OGE in social studies 9 test. Trial tests in the OGE format in social studies (grade 9)

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 31 tasks. Part 1 contains 25 short answer tasks, part 2 contains 6 long answer tasks.

For each task 1–20 of the work, four possible answers are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if the exam participant wrote down the number of the correct answer. The task is considered failed in the following cases: a) the number of the wrong answer is recorded; b) the numbers of two or more answers are recorded, even if the number of the correct answer is also indicated among them; c) the response number is not recorded. In tasks 21-25, the answer is given as a sequence of numbers (for example, 125), written without spaces and separator characters. Answers to the tasks of part 2 are independently formulated and recorded by the examinee in expanded form. Verification of their implementation is carried out by experts on the basis of a specially developed system of criteria

Scale for converting points into grades:

"2"– from 0 to 14

"3"– from 15 to 24

"four"– from 25 to 33

"5"– from 34 to 39

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and the examination work as a whole

Correctly performed work is estimated at 39 points. Each correctly completed task 1–21, 23–25 is worth 1 point. Task 22 is evaluated according to the following principle: 2 points - no errors; 1 point - one mistake was made; 0 points - two or more errors were made. Tasks of part 2 are evaluated depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. For the complete and correct completion of tasks 26–28, 30 and 31, 2 points are awarded. With an incomplete answer - 1 point. For the complete and correct completion of task 29, 3 points are awarded. In case of incomplete fulfillment, depending on the representation of the required components of the answer - 2 or 1 point. Thus, for completing the tasks of part 2 (correct and complete wording of answers to all six questions), the examinee can receive a maximum of 13 points.

The examination time is 3 hours (180 minutes).

Social science grade 9 OGE 2016 Social science grade 9 OGE 2016

Option 1

Part 1

Part 2

Wish you success!

Part 1.

    What relations are associated mainly with the political sphere of society?

    1) producers and consumers

    2) parties and states

    3) parents and children

    4) writers and readers

    Which of the following characterizes a democratic regime?

1) supremacy executive power

2) command-administrative management methods

3) the dominance of one obligatory ideology

4) protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens

    The offense is

1) the imposition of a penalty by the boss on the subordinate

2) disclosure of state secrets

3) collecting old coins

4) breaking a word given to a friend

    Are the following statements about society correct?

A. Society includes various forms of association and interaction of people.

B. Society includes the natural habitat of mankind.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    Pavel is in his second year of university. He plays in the student theater, often performs as part of the basketball team of his faculty. What level of education is Paul at?

1) secondary vocational

2) higher professional

3) basic general

4) average total

    Are the following statements about religion correct?

A. Religion requires believers to follow certain rules.

B. Religion influences the believer's attitude to the outside world.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    Law versus morality

    1) protected by the power of the state

    2) based on ideas of good and evil

    3) regulates social relations

    4) relies on public opinion

    The peculiarity of scientific knowledge is that it

1) is aimed at creating wealth

2) based on artistic images

3) always applied in real life

4) strives for objectivity

    State Z regularly holds parliamentary elections. The leader of the winning party becomes the head of government. Parliament elects a president who performs representative functions. What is the form of government of this state?

1) republic

2) monarchy

3) federation

4) democracy

    Are the following statements about civil society correct?

A. Civil society includes initiative associations and organizations of the population.

B. In democratic countries, civil society acts as a partner of the state in resolving public affairs.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    Mechanism state coercion applicable to offenders is

1) legal capacity

2) legal relationship

3) legal consciousness

4) legal liability

    The elder of the tribe gathered grown men around the fire. He began to tell the story of their divine ancestor. At the same time, members of the tribe performed a ritual dance around the fire. What aspect of social life does this example illustrate?

1) economic

2) religious

3) family

4) political

    Are the following judgments about legal liability correct?

A. Legal liability is designed to restore the violated rights of citizens affected by the offense.

B. Legal liability is expressed in the fact that measures of state coercion are applied to a person whose guilt has been proven.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    Inna handed over her fur coat to the dry-cleaner. But the receiver did not warn her that, perhaps, after dry cleaning, the color of the fur might change slightly. What branch of law was violated in this situation?

