What clothes are better to be photographed for a passport. How to take a good passport photo

Hello everyone, friends! Have you ever taken a photo for documents and were upset to see the result? So it happened with my new passport: I can hardly see the features of the face, not to mention wrinkles or moles. But the main thing is that in about 30% of cases, the inspectors have questions, and at the same time they have to show a driver's license. I decided that next time I would take a picture myself, so that the result suited me. True, it is necessary to take into account the nuances associated with passport photo: 2018 requirements cover all aspects of the issue. Let's figure out the intricacies together to avoid mistakes!

Requirements for a photo for a Russian passport of a new and old sample

The photographs in your passport are a component without which the document will not be valid. The law obliges to paste new ones at the age of 20 and 45: during this period, noticeable changes in appearance occur. You will need to hand over your old passport and get a new one; the procedure can be carried out earlier if there have been drastic changes in appearance (for example, sex change).

Dimensions meeting the requirements for the new sample in 2018

The passport photo must meet strict requirements. Pay attention to the following nuances in advance:

  1. The person should not close or squint their eyes. Look into the lens of the camera while shooting.
  2. Facial expression - neutral, calm. A smile “to the ears” distorts the features, and subsequently the passport may not be accepted, especially if you look at the checker frowningly. Lips should be closed.
  3. Hats, berets and other headgear will have to be removed. An exception is made for citizens who cannot leave their heads uncovered due to religious reasons. But even in this case, you will have to choose a dress that does not hide facial features.
  4. You may be wearing glasses if you wear them all the time. Choose a model with transparent glasses not hiding their eyes. There should be no glare on the glasses in the passport photo.
  5. Tilt or turn your head is not allowed.

Consider these requirements, and you will not have to be rejected due to the inadequate quality of the photo in your passport.

Do not smile too much: according to the requirements of 2018 in the Russian Federation, this contradicts the model

Passport Photo Sizes and Proportions: Follow the Sample

The legislation contains standard requirements:

  1. Passport photo size - 35x45 mm.
  2. The person must be 70-80 % the entire area.
  3. From the top of the crown to the edge, leave 5 mm.
  4. The distance at which the pupils are located from each other according to the rules is also regulated - at least 7 mm. From the horizontal axis on which the pupils are located, to the chin should be 12 mm.
  5. There are requirements for head height ( 30-32 mm) and to the width ( 18-25mm).

How are citizens photographed for a Russian passport? Shooting takes place in a well-lit room, and high demands are placed on the result. Color quality, sharpness, contrasts - everything must match them.

User experience: what to look for

Recently had to ahead of schedule change the passport of the Russian Federation, because in the old one there was no space left on the 19th page. I didn't worry because I didn't know what was coming. I took pictures of me with modest hair and minimal makeup, went for a new document.

After standing in line for a couple of hours, I noticed that every second person was not accepted for a photo. The refusals were justified by the fact that eyebrows and ears should be visible in the pictures in 2018. My neighbor almost cried in turn: nature endowed her with chubby cheeks, behind which ears are not visible! The situation seems funny, but not for fat people. As a result, they took the option from the poor woman, on which earrings were visible (apparently, as a sign of ears).

But what was to be done by those whose photographs were not accepted? They were sent to the cherished door, on which the inscription “Photo for documents” was emblazoned, and the cost of the service was 50% higher than in the city. But I had to fork out so as not to wait in line again. I asked for a check - they didn’t give it, so I couldn’t find out whose pocket the money went into. At home, I checked the information and did not find any new rules on the FMS website.

Passport photo: criteria for a new sample

The requirements put forward for the Russian Federation in 2018 are clearly formulated. All provisions must be followed, otherwise you will have to take new photos.

Color spectrum

accepted color and black and white photographs, although the latter option is not recommended.

The background

Until recently, you could bring a photo taken on a plain background. But now only white is acceptable, and the presence of a pattern or an accidentally dropped shadow will become the basis for refusal.

Which paper to choose for the old or new sample

When choosing between glossy and matte paper, remember: the 2018 rules for the Russian Federation prescribe only gloss.

