Trust is like paper once you remember perfect. Trust is like paper, once you remember - it will never be perfect, no matter how equal

Name: Puppet

Trust is when you give a hand, close your eyes, and let another take you across the road. But what a pity when you are betrayed! Yes, even the most reliable person! Lost trust is like a lost life, it is irretrievable.
To get a knife in the back, you just need to trust someone to the end. But how painful it is to realize all this! To realize that you were a temporary hobby for a person! A hobby that will pass with time! How to live after all this? When faith is lost ! When even friends betray! In such situations, Hugo’s statement is recalled: “I don’t
I relate to the knife blows of the enemy, but the pinprick of a friend is painful to me.” Why he did this, I don’t know ... Everything started so well! How painful it is to endure the betrayal of people close to you ... When they just spit in your soul, ridicule what is dear to you ... . By this, exposing your soul to the rest ... Probably due to the fact that in my life I had to meet too many such people, I just stopped trusting those who are now next to me ... It became too difficult for me to open my soul to tell about my experiences to those people whom I care about . Maybe those who are close to me now sincerely love me, appreciate and want to know what worries me ... but I can't. It's too difficult for me. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that they are the same traitors who were next to me before.
That's why I keep diaries all the time. The paper will definitely not give away my secrets, will not laugh at my secrets. But more and more often I want to be next to a person in whom I will be confident as in myself. A person who will never believe in gossip about me and will not turn away from me .... I would like to believe that soon I will meet such a person, and I will never again experience the pain of betrayal. When you make concessions for the sake of a person who is dear to you, and step over your principles, be prepared for the fact that this person will step over you, because few people appreciate it. People generally value little: they take everything for granted. Here it is, life. Everything is always the same: one is waiting for the other, but he is not and is not. Someone always loves more than they love him. And there comes an hour when you want to destroy what you love so that it no longer torments you. But it doesn’t work! For me, the strongest fear is to become superfluous in the life of that person who is really dear to me. And now this moment has come! because betrayal kills love like a slow-acting poison. First, faith disappears, then hope goes out, and then the heart cools down ... And so it happened .... He cheated on me ... .. How to live on? I'm afraid to start new relationships, I think that everyone will betray me ... And leave my life without even explaining the reasons why he is leaving! I won’t even know the reasons! There were many interests, there were many plans for life, but everything went awry, and now I don’t want anything, I don’t know where to go, everything I do - I do it like under pressure . I don’t know whether it’s worth waiting for time and everything will fall into place by itself, or continue to live, achieve something that you no longer want, and the mood will come by itself ... Maybe it happened to someone ... Please support me. It seems to me that I'm going crazy! I have insomnia or drowsiness almost every day. Feelings of worthlessness or unreasonable ideas of guilt almost every day; Fatigue or low energy almost every day; Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal intent! I don't want to live! Loss of interest and pleasure in things and activities that used to be pleasant to me. Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. A gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future. Difficulty falling asleep or waking up early. I don’t know if I addressed the address. It feels like life is passing by. Sometimes I just don't want to be here. I don't want to be anywhere. I don't want to see anyone, I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want anyone to see me, I don't want to move, I don't want to breathe. I am 20 years old. I just want to be somewhere where there is simply nothing, where nothing will be wanted or demanded from you. Everywhere I feel like a stranger and I'm lonely. Even at home, I just lock myself in my room, not wanting to see anyone. I really want to cope with this and be happy, but I don’t know how. I’m so tired of everything. I understand one thing, I only interfere with everyone in life. It will be easier for everyone without me. BAD when there is no one ... WORSE when there is no person nearby ... EVEN WORSE when there is no person you love ... CRUEL when he is, but not near ... HORRIBLE to realize that he will never be p further ... BAD when there is no one ... WORSE when there is no person nearby ... EVEN WORSE when there is no person you love ... CRUEL when he is, but not near ... HORRIBLE to realize that he will never be there ... There is no way to say: “I I STILL LOVE YOU." And most importantly, say: "COME BACK, I CAN'T BE WITHOUT YOU..." Loneliness comes from betrayal, you just don't want to try to trust people who once betrayed you anymore. three important words – I really need you! far away to start life anew, forgetting about the past .. But alas! There are no means to do this! It is not so difficult to become lonely, but then it is more difficult to get used to people. It is very difficult! God sends us love only once, and everything else is experience .minus loneliness is that after a while you start to get high from it. and you just don’t let anyone into your life. Sometimes you really want to go where no one knows your name ... Where no one knows you! You can’t run away from yourself! You can’t run away from memories! And trust in people won’t return from this! - nothing. After death, we will simply lie down in a wooden, concrete or lead box. Only emptiness will await us. But this emptiness will be the most pleasant gift in my whole life. How I want to see those who believe in me. But there are none, alas. And I have to withdraw into myself, assuring that they exist and simply have not yet been found. Mental illness is just a disease of the soul. In society, no one persecutes a person with bronchitis or joint disease, and mentally ill people are people who have all the same rights as other members of our society. They also suffer from pain, seek love and want to be happy. I never had the desire to jump off the roof, but sometimes I want to jump out of my life, out of my skin. The betrayal of loved ones leaves the deepest scars! Time will not heal them! there are moments when I feel so unhappy and unnecessary that everything seems indifferent. I want to bury myself in a blanket and lie like that for a week. most of all at such moments you expect that now, somehow miraculously, you will be remembered necessary people and snatch you from the clutches of this incomprehensible loneliness, but nothing happens. and it is at these moments that you realize your loneliness, although it seems that you are not alone in essence. and I want to give everything to hug you at least for a minute. I would really give it all now. It's sad when the people who gave you so many good memories become memories themselves. I rarely find it funny.
and less sad.
more and more often it doesn't.
more and more empty! Thank you in advance ALL!

Trust is like paper, once you remember - it will never be perfect, no matter how equal

Early morning, when dawn is still breaking at the very edge of the sky, and a cool, damp haze of fog spreads over the earth. And the ringing, refreshing dew has not yet disappeared from the grass and trees. Even the birds did not begin to sing, and only two even, measured breaths broke the silence of the sleepy garden.

Canon "Dance of the Tao", but instead of sharp blades - arms engulfed in flames. Red Hurricane and orange Sky bizarrely mixed, danced and intertwined, trying to hurt the enemy. Tsunayoshi did not look up from the pleased black eyes of Master Fong opposite. The childish body was not an obstacle for the former Arcobaleno, he still trained with Tsunayoshi, but now it was not just training - real fights, from which both received great pleasure. Because... Tsunayoshi understood how nice it is to fight someone who looks at the world the same way you do, who sees martial skills as an art, a way to achieve harmony, and not a means to kill. Even if they are not equal, and never will be, the master said that the teacher should always look beyond the achievements of his student. He must live them with him, so as not to forget the essence of art, not to lose himself in the endless pursuit of success and power. And he learned science anew with Tsunayoshi, putting his whole soul into his words.

The hand slid to her side, Tsunayoshi rolled over it to be behind the teacher. And she felt the Hurricane burn the ends of her hair. She blocked the other hand, grabbed the narrow hand and turned the Chinese towards her, not letting go. Free hands met, striking and blocking, the Sky intertwined with the Hurricane, flashed, extinguished it and at times went out on its own. A real dance in which Tsunayoshi unconditionally trusted her partner, even if he was dangerous and unpredictable.

