Maxim Timchenko, CEO of dtek. Interview with millionaire Maxim Temchenko

International business coach, superpower coach, business coach, coach, entrepreneur, psychologist.

Conducts trainings in Russia and abroad.

Professional experience

  • 2000-2002 - Freelancer.
  • 2002-2008 - Founder, managing director of a branding agency.
  • Since 2007 - the founder of the training center "Resource".
  • Since 2008 — free trainer of programs personal growth, author and trainer of unique programs for the development of personal effectiveness.
  • Fearlessness training "Superpowers". For 6 years, he has spent more than 1,000 people aged 7 to 70 in Russia and the CIS “on glass, knives and nails”.
  • Training "Superpowers-2: Shaman". Author and trainer of "the next level of Superpowers" - with walking on coals, with swords and boiling lead. A unique program that has no analogues!
  • Training course "Club of Millionaires". Author's 3-month program of M. Temchenko - training for achieving goals and financial well-being. For 3 years more than 200 participants in different cities improve your finances!
  • Training "Superresult". Extreme corporate training personal effectiveness based on Superpowers.
  • Personal growth training, joint training with the author - Elena Shugaley (St. Petersburg). It has been held for 3 years in Thailand and the Philippines!

Titles and awards:

  • 2006 - Certified NLP Practitioner (Vladivostok).
  • 2008 - full member of the federal program " Personnel reserve Russia - Professional team of the country.
  • 2010 student of Robert and Kim Kiyosaki (Annual Forum, Las Vegas).
  • 2010 - "Top-Philanthropist" award of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory for charitable trainings for disabled children.
  • 2012 - Lecturer in the MBA program of the courses "Personal Efficiency", "Personal Finance", DVIMO.
  • 2012 - Leading expert and teacher of the topics "Personal Efficiency", "Personal Finance" within the framework of the program for the implementation of an innovative interdisciplinary elective course for educational institutions and organizations "Self-employment" under the Ministry of Education of the Khabarovsk Territory.
  • Participant of numerous TV programs about Superpowers on the central TV of Russia and the CIS.


  • 1997-2002 — Fiber optic communication engineer, FERGUPS.
  • 2010-2013 — Magistracy FESGU, Psychologist-consultant.
  • In 2008 he lived in Indian tribes in the Amazon jungle.
  • In 2010, he practiced with the Amur Shamans in the Far Eastern taiga.

Copied from the site ""

Greetings to all readers Robert Kiyosaki Fan Club.

Maxim Temchenko- millionaire, investor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, creator of the "Millionaires Club" and student of Robert Kiyosaki.

From myself we thank Maxim that He took the time and answered all the questions.

So the first question is:

Question: Maxim would like to ask you this question, now you have achieved good financial success, achieved financial independence, become a millionaire ... But there must have been a time when it was not so easy with earnings. What motivated you to start your own path to financial well-being?

Maxim Temchenko: My history in finance goes back to my post-college years. I am a communications engineer by training. And when I studied at the institute at the 3rd, 4th, 5th year, I also worked in parallel to earn money.

I worked three jobs at the same time. By communication, electrician, antenna installer and so on. Actually, I'm tired of living like this. The work was dirty and dusty, but I wanted some cleaner work, in connection with which, after graduation, I got a job in an advertising agency.

Actually, I come from an ordinary family. My dad is an electrician and my mom is a storekeeper. I have never seen big or huge money, and I did not know what entrepreneurship is.

As I said above, after graduation I got a job in an advertising agency and I liked it there. I worked hard as I was trained. And over time, from an ordinary manager grew to executive director. And a year later, I was offered the position of director. And a year later - co-founder. And so, in just 3 years, I grew up to co-founder. With a good salary. With a high salary.

Interesting clients, apartment, car, and so on…

All the attributes of a top manager, including the fact that I had the status of a VIP client. I was easily given loans, I easily took them and easily repaid them. Without any problem. And at that moment I came across a book by Robert Kiyosaki. After reading it, I realized that a lot of things from the book, I can easily implement through leverage. With my income, with my opportunities, with my connections, I can do a lot of things.

I had an interesting opportunity to invest in Building bussiness, and I took a loan from the bank, as I was a VIP client. I took out a large loan and invested, and therefore received serious passive income from this construction company. Very serious, he exceeded the amount of payments on the loan. And that's exactly what Robert Kiyosaki's technology is called, it worked at that time. I decided to invest there more. Resigned from an advertising agency and began to live on passive income.

