How cool to take a picture on ava for a guy and a girl - basic tips. Pro Tips: How to Look Good in Photos

A beginner model first of all needs to make a portfolio, based on which customers will make a decision regarding the conclusion of a contract. And that means you have to work with a photographer. Many young models are wondering: how to pose for a photo shoot?

Making an interesting, professional, and most importantly versatile portfolio is not an easy task, because one bad photo spoils the impression of five successful ones. In each shot, the model must express herself with better side and show all your abilities and professional skills. To do this, it is not necessary to have many years of experience, it is enough to know a few simple rules and skillfully use them during the next photo shoot.

Fundamental rules

1 Let's start with breathing and the ability to breathe correctly in the frame. No need to hold your breath while shooting, because the photos are tense and unnatural. It is better to breathe calmly, evenly, so that in the process and in the picture in general, it turns out relaxed and natural. Famous models use a very interesting trick: when taking a feminine or sexy photo, they breathe through their mouths, thus creating the effect of arousal.

Tyra Banks at a photo shoot for Vogue magazine

2 No need to force your body to take this or that pose, if you can’t get up, as the photographer asks, then this is not your pose. You need to get into a position that would be convenient for the model, then it looks from the winning side, and the picture itself turns out to be relaxed. If you saw an interesting pose in a magazine and want to repeat it, in this case it is better to practice in front of the mirror beforehand so that you can do it without much effort at the photo session itself.

In order for the photographer to capture that “single perfect moment”, it is not necessary to make the poses significantly different from each other. Of course, the position of the body should be varied, so that the customer and the photographer have plenty to choose from, but it is enough to change any one element. For example, turning the head, tilting the body, changing the position of the hips, moving the leg to another place, or changing the position of the hands.

3 By the way, hands and fingers should be given special attention, as their position should be as natural as possible. Of the basic rules, it is worth remembering that it is unnecessary to point your hands at the camera lens, it is advisable not to clench your fingers into a fist, as it will give the impression that the model does not have them at all.

It is better to fix the hands in any position and only slightly change it later. For example, you can fix them on your hips or use your hands to interact with any object. However, in any position, the hands and fingers should be as relaxed as possible, then the picture will turn out to be natural and relaxed.

body position

When creating a portfolio, be sure to take care of full-length shots. They will help customers to consider all your external data and see the whole range of posing skills. However, the model faces a very responsible task: to choose such poses that would advantageously emphasize the charms of the figure and hide possible flaws, and at the same time main task It remains to take a professional beautiful picture.

If you don’t have many interesting poses in your arsenal, then it’s better to use the classic ones, for example, direct the torso and chest into the camera lens, and turn the hips away from it.

There is also a little secret that famous supermodels use, namely, they fix their hands during the picture a little asymmetrically to each other.

For example, if one arm hangs freely, then the other should be bent, so the picture is relaxed and natural. Avoid poses in which the arms are pressed against the body, especially if they are lowered down. In this case, the model will not seem as slim and sophisticated as it really is.

Taking pictures in a seated position

Do not think that taking a photo in a sitting position is much easier than standing. In this position, it is more difficult to take an interesting and fascinating picture, but if you follow the tips, you can easily replenish your portfolio with a few photos in a sitting position. The first thing to always remember is posture. It should be straight, even if you are asked to lean forward a little. As Tyra Banks herself says:

Imagine that you have a thread through your entire spine, and all the time they are pulling it up

Many models are worried about big thighs when they sit down. To avoid unnecessary visual weight gain, it is enough to sit sideways a little and transfer the weight to the thigh located closer to the camera. If you put your foot on a full foot, then it will be difficult to achieve refinement, lightness and femininity in the frame. Professional models put the foot resting on the toes, so the leg becomes slightly elevated, and accordingly slimmer.

Portrait photography

The portrait is the most famous and frequently used type of shooting, which should be in the portfolio of any beginner or experienced model. Portrait photography is the shooting of the model's face and shoulders. Many may think that a portrait is the most elementary type of photography that does not require special skills, but this is a profound mistake. In order to achieve an interesting, and most importantly professional shot, you need to remember and use important skills and pose correctly during a photo shoot.

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If the position of your head is not important for the photographer, then it is better to take fewer frontal shots. Only with exotic make-up and impressive scenery will such a position of the head be appropriate and interesting, and in other cases the picture may turn out to be boring and without any zest. If you turn your head a little to the side and slightly at an angle to the camera, then the picture will not only become more interesting, but your eyes will play differently, due to the fact that your gaze will be directed into the lens at a slightly angle. In such a seemingly simple position of the head, the picture will show the mystery and some intrigue.