Fong grinned slyly, his movements blurry. She felt a sinewy hand wriggle out of her grasp. In the next moment, a powerful sweep almost dropped her on the grass, but at the last moment the girl hit the ground with a wave of flame, leveling the position of her body, and kicked the master's ribs. Missed, but still made him bounce briefly. This time was enough for her to get up and take a stance.

Very well,” Fong nodded contentedly, dropping his hands. “Though the second exit might be a little...

Different, I already understood, - Tsunayoshi grimaced, remembering how she almost crashed into a tree, avoiding another attack.

The teacher's hand ruffled her hair, wet with dew and morning moisture.

You shouldn't be so worried. You've been learning this canon for only the second week, - Tsuna did not take her eyes off the dragon, wrapped around the mentor's shoulder. Fong always preferred to train in the same trousers, and even her T-shirt was replaced by a thin strip of fabric on the chest.

Now that there was no point in hiding their training and they resumed their training, it seemed to Tsunayoshi that she had returned to that same forest in France. Sweatpants, soft Czechs and a top, trees all around, and Fong next to him with a warm smile.

Only then there was no Gamma behind him, who was sitting on the grass under a tree, holding towels and warm sweaters for his friends.

I understand, she smiled. - Just a long-standing desire - I want everything at once.

Fong nodded, accepting the answer, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

And I want to compete with the boss! - Gamma got up, dusted off his soft house pants, passing the things to the Arcobaleno. In gray eyes - a proud challenge, self-confidence. And bright laughter. Unless, of course, she's tired.

I don't mind, - nodded Fong, who owned all of Tsuna's morning time. He sat down on a blanket spread out to the side, on which there was already a small teapot with small cups.

Not tired! - provocatively smiled Tsuna, taking a stance. - Shall we start?

The difference in their skill with the teacher is so great that their duel has always been beyond the ordinary battle. An art where every blow is almost poetry, and the goal is not to kill, but to teach and learn. And to some extent, they resembled two perfectly fitted parts of the mechanism, the gears in the clock. They understood, read each other, as only a teacher and a student can. A leisurely ritual, almost a tradition, each time a new one.

With Gamma it was different. Unpredictable, like the lightning he wielded. Agile, quick, nimble, and in battle also arrogant. Either powerful attacks that sweep away everything in their path, or almost weightless touches. It was impossible to predict where he would move next time, where he would strike. And Tsuna adored this unpredictability, because then she gave all her best, tried her best.

She quickly attacked him, trying to hit him in the ribs, but every time she met a block. She left the trajectory of his movements, jumped, dodging numerous sharp thorns-discharges, which the Guardian did not skimp on. Between them, the air itself sparkled - with excitement, fun and ringing laughter. Tsuna showed a stretch - she tried to strike at the neck, but the man caught her leg by the ankle in time, squeezed and ... stroked the protruding bone with his thumb. And raised an eyebrow questioningly. What will the boss do next?

Tsuna heard the teacher's mocking chuckle behind her back. Yes, they worked out, and more than once, ways out of such situations.

Gamma became her mainstay as she folded her leg and dangled from him. A blow to the kneecap and thigh made the man gasp and release the "prey", and the next moment the girl was already choking him, her hips clasping her neck. Trained women with their feet may well break the neck of even a large man.

I give up! croaked Gamma, reddened from lack of oxygen.

Tsuna smiled triumphantly.

The sun had long since left the horizon, and it was already nine in the morning when Tsunayoshi came out of the bathroom in her usual business suit. A cup of hot tea and toast with jam were waiting on the table - a simple breakfast, probably brought by the thoughtful Bianchi.

While the computer was turning on, the girl crunched appetizingly, drinking a fragrant drink with the smell of thyme. M, lovely.

Still, it's good that Gamma is back. Even two days without him were... intense. Tsunayoshi had no idea how unaccustomed to cope without her indispensable assistant. How accustomed to his invisible guardianship.

Reborn stubbornly, albeit subtly, tried to prove the shortcomings of Fong's training, to demonstrate the advantages of his own methods.

Silly idea, to be honest. Had he forgotten that Tsuna was well aware of all his methods? Or decided not to focus attention?

On a secret line, Basil sent data on the first family, Rosie.

Elia Gokudera - oranges

Ottavio Crippa - restaurants

Giacomo Angelini - factory

Francesco Tosca - Lemons

Everything is a port

This means that everyone got their own small piece of Rosie's business and possessions, and they left the port in common, dividing it into spheres of influence. Tsunayoshi began to remember what she knew about these families. Gokudera in Messina owned a small factory for the production of marmalade and jam. Nothing special, but the case brought stable income. No wonder Elia grabbed the orange plantations. Tosca were in charge for the most part of vegetables and fruits, in almost every region there were several hectares of fertile land that belonged to this family. Tsunayoshi remembered the overweight man with the lush gray mustache and white hair that she had seen in Port's restaurant. They were not closely acquainted, met a couple of times when the interests of families crossed. Francesco turned out to be a smart, insightful and far-sighted man, they managed to agree to the general satisfaction.

But that's all she could say. And she had no idea about the other two families.

So, it will be necessary to find out.

However, Basil Tsunayoshi was in no hurry to share information. Intuition suggested that this might not be safe, that the true criminal was probably now eyeing them, looking for ways to access the mansion. And although she did not doubt the genius of Shoichi, Spanner and Gianini, it was better to play it safe. As they say, there is a hole in the old woman.

Only two bodies - Leo Ricci and Mark Fontana - were found at the crime scene. Bianchi picked everyone brief description, including a description of the last five missions before the loss.

Tsunayoshi got rid of the stereotypes about the flame a long time ago. A person with power does not have to be on the front line. But pushing it somewhere into a corner will not work, and it's stupid not to use resources. However, Leo Ricci was a prime example of the opposite. An orphan who started from the bottom, he worked for a long time as an ordinary, unremarkable analyst in one of the small departments of the Vongola. Interestingly, for almost seven years, Ricci regularly, once every six months, filed a petition for transfer to the operatives. Along with combat characteristics, all the necessary analyzes and approvals from various commissions. And every time he was refused, despite the outstanding success in martial arts and the stable flame of Rain. Only when Carlo came to power, Ricci was able to enter the task force. Twenty-seven successfully completed missions.

Recent: Naples, Palermo, Nice, Palermo again and... Sciacca. Tsunayoshi bit her lip. It is not clear what the mafiosi was looking for there, he did not have time to provide a report, he disappeared right from Shakka. According to the partners, nothing was touched in the hotel room, there were no signs of a struggle. He was seen in a small restaurant, where he left... and disappeared. Like it fell through the ground. He was not seen again. The Vongola didn't raise a fuss: Ricci had no weight in the eyes of the Alliance families, there was nothing to show, no evidence. He had no family, no children. Not even a girlfriend or friend was observed. Nothing was found in his apartment either.

In contrast to Leo, Mark Fontan's ancestors served the Vongola for many years, starting somewhere around the third or fourth boss. Successful, with an excellent education, with a considerable inheritance, nevertheless, he immediately went to the operatives. Stable Thunderstorm, excellent firearms skills. Lovelace, a heartthrob in the past, in the present is an exemplary husband and family man, the father of two charming girls. The wife is an intelligence analyst.

