What is external control in the Donbas. What will the “introduction of external management” lead to at Ukrainian enterprises in the DPR and LPR

With the beginning of spring, the DPR and LPR introduce external control at enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction. Representatives of a headquarters specially created for this, which included deputies of the People's Council, as well as delegates from trade unions and labor collectives, are already visiting factories and mines, taking inventory there, meeting with employees and conducting explanatory work.

According to the head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko, about 40 enterprises have already passed under the external control of the DPR. As noted in the republic, the need to solve this problem first arose back in 2014, when the DPR was just created.

Despite the fact that in our declaration of sovereignty it was stated that all enterprises on the territory of the DPR are the property of the republic, in practice this provision could not be fully implemented: we had large metallurgical, coking and chemical enterprises that operated outside the jurisdiction DNR. But after the Ukrainian blockade cut off the supply of raw materials in our direction and finished products from us, circumstances took on the character force majeure. It was necessary to take some measures, - Boris Litvinov, ex-chairman of the DPR Supreme Council, one of the developers of the DPR declaration of independence, explains the current situation.

According to him, due to the fact that Ukrainian enterprises operated in the DPR, from 1.5 to 2 billion hryvnias were annually sent to Ukraine. The authorities of the republic put up with this in order to save jobs, although salaries were again accrued on Ukrainian territory and 1.5 percent was deducted from it to finance the military operation in Donbass. But with the blockade set up by the nationalists, Ukraine has placed the governments of the DNR in a near-stalemate.

At first glance, events developed rapidly. After the published joint statement of the heads of the DPR and LPR, Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky, from March 1, at enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction, in the event that the blockade is not lifted, a meeting of the People's Council and the Council of Ministers was urgently convened in the DPR. However, the owners of enterprises were warned about the need to build relations in a new way and pass under the jurisdiction of the DPR a month and a half ago. Apparently, they ignored this warning.

Even when the ultimatum was delivered, none of the Ukrainian owners got in touch with the DPR, and the blockade did not stop.

Today, the blockade by the radicals is more likely to work for us, rather than against. Factories that will not start paying taxes to the budget of the DPR and will not be able to guarantee the work and fulfillment of social obligations to the residents of the Republic will go under external public administration. And we have all the mechanisms to carry out this transition with an automatic reorientation to Russia as quickly and painlessly as possible, - said acting. minister economic development DPR Victoria Romanyuk.

Meanwhile, the republic emphasizes that it is not about nationalization, but about external management. Nationalization requires the adoption of an appropriate law and a detailed resolution of the Council of Ministers. These documents were not adopted and were not even discussed, although the "left" political forces of the republic have a draft of such a law.

I believe that the introduction of external control is the right move. We are already approached by competent specialists who are ready to apply their knowledge and skills in the management of enterprises. And if we recall the potential of the Donetsk region, which brought Ukraine 20 percent of GDP, the potential of these enterprises is quite high. But of course, because of the blockade, there will be some difficult moments. For example, metallurgical plants used to receive raw materials in Krivoy Rog, but now, probably, they need to be reoriented to Stary Oskol. For the coke-chemical industry, special grades of coal will also have to be imported from Russia. Our coal for coking may not be enough, - argues Boris Litvinov.

However, in general, the beginning of changes are positively perceived in the republic. Moreover, they are associated with hopes for the restoration of the economic potential of Donbass.

The time has come for enterprises that are located on the territory of the DPR to bring revenues to our budget, and not give them to Ukraine. For this, the necessary the legislative framework, and over the past two years, new chains for obtaining resources and marketing products have been created and worked out,” says Miroslav Rudenko, deputy of the People’s Council of the DPR.

For more than two years, during which the blockade has lasted, we have learned how to systematically rebuild our economy in the direction of Russian Federation, - Victoria Romanyuk agrees with him. - Many domestic enterprises already have access to overseas markets sales and maintain foreign trade relations with more than 60 countries. The DPR exports abroad products of machine-building, metallurgical, chemical, food, pharmaceutical, and light industries. In addition, the energy resources and production potential of the republic will allow us not only to provide ourselves with all necessary conditions for the full functioning of society, but also to establish strong economic ties with a number of states interested in our products.

