Vibrant landscapes. The most beautiful landscapes

When the time for holidays finally comes, a large number of people go to warm countries. A change in occupation and environment has for them importance. On vacation, it’s really possible to replenish your energy reserve, gain new impressions, restore your nervous system. In this article, we bring to your attention an overview of the most striking landscapes in the world, which are magnificent creations of Mother Nature. By visiting these heavenly places, you can relax your heart and soul, join the wonders of our planet.

Blue pond and tulip fields

The magnificent Blue Pond, located on the second largest in Japan, belongs to human creations. This most beautiful landscape in the world, considered a reserve, was formed due to the construction of a dam in these parts. The reservoir, located in a narrow plain, is so picturesque that it simply boggles the imagination. The Blue Pond got its name because of the bright aquamarine hue of the water, which favorably sets off the trees growing in the center of the reservoir. The Hokkaido Pond, which is a tourist attraction, attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world.

In the west of Holland, not far from the city of Lisse, there are delightful fields of tulips that amaze with varieties and colors for every taste. They seem to turn the earth into a fabulous paradise, painted with all the colors of the rainbow.

Every year, thousands of tourists seek to see this incredibly beautiful landscape. Tulips from Holland are sold in flower shops in many countries of the world.

and ice canyon

The stone forest, stretching over 152,000 hectares, is located in the west of Madagascar. This unique natural area consists of vertical stone cliffs formed over a million years ago. The reason for the appearance of these cone-shaped formations was limestone erosion. Nowadays, one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world is a huge block of stone, which is dotted with many mysterious labyrinths.

In the center of the island of Greenland, the Grand Ice Canyon, fascinating with its originality, stands out. Polar wolves, arctic foxes, walruses, seals and other animals live in this marvelous natural corner. The canyon is also home to ptarmigans, gulls and eiders. It incredibly attracts thousands of lovers of a good rest with its disturbing beauty.

Pink Lake and Uyuni Salt Flats

The pink lake in Senegal can rightly be included in the list of the most unusual landscapes in the world. The water in this lake, which has three times the salt concentration of the Dead Sea, has a rich pink color. It serves as a habitat for certain bacteria that give the color of the water such a fashionable shade. In Pink Lake, apart from them, not a single living organism is able to survive.

This is a dry-out salt lake in Bolivia. When it starts to rain and the surface of this miracle of nature is covered with water, it transforms into the largest mirror in the world. The mirror surface of the most beautiful landscape in the world, reflecting the clouds floating in the sky, is a stunning sight that boggles the imagination.

Horizontal waterfalls and the Valley of Flowers

The waterfalls in Australia's Talbot Bay are phenomenal natural wonders. Having visited them, you can see a picture of how huge masses of water with great noise and speed rush through one mountain gorge to another. At low tide, they change their route in the opposite direction, forming vertical streams of water and creating the effect of breathtaking vertical waterfalls. Only the bravest daredevils can decide to go on a boat to explore this unreal landscape of the most beautiful place in the world.

The magnificent Valley of Flowers, located in India, is especially loved by the fair sex. The beauty of this marvelous place is simply indescribable. The landscapes of the Indian National Park, whose flora and fauna amaze with their splendor, can touch the souls of even skeptical people. Alpine meadows covered with carpets of flowers, mountains covered with glaciers that amaze with their majesty make you believe in a fairy tale.

Rice Terraces and Chocolate Hills

Areas for growing rice in the Chinese province of Guangxi, can be safely called a masterpiece landscape design. These terraces, famous all over the world for their landscapes, cover the hills and mountains in layers. In springtime, the waters flowing from the springs abundantly irrigate them, turning them into sinuous, gleaming ribbons.

Every year a large number of tourists visit the island to admire one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. It has 1268 almost identical hills. According to one version, the formation of these coral highlands was influenced by geological processes occurring under the island.

The color of the hills changes depending on the season. In the summer they are bright green, and in the fall they take on the shade of chocolate truffles.

bamboo grove

In Japan, west of the city of Kyoto, tens of thousands of bamboo trees grow in an amazing, enchanting forest. Their slender trunks, in contact with each other, create a soothing chime. People who have visited this amazing natural area claim that the atmosphere in the bamboo grove has an incredible calming effect.