1) labor law

2) criminal law

3) administrative law

4) civil law

    Young people stole someone else's car. Their actions are

1) administrative misconduct

2) a criminal offense

3) disciplinary offense

4) civil misconduct

    Are the following statements about the law correct?

A. A rule of law is a rule of people's behavior that must be followed.

B. A rule of law is a desirable but not mandatory pattern of human behavior.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    Are the following judgments about the functions of the President of the Russian Federation correct?

BUT. The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

B. The President of the Russian Federation heads the Federation Council.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    The joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects is (-s)

1) management of federal state property

2) general issues upbringing, education, science

3) judiciary, prosecutor's office

4) state awards and honorary titles of the Russian Federation

    President M. of the State announced his intention to run in the next presidential election, despite the fact that he has already held office for two consecutive terms. Thus, he violated the Constitution. Which branch of law will govern this issue?

1) administrative

2) labor

3) constitutional

4) civil

    Kirill and Nikolai learned that Mikhail invited all his classmates to his New Year's celebration, except for them. Cyril simply stopped all communication with Mikhail, and Nikolai tried to find out through friends about the reasons for Mikhail's act.

Compare two ways of behaving in interpersonal conflict: avoiding conflict situation and engaging intermediaries. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences:

1) awareness of the conflict of interests;

2) search for a way out of the conflict;

3) exit without concessions and defending their interests;

4) involvement of a third party.


Features of difference

    The above list shows the similarities and differences between absolute and limited monarchy. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences:

1) the monarch transfers his power by inheritance;

3) the will of the monarch is sufficient for the adoption or repeal of the law;

4) is a form of government in the state.


Features of difference

    Establish a correspondence between the signs and types of political regimes: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.



A) free elections to government bodies

B) the rule of law

C) obligatory state ideology

D) comprehensive constant monitoring of human life and society

D) multi-party system

1) democratic

2) totalitarian


    In countries Z and Y, one of the public opinion research foundations conducted a survey among adult citizens: "Do you trust law enforcement agencies?"

The results obtained (in % of the number of respondents) are presented in the table.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn on the basis of the table, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Among those surveyed in country Z, the proportion of those who do not trust law enforcement agencies is greater than the proportion of those who treat them with apprehension.

2) Among those surveyed in country Y, the total share of those who trust law enforcement agencies is less than the share of those who treat them with fear.

3) The proportion of those who trust law enforcement agencies, because real professionals work there, is higher in country Y than in country Z.

4) In country Z, only a quarter of respondents trust law enforcement agencies because they protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

5) Equal proportions of respondents in country Y do not trust law enforcement agencies and are wary of them.

    The results of the survey, reflected in the table (see above), were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follow from the information received during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) In country Z, the activities of law enforcement agencies are controlled by civil society institutions.

2) It is advisable for the government of country Z to organize more detailed media coverage of the activities of law enforcement agencies.

3) Countries Y and Z are reforming law enforcement and the judiciary with varying degrees of success.

4) In country Z, in comparison with country Y, there are more favorable conditions for the development of the rule of law.

5) The government of country Y should identify and prosecute law enforcement officers who break the law.

(A) It is bad that the number of grave and especially grave crimes committed in recent years is not decreasing. (B) The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for long and even life imprisonment for committing such acts. (B) Probably, the state and society should think about the prevention of crimes, as well as about the reasons that give rise to them.

1) reflect the facts;

2) express opinions.


Part 2

A key element of democracy is the full rights of citizens.

The common definition of democracy reduces it to regular elections held on a fair basis with a strict vote count. Although periodic elections are very important for a democratic system, they only allow citizens to give preference to one of the strategies proposed by political parties. In the period between elections, citizens can influence public policy through other institutions: interest associations, social movements, trade unions etc. All these forms are constituent parts democratic practice.

Another generally accepted indicator of democracy is majority rule. Any governing body that makes decisions by a relative majority of votes is democratic - whether it is a constituency, a parliament, a committee, a city council or a party meeting.