Recent missions: Paris, Rome, Venice, one local, not far from the main headquarters of the family, and Palermo. His plane landed safely at Falcone Borsellino, Palermo's main airport. After that, no one saw him. Things were sent by mail by employees of the airport, following the order of Mark himself. He clearly intended to travel light. A train runs from the airport to Palermo every hour, you can get there by bus. So what happened anyway?

Tsuna grunted sadly: when the airport was being built, it was named after two mafia fighters. It was believed that this would save the largest city in Sicily from crime families. Already the mafiosi are disappearing at this airport.

At first glance, these two have nothing in common. They didn't even cross paths. And if we take as a basis the randomness of the choice of victims? Then converges. They abducted those whom it was convenient to capture, whose disappearance will not be given attention. After all, even Mark is not such a significant figure, according to the Vongola, to risk people, funds and relationships with the families of Palermo, investigating his loss. This was literally seen in every line of the conclusions of the expert and analyst.

Tsunayoshi put her fingertips together. If the choice is random, then one of them disappeared on the territory of the enemy family - the true author of all the problems. If not by accident, then they knew something. And all the same, information should be raised about those families that live in the places of their last assignments.

We also need to get a brief description of all Rosie's "heirs" and wait until Basil sends a second batch of data. Maybe there is something in common? Or someone?

The girl reached for the telephone receiver, about to call Gamma, Shoichi and Bianchi, but her fingers were covered with a narrow, pale palm.

Maybe I can help you, Tsunayoshi-chan, kufufu? Mukuro bowed his head like a curious and very dangerous bird of prey.

A chill ran down her back, but she managed to control herself.

With Basile still out and the trade for Gamma coming to an end, Reborn's next choice was Mukuro. As Tsuna had predicted, the exchange period had grown to a week. And the illusionist began a systematic siege. Smiles, inadvertent touches, insidious double entenders and deceptively innocent looks. However, all this left indifferent. Of course, any girl would enjoy the attention of a handsome, self-confident guy, but for Tsunayoshi... Mukuro's systematic flirting did not cause even a fraction of those goosebumps, that thrill, like a simple touch of Gamma's fingertips. From the very presence of the Guardian, the heart lost its rhythm.

Yes, Mukuro, she smiled. - Call, please, Bianchi and Shoichi.

The illusionist slid closer, almost unacceptably close. Tsuna felt the light smell of cologne dizzy, clouding her mind. Rokudo's eyes flashed scarlet, the man took a thin palm, kissed his wrist, in the place where the vein beat in an even rhythm.

You know, I'm finding more and more advantages in winning over you, Tsunayoshi." For the first time, there was no laughter in the deep, ingratiating voice. Mukuro looked seriously, continuing to stroke the skin of his hand.

But it was not in vain that Tsunayoshi spent so much time training with Fran and Michelle, she learned to resist the capture of her own mind. A scorchingly bright petal of flame flashed and blossomed inside, it raced through the body in a spiral, clearing it of the influence of the extraneous Mist. The girl freed her hand, barely keeping from wiping it on the hem of her skirt.

You meant to take over my body, didn't you, Mukuro? she tilted her head.

The fogger narrowed his blue eyes, peering intently, as if re-evaluating her and his chances of winning. Tsunayoshi met his gaze boldly, raising her chin proudly. She represented the approximate course of his thoughts. As Guardian, he has nothing to offer the boss of the Butterflies, a former prisoner of Estraneo, a test subject who has never been trained anywhere, no match for the natural talent, a student of one of the Richard sisters, who tried to pass on all her experience to Fran. So, he had only personal influence. But Tsunayoshi skillfully got rid of him too, never removing the scarf with the brooch from her hand.

And by the flash of a spark in the blue abyss, Tsuna realized that the game was not over yet. She won the battle, but not the foggy war.

Bianchi slammed her clip in, reloaded her weapon, and took aim.

This fogger.... From their first meeting in Namimori, the woman realized that they would not become friends. But now, pestering the boss, he has crossed all boundaries. Skillful, but such frank flirting... infuriated. Today, while she was getting her assignment, the obnoxious illusionist was once again circling Tsunayoshi. The boss smiled, laughed at his jokes, but she didn’t forget about the matter either.

Gokudera never had the habit of lying to herself. In the depths of her soul, she was afraid that Mukuro would be able to lure the boss, deceive and subdue her will. She believed in Tsunayoshi, in her strength, but... it was still scary. Because of all the Guardians, she was the only one who imagined what Rokudo was capable of, what power lay in his damned eye. She remembered how she killed at his command, how she inflicted wounds on herself, a helpless puppet, forced to realize her own actions with horror.

Moreover, she did not understand the strange behavior of Gamma. He did not react to Rokudo's behavior in any way, ignoring him, dousing him with Arctic cold and indifference. And this fogger could not be penetrated. And sometimes Bianchi wanted to scream and kick a friend so that he would come to his senses and stop doing nonsense.

Emotions were not supposed to affect the case, so she splashed them out at the shooting range, presenting the face of the hated illusionist in place of the target.

If you get angry, you will never hit, - a familiar calm voice sounded behind him.

Gamma approached, stood beside him, began to check the weapon and the nearby target. Bianchi tore off her headphones, glaring at him, trying to drill a hole in her friend's impenetrability. After all, he wasn’t like that before, he used to flare up at the slightest provocation, and Tsuna was generally the most painful and explosive topic. So what has changed?

What? The man raised an eyebrow.

I don't understand you." The woman folded her arms across her chest. “How can you be so calm while watching your girlfriend get molested by another?!

I trust her,” Storm shrugged.

But before...

I wasn't sure before.” He put down the gun. His eyes looked ahead and did not see.

Bianchi froze, held her breath, afraid to frighten away the moment of revelation. All Butterflies knew about the feelings of the Storm, about his indifference to the boss. His eyes... at that time, they burned with sulfuric acid. So many doubts, vague shadows.... However, neither Tsuna nor Gamma had the habit of blurting out their secrets and feelings, putting them on display. Despite their emotionality, it was difficult to imagine more secretive creatures. Therefore, the Guardians were worried about their comrades.

Gamma opened up to her, took off his eternal armor for a moment, because he believed her, because they were family. Bianchi realized that Storm saw that she was sincerely worried, and therefore spoke directly.

You know how kind Tsunayoshi is.” He winced a little, remembering something unpleasant. - And I considered myself one of those to whom her kindness extends. I dared not expect more. But in last days... I'm just sure. I trust her.” He shrugged helplessly. I don't know how else to put it, how to describe it...

Bianchi was struck by his smile. Open and a little defenseless. And full of such all-consuming happiness that blinded his eyes, his head was spinning. She turned away, chuckled.

Then I will believe you.

Gamma nodded. Once again, the collected deputy boss returned.

Besides... who said I was going to leave the situation unattended? A vindictive smile flickered across her lips.

Perhaps I will help you, - the poisoned smile of the temptress.

Their shots sounded simultaneously and hit the targets exactly in the heart.

Later, when Gamma left, Bianchi couldn't help but smile. She was happy for her friends, she liked to see them so happy. And only after talking with Storm, having received a charge of his invigorating and refreshing energy, she was able to look at the situation without prejudice. To the eternal, impenetrable calmness of Tsuna, who treated Mukuro as an inconvenient, but necessary employee for the common cause. If she hadn't thought so much about the past, she might have noticed it earlier.

