Ingredients for homemade soap making. Soap making for beginners

Recently, soap making at home has overwhelmed lovers of doing something with their own hands. This fascinating process quickly becomes a hobby. Yes, and the benefits in natural soap are much greater than in the purchased, full of chemical components. Therefore, our magazine suggests learning how to make soap yourself. Step-by-step instructions and an accessible explanation, which you will find below, will certainly help in this exciting business.

The main thing in the article

Making soap at home: what do you need?

Soap making is one of the modern directions, which involves the manufacture of useful things by ourselves. What do you need to stock up before you start soap making?

1. Basic basis. There are three basic options.

  • baby soap, which is grated and is the base for all other ingredients. This option is perfect for those who are starting to try their hand at this business. Having stuffed your hand, you can move on to other materials.
  • Special soap base. It is commercially available in needlework stores and is a ready-made base for work.
  • Soap professionals use oil and lye while preparing soap. The consistency of the future soap will depend on the amount of alkali added.

2. Oil included in the base. You can take any mineral or vegetable. The main task of this component is to nourish and moisturize the epidermis. Alternatively, the following oils are suitable:

  • almond;
  • castor;
  • olive;
  • cocoa butter, etc.

3. Flavors. In their role are essential oils from fruits and herbs.

When choosing such a fragrance, you should pay attention to the needs of the skin, since, for example: orange oil helps to saturate with vitamins and get rid of cellulite, but tea tree does an excellent job with excessive oily skin.

4. Pigment (dye). There are two options for dyeing soap:

  • food coloring or special dye for dyeing soap, sold all in the same needlework store;
  • natural, here decoctions of herbs, juices of vegetables and fruits come to the rescue.

5. Auxiliary elements. These include:

  • liquids for diluting a soap base (milk, water, herbal decoctions);
  • decorative elements (poppy, flowers);
  • scrubbing particles (coffee particles, oatmeal);
  • vitamin supplements;
  • glycerol.

6. Inventory for work. These are dishes in which the soap mass will be boiled and molds where it will solidify.

Fragrances and color additives for homemade soaps

As already found out, essential oils are used as flavors. The effect of essential oils on the body is shown in the table below.

As for natural dyes, the following products can be used for coloring:

  • turmeric and mustard powder will give yellow tint ;
  • calendula, carrot juice, sea buckthorn oil will make color orange;
  • beet or cherry juice will help get the color from pale pink to burgundy ;
  • paprika and red ground pepper will give soap bright red color ;
  • nettle decoction, chopped herbs will contribute to the appearance green tone;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate, make soap brown;
  • added poppy or activated charcoal will give grey colour.

How to make soap at home

There are three ways to make soap, these are:

  1. Base Meltdown with the addition of various ingredients.
  2. Hot way. The whole process that takes place on the stove, after the reaction of alkali with water.
  3. Cold way. It is characterized by the mixing of ingredients, in which heating occurs due to chemical reactions.

When making soap with a cold process, patterns and blurry swirls can be made.

Cooking soap at home: step by step instructions with photos

We offer a detailed master class on how to cook peeling soap in two colors, which even a novice soap maker can handle.

In order to start the soap making process, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • transparent soap base - 0.5 kg;
  • chamomile oil - 5 tsp, it is suitable for sensitive skin (you can take another, if desired);
  • food coloring, we have blue;
  • black or yellow French clay - 1-2 tsp;
  • fragrance: choose any essential oil that you like, but since the soap will be in a marine theme, it is better to give preference to fresh ocean scents;
  • alcohol, needed to get rid of bubbles;
  • pebbles, to create decor;
  • mold for soap, we have a square silicone.