Matte paper, which used to be accepted, is now sometimes used for passport photos, especially for pictures of children. The fact is that they are printed without covering with a film: the print does not stick to the gloss.

Appearance of a person

Looking at the sample passport photo, you will notice that requirements for the appearance of a citizen:

  1. It is not recommended to do catchy makeup, especially if it significantly changes facial features. Lipstick is better to choose matte, neutral shades.
  2. Refuse creative and trendy hairstyles if strands fall on your face after styling. Young people choose options when the hair covers part of the cheeks, but such a picture will not be accepted at the MFC. Also check that the bangs do not interfere with the consideration of the eyebrows, comb it to the side or pin it up if necessary.
  3. Should I shave my beard? If you are going to wear it all the time, you can do without such a measure. But problems may arise later, although changes in appearance are a natural thing that no one will forbid. It is only important how much you change by shaving off your beard.
  4. Colored contact lenses will have to be removed. But transparent products necessary for correcting vision are allowed.
  5. It is allowed to be photographed with loose hair, but it is advisable to tuck it behind the ears.

Keep these details in mind when you're taking your passport photo so you don't have to spend money on a new shoot.

Girls should pay special attention to makeup, because a pronounced make-up will be the basis for a refusal in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What should be the clothes for a photo on the passport of the Russian Federation

Do you want to get a passport with a photo without any problems? To pay attention choice of clothes:

  1. It is undesirable to wear light-colored outfits, as they will merge with the background, and the picture will be overexposed. If you are taking a color photograph, choose clothing in green, blue, purple. Shades should be calm, without excessive saturation and neon notes.
  2. Colorful t-shirts, plaid shirts, tracksuits are not the best choice. Bet on monochrome colors, and if you can't refuse prints, prefer a low-key option.
  3. A deep neckline is not recommended, as is an abundance of jewelry. Such a photo may not be accepted for the passport of the Russian Federation, and for other documents.
  4. Taking pictures in uniform is not allowed.

Can I take a passport photo in a hijab? In fact, the laws of the Russian Federation allow this option, since the wearing of this piece of clothing is due to religious views. But you need to make sure that the hijab does not change the shape of the face and does not interfere with seeing the chin and forehead to the hairline.

Photo for e-passport: sample for 2018

The replacement of paper passports with electronic ones has been repeatedly postponed, but the implementation of the project is a matter of time. The pluses include the fact that the photo is not glued, but applied, so it will be more difficult to fake it. The picture will be taken in in electronic format according to the above requirements.

Submit files electronically for new passports

How to submit a passport photo through the State Services website: new instructions

Citizens increasingly prefer not to stand in queues, but to submit documents for replacement through the State Services website. This also applies to obtaining a passport, but when filling out the questionnaire and providing scans, the question arises of how to upload a photo. If the system rejects the file, check if the snapshot meets the following requirements:

  • only image files with the format .jpeg;
  • permission - 600dpi and more;
  • weight - 300 Kb;
  • image bitness - 8 bit for black and white and 24 bits for color.

The instruction on the Gosuslugi portal specifies that when applying for a replacement passport of the Russian Federation, the photo is uploaded electronically directly to the site. You can take a picture at home or contact the salon, asking for a file in the desired format, not printouts.

Thanks to new technologies, it will be easier to understand whether the result of your work matches the model.

It will be possible to determine whether the result meets the requirements at the loading stage. You'll see clues as to where the crown and chin should be, so you can make adjustments as needed. And you will learn from the video how to process the picture so that it is suitable for a new sample of the Russian Federation passport.

Is it possible to take a photo for a Russian passport at home

The law of the Russian Federation allows you to accept photos taken at home if they match the sample. To cope with the task, consider the following:

  1. You will need good camera, because using the camera on the phone is unlikely to get the desired result.
  2. Lighting should be smooth, without glare. In a professional studio, it is provided with a pair of lamps and umbrellas. At home, you will have to be content with daylight, to which a camera flash will be added. Make sure that the light source is directly in front of you, otherwise the shadow cannot be avoided.
  3. Take pictures against the wall hung with a white cloth or clean paper.
  4. Stay at a distance 0.8 m from the background, and put the device on 1-3 m Push.
  5. Don't forget to turn on the flash and red-eye reduction. Focus on the eyes, but if the device can not cope, use the face detection function.