However, here too a problem arises. What if the legally elected majority regularly harms some minority (for example, a cultural or ethnic group) with their decisions? In such cases, successful democracies usually combine the principle of majority rule with the protection of the rights of minorities.

Democratic freedoms should also contribute to the development of the collective consciousness of citizens, their understanding of common needs and decision-making - without relying on any rulers. Carriers of various social statuses and interests, remaining independent of the state, and perhaps even of parties, not only limit the arbitrariness of power, but also form what is called “civil society” in modern political science, a new, better type of citizens - more informed, more social in mentality, ready to make sacrifices for the common good.

    Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

    What elements (indicators) of democracy are named in the text (name any three elements (indicators))?

    Based on the text and social science knowledge, explain the meaning of the concept of "civil society". Give two examples of the activities of civil society organizations.

Control and measuring material

Option 2

3 hours (180 minutes) are given to complete the examination paper in social science. The work consists of 2 parts, including 31 tasks.

Part 1 Includes 25 short answer questions.

Part 2 consists of 6 tasks with a detailed answer.

Answers to tasks 1-19 are written in one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

Answers to tasks 20-25 are written as a sequence of numbers.

Part 2 includes the text and 6 tasks for it (26-31). To complete these tasks, it is necessary: ​​to select the necessary information from the text, to reveal (including examples) its individual provisions; correlate the information from the text with the knowledge gained from the course; apply existing knowledge to analyze social situations; express and justify one's own opinion

For each correct answer, depending on the complexity of the task and the completeness of the answer, one or more points are given. The points you get for all completed tasks are summed up.

Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.

Wish you success!

Part 1.

When completing tasks 1-19, write down one number in the answer field, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

    Which of the following terms is used primarily to describe political sphere society?

1) art, science

2) federation, republic

3) family, ethnicity

4) costs, profit

    The totalitarian regime is

1) comprehensive control of the state over the life of society

2) guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens

3) activities of the free press

4) the presence of the state apparatus

    The political rights (freedoms) of a person include (are)

1) ownership

2) freedom of religion

3) voting rights

4) freedom of movement

    Are the following judgments about spheres of public life correct?

A. The economic sphere regulates the organization of state power.

B. The economic sphere ensures the satisfaction of the material needs of society.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    Ivan did not score the required number of points in the entrance exams to the university and went to college to train as a notary assistant. What level of education is Ivan at?

1) basic general education

2) average professional education

3) complete (secondary) education

4) higher professional education

    Are the following statements about education correct?

A. Education serves to transfer knowledge and experience from one generation to another.

B. At the heart of education are the cultural traditions accumulated by people, the system of values.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    Law versus morality

1) is a kind of social norms

2) regulates people's behavior

3) supported by the power of the state

4) addressed to the whole society

    How is it customary to call the emotional experience of one's belonging to a country and one's citizenship?

1) morality

2) spirituality

3) justice

4) patriotism

    In the constitution of the stateZthe leading role of the only party in the country and the dominance of one ideology were fixed. These features are characteristic of the

1) unitary

2) totalitarian

3) Republican

4) democratic

    Are the following statements about politics correct?

A. Politics acts as a regulator of society.

B. Politics is about power relations.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    What branch of law governs parenting?

1) civil law

2) labor law

3) family law

4) administrative law

    What branch of law regulates the property and personal non-property rights of citizens?

1) labor law

2) administrative law

3) criminal law

4) civil law

    Are the following judgments about the judiciary in the Russian Federation correct?

A. Judicial proceedings in the Russian Federation are carried out on the basis of competition and equality of the parties.

B. The judiciary is independent and is guided only by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    Citizen A. concluded with transport company an agreement on the transportation of furniture from his city apartment to the country. These legal relations are governed by the rules of law

1) labor

2) administrative

3) criminal

4) civil

    Citizens traded near the metro station with lilies of the valley collected in the forest. It is known that these flowers are listed in the Red Book. What offense did the citizens commit?