This income exceeded my total expenses and paid for the loan payments. This did not last long. Then it was 2008. And when 2009 came, the crisis broke out and it hit me on all fronts, in connection with which, the construction company went bankrupt, in which I invested borrowed money.

I stopped receiving passive income and lost all the money that I invested in this construction company. And literally within a month, this whole scheme according to Kiyosaki was covered.

I hit really hard.

Very cool hit big money. I had to sell everything that could be sold. I sold my apartment, car, home theater. In general, I sold everything, however, I have more debts in the bank than 2,500,000 million rubles.

This led to huge problems with bailiffs, collectors and so on ... I no longer worked in advertising agency, in general, I fell into a huge "hole" - you can say.

In a huge hole, then I lost both business and money and family ...

Everything, everything, everything. Nearly lost myself. In fact, I even had suicidal thoughts. But he managed to control himself.

I cursed the day I came across Robert Kiyosaki's book and thought that if it weren't for this book, if it wasn't for Kiyosaki, a lot of things would have happened differently.

But the situation had to be dealt with somehow.

And even though I was angry with Robert Kiyosaki, I reread his books over and over again, and tried to understand what I had done wrong.

What did I miss, what did I miss, why do millions of copies of Kiyosaki's books sell out, people use them, and why did I hit so hard?

Subsequently, through my observations and experience, I managed to create an author's test for the level of financial intelligence, you can pass it on the website and measure your financial IQ.

I had a negative financial IQ at the time.

Yes, yes - financial IQ can be negative!

Actually what I started to do was to get out of this state by behaving differently with money. At this point, I developed what is called the "wealth formula".

There are only 4 of these formulas:

1. Formula of bankruptcy.
2. Poverty formula number 1
3. Poverty formula number 2
4. Wealth Formula

What I started doing was climbing the wealth formula. I began to apply this formula in my life.

Wealth formula- this is income minus expenses, equal to delta, that is, savings, these savings are speculated and multiplied and capital is obtained. A little bit not according to the technology of Robert Kiyosaki, but in the direction of increasing capital. Robert Kiyosaki inspired me to create my capital.

Question: In order to change their lives and change their thinking, people, as a rule, read financial literature at the very beginning of their journey, for example, books by Robert Kiyosaki. Tell me, at the very beginning of your journey, did you read books by this author? And if so, which books by Kiyosaki have you read? What do you remember the most? What lessons or advice struck you from the books?

Maxim Temchenko: Well, of course, a book that really turned my thinking upside down.
about the attitude to money, liabilities and assets, passive income - this book is called Kiyosaki in 60 minutes. Because I don't like thick books. And somehow I came across this thin book on the bookshelf, which I really read in an hour.

I really liked and inspired her. After that, I bought all the Kiyosaki books that were in the store. The first big book was not Rich Dad Poor Dad, but How to Retire Young and Rich. It was this book that I read the first of the Kiyosaki series because I was young and I wanted to retire young and rich. So I started with her.

It was with this book that serious reading of Kiyosaki's books began. Then I read “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, “Cash Flow Square”, and so on ...

The part from the book that I remember the most is when Kiyosaki poured coins as a child, and I remembered that I also poured coins as a child. I bought gypsum, made molds out of gypsum and poured out lead coins. It surprised me a lot too. I thought: wow, it turns out we have something in common ...

Question: Do you apply any of Robert Kiyosaki's advice in your life? And if so, which ones?

Maxim Temchenko: What I like about Kiyosaki's approach directly is the attitude towards assets and liabilities. This is cash flow thinking. Very strongly, this is the thinking of balances, that is, the balance of assets and liabilities, and, accordingly, finding the overall balance. This is the formation of assets for the formation of income, this is, in principle, the calculation of cash flows, which, for example, I now actively use, financial model in terms of cash flows, in fact, any monetary problem can be solved by spreading it into cash flows.

And I was inspired by Robert Kiyosaki. He doesn’t talk about it in such detail, but my thoughts in that direction have earned a lot.

Question: Did Robert Kiyosaki's ideas inspire you to create own sources passive income? And if so, which ones did you manage to create?

