How to formulate a problem in an essay. How to find a problem in the text of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language? What to pay attention to


Read the text carefully. Think about what the author is talking about, what worries him. Remember that at the heart of the problem is always a contradiction, a conflict. In fact, a problem is a subject of discussion, a certain difficulty, a subject of dispute, controversy. The problem is often hidden behind the actions and speech of heroes, biography facts, historical ones, which are, as it were, an illustration of the problem.

There are several types of problems. Determine what type your text is. Philosophical: the development of society, the place of man in the world of people, the search for the meaning of life.
Social: the structure and life of society, the creation, observance of human rights.
Political: activities state power, the laws of civil society, the horrors of terrorism, nationalism and chauvinism, the causes of international conflicts and wars.
Moral: spiritual, human relationships (selfishness and humanism, kindness and cruelty, honor and dishonor, friendship and betrayal, intelligence and rudeness,).
Ecological: the relationship between man and nature, consumer attitude to culture, ecology of culture, ecology of language.
Aesthetic: the perception of art, the cultivation of artistic taste, the role of a person's book, the influence of the Internet and television on teenagers.

Choose a way to formulate the problem. First, you can formulate it in your own words: "The author makes you think about topical issue choice of life path". For this purpose, you can use the sentences: "What influences the formation of a person's personality? What is the problem that the author is thinking about?". Secondly, you can use quotation: "What should television be in our life?" - L. Zhukhovitsky is trying to find an answer to such a question. "Thirdly, you can indicate the numbers of sentences from text if the problem has already been formulated by the author.

Select standard designs. - In the text proposed for analysis, the focus (of whom?) is (what?) Problem (of what?).
- In the text proposed for analysis (who?) concerns (what?) Problems (what?).
- The text proposed for analysis (of whom?) is devoted to the problem (of what?).

Use hint words. The problem (what?) Is complex, sore, topical, scientific, international, insoluble, painfully familiar. what is he doing?) painfully reflects, touches, analyzes, expounds, puts forward, in detail. The author makes the reader (what to do?) think deeply, take seriously ..., take a different look at ..., evaluate his own position, bitterly understand.

Now insert the clue words into the typical constructions.


Don't forget that you must have:

The word "problem" ("question", "task");
- what's the problem? what?;
- surname of the author.

Useful advice


The problem (of what?) of the meaning of life.

The question (about what?) about the meaning of life.

Very soon, graduates will face a serious test - passing exams. The USE in the Russian language is mandatory for everyone.

The need to formulate the problem of the text arises at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language when working on an essay. The problem in its everyday sense should not be confused with the problem of an artistic or journalistic text. Also, high school students often do not distinguish between the concepts of "topic", "idea", "problem". The result is an inaccurate or incomplete formulation of the problem, which makes it difficult to identify the author's position, leads to a vague commentary, unconvincing argumentation, and, alas, a low score for an essay on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. To exclude the possibility of substitution of concepts, one should be well versed in terminology.

  1. THEME is a broader, general concept: the subject of an image, conversation, description. For example, the theme of Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" is love, human relations, the theme of research work is the study of the role of the motive of water in the works of Russian writers, the theme of the lesson is the spelling of adverbs.
  2. IDEA - this is, in fact, the main idea of ​​the work, that, for the sake of which, in fact, the author raises this or that problem. The idea and position of the author are very close, because in both cases it is about what excites the author, what is important for him, about which he cannot but tell his reader.
  3. PROBLEM - a question that worries the author within the framework of a particular topic.

A writer who has turned, for example, to the topic of love, may be concerned about various issues. Unrequited love - is it trouble or happiness? Is there everlasting love? Is it possible to fall in love at 14? etc. Each of these questions can cause disputes, discrepancies. The presence of different points of view on the same issue indicates the existence of a problem.

There can be several such questions - problems in the text, and for each the author has his own answer, his own opinion, his own author's position. If a different author had written the love story, perhaps the questions would have been different.

Thus, THEME is what the work is about. IDEA - why it was written. PROBLEM - a question that worries the author.

To correctly identify the problem, there are a few important points to remember:

  • There may be several problems in the text. It is necessary to choose only one of the problems, the one on which you are guaranteed to give arguments.
  • If the problematic of the text is clear (for example, a text about a war), the student often begins to write everything that he knows in general. Such an essay, even if it is competent, emotional and generally good, will not receive points, since it is not written according to the criteria.
  • If you see 2-3 problems in the text, you understand the author’s attitude to these problems well, you know how to prove your point of view (and it usually coincides with the author’s), make sure not to “leave the corridor”.