It is worth remembering about the shoulders, which do not need to be kept in tension. Even a portrait shot will look natural if the shoulders are lowered and relaxed. Do not forget about the principle of asymmetry. A photo in which the model tilted her head to a raised shoulder will look more interesting and will surely be remembered by customers.

It's no secret that it's usually harder for men to relax. Especially in front of the camera. In the pictures, men often either stand at attention, or, conversely, are feignedly relaxed, which gives even more tightness.

In order to become more photogenic, you do not need to strain all your muscles or make a brutal look. Just looking confident is enough.

To do this, take a natural pose with a calm expression on your face. Even if you smile, the smile should not be strained. Sometimes just smiling is enough.

A couple more tricks:

  1. To emphasize the masculinity of the figure, the shoulders need to be turned to the camera, and the hips, on the contrary, slightly turned away (we are talking about a few degrees, a wasp waist is not your goal).
  2. To make the look more confident, it should be directed in the same direction as the face.

standing photo

Take a "closed" pose with your arms crossed on your chest. She will give you confidence. Just do not forget about your posture: your shoulders should be straightened, and your stomach should be pulled in. The pose is good for both portrait and full-length shots.


Lean sideways or back, for example, against a wall. Hands can be folded on the chest or put in pockets. It is not necessary to look into the lens, you can turn your head to the side.


Standing facing or half-turned to the camera, shift your body weight on one leg. Either set the second aside, or cross with the first. Hands can be put in pockets or folded across the chest.


At work

Maybe this does not correspond to the rules of etiquette, but it often looks good. Of course, you should not climb on the table with your feet - just sit on the edge. Fold your hands on your chest, put them in your pockets or rest them on the countertop.


You can lean forward slightly or turn around. Put your hands in front of you or touch your chin with one. If there is an additional object in the photo, pay attention to it - it will be more natural.


Sitting freely in a chair, put one foot on the other. The hand can be placed on the armrest, on the knee or brought to the chin. Just don't keep your head up.


Sitting on the ground

without support

Sit leaning forward slightly. But do not bend in an arc - straighten your shoulders. You can put your feet in front of you, and put your hands on your knees. You can cross your legs with your hands in the center.

photo_oles /

With support on hands

Cross your legs. Lean on one hand, put the other on a raised knee. An even more natural pose is with support on both hands. This pose looks great if you choose the right angle of shooting.


Lean against a wall or tree. Extend the leg closest to the camera, and bend the other at the knee, placing your hand on it. Or cross your legs in front of you. Relax your back using the support, but do not spread out.



This is the simplest, the pose can be any.

Take many pictures from different angles, with different emotions. If the portrait is full face, look into the lens. If your head is turned, look to the side. You can tilt your head slightly. You can bring your hands up to your face. Smile or put on a serious face - just don't overdo it.

Be sure to try converting the photo to b / w - it will almost certainly turn out cool.


Of course, these are not strict rules. But, following these tips, you can find 2-3 good angles. Then in front of the camera you will feel more confident and will be able to experiment in search of more interesting shots.

How to pose correctly for a photo shoot is a question that I never asked until the age of forty. Photographed not often, sometimes it turned out well, sometimes - monstrously. But I managed to perceive successful photos as a gift of fate, and unsuccessful ones ... just not to perceive. And never think about it what am i doing wrong in these bad photos.

Now that I run a fashion blog and photograph a lot and often, I had to delve into the process of photography much deeper. It turned out (that is, I theoretically knew this before, but felt it with all my skin only now) that lighting is critical for a good photo. With the right light, the most ordinary woman can look like a fabulous nymph in a photograph. And bad light will make Baba Yaga even out of a beauty on vacation.

Of course, the quality of the camera is also important, and even more important is the skill of the person who holds this camera in their hands. But! If you're standing in front of a brilliant photographer in the pose of a pregnant porcupine, the best thing he can do is lower the camera and not shoot.

How to make a photo successful - should know, first of all, the model

To build the body correctly, take a winning pose, “hide” the flaws of the figure and show the advantages - these tasks are solved on this side of the camera, not on the other. Professional models are taught this, no one teaches us mere mortals. And for us, this is perhaps even more relevant, because we have something to hide, and for us, not every pose will be advantageous.

In two years of filming for my blog, I got so many bumps that there is enough for everyone. Ruined hundreds of frames - it's good that they are now digital, otherwise it would be kilometers of film wasted. But now I know exactly how NOT to pose)))

It would seem that the network is full of materials on the topic "How to take a good photo" and "How to pose correctly"

But there are nuances that are very important for an adult woman of significant merits, and which I did not come across in any of these articles, I had to come to them myself. You will save a lot of time and nerves if you just use my experience and remember ten simple rules for a successful photo. Believe me, the quality of your photos will change critically!

