How to print the instruction book from pdf. Create a booklet from a finished PDF

In order to print a document in Word in the form of a book or brochure, a printer with duplex printing is best. However, if you have a regular printer, then you should not despair. On a conventional printer, you can also print a document as a brochure, only for this you need to turn the sheets over manually.

So, first you need to customize the page layout in the "Fields" menu, select "Custom Fields". In the "multiple pages" field, set "brochure", in the "number of pages" field - "all", then click "OK".

Select the "Print" menu or the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + P), then select your printer and set the option (in some versions, check the box) "duplex printing", the "pages" option - "all". After that, click the "OK" button.

If a window appears prompting you to rearrange the stack of printed pages and continue printing until you click it, read the next paragraph.

After printing on one side, you need to remove the printed sheets from the tray and change their order. Transfer one sheet from one pack to another. Place the resulting stack of sheets in the printer's blank paper tray. The position of the sheets in the sheet tray may vary depending on the printer model - the correct position is determined by trial and error. You can try printing multiple pages on drafts to save paper. Now click the "OK" button.

After printing, most likely, you will need to change the order of the sheets again in order to end up with the correct arrangement of page numbers. Now you can staple or staple the resulting brochure or book.

Today we'll talk about how to print a document as a book. In fact, everything is very simple, but it is difficult for a beginner to navigate in this matter. I myself once dug for a very long time, figured out what and how. I tried a lot of programs, eventually settled on one, it's called FinePrint. A very simple and convenient utility that has a large number of useful functions, including allowing you to print a document in the form of a book (booklet) from doc (Word / Word), pdf, djvu and any other formats.

After installing the utility, another one called FinePrint will be added to your list of printers:

To print the document you need in the form of a book, whether it be from a Word or an acrobat reader, press print and select FinePrint in the list of printers. The program window will open:

We mark everything as shown in the figure above and press the button (3). All. The utility itself will do everything as it should, and print the document as a book, after which you can safely flash it in the middle and use it in a convenient and familiar book format.

But there is one small nuance. Since you just installed this program for the first time, you need to set up the printer and the program a little. To do this, click on the name of your printer in the upper right and select "Advanced settings" at the very bottom, as in the figure below:

The following window will appear:

First, select your printer (1), then click the "Printer Setup Wizard" button (2) and go through a full test, following the prompts. This test is for FinePrint to understand how the printer works and to be able to adapt to its settings in order to properly print books, etc.

After going through the setup wizard, I recommend printing a small document (5-10 pages) for testing to see if the book is printed correctly. If not, then this means you made a mistake when passing the "Printer Setup Wizard" test and therefore you need to pass it again.

Whether you want to create a booklet for an event or print an ambitious book project, we recommend using the pre-built page setups for booklets that come with Word. The Booklet layout helps you automatically print your document the way you want it to fold and bind.

For best results, change the layout of your document before you start writing it. So you don't have to do unnecessary actions if it turns out that tables or other objects in the document are not positioned correctly.

Create a book or brochure

Booklet printing options

When printing a booklet, check the print settings to make sure you are printing on both sides of the paper and that the sheets are flipping properly.

see also

Create a book or brochure

    Switch to layout > fields > custom fields.

    Change parameter " several pages" on the " book fold". Orientation automatically changes to landscape.

    Advice: If the document is long, you may need to split it into several booklets and then combine them into one book. In chapter number of pages in the brochure select the desired number of pages for each booklet.

    To leave room for the binding, increase the setting Binding.

    You can design your brochure using a variety of media. For example, to add borders to each page, on the tab Layout window custom fields select item borders.

    Click the button OK.

    If the document already has content, the text will be formatted automatically, but you may need to manually adjust objects such as images and tables.

    Go to section file > Page settings and check the paper size. Remember that the final brochure size is half the paper size. Make sure the correct size paper is loaded in the printer.

Booklet printing options

When printing a booklet, check the print settings to make sure you are printing on both sides of the paper and that the sheets are flipping properly. If your printer supports automatic printing on both sides, follow these steps:

Note: If your printer does not support automatic printing on both sides, you will need to print each page manually.