1) criminal offense

2) disciplinary offense

3) administrative offense

4) civil wrong

    Are the following statements about international humanitarian law correct?

A. International humanitarian law protects the safety of human life.

B. International humanitarian law covers the principles and rules governing the means and methods of warfare.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    Are the following statements about the President correct? Russian Federation?

A. The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state.

B. The President of the Russian Federation is elected by popular vote.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

    What are the powers of the Federation Council?

1) resolution of territorial disputes between constituent entities of the Russian Federation

2) management of federal property

3) development and execution of the country's budget

4) definition of the main directions domestic policy

    The parents of a two-year-old girl, for various reasons, did not register her birth with the registry office. What right of the child has been violated?

1) be protected from violence

2) know your parents

3) live and be brought up in a family

4) get first and last name

The answer to task 20-25 is a sequence of numbers. Write down this sequence of numbers.

    The teacher, revealing the essence of social control, characterized the moral and legal regulations. Compare these two kinds of social norms. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second - the serial numbers of the differences:

1) are created by the state;

2) involve legal liability;

3) determine the boundaries of what is permitted;

4) regulate social relations.


Features of difference

    Compare civil and criminal liability. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences:

1) occurs only for the committed crime;

2) applied by the competent authorities of the state;

3) is strictly regulated by the rules of law;

4) entails a conviction of a citizen.


Features of difference

    Match between public relations and branches of law: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.



A) property rights

B) personal non-property relations

B) activities of the executive branch

D) behavior in public places

1) civil law

2) administrative law

Write in the line of answers the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.


    In 2000, 2005 and 2009, the Levada Center service conducted a sociological survey in our country. It was proposed to answer the question: On what does human well-being depend to a greater extent? The obtained comparative data (in %) are presented in the table.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn on the basis of the table, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) A fair social order is perceived by the majority as a decisive factor in human well-being.

2) Almost a quarter of respondents believe that a person's well-being depends primarily on himself.

3) The number of those who believe that the well-being of a person is determined to the greatest extent by a just social order is gradually increasing.

4) An increasing number of respondents associate the well-being of a person with his own efforts.

5) The ratio of the number of those who consider the social order to be decisive in achieving well-being, and those who assign the main role in this to the person himself, has changed significantly over the first decade of the new century.

    In 2000, 2005 and 2009, the Levada Center service conducted a sociological survey in our country. It was proposed to answer the question: On what does human well-being depend to a greater extent? The obtained comparative data (in %) are presented in the table (see above)

The results of the survey, reflected in the table, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions follow directly from the information received during the survey? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Public opinion is dominated by the conviction that a person can achieve well-being only under a certain social structure.

2) For 9 years there have been significant changes in the assessment of various factors affecting the well-being of people.

3) The number of supporters of the slogan "man himself is the blacksmith of his own happiness" does not change over time.

4) The concept of "a just social order" is interpreted by the majority of respondents in the same way.

5) The population is interested in strengthening the intervention of the state in various spheres of society.

    Read the given text, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) The editors of a well-known magazine asked readers how they assess the political situation in the country. (B) Unfortunately, many citizens have declared a complete lack of interest in politics. (B) Clearly, the government and political parties should make an effort to increase political awareness and citizen engagement.

Decide which positions of the text:

1) reflect the facts;

2) express opinions.

Record in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions.


Part 2

Use a separate sheet to write down the answers to the tasks of this part (26-31). First write down the task number (26,27, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

Religion is what makes human life meaningful. This is due to the fact that religion gives a picture of the world in which injustice, suffering, death, everything that crushes hopes, all this turns out to have meaning and meaning. If suffering and death matter, if a person knows what it is, then he has the strength to live, overcoming suffering. What makes a person strong is knowing why he lives. Religion is focused on showing what certain events of human life mean.

Religion helps people understand who they are by showing the significance of the group to which they belong among other people who inhabit our world. You can compare religion in this capacity to how glue works: it helps people to realize themselves as a community, held together by common values ​​and common goals.