All the photos below were taken in the same lighting, with the same camera settings, almost at the same time. One photographer, one model, one and the same clothes. Often these are just two adjacent frames. And the result ... Judge for yourself.

Rule #1

You automatically look a size smaller if you are not standing facing the camera, but half-turned, slightly moving one hip back, and turning your chest and face into the lens. Plus, if there is a hint of a tummy, then in a full-face pose, directly incident light makes an elephant out of this fly. And half a turn - everything is not so critical.

If the light falls from the side, then turn back a little the hip that is less illuminated. Then the thigh and stomach will seem to go into the shadows and the whole silhouette will seem narrower.

Rule #2: When posing in profile, shift your weight back.

Everyone advises taking pictures half-turned or almost in profile, this is one of the most popular photo poses. But at the same time, no one says that the weight must necessarily be located on the leg that is farthest from the camera. And the leg that is in front should be free, without weight.

On the left, the weight is on the leg in front. And on the right, the leg in front is free

If you lean on the leg that is in front, the thigh seems two sizes larger, and the butt is simply immense. Lean on the leg that is behind and take your ass back - this will immediately make you at least a size smaller.

Rule #3

As mentioned above, if you take one hip back to the "dark side" - the whole silhouette seems smaller. But if you put weight on the thigh that is lit and closer to the camera, it automatically appears larger than it actually is.

Here the light falls on the left and therefore the difference is very clearly visible.

The photographer who is photographing you can determine where the light is coming from. But you should always keep this in mind!

Rule number 4. Butt back!!!

Always! Although on the catwalks and in glossy magazines for many years we see a fashion trend - to walk and pose for a photo with a belly protruding forward. Even the mannequins in the shop windows are in this position.

But models and mannequins, no matter how much they stick out, they simply have nothing to stick out, they don’t have bellies. And for a woman with forms, such a pose does not fit categorically!

On the left, the stomach moved forward a little. And on the right everything is in place

Regardless of whether you are posing full-face or half-turned, always try to straighten your chest as much as possible, straighten your back and take your butt back - it will pull your stomach back with it. And, of course, do not forget about the press 😉

Rule number 5. Don't slouch!

In continuation of the previous paragraph. Do not slouch, straighten your shoulders - it's so obvious, without this a successful photo will never work. But how often do we forget about it! Meanwhile, a stooped back, shoulders twisted forward - this is a guaranteed kill of a good shot. A stooped back not only makes you smaller, it also nullifies your neck, steals your waist, lowers your chest, automatically pushes your stomach forward - in short, it does everything that is absolutely not necessary to do!

A crooked back - a frame for a smark!

When taking pictures, repeat to yourself all the time: “Your back is straighter! Straighten your back!” No matter how smooth it is, there is no limit to perfection.

Rule number 6. Don't hide your waist!

The waistline, the narrowest point of your body, must be visible in the photo. Therefore, models often put their hands on their hips, lift them up or somehow remove them from the torso. If you pressed your hands to your body, the sleeves visually merged with the torso - the lines of the body are dead, no one sees them.

On the left there is no figure at all. Right is another matter!

Always make sure that there is at least a minimum clearance between the waist and the elbow.

Rule number 8. Do not hide your neck!

Especially if your neck is already not very long. In an attempt to create a “laid”, “live” pose, we often lower our heads to the shoulder - and only memories remain from the neck.

So, as on the right - also not necessary, this is an exaggerated example

Keep your head up - and the second chin in the photo will not appear out of nowhere, and the neck will be longer.

Rule number 9. Remove your hands!

Not quite, of course)) The insidiousness of the “half-turn” pose is that in the foreground, closer to the camera, are the forearm and hand. And what is closer to the camera seems to be larger, this is a property of optics. Remember to take your arms back a little - both arms and shoulders look graceful.

In the photo on the right, the forearm looks smaller and the whole silhouette is lighter

Plus, by moving your arm back a little, you provide the necessary clearance between the waist and the elbow.

Rule number 9. Remove bare hands all the more!

Everything that is said in paragraph 8 is even more relevant if you are photographed in the summer and with bare hands. Everything that is closer to the camera seems larger, and if it is something else and light, it looks one and a half times wider. Bare hands can look like some kind of sausages without a peel, if you do not take them away from the camera.

Same hands. Other view

Rule #10

You can write a separate article and even a book about the rules for shooting portraits, there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bits own nuances. I'll just say one thing general rule: ceteris paribus, a slightly raised head looks better than a head down. As mentioned above, by lowering your head, you create a second chin, even if you don’t have one.

