Panfilova training of pedagogical communication read online. Book: Panfilova A

Tutorial is a complete guide to the preparation, conduct and analysis of pedagogical communication training. Accessible style of presentation, exercises, advice and a variety of playing techniques create the most favorable conditions for the practical use of this book. A significant place in it is given to the technology of conducting training, the work of a trainer, the requirements for his personality, image and competence, the problems of "burnout" and professional mental hygiene. Practical tools for conducting training of pedagogical communication are presented: tests, game exercises, cases, simulation games, diagnostic methods of effectiveness.
For students of higher educational institutions. It can be useful for teachers, coaches, psychologists, coach managers, teachers.

The role of communication in business interaction.
Business communication occupies an important place in the life of the organization, the teaching staff and has a serious impact on the behavior of individuals and groups. Communication is a complex multifaceted process studied by various sciences: psychology, social psychology, philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, linguistics, etc. The word "communication" comes from lat. communis, meaning society, community, common. In order to exchange information with someone, you must first make contact with him, communicate, and then try to reach a common understanding.

In the psychological and communicative literature, there is practically no clear separation of concepts denoting communication, which leads to some confusion, and there is also no clear separation between the concepts of "communication" and "activity". There are the following points of view:

Communication is a type of activity, and speech activity is meant;
- communication is a part (element, aspect) of any activity, it is included in any of its forms, while the activity itself acts as a condition for communication;
- activity and communication are two different and independent aspects of a person's social existence, his way of life.

In the psychological dictionary, communication is the process of establishing and developing contacts between people, due to the need for joint activities and includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, the perception and understanding of another person. It is psychic contact that characterizes communication as a two-way activity, involving not only interconnection and interaction for solving various problems, but also a mutual exchange of emotions, empathy, compassion and compassion.

Chapter 1. Communication as a process of establishing and developing contacts between people
1.1. The role of communication in business interaction
1.2. Types and types of communication
1.3 Communication functions
1.4. Models of pedagogical communication
1.5. Styles of pedagogical communication
1.6 Pedagogical communication as a pragmatic necessity
Chapter 2. Communication as an act of communication
2.1 Verbal and non-verbal means of communication
2.2 Barriers effective communication
2.3 Feedback for understanding information
2.4 Questions and answers in interpersonal communication
2.5.Non-verbal means interpersonal interaction
2.6. The main channels of non-verbal communication
Chapter 3
3.1. Individual psychological characteristics of the interlocutors
3.2 Models of people's learning styles
3.3. Social competence in pedagogical communication
Chapter 4
4.1.Training and pedagogical communication
4.2 Types of training
4.3 Methodology and training programs for pedagogical communication
4.4. Forms and methods of teaching pedagogical communication
4.5. Formation of a training program for pedagogical communication
4.6.Effective types feedback at the training
Chapter 5. Participants of training groups as subjects active communication
5.1. Models of human behavior
5.2.Difficulties interpersonal communication
5.3. Types of behavior: suppression, manipulation, business partnership
5.4 Behavioral analysis
5.5 Observation during the training - collecting information for behavioral analysis
5.6. Skills and skills of effective pedagogical communication
Chapter 6
6.1. The tasks of the trainer and the content of his work
6.2 Image and first impression of the coach
6.3.Professional Requirements to the coach
6.4 Knowledge and skills of an effective trainer
6.5. Burnout, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of the coach and control of the situation
6.6.Specificity and nature of the training of pedagogical communication
6.7 Evaluation of the training and education program.

Publication date: 09.11.2016 22:52 UTC

  • Innovative pedagogical technologies, Active learning, Panfilova A.P., 2009
  • Syndrome of preschool-school maladaptation, Diagnosis, prevention, correction, Bochkareva T.I., 2006
  • Programs of elective courses, Social studies, Literature, Economics, Pre-profile education, Grade 9, Semenina S.K., 2007

Practice 1

Topic "Non-verbal communication in professional and pedagogical communication"

Issues for discussion.

1. What are the features and functions of non-verbal communication? (When answering, give examples-illustrations).

2. What are the main channels of non-verbal communication and their possibilities in building effective communication?

Open the main channels of non-verbal communication:

Kinesics (expressive movements): visual contact (direction of movement, pause length, frequency of contact); expressive and expressive movements (gestures, facial expressions, posture, gait)

Proxemics (spatial proximity to a partner): Orientation in space, distance,

Takeshika (dynamic touch): shaking hands, stroking, patting, etc.

3. What are the possibilities of interpreting non-verbal behavior in building effective communication? (When answering, provide a demonstration of examples).

4. What are the problems of building non-verbal communication between the teacher and the head of the training session and ways to overcome them?

