Photography in beauty style. Beauty photography - what is it all about? Beauty posing

Beauty photography is one of the most difficult sections of studio photography. This is the very example of exemplary interaction and well-coordinated teamwork, because in addition to the photographer and the model, stylists, make-up artists, lighting specialists and a whole list of specialists are involved in the process.

Responsibility for the result is divided in half between the photographer and his muse - the model. The impeccable appearance of the model is half the success. Correct facial features, clean, even, elastic skin; expressive eyes; sensual lips; shining hair; a dazzling smile - every detail is crucial, because we have that rare case when external beauty wins over internal.

Speaking of beauty photography, we mean perfect beauty and glamor, the same one that flirts with us from magazine covers and seduces with demonstrative gloss. Here it is not required to delve into the image of the model, consider the facial expression, try to guess the character of the heroine. Main character the picture - the girl's face, or even make-up, in other words - the "facade". It is for this reason that in most cases professional models are involved in the shooting.

How we are working

    You leave a request

    We do the calculation of work in 2 or 3 versions

    Discussing technical specifications or shooting details

    We take pictures

    You get the finished result

your application
and we will call you back!

Makeup is given special attention. Most often, bright, catchy, sometimes outrageous and even provocative makeup is used for shooting. To enhance the effect, you can use additional details - accessories, rhinestones, sparkles, although many photographers are of the opinion that there should not be any extra trifles in the frame.
What does beauty photography focus on? To do this, you need to indicate the purpose of the photo shoot. If this is an advertisement for cosmetics, then a certain part of the face comes to the fore - lips, eyes, eyelashes, skin, or makeup in general.
The scope of such shooting is unusually wide: it is advertising of cosmetics, hair care products, women's catalogs, fashion magazines, street signs, advertising of jewelry, bijouterie, hats, accessories, etc.

Because beauty photography involves close-ups, it requires not only perfect skin, skillful work of a makeup artist, but also careful retouching of images. By the way, shooting at the highest possible resolution increases the likelihood of successful shots.

We must not forget about the light, because an incorrectly drawn up scheme of light can nullify all the work. The lion's share of pictures is created using the standard linear circuit using a beauty dish, a reflector and a few additional light sources.

Regardless of the chosen scheme, all photographers agree that the light should be soft and act as an ally of the photographer - unobtrusively emphasize the dignity of the face and gently hide imperfections. The best option is soft light, which smoothes the features, gives the pictures volume.

And finally, the background. The ideal background should be neutral, solid and evenly lit.

In order for beauty photography to be fruitful, it is important to initially decide on the image and imagine final result, after which to achieve the desired is a matter of technology.

Why choose us


the world is amazing, and the people in it are amazing, people in the world who do not know, but have an idea, this is what frightens the most in the world: an ignorant person, but having an idea, inclined to reject and evade, as well as get angry, throw stones at shit and not accept . And okay, it’s not necessary that every person loves you and rejoices in you, but it would be much more pleasant if the rabid anti-fan at least partially understood what exactly was rejecting you or his knowledge of you.

So I'm talking about beauty photos. I often work in this genre, almost all the time. What is it all about?
I often receive comments about my photos, such as:
- that's not her
- doesn't look like herself
- not her image
- wash off make-up
why so many decorations
- tons of photoshop
- too bright
- dead look
- she doesn't smile

Another thing is that in advertising and in magazines, you, my audience, are used to seeing such photos performed by models with commercially attractive faces. And I use faces in my work ordinary people whom I meet every day on the street. At the same time, affirming that I like these faces and that everything is fine with them.

So, attention to the question, what is a beauty photo? you can use your own understanding of the genre when answering the question, but it's best if you try to use google. No links needed, just your own words. With the owners of (at least) theoretical knowledge, I am ready to discuss this particular work, which I propose under the cut.)

This footage is from January 2014. Consisted of three images) very different. Worked with my wonderful partner Kitty Orlova (make-up and hairstyle by her handiwork)




(plastic earrings can be buy in my jewelry store for 100r)







You can offer cooperation, as well as order advertising here:
[email protected]

I invite you to photoshoot everyone who wants to come to me. looking for new faces

89688673865 , viber and whatsapp
my photo site is here
personal instagram

This is another "How It's Made" article. This time we are shooting and processing a beauty portrait for publication in a magazine. Filmed in the same home studio, where it is very cozy, cramped and fun. Now I will try to explain exactly how these photos turned out.