Soap is made according to the instructions below:

Clear soap recipe at home

To make transparent soap from scratch, we prepare:

  • Castor oil - 120 g;
  • Coconut oil - 150 g;
  • Pork fat - 30 g;
  • Glycerin - 210 g;
  • Alkali - 45.7 g;
  • Water - 90 g.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Introduce alkali into very cold water.
  2. Melt coconut oil and fat, add castor oil.
  3. When the oils have cooled well, introduce an alkaline solution into them through a sieve.
  4. Whisk all ingredients with a mixer until smooth.
  5. Send the mass to a water bath. Cover and, stirring occasionally, simmer for 2 hours.
  6. After this time, measure the pH with an indicator strip. It should turn light green.
  7. Now pour in the glycerin. Continue to simmer until the soap becomes homogeneous. This will happen in about 40 minutes.
  8. Pour the mass into the mold and leave to harden.

It is not recommended to send transparent soap to the refrigerator for hardening, as the base will become cloudy under the influence of cold temperature.

How to cook baby soap at home?

Every mother takes care of her child, trying to give him the best. Therefore, we offer to prepare environmentally friendly soap for your children. You will need the following components:

  • Organic soap base - 250 g.
  • Almond oil - 6-8 drops.
  • Carrot or beet juice for coloring - 10 drops.
  • Strong decoction of chamomile - 1 tsp. You can take any decoction, but for children, chamomile, succession, sage are best suited.

Baby soap is made like this:

  1. Grind the organic base, melt in a water bath.
  2. Introduce a decoction of chamomile, almond oil, dye juice. Mix everything well.
  3. Pour into moulds, let cool. Choose fun molds for kids to enjoy using this soap.

In order for the surface of the finished soap to be smooth, without accumulation of bubbles, the mold and prominent parts are sprayed with alcohol, which is first placed in a spray bottle.

Scrub soap: how to cook at home?

Scrub soap easily removes stubborn dirt, and also helps to remove the top dead layer of the epidermis. Cooking ingredients:

  • Soap base - 200 g.
  • Water - 4 tbsp.
  • Almond oil - 60 ml.
  • Honey - 60 g.
  • Finely ground coffee - 2 tbsp.
  • You can also apply the dye of the desired shade.

Preparing soap scrub is quite easy:

  1. Chop up the base.
  2. Boil two cups of water and pour boiling water over the base.
  3. Beat the mass with a blender.
  4. Add honey, almond oil, finely ground coffee. If you want to add dye, then put it in. Mix, leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Add the remaining water and beat with a blender until smooth.
  6. Scrub soap has a creamy consistency, so it is best to store it in a bottle with a dispenser.

Cosmetic soap as a gift: how to cook at home?

The following recipe is suitable for a gift. Need to prepare:

  • Soap base - 80 g.
  • Grape seed oil - 30 g.
  • Cinnamon oil - 3 drops.
  • Cinnamon powder - 10 g.


  1. Melt the soap base under the influence of temperature (microwave, water bath).
  2. Pour oil into it, mix.
  3. Add cinnamon powder, stir.
  4. Pour into moulds. After 8-10 minutes, stir the mass so that the cinnamon powder does not settle.

Soap with your own hands in a cold way

Characteristic for soap making cold way is the lack of heating of the ingredients. The reagents are water and alkali.

  • The water must be ice cold, the presence of ice is allowed.
  • The ingredients must be measured strictly according to the recipe, otherwise you can harm the skin when washing with such soap.
  • After the reaction has taken place, other components (oils, pigments, flavors) can be added.
  • The temperature of the oils and the base must not differ by more than 10°C. Everything should be thoroughly whipped with a blender and poured into a mold.

Hot soap making

At hot way, after mixing the alkaline solution with a base of oils, the resulting mass is sent to languish under the influence of temperature, and only after that pigment substances and flavors are added. Hot-made soap lathers better and can be used immediately after hardening.

Photo ideas for making soap at home

The best homemade soap recipes

How to make soap using different methods, we have sorted it out, now we will give recipes for the best homemade soap options according to our magazine.






How to cook soap at home from remnants?