By the way, there is good news for employees of enterprises that are subject to external management: the payroll fund will be fully preserved for them. Who wants to stay to work, can do it. Moreover, some enterprises will increase the duration working week, which was reduced due to the blockade, which means that the income of workers will also increase. But, as noted in the DPR, management tied to the structures of Ukrainian oligarchs will most likely have to be abandoned.

Now the most important thing is to clarify the situation to people and calm them down so that there is no unrest, since there is a real danger that Ukrainian business owners will try to destabilize the situation, - says Miroslav Rudenko.

The enterprises located on the territory of the LDNR and controlled by Kyiv were transferred to the external control of the DNR and LNR. Details - in the material Federal News Agency.

From 00.00 on March 1, external management is introduced over enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction located in the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, that is, from that day the republics become external administrators, and taxes from enterprises will go to the budget of the republics.

On the territory of the DPR, in particular, there are Enakievsky steel plant and Khartsizsky pipe plant. Both enterprises are part of the Metallinvest group. Also, the Makeevka and Yasinovatsky coking plants and the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant, which are part of the Donetskstal group, operate in the DPR today. In addition, more than 20 mines operate in the DPR. The largest one named after Zasyadko is located in Donetsk.

The Alchevsk Iron and Steel Works (Metinvest company) and Krasnodonugol PJSC, the mines of Rovenkianthracite LLC and Sverdlovscanthracite LLC (DTEK company) operate on the territory of the LPR.

The term “outside administration” refers to the procedure in a bankruptcy case. It is applied to the debtor in order to restore its solvency with the transfer of authority to manage the debtor to an external manager. Since the introduction of a new administrator, the head of the debtor company (legal entity) is removed from office. If we focus on the laws of Russia, then accounting and other documentation should be transferred to the new administrator within three days legal entity, seals and stamps, material and other valuables. In the case of DPR enterprises, according to the law “On the tax system” adopted by the deputies of the People’s Council, legal and individuals- Entrepreneurs who are not residents of the republic were required to conclude agreements with the tax agencies of the DPR until March 1, 2017.

As Gazeta.ru previously reported, the heads of the DPR and LPR Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky warned Kyiv: if the transport blockade of Donbass is not ended before March 1, then the republics will introduce external management at enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction and cut off coal supplies to Ukraine.

It should be noted that the residents of the republics supported the idea and the day before they went to a rally of many thousands with the slogans “Farewell, Ukraine”, “Kyiv, stop robbing Donbass”. In addition, people do not like the fact that enterprises did not pay a penny to the budget of both republics, but continued to pay tax to the budget of Ukraine.

Former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, presidential candidate from the Committee for the Salvation of Ukraine proclaimed in Moscow (KSU) Vladimir Oleinik in an interview with a FAN correspondent, he said that in the current situation, you need to look at things realistically. As the saying goes, in love and war - all means are good.

“We need to look at things realistically - there is a war in the Donbass. During the war, absolutely unconstitutional decisions are sometimes made, but in the interests of the people who have to survive in these conditions. On the one hand, the right to property is recognized throughout the world, it is written in the constitution. But on the other hand, there are the rights of ordinary people, their right to life, - Vladimir Oleinik comments for the FAN. - The blockade is the closure of enterprises, hundreds of thousands of unemployed, without wages, without pensions. And the scheme of work itself is amazing - the enterprise operates on the territory of the DPR or LPR, and the deductions go to the budget of Ukraine, from which the nationalist battalions and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are financed, which fire at the workers of these enterprises. This is complete absurdity."

“If the owners do not want to do what is necessary, then the new scheme work: a new administration that will manage this process. The management that exists today is subordinate to the owner. And the position of the oligarchs was unequivocal: just try to work according to a different scheme ...

We cannot lose the market for coal, coke, metal, and so on. After all, there are enterprises with a continuous cycle that cannot be stopped, - says the interlocutor of the FAN. - In this case, this is a decision in the conditions of war. But neither the LPR nor the DPR created the conditions for such decisions. The Ukrainian illegitimate government, national formations are to blame for everything. There is an expression: "The revolution devours its children." Ukraine has its own specifics - children armed to the teeth begin to devour their revolution.