Hurricane, what to take from her! Always feels first, and then thinks, always on emotions. Even if she managed to acquire the ability to keep her cool in recent years, her essence still cannot be changed.

But Tsuna will have to be fought for. And she really liked Gamma's plan! I did not expect such deceit from a straight and sharp blond.

Sorry, I didn’t think that there was someone here, - Gokudera entered the shooting range. - Bianchi?

Hello, brother, - the woman grunted, collecting things. - Don't worry, I'm leaving now. So many things to do, she sang contentedly. The mood rose like yeast dough.

Wait," Gokudera exclaimed a little nervously.

Bianchi stopped, looking at her brother with interest. He grew up, matured. She could be proud of such a brother, if not for his insistent desire to return what was. To take away what was the meaning of Bianchi's life. A smart, prudent analyst, able not only to be at the peak of the attack, like Hurricane, but also to make win-win combinations.

I wanted to apologize, - he lifted his chin, looked openly.

The woman raised her eyebrows in surprise. Hmm, this is a great chance for her to take the overly emotional Hurricane out of the game for a while.

Why, Hayato? Because I had to die? For not seeing your father for years? Or because I was the one who had to break his arm? - she saw how every word, every phrase beats backhand, forcing the man to shudder. Green eyes darkened with pain. But Bianchi was not ashamed. She knew how to be cruel. - Or because you left Tsuna and never even thought about her? What to apologize for? For betraying a friend? She was dying without you, without you. Slowly degraded, and one day, if you deigned to look into Namimori, you could find a frightened housewife, of which there are hundreds and thousands all over the planet. Not even Sawada anymore. If not for Nana, Tsunayoshi would surely have committed suicide. Although... if not for Master Fong, I'm sure that even the presence of maman would not have stopped her.

She exaggerated. Tsunayoshi would never give up without a fight, never break down completely. Despite everything, her will to win is strong, as is her lust for life, even if no one believes in it. But Hayato doesn't need to know about it at all. This idiot needs to understand what exactly they've done. And one, very modest, not reflecting the truth, overheard confession of Tsuna is not enough for this.

The woman gathered her weapons and approached her brother.

You think I don't see what you're doing? she asked coolly. "You want to get the boss back.... But I'm going to fight for Tsuna." And she doesn’t intend to give you her place, - she came up, pressed herself against her shoulder, her lips touched the edge of her ear, which made Hayato shudder. Don't say I didn't warn you, bro.

About everything: about the consequences of the "change of Heaven", about attempts to take her place. About everything...

The woman walked out with a regal posture and a proud air.

Good afternoon, Reborn, - she nodded to the dark silhouette against the wall and went on.

She still had a lot of work to do.

Is that how you're going to get laid?

What's wrong with that, Reborn? He flung the parts of the gun away from him in rage. "You can see Tsunayoshi's reaction very well yourself." She listens to us, talks to me and Yamamoto, but as soon as we talk about Namimori, about the past, this smile of hers appears. She nods like a Chinese dummy and translates the topic so masterfully that even I don’t notice how it happens. She loves her family and is not going to leave them. So wouldn't it be better to give up and pay attention to Carlo? He's clearly up to something! - in the end Hurricane almost growled, clenching his fists.

He hated himself now, felt disgusted with himself. Discussed a girlfriend like a piece of meat. Like a goal to be conquered. It's like she's a stranger, a stranger.

And so it was. They did not know the current Tsunayoshi at all, in whose every movement, when talking to them, a subtle irony slipped. A smile, understanding in her eyes and a quick change of topic, to which she skillfully did not let her return. Tatsu's school, which, despite all his intelligence, Gokudera could not get into.

Carlo is not your problem! Reborn snapped. The famous killer looked displeased and cold. "Your task is to bring Tsunayoshi to our side in order to save the Vongola." In the near future, her attention will be scattered, and her mind will be open. Mukuro will take care of it. You and the rest of the Guardians should take advantage of this to regain their former closeness to Tsuna. Otherwise, the family will be lost. Am I making it clear enough? Reborn raised an eyebrow.

Yes, - Gokudera gritted his teeth.

The killer nodded and left, leaving the Keeper seething with impotent rage.

The bluish-black cloudy sky was illuminated by occasional flashes of lightning. Thunder rumbled. A gale-force wind ruffled the lush magnolia bushes, cruelly, ruthlessly tore off their delicate petals and threw them into the mud underfoot.

Tsunayoshi didn't feel the piercing cold. She stared wide-eyed at the ruins of her family's once-beautiful mansion. Basil lay on a large stone with his arms outstretched. He seemed to be sleeping, but every time the wind pushed back the light strands from his forehead, Tsuna saw a scarlet spot of thick, congealing blood. Broken fingers still gripped the pistol grip, which had been tied to death with the torn pieces of his shirt.

It's a dream, it just can't be, it's not true. Tsuna didn't want to, couldn't look at it. But her eyes did not obey her, and her legs walked on their own, further. And she was afraid of what she might see there.

It's you, you're to blame. If you hadn't sent him, things might have turned out differently. He was too weak to resist them.

Her footsteps resounded in the deserted house, the noise of the wind and the approaching thunderstorm penetrated even here. With a creak, the door, sagging on one hinge, opened.

A ballroom with a piano in the corner, sheet music scattered across the floor. Numerous footprints. And a dark figure in the corner. Tsuna covered her mouth to keep from screaming in horror. Nothing reminded me of one of the most beautiful mafia women. His business suit was torn, and his legs were tangled with crimson streaks of dried blood and purple bruises - fingerprints. His face was smashed beyond recognition, his jaw was twisted, and his hands, the very ones that comforted him more than once, hugged him tightly, protected him from anxiety, were thrown behind his head and broken. Tsuna looked at the snow-white bones, at the thin, aristocratic fingers, so tender, so fragile... They were covered with a web of dark pink hair darkened with blood.

Bianchi .... For what?

She didn't let you in. When there was no strength left, she sacrificed her beauty, enticed me to let you go. Basically, you killed her. It's you, no one else.

Fran. The first tears slipped down her cheeks when Tsunayoshi saw the serene, calm face of the little illusionist. The wind penetrating into the remains of the building ruffled the green strands, stroked the arrows on the cheeks. And Tsuna was crying, choking with pain, counting the marks from the stab on her brother's body.

The black crater is where Shoichi and Spanner's lab should have been.

Protection. They prevented the system from being infiltrated, they took your secrets with them to the grave. Yours. Secrets.

Whispering sounded in his head, bouncing off the walls, words overlapping each other, turning into the most terrible truth. Tsuna covered her ears with her hands so as not to hear, not to feel. But don't run away from yourself. She kept hearing what the voice whispered to her.

Not! It is not true! she screamed into the void. Her voice flew a couple of meters and fell like a stone, muffled by a ghostly whisper.

Liar. Liar. Why are you lying to yourself?

With all her legs she rushed up the dilapidated stairs up to her room. Bending around stones and protruding steel bars, panting, falling and rising again, scratching their hands, knocking their knees into blood, they rushed to where the worst was waiting for her. She had to verify what her intuition was whispering.