From the pieces of old soap that constantly remain in the soap dish and are thrown out over time, you can cook a good soap for washing your face. To work you need to have:

  • Remnants - 5 pcs. Instead, you can take 1-2 bars of soap.
  • Lanolin - 2 tbsp.
  • Almond oil - 1 tsp.
  • Avocado oil - 0.5 tsp.
  • Oatmeal - 1 tbsp.
  • Almonds (powder) - 1 tbsp.
  • Tea rose petals (dry) - 1 tsp.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Grind remnants, you can do this with a grater. Melt them in a water bath, add lanolin.
  2. When everything melts, remove from heat, add oils, oatmeal, almonds, rose petals.
  3. Stir until a homogeneous mass comes out.
  4. Pour the soap into a mold, preferably a silicone one. Cover with cling film and forget for three days.
  5. After three days, take out and cut into bars.

How to make liquid soap at home?

We suggest trying out a lazy recipe for making liquid soap. Preparing the ingredients:

  • A piece of baby soap - 50 g.
  • Herbal decoction - 800-1000 ml. Perfect celandine, chamomile, calendula.
  • Glycerin - 1 tbsp.
  • Oil - 1 tbsp. You can take any.
  • If desired, pigment and flavoring.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Rub the soap.
  2. Boil the grass. Strain the decoction.
  3. Combine decoction and soap. Hide for a day.
  4. Add glycerin, oil and other ingredients to the resulting mass, mix until smooth.
  5. Pour into a bottle with a dispenser and you can wash.

Laundry soap at home: a simple recipe

Common mistakes of soap makers: what not to do?

  1. Do not melt the base on an open fire, this is done using a steam bath.
  2. You do not need to add a lot of oil to the base, as oil drops will appear on the surface of the mass.
  3. Do not replace alcohol, which removes bubbles in soap, with vodka, as the desired effect will not be.
  4. Do not use fresh flowers; dry ones should be preferred.
  5. When applying layer to layer, you need to slightly scratch the bottom with a toothpick and treat with alcohol, then the finished soap will not exfoliate.
  6. Do not add essential oils more than 10 drops.
  7. When making clear soap, minimize the addition of base oil, which can make the end result cloudy.
  8. Add menthol diluted in alcohol, as the menthol itself in the soap base can crystallize.
  9. Be careful when mixing scents, as the result may not be very pleasant.

Videos homemade soap

soap making- making exclusive soap with your own hands. Soap making is an exciting activity that helps to be creative, distract from everyday problems, enjoy the process itself and, of course, create a fragrant and unusually beautiful soap that will become an original and very useful gift.


Soap is a hygiene product that has become an integral part of everyday life for mankind. Everyone washes their hands with soap at least once a day. The history of soap began six thousand years ago, it's hard to believe, but it's true. Once upon a time, people who did not know what soap was tried to use various means to wash their bodies. For example, in ancient Greece, people wiped the body with sand, which they brought from the banks of the Nile. The Gallic tribes made a special ointment, consisting of beech tree ash and lard. The Scythians perfumed their body and scraped off the dirt from it with the help of cypress and cedar wood powder dissolved in water and incense. Often, instead of soap, people used various herbs combined with animal fat, thus initiating the process of soap making.

Historians and scientists are still arguing where exactly the first soap appeared, and which people became the founders of soap making. According to one version, it is believed that the first soap was made in the ancient civilization of Sumer, which existed in the 4th-3rd centuries BC. Many years ago, archaeologists discovered Sumerian tablets that recorded processes very similar to how modern soap is made. The second version says that for the first time the ancient Egyptians began to engage in soap making about six thousand years ago.

In the modern sense, the word "soap" appeared in ancient Rome. According to legend, the Latin word "sapo" (soap) comes from the name of Mount Sapo, where people made sacrifices thousands of years ago. When the victim was burned, fat was melted, which mixed with the ash from the fires. When the rains began, this mixture flowed into the Tiber River, where the inhabitants washed their clothes. Over time, they realized that due to the dissolution of the mixture in water, the laundry was washed better.