External management is introduced from March 1 at all Ukrainian enterprises on the territory of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, if these enterprises were not registered in the DPR and LPR. This decision was made by the heads of the republics in response to the transport blockade of Donbass.

At the end of January, a group of former participants in the military operation in the Donbass, including deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, blocked freight railway communication with the territory of Donbass not controlled by Kyiv at a number of sections. They stated that, in their opinion, any trade with the self-proclaimed republics is illegal. The blockade led to interruptions in the supply of anthracite coal, which is mined in the territories of Donbass not controlled by Kyiv. In this regard, the Ukrainian authorities were forced to introduce emergency measures in the energy sector in order to save resources, and a number of industrial enterprises- stop production.

On Monday, the heads of the LPR and DPR announced that the self-proclaimed republics would stop supplying coal to Kyiv if the railway blockade continued. In addition, they promised that if the blockade is not lifted before 00.00 on March 1, then external management will be introduced at all enterprises of Ukrainian jurisdiction operating in the DPR and LPR.

Due to the transport blockade, the production of a number of large enterprises of Donbass was stopped along both lines of contact. Among them are the Enakievo Metallurgical Plant in the DPR and Krasnodonugol in the LPR, which are part of the Metinvest group owned by Ukrainian businessman Rinat Akhmetov.

"The Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant, some other enterprises have stopped working, they need to be launched. And if they are not re-registered by Wednesday, then they all pass under our control completely. This applies to both stadiums and hotels," said the head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, to the press -conferences.

At emergency meetings on Monday, the parliamentarians of the DPR and LPR adopted appropriate changes to the legislation. They allow the introduction of external management at enterprises of Ukrainian jurisdiction that will not be registered on the territory of the republics before March 1.

Also, the DPR and LPR announced the creation of special headquarters to control the transfer of enterprises of Ukrainian jurisdiction under external control. The LPR stressed that the employees of these enterprises will retain their positions.

"The created headquarters does not intend to keep the enterprises afloat, but to promote their further development and reorientation towards Russia," said Vladimir Degtyarenko, chairman of the People's Council of the LPR.

The organizers of the trade blockade immediately stated that they did not intend to stop the action, on the contrary, they planned to "expand the geography of the blockade."

"The headquarters of the blockade calls on the patriots of Ukraine to come to the aid of the garrisons of the redoubts and plans to immediately expand the geography of the blockade by blocking the last routes where there are still streams of blood trade," the trade blockade activists said at the headquarters.

In Kyiv, the ultimatum of the heads of the self-proclaimed republics was called an attempt to freeze the conflict in the Donbass and stated that coal, which is produced in the territory not controlled by Kyiv, is Ukrainian and should not be the subject of blackmail.

"Today they are using the scenario of a frozen conflict and a repetition of the Transnistrian scenario in the Donbass. And who will suffer from this? Ukraine and Ukrainians," Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said.

The Ministry of Affairs of the Temporarily Occupied Territories warned that the heads of Ukrainian enterprises who agreed to "nationalization" by the authorities of the DPR and LPR would be held criminally liable "for financing terrorism."

"Most likely, unfortunately, if these threats are realized (about "nationalization" - ed.), then their future is complete destruction. Secondly, I want to appeal to the heads of these enterprises so that they do not forget that in case and the commission of such actions, personally the heads of these enterprises will be subject to criminal liability," said Deputy Minister of Ukraine for the Temporarily Occupied Territories Heorhiy Tuka.

In turn, some heads of enterprises located in the territories controlled by the DPR and LPR stated that they would work only within the framework of Ukrainian legislation.

"The company has worked, is working and will continue to work exclusively within the framework of Ukrainian legislation, this is our principle, which has been used all these years and, I think, will be used," said the CEO of Ukraine's largest private energy company DTEK Maxim Timchenko.

"Nationalization" of enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction will only exacerbate the conflict in the Donbass and will have serious consequences for the factories themselves and their workers, representatives of the Ukrainian opposition said. In their statement, they noted that "nationalization" will not solve the problem of enterprises: they will be left without legal contracts, and their employees without work and livelihoods.