The amazing and unique planet Earth is full of various corners that amaze the imagination. To admire the charm of the most beautiful landscapes of the world, which were covered in the sections of this article, you just need to buy a plane ticket and go towards your dream.

Mother Nature is not afraid to go forward. The CNN website has selected 15 of the most striking and attractive landscapes from all over the world. Some of them appeared quite naturally, while others were helped by man.

The hydrothermal field, located northeast of the Erta Ale range in one of the lowest and hottest areas of the Danakil desert in Ethiopia, is a volcanic crater. And salty hot springs, such as yellow sulfur fields clad in white salt, dot the entire area around it.

Pink Gum Hillier is a 2,000 foot wide lake located on the Middle Island in Western Australia. You can view the wonder of nature by plane or take a tour from the nearby town of Esperance. The reasons for such a bright pink color of the reservoir are not fully known. One of them is high levels of salt and dye bacteria.

Caño Cristales River, Colombia

"Rainbow River" or "River of Five Colors", Cano in Colombia puts on a real show every year from July to November. At this time, the algae turn blood red and give the river an eerie but beautiful hue. And you can find this treasure in the Sierra de la Macarena National Park in the Meta department.

The striped cliffs of Danxia are located near Zhangye in the Chinese province of Gansu. The rich colors are the result of the interweaving of sandstone and minerals that formed here millions of years ago.

Rice terraces in Yuanyang province were established by the ancestors of the Hani tribe over 1,000 years ago to irrigate the red rice crop. In winter and spring, the plantations are flooded with water, which allows you to enjoy the play of sun glare, and in summer the terraces are covered with green shoots.

The largest hot spring in Yellowstone is about 90 meters in diameter and reaches a depth of 50 meters. The bright blue water in the center of the pool is too hot (188 degrees Fahrenheit) to sustain life, but bacteria and algae thrive around the edges. Heat-loving bacteria in the spring produce orange, yellow and red pigments, so it is best to admire the pond during this period. You will be greeted by a spectacle of simply indescribable beauty.

Rapeseed flowers cover the Lüping area every spring with a golden blanket. You can see all this splendor with your own eyes if you go to China in March.

Sunny and clear summer on the island of Hokkaido attracts lovers of hiking and nature. From spring to autumn, the ground in this place is covered with lavender, tulips and many other types of plants.

Lake Natron, Tanzania

This caustic lake along the Rift Valley region of Tanzania is very salty, hot and inhospitable to most plants and animals. However, flamingos and other wading birds live here, along with alkaline tilapia fish and salt-loving microorganisms that give the water an otherworldly red hue.

Some landscapes come alive with sunlight. An example is Antelope Canyon in Arizona. Its rich oranges, roses and purple colors attract not only travelers, but also photographers.

The deepest lake in the world - Baikal - is located in Siberia and reaches more than 1600 meters in depth. It also contains almost 20% of the world's unfrozen fresh water. And when the reservoir freezes, it acquires a bewitching turquoise shade of ice.

In the delta of the Liaohe River in the province of Liaoning, the Red Beach beach has settled down. It got its name from the algae that bloom in autumn and turn the beach into a juicy red meadow. If you wait for low tide, then enjoy the unique spectacle in full.

Every spring tourists come to the Netherlands to be surrounded by tulips. From mid-March to the end of May, rich shades of flowers adorn the landscapes of the country. Do you want to get into the peak of flowering? Then book your tickets for mid-April.

Deciduous forests in the northeastern United States seem to come out of bright colorful tapestries in autumn. Yellow, orange, red, green mountains attract the views of thousands of travelers from all over the world.

Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA

The fantastic geyser in the Black Rock Desert in Washoe County, Nevada is closed to the public as it is located on private property. But not everything is so sad, the owners offer exclusive tours to this natural attraction.

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Often, when looking at colorful photographs from different parts of the world, it is hard to believe that these landscapes really exist. And therefore, I really want to visit them all and see for myself that they are really so beautiful.

website collected for you the most impressive places on the planet. You might want to rethink your vacation plans!

Wave, Arizona, USA

Uyuni Salt Flat, Bolivia

The Uyuni Salt Flats is a dry salt lake in the south of the Altiplano desert plain, Bolivia. The inside is covered with a layer table salt 2-8 meters thick. During the rainy season, the salt marsh is covered with a thin layer of water and turns into the world's largest mirror surface.

Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA

Fly is a man-made geyser located in northwestern Nevada. It appeared thanks to the intervention of people: in 1916, a well was drilled in these places for a well, but a geothermal pocket was accidentally punched. In 1964, boiling water began to penetrate the surface, creating an unusual landscape from minerals dissolving in water.

Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan

Hitachi Seaside National Park in eastern Japan is an amazing example of landscape design. It is known for its colorful change of seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter have their own flower beds. By the end of spring, millions of American forget-me-nots bloom in the park.

Red Beach, Panjin, China

The beach near the city of Panjin is world famous for its unusual red color. The fact is that the banks of the Liaohe River are strewn with seaweed. From April to May, they are of the usual green color, and only by September, dying, gradually become bright red.

Lake in Glacier National Park, USA

The lake of divine beauty is located in the Rocky Mountains in the US state of Montana, on the border with Canada.

Giant's Road, Northern Ireland

The Giant's Road is about 40,000 interconnected basalt columns that appeared after an ancient volcanic eruption. The tops of the columns start at the foot of the cliff and gradually disappear under the surface of the sea. The tallest of the columns is about 12 meters high.

Rainbow Mountains, China

100 million years ago, there was a huge pool on the site of the mountains, which gradually dried up due to high temperatures. The sediments that remained at the bottom of the pool, when in contact with air, turned into interesting red and copper colors.


The Republic of Maldives has more than a thousand paradise islands scattered in the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. Each of the islands can be called a small miracle that has preserved the original freshness and purity of nature.

Badab-e-Surt, Iran

Badab-e-Surt is a natural wonder located in northern Iran. This place consists of stepped terraces made of a special breed - travertine. The orange color of the terrace was obtained due to a large number iron oxide.

Giant Buddha, China

The Maitreya Buddha statue in Leshan, China is one of the tallest Buddha statues on Earth. Its height is 71 meters, head height is almost 15 meters, shoulder span is almost 30 meters, finger length is 8 meters, toe length is 1.6 meters, nose length is 5.5 meters.

Lake Natron, Tanzania

Natron is a salty and alkaline lake located in northern Tanzania. Its depth does not exceed 3 meters. Due to the microorganisms that live in the lake, the crust of salt that covers it sometimes turns red and pink.

Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA

The canyon was so named due to the reddish-red walls, reminiscent of the skin of an antelope. It is a gigantic gap in the sandy rocks that arose under the action of water and wind.

Rice fields, Indonesia

Rice terraces in Bali, Indonesia, amaze with their picturesqueness. It would seem that they are simple rice sprouts, but how artistically planted. No wonder the rice fields and terraces on this island attract artists and gather tourists.

We continue to acquaint our readers with the best contemporary photographers. Today we will talk about the genre of landscape. So, read our review, share it with your friends and get inspired by admiring the works of landscape masters!

Dmitry Arkhipov



A native Muscovite Dmitry Arkhipov has been fond of photography since childhood. A physicist by education, Dmitry served in the army, worked at the Institute for Space Research under the Buran program, created his own well-known IT company, while continuing to improve in the field of landscape photography.

The results of his travels to 108 countries of the world were five solo exhibitions, where Dmitry's works were seen by more than a million people. Now Dmitry Arkhipov is a titled photographer, a member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, winner and laureate of national and international photo contests.



Denis Budkov is a native of Kamchatka, since 1995 he has been traveling and photographing his native land. Love for nature and the desire to show all its beauty became an incentive to learn the basics of photography and improve skills in practice. Denis's main passion is volcanoes, which are so rich in the nature of Kamchatka. The volcanic eruptions and peaceful Kamchatka landscapes captured by him have already received awards from the prestigious photo contests Best of Russia 2009, 2013, Wildlife of Russia 2011, 2013, Golden Turtle, Wildlife Photographer of the Year - 2011. Denis says that photography for him is a way of life, which is completely satisfactory. The main thing is to wait for the right moment to make the same frame.



