Put an objection. Dealing with Objections: Ten Unusual Techniques

Objections (doubts) - the natural state of the buyer, "advancing" on the way to complete the transaction.

Doubts are often expressed in the form of criticisms, especially in our country, but in reality they hide the desire of the buyer to get more information about the product or service. Every client wants to "save face": to appear knowledgeable, competent, and making the right choice.

Welcome objections! An objection is a sign that you are being listened to, are making a purchasing decision and need more information.

Technique active sales in the shop

Mistakes to make when dealing with customer objections


The axiom is that it is useless to argue with the client.

The dispute forces the client to take a tough position from which it is very difficult to “move” him. It is clear that if the seller meets any "wrong" opinion of the buyer "with hostility", he acts to the detriment of his own interests. Even if the seller politely and correctly tries to convince the client by offering the most compelling arguments, he interferes with a successful purchase.

Leaving the situation

This style of behavior is caused by the following considerations: “It is useless to argue with the client. Until he himself makes some decision, it is better not to interfere. In this case, the seller, having heard notes of doubt in the voice of the buyer, stops all activity. The long silence of the seller in this case is regarded by the client as the inability to add anything good about the product. Therefore, doubts intensify and the buyer tends to leave in order to protect himself from unpleasant sensations.


The fate of sellers who are not very confident in themselves or in the merits of their product. Indecisiveness and justifying intonations in the seller's voice sharply reduce the importance of the product in the eyes of the consumer. In addition, the client may decide that the seller is simply hiding some shortcomings from him.

Common seller mistakes:

  • Panic fear of objections
  • Excessive emotionality
  • Not listening to the client
  • Lack of post-situation analysis

Basic rules for dealing with customer doubts

Rule 1

The doubts of the client must be carefully listened to, even if at first glance they seem ridiculous and stupid. Sometimes it is enough for the client to voice his own experiences and fears in order to understand their groundlessness. The seller, who listens carefully to the buyer's objections, makes it clear: “I really care about your opinion, even if it differs from mine. I'm confident."

Rule 2

When responding to customer objections, do not be nervous and annoyed.

Rule 3

If your arguments don't impress the client, chances are you're answering the wrong "hidden" question. In this case, it should be clarified what exactly the fears of the buyer are. In 95% of cases, ordinary objections hide the client's personal beliefs, the logic of which is clear only to him.

“Rushing” immediately to dissuade the buyer, we lose the opportunity to understand the essence of his doubts.

To more accurately determine the true cause of the objections of the buyer, it is necessary to ask clarifying questions.

It is better to use open-ended questions:

v Please tell me what makes you doubt?

v Why do you think so?

v What information do you need to study?

It is optimal to have at least 10 such questions that meet the only requirement - getting an answer to the question: "What is the true reason for the buyer's doubts?"

Rule 4

The most convincing answer to the buyer's doubts is his own answer. Sometimes this requires the use of specially prepared questions, and sometimes active listening techniques.

Rule 5

When dealing with buyer's doubts, it is necessary to use the “agree and deny” technique. The reception consists of two parts. First, we agree with possible the truth that lies in the words of the client.

“Some buyers feel at first that our products are overpriced…”

“At first it seemed to me that the products of competitors are no different from ours ...”

Such phrases help the client to understand that he is being listened to attentively and partly share his concerns, which increases the level of the client's trust in the words of the seller. It is at this point that we use the second part of the technique, which introduces Additional information for the client and refutes his doubts.

“Some buyers feel at first that our products are overpriced. Then, after a more detailed acquaintance with all the advantages, they change their mind to the exact opposite. Let's see why this happens...

It is important that the first part and the second are not connected with each other according to the principle: “Yes ... but ...”.

Better use of phrases:

  • In the same time
  • On the other hand

Rule 6

Before moving on to another argument that refutes the client's doubts, it is necessary to obtain his agreement with the previous argument. If we have not received consent from the client, this means that he has remained on his point of view and we cannot move forward to complete the transaction.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the non-verbal characteristics of the client's behavior.

However, it is better to verify agreement with the help of questions:

  • Do you agree with these arguments?
  • Does it alleviate your concerns?
  • Have I answered all your questions or are some details left unanswered?

Rule 7

It is necessary to sum up the conversation. In this small summary, the client's doubts and those positive arguments with which the client agreed should be present. During the summary it is better to speak in the words of the client. This will allow the client to feel that he is making a responsible decision himself, without pressure from the seller.

Rule 8

Unfortunately, there are cases when, as a result of properly performed work, the client still remains of his opinion and does not want to purchase the product. Don't get upset! If the client "ripens", he will come to us again, because. when the need for a product increases, the client unconsciously strives to buy the product exactly where it was comfortable for him to communicate.

Common seller mistakes:

  • Inability to deal with objections
  • Unwillingness to deal with objections
  • Misunderstanding the true causes of objections
  • Lack of analysis
  • Lack of collective discussion of the most typical and complex objections
  • Transition to personality

Algorithm for dealing with an objection

For example, the question of price arises:

- Why so expensive?


Not with an objection, but with the fact that the objection is important.

“I understand that you think so now…

– Yes, I understand, we have to discuss the issue of quality…

- Yes, it is important, we offer the latest novelty ...

- Specify and specify.

  • with alternatives.

- Do you compare our prices with someone else's or did you expect a certain amount? If the client does not understand what such money is for, then it is necessary to explain to him the advantages of your product.

It is at this stage that we can come closer to understanding "intention".

For example, it is necessary to concretize the concept of "quality". This, like happiness, everyone understands in their own way.

  • paraphrasing the words of the client.

It is necessary to maintain “feedback” with the client, because it is easier to keep attention while being in a state of dialogue.

1) "...isn't it?"

2) "Did I understand you correctly that ...?"


Argumentation should be only from the perspective of the interests of the client.

When a client communicates with you, you need to find out what is important for him in choosing a tanning cream.

Example 1:

- "Why is it necessary to use several degrees of protection against rays?"

-“We suggest you start with a greater degree of protection in order to guarantee you an even and high-quality tan, for your convenience we offer you this and this cream, and you will be sure of the effectiveness and beauty of tanning.”

Example 2:

- “Why is the company French, and the production is Poland?”

– “This indicates that the company is actively expanding and its products are in demand”

That is, we explain to the client why it is good for him.

Summarize or summarize.

At this stage, it is important to know about the "Edge Effect". This means: what you want the person to remember must be placed at the beginning and at the end of the conversation.

Dealing with the Objection: “Too Expensive”

Objection handling technique:

"Too expensive"

I can't affordimagine it. 1) Identification of the difference between the expected and proposed price and operate with it - offer a cheaper analogue or discount BUT: if 1.5 times more, it is difficult to convince. It's a big amount for me, but I can spend it. 2) Finding the difference between the expected and the offered price and operating on it. 3) Breaking down the price for the period of use (how long to use) The difference between investment and consumption 4) Comparison brought to the point of absurdity (how much do you spend per month on gasoline, transport or telephone? )
  1. Expensive compared to… (we did research)

It shouldn't cost that much.

