Drawing up a statement of requirements for materials of structures. Business hours

- - a document defining the types and quantities of materials necessary for the construction and installation work for the building (construction) as a whole or the stage of its construction. [Methodological recommendations for the formation of statements of need ...

list of basic materials- A list of all subassemblies, intermediate products, parts and raw materials that are included in the final assembly during assembly (production). Such a list should indicate the amount of each type of material needed to assemble the assembly. Used... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

Bill of Materials (BILL OF MATERIALS, BOM)- A list of all assemblies, intermediate products, parts and raw materials that are included in the final assembly during assembly (production) This list should indicate the amount of each type of material needed to assemble the assembly. Used... ... Glossary of terms for management accounting

Economy- - a way of organizing people's activities aimed at creating the benefits they need for consumption; a science that studies the behavior of participants in a process economic activity. [Lipsits I.V. Economics. Book 1. M., 2000, 302 pp.] ... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations building materials

Alexander II (part 2, XIII-XIX)- XIII. Internal affairs (1866-1871). April 4, 1866, at four o'clock in the afternoon, Emperor Alexander, after his usual walk in summer garden was getting into a wheelchair when an unknown person fired a pistol at him. At this moment, standing in ... ...

Nonfarm Payrolls- (Number of new jobs outside Agriculture) Nonfarm Payrolls is a macroeconomic indicator of employment of the US population outside of agriculture Nonfarm Payrolls macroeconomic indicator of employment, the number of jobs outside of ... Encyclopedia of the investor

Anna Ioannovna- the All-Russian Empress, who reigned from January 25, 1730 to October 17, 1740, Anna Ioannovna does not belong to the category of those sovereigns whose strong personality is the initiator in the most important state events of their reign ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Bibliography- Contents of the article: The concept of bibliography. I. The bibliography is universal. II. Review of bi6liography by states and nationalities. France. Italy. Spain and Portugal. Germany. Austria Hungary. Switzerland. Belgium and Holland. England. Denmark, ... ...

Railways- I I. History of development railways. Zh. the road, in the form in which it exists now, was not invented immediately. The three elements, its constituents, rail track, means of transportation and motive force have gone through each separate stage of development, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Theoretical statistics- a science that studies the methods of systematic observation of mass phenomena social life human, compiling their numerical descriptions and scientific processing of these descriptions. Thus, theoretical statistics is a science ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

TechnologiCS- Program Type PDM Developer SeaSoft Development Operating system Windows Interface languages ​​Russian latest version 6.2 (build 15917) (December 24, 2012) ... Wikipedia

Ministry of Education Russian Federation

"Perm State Technical University"

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Department of building materials and special technologies


discipline "Technology of reinforced concrete products"

“Design of a workshop for the production

non-pressure pipes"

Completed by: Fedoseeva O.A.

Group PSK 05z

Checked by: Shamanov V.A.

Perm 2010

Introduction. …………………………………………………………………....3

The main characteristics of the product………………………………………...5

Requirements for materials ……………………………..... 8

Calculation of the composition of concrete…...…………………………………………………..9

Enterprise mode……………………………………………………………9

Material requirement list……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Choice and substantiation of technology………………………………………...11

Short description technological process…………………………..14

Technological calculation…………………………………………………….16

Operational control………………………………………………..



The course project is the final part of the study of the subject, it is independent work student, in which he systematizes, deepens and consolidates his knowledge. While writing a course project, the student acquires the skills of using educational, reference and regulatory literature, performing calculations and graphic works. Course design should meet a single goal - the training of a technologist who is able to independently solve specific technological problems of the factory production of reinforced concrete products and structures.

This term paper is the project of a workshop for the production of non-pressure pipes and the choice technological equipment for the manufacture of non-pressure reinforced concrete pipes with a capacity of 1754.0 m 3 per year.

Tasks include:

study of the requirements for this product in accordance with regulatory documentation,

selection and justification of the technological process for the production of non-pressure pipes,

substantiation and calculation of the operating mode of the pipe production workshop, as well as determining the dimensions of the workshop,

calculation, selection and layout of technological equipment for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products.

Tubular reinforced concrete products used for engineering networks (pipes, supports, well rings, etc.) are made on specialized installations using various ways seals concrete mix.

According to the calculated internal pressure of the liquid in the pipeline, reinforced concrete pipes are divided into pressure and non-pressure.

The course project considered non-pressure reinforced concrete pipes in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6482-88. They are designed for laying underground pipelines transporting by gravity domestic liquids and atmospheric wastewater, as well as groundwater and industrial fluids that are not aggressive to reinforced concrete and sealing rubber rings.


Pipes should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6482-88 "Reinforced concrete non-pressure pipes".

Pipes are marked with marks in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23009. A pipe mark consists of alphanumeric groups separated by a hyphen.

The first group contains the designation of the type of pipe, its nominal bore diameter in centimeters and useful length in decimeters. In the second group, the bearing capacity is indicated, denoted by an Arabic numeral.