On the threshold of her room lay the body of a man. A couple of meters from him is a broken thin battle pole. Tsuna took a few steps, just long enough to see a proud profile, light golden hair. And lifeless, empty, gray eyes.

Her heart pounding in a desperate rhythm, she fell to her knees, clutching her chest, trying to force a breath of air into her lungs. It did not work, as if a stake had been driven under the ribs. She was choking and crying, crying, screaming in a choked voice, bending over, grabbing her shoulders.

Tsuna buried herself in the carpet, moaning muffledly into the thick pile. She mourned good man, your friend and comrade. And your unrequited love.

She was shaking. From cold, from grief. From the realization of his guilt. And she wept, sobbing aloud, choking with tears and cries.


He himself chose to become closer to you, dearer. And paid for it. Covered your departure to the last.

Tsunayoshi crawled over, turned the man on his back, and with a groan, buried herself in his forehead, cold, marbled. She took his hand, put it to her cheek, as if it could revive him. Deceiving yourself.

Gamma, please…” she whispered plaintively. - You promised... Gamma!

She buried herself in her blond hair, still smelling of the freshness of the forest, and froze so as not to be, not to exist. More than anything, she wanted to die next to him right now. Tsuna was crying and lightly kissing her cold forehead. And she begged for something.

She gave up. She admitted her guilt.

It's all her fault.

And overhead, a raging thunderstorm was unfolding in full force.

Tsuna jumped up screaming, tangled in the blanket. His heart was beating wildly in his chest, sweat was streaming down his face and back, and the wind that flew in through the open window chilled his skin unpleasantly, causing goosebumps to run through his body.

The girl pinched herself, feeling pain. A dream, just a bad dream, nothing more.

The next night, nightmares kept her awake. Tsunayoshi understood that this was no accident, but she could not help herself - in a dream, her mind became defenseless, and all hidden fears crawled out. What she hid in the daylight came back to her tenfold at night. And she couldn't sleep anymore.

It's not just the fear of losing friends. Tsuna was afraid one day to make a mistake and become the cause of their death. After all, she would not be able to cope, would not be able to live with the understanding that it was she who sent them on this or that task from which they did not return.

Tsuna buried herself in her pillow and wept softly. She wanted to sleep, really, really wanted to sleep so she could gain strength to fight her fears again. To be a strong, self-confident Butterfly, and not a Worthless Tsuna, a girl sobbing into a pillow right now.

And she couldn't. Every evening she looked at the bed with apprehension, exhausting herself with training, reports, meditations. To no longer see nightmares, fall asleep and sleep until the morning without dreams. But they came. Again and again, whenever she closed her eyes for a moment.

She had no right to tell her friends about this, so as not to burden them with additional problems. Shoichi is looking for information on Rosie's "heirs", systematizing the data sent by the Vongola scouts. Bianchi does not get out of the archive, noting which families own the cities in which the "evidence" has been. Fong watches over Fran with one eye so that the Vongola doesn't harm the illusionist.

Well, the most main reason her silences are the temperament of her Guardians. Having learned about such an "attack" on the boss, they would certainly not have restrained themselves, responded to the Vongola's provocation. And they would become debtors of the main family. Tsunayoshi couldn't let that happen, no way.

The body, exhausted by constant panic attacks, rushes of adrenaline, refused to obey. Tsunayoshi began to notice that she almost did not understand what her friends were talking about, skipped many points of speech, lost the thread of the conversation. If it wasn't for Gamma...

A dead look appeared before my eyes again, a body on the second floor. Tsuna opened her eyes, trembling, tears were already flowing non-stop. She's so tired, so tired.

I began to notice that in the presence of Gokudera and Yamamoto, nightmares recede. Even feeling Hibari's shadow behind her, hearing Ryohei's screams out of the corner of her ear, she felt calmer, could take a nap or close her eyes. With her mind she understood what she was being so unobtrusively pushed to, but she could not help herself. Despite everything, Mukuro remained a strong illusionist, there was no evidence of his interference with her mind. And the visions seemed to suck the life out of her bit by bit, after which she felt broken, tired, almost powerless. It's like... Mukuro didn't talk about the Underworld for nothing. He seemed to have brought Hell into her head. And she could not even ask him to stop putting pressure on her - there was no evidence.

As a result, she began to spend more time with the Vongola Guardians, to communicate with them. Memories of those sunny days when they were together, gave a long-awaited peace to her soul.

Tsunayoshi rolled onto her back, staring at the dark ceiling. Tears dried up, she pulled herself together. It cannot go on like this. She is no longer Worthless to dance to their tune. Somehow she would last the time that Mukuro had left, and then Fran would come and help her to sleep.

In the meantime, you need to get to work, you still won’t be able to fall asleep.

But before that....

Next to it was Fran's room, opposite Mukuro's bedroom, who wanted to "be closer to the temporary boss, kufufu". The boy, on the other hand, was so exhausted during Lar training that he slept without hind legs, which is why Tsuna did not want to bother her brother with her nightmares. The teenage body needs a full, stable rest. Nothing, she'll be fine.

But the next door led to Gamma.

Tsunayoshi opened it easily and slipped inside. Not for long, just for a couple of minutes, as she did from the very beginning of terrible dreams. Just to make sure he's all right. That his death is really nothing more than a vision inspired by one illusionist who went through Hell.

Through the open window - the only salvation from the heat - an oblique beam of moonlight fell. He did not reach the bed, on which the powerful silhouette of a male figure darkened. Tsuna understood that coming to the sleepy, half-dressed Guardian at night was not the most best idea for the gradual, unhurried development of their relationship. However, she needed to make sure that Gamma was just sleeping and that his posture coincidentally resembled the one she saw in her nightmare.

I could not believe that it was hot outside - the girl felt the cold breath of that thunderstorm with her skin, goosebumps still ran through her body.

Quietly, so as not to wake her up, she went to the bed and stopped a couple of steps away, holding her breath.

Gamma was asleep, and even in his sleep his face was concentrated, as if he was solving some important problem. Tsuna wanted to smooth out the deep wrinkle between her light eyebrows, to find herself in his arms again, in order to finally understand - yes, he really is here with her, alive and well. His life served as a guarantee that everything was in order. For some reason, her brain had deduced this axiom on its own: if Gamma lived, everyone else lived.

The only thing that Tsuna allowed herself was to move the interfering strands from her forehead. But that was enough to make the man open his eyes. Dark silver glittered in the dim light.

Tsuna? he asked hoarsely, still not fully understanding what was happening and where he was.

I'm sorry, - the girl smiled forcedly, giving herself an independent look. - Just... just.

Nightmares? - understandingly answered the Guardian, sitting up in bed. - What have you dreamed about?

I don't remember." Tsunayoshi shrugged. - I think it's a storm. I'm sorry to disturb you, I'm leaving now.

She was already turning when Gamma grabbed her arm.


Gamma, I...

If she doubted that she would be able to cope with the situation herself, she would definitely turn to the others. Unfortunately, she knew she could overcome her problems. The only question is the price. The calmness of the Keepers and her few sleepless nights.

I don't want to rush...

That's not the question," the Guardian snapped, causing her to flush. "Tsuna, I know you think the boss has no right to be weak." And the Head of the Butterflies is exactly like that: decisive, kind, fair. But look at me now. What do you see?