(A person wants to be convinced that it's worth so much)

1) price-quality is being clarified

2) price-prestige at the stage

3) price-service clarifications

4) price and its


1) product quality, fame, environmental friendliness,

3) price-service

(90% of salons work with us - 8 years on the market)

4) The price includes - expensive quality ingredients, natural oils and herbs

5) How much do you think our reputation and guarantee cost?

Completion of the deal

If you built it right business conversation, paying special attention to collecting information about the client, if you arranged a presentation of the product in accordance with his interests and characteristics, if you dispelled all doubts, you do not need to make great efforts to complete the transaction.

However, this is not always the case; in real life, options are possible.

2.6.1. Client ready

How to determine that the client is "ripe"?

There are so-called buy signals when:

  • A customer is discussing a purchase with a friend.
  • Possibility of discounts.
  • I agree with the price.
  • Discusses application issues that usually follow after purchase.

When closing a deal, it is better to operate with alternative questions: “Will you pay in cash or bank card?”, “Would you like to pack?”.

2.6.2. The client doubts

This refers to the situation when the client doubts, but it can be "pressed".

Having gone through all the stages, the client says: “I will think about it,” which means:

  • He had doubts.
  • He wants to compare (with something) or consult with someone.
  • Just a rejection.

Here it is important to observe the behavior of the client. If the client has doubts, then mistakes could be made at the stage of identifying the need (gathering information), when you found out the motives or at the presentation stage, when you did not clarify everything or overloaded the client with details that did not interest him.

If questions remain at the completion stage, then there is a chance to convince the client. It is better to operate with alternative questions:

“Tell me, do you still have questions or do you want to consult with someone?”

“Tell me what you liked and what you didn’t like and what other questions you have?”

The client can be influenced by the following laws:

  • Law of mutual agreement

“We agreed that…”, “as we agreed…” i.e. draw a positive conclusion.

  • Law as a condition

“Technologically, this is not possible.” People with internal reference are affected like a bull by a red rag. This law should be avoided, it is better to say: “It is more profitable for you, because. ….".

  • Law of Common Practice

Works well for people with an external reference. “So it is accepted, fashionable. Most order this…”

  • Expert Influence

Perhaps in a situation where you refer to your experience: “I am a professional and I can advise this…”, “When I did this for a (prestigious client), he was very pleased.” Expert influence can also be based on statistics: “in Russia, where it is customary to use paints on their own, most often they order it ..”

  • Charismatic influence

It is effective when contact has already been established: “For myself, I would choose this ....”, “You know, I advise you ...”

  • Reward Impact

“By doing this, you will win in that…”

2.6.3. The client compares with competitors.

When a customer wants to compare your company's product and services with competitors, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. Comparison needs to be correct. competitors are not bad, they are different.
  2. It must be remembered that it is better to compare with those brands that do not have some property inherent in our products.
  3. Praise your competitor in small things, and they will believe you in big things.
  4. Key phrases: pay attention to ..., we have a difference in that ..., ordinary shampoo is sold even in the grocery ...,

Client leaves

This refers to the situation when the client gives the final refusal and leaves.

It is necessary to offer options for further contact. We again use alternative questions like: “Will you visit us next time or is it better for me to call you back in case of a promotion?”. Offer to take a business card and a catalog.

Deal completion techniques


There are no products without flaws. In addition, any product has one common drawback - you have to pay for it. In the final stage of the sale, to facilitate the decision-making, the client needs to part with the money, once again help to weigh the pros and cons.

Therefore, it is necessary to once again colorfully and briefly describe the advantages that the client saw in the product, dwell on the shortcomings that were identified during the conversation and clearly show that the pros outweigh the cons.

For this, the following conditions must be met:

  • It is possible to proceed to the completion of the transaction if the client freely and uninhibitedly expresses his point of view, looks at the product with interest and listens carefully to the seller.
  • All advantages and disadvantages were previously discussed with the client. When listing arguments, you must use the words and judgments of the client.
  • You should not “miss” in your speech the shortcomings of the product that the client noted. You should use the arguments that the client “dissuaded” himself at the stage of working with objections.
  • When listing the advantages and disadvantages, it is important to use clarity.
  • After each argument, wait for confirmation from the client.

Reducing decision making to a formality

At this stage, you should not use "frightening" words:

  • Money
  • Expensive
  • Professional
  • Buy

To proceed to the completion of the transaction, it is better to use the phrases:

  • We have solved the main issue, now only the details remain. Let me take your order.
  • Now it remains only to apply everything correctly. Look, please, here I put the instructions and the catalog

Alternative question

to complete the transaction directly.

BE SURE TO TAKE CONTACT INFORMATION! (if you feel that the client is our Adherent)

Typical mistakes sellers make when closing a deal:

  • Misdiagnosing client status
  • Failure to complete the deal
  • Thinking of the reasons that do not allow to close the deal
  • Poor knowledge of competitors
  • Fear of competitors
  • Fear of disclosing information about competitors
  • Incorrect reviews about competitors
  • Fear of asking closing questions
  • Fear of asking for contact information
  • Failure to request contact information
  • Lack of homework, for contact information
  • Reluctance to ask for contact information
  • Misunderstanding the importance of obtaining contact information
  • Incorrect reasoning to customers for the need to leave such information

Phrases that help to reasonably answer the incorrect wishes of customers.

  • I can't disobey the director's orders.
  • The administration (director) tells us so.
  • At ABC, together with partners, they conducted research on how best to do this and came to the conclusion that it is better to do this.

Phrases to help convince customers

We love our products.

  • Do you drive a car that you like the look of but the brakes don't work?
  • A Russian car may look the same as an imported one, but costs quite differently.

“Like-dislike” technique (find out what you don’t like and offer an alternative)

Example #1:

Client: This cream doesn't seem to work for me. I should think.

Manager: Understand. Such a decision requires careful consideration, and I am ready to help you make the right decision. You have seen certain advantages in our creams, but you have some doubts. Tell me, please, what did you like the most and what causes doubts?

Client: It is very good that it contains medicinal herbs, but can it be used as a moisturizer and refresher?

Manager: Let me offer you this cream ... It just has healing properties and moisturizes.

Example #2

Client: This professional hair dryer is very expensive. I should think.

Manager: Yes, I agree with you. The price is really higher than usual. What do you think is the main advantage of this hair dryer over the usual one?

Client: I think it has a powerful motor and lasts longer, but it's kind of heavy.

Manager: Let me offer you this model ... It is quite light, but it will last a very long time and you will not regret that you bought it from us.

"Let me help you" trick

(join and form customer choice)

Example #1

Client: I looked through so many shades of paint. I should think.

Manager: I completely understand you. You told me that now you need to change the image and buy paint for a certain budget. My goal is to help you get it. Can you tell me what exactly is stopping you?

Client: On the one hand, I want a red shade, but on the other hand, it seems to me that it doesn’t really suit my face.

Manager: Let me help you. Considering your short haircut and the color of your eyes, I recommend that you choose from this brown palette. How do you like this shade? I think it will just reflect all your natural beauty.

Example #2

Client: I don't understand why this shampoo costs so much money. What is so valuable about it? I should think.

Manager: Of course, this shampoo belongs to the SPA-series and is quite expensive. But this series is made on the basis of sea water with algae and minerals. Let me find the right shampoo for you. Do you have dry and brittle hair?

Client: Yes, I wish they weren't.

