Robot Invasion. Masha Traub talks about new trials that Russian schoolchildren and their parents have to go through

Masha Traub - about the new trials that Russian schoolchildren and their parents have to go through

On the new initiatives of the Ministry of Education and on the misunderstanding between the right and left hand

Masha Traub

As often as now, when my son is in 11th grade, I have not gone to parent-teacher meetings during his entire studies. Parents of graduates are collected separately, in the assembly hall. And they talk about what awaits us and our children. Nothing good, of course, does not wait.

As a rule, the reason for the meetings are new initiatives of the Ministry of Education and Science. There are many initiatives, no one knows what to do with them. This year's initiative concerns the so-called pre-professional exam. It is now considered mandatory for graduates of medical and engineering classes. For graduates of academic classes (I personally do not know what it is, and have never heard such a wording) is voluntary. The exam will be held in March-April, but by February 1, schools are required to submit lists of children, they (the lists) began to be drawn up at the end of December. A child can be added to the list only at the request of the parent. Why were we driven into the assembly hall.

A young official who spoke at the meeting, whose position I did not understand, told me how important this exam is. Our school is attached to such and such a university - and far from the first or even the second row, and none of the guys in the engineering, that is, physics and mathematics class, is going to go there. However, the official assured the parents that all the children who will take the pre-professional exam will definitely enter this university. He further said that in order to prepare for the exam, which will consist of two parts - theoretical and practical - students will have to go to this second-class university three times a week for classes. That is the whole of February and March. Medical classes attached to another higher educational institution, will master first aid, and engineers will assemble a robot.

Then I came out of the usual parental hibernation and remembered that I was a journalist. The class teacher at that time was trying to get an answer from the official to a simple question, how should she personally prepare her engineering class for the theoretical part. For what teaching aids on what topics? The official smiled and offered to look at the last year's assignments and demos posted on the site.

Then I began to ask questions, checking with two official sites that contradicted each other. First, where does such a guarantee of receipt come from? Is USE results are not decisive? Secondly, according to the order of the Ministry of Education, the pre-professional examination is voluntary. Which is actually logical. Engineering classes are understood as classes with in-depth study of physics and mathematics. Under medical - classes of chemical and biological orientation. Perhaps future doctors will need knowledge of first aid, but for my son, who is studying in an engineering class, assembling a robot is definitely not life-changing. necessary knowledge for admission to the higher education institution of their choice.

I once again asked the official: is the exam mandatory? He answered in the affirmative. Last year, yes, it was voluntary, this year it is mandatory within the framework of the "city program". What happens if the child does not pass this exam? Will he not be allowed to take the exam? No, the exam is mandatory for us. Well, but the order of the ministry, where there is a clause on voluntary surrender, was canceled? No, they haven't.

Then a few more parents woke up and joined the conversation. Every child in the senior year, if he sets himself serious goals, has at least two tutors, plus courses, plus online courses. In our case, plus visiting schools to prepare for the Olympiads. Just in February-March. None of the parents believes that the school can prepare the child for passing the exam. For admission to the fence-building institute - maybe. For high scores, no. This has already been proven. And here, on the initiative, don’t understand who and don’t understand why children should abandon the preparation for the Unified State Examination, all tutors and all courses and go to a godforsaken institute to collect a robot. Two months in a row.

“So I don’t understand why this is necessary? one grandmother asked.

Then I found a quote from another official site (there are many of them, by the way, and all of them are official): "The pre-professional exam provides an opportunity to get additional preferences in the portfolio of personal achievements." Everything, just everything, is a lie. From the beginning to the end. This exam does not provide any additional points.

- If I do not write a letter of withdrawal from the exam, what does this threaten my child with? And what certificate do you need to bring in order to be released from this exam? I asked the official.

“But a child can change his mind,” Grandma quietly remarked. “Yes, now he is in an engineering class, but what if he wants to act in a different direction?” Then why does he need this exam? I do not understand. They are already nervous, why do they need extra nerves with your exam? Have you thought about the health of your children up there? Do you have children? Not? How did you yourself do it? According to the exam? Not? Ah, the Olympics! You graduated from a university, where should children go? Not? Oh, you graduated from Moscow State University! Young man, are you not ashamed?

Granny said that she, as a doctor, would write out a certificate to her grandson stating that he could not assemble a robot. She will write it exactly like that and put all the seals - she has the right. I promised to break my son's leg so that he would not go to assemble the robot, and the granny immediately said that there was no need to break the leg, she would put a plaster on my son's healthy leg herself and issue a certificate.