By making sacred the norms and values ​​of society, religion also contributes to its stability. Religion fulfills this function by establishing norms that are useful for a given social structure and create the preconditions for a person to fulfill moral obligations. Since these prohibitions are still violated by people, most religions have ways to restore and maintain the desire to comply with the obligation - purifying and redemptive rites that can defuse, remove guilt or increase it.

(According to V.I. Garage)

26. Plan the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

30. Elena's changed life circumstances caused her strong emotional experiences. During this period of her life, Elena became a follower of one of the world's religions.

Using the content of the text, indicate why turning to religion was connected with Elena's experiences.

Give the position of the text that helped you answer this question.

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 31 tasks. Part 1 contains 25 short answer tasks, part 2 contains 6 long answer tasks.

For each task 1–20 of the work, four possible answers are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if the exam participant wrote down the number of the correct answer. The task is considered failed in the following cases: a) the number of the wrong answer is recorded; b) the numbers of two or more answers are recorded, even if the number of the correct answer is also indicated among them; c) the response number is not recorded. In tasks 21-25, the answer is given as a sequence of numbers (for example, 125), written without spaces and separator characters. Answers to the tasks of part 2 are independently formulated and recorded by the examinee in expanded form. Verification of their implementation is carried out by experts on the basis of a specially developed system of criteria

Scale for converting points into grades:

"2"– from 0 to 14

"3"– from 15 to 24

"four"– from 25 to 33

"5"– from 34 to 39

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and the examination work as a whole

Correctly performed work is estimated at 39 points. Each correctly completed task 1–21, 23–25 is worth 1 point. Task 22 is evaluated according to the following principle: 2 points - no errors; 1 point - one mistake was made; 0 points - two or more errors were made. Tasks of part 2 are evaluated depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. For the complete and correct completion of tasks 26–28, 30 and 31, 2 points are awarded. With an incomplete answer - 1 point. For the complete and correct completion of task 29, 3 points are awarded. In case of incomplete fulfillment, depending on the representation of the required components of the answer - 2 or 1 point. Thus, for completing the tasks of part 2 (correct and complete wording of answers to all six questions), the examinee can receive a maximum of 13 points.

The examination time is 3 hours (180 minutes).

Very soon, ninth grade students will have to take exams that will significantly affect not only their certificates, but also the possibility of entering both tenth grade and college. Among the OGE, which are selected at will, you can take an exam in social studies. Many students consider it simple and choose it in order not to completely spoil their grades in the matriculation certificate.

Features of the exam in social studies

The OGE in social studies consists of two parts, which include thirty-one tasks. The first part contains 25 questions for which you need to give only one short letter, and all the rest require a detailed answer.

Tasks in social studies

At the beginning of the work, only test tasks will be present, in which only one of the four answers will be correct. To get your score for the right decision tasks, you need to put a cross in the OGE tests in social studies in only one box. The answer may not be counted in certain cases:

  • number not specified;
  • wrong number selected.

It is worth remembering that in the second part of the exam you need to answer not the tests, but give the answer in expanded form. To check the correctness of the assignment with the OGE in social studies, a special system of criteria has been developed, which is used by experts.

Assessment criteria exam

Translation scale marks

After calculating the received number of points, they are transferred to the school-wide assessment. For this, a special scale is used:

  • up to 14 points is translated into "2";
  • from 15 to 24 - "3";
  • up to 33 - "4";
  • above 33 - "5".

The maximum number of points that can be obtained from the OGE, if the student passes it in social studies, is 39. In the first part, all tasks except for the number "22" are evaluated by one point for the correct answer. When a detailed answer is given, the assessment is from 0 to 3 points.

How best to prepare?

You can find many great assignments to prepare for social studies using the "I will solve the OGE" website. The portal has the ability to give access to statistics to the teacher for verification.

Site Reshu OGE in social studies

Portal "Dunno" allows you to download tasks. After that, they can be printed and worked with a pen, which will help to feel as if a person is on the exam itself.

Site Dunno

"EXAM RU" is a popular site where there is a significant base of preparatory tests.

Site Exam ru

If you try to pass at least half of them, then the chances of passing this exam successfully will increase.