Manager: Let me help you. I offer you this ... a unique shampoo with a nourishing effect of hair follicles. Continuous use of it for 2-3 months will improve the structure of your hair. I think you will be very satisfied.

Reception “It usually means…”

(say the client's objection out loud and find a solution)

Example #1

Client: I have heard about this miracle drug before. I should think. Thank you.

Manager: It's clear. Whenever I hear such an answer, it usually means that there is some kind of doubt that stops. Do you think its action is not real?

Client: Well, I don’t know, my friend bought it and it’s all for nothing.

Manager: If you allow, I will tell you how to use it correctly. Perhaps your girlfriend is using it not according to the instructions. Our company just always sells those products that have already been tested and have proven themselves from the best side.

Example #2

Client: Your price is higher than ABC's. I can buy it there for less.

Manager: It's clear. If it wasn't about price, would you buy from us?

Client: Quite possibly.

Manager: Good. You are right, the price of ABC shampoo is slightly lower than ours. At the same time, we offer additional services that you do not receive right now, such as a bonus card, giveaways, gift wrapping, presentations on the use of funds with a sale with a card, and so on.

So while you may be paying more at first glance, you actually save money by buying from us. Why don't we checkout and get bonus card for you right now?

When it comes to sales, the words about “difficult clients” always slip through, they tell how much trouble they have and what efforts you have to put in to work with them and keep them.

But thanks to simple technologies, such as competent work with objections, difficult clients gradually turn first into just customers, and then into beloved partners.

If the buyer objects, his point of view is absolutely fair in his picture of the world and he will not be convinced by the arguments that you offer based on your perception of the world. Therefore, first of all, it is important to “tune in” to the interlocutor, without belittling or challenging his statements.

The objection is like a mirror.

Difficult clients never appear out of nowhere. A general distrust of the offered goods/services is rather a trend on which business relationships are built, so the appearance of objections is a sign of the first step towards a deal.

The client's objections show:

His past experience

Client: I have already bought office furniture. They called themselves market leaders, and I waited three weeks for delivery. I don't want to work with leaders anymore.

- - his fears and doubts

Client: You talk painfully beautifully about your tours: it doesn’t happen like that.

Biased ratings

Client: I don't believe that such a young business analyst can understand the inner workings of our company!

Motives driving them when making a decision

Client: Did your recruiter say that a new employee will only have a three-month warranty?! You can't check the accountant before handing over the balance sheet.

And they are also provoked by the manager himself:

Manager is poorly organized

Client: I've been waiting twenty minutes for a response from you. Does your whole company work like this?

The manager did not find convincing arguments, arguments

Customer: I don't believe your "equipment will meet specification". If this is the only thing on which the technology of your work rests, then I will probably look for another agency.

The manager is lying

Client: How long will it take to execute the contract?

M. - A day or two ..

Client: What?! And why did you tell me yesterday that this can be done within an hour?

manager arguing

Client: Three months of guarantee for the selection of a new accountant is not enough. I would like to issue six.

M. Why do you need six months. For three, the accountant will show all his knowledge.

Client: I myself will decide: how much I need a guarantee!

They were known only by sight!

To build a worthy response to emerging objections, you need a model in which both beginners and professionals can work. One of these could be a typology of BOKS clients. ("Safety-Possession-Comfort-Status").

Client type

Characteristic phrases


risk insurance, financial stability, fulfillment of obligations, quality assurance, reliability, the ability to keep everything under control.

How reliable is this technology?

And what guarantees will you give me that the item I bought will be delivered on time?

When should I expect a letter from you?


desire to have exclusivity, possession of power, individual attitude, awareness of oneself as the only one

How popular is this model?

I want to choose an inexpensive but good tour. What do you have?

We are a unique company and we need a design that reflects our company…

comfortable calm communication, ease of use, simplification of work, established habits, peace, saving working time and effort

Do I need the most easy-to-use technique?

Will there be any problems with this technique?

Do your tours have all inclusive service?

titles, promotions, ranks, honors, recognition of merit, career, ambition

I need the technique of the latest design solution.

What do you have from pre-porte?

I am ready to talk to you if your tour has a five-star hotel. And no nonsense.

Based on this model, many companies prepare a standard presentation for the telemarketing department, where markers are embedded in the first few phrases that determine what type of customer the interlocutor is. I will immediately note that for telephone sales specialists these markers are especially important, since they are used only for them (without being able to type the client by gestures, dressing style or organize his office).

Here is an example from telephone sales in the field of recruiting.

Good afternoon. My name is Maria, I represent the recruitment agency "Vector". We have been recruiting personnel for the oil industry for more than 5 years, we have a well-established database of resumes, well-established technologies that allow us to close any positions within the agreed time frame. I suppose we can be of service to you?

Let's analyze in detail all the laid markers.

Good afternoon.- sounds more serious than "hello." And according to the NPL technology, it sets the client in a more positive way in relation to the interlocutor, thanks to the first word “kind”.

My name is Maria, I represent the Vector company.- introduction to the interlocutor.

For the oil industry- information for the client "We are our own for you."

we have been recruiting for over 5 years

For the "security" it will sound like "we have already tested our technologies and we will not be mistaken",

For "comfort" - "we have already developed a good technology, it is convenient with us"

we have a well-established database of resumes, well-established technologies,

For the "security" it will sound like "we have already checked our technologies and we will not be mistaken",

For the “status member” - “we are experienced partners, working with us is a sign of success”,

For the "owner" - "We have exclusive things, and they can be yours."

which allow you to close any positions within the agreed time frame.

For "comfort" - "we have already developed a good technology, it is convenient with us",

I suppose we can be of service to you?

This phrase sounds the same for all types of clients: it encourages them to find personal benefit from working with a recruiting company.

And yet, no matter how armed the account manager/sales manager is with negotiation skills, objections will still arise. They do not need to be scared - you need to be prepared for them.

In companies where sales are on a grand scale (for example, manufacturing, own stores, branch offices in the regions and a wide dealer network) and there is a corporate university where objection handling is a mandatory training course for salespeople. And in the absence of a training system, when a new “salesperson” is introduced to the position, they are initiated into typical objections and the answers to them established by the tradition of the company.

In the negotiation process, work with objections is in a separate place. We can safely say that the most difficult part of any negotiation.

The objection handling process is very simple.

1. Listen- Do not interrupt the client in order to understand exactly what makes him doubt.

2. Argue- Offer objective characteristics of the product (quality, price, etc.), and not your own attitude towards it.

3. Use objections to your advantage- Do not argue with the client, because this is what he expects from you. Recognize that you understand his opinion, and just so that his fears are not confirmed, this product / service has the following characteristics

4. Consult- Remember that pushing a product differs from a sale in that when selling, the seller offers the product based on the needs of the client, and not on his own attitude towards the product. If the client does not understand something, then you explained it poorly to him or you are not responding to the client’s real objection

Start your speech only with the words: Yes, and Yes. And that's why ... Yes, and

Don't say: Yes, but... And don't... No.... Although... Nevertheless...

As an example, let's take the most common customer objection ("EXPENSIVE!")" and see how we can work with it.

So let's start the conversation!

What can the manager say?

1. Method of counter questions.

The most effective counter-question to the objection "This is too expensive"-" Expensive compared to what?", "What do you compare this service / this product with?".