If you often need to print on a printer large documents You might want to save a little on paper and toner consumption. Learn to print text as brochures and save 4x!

Do you like to read? Surely, your answer will be positive (at least, I hope that our site is visited by literate people or those who want to learn something useful). Today, it is not at all necessary for the reading population to buy books or various periodicals. The Internet provides the widest expanse. You can read online directly on various sites, or download electronic books and view them on your tablet or smartphone.

However, reading is not always in electronic format allows you to effectively absorb information. Sometimes it's much more convenient to have printed text. Therefore, many print e-books and various articles on a printer. It would seem that everything is fine: printed out and in order! But, there are a couple of "buts" ... Usually the printer prints on standard A4 sheets, which, at times, is redundant in terms of its size. It would be much better to print on A5 sheets in the form of small booklets or brochures.

This printing option, firstly, significantly saves paper (up to 4 pages fit on 1 A4 sheet), secondly, it reduces toner consumption, and thirdly, it allows you to get a more compact "book" that you can always carry with you! Do you want to know how to print a brochure in Word or its free counterpart Writer from the OpenOffice and LibreOffice packages? Then I offer you a choice of several ways to do this.

General principle for creating brochures

The main condition for the correct printing of voluminous text in the form of a brochure is the correct arrangement of the pages. It is necessary to calculate it so that the finished booklet can be folded in half and its pages go in the correct order, moreover, on both sides of the printed sheet!

At first glance, it is difficult and incomprehensible. However, simple math will help us. The main "trick" when creating brochures is that the number of pages in it will always be a multiple of 4. Knowing this, you can easily calculate the correct sequence. For example, to print a 4 page brochure, we need 1 A4 sheet. On the front side we will place pages 4 and 1, and on the back - 2 and 3. To print an 8-page booklet, you need 2 sheets of paper and placing pages 8, 1, 6 and 3 on the front sides, and 2, 7 on the back, 4 and 5.

That is, in fact, on the front side we print everything on the right even pages, starting from the end, and on the left, all odd from the beginning. Similarly, on the back, on the contrary, we will print on the left all even pages from the beginning and odd ones from the end. In order not to get confused, I suggest visualizing the task in the form of a table:

I think now everything is more or less clear. You can continue the sequence for more sheets, however, the more there are, the worse they will bend. As a result, our book will simply "spread". For this reason, even the State Standards of the USSR approved the maximum volume of a brochure of 48 pages (12 sheets).

If the number of pages is a multiple of 4, then you can successfully use the above scheme. However, in practice we usually deal with an arbitrary number of them. In this case, you just need to add from 1 to 3 blank pages to the end of your document to be printed, so that their number becomes a multiple of four!

For example, your document contains 21 pages. You have two options:

  1. Compact text so that it fits on 20 pages (for example, reduce the font) and print a brochure on 5 sheets.
  2. Leave the text unchanged and just add three blank pages at the end. Then you will get a brochure on 6 sheets.

Actually, the whole theory. Knowing it, you yourself can manually arrange the pages of your future brochure in the desired sequence and in two passes (first all the front sides, and then all the back ones) print it on almost any printer that can print two pages per sheet. However, manually doing everything is long and not very convenient, so consider existing methods automation.

Regular function of printing brochures in Word and Writer

It would be strange if such powerful word processors as Microsoft office word and Open Office Writer did not know how to print the text in the form of a brochure. But at first glance, this seems to be the case. The regular function of creating brochures is in both editors, but it is hidden quite deeply and, alas, does not always work correctly...

Print brochures in Word

The main disadvantage of this standard Word function is that the entire document is reformatted from portrait to landscape with not always the correct placement of pages (especially if they have tables or pictures). This method is also not suitable if the file contains page breaks and / or their mixed orientation (some of the pages are in portrait, and some are in landscape).

However, for simple books, the option is sometimes the easiest. To use it in Word, you need to open the window "Page settings". For Word up to version 2003 inclusive, its option is located in the "File" menu, and, starting from 2007, on the "Page Layout" tab - the "Fields" drop-down list - the "Custom Margins" item or the small button in the lower right corner of the "Page Setup" section ":

In the window that opens, on the tab "Fields" select from dropdown list "Multiple Pages" meaning "Brochure". The result of this action will be that the document will automatically be reformatted to landscape view and each page in it will become smaller (in fact, it will turn into A5 format). This will cause the text to shift or be cut off (if large fonts, table frames or images are used).