Mikhail Vershinin became interested in photography as a child; he had to give up visiting the photo studio in favor of another hobby - rock climbing and mountaineering, but even on sports routes he took a camera with him. Craving for travel in wild places and passion for filming eventually led Mikhail Vershinin to landscape photography. He explains his choice of this particular genre not only by a craving for nature, but also by a special mood, the ability to convey feelings and emotions with the help of a captured moment. The works of Mikhail Vershinin have repeatedly become finalists and winners of Russian and international competitions, including "National Geographic Russia - 2004" and FIAP Trierenberg Super Circuit - 2011 in the "Night Image" nomination.



Oleg Gaponyuk, a MIPT graduate, lives and works in Moscow and has an unusual hobby - panoramic photo. For the sake of a good picture, he can easily go to the other side of the earth, while skiing, windsurfing and diving along the way. Despite the fact that his sports hobbies are associated with mountains, seas and oceans, in the field of photography, Oleg became interested in creating spherical panoramas in the air. He is actively involved in the project, within which more than 1,500 bird's-eye panoramas have already been made in the most interesting cities and corners of the world. In terms of the geography of shooting, the number of aerial panoramas and the artistic value of the material, this project is one of the world leaders in this type of panoramic photography.



MIPT graduate Daniil Korzhonov prefers to call himself an amateur photographer, because he simply does what he likes. Photography allowed him to combine his passion for painting and love of travel. As a landscape photographer, he visits the most beautiful places in the world and “paints” what he sees on film. Combining photography with travel allows Daniil to lead an active lifestyle and express his thoughts and feelings through beautiful and original shots taken both in the wild and on the streets of cities. He advises all novice photographers to shoot as much and as often as possible in order to better understand the surrounding beauty of the world.



Vladimir Medvedev - founder of the Club of Photographers wildlife, tireless traveler, professional photographer, winner of international competitions including the 2012 BBC Wildlife Photography Competition for the Eric Hosking Portfolio Award. Cooperation with wildlife reserves around the world allows Vladimir to take unique shots of the virgin world and its inhabitants. According to Vladimir Medvedev, photography is both an art, a means of understanding the world, and a means of influencing the world. Starting photography is easy - you just need to buy a camera and learn from the best.

Yuri Pustovoi



Yuriy Pustovoy is a graduate of VGIK, a cinematographer at the Odessa Film Studio with ten years of experience and a distinguished travel photographer. His work was recognized by the jury and visitors international exhibitions and photo contests, in the treasury of Yuri's awards is the Gold Medal of the International Federation of Photography FIAP Global Arctic Awards 2012. Yuri Pustovoy is not only a traveler and photographer, but also an organizer of photo tours for real amateur photographers and beginners. Landscapes from various parts of the world fall into the scopes of cameras of Yuri and his team. During the tour, Yuri shares his photographic experience, helps during filming with advice and deed, teaches how to process photographs in graphic editors.

Sergey Semenov

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Sergei Semyonov became interested in photography in 2003, when for the first time in his life he fell into his hands digital camera. Since then, he has not only devoted all his free time to this hobby, but also turned photography into a profession, exchanging a career as an economist for the fate of a travel photographer. In pursuit of the most beautiful views of the land, Sergey visits the national parks of North America, the mountains of Patagonia, the ice lagoons of Iceland, the Brazilian jungle and hot deserts. He shoots his favorite landscapes from a bird's eye view and is an active participant in the project. In his first panorama, Sergei showed the Kremlin as birds see it.

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The Belarusian photographer is known as a master of the landscape genre. Like many of his colleagues, he believes that beauty is everywhere, and the photographer's skill lies in showing it to the viewer. He is characterized by exactingness to himself and the quality of his work. You will be surprised, but sometimes Vlad comes to the same place several times to achieve the right lighting and shoot a great shot. And yet, Vlad has been reading our magazine for a long time and regularly shares his photos with our entire audience.

Alexey Suloev


Aleksey Suloev got his first camera at the age of seven and quickly got used to taking pictures of everything around him, especially since his passion for tourism allowed him to find himself in the most unusual, undeveloped places in the Caucasus, the Pamirs and the Tien Shan. Gradually, tourist trips turned into real photo trips. In pursuit of unusual shots, Alexei has already visited more than a hundred countries, the geography of his trips includes the most inaccessible and untouched places on our planet from the North to the South Pole. Alexey shoots because he cannot describe in words the beauty and diversity of the earth. He generously shares everything he sees with his audience so that everyone can find creative inspiration in the inexhaustibility of nature.