So, the initial shooting conditions:

Home studio, part of the room was used for filming (about 4 meters long and 3 meters wide)

Background: Fashion Gray, paper, width 1.35 m

Studio equipment: 3 pulsed light sources 180 W each

Nozzles: Beauty dish (40 cm) with white diffuser and honeycomb (I think mine is 20°), 2 softboxes 50*70 cm

To create the image we used:

Makeup: makeup was applied by the model herself (who, unlike me, has basic skills as a makeup artist), based on coral and red colors

The hair was loosened and styled in large curls, a headband with flowers was used as a decoration and the main accessory (homemade from elastic band and artificial flowers)

Lighting scheme.

3 light sources are used - two with the same power on the sides (back and at the same time drawing) and one in front for filling. Initially, it was planned to use also the background light (4th source), but in the process I did not like how it looked, and we decided to abandon it.

The model sits on a high bar stool in the center, approximately 1-2 steps from the background. I am directly in front of the model with the camera, because I wanted to get a very symmetrical image.

Fill light. On the crane stand there is a monoblock with a beauty dish with honeycombs and a diffuser (a white fabric that stretches over the dish). The source is located in the center above the model at a minimum height - so that the plate itself does not fall into the frame. If you place the source higher, long shadows will begin to appear under the nose and eyebrows.

Drawing source power = approximately +/- 1/2 max

Back key light. On the sides to the left and right, a little behind, behind the model (between the model and the background) there are 2 stands with monoblocks and identical rectangular softboxes. Softboxes are located approximately at the level of the model's face - so that the light hits strictly from the back-side at the level of the cheeks. The sources shine with the same power, creating highlights on the hair and light on the edges of the model's face.

Source power = max

The curtains are completely drawn in the room, the lights are off.

Camera settings: ISO 250, f/7.1, 1/80 sec

As a result, it turned out like this:


In Lightroom, I made minimal adjustments - White Balance, Exposure, Highlights, and also slightly enlarged the crop. Then I exported the photo in TIFF 16 bit format to Photoshop

Already in Photoshop, all the fun begins. First I clean the skin from texture imperfections(too enlarged pores, pimples, bumps, etc.) by combining work tools Spot Healing Brush (Spot Healing Brush), Healing Brush (Healing brush), Patch Tool (Patch). At this stage, I need to get the most even texture of the skin and at the same time not blur it. Therefore, the work is carried out in small areas with a thin brush with soft edges. I work on a graphic tablet, so the work of cleaning the skin is similar to painting over bumps with individual strokes (and not dotted, like working with a mouse).

Then I work on evening out the tone and skin tone with frequency decomposition techniques(See the video below for more details). At this stage, it is important to obtain uniform skin color transitions on the face and neck, while maintaining natural light and shade transitions on the face.

Next task - "clean" hair namely, get rid of individual hairs sticking out in different directions, broken strands, fill in the gaps between the strands (if necessary), “smooth” the hair and bring it to a neat appearance. Separate protruding hairs are usually lighter than the bulk of the hair, so I paint over them Spot healing brush (Spot Healing Brush) in Darkening mode (Darken). In particularly difficult cases, when a hair “transplant” is required, I use the tool Clone Stamp at 100%, as soft as possible with a brush of small diameter - to simulate individual hairs and thin strands. In this case, it is necessary to avoid doubling the texture of the hair.

To clean the background, clothes and jewelry from excess hairs and strands overlapping them, the best tool is Patch Tool in Content-Aware mode, where I usually set "Very strict" (Very stirct). With these settings, the section of the photo with an extra strand of hair is replaced by the adjacent section of your choice, which is cleverly adjusted to fit the surrounding image. This tool does an excellent job in the most difficult cases, for example, on the border of contrast areas, where other “healing” tools spread dirt and “soap” the image. In conclusion, the traces of work Patch (Patch Tool) on homogeneous areas can be covered with a Spot healing brush (Spot Healing Brush) or the same Patch (Patch Tool) in Normal mode (Normal) to maintain smooth transitions of colors and tones in the photo.

After cleaning the skin and hair is finished, I proceed to enhancing highlights and shadows using the Dodge & Burn technique (Brightener and Burner tools). At this stage, volumes, contrast are emphasized, color saturation in midtones is enhanced (in some areas of the image), glow is added by enhancing highlights on the hair, lips and eyes.