According to the leader of the "Opposition Bloc" Yury Boyko, the current situation is the consequences of the delay in the implementation of the Minsk agreements. And the trade blockade of Donbass and "nationalization" will further "push" these territories away from Ukraine.

"No concrete actions have been taken to end the blockade. The blockade does not contribute to the return of people and territories, but rather creates conditions for their separation. We were categorically against the blockade and expected decisive action from the authorities. "Nationalization" of enterprises is the pushing away of part of the country, and we are also against it," Boyko said.

In turn, the representative of Kyiv in the political subgroup on Ukraine, Olga Aivazovskaya, said that the introduction by the authorities of the DPR and LPR of external management at enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction would affect the negotiation process to resolve the conflict in Donbass.

"If there is a nationalization of Ukrainian enterprises in the occupied territories, this will negatively affect the Minsk negotiations. Ukraine will lose legal control over enterprises, and the situation will also affect employees of enterprises. Any nationalization is a signal of a potential freezing of the conflict," Aivazovskaya said.

Representatives of Donbass explain that the decision to introduce external management at Ukrainian enterprises is a forced one. The primary task is to resume their work and save jobs. This, according to the head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko, will take about two months.

"Per short term will have to rebuild the industry, change markets. The main task is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of enterprises, wages and work for the workers of these enterprises," Zakharchenko said.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the DPR stressed that there is no doubt that it will be possible to reorient enterprises from the Ukrainian market to the markets of the Russian Federation and other countries. In addition, the transfer of all enterprises - non-residents under the republican jurisdiction will only expand the range of foreign trade relations of the DPR.

"Despite the difficulties with the political recognition of the republic, our enterprises are quite successfully cooperating with the countries of near and far abroad. In fact, our manufacturers began the process of moving away from Ukrainian markets in favor of other countries more than two years ago. The state has some experience in this , and there are business circles," the acting director noted. Minister of Industry and Trade of the DPR Alexei Granovsky.

In April 2014, the Ukrainian authorities launched a military operation against the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR, which declared independence after the coup in Ukraine in February 2014. According to the latest UN data, more than 10 thousand people became victims of the conflict.

The issue of resolving the situation in Donbass is being discussed, including during meetings in Minsk of the contact group, which since September 2014 has already adopted three documents regulating steps to de-escalate the conflict. However, even after the armistice agreements between the parties to the conflict, skirmishes continue.

DONETSK, March 1 - RIA Novosti. External management is introduced from March 1 at all Ukrainian enterprises on the territory of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, if these enterprises were not registered in the DPR and LPR. This decision was made by the heads of the republics in response to the transport blockade of Donbass.

At the end of January, a group of former participants in the military operation in the Donbass, including deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, blocked freight railway communication with the territory of Donbass not controlled by Kyiv at a number of sections. They stated that, in their opinion, any trade with the self-proclaimed republics is illegal. The blockade led to interruptions in the supply of anthracite coal, which is mined in the territories of Donbass not controlled by Kyiv. In this regard, the Ukrainian authorities were forced to introduce emergency measures in the energy sector in order to save resources, and a number of industrial enterprises were forced to stop production.

On Monday, the heads of the LPR and DPR announced that the self-proclaimed republics would stop supplying coal to Kyiv if the railway blockade continued. In addition, they promised that if the blockade is not lifted before 00.00 on March 1, then external management will be introduced at all enterprises of Ukrainian jurisdiction operating in the DPR and LPR.

Ultimatum of self-proclaimed republics

Due to the transport blockade, the production of a number of large enterprises of Donbass was stopped along both lines of contact. Among them are the Enakievo Metallurgical Plant in the DPR and Krasnodonugol in the LPR, which are part of the Metinvest group owned by Ukrainian businessman Rinat Akhmetov.

“The Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant, some other enterprises have stopped working, they need to be launched. And if they are not re-registered by Wednesday, then they all pass under our control completely. This applies to stadiums and hotels,” said the head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, to the press -conferences.

At emergency meetings on Monday, the parliamentarians of the DPR and LPR adopted appropriate changes to the legislation. They allow the introduction of external management at enterprises of Ukrainian jurisdiction that will not be registered on the territory of the republics before March 1.