In preparation for the lesson, study the proposed questions in the provided list of references, prepare a presentation with a report on one of the topics, or complete two of the proposed teaching and research assignments. When discussing questions in class, one should rely (use) on the results of completed tasks.

Topics of reports(messages when answering question 1, 2):

1. Paralinguistics and its possibilities in building effective communication

2. Kinesics and its possibilities in building effective communication

3. Proxemics and its possibilities in building effective communication.

4. Problems of building non-verbal communication between the teacher and the head of the training session and ways to overcome them

Note: when preparing reports, it is desirable to make a presentation of 8-10 slides reflecting the main concepts and aspects of the content of the report. Use this presentation when speaking in class.


Allan Pease. Body language. – M.: Ai-Q, 1995.

V.V. Gonranchuk. – Psychology business communication and managerial influences - St. Petersburg: Publishing House"Neva": "OLMA-PRESS Invest", 2003. - 288p. S.61-91.

David Lee. Group training practice. - Srb.: Peter, 2002. - 224p.; pp. 125 - 133.

Kunitsina, V.N., Kazarinova N.V., Pogolsha V.M. Interpersonal communication. Textbook for universities /V.N. Kunitsina, N.V. Kazarinova, V.M. Pogolsha. - St. Petersburg: "Peter", 2001.

Moreva, N.A. Training of pedagogical communication / N.A. Moreva. - M.: Enlightenment, 2003. - 304 p.

Panfilova, A.N. Training of pedagogical communication / M .: Education, 2006. - 396s.

Pityukov, V.Yu. Fundamentals of pedagogical technology: Teaching aid. 3rd ed., rev. and additional /V.Yu.Pityukov. - M .: "Gnome and D", 2001.

Ray L. Development of effective communication skills. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 288s.; P.31 - 36.

Rogov, E.I. Psychology of communication / EN Rogov. - M. VLADOS, 2003.- 336s.; P.80-138.

Sidorenko, E.V., Training of communicative competence / E.V. Sidorenko. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002.

L.D. Stolyarenko. Fundamentals of psychology. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004. - 672s.; C..400-403.

Teaching and research assignments in preparation to class

Exercise 1. Prepare a demonstration of 5-6 examples of the interpretation of non-verbal behavior.

Task 2. Prepare a report on one of the proposed topics.

Task 3. Table "Interpretation of non-verbal behavior"

Determine the characteristics of non-verbal behavior using various paralinguistic and optical means and their interpretation.

Fill in the table according to the proposed sample.

Channel Description Interpretation
Eye contact squinted eyes Suspicion
body movements Neck scratching Disagreement, doubt, uncertainty
Gestures Rubbing your mouth Lie
paralinguistics Speeding up the pace of speech Excitement

Task 4. Prepare description ( methodological development) one task (psycho-gymnastic exercise) for the development of non-verbal communication skills. Description structure: purpose, materials and equipment, duration, instructions, recommendations for conducting, questions for analysis and reflection.

Approximate description

Exercise "Prohibition of gestures"

Target: highlighting the meaning of gestures as a means of expression in the transmission of information and regulation of the mental state of a person.

Materials and equipment: wall clock with second hand.

Duration: 15 minutes

The task: discuss an interesting topic for the interlocutor in the conditions of a ban on gestures.

Instruction: choose a partner to discuss a topic that interests you (the topic should be pedagogical, be personal). Take a fixed position (sitting on a chair, hands on your knees) and do not change it within 2 minutes of talking. Then remove the ban and continue the conversation as normal. Change roles. Share your impressions.

Questions for analysis and reflection:

1. What did you experience while talking in No Gesture Mode?

2. What did you focus on more: content
talking or holding a pose?

3. What did you want to do immediately after the ban was lifted?

4. Highlight those gestures that you think helped you
make the conversation more interesting and engaging.

Theoretical material for preparing for the lesson

Download the book Panfilov A.P. Pedagogical communication training absolutely free.

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The manual is a complete guide to the preparation, conduct and analysis of the training of pedagogical communication. Accessible style of presentation, exercises, advice and a variety of playing techniques create the most favorable conditions for the practical use of this book.

A significant place in it is given to the technology of conducting training, the work of a trainer, the requirements for his personality, image and competence, the problems of "burnout" and professional mental hygiene. Practical tools for conducting training of pedagogical communication are presented: tests, game exercises, cases, simulation games, diagnostic methods of effectiveness.
For university students. It can be useful for teachers, coaches, psychologists, coach managers, teachers.