What does it mean? Formulated a problem (it may not be the main one in the text), find the position of the author EXACTLY on this problem (even if the position is expressed in one word), select arguments confirming your attitude to THIS position of the author.

How to work with text? When starting to compose, do not forget that the problems can be: content- environmental, social, moral, philosophical, political, etc., in importance - relevant, eternal, global, essential, etc.

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Determine what is being discussed in the text.
  3. Find and write down all the statements of the author.
  4. Present these statements in the form of a complete sentence.
  • The author believes that without trust and respect it is impossible to create a strong family.
  • The author claims that indeed strong people distinguished by generosity.
  • The author is sure that a genius must be born, because genius is a gift from God.

5. Think and write down what questions these author's statements answer.

  • Without what it is impossible to create a strong family? What family do we call strong?
  • What kind of people do we call strong? What is (manifested) strength?
  • Is it possible to cultivate a genius in yourself? What is the nature of genius?

The resulting question is the formulation of the problem.

Especially for you, we carefully and carefully selected only best advice on writing an essay, talked with the teacher Tatyana Altukhova and found examples already finished works. In general, read and pass the exam for 100 points. Start over:

You open the text and...

You do not read it, but the task prescribed in each KIM. It will help you plan your next essay. How to isolate the most important thing from the task, says Tatyana Altukhova, an expert in preparing for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language:

Write an essay based on the text you read.
Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.
Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two illustration examples from the read text that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid over-quoting).
Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

So, without any extra cheat sheets, but simply based on the task, it turns out the structure of the essay in the exam in the Russian language. It includes 6 elements:

formulation of the problem of the analyzed text (only one!);

commentary on the highlighted problem;

Your own position

· two arguments proving your position;

conclusion (conclusion);

Defining a text problem

As can be seen from the composition plan, the reviewers expect you to have a dialogue with the author of the source text. First, you formulate what and how the author argues, what conclusion he comes to, and then you state your reasoned opinion on this matter. The main thing is not to confuse the occasion. Help here again detailed analysis from our expert:

A problem is a complex theoretical (most often moral) question that the author solves in his text. That is, the text that lies before you is the answer to the question, the problem that the author had in his head when he wrote it. Simply put, we must formulate a question based on the answer that is given to us.

Attention, the first pitfall! There may be several problems in the text. Your task is to choose only one and dedicate the entire composition only to it, without being distracted by others.

There is also an answer to the problem that the author posed in the text, and then you voiced it in your essay. This is the position of the author, which is main idea text.

How to understand that you have not confused anything? Look:

Whether the problem you have identified and the position of the author are connected as a question and an answer.

Here is an example from a specific essay. The question is asked:

Can the concept of justice be manipulated? This question is asked by the author of the text proposed for analysis.

Or it is formulated in a declarative sentence: The author of the text proposed for analysis raises the problem of manipulation with the concept of justice.

A person should not manipulate justice and other universal values, since it is impossible to equate the concepts of good and evil.

Does the author give an answer to the question that you formulated in the text. Often, having correctly found the key words in the text, we incorrectly formulate the question, replacing it with another one, the answer to which is not in the text. If we see the problem, but do not see the position on it (the author does not express an opinion on this issue, does not express his attitude towards it), then we have identified the problem incorrectly, the wording needs to be clarified.

How to comment on a text issue

So, the problem and the position of the author are clear, now you need to add your comment to it. Namely: to show HOW the author raised the question he was thinking about, and how he came to the answer that became the main idea of ​​the text. Tatyana Altukhova warns:

The commentary should contain at least two illustration examples from the text that are important for understanding the problem. These examples could be quotes (small ones!), references to sentence numbers, or small snippets of paraphrasing. It is very important that the commentary and examples show the logic of the movement of the author's thought.

Life hack: To make a comment, you can take information from 24 tasks, but you cannot completely retell the review from this task - such a comment will not be counted.

The main mistake in the comment there is always an overstatement. Remember that everything you say about the text, you give through the prism of attitudes, assessments or the intention of the author: what he paid attention to, what he said with pride or, conversely, with bitterness. In the comments main character- he, and not the characters or phenomena of the source text.

Your opinion and arguments in an essay on the Russian language

Expressing one's reasoned opinion is often not easy, so many people want to open a "bank of arguments". Tatyana Altukhova and I warn you - you don’t need to do this, you will become a much more universal soldier, having learned to argue your position on your own.