If maintaining the original formatting is not particularly critical for you, then to save paper, you can slightly reduce the text (for example, from the standard 14th to 12th or even 10th) and print the document. In the print settings, select duplex printing, taking into account the properties of your printer (I recommend that you pre-print a 4-page brochure and remember how to turn the sheet over to print on the reverse side).

So far, the document has not changed visually (except for the page reduction, that is, the brochure itself is not displayed anywhere). But, if you activate the option in the printer settings preview before printing, we will finally see what it was all about - the correct pagination of the document:

Printing brochures in OpenOffice Writer

Brochures are much better in OpenOffice Writer than in Word. Here, there is no preliminary formatting of the document, and all tasks for the formation of a brochure are performed by the print manager. This avoids violations appearance pages of the document, and also eliminates problems with mixed orientation and breaks (the contents of all pages are proportionally reduced and automatically switched to landscape view with a layout of two pages per sheet).

"native" formats text documents OpenOffice Writer prints brochures with a bang. However, problems can arise when opening Word documents that do not always contain Writer-compatible layout...

To use the brochure printing function in Writer (and indeed in the OpenOffice or LibreOffice package) you need to go to the menu "File" and call point "Seal". In the window that opens, go to the tab "Page Layout", activate the option "brochure" and set the printing sequence (for a printer with the duplex printing function "All", and for ordinary printers, first "Front Sides" and then "Back Sides"):

As you can see, in terms of printing brochures, Writer significantly outperforms the popular Word! If you use this particular editor, then you are lucky in this regard. However, the formatting of Word documents when opened in Writer may suffer, so consider alternative ways brochure printing.

Booklet Queue Generators

Modern printers, even the simplest ones, are very "smart" devices. If you study the functions of their driver better, then there you can find a whole bunch of all kinds of settings and options that allow you to flexibly manage printing. Among these settings, you may also find the ability to print booklets.

Most often, this function is located either in the section that is responsible for page settings, or even directly in the print dialogs. For example, in my Canon printer, this is on the second tab "Page Setup" ("Page Settings") in the list "Page Layout" (Layout) - "Booklet Printing":

I can say I'm lucky. My printer itself correctly splits the pages of the document in the correct sequence, without violating the formatting, adding blank pages if necessary and correctly changing the sheet orientation where necessary. However, unfortunately, not all printers "can" do this. But most printers (and even in the settings of Word itself) have a print function two pages per sheet:

Having such an opportunity and knowing the desired sequence of pages in the booklet, we can easily print any document in a booklet without losing formatting. The only drawback of this method is that landscape-oriented pages will remain in the brochure in a horizontal position (see screenshot above).

If this is not so critical for you, then it remains only to form the desired sequence of pages for printing. There are quite a few different solutions for this. I offer you one of the best, in my opinion, - an online generator, which for some reason is located on the website of the Berdyansk Department of the Ministry of Emergencies :)

There are many different options here, and a fairly extensive article on brochure printing in general, which is worth reading. As for our task, to generate the correct sequence of the print queue, we only need two or three actions:

  1. We indicate the number of pages in our brochure (I deliberately put the number not a multiple of 4).
  2. If the number of pages in our brochure is not a multiple of 4, then we should add an extra blank page with a non-printable character at the end of our document (for example, several spaces, or even better invisible characters that are entered from the numeric keypad with the number 255 while holding down the ALT key). After that, check the "Blank page added" checkbox so that it is taken into account when calculating the print queue.
  3. Click the "Calculate" button and get the result.

The result is displayed as an enumeration of the copied rows of numbers separated by commas for the front (obverse) and back (reverse) sides. At the same time, for reverse side there are two rows at once for printers that support or do not support reverse order of sheets when printing.

If you do not have access to the Internet or desire to mess with the online service, you can install a stationary print queue generator on your computer called (install on behalf of the Administrator):

This program is quite old and has not been updated for a long time, but, nevertheless, it works even on new systems. Using it is very simple: we indicate the number of pages in our brochure and click the "Get" button. In the field "Line 1" we get a number of front pages, and in "Line 2" - back pages. In this case, the program calculates only sequences that are multiples of 4.