Also, the DPR and LPR announced the creation of special headquarters to control the transfer of enterprises of Ukrainian jurisdiction under external control. The LPR stressed that the employees of these enterprises will retain their positions.

"The created headquarters does not intend to keep the enterprises afloat, but to promote their further development and reorientation towards Russia," said Vladimir Degtyarenko, chairman of the People's Council of the LPR.

The reaction of official Kyiv and the organizers of the blockade

The organizers of the trade blockade immediately stated that they did not intend to stop the action, on the contrary, they planned to "expand the geography of the blockade."

“The headquarters of the blockade calls on the patriots of Ukraine to come to the aid of the garrisons of the redoubts and plans to immediately expand the geography of the blockade by blocking the last routes where blood trade streams still exist,” the headquarters of the trade blockade activists said.

In Kyiv, the ultimatum of the heads of the self-proclaimed republics was called an attempt to freeze the conflict in the Donbass and stated that coal, which is produced in the territory not controlled by Kyiv, is Ukrainian and should not be the subject of blackmail.

"Today they are using the scenario of a frozen conflict and a repetition of the Transnistrian scenario in the Donbass. And who will suffer from this? Ukraine and Ukrainians," Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said.

The Ministry of Affairs of the Temporarily Occupied Territories warned that the heads of Ukrainian enterprises who agreed to "nationalization" by the authorities of the DPR and LPR would be held criminally liable "for financing terrorism."

"Most likely, unfortunately, if these threats are realized (about "nationalization" - ed.), then their future is complete destruction. Secondly, I want to appeal to the heads of these enterprises so that they do not forget that in case and the commission of such actions, personally the heads of these enterprises will be subject to criminal liability," said Deputy Minister of Ukraine for the Temporarily Occupied Territories Heorhiy Tuka.

In turn, some heads of enterprises located in the territories controlled by the DPR and LPR stated that they would work only within the framework of Ukrainian legislation.

"The company has worked, is working and will continue to work exclusively within the framework of Ukrainian legislation, this is our principle, which has been used all these years and, I think, will be used," said Maxim Timchenko, CEO of Ukraine's largest private energy company DTEK.

Prospects and consequences of the "nationalization" of enterprises

"Nationalization" of enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction will only exacerbate the conflict in the Donbass and will have serious consequences for the factories themselves and their workers, representatives of the Ukrainian opposition said. In their statement, they noted that "nationalization" will not solve the problem of enterprises: they will be left without legal contracts, and their employees without work and livelihood."

Donbass will survive the "blockade". But Kyiv is unlikelyThe Kiev authorities are frankly afraid of dispersing the participants in the blockade of Donbass. And they feel this fear - and continue to put pressure. And it is very likely that there is simply no painless way out of this situation for Kyiv.

According to the leader of the "Opposition Bloc" Yuri Boyko, the current situation is the consequences of the delay in the implementation of the Minsk agreements. And the trade blockade of Donbass and "nationalization" will further "push" these territories away from Ukraine.

"No concrete actions have been taken to end the blockade. The blockade does not contribute to the return of people and territories, but rather creates conditions for their separation. We were categorically against the blockade and expected decisive action from the authorities. "Nationalization" of enterprises is pushing away part of the country, and we are also against it," Boyko said.

In turn, the representative of Kyiv in the political subgroup on Ukraine, Olga Aivazovskaya, said that the introduction by the authorities of the DPR and LPR of external management at enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction would affect the negotiation process to resolve the conflict in Donbass.

"If there is a nationalization of Ukrainian enterprises in the occupied territories, this will negatively affect the Minsk negotiations. Ukraine will lose legal control over enterprises, and the situation will also affect employees of enterprises. Any nationalization is a signal of a potential freezing of the conflict," Aivazovskaya said.

Representatives of Donbass explain that the decision to introduce external management at Ukrainian enterprises is a forced one. The first priority is to resume their work and save jobs. This, according to the head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko, will take about two months.