Many years later, during archaeological excavations in Pompeii, destroyed soap factories were discovered, and even pieces of preserved soap. It is known that soap was used for its intended purpose only from the 2nd century. A century later, the profession of soap-maker (saponarius) was singled out. In the same period, in the Arab countries, soap was used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

With the onset of the Middle Ages, personal hygiene and cleanliness were no longer given due attention. Soap became available only to the upper strata of society. In the 12th century, thanks to the crusader knights, soap balls came to Western Europe, but the "fashion" for cleanliness returned only in the 17th century. England was especially engaged in soap making, it was in this country that there were several large soap factories. In 1399, King Henry IV approved the Order, the privilege of which was washing in a bath with soap. In 1662, the first patent for the manufacture of soap was issued in England. A few years later, soap making began to develop in Spain, Greece and Italy. By the way, it was in Italy that solid soap was first produced industrially, and in its manufacture, fats were combined not with ash, but with soda ash, which reduced the cost of the product.

When soap factories began to appear in Germany, the Germans made their own adjustments to the product formulation. Now, to create soap, they began to use not only animal fats, but also whale, fish and bone oil and various vegetable oils. Soap came to Russia in the 18th century. In the same period, the widespread construction of soap factories began, in addition, the technique of soap making improved. In 1808, the French chemist Eugene Chevrel studied the composition of soap, and developed the chemistry of fats, thereby making soap production even easier. Of course, the evolution of soap making did not stop there, scientists developed soap production technology, and also developed more modern equipment that simplifies the soap making process.

More recently, a new round in the production of soap began, people again realized that the best gift is a gift made by oneself. And soap making became popular among ordinary women and men. Soap making has become a real art, a passion for creative individuals who have the opportunity to create incredible soap masterpieces of any size, shape and aroma.

Soap making accessories at home

In recent years, soap making has become one of the most popular hobbies among Russians. Thousands of forums, websites and blogs offer soap recipes, discuss their ingredients, shapes, scents and more. Soap making at home is a space for creativity, which can easily be turned from a hobby into a business. It is worth remembering that soap making is quite expensive.

To make soap at home, you need the following supplies:

  • essential oils (lemon, lavender, fir, tea tree, etc.);
  • base oils for soap making (olive, almond, sea buckthorn, cedar, etc.);
  • dyes (it is possible to use food dyes);
  • dishes for a steam bath;
  • molds (it is possible to use silicone molds, plastic, rubber, it is not recommended to use glass and metal).

Soap making technology at home

Soap making technology for beginners is as follows. First you need to rub the baby soap on a fine grater. Next, at the bottom of the saucepan spread 2-3 teaspoons of base oil and one teaspoon of glycerin. The resulting mixture is put on a steam bath and soap shavings are introduced in portions. In order for the soap to melt faster, it is necessary to periodically add hot water.

As soon as the soap and oils take on the consistency of batter, you need to add a few drops of essential oil. If you want to get a scrub soap, then at this stage you can add ground coffee or gruel from grated fruits to the mass. After thoroughly mixing and boiling in a water bath for another minute, the mass is poured into molds, cooled slightly and put in the refrigerator. As soon as the soap hardens, you need to remove it from the molds and dry it for 1-2 days. Soap is ready.

Soap making technology using alkali

When making soap using alkali, you need to be careful, because alkali is quite caustic, so when working with it, you need to wear rubber gloves, a face mask and an oilcloth apron, glasses if possible. All ingredients can be purchased in stores, for example, lye is sold in a hardware store, and natural oils in pharmacies.

In general terms, the classic way to make soap at home looks like this:

  • First, solid oils are melted and mixed with liquid ones.
  • Then a pre-prepared alkali solution is poured into the mass. It is worth remembering that the lye and the mixture of oils must be at the same temperature. To prepare an alkali solution, you need to dissolve the alkali in distilled water, but not vice versa! Do not pour lye into water outdoors, as this process is very dangerous. It is best to perform this procedure in the kitchen sink. After the introduction of alkali into the water, the solution will become very hot, it is necessary to cover it with a lid and put it in a safe place to cool.
  • Next, prepare soap in a water bath, and make sure that the temperature of the mass does not exceed 70-80 C.
  • It is necessary to stir the mass with a wooden spatula until a “soap trace” appears.
  • Then add a few drops of aromatic oils.
  • Optionally, you can enter natural or chemical dyes.
  • The finished mass is poured into a mold, covered with cellophane, wrapped and left to cool for a day.