Maxim Temchenko: Well, after the story of leverage… The fact is that I was on the black list of borrowers at that time, and still on the black list. Because not much time has passed since that crisis, and I had to look for ways to generate passive income through capital and without using leverage. That is, not a completely Kiyosakov scheme, but such, near Kiyosakov ones.

I use partnership schemes for creating passive income, that is, these are business schemes - partnership, agency, I build systems and passive income directly - capital, that is, capital investment.

Now I am building capital, amplifying it with speculative methods and methods aimed at creating passive income, that is, Robert Kiyosaki's strategies, as in the game of cash flow, in fact, these are used only without leverage.

Question: Are you an investment? For example, in (real estate, silver, gold) And if so, what results have been achieved?

Maxim Temchenko: At the moment, I have a fairly wide investment portfolio.

I have 2 investment apartments in Thailand, 2 investment apartments in Turkey, I have investments in kilogram silver coins.

There are investments in land in Altai, in land in Voronezh, cottage development.

Investments in the stock market in Russia, these are Russian securities both privileged and not. These are investments in the foreign stock market, trust management in forex, through a management company, there are direct speculations - buy and sell according to this scheme.

Insurance savings programs are in Europe, Austria, and in the near future I am considering investments in foreign hedge funds, including in a portfolio of hedge funds. Plus, I also have investments in private loans.

My portfolio is very diversified, unlike the advice of Robert Kiyosaki - I still use a diversified portfolio, because at one time I got burned very badly on one instrument. So now I take it a little differently.

Question: Robert Kiyosaki also said in books more than once that rich people do charity work and give at least 10 percent of their income to the church or other good deeds. Thanks to charity, the rich and successful people are successful in business and earn more more money. I would like to know if you are involved in charity work? And if so, what projects do you support?

Maxim Temchenko: My attitude to charity is the following: I don't give a fixed percentage, I don't support the idea of ​​a fixed percentage - tithing.

I have a different opinion, therefore, about something that has nothing to do with charity. I believe in charity, I do good deeds, I have a top philanthropist award for charity. I am also a member of an organization that advocates for the protection of animals of the Far East - tigers, I am a member of charitable organization, which monitors the state of the Amazonian forest, and so on ...

As for temples, I am happy to donate to Buddhist temples, and sometimes to Orthodox ones too, but I don’t have a rule, for example, tithes or so on ... I give when I have an inner response, when I really want it do it from the heart, not because you have to…

This is my take on charity.

Question: Do you think there is a connection between charity and a person's success in life, business and money matters?

Maxim Temchenko: I look at charity more broadly - wider than just money. Charity can be in my understanding, and not only in money, it can be in business, in supporting projects, including informational support. That is, charity for me means like a word - to give, that is, to share, and yes, I am absolutely sure that there is a connection between those people who share and the fact that they are successful in business.

When a person shares, it means that I have more than I need, and the Universe is abundant, there are enough money and resources, and, accordingly, the very fact of charity is a confirmation of this. If, on the contrary, that a person does not donate and closes his eyes, then this means that I have no money, and so on ... Accordingly, this blocks the channels.

So the answer to this question is yes!

The connection exists, and charity helps the person.

Question: On one of your websites, I read that you were personally trained by Robert Kiyosaki. Please tell us how was the training? How much did it cost? What were you taught? And yet, please tell me what kind of Robert Kiyosaki is in life? Did you have to communicate with him not only during training? What can you say about him as a person?

Maxim Temchenko: I have been trained by Robert Kiyosaki twice. In 2010 and 2012 in Las Vegas, at a business forum. This was an annual business forum at that time, the team of Robert Kiyosaki. His entire team provided training on various topics. There was a performance by Robert Kiyosaki, and separately there was a performance by Kim Kiyosaki. We had a Russian delegation, I was then the organizer of the Russian delegation to Robert Kiyosaki in 2012. And I had the opportunity to talk to him personally. And with Robert and Kim Kiyosaki.

I have a video on my YouTube channel where I present Robert with a diploma of gratitude from the Ministry of Education Khabarovsk Territory for his contribution to the development of financial literacy in children.

The fact is that together with the Ministry of Education we have implemented a project to introduce cash flow into schools, colleges and technical schools in the city of Khabarovsk. When Robert Kiyosaki saw this letter, saw this gratitude - he was very glad, very happy, this fact. In terms of cost, each ride at the time was $10,000.