Granny said that she, as a doctor, would write out a certificate to her grandson stating that he could not assemble a robot. She will write it exactly like that and put all the seals - she has the right

The official pleaded busy and fled the stage.

Of the entire class, neither was I, nor was that grandmother who is a doctor. The class teacher turned out to be on our side - I sent her a scan of the order of the Ministry of Education. “The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing,” the cool one answered me. And just yesterday, when I had already written this note, my son came and said that I had to sign an application for participation in this exam. He was asked. For the sake of future generations and for the school to have no problems. The son filled out his part of the data, knowing full well that at that time he would be at the visiting Olympiad school, and not in Moscow. And all the teachers know about it and support it in every possible way. Then it turns out that I was indignant at nothing parent meeting? It is easier to sign everything, knowing that all initiatives will remain only on paper.

One simple question remains: who needs all this, including the robot?

"In the near future, Sberbank may lay off three thousand employees." "In a few years, half of Russians may be out of work." Headlines like this are not uncommon these days. They do not appear on fake sites where they come up with shocking news for especially gullible Internet users. This news reflects reality. The robots are coming.

No, of course, not like in science fiction films, where robots seize power, seek to either destroy a person or enslave him. Otherwise. Humanity has never faced the changes taking place today. The point is not only that centuries passed between technological revolutions, but now everything is changing right before our eyes. It's about the results of these changes. Contemporary software allows you to fully automate such types of work, which previously only a person was capable of. The changes will be very serious and large-scale.
It is not just about a large number of people who may be out of work. It is possible that many professions will simply wither away. Do not think that this will affect people associated only with hard physical labor. It is also about office workers, and about people of creative professions. For example, today the computer draws pictures, writes music and even journalistic articles. And all this is often impossible to distinguish from man-made. Or, say, the profession of a translator.
Of course, the one who translated Shakespeare will not be left without work tomorrow. But why pay thousands of specialists if you can just put an automatic translator in your ear and everything will be clear. Or take medicine. The computer is already today much better and faster than a person who reads an x-ray. In addition, he, the computer, does not have to pay a salary, social package, he does not have a break for lunch or vacation. Today, the most valuable companies employ very few people. WhatsApp, which we all use, was bought by Facebook in 2014 for $19 billion. Do you know how many people worked at WhatsApp back then? 55.
Previously, new technological discoveries - say, the Ford automobile assembly line - led not only to layoffs, but also to the creation of a large number jobs, today advanced technologies are served by a very small number of people. A friend of mine, a businessman, a few years ago, during another crisis, did not lay off a single person. And just a few years have passed - and now he is forced to lay off 10 percent of the staff by the summer, and by the end of the year - another 30. Because otherwise he risks losing the entire business, and then 100 percent of those working today will be out of work. Why am I doing this? Including the fact that in the foreseeable future, most likely, the need for mercy, for caring for those who are having a hard time, will grow very strongly. And this is the serious challenge that both our society and our Church will face in the near future.

Artificial intelligence is rapidly penetrating into all spheres of life. While people are happy with smart assistants, many popular professions may disappear due to robots in the near future. How real is the threat, and who will be at risk, the correspondent of the MIR 24 TV channel Roman Nikiforov found out.

Thespian is originally from England, but studied in Russia. Profession - actor. Recites, sings, dances, loves company.

He is one of the exhibits at the exhibition at VDNKh, where there are mechanical musicians, artists, fortune tellers or athletes. An industrial robot from a German car factory throws the ball into the basket and never misses. However, the authors of the exposition themselves say: this is more of an attraction, and not a prototype of the future. Like, in reality, smart machines should not have fun, but work.

“Robots will collect food, make the necessary machines and mechanisms for us, and so on. We will only have professions related to the entertainment industry, travel, some kind of creative environment,” shared Igor Nikitin, General Producer of the exhibition.

Russian android Fedor is preparing himself for a lifeguard career: pumping steel muscles, learning to crawl and overcome obstacles.

“This is the dismantling of rubble in the event of a emergency and the salvation of man,” shared Technical Director robot manufacturing company Yevgeny Dudorov.

Fedor repeats some movements after a person, he already does something himself. Mastering special tools, works slowly but surely. If necessary, he is ready to protect his wards - he shoots accurately with both hands.