This question will make it easier for you to figure out what the customer's objection is. Once you figure out the real reason for the objection, you can take targeted actions, such as making evidence:

  • Explain what is the significant benefit of your proposal for the client.
  • Tell about the development work and successful results obtained at the enterprises of this industry.
  • Report the high quality of your product / service and the high qualification of your specialists. (for example, guides)
  • Point out the increased quality requirements of your customers and especially the high quality requirements of your partner.

So the dialogue will continue like this:

M. - Expensive compared to what?

K. - Yes, with the same Turkey. There all inclusive for two weeks 600 bucks. And to your Berlin - one and a half thousand!

M. - Yes. Indeed, it is cheaper to travel to Turkey than to Germany. But there are many interesting places to visit in Germany, and not just a hotel and a beach.

K. - Well, well. Berlin is not. And Spain? Hotel and beach.

M. - When we take vacationers to Spain, we make an exclusive program of acquaintance with the country. ( increased quality requirements of your customers.) So that everyone who has been to Spain can say not only “the ocean is good”, but also “Velasquez is good”.(This is a veiled compliment and an appeal to the status of the client - the manager draws the future of the service). The price of European tours is the price of a holiday with comfort and a rich cultural program. Including very experienced guides.(High quality service and high qualification specialists).

2. The USO method of Rudolf Schnappauf or the Surprise method.

The manager is allegedly surprised by the client's objection and asks him to explain the chosen point of view.

At marvel a little: "Is that so?"

FROM ask: “In what respect?”, “What do you mean by this?”

Whatever the client answers, his explanation will be the starting point for the manager for subsequent arguments.

Consider the same dialogue.

The client is watching tours to Europe.

M. - Good afternoon. I am the manager of the Travel company. We do tours in Europe, and I can offer you some interesting options.

K. - Yes, now I am also engaged in Europe. Beautiful, of course. I just won't go there - the prices are just crazy.


M. - Expensive? Have you already looked at the section "Economical rest"?(working with an objection)

K. - I watched everything. Everything is not serious there. Not a tour, scraps! ( the manager receives information that he has a status client in front of him.)

M. - Yes. Indeed, economical tours are the minimum excursion program. But still creating an idea of ​​the country.(Creating an advantage. Showing the benefit to the customer)

K. - That's it. Minimum.(the client agrees. This means that the manager has successfully made the adjustment.)

M. - Where did you plan to go?(transferring the conversation from an abstract objection to the topic of a real sale).

K. - In general, I wanted to go to Germany.

M. - We have several tours in Germany with good value prices and quality. I can describe in detail all the services that we included there.(the manager remembers that the client is a status person and the level and volume of services provided are important for him). And send the file by mail.

3. Method "no fish, no meat":

Direct the conversation to the client's best interests and use terms that reflect specific concepts that are beneficial to you, such as economy, profitability, etc. instead of the abstract word "expensive". Wait for the client to agree with you and after that continue:

Consider the same dialogue.

The client is watching tours to Europe.

M. - Good afternoon. I am the manager of the Travel company. We do tours in Europe, and I can offer you some interesting options.

K. - Yes, now I am also engaged in Europe. Beautiful, of course. I just won't go there - the prices are just crazy.

M. - Yes. I understand your indignation.(customization) And on the other hand, paying a little more, you get not only rest and a change of scenery, but also a rich cultural program with visits to world-famous museums and palaces. (work with objection).

K. - And yet very expensive!

M. - I can offer you to choose the excursions that you would like to visit during your trip to Europe. (invitation to cooperation. Drawing the image of a happy future). We will be able to find the optimal ratio of pleasure and costs.(Cancellation of objection).

But working with the “Expensive” objection according to this principle will be better on sales of consumer goods, for example, household appliances.

The client looks at teapots.

M. - Good afternoon. I am a manager of the M-Video company. We are selling household appliances. If you are interested in teapots, I can offer several interesting models.

K. - You know, I need a home theater. But your prices are very high.

M. - Yes. At first glance, the prices seem very high.(adjustment to the client, response to an objection) . But by spending this amount now, you will regularly save electricity: they consume it three times less than regular TVs. In addition, the screen will never give a glare: you would save your eyesight and save on glasses.

4. Identify the relative nature of the costs.

The client is watching tours to Europe.

M. - Good afternoon. I am the manager of the Travel company. We do tours in Europe, and I can offer you some interesting options.

K. - Yes, now I am also engaged in Europe. Beautiful, of course. I just won't go there - the prices are just crazy.

M. - Understand.(answer to objection). 40,000 rubles at first glance seems like a significant amount, however, this is quite comparable to spending on gasoline, friendly gatherings in restaurants and barbecues if you decide to spend your vacation in Moscow and go to friends and to the country.(revealing the nature of the costs). In contrast to these costs, every ruble you spend on a trip abroad will bring you the pleasure of seeing a new world, good service and will give you the opportunity to switch from the ordinary.(setting advantages, drawing a happy future client).

Summing up, I would like to add that there are very few objections themselves, and with a competent approach to work, after a month of active sales, a specialist receives all the necessary skills to respond to typical phrases of difficult customers.


We continue to sort out problems in furniture sales.

It will be about what the objection of the buyer is, how it happens and what the furniture seller should do with it.

Take note: if the seller correctly entered and asked the appropriate ones, then the number of objections in this case is significantly reduced.

But if the buyer still objects, what to do?

For many sellers, the concept of "buyer objection" means a failed deal, a decrease in sales, a decrease in bonuses at the end of the month.

They usually describe buyer behavior like this:

    The buyer asks questions, including those that are uncomfortable for the seller.

    (Although, what does “inconvenient” mean? If the seller cannot answer them, then he has not fully studied the range, characteristics of materials or sales techniques).

The buyer openly disagrees with the words of the seller, starting to put forward his own counterargument for each phrase.

The client reacts with irritation to the words of the seller, so there is no way to reach an agreement.

    At the same time, let's not forget that the buyer really something is needed from the furniture, otherwise he would not have entered your store!

The client is "defensive" and shows hostility and hostility, it seems to him that the seller is forcing him to buy what he does not like.

Difficult client - what seller's mistakes can result in

It turned out to be a verbal fight - a buyer against a seller, which develops from a neutral component to a negative one, and it is unlikely that a sale will come out of it:

The sale is broken. But not because the client was harmful, or he did not need anything. But because the seller is afraid:


      (Isn't that why sellers like to present the goods so much, and not to build a dialogue with the client? They think that the more they tell, the less the buyer will ask questions and object. Sellers think that this is how they control the situation. Of course, this is a mistake!),


      (does not know how to process them, does not understand their essence).

Perceiving the objections of the buyer as disagreement with the information received, as a kind of "hostile burst of energy", the seller rushes into battle. At first, somewhat annoyed, then with a certain amount of aggression, he tries to refute the doubts of the buyer, to prove that the product is good, it's just that the buyer himself does not know what he wants.

Buyer resistance or what is behind customer objections

On the one hand, an objection is a disagreement with the information received, which the client openly declares. But it is more important for us to understand what is behind this disagreement. And behind it is the client's opinion, formed by his previous life experience, values, priorities, which are based on him:



    knowledge and traditions

Sex, age, profession, nationality, religion, social environment - all of the above forms life experience. Try to find two identical people according to these parameters!

