affect the health of those who will eat the meat of slaughtered chickens. Broilers are characterized by accelerated growth, so their body needs support.

Antibiotics for chickens serve reliable protection from diseases, vitamins stimulate correct work body, improve digestion, stimulate growth. Without this, various pathologies in development may appear - colds are common, a fall to the feet begins, etc. You can use this way:

Many farmers follow this cycle for the entire time they are growing broilers, which is as little as 45 days. The older the young get, the longer the interval between taking antibiotics can be. It can be doubled.

There are very simple schemes that can also be effective. In the first five days, to prevent an epidemic, "Baytril" or "Enroxil" is added to the drinker (the proportions are indicated in the instructions). Next, a vitamin supplement is drunk (also preferably in liquid form). In the second week, they give a drug for coccidiosis, Baycox is well suited.

There is an alternative scheme that can be followed when growing early ripening meat breeds chickens. Some poultry farmers believe that in the early days there is no need to give strong medicines to babies, since the body is not yet ready. In day-old chicks (more precisely, up to a week of age), the residual yolk is assimilated. It is located in the lower abdomen, in the yolk sac.

If, nevertheless, the bird is sick, then you should consult a veterinarian and give those drugs. which he writes. Not all bird diseases respond to antibiotics. Meat chickens are slaughtered at the age of 42-45 days. Further, the weight gain slows down, so feeding becomes unprofitable.

What medicines to give

At home, you can not always count on the quick help of a specialist, especially if the estate is located in a rural area. Therefore, it is better to purchase some medicines in advance in order to always have at hand - sometimes the fate of birds is decided not by days, but by hours.

You should not buy human medicines for chickens, they will not give the desired effect, you need to contact veterinary pharmacy. Fluoroquinol preparations have proven themselves well:

Also, young animals must be given a remedy for helminthiasis. For these purposes, use "Ivermectin" or "Flubenvet".

Disease prevention

A number of dangerous bird viruses cannot be treated at all; they are capable of carrying out up to 100% of the young population in a matter of days. Therefore, an important part of the fight against diseases is timely vaccination. It is recommended to carry it out in the morning, so the chickens tolerate stress more easily. A veterinarian is invited to carry out vaccinations.

The solution must be fresh, it should not be stored for more than two hours. First, they are vaccinated against Marek's disease. On the 10th day they put the vaccine against Newcastle disease. From Gumboro disease, the vaccine is given twice - on the 12th and 26th day.

Chick age Vaccine How is it carried out Dosage and method From what disease
14 days "Nobilis" - a dry live vaccine for primary prevention An aqueous solution is added to the drinkers For 8 hours, you can not give the bird water.

The contents of the vial are diluted with cold boiled water in a glass container.

For 1 head should be 5 ml. medicines.

Soldering is carried out within half an hour.

You can feed and drink after 30 minutes.

Gumboro disease
24th day "Nobilis" for secondary vaccination Added to drinking water 7.5 ml. on the head, the procedure is similar. Gumboro disease
27th day "La Sota" - a viral live dry vaccine The solution is added to the drinker, instilled into the eyes or sinuses Dosage - 7.5 ml. for one chick. The solution is evaporated for half an hour. Newcastle disease

Also, before placing a new batch of young animals in the house, a number of activities should be carried out. They remove garbage, clean the cages, wash the feeders, drinkers, inventory. After that, disinfection is carried out. It is convenient to do this with the help of special checkers, only they can be used only in the absence of animals. The walls are whitewashed in several layers, allowing each to dry well.

A new litter of hay, sawdust or straw is placed on the floor. It must be periodically changed, the room is ventilated. The chicken coop should be dry, dampness contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Negative temperatures are also destructive (in winter period or early spring), drafts.

Many of the symptoms of dangerous diseases are similar, so be sure to contact the veterinary service for tests. Treatment depends on the diagnosis. With timely preventive actions, broilers do not cause much trouble during cultivation. If they have enough vitamins, the food is chosen correctly, then the bird grows healthy and gives a good weight gain.

Kira Stoletova

All novice poultry farmers who want to start breeding and raising chickens should learn more about the features of bird care, understand whether the chick belongs to the broiler category, how this will change nutrition and living conditions. Along with this, you need to know what diseases can appear in chickens, how they can be prevented and what should be the treatment.