When the photo is ready, transfer it to the computer and start adjusting.

An example of a successful option made at home: according to the requirements, you only need to remove the shadow under the chin

Initially, convert the file to .JPEG format and set the white balance to the whites of the eyes: the result is ready for processing with special programs.

What programs to use to process photos for a Russian passport

In order for the result of your efforts to correspond to the generally accepted model, it can be corrected using the programs “Photo for documents online" or "Studio Pro". But, since the functionality of free versions is limited, it is preferable to use "Photoshop":

Problems often arise if you do not have the opportunity to print photos at home. When you come to a photo studio with a finished result, the employees are not interested in cooperation. As a result, the owners of such establishments set inflated prices for printing ID photos, and you save almost nothing. To avoid situations like this, go to a computer club, not a salon: they almost always have both photo paper and a color printer.

According to the requirements of the Russian Federation, in 2018 a passport photo is allowed to be taken at home

Cost and number of passport photos

To change the passport of the Russian Federation, its owner provides 2 photos: one for pasting into a document, and the second for storage in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you need temporary ID, please bring an additional photo.

When contacting a photo studio, you won’t be able to order 2-3 pictures: they usually take at least 4. The price depends on the city and the urgency of the service, because in Moscow the cost starts from 200 ₽, and in the regions you can find an option for 100 ₽. But do not think that going to the salon automatically means quality: it happens that clients give money, but the photos are not accepted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to inconsistency with the model.

To avoid unpleasant situations, you can contact the MFC, where you submit documents and immediately take a picture.

What photos on the passport of the Russian Federation will not be accepted

You may be denied the service if the photos provided do not match the sample. The most common mistakes they make are:

  • provide a wrinkled or soiled paper photograph;
  • the person in the picture is smiling, showing his teeth;
  • Wrong size selected
  • the person is too close or too far from the camera;
  • hair covering eyebrows or cheeks;
  • there is a "corner" in the photo.

Consider possible errors, and difficulties will not arise.

Non-compliance will be grounds for rejection


Photos for documents must meet the established criteria, otherwise they simply will not be accepted. But with due attention to detail, you can take pictures even at home and submit them via the Internet. If you doubt your abilities, contact the MFC: a competent photographer will help you cope with the problem.

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Few of us can boast of a good passport photo. Most often, people try to hide this document away so that none of their friends see this gloomy expression of an indeterminate age. After all, we do not look like ourselves in this picture.

What is the reason for the bad photo?

As a rule, we ourselves are to blame for the fact that the photo in the passport turned out to be unsuccessful. Of course, a bad photographer can get caught, but most often it’s not his lack of professionalism, but the fact that his capabilities are very limited, since he can only take pictures of us from the front. From this angle, he simply will not be able to hide all the shortcomings of our face and emphasize its dignity.

Usually there is a large flow of people in the photo studio, and the photographer can spend only a few minutes to take our picture, and it all depends on us what this photo will be like. In addition, we often treat this process with negligence. Think passport photo.

We will not show it to everyone, so there is nothing to worry about how we look in this picture. But meanwhile, there are quite a few cases in life when you need to show your passport. And then we have to blush and be embarrassed when someone, looking at this document, begins to doubt that we are in the picture.

We do not attach importance to the fact that the photo is pasted into the passport not for one year, but for decades, and it is very important how we will look in this picture, because the opportunity to change it will not appear soon.

That is why you should take this process seriously, and it is best to prepare for it in advance so that there is no such situation when you decide in a hurry what you will be photographed in, and hastily do makeup, and then reap the benefits in the form a terrible photo that is embarrassing to show someone.

To prevent this from happening, you just need to follow a few rules that will help you look good in your passport photo.