Interesting Soap Recipes for Beginners

pink dream

To make this soap, you must have:

  • 100 g of soap chips (1 piece of baby soap);
  • 1 tbsp pink clay;
  • 1 tsp apricot essential oil;
  • 5 drops of vanilla oil;
  • flower mold.

This soap is perfect for people with very dry and sensitive skin. Prepared by technology for beginners.

Sea bottom

To prepare the Seabed Scrub Soap, you must have the following ingredients:

  • 100 g of soap chips;
  • 2 drops of blue food coloring;
  • 0.5 tsp olive and grape oils;
  • flavor "marine";
  • 1 tsp chopped seaweed.

The soap prepared according to this recipe is quite versatile. Suitable for all skin types. Especially useful for people suffering from acne or boils.

Strawberries with cream

To make this soap, you must have:

  • 100 g of soap chips;
  • 0.5 tsp olive oil and small strawberry seeds;
  • pink or red food coloring;
  • 2 tbsp cream;
  • flavors "cream" and "strawberry".

All of the above components can be modified depending on your own preferences. Soap "Strawberry with cream" is ideal for people with dry skin.


  • Exclusive handmade soap, women's magazine
  • Soap making, social network for parents

This type of needlework, such as making soap at home, is gaining more and more popularity. Homemade soap is natural, it contains only those substances that will be useful for your skin in combination with those aromas that you like. Soap making for beginners is a simple process. The main thing is to understand the ingredients and the rules for their layout. This is what we will do in this article. Let's try to figure out what it is - homemade soap making. Recipes for beginners will also be presented below. Of course, not all, but some of the existing options.

What is used to make soap?

Home soap making for beginners implies the presence of components for creating one or another soap. So, let's consider what substances will be needed for someone who decides to cook a natural detergent at home.

First of all, no soap is fat-free. They are the main ingredient. Soap making at home for beginners, as well as for experienced craftsmen, involves the use of fats of both animal and vegetable origin. Often melted pork fat is used as a base. This is the most economical option, but the final product will smell like laundry soap. If you use vegetable oils, then the aroma will be much more pleasant.

The next important component is alkali. It is she who provides the saponification of fats. This can be, for example, caustic soda or sodium hydroxide.

You will also need stearic acid. It is most often found in the composition of fats and oils. It is added to give the soap hardness.

Another ingredient is salt. It is best if the salt is sea salt. After all, it is very rich in substances that have a tonic and firming effect on the skin.

Beeswax is used not only to give hardness. It adds shine and fragrance to your soap. You can even decorate the finished bar by gluing natural honeycombs to it.

If you want the resulting soap to have a scrub function, add ground nuts, stones (just a little) or oatmeal to it.

Create color

Clay, mustard powder, paprika, cocoa, ground coffee, vegetable juices and herbal decoctions, honey, beer, milk, etc. are used as dyes of natural origin.

Of course, chemical dyes (food) give a more saturated color, but natural ones are still more acceptable.

Creating a fragrance

Various substances are used to give soap a scent. You choose whether they are natural or synthetic. Soap making for beginners (recipes will be given below) allows you to use natural essential oil, as well as artificial flavors. These can be special fragrances, food flavorings, perfumes or essential oils. Those that are artificially created can cause allergies. Therefore, it is preferable to use natural ingredients.

Security measures

Soap making for beginners, for experienced ones, however, also requires compliance with certain safety rules. Carry out all work with gloves so as not to get a skin burn. It would be nice to put on an unnecessary bathrobe. Cover the table on which you will work with newspapers or some unnecessary tablecloth. The entire process should be carried out away from children and pets. Cleaning at the end of work should also be done with gloves. All utensils that you use to make soap should never be used for cooking. It should be kept separate from all other utensils.

Soap making for beginners based on baby soap

Baby soap is just what you need in this case. It will allow you to quickly master soap making for beginners. You can see a photo of the final product made in this way in this section.