And it works here too. general principle: the closer to the camera, it seems larger. When you tilt your head forward, the forehead appears larger. When you tilt your head back a little, your lips seem bigger 😉

You will say: how can a living person remember all this from the first time?

And I will answer you: of course not! But, if you systematically do not like your photos, then maybe it's time to do something about it? A camera phone is now in everyone's pocket. Practice in front of a mirror, ask a friend to take a picture of you. Peek at my cheat sheet, try different poses and you will see what works for you.

A little practice and you will learn to automatically take good posture and you will turn out in the photo, at least, no worse than you are. Or maybe a little better)) Still, photography is not only a technique, but also a bit of magic 😉

Tags: , Simple tips with examples and photos

First of all, why do you need a photo session? If for low-grade sites and magazines, then this article will not help you. Here we'll talk about how to really beautiful pictures. Something to be proud of. Such, thanks to which they become famous and which after 50 years are not ashamed to show their grandchildren. Let's leave the technical side of the issue, let's talk only about places, clothes and poses for photographing.

How not to take pictures

Let's start with common truths that everyone seems to already know, but still, thousands of "photo masterpieces" appear on the network every day.
    Remember these 5 main taboo rules:
  1. Never take pictures in the toilet! Never!!!
  2. Avoid horizontal and unnatural postures.
    Lying, crawling, wringing your hands, arching on an unmade bed, on the floor in an apartment, on carpets - this is at least ugly. If you really want to lie somewhere, then it is better to choose a flower meadow.
  3. Do not dress vulgarly: the details of underwear should not fall out from under the clothes, however, like some parts of the body. It is easy to determine this line: the photo should not contain anything that you would not want to show to your present or future children, or parents.
  4. Do not wear tight-fitting clothes for a photo shoot, so that instead of beauty you do not get a "sausage effect".
  5. Don't pout your lips.
Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, but these exceptions are best left for a personal photo archive or professional photographers who know how to present even dubious situations beautifully.

10 tips for taking good pictures

1. Take pictures in nature. Hard to do indoors nice photos without special equipment.

2. Posture should be natural. Remember: any position in which you are uncomfortable will turn out badly in the photo.

natural pose

3. Don't make a languid expression! A sincere smile or laughter will make even a bad picture more attractive. During filming, remember something very pleasant and smile with that very mysterious smile of the Mona Lisa, which makes any woman's face more beautiful.

4. Try to take pictures not in front, but in half a turn. Try not to look into the lens - this way the pictures can turn out more interesting.

5. When photographing, what is closer to the lens looks larger, and what is further away looks smaller. Therefore, for example, fat people it is better to photograph a little from above, so that the figure looks slimmer.

Avoid "straight" poses

6. The photo will be more interesting if the lines of the shoulders, tilt of the head, legs, etc. are not perpendicular. Avoid straight lines and "straight" poses. However, it is also not necessary to bend too much and take unnatural poses. Everything in moderation!
No need to wear green for a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade. Mike Newming

8. Portrait photographer Mike Newming advises: "You don't need to wear green for a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade." However, the opposite also works: if the face is too red, then green clothes will help to hide this flaw.

9. In makeup, pay special attention to blush to make your face look more expressive. Sparkling and pearly shades are best avoided.

10. When you feel too constrained, just make a jump (jump photo). Jump a few times higher, and let the photographer select the "sport" shooting mode to get several shots in a row. After that, you can relax and the next shots will turn out better.
But most often the "jumps" themselves turn out to be the most successful photographs. Show some imagination to take interesting photos.

. "Jumpik" relaxes.

And for those who want not only to be photographed, but also to win at beauty contests or create their own lookbook (lookbook) with photos, there is one magic secret on how to learn how to quickly and easily choose clothes, place and poses for photographing: imitate those who Like.
Choose the famous "style icon", preferably from the last century, and start imitating it. Imagine that you are her. The one everyone admires. For example, . Do you think Grace would crawl in front of the camera on an unmade bed or bend indecently in the toilet? Look at her photos, poses, clothes, makeup. And when you take a picture, think, what would Grace do?

Who doesn't love being photographed? Eighty percent of the female half of humanity are ready to give everything for a couple of new photos. And today with the development information technologies and technology has become even more relevant. New phones with high-quality cameras, professional cameras, laptops and tablets with the function of photo and video recording, and this is only half of what provides us modern market. And what about social networks that drag users into their worlds, craving more and more new photos.