After that, I set the basis for color correction with Adjustment layer Selective Color (Adjustment Layer - Selective Color), where I tint the shadows to blue, and add bluish-yellow hues to the highlights (for more details, see the video tutorial).

Next stage - adjustment of composition and geometric shapes. In this case, my task was to restore symmetry to the model's facial features and increase the volume of the hair (creating the feeling of long and lush strands). First, I selected the bottom part of the photo (from the neck of the model and down to the end) and using Free Transform - Ctrl+T / Cmd+T stretched the bottom of the photo so that the hair extends beyond the bottom edge of the frame.

Then using the tool Liquify (Plastic) I corrected the facial features of the model, increased the volume of the hair, and also returned the symmetry to the way the hair falls apart over the shoulders of the model.

Then - refinement in color. I select the collar of a bright red coat that I want to make a colder color (to match the makeup), feather the edge of the selection and add cold shades with Color Balance. In the shadows and midtones I add blues. Then I erase the excess on the white layer mask with a black brush - where the extra cold shade has entered the hair.

Then I notice that there is not enough shine in the eyes, so I create a selection of the iris of the eyes, blend along the edge by 2-3 pixels, hide selection Ctrl+H / Cmd+H and call Levels (Levels). In Levels, I'm adding highlights and deepening shadows to get more sparkle and contrast in the iris.

Also, at the same time, you can clean the whites of the eyes from red vessels with the Spot Healing Brush (Spot Healing Brush) or any healing tools that are convenient for you.

The next step is to work with filters of the Color Efex Pro 4 plugin. With help Filter Details I bring back highlight detail on the colors in the subject's hair while sharpening and also lightly accentuating the eyes.

Final tinting with a peach shade - launch Ink filter #2 in Color Efex Pro plugin and reduce the opacity of the layer with this tinting to desired level(usually 10-40%, I got 12% this time).

Finally, we add some noise to the photo in order to bring back the texture to the photo and hide the traces of the work in Photoshop (healing group tools tend to blur the texture of the photo). For this we go to Filters - Noise - Add noise (Filters - Noise - Add Noise), check the box “Monochromatic” and “Gaussian” (Gaussian, Monochromatic), the value is 2-5% (in this case I add about 4%).

Everything, processing is finished! Save files in the correct format(TIFF or PSD with core layers, full size high resolution JPG and low resolution JPG version for web publishing).

And the finished result:

Fashion and beauty photography is one of the most sought-after areas. Beauty shooting is a stunningly beautiful photo session, the emphasis of which is on professional makeup. In fashion shoots, much attention is paid to the image of the model, her clothes and accessories. Such shootings are very popular among fashion glossy magazines.

Book a Photoshoot

In our studio, you can either rent any room with your photographer or choose a turnkey photo session package from our team

up to 2 people


15 000 rub.

  • Fashion and beauty
    shooting in the studio for an hour

up to 3 people


25 000 rub.

  • Fashion and beauty
    shooting in the studio for an hour
  • 1 hour of shooting with a professional photographer and photo equipment
  • One look from a professional makeup artist (hair + makeup)
  • All the best shots with basic color correction link to file hosting
  • COMPLIMENT FROM THE STUDIO: Stylish photo album
  • Book

up to 5 people


35 000 rub.

  • Fashion and beauty
    2 hour studio shoot
  • 2 hours of shooting with a professional photographer and photo equipment
  • Two looks from a professional makeup artist (styling + makeup)
  • All the best shots with basic color correction link to file hosting
  • COMPLIMENT FROM THE STUDIO: Gift certificate to a cosmetics store
  • Book

DEADLINE FOR PHOTOS: 7-10 business days

Prices for additional services

Every time we look through fashion magazines, we see incredibly beautiful shots of celebrities and models. Stunning fashion image, unreal makeup and high quality photos drive us wild. And undoubtedly each of us dreamed of such a fashion shoot as from glossy magazine. But behind all this is a huge work of a large team of professionals.

5 minutes walk
from metro station Krasnoselskaya

Free parking
within the territory of

front door
to the studio

In our studio site you can not only immerse yourself in a creative atmosphere, but also create high-quality fashion and beauty shooting. There are 6 halls in our art space, each of which is unique and carries a special atmosphere.