Choose the simplest baby soap without additives and fragrances. The product of your choice should be melted in a water bath with a small amount of water added. After it, you need to enrich it with oils and add fragrance, as well as all those components that you would like. The advantage of this method of making soap is the availability of materials. But it wasn't without drawbacks either. First, scented soap creates problems. And secondly, the duration of the melting of the product is quite large. Also, you won't be able to create clear soap.

Using a special base

The basis for creating soap is a kind of semi-finished product. This is almost finished soap. It just has no color or smell.

It is much easier to work with than with baby soap. It melts very easily and no water needs to be added. It also freezes quite quickly and easily takes any shape.

Making soap without base

The third method of making soap at home is the most difficult. But only in this case, you can independently select and control absolutely all the ingredients.

When preparing soap in this way, you cannot do without a respirator and glasses, since alkali is used in the work. In addition, you will need a scale and a device for measuring the acidity of the environment, or at least indicator strips. This method can be cold or hot. Soap made in the first way cannot be used immediately. It must rest for about six weeks in order for the alkali to be completely neutralized.

Soap making at home for beginners: recipes

Having mastered the simple ways of making soap, you can safely begin to experiment and come up with your own, special options. Using all sorts of herbs and spices, you can create really healthy products. We figured out how to organize soap making at home for beginners. The recipes that will be discussed below are just a small part of the huge number of possible options.

Milk soap with honey. To create it, you will need a piece of baby soap weighing one hundred grams, milk (two-thirds of a glass), ten grams of honey, one teaspoon of glycerin, one tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil. For scent, use citrus essential oil (fifteen drops). You can decorate the finished bar with chamomile flowers.

Scrub soap with coffee or oatmeal. For one hundred grams of baby soap, you need to take one hundred grams of milk, a teaspoon of freshly ground coffee or oatmeal, cocoa butter in the amount of two teaspoons and chocolate or vanilla flavoring. To make it look more impressive, use brown dye.

Two-layer soap with dry lavender flowers. It will be very beautiful. It will require two bases - white and colorless. In a colorless layer, you will need to add dry lavender flowers, which you need to take about five grams. In addition, 60 grams of each base will require 3 drops of jojoba oil and lavender essential oil, as well as one drop of patchouli essential oil. For color, take a couple of drops of blue dye.

Honey soap with wax. For a hundred grams of a colorless soap base, take half a teaspoon of honey, a third of a teaspoon of olive oil, geranium essential oil (five drops) and three drops of yellow dye. And of course, a piece of wax. In order for the foundation to stick to the soap neatly and not melt, put it on the bottom of the mold, press it down and pour a small amount of the melted base (no more than two millimeters thick). As soon as it hardens, spray alcohol on the base and fill the mold to the brim. Or vice versa, first fill the entire form, wait for a crust to form and add a little more. While the last portion is not frozen, glue a piece of foundation and press down well. That also works out very well.

So, we found out what soap making for beginners is, what you need for this, and also got acquainted with the most commonly used additives. Soap making is a huge field for experimentation. Today it is not at all difficult to get the necessary materials. Everything you need can be purchased at craft stores. And the process of making soap is so exciting that it will surely give you a lot of pleasure.

It's time to feel like a creator of a unique handmade soap! There is nothing difficult in this lesson.

In any supermarket showcases with soap are bursting with abundance, and in specialized cosmetics stores you can buy soap for any purpose. But how can the pleasure of making soap compare with that momentary lift of mood when the purchase passes from the hands of the seller to your hands? We invite you to learn all about soap making and add this exciting activity to your list of hobbies as soon as possible!

Where the roots come from: a little history of soap making

The history of soap making dates back to the time of the Sumerians, the oldest civilization living on earth in the 4th-3rd millennia BC. To get a detergent, the Sumerians mixed water with wood ash, boiled the mixture on castor oil and added animal fat to it.