More often than other ailments, small chickens are affected by diarrhea, diarrhea in broiler chickens is especially characteristic. Further, we will talk about just such an avian disease, about what causes frequent loose stools, what diseases it can signal and what treatment should be.

Why does chicken get diarrhea?

What causes diarrhea in chickens? Most often, the cause is poor-quality feed or the development of infection in the bird's body. If the cause of diarrhea is an infectious disease, you should not hesitate, you should contact your veterinarian, only he can prescribe adequate treatment and save the chicks from inevitable death. If the indigestion occurred due to the fact that a mistake was made in the diet, folk remedies can be used.

Why is diarrhea in broilers so dangerous? Due to their low weight, dehydration occurs extremely quickly in the chicks, the process of assimilation of nutrients stops in the intestines, as a result of which the bird is not able to fight external stimuli, it may even die. It is secondary infection that is most often the direct cause of death.

The list of activities that should be carried out first of all if diarrhea is diagnosed in poultry:

  • Checking whether the sanitary condition of the chicken coop or poultry house meets the standards.
  • Checking if the bird is getting fresh feed, how feeding is on schedule.
  • Does the amount of vitamins exceed the maximum allowable rate?
  • Whether periodic disinfection of the poultry house and the surrounding area is carried out.

First aid

How can you help a chicken with diarrhea on their own at home? First of all, you can try to cure the chicken yourself, without seeking help from a veterinarian. To do this, use a special solution for drinking chicks. Baking soda is added to ordinary drinking water in a proportion of ½ per 1 liter. This should be done for at least 5-7 days, only in this way there will be results. If there is no positive dynamics, you should immediately call a veterinarian who, with the help of an external examination and laboratory tests, will identify the cause of indigestion and prescribe the necessary treatment.

To avoid further spread of the disease, quarantine of sick birds should be immediately arranged to prevent further spread of a possible infectious disease. There are quite a few videos about how quickly pathogens are spreading and about the need for quarantine.

Diarrhea with gastritis

Let's figure out what bird diseases can provoke an upset of the digestive system, cause frequent stools in birds. Most often it is gastritis.

If a chicken has a clear diarrhea, while he flatly refuses his usual diet and at the same time is constantly thirsty, you can suspect the presence of gastritis. In this case, it is not necessary to contact a veterinarian, most likely it will be possible to defeat the disease on your own, using the usual folk remedies. As food, you should give the chicken a hard-boiled chicken egg, only the yolk. If possible, it is desirable to add hemp flour to it.


How to treat chickens for diarrhea?


White diarrhea

If diarrhea in a bird has a characteristic white color, then most likely the disease that affected the bird is. The causative agent belongs to the Salmonella bacterium family. Pullorosis quickly begins to manifest itself. This causes the following symptoms:

  • the beak is almost always open;
  • eyes rarely open completely, covered with a film;
  • head constantly tilts down;
  • breathing becomes hoarse;
  • chickens make an unpleasant squeak;
  • diarrhea strictly white color, musty smell.

to cure chicks from white drift, you need to reconsider their diet, most likely there are too few fermented milk products in it or they are completely absent. It is necessary to start drinking young animals (one month or two months old) with low-fat homemade kefir or yogurt. It is also worth taking some organizational measures:

  • hold a complete;
  • lay a new bedding, change it as often as possible, while the chicks vilify;
  • check if the bird is planted too tightly, it may be necessary to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house;
  • establish a good ;
  • try to avoid drafts; There should not be a sharp temperature drop either.

Medical treatment for white diarrhea involves the use of antibiotics that attack the bacteria in the digestive tract. Most often, preference is given to furazolidone or chloramphenicol.

Chicks that show no outward signs of disease may be carriers and continue to infect the rest of the poultry population. For this reason, it is recommended to conduct a clinical examination of each brood hen in order to prevent subsequent outbreaks of pullorosis.

brown diarrhea

What if the chicks have brown, black or dark yellow diarrhea? Most likely, a microorganism called Eimeria, which is the cause of development, got into the body of birds. This disease spreads extremely quickly throughout the poultry house, and the sick bird itself, its feces, and even food or water can be the source of infection.