In 2012, he went with us to study with Kiyosaki in America, one of the participants who was with him at a performance also in 2012 in Moscow.

And he said the following, that his speech in America and in Moscow is very different, if someone was at a speech in Moscow, you should not draw conclusions from Kiyosaki's speech, the fact is that this is still a political issue and a speaker of such a scale as Kiyosaki behaved very delicately in Russia. But in America, he behaves as he wants, he is very free, he burns on stage, he swears, he curses the government, he makes jokes that the whole audience is just lying. He is very cool, especially when he tells his story, how he fought in Vietnam in a helicopter...

Generally very interesting. However, in person he is very calm.
He reminded me of a teddy bear, maybe he was just tired after the seminar, but in general, he was very calm. But, for example, Kim Kiyosaki is just some kind of magical woman!

She is so sincere, she has an aura, probably a biofield of several tens of meters, because when you approach her, hug her, you feel how energetically she gives ... She is a very cool and pleasant woman.

These are the impressions from the meeting with Robert and Kim Kiyosaki. Live. They are very interesting people.

I managed to talk with them on various small topics, and they left very good impressions. Very pleasant experience.

Question: What are your plans for the new year 2015-16? Perhaps you want to implement some new Internet projects, maybe release new courses, conduct trainings? Reach some financial goals? Earn a few more million?

Maxim Temchenko: Of course, there are plans, now in 2015 I made a franchise. Back in 2009, I created a training course called The Millionaires Club!

I conduct it live in Moscow, and according to the franchise, my coaches and students conduct it in their cities, this is a 3-month training course. To build money habits, to form financial intelligence. To improve financial literacy. As a rule, it is designed for managers, entrepreneurs, a rather serious course. More than 800 students have passed through it. Financial results students have already reached 170 million rubles. This is just 3 months of training.

And the course continues to evolve. Now I am developing a franchise, I will start 10 new cities in the near future, where my students will continue to broadcast financial literacy technologies.

Also in 2015-16, I plan to strengthen the access to the Internet.
And online presence. I want to implement online training, because now I only hold live events in order to be able to teach from anywhere in the world.

In 2015, we already had our first exit abroad, that is, from Russia abroad, and we plan to develop this area and strengthen it.

As for my financial goals, yes they are, I have already reached millions, and now I am very inspired by the next goal - this is a billion!

For the near future, this is the bar that I want to implement.
I will do this through business development and through the development of the investment portfolio, that is, through investment leverage.

In fact, these are the goals.

Millionaire Tip!

Maxim Temchenko: In conclusion, I would like to say that financial education is very related to personal growth. This is a factor that I would like to add, because people are very much focused on financial education only, they are looking for some formulas, some money secrets, but this does not work or it works very slowly if this is done without personal growth.

Personal growth will always be a powerful incentive for growth to be financial. Therefore, if you want to have financial growth, then devote more time to personal growth.

From the moment I first met Kiyosaki back in 2006, and now in 10 years, a very strong transformation has happened to me, not just due to financial education, but due to personal growth.

In this regard, a couple of times a year we conduct personal growth training, visiting Thailand. It's just a colossal training, and if you're interested, I recommend it - this is "The Matrix: Reloaded" here is the site In all this time I have passed more than a hundred different trainings including study abroad.

And what I noticed is that in the first place is just “The Matrix Reloaded”

Here, well, in general, of course, constant growth, self-development, provides, among other things, financial development.

That's all, thanks for the questions. Good luck and financial prosperity.

Financial IQ Test -

Personal website -

Millionaires Club website -

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More and more people today come to the conclusion that it is not necessary to be born with some skills: absolutely everything in the world can be learned. You can get rid of problems in communication, learn to organize your time, generate interesting ideas- all these skills are acquired outside the walls educational institutions but on a variety of trainings. They say that you can even learn to be rich. There are dozens and hundreds of trainers who have their own patented methods, one of them is Temchenko's Millionaires Club. Reviews and only reviews will help you understand how effective this particular approach to getting rich is.

Project author

Let's start with personalities. Maxim Temchenko positions himself as a financial consultant, entrepreneur and trainer in various fields. The scope of his activities is really surprising: this includes training and extreme development of physical abilities (up to practices subject to yoga, such as walking on coals and dancing on broken glass), and various business schemes.