You will be able to turn all your ideas into reality and create the most beautiful fashion and beauty photo shoot. You can use the services of our professional team: photographers, stylists, make-up artists, or simply book any suitable room for your photo session with your team.

Ideas for a photo shoot

Here you can book a hall for fashion and beauty shooting

Currently, this type of filming is popular not only among commercial orders, but also enjoys great interest among private photo shoots. The advantage is that the models stick in the frame in a completely different way than in Everyday life. Most often, such shots are shot on white or colored backgrounds so that the interior does not distract from the whole image of the model. When ordering individual fashion and beauty shooting, girls will be able to feel like real models from the cover of glossy magazines.


Hall Milan- light coloured white room with a classic interior and a large 8x7m cyclorama. This room is ideal for fashion and beauty shooting. Also, in this room there are several dressing tables and a mobile wardrobe, thanks to which you can comfortably prepare for photography.

Book Gallery

From 2000 rub / hour

Hall size 200m2

Capacity up to 150 people


Loft with cube bed

from 1,000 rubles 40m2 up to 30 guests

Read more Book now

Amsterdam Hall is a dark hall with panoramic windows. The main attribute of this room is a large hanging cube bed. Also, this interior is complemented by a large wall with light bulbs, which will be an excellent attribute for fashion photography.

Book Amsterdam Gallery


Dark loft with a terrace

from 1,300 rubles 60m2 up to 60 guests

Read more Book now

The Manhattan Hall is a spacious loft with a terrace. This hall is perfect for bold and extraordinary fashion shoots. The interior of the hall is made of red brick, in the urban style. Also, the hall has an exit to the street, so you can conduct fashion shooting at two locations at once.

Book Manhattan Gallery


Bright room with big screen

from 1,000 rubles 50m2 up to 30 guests

Read more Book now

The Rome Hall is a bright hall with panoramic windows. The hall is divided into several locations: a dark wall with luxurious golden furniture, a large white cyclorama 4.5x3.7m. Also, in the hall there is an opportunity to conduct fashion and beauty shooting on colored backgrounds.

Book Rome Gallery


white loft

from 1,500 rubles 120m2 up to 70 guests

London Hall is a white loft with panoramic windows. Ideal for both fashion shoots and beauty photo shoots. The hall is equipped automatic system backgrounds, which will speed up the shooting process.

Book London Gallery

Our advantages

Two corner cycloramas 8x7m and 6x7m

Colored paper and fabric backgrounds

Beauty photography is a kind of studio photography designed to demonstrate any complex make-up, hairstyle, body art, cosmetic product advertising.
Imagine the situation: you are not a beginner in photography, but you have encountered beauty photography for the first time. For example, a familiar makeup artist asked me to shoot a portfolio for him. How to choose a model, a photo studio, how to correctly set the light and what angles to choose - we will talk about this in our article.

Features of beauty photography

home distinguishing feature beauty photos - the size of the plans. Since the task of the photographer is to capture some kind of make-up, jewelry or hairstyle, large and detailed plans to show the face and parts of the model's face.

  • You may ask how, in this case, this genre differs from the portrait?
  • Indeed, in the latter, all these plans are also actively used. The answer is simple: in beauty photography, it is necessary to convey the image created by the makeup artist, to show how well this or that cosmetic product fits. Portrait photography is designed to convey the individuality of the model itself. Makeup and hairstyle in portrait photography should only emphasize the beauty of the model, nothing more.

Beauty photography is intended for glossy magazines, which is why you need to be able to not only take pictures, but also retouch your pictures.

Model selection

Beauty shooting involves a demonstration of makeup. And of course, for such a shoot, you need to choose a model with an exceptional appearance, whose facial features will ideally fit the invented fashion image for photography.

For beauty shooting, it is better to use the services of a professional model, they are specially trained to demonstrate clothes, jewelry and, of course, hair and makeup. You can easily find a professional model through special agencies.

In addition, today there are many sites and groups in in social networks designed for the information of photographers and models. Here you can choose a girl for your project without any intermediaries and contact her directly, which will save your money.

A girl for beauty shooting should have smooth, preferably perfect, even skin. This will make your work in photo editing easier. You also need to pay attention to the symmetry of the face, the color of the eyes (their color should be combined with the chosen makeup), and of the teeth, everything in your photo should be perfect, including the smile.