That is, objection is the point of view of the client, different from the opinion of your seller. So, objections are inevitable!

In order to sell, there is only one way out: sellers must change their attitude towards them. And for starters, they need to understand that it is normal when the buyer expresses his opinion-objection.

What are customer objections?

The seller must be able to distinguish between objections, because they must be dealt with in different ways.

Consider the objection matrix I compiled.

Objection Matrix “VLIP”

Usually in the literature on this subject, objections are divided into true and false. And the first task that is set for the seller is to be able to separate the "wheat from the chaff" so as not to work out objections in vain, since it is necessary to find the main reason for the buyer's objection, and not the one declared by him.

True objection- this is a sincere opinion of the client, truthful disagreement with what the seller says.

false objection- this is disagreement, behind which the buyer hides what he really thinks.

But this division is not enough for competent work with the buyer.

I propose to divide more objections into primary and secondary.

Primary objections- these are objections “from the threshold” and those that the client utters at the beginning of communication with the seller, having not yet received information about the company, the product being sold, or the services.

Often the following happens: someone comes into the store and immediately says: “Why are your prices so high?” or “Well, does anyone really take it?” That is, this visitor still does not know anything about the quality of our product, pricing, but he is already expressing his opinion.

Secondary objections/doubts- these are those that the buyer says after the presentation made by the seller, the created design project, the various options for completing the goods shown to him. That is, the client has already received information about our advantages, features, services, a specific offer has been made to him, but for some reason it didn’t suit him completely, he is somehow embarrassed, so he says: “I’m not sure if this will suit me” , "...I need to consult."

I called the matrix of objections - “VLIP®, because if your salespeople work them out in the wrong sequence, they will really “get stuck” in a difficult situation with the client.

In the next article, I will tell you in detail how to separate true objections from false ones and competently lead the client to the right point of view. But about the primary and secondary objections and techniques for working with them, I will share with the participants of the Online Program for the preparation of professional furniture salesmen "How to become an ace of furniture sales in retail for 31+ lessons"

Hurry up to sign up before the price increases!

(See the registration form below)

Before registering, be sure to check the content of the program and the conditions

In the course of training under the Professional Furniture Sellers Training Program, we examine in detail the actions of sellers in the "field" conditions:

    What should the seller say to the statement “I saw the same thing, only cheaper”?

    How to discreetly know how much the buyer expects to spend?

    What to do with an aggressive buyer?

    How to talk to a silent and timid buyer?

    What objections are left in the mind of the buyer if he says “I need to think”?

And much more.

Dealing with objections in sales

This is, first of all, the ability to establish a trusting relationship with the client /

There is very little time left before the start of the next stream of the Program. Until then, advise your salespeople to use positive approaches to buyer resistance.

- An objection is a normal (from the word norm) reaction of the buyer.

When there are objections, there is a greater chance of a sale. If the buyer wants to find answers to his questions and get arguments in favor of the product, then he is interested in purchasing it.

– Look at every customer question as a step towards a purchase.

Salespeople don't need to veer off topic or rant a lot. It is necessary to follow the rules for working with objections, ask clarifying questions to the client, so that the answer is on the merits.

Do you agree that the responsibility for the occurrence of objections lies not only with the client, but also with the seller? And for you, as a manager who does not train his salespeople enough? Indeed, because of this, the seller was poorly prepared for the sale: it was illogical to put forward his arguments and insufficiently convincingly supported them with facts.

I constantly train my managers, develop speech modules for them and control that they use them in their work with clients.

It is important to always do this. And this is even more important now, when it depends on the skillful work of the seller at the point of sale whether the buyer, who now so rarely visits furniture stores, will make a purchase decision.

I believe that you understand the need to improve the skills of your staff at retail outlets, but, as often happens, there is not enough time to organize training. There is a good opportunity to do it now - just send them to the Online Program "How to Become a Furniture Retail Ace in 31+ Lessons".

Important! Before filling out the form be sure to read the conditions of participation

How to participate in the Online Furniture Sales Professional Training Program:

Alena Kot, senior manager of MMCC, is in touch:

Submit your application right now by filling out the form below. During the next business day, I will call you to clarify the number of participants that you send to the Program, and the most convenient form of payment for you. And I will be happy to answer all your questions"

Fill out the form and book a place for your company to participate

Book a seat, because places can fill up quickly.

Training one salesperson will cost you only 97 rubles. in a day!

Enter your details - within the next working day the manager will call you back and answer your questions. Book your seats, because they can run out quickly.

Reading time: 2 min

Dealing with objections involves identifying the subject's position on your proposal and overcoming disagreement if it arises. This is the core task and the most important goal of the dispute management process. Disagreement management techniques involve translating negative statements, negative judgments into a positive direction, and feelings into an active approach.

Dealing with objections reveals two sides of sales. The first side indicates that the potential consumer is interested in the proposed product, service or offer. The second - demonstrates that the presence of many questions and disagreements is the result of poor preparation of the sales agent. Objections are the result of blunders in calculations, erroneous judgments at the stage of disclosure of needs and presentation.

Dealing with customer objections

There are 5 basic steps in working with objections: listening, accepting, checking, concretizing, arguing.

First of all, the client should be listened to carefully. During his monologue, try not to interrupt, as a salesman who interrupts a client will only cause antipathy and rejection.

The next step is to accept the objection. You need to understand that acceptance does not mean consent. After all, objectively, such a situation, which the client describes, can happen. There are several general statements for acceptance, such as “this issue is really important”, “we can discuss this in more detail”, “it is very important for me to understand your position, as a result of which you have it”, etc.

The third step is to understand what the client's objection really is - an excuse or disagreement. Maybe this is not disagreement at all, but only a desire to get rid of an obsessive seller. Two methods have been developed to determine this. First - ask the consumer a question that will allow you to determine whether his objection is the only reason why he does not want to buy the product, or not. The second is sincerity. We can say that other consumers also said this, but they refused to purchase products for a completely different reason. Maybe your client refuses due to a different motivation.

The fourth stage contains clarifications and concretization. At this stage, clarifying or leading questions should be asked. If this stage is correctly implemented, then the work with objections can be overcome. Try asking the consumer a few follow-up questions to help refine the objection. By clarifying, you understand the essence of the consumer's considerations, which leads to a better orientation in his needs. Due to the competent implementation of this stage, a true objection can be revealed from a false one. Another positive acquisition of this stage can be a change in the consumer's attitude towards you. If you demonstrate your professionalism to him, then the client will take you more seriously, which will make him more interested in the product you offer.

The fifth stage is the final one. It involves bringing the necessary counterarguments on your part. Any arguments must be positive, and the facts that you bring must be verified and reliable.

In addition to the basic steps, there are also typical mistakes in working with objections. And the first such mistake is entering into a dispute with the client. If you want to become a successful sales manager, you must remember one indisputable axiom: arguing with a client is a futile exercise. By arguing, you will only achieve the opposite results. He will make potential client take a tougher position from which it will be quite difficult for you to move it.

