How to distribute mobile Internet from Android phone via Wi-Fi.

A prerequisite for the devices described below, is WiFi support.
1) a smartphone, tablet, or other device with the Android operating system and GSM support (hereinafter in the article, such a device will be conventionally called an Android device). Connected to Android device unlimited Internet.
2) a laptop, computer, netbook, or other device (hereinafter in the article we will conventionally call such a device a laptop).
It is required to connect a laptop to the Internet via WiFi using an Android device as a modem (router).

Everything described below was tested on a KENEKSI beta smartphone with Android version 4.0.4 and an Acer 5742G laptop with Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 7.

Almost any modern Android device has built-in tools that allow you to create a wireless access point. To enable this feature:

We press Menu and among all kinds of icons we find the "Settings" icon and press it.

The "Settings" window will appear,

where in the "Wireless connections and networks" menu, click the "Advanced" item. An additional menu "Wireless connections and networks" will open,

in which we select "Modem mode". The "Modem mode" submenu will open,

where we select the item "Set up a hot spot Wi-Fi". A window will open

in which we set up a Wi-Fi hotspot:

  • In the Network name field, set any name (I have mHotspot).
  • In the Security field, it is better to select WPA2 PSK.
  • In the Password field, enter an arbitrary password (at least 8 characters). In the future, the same password will need to be entered in the laptop when it is connected to the Android device.
  • To see the password as you type, check the Show password box.
  • Then click the Save button.

As a result, we return to the previous submenu,

where you need to check the box "Portable Wi-Fi hotspot".

All!. The hotspot on the Android device has been created.

Now you need to connect to the created access point from the laptop:

  • To do this, you need to turn on Wi-Fi on your laptop.
  • Enter the wireless settings. It should show a network with the name that you set in the access point settings on your Android device (I have an mHotspot access point). If the network does not appear, then try restarting Wi-Fi on the laptop.
  • We insert the password that was assigned on the Android device in the Wi-Fi hotspot settings.
  • We connect the network.

But how to access the Internet from a computer or laptop if cable Internet is not available? You can visit your neighbors or visit shopping center with a laptop under your arm, or you can solve the problem without getting up from the table - set up your Android phone to distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi.

How to setup

There are two ways to configure Android to broadcast the Internet over Wi-Fi:

  • using basic software, which is already in your tablet;
  • using a program downloaded for free from Google Play.

Now we will try to describe each of these methods in more detail.

We use embedded software

The first thing to say here is that this method may not be suitable for everyone. This is due to the fact that using Android as wifi modem only those users on whose devices Android version 2.2 (Froyo) and later will be able to.

Usage mobile phone as an access point is possible provided that the tariff plan of your SIM card provides Mobile Internet, it is set up and there are funds in the account.

You can get all this information from your mobile operator, as well as get from him the settings necessary to get your phone access to the Internet. If all of the above is done, then you can proceed to the connection.

This manual is written on the example of a smartphone with Android 4.0.4. But if your device has a different version of the operating system - an earlier one or vice versa, a later one, then you should not be embarrassed - the actions will not differ much from those described in this article.

  • First you need to go to General settings devices. In the topmost section "Wireless", select the item "Data transfer".
  • Here we turn on mobile data by moving the slider to the far right. This changes the slider from gray to blue. After that, an icon in the form of the letter E should appear on the notification panel at the top of the display, above the signal level, which means that data has been exchanged between the phone and the Internet.
  • We return to the previous menu and select the “More” item.
  • Next, click on Wi-Fi hotspot.
  • In this menu, the first item is to enable this function by setting the checkbox.
  • When you check the box, a window will appear with a warning that a fee may be charged. Click "OK".
  • Below is the item "Set up a Wi-Fi hotspot".
  • In the settings, you can specify the network name, as well as the type of data encryption. It is generally recommended to set WPA2 PSK and provide an eight-digit password.
  • After that, save the settings and exit. An icon that looks like a Wi-Fi sign should appear in the notification bar at the top of the screen.
  • Let's go to our computer. On the taskbar in the tray, click on the Wi-Fi signal strength icon, in the list of available networks we find ours.
  • Click "Connect", enter the password. We can use the Internet on the computer. Now you know how to distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi on Android.