Main dimensions - table 1. and sketch - figure 1.

Picture 1

Pipe type TB

TB - cylindrical socket with a thrust shoulder on the butt surface of the sleeve end of the pipe and butt joints sealed with rubber rings.

Table 1

Pipe type TB

D, mm

Pipe size

Pipe dimensions, mm

Reference weight of the pipe, t

d i d e d1 d2 t t1 a l l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 h h1 h2
400 TB40.50 400 500 531 684 50 76,5 44 5145 145 365 102 92 0,95
500 TB50.50 500 620 651 834 1,5
600 TB60.50 600 720 751 934 1,7
800 TB80.50 800 960 991 1210 80 109,5 482 125 3,0
1000 TB100.50 1000 1200 1231 1498 100 133,5 590 149 4,8
1200 TB120.50 1200 1420 1451 1740 144,5 69 5170 170 160 6,3
1400 TB140.50 1400 1620 1651 1946 147,5 74 5175 175 163 7,3
1600 TB160.50 1600 1840 1871 2196 120 159 84 5185 185 654 125 178 9,0

Non-pressure pipes are made of heavy concrete that meets the requirements of GOST 26633-91, compressive strength class: for collectors - B-25; for road crossings - B-30. In addition to increased strength indicators, reinforced concrete pipes for highway crossings are made of concrete with frost resistance Mrz300 and water resistance grade W6 (the frost resistance grade of concrete is standardized depending on operating conditions in accordance with the requirements of chapters SNiP 2.03.01-84 and SNiP 2.03.11-85). The pipes themselves are waterproof and withstand an internal test hydrostatic pressure of 0.05 MPa. Pipes must be strong and crack-resistant. Cracks on pipe surfaces are not allowed.

For reinforcement of pipes should be used: rod hot-rolled reinforcing steel classes A-I and A-III according to GOST 5781; wire class Вр-I according to GOST 6727.

Embedded products designed to protect pipelines from electrocorrosion are installed at the request of the consumer. In the manufacture of pipes with embedded products, the total consumption of steel per pipe should be increased by 0.3 kg.

The shape and dimensions of reinforcing products Figure 2.

Figure 2

Reinforcement of pipe type TB

Frame KP63 - 1 piece, table 2.

table 2

Material consumption per pipe brand TB 50.50-2 table 3.

Table 3


List of materials Name and number normative document Technical requirements Storage method

Portland cement

GOST 10178-85

NG 22-27

Warehouse silo or other closed containers

N. skhv. not earlier than 45 min
K. skhv. no later than 10 a.m. After mixing with water
R szh. 29.4MPa (300 kgf/cm²)
Grinding fineness - sieve residue 15%

Sand quartz

GOST 22551-77

MK 1.9

Specialized warehouse

Total residue on sieve 10-30%
R szh. not less than 60MPa

Granite crushed stone

GOST 8267-93

Fraction size 10-20mm

Specialized warehouse

Total residues on the sieve up to 15%
The content of clay in lumps is not more than 0.25%
The content of dust and clay particles 1%

GOST 23732-79

Content of surfactants no more than 10mg/l
Oxidability of water is not more than 15mg/l
pH not less than 4 and more than 12.5
The maximum allowable content of soluble salts is 2000 mg/l; SO-2 ions 4 600 mg/l Cl-1 ions 350 mg/l Suspended particles 200 mg/l
Fittings: A240 (AI) GOST 5781 Profile diameter 6mm Steel grade St3ps Yield strength 24kgf/mm² Relative elongation 25%

Covered warehouse equipped with crane racks. bays

B500 (BpI) GOST 6727 Wire diameter 5mm Breaking force 1085kgf Relative elongation 3% Number of bends 4 Linear density no more than 0.144kg
S-3 additive GOST 24211-91 TU 5745-004-43184789-05 Aqueous solution of dark brown color, concentration not less than 32% Metal or polyethylene barrels, cans. Warehouse of additives


Consumption of materials per 1 m 3 of concrete mix, table 4.

Table 4


The mode of operation is determined by the number of working days in a year, the number of working shifts per day and the number of hours per shift. The product of these three indicators determines the nominal annual fund of the enterprise's operating time. The degree of use of its fixed assets depends on the mode of operation of the enterprise. When assigning the number of shifts, it is necessary to take into account the need for a reserve of time during the day for the current inspection and repair of equipment, the nature of the work of the main units of the workshop, in addition, when assigning the number of shifts, it is also necessary to take into account the possibility of providing all shifts with the necessary number of workers. Table 5.6.

We accept the operating mode of the enterprise: 3-shift work (TVO) with 260 working days a year.

The duration of the shift is 8 hours.

Annual working time fund (GFRV) - 6072 hours.

Table 5

Business hours*

*Note: except for the forming department.

The working hours of the molding department are 1 shift, the duration of the shift is 8 hours (without lunch), the annual fund of working hours is 2024 hours.