The program has a small number of options that are called up by pressing the "Setup" button. Here you can activate the reverse order of string generation, as well as set the insertion of separators or combine both strings into one sequence of numbers.

The advantage of booklet print queue generators is that we can use the calculation results not only for printing in Word, but also for printing booklets from PDF or DJVU files! In a word, from any programs that support the function of directly specifying the print queue.

Brochure printing software

As we could see, OpenOffice Writer has very good regular functions for printing brochures, while Word lags far behind in this regard ... In order to level this annoying oversight of developers, a number of programs have been created that allow you to print brochures and booklets from finished documents on their own.

The most popular programs are ClickBook and FinePrint. However, their main drawback is that they are both paid and are quite expensive! Even more sad is that these programs have no free analogues for Windows (under Linux there is a Boomaga virtual printer with similar functionality).

How to be lovers of free software in Windows. who don't want to become pirates? There are two options for solving the problem. The first is to save the document as a PDF file and print the booklet using the viewer program.

I recommend doing this in the STDU Viewer . We save the document in PDF (in new versions of Word this can be done directly, but for older versions (before 2003) you will need to use a virtual printer) and open it in the viewer. Now let's go to the menu "File" and click the item "Advanced Print". In the window that opens, in the printer properties, set the printing of two pages on one sheet, then specify the desired print queue and be sure to activate the option "Auto rotate pages". Get the right brochure!

The second way to print booklets programmatically from Word is to use various macros. Macros are mini-programs that run in the Microsoft Office environment and significantly expand its functionality. Unfortunately, macros can execute malicious code, which is why they are blocked by default both by Word itself and by most antiviruses.

Unfortunately, the only effective free way in this case is to use the standard functionality of the printer driver. However, not all printers "can" print with a booklet. If you are unlucky with this, you can try printing the booklet from PDF. This will allow you to keep the original formatting 100%, but will require additional gestures and installation of additional software.

Unfortunately, there is no universal way for all occasions, but for each task it is realistic to choose the best option that will allow you to create a brochure from any document. Happy printing!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

After the layout of the book, the stage of layout for printing follows. Depending on how the book is attached, the sequence of pages will change. For example, if a brochure of 12 pages is going to staple, then the sequence should be as follows: 12, 1; 2, 11; 10, 3; 4, 9... To make such a layout automatically, you can use a plug-in in Adobe Acrobat. Naturally, the book itself must be released in pdf format.

You can attach a brochure or a small book to the staple. This type of fastening is quite reliable, but requires a more complex layout - two pages are located on a single sheet, and this implies that the sequence will be as follows: 12, 1; 2, 11; 10, 3; 4, 9... Punching these numbers manually is tedious, and not necessary. The plugin is able to do it itself. Press - Plug-Ins/Quite Imposing Plus/Create booklet... Click - Next. In the next window, scaling options are set if the book is made in correct format, you don't need to scale anything. The next window asks about the sequence of pages in the layout. The first item is a direct sequence, the second one is for a stapled brochure, in the third one you can set the number of pages in the notebook into which the book is divided. The next window asks about alternating front and back pages. The next two windows are the departure settings, if any. Click OK. And the layout is ready.

Book layout on thermal binder or spring

For mounting on a thermal binder or spring, such a tricky sequence of pages is not needed. It is enough that the pages on the face and on the back go in the correct sequence one after another. So you can use another tab - Plug-Ins/Quite Imposing Plus/Step and repeat... In the following windows, you need to set the size of the sheet on which the pages will fit and set the number of identical pages on one sheet.

Book layout for binding notebooks

The layout of a book for binding with notebooks is similar to the layout for a bracket, the only difference is that the book is divided into certain cycles (most often it is 16 pages). All received notebooks are sewn together to form a thick book with the correct sequence of pages and, as a rule, hardcover.

The following video tutorial describes in more detail the process of laying out books for various types of fasteners:

Write in the comments to the article in what ways you manage to lay out books for printing.

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How to quickly print a different number of layouts?