Temchenko works with Neuro Linguistic Programming, that is, he has a documented ability to influence people and inspire them with certain thoughts. Of course, any of his programs collects numerous reviews. The Millionaires Club was no exception.

About what

So, what is the "Secret Club of Millionaires", the reviews of which have spread far beyond the community of people interested in training? This technique is designed for three months and, according to the promises of the author, allows those who have passed it to learn how to set goals correctly and thereby short time improve your financial condition. People are attracted through seminars where the founder of the program shares his own experience.

How exactly does it go

But without understanding what Temchenko's "Millionaires Club" is, it's too early to discuss reviews, isn't it? The program is aimed at developing a financial way of thinking, which is more common in bankers, stock market players and other people constantly revolving in the business world. Therefore, the training begins with classes on financial literacy: it is difficult to operate in a completely unfamiliar field. The next step, following the methodology - restructuring cash flows, that is, understanding where the money comes from, where it goes, and amending the current state of affairs in this area.

Further, trainees will learn how to optimize their expenses. And then the secret “Millionaires Club”, reviews of which clearly attract the attention of potential listeners, will teach you how to increase your active income. The final stage of the training will be a blitz course on investing, which will consider best ways investment. The methodology is structured and clear, it remains to understand how effective it is.

Benefits of training

Of course, how many people - so many opinions: the reviews of the "Club of Millionaires" collect the most controversial. Many listeners note that the persuasiveness of a coach really helps to believe in oneself and start changing something in this life. In addition, the very presentation of information, the construction of the course and, most importantly, a large number of author's exercises carried out as part of the trainings help students to maximize their potential and assimilate such volumes of information that usually seem unbearable. Separately, they also note the ability of the author to work with a wide variety of contingents, that is, to give the opportunity to realize absolutely everyone.

Work in other cities

Special attention should be paid to the reviews about the Millionaires Club website, where local coaches are recruited. That is, after passing a certain training, Maxim Temchenko issues something like a license to teach his methods in a certain city. Prospective trainers are invited to participate in a webinar conducted by the direct author (or watch his recording if the event has already passed).

Temchenko tells the history of the "Club", and demonstrates the prospects for development, and explains how to attract new people - we can say that this is the same pyramid as in everything known network marketing when the more people you bring, the more you earn. It is clear that those who will bring new listeners are prepared by Maxim Temchenko himself. The “Millionaires Club” does not collect neutral reviews: people either violently protest against it, regretting the money spent, or they are grateful for the day when they decided to undergo training, thereby laying the foundation for their financial success.


The Millionaires Club receives positive feedback from a huge number of its members. Its main goal, as mentioned above, is to improve material well-being.

According to surveys, almost all course participants already during its passage (and this is twelve weeks, each of which there is one meeting lasting two hours) recoup the costs of training (about $ 650), and almost everyone begins to invest their finances, and not just accumulate them. Special attention deserves the fact that about a quarter of the participants change their lives dramatically by starting their own business.

Acquired Skills

The participants have something to thank for the closed "Club of Millionaires". Reviews are left about the acquired budget planning skills, and about the financial discipline instilled in the framework of a few but useful classes, and about the basics of time management, which is so relevant for all those who want to be successful. Almost every aspect of the training deserves positive feedback from some course participants.

The listeners are especially captivated by the opportunity to get acquainted with real examples, and not only with the founder of the program, but also with other people from the business world who are specially invited to some classes as experts. Some listeners note that after their entry into the "Club" their income has grown almost five times - such figures are really amazing.

Reasons for negativity

But it can't be that good, can it? Like any project, Maxim Temchenko's Millionaires Club also has negative reviews. The most common reason for dissatisfaction, as in most similar cases, is the accusation of the inefficiency of the methodology and the waste of quite substantial sums for such a dubious occupation. Here, by the way, the reason may also be the unwillingness of people to go to the end, their lack of stamina and self-confidence. And to justify those who quit halfway through, they usually use the arguments that the circumstances themselves were against them.

exorbitant cost

But it doesn’t happen that absolutely everyone is satisfied with the Millionaires Club. Negative reviews are most often associated with the high cost of the project, often really unbearable for many people. Listeners note that if the payment was at least in several stages, so that you could somehow raise funds, restructure your budget, and so on, it would be much more convenient. Now, people whose income is average or below average cannot join the project - they usually do not have savings, and it is very difficult for them to lay out at once the amount that Temchenko demands for his services.