Rules for a successful photo

  1. good makeup. Since 70% of the shot will take your face, and a bright flash will definitely reveal all its flaws, it is very important that your makeup helps to hide them and emphasize all your advantages. For this, it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of a makeup artist. You can deal with it yourself. Moreover, the main requirement for appearance is naturalness. No need to do evening makeup for a passport photo.

So, here are some secrets of proper makeup:

  • Even tone of the face. To avoid dark circles under your eyes, it is imperative to get a good night's sleep, and it is advisable not to drink too much liquid, otherwise you will wake up with a puffy face and bags under your eyes. You can also make a face mask suitable for your skin type the day before the photo session. Peelings and other cosmetic procedures are best done a few days before filming, as redness may not have time to disappear in time. In order to remove some skin imperfections, you need to use a corrector and foundation.
  • Relief. As you know, lighting directed directly at your face and a bright flash make your face look flat in the picture. To add definition to your facial features, you can use beauty products such as concealer or bronzer. With their help, you can highlight the cheekbones and nose. And in order to brighten the convex parts of the face, and thus add volume to them, you need to use a highlighter, after which you should fix everything with powder.
  • Expressive eyes. The first thing you pay attention to when looking at a passport photo is the eyes, because during the shooting you look directly into the camera lens. Therefore, you need to try to highlight them, but without frills. No need to do too bright, defiant makeup. It is enough to draw small, classic arrows and apply mascara to the eyelashes. Also, do not forget about the eyebrows, as they frame the eyes and help to make them more expressive.
  • Natural lip color. In your ID photo, you want to look as natural as possible, and bright lipstick or gloss will not help you in any way. It's best not to color your lips at all, or you can lightly highlight them with a lipstick that is close to your natural lip color. You can also use a balm to moisturize them.
  1. Neat hairstyle. An important role in a successful photo is played by a hairstyle. Just one naughty curl can ruin the whole picture, even if you have perfect makeup. Therefore, you need to make sure that your hair is also flawless. For this, it is not at all necessary to do a complex hairstyle. Simply wash your hair and style it with a hair dryer and hairspray. It is also advisable to cut your hair before photographing, but you need to do this at least a week before the shooting so that the hair takes the desired shape, as a fresh hairstyle will look unnatural. The main requirement for hair in a passport photo is that it should not cover the face. But you shouldn't go to extremes either. Smoothly combed back hair gathered in a bun just looks terrible in the pictures, especially if there is no bangs.
  2. neat clothes. Many people think that it does not matter at all what clothes they are photographed in for a passport. After all, only the neck and shoulders will still be visible. But it is not so. What you wear also affects the quality of the picture. For official ID photos, it is best to choose a plain blouse or V-neck T-shirt of any color, but you should avoid light shades, as you risk blending into the background in the picture. Clothing of variegated colors with many decorative elements is also not suitable.
  3. Correct facial expression. If you do not want your passport photo to look sullen and angry, then special attention should be paid to your facial expression and the pose in which you will be photographed. Practice at home and remember how you look best in the mirror, so that later you can correctly recreate it in the picture. Don't be too serious or funny. Passport photo requirements state that the facial expression must be neutral, the mouth must be closed, only a hint of a smile is allowed in the form of slightly raised corners of the lips. As for the posture, with its help you can correct some of the flaws in your appearance. So, in order to reduce a large nose or enlarge small eyes, you need to tilt your head back a little. If you do not want to have a double chin, then do not lower your head down. To make your face look proportional with a large chin, you need to tilt your head forward, and then the upper part of the face will appear larger. This will help balance it out.

We hope that our tips will help you, and you will be proud to show off your passport with a good photo.

The technical parameters of photographs for a foreign passport are strictly regulated and it is strictly forbidden to deviate from them. Unlike an ordinary photograph, a passport photo must perform one main function- allow to determine the authenticity of the person presenting the foreign passport. It is for this task that the standards are prescribed. Before making a choice with clothes, you need to carefully read the existing regulations, otherwise no change of clothes will help, the photos will not satisfy the FMS officer and will be returned for alteration.