Tsuna carefully looked at the man and realized what he was leading to. Without a black business suit, disheveled, rumpled Gamma looked so ... unusually earthly. He was wearing only home trousers, which emphasized strong, wide hips, not pumped abs, strong arms with wide wrists and long, beautiful fingers. A pillow mark on her cheek, a feather in her hair behind her ear, and the remnants of sleep in her brightened eyes.

Man,” she replied, intertwining their fingers.

And in front of me now is Sawada Tsunayoshi. Do you really think that I will demand from you the behavior of the boss? Just tell me what do you want?

The girl came up, buried her nose in his shoulder, breathed in the warm smell of his skin, attractive, homely. He recognized her not only the right to choose, but also the right to weakness. The right to be considered an ordinary person, which, to be honest, she had already forgotten.

I want to sleep, she answered simply.

Then wait here, - Gamma sat her in the center of the disheveled bed. - Be back soon.

Before she could say anything, he was out the door after turning on the light. Tsuna took his pillow, buried her nose into it, without closing her eyes. Still afraid. But in the bright light, in Gamma's room, for some reason it was very comfortable and not at all scary.

Gamma returned five minutes later, carrying a large mug.

Have a drink. A special recipe from Aria Ginglio Nero. She always made it for me when I was sick.

Tsunayoshi smiled as she accepted the hot mug, warming her whole body. Milk with honey, its smell drove the thunderstorm from her body. The girl inhaled the aroma and began to savor the drink in small sips. Something else, besides honey, some other additive, but the tired mind refused to "register" it. When the mug was empty and Tsuna scraped the rest of the honey off the sides, she set the bowl down regretfully. And yawned heartily. It was only now that I realized that I had finally warmed up. And it's not because of the hot drink.

And now - sleep! Gamma ordered.

Turned off the light, climbed under the covers, grabbed Tsuna into his arms, hugging him.

Remember, no matter what happens, I'm here.

Sawada nodded. There was no more strength for embarrassment, his eyes were closed. The girl ran her fingers along her man's forearm. All contradictory, steely muscles - and soft, warm skin. A killer capable of being caring and loving. In his words - emotions and rage, and in his hands - calmness and protection. Tsuna closed her eyes, buried herself in the hollow between her collarbones. I didn’t want to think about anything right now, I just wanted to enjoy.

Good night Gamma.

Good night, Tsuna.

Before finally passing out, the girl felt a light kiss on her forehead.

After making sure that Tsuna fell asleep completely and irrevocably, Gamma took out his phone and dialed a short message from Bianchi.

Come. Take everyone.

And he buried himself in the lush, disheveled hair of the girl and tried to breathe in her. On any other day, he would not share his unexpected joy with anyone, until the morning he would squeeze the girl in his arms, feeling her gentle warmth. So dear, so close. However, her strange behavior... was alarming. Tsunayoshi is strong, she wouldn't bother anyone over trifles, but Gamma could see how tired she was, how her eyes darkened with worry when she thought that no one was paying attention to her. And not only he noticed this - absolutely all Butterflies were at a loss. When she first came to his room, he was frightened, but pretended to be still asleep. Tsunayoshi stood, looked and left. And so it was repeated several times. He couldn't take it today.

Fear, anxiety, and deep down - guilt. They seemed to be cutting to the living, the man could not find a place for himself. I tried my best to make life easier for the boss.

A couple of minutes later there was a knock on the room.

Come in, turn on the light.

Gamma closed his eyes for a short time, and while blinking from the bright light, the Butterflies had already taken over the room. As is already accustomed to at night gatherings, everyone came with their chairs. Against the backdrop of sleepy, rumpled comrades, perhaps only Shoichi stood out - the only one who came in jeans and a T-shirt, while the rest sparkled in pajamas and shirts with dressing gowns hastily thrown over them. However, the genius slept just like that - where he fell from fatigue, so there was nothing surprising in his appearance.

Fong pulled himself up behind them, habitually settled himself on the bed, at his feet.

I'm sorry, master, that they woke up, - Thunderstorm bowed his head. He called only the Guardians, but Bianchi, apparently, thought otherwise.

Gamma, if I am a member of your family, do not insult me ​​with distrust, - the Chinaman said softly.

I just meant that I didn't want to disturb you, - the man smiled weakly.

Tsuna is not just my student, she is my pupil, like a daughter to me, - Fong looked at the girl with concern. - I don't want anything to happen to her.

Quickly, you, - Lar Milch raised her eyebrows, looking at Tsuna sniffling in the arms of Gamma.

Friends did not look surprised or dissatisfied, on the contrary, they seemed to strongly approve of this turn of events. Still, everyone wished happiness to their Heaven.

Will we wake her up? - inquired desperately yawning Shoichi. The redhead rubbed his face, trying to recover quickly.

No, I added a strong sleeping pill to her milk, - Gamma settled himself comfortably, not letting go of the girl from his arms. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist. A slight smile appeared on her lips. Gamma was ready to admire her all night, but now he had a more important matter before him.

What's with the fairy? Fran looked worried.

This is what I wanted to talk about. What kind of oddities did you notice behind the boss in recent times? Gamma gave his comrades a stern look.

The Guardians considered.

She stopped going to general training. In general, - the first spoke Lar. - Previously, I did not miss a single day, at least as an observer, but I was present. In the last ... - she grimaced, remembering. - For three or four days I began to exhaust myself with personal exercises. I did not interfere - you never know what they agreed with Fong.

The Chinese shook his head.

We are only busy in the morning.

Tsuna started to take a nap during the day, - Bianchi bit her lips. - As soon as she relaxed, her eyes closed. I noticed it when she was sitting on the veranda. And someone else stole two ampoules of adrenaline from the general first-aid kit.

After her illness, the doctor forbade her to use potent drugs in large quantities Shoichi remarked. - Two ampoules - this is optimal, but the boss herself calculated everything.

Gamma bit his lips as he mechanically ran through Tsunayoshi's hair, but he finally made up his mind. The health and life of the boss is much more important.

Every night she came to me. Just a couple of minutes and left. And also... I really don't like this, - he showed the girl's wrist, on which a thin scarf with a brooch was tied.

A deep crack ran through the whole stone.

Doo-think-y, I-but-know-Fran wasn't unhappy, oh no, he was angry. Absolutely. - Yes-ay me-th time.

Go ahead," the Guardian nodded, unconsciously pulling Tsunayoshi closer to him.

In their séances, psychic charlatans often try to portray what is reality for strong illusionists. To work, they do not have to be close to a person. They can sit in a restaurant on the other side of the country, drink coffee or wine and at the same time torment the mind of the victim with visions.

Fran sat upright in his chair, his body seemed to be stiff, his eyes became absent-minded, and his fingers plucked invisible strings. A cold breeze swept through the room, and a ghostly haze slid underfoot. From her mere presence it became hard, as if liquid nitrogen slid over the skin, freezing. Gamma hugged Tsuna tighter, generously sharing his warmth. The butterflies turned very pale, but nevertheless they did not move, did not activate the flame, so as not to interfere with the boy's hard work.