However, robots appear not only in hazardous and hazardous industries, but also where a person feels comfortable. The waitress Ksyusha appeared in the Kaliningrad region. One serves the hall for 20 tables. Accepts and delivers orders, calculates customers - by card or in cash. It costs half a million rubles, which is comparable to the annual salary of a living colleague.

“Her salary is equal to the cost of electricity. About five or six rubles a day. It hasn't been turned off since May. When the restaurant is not working, she herself goes and recharges herself, ”said CEO group of companies for the production of service robots Nikolai Pechenkin.

At the same time, Ksyusha is not a piece goods. She has a sister, Sissy. While working on presentations: serving and entertaining.

Another service robot, Lenya, comes from a large family. He and his brothers are sales assistants in a new chain of supermarkets in the capital. They talk about promotions, discounts and simply entertain visitors.

"This is the most the best employee which we have. He is always polite. He is always ready to help. He answers all the interesting questions. He asks riddles. Tells about all our promotions,” said the director shopping center Zhanna Garina.

So far, robots in trade and services are slow and clumsy. But they do not get tired, do not get sick and do not act up. Customers are attracted due to the wow effect, that is, novelty. The future can be judged by the flagships of robotics, such as the American Atlas, which cannot be called a clumsy piece of iron.

“About 42 billion digitized books have passed through it, and we have also added HR information – this is about a hundred thousand various vacancies, several hundred MB and about 500 thousand resumes of the general ones available,” said Vladimir Sveshnikov, CEO of the IT company.

In working with data, computer brains are already out of competition. Vera does not just analyze, if necessary, she is ready to conduct an interview by phone or via the Internet.

And now experts are counting how many Russians in the near future may be left without work because of Vera.

“150-200 thousand enterprises. Let us have an average of two recruiters there. This means that there are about half a million people in our country,” commented Evgeny Itsakov, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

The struggle for jobs between people is not new. This was also discussed a century ago, when Henry Ford launched the world's first conveyor belt. But then the reductions concerned, first of all, the working class. Today, almost all professions are under the threat of extinction.

“And now this problem will already affect people who are used to calling themselves “white-collar workers”, those who put a lot of time, effort into getting an education, money. Probably, they now want to get their money back, they entered the market, found Good work, profession, and only returned the loans for education, and they are told that their profession is no longer needed by the new economy, ”explained Evgeny Itsakov, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Invasion of robots in the Quantorium



The task of this robot is to find the ball on the field and knock it out of the line. The machine is controlled only by a computer program. The robot designer stands aside and just watches what is happening. And such a machine in the future can bring real benefits, its creator is sure. For example, work in warehouses and move heavy loads.

Daniil Antipov, participant of "Robofest": It moves itself due to this panel. We introduce a program into it and it acts according to it.

Are there any sensors?

Yes, there are sensors. This panel controls the motors and light sensors.

"Robofest" Vladimir hosts for the third time. This year, 75 teams from Alexandrov, Gus-Khrustalny, Kirzhach, Kovrov, Murom came to us... Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod robotics did not refuse to compete with Vladimirians. There are almost 200 participants in total. It is noteworthy that the passion for robots is shared not only by the strong half.

Anna Antipina, participant of "Robofest":"I really like designing and assembling. It's very interesting for me. It attracted me a long time ago, and then there was such a chance - the Quantorium opened. I got here purely by chance, I was called to work as a volunteer and then they took me here."

The first "Robofest" was held in the same walls two years ago. But only then it was an old gym, which required serious repairs. Now experts call the Quantorium technopark one of the best.

Dmitry Kovrigin, roboticist:"Of course, now we see that in two years the building has changed. Probably one of the best has grown here technical centers in Russia "Quantorium". And the competition is already reaching a new level. Not just attitudes are changing towards robotics, not just in children. In general, the worldview of adults is also changing. People understand that the future is technical specialties. Well, one of the directions of the future."

In general, everyone who has a desire to study and explore can get into the Quantorium. And teachers with engineers will help to realize any children's idea. There are five areas for implementation: robotics, unmanned aircraft, biotechnology, industrial design and Information Technology. And soon future journalists will be trained in Quantorium.

Valentin Ponomarev, head of the Quantorium-33 technopark:"Since February, we have been launching Quantum media. Where we will teach children journalistic skills, the art of video filming, editing, voice acting, we are also considering other areas of a technical nature. So, I think this development path is quite long and, in any case, everything is changing for the better ".

Now more than four hundred children are studying at the Quantorium. Classes in the technopark are free. To get into the "Quantorium" it is enough to leave an application on the website