Setting up with additional software

If for some reason you cannot use the standard Wi-Fi distribution settings, you can use programs downloaded from GooglePlay.

There are a lot of such programs for the user to choose from. It is possible to use them for free.

Now we will talk about a program called Osmino.

  • In order to download and install Osmino, you need to connect your smartphone to the Internet. Then launch GooglePlay and enter the name of the program in the search bar.

If your phone is connected to the Internet, you can connect other devices to the network. This is the instruction for how to share wifi from android phone. Access the Internet from a laptop desktop computer, tablet, or any other Wi-Fi-enabled device, you can use your smartphone to turn it into a mobile hotspot. A few clicks in "Settings" and your phone will broadcast the Internet signal to other devices.

Before share wifi from phone, it is worth considering some nuances:

  • You will use the mobile data of your SIM card. Budget tariff plans offer limited access to the Internet - from a few tens to a few hundred Mb. Do not download large files, watch movies in high quality, stream video and transfer large amounts of data with this connection.
  • Some operators cellular communication blocks a function such as sharing internet from smartphone. In case of problems, contact the operator and clarify this issue.
  • Sharing Wi-Fi with Andorid drains the battery a lot. Make sure you have a charger handy.

I will use my smartphone based on Android 5.1.1. In other versions, the actions are almost the same.

In Settings, in the first section “Connections”, you need to go to “Data usage” and check the box next to “Mobile data”. The same checkbox can be found in “Other networks” -> “Mobile networks”. Make sure you have available MB on your account.

We return to the settings menu and go to “Modem and access point”. There are 3 items in the menu that opens:

  • Mobile hotspot
  • USB modem
  • Bluetooth modem.

The USB tethering feature allows distribute the internet via USB cable. You can connect your phone to a laptop or computer without a Wi-Fi chip to access the Internet. “Bluetooth modem” works due to the Bluetooth module, this is the slowest wireless connection. And for Wi-Fi sharing from phone click on the first item.

At the top, turn on the mobile hotspot by moving the slider to the right. Ready! It remains only to configure this mini-router.

By clicking on the name of the network, you can restrict access by specifying only allowed devices. In the upper right menu, you can create a list of allowed devices, configure the point and timeout settings.

In the access point settings, you can change the SSID - the name that other devices see, hide the device. Security settings allow you to put a password on the Wi-Fi network. Select the WPA2 PSK security type, and enter a password of at least 8 characters. If you don't enter your password, it will be generated automatically. In the additional parameters, you can change the signal broadcast channel, but it's better to leave everything as it is - Auto.

Timeout settings are designed to conserve phone resources. If to the created WiFi networks no one connects during the selected time, the hotspot is automatically disabled.

On the main mobile hotspot settings screen, you will see if a device connects to the network. Luckily, Android has a very user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. Minimum settings and maximum functionality.


In this article step-by-step instruction how to distribute the Internet from android. This article describes point setting WiFi access on Android 6.0, but on Android 5, everything is done the same way. And even on the version of Android 4 in general the same way.

Similar articles for others operating systems:

What you need to distribute the Internet from Android

In order to distribute Wi-Fi from Android, you need a device running Android OS. And this device must have two network interfaces - a cellular 3G or 4G module and a WiFi module. It can be a phone (smartphone) or a tablet. But not any phone (smartphone) or tablet will do.

There are phones without a WiFi module. There are tablets without a 3G-4G module.

In 2016, there are probably no such smartphones that do not have a WiFi module, but there are tablets without a 3G-4G module. So, if you have a tablet, check if it has a 3G or 4G module.

Term hint

  • Tap, tap- short touch with your finger on the touch screen. Similar to left clicking on a computer.
  • Long tap- Touch with finger hold. Similar to right clicking on a computer.
  • Swipe- movement of a finger (or several) on the touch screen. Swipe, for example, scrolls the contents of the screen on mobile devices. Or the output of additional control panels (swipe from the top or from the side edge of the screen).

android wifi hotspot

The article is written on the example of a custom version of Android 6, called Freeme OS, version 3.08. But on other custom releases, everything will be the same.