So, your position should include only two elements: agreement or disagreement with the position of the author and the rationale for your opinion.

Arguing your own opinion is the proof of your position.

Arguments in an essay can be:

are based on the reader's experience and involve the use of information gleaned from literature (both fiction and scientific, journalistic); fiction may be foreign, and Russian, prosaic and poetic). When choosing an argument from the literature, remember that such evidence has an age limit: the examiner has the right not to count an argument that does not correspond to the age of the writer. And this primarily concerns children's literature, from which school graduates have already grown. The exam offers serious problems, so the arguments must correspond to them.

are based on life experience and suggest that the author of the essay refers to facts from real life (including his own): history, social events covered on television, newspapers, on the Internet, folklore, life famous people, movies and series.

Any argument must include: short description episode, on the example of which you prove your position (a literary argument must also be provided with factual information: the name and surname of the author, the title of the work) and a conclusion that will be consonant with your position and make the argument a full-fledged proof.

In addition, in order to choose the right arguments, it is necessary to state them conclusively in order to avoid a logical error.

remember that the arguments prove your position (the position with which you agree), and not just illustrate the problem you highlighted in the text.

An example of an erroneously constructed argument:

Student position: Each person is unique and exceptional in their own way.

Argument: This is fully confirmed by the life of Yevgeny Bazarov from the work of I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”. After all, Bazarov at the beginning of the novel denied everything spiritual and moral that is in a person, including his value to all others.

As you can see, there is not a word in the argument about the uniqueness of any person, which was mentioned in the position. This is a logical fallacy.

But example of a convincing argument. Pay attention to the fact that it is provided with a conclusion that echoes the position that the author of the essay proves.

I cannot but agree with the opinion of the author, because every living being is capable of loving, and therefore sacrificing himself. So in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" Margarita, in order to be with the master, makes a deal with the devil. She is ready to give even her immortal soul to help her lover.

The first stage of work on the preparation of an essay in the Russian language lessons in grade 11 involves the analysis of the source text in order to determine its prolematics and the position of the author. My presentation will help graduates to cope with this difficult task.



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Master class Preparing for the Unified State Examination “Learning to identify the problem of the text” The work of Glotova L.V., teacher of the Russian language MKOU Ozerskaya secondary school named after Sergey Anikin, Buturlinovsky district Voronezh region 2014

Algorithm for identifying the problem (problems) of a journalistic text Read the text, highlighting key words and the most important statements, statements of the author. Determine what the text is about. Think about what the author wanted to say. What is the main idea of ​​the text (i.e. the position of the author)?

Examples of working with text For example: The main idea of ​​the author Nature is the source of man's spiritual powers. Question to define the problem What is nature for man? The main problem (wording options are possible) 1. The problem of the meaning of nature for man. 2. The problem of the relationship between nature and man. 3. What is nature for man?

Algorithm for identifying the problem of a literary text Analyze the entire figurative structure and plot of the text. Pay attention to the actions, attitudes of the characters, their speech. Determine which are the positive and negative human qualities are defined in them. On whose side is the author's sympathy?

Think about what the author wanted to say? What is its main idea? Formulate the position of the author in the form of a complete sentence. Determine what question this sentence answers. Write down this question, which is the problem of the text. (Remember that there can be several such questions, like problems).

References Zagorovskaya O.V. Russian language. Single State exam. Part C. - Voronezh, 2012. Naumova O.N. How to work with part S. -Voronezh, 2008.

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1. How to formulate the problem?

    Read the text carefully and think about what idea (thought, concept) did the author spend efforts for? What did he want to say? Found? Try to ask a question to this thesis - it will be the problem of the text, formulated in an interrogative form. It is possible to formulate the problem using the construction with the genitive case: the problem of what? - influence…, responsibility…, roles… etc.

    The problem should be taken on a larger scale than just a special case described by the author ( the problem of mercy, moral choice (between what and what), social justice, cruel attitude (to what or to whom?), loneliness, purpose and meaning (life, writing, etc.), complexity of life, role (books, music, nature etc.) in a person's life and others. As a rule, the described case for the author is a reason for reflection or an illustration for reflection on the problem. This should be remembered. But at the same time, it is impossible to formulate the problem very generally: the problem of man, the problem of good and evil. The problem should be formulated rather narrowly, but not reduced to specific example given in the original text.

    The word "problem" (or "question") must necessarily sound in the text. And do not confuse the problem with the author's position. The position is designated as a thesis (complete sentence), and the problem is formulated either as a question, or a combination of the word "problem" with a noun in the genitive case.