Table 6

Manufacturing program enterprise work


Name Unit ism In year Per month Per day On shift In hour
kg 339293 28274,4 1346,4 448,8 56,10
m 3 139,10 11,59 0,552 0,184 0,023
kg 435456 36288 1728,0 576,0 72,0
m 3 278,89 23,24 1,106 0,368 0,046
kg 827730 68977,44 3284,64 1094,88 136,86
m 3 586,65 48,888 2,328 0,776 0,097
Additive kg 2419,20 201,60 9,60 3,20 0,40
Water kg 77172,48 6431,04 306,24 102,08 12,76
fittings kg 81345,6 6778,8 322,8 107,6 13,99

Materials are taken into account with losses: cement - 2%, aggregates - 3%, reinforcement - 4%, additive - 0.5%.

Bulk density of materials: cement - 2500 kg / m 3, sand - 1560 kg / m 3, crushed stone - 1400 kg / m 3, water - 1000 kg / m 3.

The statement of the need for material and technical resources is the main document for planning and organizing work on construction site. On its basis, the duration of each work is calculated, the need for materials, machines and mechanisms, and labor resources is determined. A statement of the need for MTR is compiled in the following sequence:

1. On the basis of the bill of quantities, a list of works to be performed is compiled;

2. From the collections of resource estimates, the norms of labor consumption of workers per unit volume (man-hour), the norms of the operation of machines and mechanisms (mash-hour), the norms of consumption of materials for each work are written out;

3. The consumption of materials, labor costs and the operating time of machines and mechanisms to complete the specified volume for each job are calculated.

The definition of the need for material and technical resources is given in table 3.

Development of options for organizational and technological schemes for the construction of an object

The construction of almost any object can be carried out according to different organizational and technological schemes (OTS), which will eventually lead to different results in duration, labor intensity, and cost. Anticipating these results and choosing the most optimal construction option long before the start of construction is the most important task of scheduling. OTS include:

1. Spatial division of the building into sections and plots.

2. The sequence of the construction of the building, indicating the technological sequence of work on the grips and sections, the selection and placement of the main assembly mechanisms.

3.Characteristics of the main methods of building an object.

Based on the analysis of space-planning and design solutions of the project, we will consider several possible options for organizational and technological schemes of construction (consecutive construction of a building; parallel construction with two grips using two cranes; in-line construction with three grips) and choose the most optimal one. An enlarged network construction schedule is developed for each option.

After the development of enlarged network schedules for each considered organizational and technological scheme for the construction of a particular object, a graph of the need for labor resources per day is built, the value of the coefficient of uneven movement of workers is calculated, the duration of construction is set according to the option under consideration (the length of the critical path is determined).

Choosing the best option

The main TEPs for the construction of an object are the coefficient of change in the number of workers, duration (actual and standard), cost, and each of them can be considered in terms of its components.

It is always necessary to consider and evaluate several options for the OPV of the construction of an object and choose the option with a shorter duration.

If the conditions for erection in different options are incomparable (more or less mechanisms, a different number of workers performing the same processes and other differences), then in this case, along with a change in the duration of construction, costs (material, labor, cost) may also change; to compare options in this case only according to the criterion of the duration of the construction of the object turns out to be illegal.

You can also consider options for the construction of objects with a different number construction machines, labor resources, but then to select the optimal option, it will be necessary to determine and compare the cost of additional resources with the economic effect of reducing the duration of construction.

The main indicators for each enlarged network schedule are summarized in a comparison table (Table 4) and they are evaluated to select an option that satisfies the interested parties (customer).

Table 4

Comparison table of indicators

where E h. - operating costs (delivery of the crane; laying of crane runways; installation, dismantling of the crane; cost of a machine-shift).

In the example under consideration, according to the "duration" criterion, option No. 2 turned out to be the most preferable, assuming the shortest duration of construction - 7 months, with a standard duration of 9.5 months.

In the course project for further study, we select option No. 3 (continuous construction).

Development of a detailed network graphics according to the chosen option

The advantages of network methods are as follows:

Absolutely reliably through the system of events and technological dependencies, one can see the accepted interdependence of work;

It is possible to identify critical and non-critical works, and, accordingly, to find the critical path, as the largest, characterizing the duration of construction;

Elements of the network model (graphics):

Work- this is manufacturing process, requiring the cost of working time, material resources, machine time.

Event- this is the fact of the completion of one or more works of previous works and the beginning of one or more subsequent works. In any network model, events establish a technological and organizational sequence of work.

Technology Addiction(dummy work) shows the dependence of the start of any subsequent work on the completion of one or more previous ones and does not require either time or resources.

Expectation- a process that requires only time and does not consume any material resources. Waiting, in essence, is a technological or organizational break between jobs that are directly performed one after another.

critical path is the longest path (in days) from the start to the end event.

Rice. Designation scheme for the main elements of the network model

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