"In a short time, we will have to rebuild the industry, change sales markets. The main task is to ensure the smooth operation of enterprises, the wages and work of the workers of these enterprises," Zakharchenko said.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the DPR stressed that there is no doubt that it will be possible to reorient enterprises from the Ukrainian market to the markets of the Russian Federation and other countries. In addition, the transfer of all non-resident enterprises under republican jurisdiction will only expand the range of foreign trade relations of the DPR.

"Despite the difficulties with the political recognition of the republic, our enterprises are quite successfully cooperating with the countries of near and far abroad. In fact, our manufacturers began the process of moving away from Ukrainian markets in favor of other countries more than two years ago. The state has some experience in this , and there are business circles," the acting director noted. Minister of Industry and Trade of the DPR Alexei Granovsky.

In April 2014, the Ukrainian authorities launched a military operation against the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR, which declared independence after the coup in Ukraine in February 2014. According to the latest UN data, more than 10 thousand people became victims of the conflict.

The issue of resolving the situation in Donbass is being discussed, including during meetings in Minsk of the contact group, which since September 2014 has already adopted three documents regulating steps to de-escalate the conflict. However, even after the armistice agreements between the parties to the conflict, skirmishes continue.

The self-proclaimed republics of Donbass took control of Ukrainian enterprises in the region. Today the term of the ultimatum that the LPR and DPR put forward to Kyiv has expired. Representatives of the republics demanded that the blockade of the region, organized by a group of former participants in the military operation in Donbass and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, be lifted. Otherwise, the DPR and LPR promised to stop coal supplies to Ukraine and introduce external management at factories and plants. What enterprises of the DPR and LPR promised to take under their control and how important they are for Kyiv, Natalya Zhdanova found out.

On the territory of Donbass is concentrated a large number of metallurgical, coal and chemical enterprises, a significant part of which is owned by the Metinvest holding owned by businessman Rinat Akhmetov. These are Enakievsky Metallurgical Plant, Khartsyzsky Pipe Plant, Krasnodonugol, Rovenkianthracite and a number of others. Among the largest enterprises in Donbass are the Donetsk and Alchevsk metallurgical plants, as well as the Stirol Concern chemical plant located in Gorlovka and suspended its work.

Metallurgy is one of the main components of Ukrainian exports. Its share last year was 40%. The National Bank of Ukraine has estimated the country's annual losses from breaking economic ties with Donbas at $2 billion.

In addition, without the enterprises of Donetsk and Luhansk, the work of other Ukrainian factories may stop, said Dmitry Marunich, co-chairman of the Energy Strategies Fund of Ukraine: “The blockade will lead to a break in production chains, the impossibility of functioning. Some of the plants, I think, will be able to be launched from the territory of the Russian Federation, at least, such a possibility is already being discussed, in particular, at the Komsomolsk Mining Administration, regarding metallurgical plants. But it will be difficult and expensive, the impact will be very strong both on the economy of Ukraine and on incomes and jobs on the territory of the self-proclaimed republics.”

If production chains are disrupted and enterprises in the Donbass and other regions of the country stop working, up to 45,000 people may lose their jobs. This assessment was given by the head of the Federation of Metallurgists of Ukraine Serhiy Belenky.

Representatives of the DPR and LPR stated that they intended to reorient the enterprises of Donbass to the market of Russia and other countries, however, Andriy Gerus, an energy expert of Ukraine, believes that this is impossible: “There were cases when some enterprises, for example, mines, were nationalized, and after a while these mines simply stopped, because these are complex enterprises, they require professional management. Who will exercise this external control?”

Everything is really complicated with coal enterprises - anthracite, which is mined in the Donbass, is not needed by Moscow. But experts do not exclude that in the end it will still be delivered to Ukraine along a different route, for example, through Russia.

But metallurgical plants can theoretically be reoriented, said Mykola Osadchiy, project manager at Metal Expert Consulting: Technically, the transfer of control is possible. Moreover, in Russian industry there are quite a lot of specialists from Ukraine who simply found more opportunities here than in their homeland. I think that if they are offered interesting conditions in their homeland or in the Donbass, the main question is where it will be financed from.”

Representatives of the DPR and LPR promised to take control not only large enterprises Donbass, but also small. On Tuesday, it became known that the Donbass Arena stadium, owned by Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, was seized in Donetsk.