Name: Pedagogical communication training
Panfilova A.P.
Year: 2006
Pages: 336
Language: Russian
Format: djvu
Size: 12.2 MB

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Proc. allowance. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 336 p. — ISBN 5-7695-2658-0.
Resolution 300 dpi, text layer, color cover. The manual is a complete guide to preparing, conducting and analyzing the training of pedagogical communication. Accessible style of presentation, exercises, advice and a variety of playing techniques create the most favorable conditions for the practical use of this book. A significant place in it is given to the technology of conducting training, the work of a trainer, the requirements for his personality, image and competence, the problems of "burnout" and professional mental hygiene. Practical tools for conducting training of pedagogical communication are presented: tests, game exercises, cases, simulation games, diagnostic methods of effectiveness.
For university students. It can be useful for teachers, trainers, psychologists, coach managers, teachers. Contents: Preface.
Communication as a process of establishing and developing contacts between people.
The role of communication in business interaction.
Types and types of communication.
Communication functions.
Models of pedagogical communication.
Styles of pedagogical communication.
Pedagogical communication as a pragmatic necessity.
Communication as an act of communication.
Verbal and non-verbal means of communication.
Barriers to effective communication.
Feedback to understand information.
Questions and answers in interpersonal communication.
Non-verbal means of interpersonal interaction.
The main channels of non-verbal communication.
Types of interlocutors and interpersonal interaction.
Individual psychological characteristics of interlocutors.
Models of people's learning styles.
Social competence in pedagogical communication.
Socio-psychological training as a method of active learning and a form of increasing the communicative competence of the individual.
Trainings pedagogical communication.
Types of trainings.
Methodology and training programs for pedagogical communication.
Forms and methods of teaching pedagogical communication.
Formation of the training program of pedagogical communication.
Effective types of feedback in training.
Participants of training groups as subjects of active communication.
Models of human behavior.
Difficulties in interpersonal communication.
Types of behavior: suppression, manipulation, business partnership.
behavioral analysis.
Observation during training - gathering information for behavioral analysis.
Skills and skills of effective pedagogical communication.
Leading as a leader, trainer and participant in communication.
Tasks of the trainer and the content of his work.
Image and first impression of the coach.
Professional requirements for a coach.
Knowledge and skills of an effective coach.
Burnout, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of the coach and control of the situation.
The specificity and nature of the training of pedagogical communication.
Evaluation of the training and education program.

Training of pedagogical communication. Panfilova A.P.

M.: 2006. - 336 p.

The manual is a complete guide to the preparation, conduct and analysis of the training of pedagogical communication. Accessible style of presentation, exercises, advice and a variety of playing techniques create the most favorable conditions for the practical use of this book. A significant place in it is given to the technology of conducting training, the work of a trainer, the requirements for his personality, image and competence, the problems of "burnout" and professional mental hygiene. Practical tools for conducting training of pedagogical communication are presented: tests, game exercises, cases, simulation games, diagnostic methods of effectiveness. For university students. It can be useful for teachers, coaches, psychologists, coach managers, teachers.

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Preface 3
Chapter 1. Communication as a process of establishing and developing contacts between people 8
1.1. The role of communication in business interaction 8
1.2. Types and types of communication 10
1.3. Communication functions 11
1.4. Models of pedagogical communication 42
1.5. Styles of pedagogical communication 50
1.6. Pedagogical communication as a pragmatic necessity 56
Chapter 2. Communication as an act of communication 65
2.1. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication 65
2.2. Barriers to Effective Communication 86
2.3. Feedback for understanding information 102
2.4. Questions and answers in interpersonal communication 107
2.5. Non-verbal means of interpersonal interaction 115
2.6. The main channels of non-verbal communication 118
Chapter 3. Types of interlocutors and interpersonal interaction 146
3.1. Individual psychological characteristics of interlocutors 146
3.2. Models of People's Learning Styles 164
3.3. Social competence in pedagogical communication 166
Chapter 4. Social and psychological training as a method of active learning and a form of increasing the communicative competence of the individual
4.1. Training and pedagogical communication 185
4.2. Types of trainings 188
4.3. Methodology and training programs for pedagogical communication 204
4.4. Forms and methods of teaching pedagogical communication 209
4.5. Formation of a training program for pedagogical communication 235
4.6. Effective types of feedback in training 236
Chapter 5. Participants of training groups as subjects of active communication 256
5.1. Models of human behavior 256
5.2. Difficulties in interpersonal communication 269
5.3. Behaviors: Suppression, manipulation, business partnership 273
5.4. Behavioral analysis 278
5.5. Observation during training - collecting information for behavioral analysis 281
5.6. Skills and abilities of effective pedagogical communication 286
Chapter 6
6.1. The tasks of the trainer and the content of his work 295
6.2. Image and first impression of the coach 303
6.3. Professional requirements for a trainer 307
6.4. Knowledge and skills of an effective coach 310
6.5. Burnout, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of the coach and control of the situation 311
6.6. The specifics and nature of the training of pedagogical communication 315
6.7. Evaluation of the training and education program 319