General rules

At present, international passports of old and new samples are issued in Russia, the standards of these documents are somewhat different. An old foreign passport is valid for five years, for a biometric one this period increases to ten years. We will talk about photographing below, but now we should dwell on the general standard parameters. What requirements must a passport photo meet?

ImageClear without glare and darkening, without defects of artificial origin.
Face positionStrictly full face, it is forbidden to look away, smile, open your mouth, etc. The facial expression should be calm, focused and as businesslike as possible. The lighting is uniform, head tilts are prohibited.
ChromaPhotographs can be black and white or color, for the new biometric, color ones are made. There are certain restrictions on file sizes and permissions.
Main backgroundThe background behind is necessarily light and monochrome. Shadows, shades, distortions are strictly prohibited.
Linear dimensionsThe dimensions are strictly 35×45 mm, the oval of the head must occupy at least 80% of the total area of ​​the photographic paper.

If glasses are worn permanent basis then you don't need to remove them. Lenses should be only transparent, while glare cannot appear on them. Glasses should be worn with glasses so that the color of the eyes can be clearly distinguished. The existing frame cannot cover the eyebrows and distort the appearance of the nose.

Make-up, wigs, or hairstyles that cover the face are strictly prohibited. Only light daytime make-up is allowed, which does not distort the actual features of the person being photographed or being photographed.

Video - Photo for documents according to all the rules

How to take and send a photo yourself

In Russia, there is a portal of the State Services, with the help of which you can send prepared photos yourself.

To upload them, you need to do the following: maximum size 300 Kb, minimum size 200 Kb, JPEG file, photo height 45 mm, photo width 35 mm.

In order to improve the final quality of the photo, you can try it at home, make several attempts, correct them with a simple editor and print it out on a printer or transfer it to a USB flash drive and take it to the nearest studio. When taking photographs on your own, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations.

Features of children's photos

It is recommended to apply for an old passport with a validity period of five years. The fact is that they grow quickly and change their appearance, and an outdated photograph can create problems while crossing the state border. Another problem is with children. It is not always possible to successfully photograph a child even an experienced professional master, staff migration service do not have such skills and are unlikely to be able to do high quality photo for a biometric foreign passport.

For all technical requirements children's photography is no different from an adult, but there are purely professional features.

Children are photographed regardless of their age. Accordingly, when photographing, one should not forget the parameters of the microclimate in the room. If the temperature differs from comfortable values, then you should not hope for a good photo. Time will be wasted in vain, and the child may get sick.

Video - How to photograph newborns and babies

Video - How to take a photo for a passport

When taking a photo for a Russian passport, one should take into account the numerous requirements for the location of the face, appearance, format. If the requirements are not met, the photo will be invalid and the citizen applying for a passport will go to redo it.

In order not to get into a mess, you need to familiarize yourself with the necessary photo parameters in advance, which the passport office employees are unlikely to tell about.

Russian passport photo format

The size remains the same - 3.5 / 4.5 cm.

However, the following parameters are subject to verification:

  • it is permissible to be photographed only in full face, without tilting the head;
  • the photo is taken incorrectly if the oval of the face occupies less than 80% of the image;
  • special attention is paid to the position of the head in the photo: the width of its image should correspond to 1.8-2.5 cm, length - 3.2-3.6 cm;
  • there should be a free margin of 0.5 cm between the top edge of the photo and the image of the head;
  • the configuration of the face in the photo is also taken into account: the distance from the pupil to the pupil is at least 0.7 cm, from the base of the chin to the conditional line of the eyes - 1.2 cm;
  • the entire face should be in focus, including the hair and ears.

Consider: in Russia, you need to take care of the first passport photo earlier than in most countries of the former CIS, since they get it in the Russian Federation at the age of 14. In this regard, parents are advised to check the result of the work of the photo studio.

Russian passport - photo requirements

In addition to the requirements for location, proportions and "markup", there are also many others. They concern both the image of a citizen and the parameters provided by the work of a photo studio.

The background

An exclusively white background without inclusions or patterns is allowed. The common blue tint is not accepted.