Need to open" Settings", and there to find a group " Wireless networks". In this group, find the item " More"and tap on it:

In the screen that opens More"you need to tap on the item" Modem Mode":

On screen" Modem Mode"you need to tap on the item" WiFi hotspot":

Full path: " Settings - Wireless networks - More - Tethering mode".

And this screen already shows information about current state access points. There is also a switch and access to the access point settings. To change the name, password or encryption type, you need to tap on the item " Setting up a Wi-Fi hotspot"::

In the settings screen, you can change the name of the access point. Encryption type. Password. Set a limit on the number of connected clients. In some smartphone models, you can also change the operating frequency of the access point.

Most importantly, after making changes, do not forget to tap on the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen:

When the hotspot is working, " WiFi hotspot", a list of connected clients is shown:

Note. Option " Save hotspot" controls the automatic shutdown of the access point when it is not in use. This option sets the period of inactivity after which the access point will be turned off.

If you will be connecting multiple devices, you can specify a speed limit for each connection. So that one of the connected clients does not pull out all the available speed. This is done via the "Bandwidth Usage" option (previous illustration), tapping this option will open a new screen:

This figure is the speed limit for each connection.

What number to indicate? Example:

  1. The device receives the Internet (via 4G or 3G modem) at a speed of 15 Mbps.
  2. 3 clients will be connected to the access point.
  3. If you set a limit of 5 Mbps, this means that each of the three clients at the same time will be able to receive the Internet at this speed.

Hotspot Management Android

It is most convenient to turn the access point on and off not through the screen in the settings, but through the curtain " Quick Actions":

This curtain opens with a swipe two fingers from the top of the screen.

Or two successive swipes with one finger. The first swipe opens the notification curtain, the second swipe opens the action curtain.

Note: Of course, put the password more complicated than 12345678. And do not forget that the minimum password length for WPA2 is 8 characters.

Note 2: If a Windows XP SP2 computer will be connected to this access point, then the "WPA" security protocol must be installed. Since Windows XP SP2 does not know how to work with the "WPA2" protocol! However, not all devices have a large selection of encryption methods!

Note 3: In the future, you will not need to re-configure the access point, it will be enough just to turn it on.

Phone or tablet as a WiFi hotspot

Using your phone or tablet as a WiFi hotspot is very convenient. It turns out in the truest sense of the word a mobile access point. And more practical than WiFi routers that are sold by mobile operators. You can use such a router only as an access point. And you can also make calls on the phone, you can browse websites from a tablet, write letters using e-mail and so on.

Of course, there are not many settings for the access point on Android, much less than on a specialized WiFi router. However, this is much more than available, for example, on Windows 10 Mobile - only the username and password can be changed there.

WiFi network protection

Ivan Sukhov, 2016

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In this article, we'll talk about how to set up sharing internet from android smartphone. We pick up the phone (for example, Samsung Galaxy S4) with Android installed (in our case, it is 4.0.4, but for other versions of the OS, the sequence of actions will be approximately the same) and open the Settings menu. In its upper part, almost immediately below the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on/off sliders, there is an item with the mysterious name “More”, where we go.

There we select "Modem mode and access point", where all the control of this function is concentrated.

In order to create a Wi-Fi hotspot, go to the "Set up a Wi-Fi hotspot" item.

And here a few simple operations are already being done to set up a mobile router. First, enter the network name in Latin (in our case, easyhelp), then select the encryption protocol (WPA2 PSK is best - it has the best protection against hacking today), enter the password (Latin and numbers, at least 8 characters). And that's it, setup is complete! Click "Save" and get a ready-configured access point.

In order to activate it, put a tick in the field "Portable access zone". An active access point symbol appears in the tray above the screen and the smartphone starts working as a router.

Now you can turn on Wi-Fi discovery on the rest of your devices, find the name of the newly created point there and connect to it. Of course, the access speed will not be as comfortable as in the case of a stationary router (unless, of course, you have a phone with LTE - then the speed should be quite enough), but for some urgent matters it should be enough.

There is another use for information about how to distribute wifi from android- with its help you can save a lot when buying a tablet. After all, tablet computers with a 3G modem are more expensive than those equipped only with a Wi-Fi module, so why overpay in this case? We buy a less expensive tablet without a modem and use a smartphone as a hotspot!