2. How to comment on the text?

    Commentary is not a paraphrase, not a continuous quotation. To comment on the text, you must understand what does the author do to make the reader think about a particular issue.

    Important state and comment on the same problem, not different- the author in the text can raise several problems, it is important for you to talk about only one.

    Reflect on some questions related to the read text:
    It is important to analyze the text from the point of view of the problem you have identified and those aspects of it that will allow you to formulate the position of the author. What is important here is the word, image, detail, vital material on which reasoning is based, reliance on authoritative opinion (quotes) .
    The following options are possible:

    1) If artistic text and there is a plot, of course 1-2 sentences to convey the essence of the plot. Next, you can answer next questions:

    • On whose behalf is the narration being conducted (no need to put an equal sign between the hero-narrator and the author of the source text)?
    • Why does the author use this particular material to illustrate his point of view? Is the situation depicted by the author typical? What facts, details, important from the point of view of the indicated problem, does the author pay attention to? Why? What impression does this make on the reader?
    • What did you, as a reader, notice in the story? What mood is the author in? (sad irony, sarcasm, sadness, sadness, joy, etc.) It is necessary to indicate how this manifests itself (preferably based on the choice of specific words, details by the writer (or publicist).
    • Why does the character (narrator) act in this way? How does this act help to understand the author's position?

    2) If journalistic or scientific text, then the following questions can be answered:

    • What does the author do so that readers understand his point of view (what life (scientific) material attracts)?
    • How does the author build evidence (comparison, contrasting facts (positions), citing, emphasizing important details)?
    • What exactly did you, as a reader, note in the narrative (author's intonation, irony)? What seemed strange to you, unexpected?
    • How does the author lead the reader to understand his point of view?
    Please note that you need to comment on the problem reflected in the text, and not just the text and its topics, and not just the problem in isolation from the text.

Author's position in journalistic text , is likely to be labeled directly, and is easy to spot. It is better not to quote the whole sentence, which reflects the author's point of view, but to quote it in part or convey it in your own words. However, if you quote, the score will not be lowered. If artistic text, the position of the author may not be stated directly. Here it is necessary to pay attention to some features of a literary text:

  • If the author simply talks about an event without interfering with the narrative, and his position is still not indicated directly, you can write something like this: The writer does not directly express his attitude to what is happening, but we, the readers, are well aware that ... (conditionally speaking, it is unacceptable to do so, because it entails ...).

    Some authors use a “mask”: they speak on behalf of the hero-narrator, make him utter frank nonsense, commit unseemly acts, while they themselves seem to remain on the sidelines, it is difficult to determine their position. What to do in such cases? Need to take a closer look, what are the actions of the hero and what are their consequences? What is the narrator's speech like (especially if it contains speech errors)? If the character is acting, from your point of view, wrong, then perhaps the author thinks the same way as you. Simply put, no need to put an equal sign between the author and the hero-narrator.


Preparation for writing an essay-reasoning

(task 25 USE)

Lesson topic : Text problem. Identification and formulation of the main problem of the text. Preparation for writing an essay-reasoning

Lesson type : practical lesson.

Lesson Objectives

Activity: creation of conditions for the assimilation of the topic, development of the readiness of thinking for the assimilation of new ways of activity, development of mental operations of schoolchildren; development of self-control skills, schematic thinking, development of adequate self-assessment skills.

Informative: the formation of the skill to recognize the problem or problems posed by the author, the ability to argue at least one of them, the formation of the ability to see the position of the author and compare it with his own position, draw up an action algorithm, develop the information competence of students, the ability to extract information and process it.

Equipment : texts for work; reminders for students; presentation

During the classes .

    Motivational moment

Introductory speech of the teacher:

One day the Sultan decided to put his viziers to the test. “Oh, my subjects!” he addressed them, “I have a most difficult test for you. I would like to know who will decide it. He led them into the garden, in the corner was a rusty door with a huge lock. "Whoever opens the door will be the first vizier." Some courtiers just shook their heads, others began to look at the lock, others began to uncertainly push the door, but they were convinced that they would not open it. One by one, they left the mysterious door. But one vizier carefully examined and leaned his shoulder against the door. He pushed her and - oh, miracle! - she began to give in, at first a narrow gap appeared, and then the door began to move and opened!

Then the padishah said: “You will become the first vizier, because you rely not only on what you see and hear, but also believe in your strength.”

How do you understand the main idea of ​​this parable?