External signs of coccidiosis, except for black diarrhea:

  • feathers become ruffled, as if the chicken dries them;
  • appetite worsens or disappears completely after stomach dysfunction develops;
  • birds stop walking, prefer not to get up, while their eyes are almost completely closed;
  • eyes acquire a yellow or gray tint due to simultaneous liver damage.

Before proceeding with the treatment of coccidiosis, it is necessary to confirm it clinically and only then begin medical treatment with antibiotics for the stomach. Most often, the veterinarian prescribes to take drugs such as:

  • Suldimethoxine;
  • Coccidiovitis;
  • Regicoccin, etc.

In addition to direct treatment, you should pour hot water over the drinking bowls of the food container every day, and also clean the room with birds in a timely manner.

Why do chickens have green diarrhea

Why did the chickens turn green? Day-old chicks may have green feces, often of a frothy consistency, while the smell is sharply unpleasant and sour. When measuring the body temperature of winged birds, it can be found that the indicators are increased. First of all, it is necessary to check whether this is a symptom of severe poisoning. To find out, you need to pass certain tests.

If the veterinarian confirms the presence of an intestinal infection with green diarrhea, the bird should be treated with antibiotics immediately. The duration of treatment is usually about a week, but may vary depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the bird. The farmer, in turn, must prevent the further spread of the infection in order to save a healthy bird.

If the result turned out to be negative, the chicken simply overate the herbs, the diarrhea will pass on its own. A person is only required to review the diet and approach this issue more responsibly.

Diarrhea with blood

This type of diarrhea is the most dangerous for chickens. If an admixture of blood in the stool has become noticeable, you need to act immediately, as time often goes by the clock. First of all, you need to transfer the feces to laboratory research to find out which microorganism caused such deviations in the life of the bird.

Diarrhea with blood can be observed when young animals are infected with coccidia, which adversely affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, provoke the development of ulcers and wounds on the surface. internal organs. Coccidiosis with bloody diarrhea is treated with antibiotics, and the drug must be prescribed by a doctor. He also prescribes the dosage. In order for the treatment to work, it is necessary not only to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, but also to make every effort to destroy the pathogen during external environment: carry out a complete disinfection of the poultry house.

Folk methods of treatment

Whatever methods are chosen for the treatment of diarrhea, you need to start the fight against the disease as early as possible. Traditional medicine is often no less effective on a par with traditional methods treatment. The same applies to the treatment of diarrhea in laying hens, chickens and other poultry. Find out what folk remedies can be used to stop diarrhea:

  • Water mixed with clay. As soon as the first symptoms of diarrhea become noticeable, you need to replace ordinary clay water. You need to solder for at least 2 days.
  • Rice broth. It is a well-known fact that rice and a decoction based on it have a strengthening effect.
  • Wine water. To stop diarrhea in chickens, you can add a little dry red wine to the water, this will have the desired astringent effect.
  • A decoction of pomegranate or quince peels. Its action is similar to the effect of red wine.
  • Chamomile decoction. This method can be used for non-infectious diarrhea. The minimum application time is 2 days.
  • Weak solution of potassium permanganate. They can cure diarrhea of ​​\u200b\u200bnon-infectious nature, the remedy is often used as a prophylaxis for infection in broilers.

first aid kit

What is the treatment for diarrhea? Any self-respecting poultry farmer should have medicines in their first aid kit that can be useful for treating diarrhea in broilers. Usually, their list is agreed with the veterinarian: he is able to suggest which drugs are the most effective, in what dosage they can be taken. Here is a list of the most commonly used drugs that are indicated for the treatment of diarrhea in broiler chickens:

  • Levomycetin. The medicine must be dissolved in water at room temperature, the proportion is 3-4 tablets per 0.5 l of water. The minimum treatment period is 2-3 days, but it can take up to a month.
  • Biseptol (children's dosage). The dose of the medicine is calculated individually for each chicken, as a standard they take 1/15 of one tablet per head of young animals. If an adult suffers from diarrhea, the dose can be at least doubled. The course of treatment in this case lasts about 5 days.
  • Loperamide may also be needed.