Leaving the situation is also a typical mistake of sellers. Often managers think that since arguing with a potential consumer is useless, it is better to wait until he makes his own decision, and until then do not interfere. Therefore, having noticed hesitation and doubt in the intonations of the client, they immediately stop any activity. The client, on the other hand, perceives such silence as the inability to add anything more positive about the product. As a result, his doubts only increase, and the client seeks to leave as soon as possible in order to isolate himself from the unpleasant sensation that has arisen.

Justification is another typical mistake non-professional managers. Justification is the lot of people who are not very sure of their professional qualities or offered products. Justified notes and indecisiveness of sellers significantly reduce the quality and value of products in the eyes of the client. He begins to think that the product is not all right.

The lack of analysis of their behavior after the end of the situation is also a mistake of unsuccessful managers. Many trainings, techniques and rules have been developed to deal with disagreements in sales.

Dealing with Objections SPIN training is the most effective in sales today. Along with this, it is considered rather difficult to master, but it has the greatest power of persuasion compared to other techniques. This training was developed by N. Rekhamov in the second half of the 20th century. It is based on the existence of a qualitative difference in technological processes sales of cheap goods and products, for the purchase of which a potential consumer needs more time and responsibility to make a positive decision.

Working with objections training according to the Rackham method. Its main idea is the ability of a sales manager to work with 4 types of questions:

  • situational questions in sales that help establish contact with a potential client, provide an opportunity to determine individual characteristics business of each consumer;
  • issues of a problematic nature in sales, which allow the consumer to focus on aspects that cause the development of his business;
  • retrieval questions in sales, which indicate potential solutions and perceived benefits from the purchase of products;
  • questions of a guiding nature in sales that form in the mind of the consumer the value of possible benefits and stimulate independent acceptance of a positive result.

Dealing with objections in sales

Even if you tried and established a good psychological contact with the consumer, learned all about his needs, the client may still have objections that need to be worked on.

Why does the consumer object? Maybe he is in a bad mood or he just wants to bargain, maybe he is not satisfied with the offered goods? There are many reasons, and in order to defeat or overcome them, you need to work with the objections of the sales representative. The client and the manager always have different sides of objections. Therefore, you should not impose your point of view on the position of the client. You should also not speed up and respond to disagreements mechanically, otherwise the client will experience pressure and simply leave.

Dealing with objections in sales should be done with smiles, positive emotions, jokes, compliments, using minor waste to the side.

Dealing with sales rep objections has seven rules.

♦ The first rule involves seeing yourself and the consumer as partners, not adversaries. Each sales representative at the subconscious level understands that the consumer should be treated as an accomplice in the sales process, communicate with him on an equal footing and move towards the implementation of common interests. However, often, when it comes to practice, there is a completely opposite situation in which the seller perceives the buyer as almost a personal enemy. Managers offer products, the client resists, resulting in sales representatives entering into an unequal struggle in which the client always wins. In such a situation, the seller will take any objections from the customer as military action, and for the purpose of defense will strike back, which is the fight against objections. Such tactics will never bring the desired result. Therefore, customer objections should be treated with joy and appreciation. After all, it is very good when a client openly shares his uncertainty and doubts with a sales representative.

♦ The second rule is to have good emotional contact with the potential buyer. The importance of emotional contact in the field of trade is difficult to overestimate. It is a kind of foundation on which to build cooperation with the client. Therefore, the more reliable the foundation, the more fruitful the cooperation will be. Establishing emotional contact is necessary in order for a potential consumer to begin to trust you, as a result of which there may be no objections. If there are objections, then the presence of deep emotional contact allows you to make your arguments more convincing and weighty in the eyes of the client.

♦ The third rule suggests that the sales representative must collect as much data as possible about the needs of the potential buyer. Attentive attention to the needs of consumers will allow you to offer the product exactly as it is necessary for this consumer. The more accurately your product presentation will fall under the expectations of a potential client, the less objections he will have.

♦ The fourth rule is to clarify the meaning of the objection. Often sales reps, upon hearing an objection, immediately begin to respond to it. As a result, the response is inadequate with a specific objection, and the relationship with the buyer can only become more complicated. A competent manager, having heard an objection, will not hesitate to ask the client why he thinks so.

♦ The fifth rule lies in the search for the "pitfall". It is necessary to distinguish between excuses (“pitfalls”), behind which true motives are hidden, and real objections. Therefore, in order not to miss hidden information, you need to ask leading questions. For example, "is this the only reason that slows you down in making a decision, or is there something else."

♦ Remember that it is forbidden to enter into a dispute with the buyer, and therefore you should develop the thought expressed by him in the direction you need. As soon as the sales representative begins to challenge the statement made by the client, he is convinced of the fidelity of his position, from which it will be difficult to move him in the future. That is precisely why you should always agree with a certain semantic part of the objection, and then develop the thought from it in the direction you need.

♦ Try to be persuasive. It is the belief that main task seventh rule. To do this, you should use common elements of persuasion, such as: “according to statistics ...”, “according to marketing research…" etc. And also use all kinds of metaphors, quotes, sayings and proverbs in your speech. A well-chosen metaphor can help the consumer agree with your argument and reduce the risk of counterarguments to almost zero.

Proverbs and sayings are a special tool for handling objections. After all, potential consumers have no reason to trust your personal judgments and conclusions. However, after the recitation of folk wisdom, it will become completely impossible to argue with you. Since now your position is based on the centuries-old wisdom of various nationalities. It is possible to refute the information conveyed by a proverb only by reciting another proverb.

The goodwill and smile given to customers, the desire to delve deeper into their problems, needs and attitude towards partnership during negotiations are considered the best tools for the consumer to choose you and the company you represent from the whole set of similar offers.

Algorithm for dealing with objections

Sales techniques and objection handling are needed in order to know and understand the algorithm for working with a client when he has objections. The objection management algorithm contains four steps. The first step is to allow the individual to speak. The second step is psychological familiarization with objections. The third step is a specific answer or clarifying questions. The fourth is a call to action.

Giving the opportunity to speak leads to the fact that a person simply speaks out, thereby “letting off steam” and calming down. As a result, it will be easier to work with him in the future. In addition, giving the opportunity to speak will allow you to hear all the values, needs and other information you need. It is important to listen very carefully so as not to miss important information.

Psychological familiarization with objections allows the consumer to think the way he wants. With this behavior, you show the client that his point of view has the right to exist. In addition, you show him that you understand him. That is, you put yourself in a position of cooperation in relation to the consumer, and not confrontation. This can be achieved through consensus.

Clarifying questions and specific answers allow either to clarify the essence of the objection, or to give him exhaustive information. A call to action aims to offer the consumer a win-win option. It is not necessary to use all of the above steps when selling.

This algorithm helps to choose the correct and efficient way to manage objections and work with potential clients. You should act according to the requirements of a particular situation. You can also use tools such as a pause or a compliment. Although they are rarely used.

The only step in the algorithm that must be used in any situation is psychological attachment. If you want to get the best result of your work, then you should master the technique of joining masterfully. It is not enough to know all the listed steps of the algorithm, you need to apply them in your work and then the result will be noticeable immediately.

Objection handling technique

An effective sales technique and dealing with objections is to follow some simple tips. The first tip is to love objections and rejoice in them. After all, by objecting, the consumer demonstrates his interest, which is manifested through disagreements that arise in the process of the product manager's presentation of the company's services. It must be understood that an objection is not a question requiring an answer. This is just a statement potential consumer, which can be quite generalized, and therefore the seller can offer what is convenient for him.