(Today in the lesson you will show your mind, serious attitude to business and your own strength and perseverance in achieving the goal).

As a result of the work, we found out that key concepts for the successful completion of task 25 are the problem of the text, a comment on the problem, the author's position, argumentation.


In addition, we got acquainted with the main criteria for assessing task 25.(dealt) From this lesson, we will work on a step-by-step analysis of each substantive criterion. Today we will find out what the problem of the text is, learn how to define it and correctly formulate, comment and argue.

    Definition of ‘problem’.

Let's pay attention to the first criterion for evaluating an essay. So, you get a point only if you correctly formulated one of the problems in the source text, without making any factual errors.

What is the text problem?

The problem of the text is a complex theoretical or practical issue that requires research and solution. The question the author is thinking about.

teacher's word . This question may not have a clear answer. It can affect different aspects of life: inner world human or the life of nature, society and many others. Therefore, there are differenttypes of problems :

- philosophical problems (affect the most general features of the development of nature, society, thinking);

- social problems (concerning the structure and life of society);

- political problems (related to the activities of state power, parties or public groups);

- environmental problems (reflect the interaction of a person and environment);

- moral (ethical) problems (associated with the internal spiritual qualities that guide a person, with certain rules of conduct).

Defining the problem, you need to think about how the content of the text concerns each person, all of humanity as a whole. It must be remembered that the specific situation described in the text, the facts of someone's biography, etc. - this is an illustration, a special case, an example of the manifestation of any idea considered by the author. Therefore, the problem must be formulated in such a way that it affects not only the case considered in the text, but also many similar situations.

    Work with text.

Let's try to define the problem of TEXT 1.

(1) The most fashionable slogan now, and we all willingly repeat: "human rights." (2) “Human rights” is very good, but how can we ourselves ensure that our rights are not expanded at the expense of the rights of others? (3) A society of unbridled rights cannot stand trials. (4) If we do not want violent power over ourselves, everyone must curb himself.

(5) No constitutions, laws and votes alone will balance societies, for it is natural for people to persistently pursue their interests. (6) The majority, if it has the power to expand and grab, then it does just that. (7) (This is what ruined all the ruling classes and groups of history). (8) A sustainable society can be achieved not on the equality of resistances - but on conscious self-restraint: on the fact that we are always obliged to yield to moral justice.

(9) Only with self-restraint can all the multiplying and condensing humanity continue to exist. (10) And all its long development was useless if you were not imbued with the spirit of self-restraint: animals also have the freedom to grab and be sated. (11) Human freedom includes voluntary self-restraint for the benefit of others. (12) Our obligations must always exceed the freedom granted to us. (13) If only we could master the spirit of self-restraint and, most importantly, be able to pass it on to our children. (14) Most of all, self-restraint is necessary for the person himself, for the balance and equanimity of his soul.

(According to A.I. Solzhenitsyn)

teacher's word . We define the problem of this text. If you find it difficult to formulate the problem, you can use the following method:

    Formulate the main idea of ​​the author in the form of a complete sentence.

(Only voluntary conscious self-restraint will allow a person not to violate the rights of other people)

    Think about what question this sentence answers.

(How to make sure that human rights are not violated?)

    This question is the formulation of the problem.

Students identify a problem and work together to correct it. The question arises, how to write the wording correctly?You have hints again.

teacher's word . There are two ways. The first one we just met. This is worded as a question. This method is applicable when it is impossible to briefly formulate the problem of the text. The second way of wording is in the form of a clear and concise sentence:problem (what?) ( R.p .: upbringing, loneliness, courage, perseverance, etc.) is raised in this text. (MEMO 1)

In the text


    set out


    being investigated






problem (of what?) (genitive case):


    moral choice

    intelligence, etc.

Exercise : Write down the problem statement of TEXT 1 in different ways.

Students write down possible options for formulating the problem in a notebook:

    Option 1: How to ensure that human rights are not violated? A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

    Option 2: The text explores the problem of voluntary conscious self-restraint.

teacher's word . Quite often, a text may touch upon several issues. Which of them should be the basis of the essay?

(part of memo 1)

The main problem is that

    over which he mainly reflects;

    to which he repeatedly returns;

    on which the author's position is clearly stated.

Let's turn to TEXT 2.

Exercise : Highlight the problems that the author of the text is thinking about. Write them down in two versions. Determine the main one among them. Justify your opinion. Use MEMO 1. (Independent work.)