Modern girls suffer from a real "photomania", besides the fact that they photograph everything and everything, from pets, new shoes, lunch rations and everyone around them, they never forget to treat themselves to their favorite photo shoot, sacrificing a huge part of their time for this. And if half of them cope with a photo of a pet, then taking a high-quality picture with your own image in full growth is a much more difficult task.

Beautiful photos today are the key to the success of modern girls, most of whom spend nights on end in the vastness of the World Wide Web in search of their betrothed. According to statistics, over the past couple of years, the number of Internet romances that ended in a happy wedding has increased several times. And this is just the beginning. Soon real acquaintances will become such a rarity that they will surprise us in the same way as our grandmothers touch tablet.

What did you think? The world is in constant development, technologies, views and methods of solving specific problems are also developing. Why, say, a young lady should put on her best dresses, paint her lips with gloss and go to restaurants and exhibitions in search of her chosen one, if it is much easier to make a high-quality photo session, post a photo in social network and just wait for the result. The costs are less, and the effect is quite long-term. Let me tell you a secret, a lot of people do it. For lack of free time, and sometimes just desire, modern young ladies try to charm the “princes” with pixel images. Well, in order for everything to be successful, the photos must be not just amateur, but at least semi-professional. To do this, you will need a skilled photographer, a good camera, and most importantly your skills as a “model”. But with the latter, many have trouble, some, in their thirst to look relaxed and at ease, increase their efforts, which looks even more affected and ridiculous. Someone wants to create the image of a fatal seductress, without taking into account how it will look in the picture, but the rest are not friends with the camera at all. If some of these problems are familiar to you, or you just want to improve your “modeling” skills, here are a few. useful tips, which will tell you how best to pose and what to consider when working with the camera.

Facial expression

Even if you are photographed in full growth, and the face is not close close-up, this is not a reason not to pay due attention to it. After all, even the smallest detail can spoil the whole picture.

Any professional photographer will tell you that the main thing is your mood. If you feel free and uninhibited, the camera will reciprocate, excessive modesty, stiffness and stupid embarrassment are out of place here. If the soul rejoices and asks to come out, be sure to express this through your smile, which should be sincere, relaxed and attractive. If you don't feel like smiling, don't force it. Let the face be serious and mysterious, it's better than a stupid smirk.

In no case do not puff out your lips, like the Webbutt duck in " duck stories". Firstly, because you are not a duck, and secondly, it is simply ugly, but in recent times even became an occasion for jokes and ridicule. If you want to show all your sensuality, it is better to open your mouth a little, which will make your lips more sexy and natural. Practice in front of a mirror, a standard smile is not your limit.

It is not necessary to look directly at the camera, try looking away or looking up, a little coquetry and mystery will definitely not hurt you. Be careful with a look from under your brows, instead of a fatal beauty, you can get a completely opposite image: the forehead will be too large and wide, the nose will also increase, and the lips will not be shown from the most successful angle.

In full growth

Full length photos are the hardest part of shooting. In order for you to look sophisticated, and most importantly proportionally, special skill is required. First, don't slouch, lift your shoulders, pull your head in, or arch your back. In general, behave naturally and naturally in front of the camera.

It is best to bend one leg at the knee, this will add extra curves to your silhouette, and you will definitely not look too tight.

We also do not recommend standing directly facing the camera, it is better to choose a half-side position or turn around 45 degrees.

Feet should not stand at attention. Stand either with one leg bent at the knee, or on tiptoe, or shoulder-width apart, focusing on one leg.

Hands, too, should not hang around idle, occupy them with something: put them on your waist, remove your hair with them, or lift them up. By the way, in the latter case, you will kill two birds with one stone: accept beautiful pose and you can visually retract the stomach.

The main thing is that the hands should be completely relaxed, no pinched fingers and fists. Just before shooting, you can shake the brushes a few times, this will help you hide the tension.


Seated portraits are another unexplored area, beyond the control of inexperienced "models". Never sit down with your feet perpendicular to the floor. It is better to turn around a little, relax, throw your legs over your legs or wrap your arms around one of them, lifting it up a little.

When sitting, keep your back straight with your head tilted to one side. This universal and effective advice will help to make any photo successful.

If you're sitting in a chair, experiment with it. It is not necessary to take a boring standard pose. Sitting facing the back and placing your legs wider, you can take an interesting and very lively shot.

And the last rule, try to put your feet only on the toe, this will make them slimmer, sleeker and longer.


Shooting from above or below is one of the most extravagant. If you follow all the tips and regulations, you will look fantastic. However, not knowing a few rules, you run the risk of looking ridiculous and ridiculous.

A photo taken from below will be able to visually stretch your legs. Try to stand with your back to the photographer and look at him over your shoulder. The result is a spectacular and very daring shot.