Tip two - there are always additional data in disagreements.

Tip three - expect consent, since the subconscious expectation of refusal multiplies its likelihood at times.

Tip Four - Through customer objections, the sales rep learns what needs to be changed in their work. Consumer objections are a kind feedback, which signals you about the changes that it's time to make in your work.

Tip five - faith in luck and victory can never replace specific methods of working with objections. After all, what are objections? An objection is a reasonable rejection (negation) of a proposal or statement. Those. this is a statement that expresses a disagreement (difference in opinion) in something or with someone, a refutation of someone's position or judgment. With the help of objections, you can build an active conversation that has similar goals, and people are interested in acquiring information.

The most important thing when dealing with client objections is understanding that you are the professional with the edge. Objection management helps the rep break away from traditional sales approaches by finding innovative solutions.

For successful work in sales, you can use the most well-known methods of working with objections, such as the method of three "yes" or the "COOR" technique.

The three yes method has been known since the time of Socrates and has been successfully used for more than 2000 years. The essence of this technique is that if the seller wants to get a positive result or answer, then the thesis follows, with the necessary information put in third place. Before the desired statement, you need to ask the client two simple and short questions, to which he can easily give a positive answer.

The method of "UKOR" is the ability to listen to the consumer to the end. The letter "y" means clarification, i.e. revealing the hidden reason for the objection. The letter "k" means a compliment to the objection and demonstrates understanding of the client's problem, compassion for the problem that worries the client. By complimenting a customer objection, you seem to demonstrate to the buyer that you are on his side. The letter "o" means working off, i.e. argumentation, and consists in responding to the consumer, only after clarifying the objection and uttering a compliment. The letter "r" means the result, i.e. obtaining confirmation from the consumer in his readiness to make a choice and make a purchase.

Dealing with objections over the phone

Cold calling work with objections has a number of features that are very important to consider. Telephone communication has certain advantages. It does not require traveling, which saves time, money and labor resources. The transfer of information over the phone is much faster than, for example, in correspondence. In a telephone conversation, you know for sure that the potential client received your information, when he received it and how he reacted to it. This distinguishes telephone calls from correspondence. In addition, when communicating by telephone, you can immediately ask clarifying questions or eliminate possible misunderstandings. A potential client perceives a telephone conversation as less binding than a face-to-face conversation, so he feels less pressure. This method of disseminating information, services and products of the company is even more convenient because it does not require business attire and proper appearance. You can use the so-called "cheat sheets" when conveying information to the client.

However, in addition to a number of advantages, telephone conversations also have their negative sides. A potential client may perceive the call as a hindrance, as he will be forced to break away from work. The sales representative is not able to control the situation in cases where the interlocutor is distracted by any external circumstances, such as people entering or interrupted work. During a telephone conversation, it is much easier for the client to refuse the manager, come up with various excuses and interrupt the conversation. You must understand that at any moment of the conversation, the client can end the conversation and hang up.

important negative side telephone conversations is the impossibility of analyzing body language, facial expressions. When conveying information to a client by phone, you can follow the reaction of the interlocutor only by his intonation. It is impossible to back up words with visual materials, prospectuses, charts, presentations, demonstrations. In telephone conversations, the possibility of misinterpretation of information is much higher than in a personal meeting.

Cold calling work with objections consists in the diligent working out of each such objection of the client. And after working out, you should immediately proceed to the closure. However, it is necessary to work only with informative failures. It is useless to try to work out categorical refusals if the client hangs up immediately after the call and without explanation.

It must be remembered that during telephone conversations, 80% of the time should be your speech and only 20% - the speech of the client. Important in the success of telephone conversations is the ability to conduct an active dialogue. This implies that it is the consultant who should set the tone for the conversation, lead it and direct it in the right direction. Also important in the conversation is the politeness, good manners, competent speech of the consultant. It must be remembered that you personify the company, and the impression of the client about the company as a whole depends on what impression you get.

Telephone conversations also involve certain stages of working with objections.

  • At the first stage, you need to interest and grab the attention of a potential client immediately with the help of a bright accent in the speech, something unusual that can instantly hook the interlocutor.
  • At the second stage, you should find out the needs of a potential client, and not immediately rush into battle with the offers of your company.
  • At the third stage, you need to smoothly move on to what you want to offer.
  • The fourth step is to deal with objections. Since after your sales proposal, the client will either categorically refuse (and there’s nothing you can do, you need to put up with it), or start objecting and asking specific questions. At this stage, you can use the technique of adjustment. It consists in the use of voice and its intonation modulations in the course of a telephone conversation.

The stages of working with objections and their successful implementation depend on how well, competently and competently the sales agent prepared for the conversation.

The purpose of the call is to profitably sell the company's products. And you need to remember this when you make a call.

Dealing with objections examples

Competent management of objections and work with them consists, in most cases, in qualified assistance to clients to realize own needs and satisfy them. So, for example, dealing with objections in a bank most often lies in overcoming client fears that they fall into bondage, as well as helping them choose the service that they really need.

A common phrase that potential buyers use as an objection is the statement "I'll think ...". There are several ways to overcome this objection. The first is to take the client's position and to express understanding. You can answer: "The right decision, you are going to make a serious acquisition, so you need time to think everything over." The second option is to concretize and clarify the position of the consumer. Here you can ask the question: "Over what?". If the individual does not know what to answer to this question, then you should ask him about the products offered. For example, "do you doubt the quality of the product?". The third option is to take a position and explain: “Of course, think about it. We can think together now, because today is the last day of discounts. If you still decide to purchase these products later, it will cost you more.”

The next typical objection phrase is "it's expensive." You can agree with the client that the product is really expensive and clarify in comparison with which products the cost is expensive. Maybe the client saw a similar model in another store, but cheaper. We need to find out what this statement means. You can also agree that the product is really expensive and clarify that if it costs 5% less, the client will buy it? In case of a positive answer, the client purchases products cheaper. However, this option is not always universal.

Very often objections have to be faced by employees of the banking sector. After all, our people are brought up from childhood in distrust of banking structures. Working with objections in the bank should take place step by step. Move on to the next argument only after agreeing with the previous argument.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

All that managers need to learn while working with a client is to master the techniques described below, to see behind the "hidden" objections of his real doubts or concerns and work with

Dealing with Objections: 5 Steps

1. Listen to the client

This is one of the most important steps. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. After 4-5 objections, a manager, even an experienced one, may not have the patience.

However, don't play psychic. Listen to the end of how the client objects and what he says at the same time. You don't know exactly what will trigger your successful trade.

The practice of sales also knows many cases when a purchase was made simply at the stage of sympathetic active listening to his troubles and pains on the part of the seller.

2. Understand the customer

The process of "understanding" the client does not mean that you agree with him. It is extremely important, before you start working with an objection, say the phrase: "I understand you." These words have the power of liking a person for several reasons.

  • This phrase is rarely used in real life.
  • Few people really seek to understand the buyer
  • In everyday communication, understanding and agreement are not the most common thing.