The ancient Egyptians also prepared soap according to their own recipe. The inhabitants of the country of the pyramids made soap from a mixture of animal fats, soda and alkali. In ancient Rome, soap was discovered by accident - the fat flowing from the altar, on which animals were sacrificed, mixed with ash and flowed into the river in rainy weather, forming soapy water, the amazing properties of which were liked by the ancient Romans, washing clothes in this river.

Home soap making: benefits and amenities

In recent years, soap making at home has turned from a necessity into a beautiful one, with which you can feel like a perfumer conjuring up new aromas of expensive perfumes.

Soap made with your own hands can be safely called an environmentally friendly product, because it will contain only those ingredients that you yourself want to put there. It is not necessary to add caustic dyes and preservatives to homemade soap, which extend its shelf life for years. The natural base is the first advantage of hobby soap making.

The second useful aspect of the hobby for soap making is inexpensive and original gifts that you can give to friends on holidays such as March 8, New Year and Valentine's Day. Having gained some skills, it is easy to learn how to make real masterpieces!

Of course, it is not difficult to buy beautiful handmade soap in specialized shops, but by making it yourself you can save a lot, and besides, by adding personal zest when decorating, you will be able to please and surprise the recipient of the gift. By the way, soap can be presented to a potential one, surprising her with her abilities.

If you think a little more deeply, you can guess what a soap-making hobby can bring over time. Raw materials for soap cost a penny, and it is quite possible to sell it with a very decent markup. Where to sell? Yes, at least on the Internet, in your favorite social networks or on a free classifieds website.

What you need to have to make homemade soap

Looking at the prices of ready-made soap in stores, do not rush to the conclusion that this hobby will have to spend decent amounts. To begin with, you will literally have to spend a penny. Ingredients for homemade soap making:

  • soap base or the simplest baby soap without additives;
  • glycerin - a pharmaceutical preparation;
  • vegetable oil to give the soap nutritional properties (for example, shea, shea, almond, hazelnut butter);
  • , which will add flavor to the product and further enrich it with the desired cosmetic effect (for example, ylang-ylang or sweet orange oil);
  • dyes that will give homemade soap a nice shade (you can use food coloring from the store or products such as chocolate, turmeric);

Also, if desired, you can add coffee grounds left over from the soap, dried flowers, herbal poisons, hercules flakes, citrus zest to the soap - this will make the soap even more attractive and useful. If a gift is being prepared for a man, then it is advisable to add health.

As molds for the first time, you can use curly silicone baking molds. In addition to all of the above, you will need warm water, alcohol, sugar and milk, as well as a spray bottle for processing the finished product with alcohol.

How to make your first soap: instructions and master classes

And now a little about the main thing, about how to cook handmade soap at home. Get started with the basics: proportions of ingredients. For 100 grams of soap base, take three teaspoons of base oil, one teaspoon of glycerin and a few drops of aromatic oil.

  1. The soap base should be finely chopped, and if baby soap is used, then it is better to grind it on a coarse grater.
  2. For cooking, you will need non-stick or glassware, which is heated together with a soap base in a water bath.
  3. To speed up the melting process, it is recommended to add a little sugar or honey to the soap.
  4. When the mixture begins to melt, water or milk is poured into it, stirring constantly, to obtain a homogeneous mass, resembling thick sour cream in consistency.
  5. After that, the soap base is enriched with oils and additives, thoroughly stirred and poured into prepared molds.
  6. After a few hours, the appetizing pieces are removed from the molds and left to dry.

Available on how to make soap with your own hands, told and shown in our step by step master classes with photo.

Do not be afraid and upset if something does not work out the first time or if the soap changes shape slightly after drying. All comes with experience! Later, it will be possible not only to prepare products according to other people's soap-making recipes at home, but also to come up with your own unique options! Be sure to share your victories with us!

Ideas for inspiration: crafts by experienced craftswomen

If you still haven't been infected with homemade soap making and the recipes haven't impressed you, take a look at these photos. On them are the masterpieces of those who have already mastered this fascinating process!