Color spectrum

It is allowed to paste in a Russian passport not only a color, but also a black and white photo.

It all depends on the wishes of the citizen who draws up the document.

The photograph must be taken under studio lighting. Any effects are not allowed.

photo paper

You can print on both matte and glossy photo paper. The required density is 140-180 g / m 2.

Lomond paper is very popular for printing this kind of photo. The better the paper, the better the image will “lie down”.


It should be as clear as possible, with focus on the entire oval of the face.

Therefore, it is best to take photos in a professional photo studio, where sufficient lighting and the level of technology are provided. Although modern technology allows you to take pictures at home with the help of a gadget.

Appearance (glasses, beard, hairstyle)

Compliance with the rules appearance is a very important component.

What you need to know:

  1. People who constantly wear glasses cannot be photographed by removing them. But the glasses should not be tinted, because the color of the eyes is important. For the same reason, photography in colored lenses is unacceptable.
  2. No need to come up with an exotic hairstyle that makes a person unrecognizable! It should be as close to everyday life as possible. It is desirable that the ears are open. Hair should not cover the face. The same goes for bright makeup. For such a photo, it is better not to paint lips at all.
  3. A beard or mustache, if permanent, is allowed.


It is strictly forbidden to use for a passport a photograph in which the owner is depicted in a headdress.

An exception is possible only for citizens who do not remove their headgear for religious reasons.

But in this case, the face should be completely open.

Clothing Requirements

It is forbidden to be photographed in clothes by which one could recognize the type of activity (uniform, civilian clothes), especially if the logo of a certain organization is indicated.

Clothing also should not be too revealing, with a deep neckline. T-shirt is not the best option for a photo.

How many photos do you need for a Russian passport

Two photographs are enough, which should not differ from each other. If the document was lost, three are enough.

The same amount is provided upon reaching the age when a photo change is required.

Take into account: the pasted image must be "fresh" so as not to distort the original data. There is no need to stock up on such photos in advance.

When to change the photo in the passport of Russia

According to national rules, the planned replacement of a photo is made twice in a lifetime:

  • 20 years;
  • 45 years.

Also, the replacement can be unscheduled: due to loss, change of sex, surname. In the last two cases, the old document must be returned before the new one is received.

Take note: if the application is submitted through the Portal public services, then an electronic version of the photo card is attached. It must meet certain parameters: format - jpg, resolution - from 600 dpi, size - up to 300 kb.

Passport photo price

Standard set of photos - 4 pcs. The photo studio will not produce a smaller number.

The average cost of such a kit is:

  • from 250 rub. in Moscow (a quick snapshot is 50-70 rubles more expensive);
  • about 100 r. outside the capital (with an overpayment for urgency up to 50 rubles).

In some photo studios, the cost of a photo reaches 1000 rubles. Everything depends on the quality. Recording an electronic version of a photo will cost 50-100 rubles, a printout - from 150 rubles. Therefore, in self-production of photography there are more risks than benefits.

Have you ever asked someone to show their document and got a firm refusal? Most often, the reluctance to show your document is due to the fact that it contains an unsuccessful photograph. The reason for the unsuccessful image in the passport often lies not in the inability of the photographer, but in the banal lack of his time due to the high flow of customers. If the photo studio is overloaded, then the creative process often ends with the appearance of a technically good picture, but only suitable for decorating the "They are wanted by the police" stand.

Probably a lot of PC users, after taking a bad photo, dejectedly asked themselves: “Isn’t it better to take a photo yourself next time?” However, not everyone knows how to photograph for documents right. Indeed, among PC users, not everyone is well versed in graphic editors, without which the production of a high-quality image is unthinkable. Also, before taking pictures on your own, it is necessary to clarify the requirements for them from the representative of the organization that requested them. And don't forget simple rules addition . By combining the theoretical knowledge from this article with the technical tips below, you will get not only the correct, but also a beautiful picture for documents.

You don't need a photo studio to take a passport photo. It is enough to hang a clean pillowcase behind the back of the model!