Therefore, the manager’s words “I understand” are almost 100% likely to break the usual pattern. However, in order not to run into the answer “Yes, what do you understand,” immediately smoothly proceed to the next step.

3. Join a client

At the “attachment” stage, do the work so that the client is imbued with trust in you. It is necessary to explain to the buyer what exactly the seller “understands”. As a result, you get a credit of trust and a chance to sell. Let's take an example.

- Your prices are too high.

- I understand you. You need to find the best value for money.

- You have a low quality product.

- I understand you. It is important for you to figure out which model will be most suitable in your particular situation. Let's figure it out.

4. Give a counterargument

From this stage, verbal work with clients begins with the help of logical methods.

- Your price is high.

— Yes, our price is not the lowest on the market. True, with our extended warranty period, you will save in the end. And if you buy a cheaper model, then there is every chance that it will fail when the warranty period for it has already expired. Tell me, do you need to save right now or still save within three years? If within three years, then our price is much lower than any of the competitors.

5. Clarify if there are questions

After dealing with objections, you should ask, “Do you have any more questions?” If the problem is not closed, start from the second step.

— No, it is still important for me to save now.

- I understand you. Maybe the price is too high for you right now. I understand correctly that we need to find some more suitable solution or payment format. In principle, we have the possibility of installments. Then now you will only contribute a small part eg 100 thousand. And then pay 900 thousand. In any case, it is more profitable if it is important for you not to spend a lot of money now. In another company, you will have to immediately lay out 700 thousand. Yes, in the future you will pay a little more, but now you will seriously save. Are there any questions? Or can we discuss installment terms?

These steps must be repeated several times. At least three. On the other hand, you don't have to go for the record 10-20 times.

Dealing with objections: deal with latent objections

The objections themselves can be subtle and vary by industry. However, there are typical, especially characteristic for:

  1. "Expensive"
  2. "I will think"
  3. "I'll call you back"

Clients do not always openly express their doubts and may "hide" the real reasons for the refusal under these phrases. The task is to identify them and help the buyer make the right decision for himself.

So, when a person says "expensive", it can mean:

  • "give a discount",
  • "make it cheaper"
  • "competitors are cheaper."

If you are asked for time to think, start "thinking" immediately with the client, as what you are really being told is:

  • "not now",
  • "I will think",
  • "postpone"
  • "I need advice"
  • "Give me a break"
  • "I will consult"
  • "Let's go next week."

When the words “I’ll call you back myself” are on fire for you, then this is the result of some kind of mistake in the early stages of working with the client. Probably, the manager simply could not win the trust of the client.

But even in this case, you need to get a specific date from the buyer when he plans to call back / make an appointment / give an answer. If the client continues to pull the rubber, then you can apply a little pressure.

A phrase that a manager can use: "Understand, I do not want to be intrusive, but our offer is valid until xx."

Tactic #1: Gratitude

Say "thank you". Always thank the counterparty when he puts forward his arguments. Do this because "thank you" is the link between resistance and closing the trade.

It is important to remember that an objection is always better than a firm no. After all, from this place you can start a new circle of sales.

There are a million examples where a friendly “thank you” dispelled the anger and frustration of the buyer. And having received such a positive, he could feel happy again, which means he was ready to buy.

Tactic #2: Empathy

Dealing with objections in the spirit of empathy is not an easy task. This feeling is conveyed at the level of tone and sympathetic reaction. Empathy gives the client a sense of the importance of their problems and takes the conversation to a new, more personal level of communication.

Confirm that you are aware of his problems (and you are, because you hear this twenty times a day). For example: “I often hear about it. And this is really very sad. That is why I am talking to you. I'm sure we can help."

Tactic #3: Disclosure

In objection handling, disclosure of a prospective customer implies that the salesperson makes room for that disclosure. That is, as it were, "removes" itself and raises the client's problems to a high level.

Verbally, such a process is expressed in the fact that a person is asked open-ended questions that do not require “yes” or “no” answers.

It's not as easy as it seems. And if you feel that you are starting to lose the thread, you can behave like a four-year-old child, giving out: “Why?”.

Tactic #4: Ask, Clarify, Summarize

Dealing with objections involves a lot open questions to the buyer. It is estimated by experts that it takes about 4-5 "layered" requests to understand the essence of the objection. That's why:

  • keep asking open-ended questions;
  • clarify, only tactfully and intelligently, with a person if he begins to pour professionalism;
  • once you get the gist, summarize what has been said.

Tactic #5: Show them the benefit

This tactic is also used when working with objections on the current database. As a result of the “disclosure” tactic, the seller receives information about the counterparty and its “pain”.

After the pain is identified, it needs to be translated into the language of numbers. This works especially well in the B2B segment. What exactly does a potential buyer lose by not purchasing the proposed product.

  • Loss of profit
  • Waste of time
  • Loss of pleasure
  • Health loss
  • Customer dissatisfaction
  • Staff turnover

When “pain” is correctly defined, it can be amplified and logically multiplied by drawing pictures in the person’s head of unpleasant consequences for him. And as an anesthetic, offer your product, which will solve the problems of the client.

If the buyer continues to object, then the pain has been identified incorrectly and you will have to continue asking questions.

Sales Objections: Be Proactive

The main thing that an employee needs to understand about sales is that handling objections is a natural part of the process. And if he has reached this stage, then there is a considerable chance to close the deal.

Therefore, objections cannot be answered in a reactive manner. That is, without proper preparation. Working with objections involves typing them into categories and preparing a response. This is what is called a proactive stance.

You can even scatter all the objections into already understandable categories.

  • Budget – reference to lack of funding,
  • The authorities - a reference to the need for coordination,
  • Time is a reference to its absence,
  • Lack of need - here the SPIN technique is needed.

The most important thing that the seller must achieve is to convince the potential counterparty that he cannot and should not deny himself the benefit / savings / enjoyment of living without the proposed product.

HPV language (characteristic - advantages - benefit). This is the language of the buyer. He doesn't need product features. He is not even interested in its abstract advantages. The client wants to understand what benefits the purchase promises him and what problems it will solve.

Dealing with objections: let's repeat the algorithm

So, when dealing with objections, it is important to maintain the value of the client's opinion. Use polite constructions such as “thank you for your question”, “it seems that you understood the topic”, “indeed, there is truth in your argument”, etc.

And be sure to follow the algorithm:

Listen carefully and identify the basis of his objection.

Acknowledge an objection, for example, with the help of such phrases as “let's discuss in more detail”, “it is very important for us to hear an opinion”, “I understand that it is important to find the best option”

Remember the 5 commandments for dealing with objections:

1. Listen to the client, do not try to interrupt during his monologue to insert your “weighty” word.

2. Understand the client, that is, not to take his side, but be sure to say the phrase "I understand you." This will put the interlocutor to you.

3. Join a client. This is a continuation of the previous phrase. For example, "I understand you need to find the best value for money."

4. Give a counterargument.

5. Clarify if there are any questions.

Used to overcome objections different techniques. Test which one, in which situations, with which target audience will work better.

It is very important when dealing with objections to be "included" in reality. You will not be able to complete this step automatically. It always connects well-played or real feelings, backed up by effective scripts.

Do not forget that objection handling should be done in practice, not learned in theory. Managers are required to thoroughly know all the possible answers and confidently apply them in their work.