The Millionaires Club collects bad reviews also because it is accused of inefficiency, they say, people invest money, but they just get information - that you still need to be able to apply it correctly. In principle, according to some clients, paying such money solely for information is at least illogical. And on the other hand, listeners immediately get an incentive to return the money they spent - this is already a great impetus to action and change their destiny.

Communication with customers

But it has one fundamental difference from other similar organizations "Club of Millionaires". Negative Feedback about the training or are removed by the project administration, for which they have a separate kind of plus: working so closely with clients to detect any manifestation of dissatisfaction is also worth a lot. Or those who were completely dissatisfied with the training simply do not exist. If most of these “courses” collect numerous accusations against them that this is a money siphon and so on, then the reputation of the “Millionaires Club” does not allow one to doubt their honesty.

It is worth noting that Temchenko has been working since 2009, and he bases his methodology on the training games of another, much more famous business coach with a worldwide reputation, that is, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of the program either. The founder of the Millionaires Club is also supported by a wide network of franchises - representatives who are authorized to work on his behalf: scammers will not bother with such a complex organization, which may not bring them as fast as they would like, income.

Other format of reviews

It is also noteworthy that Maxim Temchenko, the Millionaires Club, has reviews only on specialized sites that are in any way connected with the project. You won't find them on the open internet. In addition, the Club uses an interesting format of video reviews, that is, a conversation is held with a former student of the course, in which he talks about what exactly he has learned, how his life has changed, what plans he sets for himself in the future, and the like. Live speech sounds much more inspiring than any, even the most beautifully written text: people are well aware that anyone, even just a paid person, can write a text, while a video already has more confidence. In addition, it also demonstrates that even after the three months that the program takes, the Millionaires Club continues to be interested in its listeners and take part in their lives, and does not disappear, as it should different kind scammers.

Young Millionaires Club

Actively collects reviews "Millionaires Club" for children - an offshoot of the main course, which can be considered the most the best investment for many adult participants in the trainings: after all, the most the best investment- these are children who in their future can become much more successful than their parents. The cost of educating a child is the same as for an adult, although those who register before a certain date are given a huge discount (almost two hundred dollars - this is a significant difference). The authors of the project note that if you form financial thinking in children from a very early age, then in their adult life they will never face the fact that they do not have enough money, that they do not know how to control their expenses, or are too zealous about this very thing. control.

In the "Club of Young Millionaires" they will often help to develop precisely the absence of which does not allow a person to take his fate into his own hands and stop depending on anyone. Naturally, it will not do without financial literacy, and the material will be presented in such a way that even the smallest participant can understand. Another one interesting task trainings - to instill which will greatly simplify the relationship with money: the younger the person, the easier it is to learn something new, isn't it?

Moreover, the sooner it can bring some success - after all, usually for children who can listen to the course, either ahead or already in full swing, the period of adolescence is the most costly for parents. With the help of proper financial education, it will be much easier to control spending during this time.

Children are also promised to be taught how to invest, and from a very young age, so that by the end of school, university or other important event their, it would seem, already adult life, they had a certain capital and did not depend on their parents. Yes, the idea of ​​business schools for children is not new - many have realized that they should focus on as it is often more promising than adults, who will still have to break their own foundations and abandon their usual thoughts in order to fully implement everything they have learned. Another advantage of targeting a young audience is that parents are much more willing to invest money even in such a peculiar form of education than to spend the same money on themselves. That is why the Young Millionaires Club deserves special attention and, therefore, separate reviews.


Yes, one of the brightest organizations aimed at developing financial thinking and improving well-being through proper education is the Millionaires Club. This project collects negative reviews only because of its cost, but on the other hand, it can be said that it is precisely such financial costs that can be an excellent incentive to start acting - at least in order to return the money spent. Another category of people who were dissatisfied with their participation in the trainings are those who, for some reason, could not reach the end or did not begin to apply the acquired knowledge in real life, leaving them in the category of simply listened to information. In general, clients are not only satisfied, they are happy because they once invested in their own education or the education of their children, which helped them discover new qualities in themselves, new opportunities and completely change their lives. It is also noteworthy that Temchenko's "Millionaires' Club" is not the only project - he conducts a number of courses, on each of which anyone can turn their lives upside down, while receiving not only profit, but also moral satisfaction.