Which was clearly not easy for the frog. He bit his lip, and transparent sweat trickled down his forehead in heavy drops. But he continued, stubbornly, persistently. The haze on the floor turned into thick shadows, his fingers moving faster and faster, as if music unheard by the rest reached a crescendo.

Tsunayoshi groaned softly, whining every now and then. Gamma kissed her on the forehead, whispered something into her fluffy hair, he did not remember what he said, some nonsense. But the girl felt better from them. She clung to his forearms, clinging, trying to be inconspicuous.

The tension built, and in Gamma's ears there was a pounding of drums, picking up the pace, until, in one second, everything stopped. Tsunayoshi's face smoothed out as she leaned into the Guardian's shoulder and sniffed peacefully.

Fran leaned back heavily in his chair, catching his breath. Bianchi immediately shoved a glass of water into his hand. The shadows on the floor gradually began to dissipate.

I've never seen anything like it." Lar shook her head. - This is clearly not an ordinary illusion.

Everyone turned to the pale boy, who covered his eyes from fatigue. He sighed. And when he spoke, there was no familiar, viscous notes in his voice, which was definitely a bad sign:

As a rule, illusionists can influence the mind different ways. There are several types of illusions: mirages, directed hallucinations, effects on sensations and feelings, real illusions. The latter are the most difficult, but they can also be performed with a flame of a certain purity and strength, - Fran opened his eyes, not taking them off the peacefully sleeping boss. - There is a certain limit beyond which no Mist can step, no matter how strong it is. However, there are those who have crossed the line with the help of aids. There are few of them, but they exist. They significantly expand the possibilities of illusionists, take them beyond the limits of human understanding.

What are these means? - tensely leaned forward Bianchi, Shoichi deployed a portable computer, looking for information.

I don't know, the teacher didn't tell me about it, - Fran shook his head. - Not to tempt, so she said.

But I have statistics that I deduced when we were just starting to work with you, - the red-haired genius responded. - Spanner and I were interested in the power levels of illusionists, and other attributes as well. We made several requests, talked to the right people....

Get to the point,” Gamma interrupted him.

Shoichi nodded.

Excuse me, - he turned the computer, displaying images on the screen. - Auxiliaries include Arcobaleno pacifiers, which concentrate their power, making them much stronger ordinary people. And their pets, such as Marmon's frog, Varia's Mist. One of the families keeps the famous rings of Hell, but these artifacts, when used, shorten the lifespan of their owner. And at the end - the cursed eye of Rokudo Mukuro, which was transplanted into him by Estraneo. Somehow, he gave him the opportunity to go through the Paths of Hell.

So what happened to Tsuna? asked Gamma, turning back to Fran.

So Mukuro begged for a room opposite! Lara clenched her fists.

Yes. I think he tried to influence from the first day of the exchange, but Tsunayoshi is strong, her intelligence... - Fran shook his head admiringly. - Harmonious. She had my protection, and her own flame protected her. Even in nightmares, she did not allow the connection to really get stronger.

Therefore, her intuition did not ring about the danger, and Tsunayoshi was silent, Shoichi concluded.

Tsunayoshi was silent because she was afraid that we would do something stupid," Gamma corrected with a sigh.

And we are going to do stupid things, - Lar raised her eyebrows, rubbing her knuckles. “That fogger is lucky we have to sit here, otherwise he would be dead by now.

That's what I'm talking about, - nodded Storm. "His death is a scandal in the Alliance and something the Vongola subconsciously expects." To get us all.

Yes, I had to sweat, - the guy nodded. “Yes, and Tsuna’s Sky itself resisted the impact from outside. It took a long and tiring time to prove that I belonged.

Even if the connection is broken, no one guarantees that Mukuro will not try again, Fong put in.

This is what we must prevent. It's time to put Gamma's plan into action!

What's the plan? Shoichi clutched his stomach.

Gamma rummaged through the nightstand and pulled out a small plastic box. And he showed his friends its contents - five small ampoules-darts with a clear liquid.

Byakuran assumed, if not a similar development of events, then something very similar. And a year ago, he began developing a "cure" for the flame. Each dose is capable of blocking flame abilities for twelve hours. He gave me a safety net. I planned to use the cure on Rokudo.

And I had to imperceptibly introduce him, - Bianchi grinned rapaciously.

Despite the fact that Mukuro uses his abilities, he himself is not here. And the initial "summon" comes at the expense of Chrome Dokuro's powers. She is a good fogger, but not up to the level of Rokudo. If we can neutralize her abilities, then we can block Rokudo as well.

Does Tsuna know about the cure? - cautiously asked Shoichi.

Is there anything the boss might not know? Lar Milch chuckled merrily.

The others chuckled. Tsuna's awareness entered into their family sayings, the head of the Butterflies always appeared in right place at the right time, like magic.

He knows, but then the formula was under development, - confirmed Gamma. - We need conditions, no one should notice how we introduced something to Rokudo. Lar, take care of it.

Cloud nodded.

Labyrinth, - after a short silence, she issued. - Contact fights are usually conducted inside, there is no system in choosing an opponent. We will be suspected, of course, but they will not be able to prove anything.

Large-scale, subtle and intricate illusion of an evergreen labyrinth. Fran created only the basis, the blank, after which he let his offspring live own life. The labyrinth changed, constantly rebuilt, inside it were shadows and creatures - the embodiment of human fears. The wounds they inflicted were real, they strove to kill anyone who passed this ever-new obstacle course. No mercy, no pity, no mercy. At the same time, people still had to fight among themselves. When only one winner remained, Fran took control of the illusion again.

The most terrible and most cruel training of Lar Milch, which horrified outsiders who accidentally saw her, and which became quite familiar to Melfiore. Everyone in the family knew that if the Cloud launched someone into the labyrinth, then she was confident in his abilities, KNOW that the person could handle it.

And they didn't mind at all. Because even the kindest and brightest sometimes need to be evil, even in a confined space. Lar especially enjoyed launching Byakuran, Fong, and Tsunayoshi inside at the same time. A battle of giants, as she called it.

And it was necessary to really piss off Cloud and Fog so that they decided to try the Labyrinth on outsiders.

I'll take care of Tsunayoshi." Shoichi nodded. - Officially, I am considered a technician, so training does not make sense for me.

And we will not enlighten them about the opposite, - Lar Milch grinned rather.

The sun smiled, showed a gun. At one time, Tsuna insisted that each of the Butterflies learn how to use firearms. In order not to disappear in case of impossibility to use the flame.

We will not move the boss, I will lock the room, protect it with illusions so that Pineapple cannot reach her while she sleeps. And I’ll do one more amu-fly away, - as soon as the action plan appeared, Fran returned to a benevolent mood, and with it the familiar viscous intonations.

Then, - Gamma stood up and clapped his hands. - Get to work!

The allies gathered at a huge training ground adjacent to the mansion closely. Skualo stroked the sword with a wry smile, anticipating the next invention of the Butterflies. The Vongola scouts promised to arrive only tomorrow, and before that, the rest were forbidden to leave the mansion. And the swordsman gradually became furious because of the forced idleness. Dr. Shamal charmed Bianchi next to him, whispering something softly into the woman's ear. She smiled, nodded and looked so ... so ...

Gokudera threw away the rest of the cigarette and started a new one. He had never seen such an expression on his sister's face before. She played all the time, the Poisoner, the seductress whose beauty became her deadly weapon. But now the woman looked sincere, enjoying Trident's company.