Now you know what types of diarrhea can occur in poultry (chickens), you know how to deal with one or another type of diarrhea, for which symptoms you need to urgently seek help from a veterinarian.

Keeping and breeding poultry is troublesome and requires a lot of time and effort from the owner. Sometimes, little chickens develop bloody diarrhea. The disease can be associated with many factors: an epidemic, weakened immunity of pets, poor living conditions. If this happens, the owner must take urgent measures to correct the situation.

Effects of diarrhea on chicks

If the owner has not taken timely measures, the disease becomes protracted: the body of a small chicken cannot yet resist infections.

Even a slight intestinal upset becomes a serious blow to the body of the chicks.

With such a disease, the body of the bird is quickly dehydrated, and it dies. If it is of an infectious nature, the bacteria spread rapidly. There is a risk of losing not only babies, but also adult birds. Treatment must begin immediately.

How to recognize the disease

Diarrhea with blood is "insidious" in that it does not appear from the first days. In the initial period, chicken droppings may be mixed with mucus and brown. These are similar to the symptoms of coccidiosis. It is caused by a dangerous microorganism called coccidia. Veterinarians diagnose eimeriosis or coccidiosis already at this stage and prescribe appropriate treatment.

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As a rule, the disease begins in the summer, when it is warm and damp. The source of infection can be unwashed feeding bowls, as well as damp bedding that has not been changed for a long time. Signs of pathology are immediately visible:

  • chicks begin to drink a lot, but do not eat;
  • their beaks are constantly open;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • the litter becomes brown, blood and lumps of mucus are visible in it;
  • the back of the chicken becomes wet and untidy;
  • the scallop loses its brightness due to anemia.

In advanced cases, babies look very weak and cannot even drink water. They need to be soldered with a pipette.

Control measures

Infection (infection of healthy birds from diseased ones) occurs quickly, so the appearance of initial symptoms should not be missed. First of all, lethargic chicks with a suspicion of a disease are placed in a separate cage or barn. Next, you need to disinfect the chicken coop and be sure to report the problem to the veterinarian. This will help to avoid the sad consequences and loss of the bird.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies effective in the initial stages of pathology. It helps the digestive system of chickens and improves their general condition. It is necessary to introduce into the diet of "patients" products from sour milk and rice decoction. In the water they will have to be limited. It is better to water the young with a weak solution of manganese or chamomile broth. At the same time, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the birds. If symptoms persist, antibiotic treatment should be initiated.

Medical treatment

The veterinarian prescribes complex therapy in the form of antibacterial agents and sulfa drugs. Commonly used antibiotics for bloody diarrhea in chickens:

  • polymexin;
  • chloramphenicol;
  • tetracycline.

Before giving the chicken a tablet of levomycetin, it must be diluted in warm water (100 ml) and given to the baby 2-3 times a day. Sometimes a doctor prescribes probiotic substances and enzymes along with antibiotics. Tablets are crushed to a powder state by adding them to food or drink.

There are several other drugs for the treatment of diarrhea with blood. The most famous of them are Avatev and Baytril. When using them, it is necessary to monitor compliance with the dosage so as not to poison the pets.

Prevention measures

The best way to prevent disaster is regular preventive measures. First of all, it is good care for the chickens and the absence of mistakes in the construction of the chicken coop.

This can be a hassle at times, but defecation cleansing and bedding should be done every day. Bacteria most often multiply in a dirty and damp room. When building housing for pets, you should not skimp on the area. Chickens can get sick due to overcrowding and lack of fresh air. It is important to provide for separate accommodation of adult chickens and babies, as well as the installation of good ventilation and the absence of drafts.

For whitewashing the walls of the chicken coop, it is best to use slaked lime. This is an effective preventive measure. If the pets, nevertheless, began to get sick, whitewashing must be repeated.

Chicken coop processing preparations

The treatment of the premises is most often carried out with lactic acid. It kills bacteria in the air. It is used in a ratio of 20 ml per 1 m3 of the room. Creolin in the form of an aqueous emulsion (5%) is also used for disinfection. It is heated to a temperature of 60C, and then the walls are whitewashed and the floor is treated, abundantly pouring it with a solution.