Rule number 1. Count money.

You can control what you measure. Get in the habit of keeping track of all income and expenses. Once you know the structure and sources of all your expenses and receipts, you will be able to manage them. Consider not only actual costs and revenues, but also plan future budgets. Compose a personal financial plan- Calculate your financial life for several years ahead.

Rule number 2. Know why you need big money.

Your brain needs to understand the end goal. If your subconscious does not see the need for wealth, then it will see danger in it. Money is a tool for achieving other, more important and significant goals. You must know exactly what you need to be rich for. What will you buy with this money, how will you manage it in a year, five, ten, fifty? Bring your goals to the level of necessity. Does it inspire you to take new actions?

Rule number 3. Manage your money according to the Wealth Formula.

There are two main formulas for dealing with money. The poverty formula is to earn and spend everything (Income minus expenses equals zero). According to this formula, it is impossible to become rich, because no matter how much money you receive, if you spend it, then your result is zero. The Formula of Wealth is to earn, accumulate (not spend everything), but multiply the accumulated (Income minus expenses is equal to delta, then we invest the delta and get capital). Capital is your key to wealth.

Rule number 4. Avoid debt.

Don't spend money you don't have. Avoid mortgages, loans, and simple debt. Also give up the habit of lending, even small amounts. Learn to live within your means first and spend less than you earn. The next step is to create everything more difference between income and expenses. This difference will form the basis of your capital. Debts, on the contrary, will eat it up.

Rule number 5. Create new sources of income.

If your income does not grow, then you do not turn on your brain and will to the maximum. If you are not growing, then you are degrading. Get in the habit of constantly increasing your income by any means. Whatever you do now, know that it is always possible to double your income in a year. This approach will force you to look for new resources, approaches, strategies. And of course, it will lead to an increase in cash flows going to you.

Rule number 6. Focus on retention, not profitability.

The main mistake of novice investors is to focus on the percentage of income from investments. Remember the main rule - risks always correspond to profits, and if you do not see risks, this does not mean that they do not exist. When making investments, give the highest priority to their reliability and guarantee of capital return. Further, becoming an increasingly experienced investor, gradually refocus on increasing profitability.

Rule number 7. Be patient.

The fastest proven way to become rich is to “pound” capital for a long time. Any ways of looking for “fast” money end just as quickly and, in most cases, with a zero result. The vast majority of people are afraid of big and distant terms, and their fear of loss ends in quick spending. They simply do not have enough perseverance, discipline, patience and willpower to systematically create their capital. Remember that capital grows exponentially - very slowly at first, then faster, and after a few years - very, very fast.

Maxim Temchenko is a leading personal finance expert, personal finance consultant at the Ministry of Education and in MBA programs. He knows about money firsthand, but from personal experience. He independently got out of a debt hole of 2.5 million rubles and became a dollar millionaire in 6 years. Author of 4 books, including the bestseller "Financial Superpowers". Founder of the personal finance training system “Millionaires Club”. More than 1,000 of his students have become millionaires.

In order to find out who Maxim Temchenko is, you just need to enter a query in any search engine. And you will find out that this is a person who has become a dollar millionaire in 6 years, has over 50 sources of income and founded largest network schools on financial transformation in Russian.

On the way to success, millionaire Maxim Temchenko studied with such recognized masters as Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins (Platinum Group). Today, he himself is considered one of the elite coaches in the Russian-speaking space.

Club of millionaires Maxim Temchenko

The educational programs developed by Maxim mainly help to make a personal transformation, develop and improve oneself. To do this, he uses his own methods and technologies.

At the Millionaires Club, Maksim Temchenko teaches how to increase income and scale a business, create new projects from scratch, invest, quickly and efficiently close debts, build a new environment, and much more. Everything he tells his students about has been tested on personal experience. The Maxim Temchenko Club is a community of financial market professionals, a place where you can always find support and get help.

Maxim considers getting rid of fears and internal “clamps”, gaining confidence and striving to achieve maximum goals as one of the main points of personal growth. It is fears that stand in the way of financial and personal independence, and the first thing Maxim's students get rid of is the fear of failure.

After training with Maxim Temchenko, you will gain confidence and strength for new achievements. Your thinking will completely change and become like all millionaires, and any goal you set will be achieved.