(1) It has long been noticed that in our time the world of feeling is especially clearly opposed to the world of the intellect. (2) We are knowledge, science, technology oriented; the achievements of the mind amaze the mind. (3) A strong mind discovers new ways of production; and what can give him a strong feeling? (4) What are passions? (5) A reasonable person understands his duties and can be relied upon. (6) And what about the feeling near the conveyor? (7) And how to control the feeling?

(8) This is how a false idea arises about the superiority of reason over feelings, about the antagonism between feelings and reason, about the usefulness of the mind and the uselessness of feelings. (9) Let us keep this danger in mind when thinking about the education of the mind. (10) Even for a convenient study, even temporarily, even in the form of an admission, we should not separate mind and feeling. (11) In a “pure form”, mind and feeling do not exist, are not brought up and are extremely dangerous for a person and his environment. (12) Water is a combination of oxygen and hydrogen, but we do not quench our thirst with oxygen and hydrogen, but still with water.

(13) A developed mind, combined with high conscientiousness, is called intelligence. (14) This word appeared in Russia in the middle of the last century, when a serious education from the nobles passed to the raznochintsy, and the eternal problem of “knowledge and morality” became aggravated again. (15) Aristocrats were distinguished, as was commonly believed, by nobility. (16) But how will the new educated people differ? (17) What is their nobility? (18) “In intelligence,” was the answer. (19) In the nobility of spirit. (20) So the language responded to the need for social development, and a new word appeared that passed into many languages ​​of the world. (21) Intelligence is the same as spirituality, but at its core is faith in the truth, generated by reason and education. (22) An intellectual is a person who combines knowledge and morality. (23) In place of noble tribal honor came the honor of an intellectual, which consists in respect for reason and truth.

(24) In our time, education is again making a grand leap, it is becoming universal. (25) Consequently, the problem of knowledge and morality, mind and heart is again aggravated. (26) The most dangerous people are not dark, uneducated workers - there are fewer and fewer of them, namely, educated, but not intelligent. (27) Learned, but shameless. (28) Those who know how to achieve their goals, but who do not know how to abandon them, if they have to resort to wrong means to achieve them. (29) Intelligence, which was previously the lot of a relatively small group of people, the intelligentsia, should now be an indispensable quality of every person.

(30) We will raise a child so that in this world there is more than one intellectual.

(According to S. Soloveichik)

Students express their opinion, justify it, correct their notes. The discussion takes place with the direct participation of the teacher.

Issues addressed in the text:

    Is it possible to oppose the mind and feelings? The author of the text reflects on this problem.

    S. Soloveichik in this text considers the problem of antagonism between feelings and reason.

    What is intelligence? This important issue is raised by the author.

    This text analyzes the problem of necessityintelligence in modern society.

Main problem: Is intelligence necessary in modern society? This difficult problem is investigated by the author of the text.

Rationale: This is a major issue as the author mainly reflects on it, he repeatedly returns to it, in addition, the author's position on this problem is clearly stated.

teacher's word . At the exam, texts of journalistic or artistic styles are offered for work. Today we worked with journalistic texts. Specify how they express the problem?

    abstract, openly in one sentence of the text or one fragment of the text;

Now let's try to define the problem of the artistic style text and see how it is expressed.

Independent reading of the text.


There is a joyful event in the Sverl family: a son was born.

Parents do not stop admiring the offspring, the neighbors look - they are surprised: the spitting image of the father!

And they named their son Corkscrew.

Time goes by, corkscrew grows stronger, matures. He would have to study the real thing, try himself on metal (After all, drills are all hereditary metalworkers), but his parents do not give him: he is still young, let him learn something soft first.

The father wears home corks - special corks - and Corkscrew learns drilling skills from them.

This is how the son of the Drill is brought up - on traffic jams. When the time comes and they try to give him something harder (drill, they say, he has already learned) - where is it! The corkscrew doesn't want to listen! he begins to look for corks for himself, to look closely at bottles.

The old Drills are surprised: and how did their son get out of hand?

(F. Krivin)

So what is the author's problem? From the options proposed by the students, we choose the right one - the problem of educating the younger generation.

Is this problem explicitly stated in the text? - Not.

How is it expressed? - through descriptions, actions of heroes, their speech, thoughts, behavior, etc.

We write the conclusions in the form of a table:

Journalistic style

Art style

The problem is expressed

Thesis, openly in one sentence of the text or one fragment of the text;


is revealed by analyzing the descriptions, actions of the characters, their speech, thoughts, behavior, etc.


Write an introduction to the essay for each of the texts that you have worked with today. In the introduction, state the problem of the text.