What's up general requirements about the question " how to take passport photos”, they are as follows: you can’t shoot in a headdress or tinted glasses. Retouching is unacceptable, it should be filmed strictly in full face. Since the photograph is needed for comparison with the "original", excessive facial expressions that distort facial features are also unacceptable. The background for photographing should be slightly lighter than the skin.

Photo size for a Russian or Ukrainian passport is 35x45 millimeters. For Belarusian passport the required photo size is slightly larger - 40x50 millimeters. For Russians or Ukrainians foreign passport they will need a photo of 36x47 millimeters, and no more than six months ago. If a photo is required for a military ID, here the required dimensions are 30x40 millimeters.

As for the location of the subject, the distance from the top of the head to the top of the picture should be 4-6 millimeters, and the thickness of the paper should not exceed 0.3 mm.

It is better to take pictures in natural light, and the distance from the photographer to the client should be at least 2 and no more than 5 meters.

If the ID photo is taken at home, then a clean, white pillowcase folded in half will work well to get a good even background. When photographing, it is better to position the person close to the background - this will avoid unnecessary shadows.

Consider an example of working in a super popular editor

1) First of all, you should put the background in order. To do this, select Image -> Adjustments -> Curves. In the window that appears, take the right pipette (Set White Point), click it on the darkest part of the background. Then click OK and continue. For further operations, you need a millimeter ruler, which is called by pressing (View -> Rulers), and the units of measurement are selected from the context menu by right-clicking on the ruler with the mouse.

2) Then resize the photo for convenience. Click Image > ImageSize, set the Document Width to 100 millimeters and the Resolution to 300 dpi. After such a procedure, further processing will be much faster.

3) Now by pressing the following keys View -> New Guide you should create two horizontal guides, setting the Position values ​​​​to 50 and 62 mm. The distance between them will be 12 millimeters - this is exactly the distance between the chin and the line of the eyes. Next, press Ctrl + A and Ctrl + T in sequence, which will allow you to select the entire image and turn on the free transformation mode. Holding the Shift key to resize proportionally, you should hook the corner of the selected area and carefully reduce the image. This operation should be performed several times until the pupils of the eyes are on the upper guide line, and on the lower chin. To accept the changes, press Enter.

4) Then you should raise one guide line to the very top of the head, and the second (using a ruler) 5 millimeters above the first. This will create the top border of the photo. Using the Crop tool (called by pressing the C key), create a 35x45 mm area and move it so that the upper part coincides with the upper guide, and also so that the body of the person being portrayed is located in the center. Next, press Enter - and the photo of the desired proportions is ready.

5) Then you need to do the final touches. Discolor the photo (Image -> Mode -> Grayscale), and if necessary, adjust the contrast and brightness of the image (Image -> Adjustments -> Brightness/Contrast…). In order for the photo to be with a frame, you must select (Image -> Canvas Size). In the window that appears, you need to select the display of the size in pixels, enter a new height and width exceeding the original ones by 3 pixels. Next, you just need to click OK - and the photo with the frame is ready.

It remains to place the photographs on a sheet of paper, which will then be printed. To do this, a document is created with dimensions of 100x150 millimeters and a resolution of 300 dpi, and then the previously created photo is copied and pasted into the created document as many times as it will fit. Done - you can print.

For OVIR passport a black-and-white photograph of 35x45 mm, printed on matte paper, is required. And in this case, the image should be in an oval with feathering. This is easy enough to do. You need to select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and set the Feather parameter to, for example, 10 pixels. Now you need to select the entire image, invert the selection (Select Inverse in the context menu) and press Del (you need White color background).

For the Foreign Ministry passport you need a color photograph, so you should shoot in good light to achieve more natural color reproduction. A light background (but not white) is required, preferably a blue tint. The picture is prepared in such a way that its size becomes 36x47 millimeters, and the distance from the chin to the top of the head is 25–35 mm.

It is better to print on your own photo printer, choosing the optimal combination of brightness / contrast by trial and error. If there is no printer at home, you will have to go to a darkroom.