Choosing a studio

When choosing a photo studio for beauty shooting, it is worth staying in a spacious room with high ceilings so that the bright glow from flashes does not reflect from the ceiling and walls and thus does not give additional light that can interfere with achieving the desired effect in photography.

You also need to make sure that everything is present in the studio. necessary equipment the right quality and that all this equipment is in working order. The results of your shooting directly depend on this, not all flashes and softboxes can emphasize the texture and shine of a particular cosmetic product or brightness jewelry.

Another important aspect when choosing a studio, there are dressing rooms, rooms with good lighting, where a professional makeup artist can create the perfect make-up in a comfortable environment, and a stylist can style your hair. After all, makeup and hair are the main thing in beauty photography. The model must also be given special place where she could change and rest.

Today, a lot of photo studios can offer you their own make-up artist-stylist, who has a lot of suitable images and props in his arsenal, successfully combined with the background and interior of the photo studio. Often in such studios there is a rental of dresses and suits.

Practice in the studio, lighting schemes

Octobox, reflector, beauty dish - still unfamiliar words for you? Then it's too early for you to start beauty. You can improve this knowledge in photography courses.

In short, the octobox is for key light, it in the best possible way emphasizes the texture, creates soft shadows and a gradient on the background.

  • beauty dish- creates hard shadows. The closer the plate is to the model, the harder the shadows, the farther - softer. Using a beauty dish with a honeycomb, you will get a great contrast light that will help illuminate all the necessary details.

The reflector is also often used in beauty photography, it perfectly softens the shadows if they are too sharp and deforms the face, and also creates beautiful highlights in the eyes.

Hollywood scheme

Beauty dish is tilted at 45% above the head of the model and direct it exactly along the line of symmetry of the face. This will give us a good volume of the face, namely the shadow under the nose in the shape of a butterfly, the shadow under the lower lip and the shadow at the oval of the face. To soften too contrasting shadows, we add a reflector to our scheme. Also, if necessary, highlight the background.

shining background

We use a softbox instead of a background, build the appropriate settings and get some kind of light wrapping or a shining background. We also put a beauty dish in front of the model, as in the Hollywood scheme.

contour illumination

This lighting scheme often uses colored filters that highlight only the outline of the face. Set the flash with a color filter to the side of the model or behind (diagonally) and get contour illumination of the face and shoulders. In this lighting scheme, it is very important not to overdo it with the sharpness of contour lighting, it should shine softly, in no case should it exceed the brightness of the main light falling on the face.

If we use contour lighting on both sides, we get an interesting effect.

Hair highlight

As we have said, in beauty photography it is often necessary to show hair as well as makeup. Hairstyles can be both voluminous and not very. To illuminate the hair, a crane stand is used, which holds the flash directly above the head of the model or slightly behind and shines on the top of the head, while the light should not fall on the face.

Camera settings, lenses

  • When shooting a portrait, in which all the details should be visible, it is better to set the aperture as closed as possible. Professional photographers it is advised to set f|8 or f|9. Thus, the model's face, make-up details and hair decorations will be as sharp as possible, which is very important in beauty shooting.
  • Next, we turn our attention to shutter speed so that the camera the best way harmonized with flashes, you need to set the shutter speed to 1/160. ISO is set to a minimum value of 100.
  • For beauty shooting, all portrait lenses from 50 mm are suitable. Pros often choose 85mm and 120mm for beauty.
  1. If you are shooting several images with different models, invite the girls in turn, timing this way: while you are shooting one, the makeup artist is preparing the second. So you will not overpay for the extra wasted time.
  2. When you're shooting in front of a client, show them a few good shots, so the tension subsides and you can continue working in a calm, relaxed atmosphere.
  3. Test in advance all the circuits you want to use. If you see obvious flaws in the lighting scheme while shooting, do not expect to fix everything with Photoshop, it will not help you dramatically improve the picture.
  4. Choose a simpler scheme that you can definitely handle.
  5. The closer you set the light to the model, the more you will constrain her in movement and thereby deprive yourself of spontaneous, more natural shots.
  6. To create something modern, a beauty photographer must follow the fashion trends. Track the work of contemporary photographers to get inspired and get more than just technically correct shots.

When shooting, use the format with the highest image quality - RAW + JPEG format. With JPEG you can quickly select the best shots, while RAW will help you with photo processing. For this format, stock up on a sufficient supply of memory cards.