And don’t say that you don’t have time for a new hobby, read about how to find it in our other one, and be sure to read tips on how to. Believe me, with the advent of new needlework in your life, time will definitely appear in it, and you will suddenly find new tantalates in yourself.

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For those who have decided to make soap in their kitchen, I would advise you to start learning the basics by creating soap from a ready-made soap base. This option soap making for beginners will not discourage your desire to engage in creativity, will give results immediately. The fact is that novice soap makers often confuse making soap from the base and making soap from scratch. If you want to know how to make soap at home, then first “dissolve” these two concepts in your head.

“From scratch” means that you have to remember some basics of chemical processes. You will work with alkali and fatty oils, the soap making process in this case is long. And it’s better to switch to it after you get used to soap making from an industrial soap base.

That was the introduction, now my Photo master class. To watch the video of the master class, go to the very end of the article.

To make your own soap, you will need:

  • soap base transparent, about 100 g;
  • liquid dyes;
  • fragrances or fragrances;
  • cosmetic oil (apricot seed, grape seed, etc.);
  • a glass for melting the base;
  • a glass in which you will mix all the ingredients;
  • microwave or water bath;
  • spoons or sticks for stirring;
  • soap molds.

Step by step instructions with photos

Base melting

Cut the soap base into small cubes. This is easy to do with a regular knife.

Melt in a water bath, stirring constantly so that the base does not stick together. Even if this happened, do not be afraid - just here, in the container in which you melt the base, cut the stuck together layer with a sharp knife and continue melting.

Many soap makers use the microwave, I also like to speed up the process. And cleaner in the kitchen. In the microwave, you can put a porcelain, glass cup with a base, even a simple plastic one will do if you have already gotten used to the temperature regime and can adjust the power.

Set the "Defrost" mode, the weakest to begin with. Put the glass with the base in the microwave and turn it on for half a minute. Check how the base melts, if you didn’t see any changes, the cubes didn’t even melt, you can do it in two ways. Either increase the power by a little, or increase the time to 1-2 minutes.

Depending on the brand of your device, choose one or another option. It only seems incomprehensible and scary at first, then it will be easy - you already know your microwave inside and out!

So, the base melted and turned out in a glass of jelly. Be sure to stir well so that even a small piece of unmelted base does not remain.

Addition of oils, fragrances and dyes

Pour into a glass in which you will mix. It is convenient to use disposable plastic cups. I use them, of course, more than once, they are easy to wash after the process.

Put a few drops of base oil into the liquid base and stir.

Add the dye drop by drop, stirring constantly. Depending on the concentration of the dye, one to several drops will be required.

Sometimes I dilute a very “dense” dye with a little water.

And lastly, pour in the fragrance. I pour about half a teaspoon per 100 g so that the aroma is well felt.

Soap shaping

Pour the liquid soap into the prepared mold. Silicone does not need to be lubricated with oil or alcohol. If you work with plastic and are afraid that it will be difficult to remove from the mold later, then wipe the mold with oil.

Leave the poured soap to harden. As soon as it hardens, and this happens within half an hour or an hour, the soap can be used.

If you let it lie down for a few days, it will be much more pleasant, this has been noticed by many soap makers. Pre-wrap the soap in cling film.

  1. Read the article before going to the store
  2. Soap base is commercially available from different manufacturers and of different quality. Some people like it more “fat”, someone likes it that quickly hardens. Only by trying, you can find your own basis that is convenient for you. To understand better, read the article about the soap base from Russian manufacturers.
  3. Do not pour more than one third of a teaspoon of oil per 100 g of soap base. Otherwise, your soap will not lather, there will be no foam, alas.
  4. Food colorings are usually sold very concentrated. Therefore, they sometimes need to be diluted with water. And do not make a very saturated color, the soap should remain transparent, like jelly. Yes, and colored foam is useless to you.
  5. Start working with silicone molds, there are no problems with them, they do not break, they do not melt at high base temperatures.
  6. Buy goods for soap making for beginners can in or search in nearby geographically.

Good luck with your soap making!
Your Helga.

You will find other soap making recipes at.

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