The hurricane twisted. Somewhere not far away, Ryohei was shouting emotionally, explaining something to the gloomy Hibari. Sasagawa became the only person, which was not touched by the Cloud. Maybe he didn’t have enough strength, or maybe he just felt the complete absence of any deceit in the Sun.

Carlo was talking to the Butterfly Storm Guardian about something. The air around them crackled with invisible icy tension, but the men's faces showed no emotion other than polite interest. Ventura was in perfect control of himself.

Looking at his own boss, thoughts involuntarily turned to Tsunayoshi. Gokudera grimaced; he didn't like what they had to do to the girl to get her attention. But they had to resort to extreme measures. Over the past days, Tsunayoshi did not let any of them in, remained even, friendly with everyone. And so far away. Unfulfilled dream.

He hurts his dream again.

I don't like it either." Yamamoto stood next to him. The swordsman took a cigarette out of Hurricane's cigarette case, lit it, serious, a little gloomy. - I think we're betraying her again.

She won't forgive us if she finds out," Hayato said bitterly. This bitterness tasted of tobacco and expensive wine.

When did they manage to change so much that they conquer a friend and the former Heaven as a bitter enemy?

She already knows, - Mukuro appeared near them unexpectedly and silently.

You are sure? Yamamoto raised an eyebrow, rubbing an old scar on his chin. A bad habit caused by anxiety.

Why didn't she say anything to her Guardians? Yamamoto looked at Storm, at the flirtatious Hurricane with dignity. They wouldn't be silent.

The Guardians frowned sharply. Even Mukuro had already realized how wrong he had been using those illusions. No, he found the fears correctly and acted on them skillfully, but his efforts were calculated on that Tsunayoshi, six years ago. He was resisted by the Head of the Butterflies, a knowledgeable, able, experienced woman. And she resisted skillfully too. No matter how upset her feelings were, she always took control of herself. She could cry at night, experiencing the echoes of terrible emotions, but by morning no one could find traces. Anger boiled in her chest... and involuntary admiration that even without her illusionist, Tsunayoshi was a strong opponent.

However, he didn't expect anything else.

And what she will do in response and whether she will do it is unknown.

I'll ask for a moment of attention! said Lar Milch, who had appeared in the company of the Arcobaleno, loudly. Reborn threw a short, displeased look at the Guardians. And those, despite the fact that they were no longer those impressionable children from Namimori, a chill of horror ran down their backs.

Something didn't go according to plan.

I propose to arrange a full-scale training in the style of the Vongola, - cloud smiled meanwhile. Friendliness in a wide grin was not an ounce. It's called Labyrinth. It will be created by the illusionist Fran. Inside, you have to fight not only with each other, but also with various monsters, which will be spawned by the violent fantasy of lying ... Mist. Only one of us will be the winner, - the woman drew attention to the fact that she was also going to take part.

If it's Fran who creates the Labyrinth, how can we be sure he won't help you? Carlo raised an eyebrow.

He's still a Vongola illusionist," Lar Milch spread her hands. So we need to be afraid.

Decent answer. Carlo nodded in acceptance. Indeed, without prejudice to themselves, Butterflies will not be able to cheat. Yes, and they won’t - everyone has already learned well that the detachment has a code of honor that they do not violate. Apparently, at least.

Why isn't Tsunayoshi here?

Migraine, not feeling well, - Bianchi shook her head. - Dr. Shamal has already examined her.

Trident nodded, indicating that there was nothing to worry about.

Vrooy, where is your Sun? Skualo suddenly yelled, the only one who paid attention to the absence of the red-haired genius.

Shoichi is not a fighter, he is a technician and a programmer, - Bianchi's deep voice cooled, cool raced over the skin. - Again, plus a point in favor of the Vongola.

What can be used inside the Labyrinth? Gokudera picked up.

Everything, except for fast-acting poisons without antidotes, - Lar shrugged.

Behind her, a wall of dark green thorn bushes began to grow. Flexible lashes curled up, intertwined with each other, clinging to each other with sharp spikes. They hissed greedily, reaching out to people. From the resulting dark corridors, a sepulchral cold and mist wafted through.

You can start, - the illusionist nodded with satisfaction and sat down under a tree, in the shade.

Isn't he coming with us? Groza asked in amazement.

No, Gamma chuckled. - If necessary, only Fran will be able to get us all out of there. If he succeeds, of course.

Maybe not in time? The keeper turned pale.

Butterflies chuckled knowingly, at the same time their hands reached for the old scars hidden by clothes. Gamma stroked his shoulder, which at one time was pierced by a sharp whip, Bianchi grimaced, grabbing her wrist, which was almost bitten off by another monster, and Lar shrugged her shoulders, where Venk's fiery lightning bolt dug into.

From this, those present became a little uneasy, they looked at each other, not knowing what to expect. Intuition warned of a trick, but they had no right to refuse.

Carlo sighed inaudibly, straightened his shoulders and stepped first under the black vault, filled with otherworldly whispers and fear. The keepers followed him until no one was left in the clearing around the labyrinth except Fran.

The illusionist closed his eyes, gradually directing his largest and favorite toy, and with the other part of his consciousness controlling the shield on Gamma's room.

Boss needs to sleep.

It's boring without her.

Hibari Kei grinned rather contentedly. He hasn't come across worthy opponents for a long time.

The labyrinth exceeded all his expectations. The monsters inside crushed not just by mass and number, but also by skill. It was as if they read all his hidden thoughts, guessed desires and acted in defiance. The shirt is already torn, the ribs ache and hurt, but he is happy. For the time that has passed since the painful lesson of the Horse, I am happy.

On a small platform, surrounded on all sides by an impenetrable wall of vines, opposite him stood Butterfly Cloud, the former Arcobaleno Lar Milch. There was no damage to her, except for a tiny scratch on her cheek. She busily untwisted thin, long chains, enveloping them with her flame. Paired rings on the index fingers burned, their pattern - like witchcraft writing.

Hibari lunged forward with a roar, attacking the tonfa. And he jumped back, again and again, avoiding the powerful blows of the chains piercing the ground. Neither cloud shields nor spikes on weapons helped - Lar foresaw his every gesture. Her eyes burned feverishly behind her glasses, but she didn't let her emotions get the best of her.

She beat him, eluding the tonfa, bringing the enemy into a state of impotent rage. And laughed, lightly, a little mockingly, when he missed again and again.

It was not for nothing that Kei was called the strongest Guardian. He was faster than even Ryohei, stronger than his maximum attack, but now... now he was facing an equal opponent. Lar Milch didn't know how to give up.

A kick to the stomach knocked out the air, Hibari gasped, but he got up again, staggering. The chains crashed down on him, sliding over his body, binding him tightly. The tonfa flew away with a muffled sound.

Lar Milch stepped forward and took off her glasses. There was a look of compassion on her face that left a sour taste in her mouth. Kei grimaced: he hated being pitied.

I thought Dino's lesson did you good, hard and cruel. “But you never learned anything, child.

If you have brains, you know the reason....

With wide eyes, the man looked at the Cloud. Scout, former member of the Outer Advisor team, combat swimmer coach, former Arcobaleno, a woman with colossal experience of many years. The woman whose place he wanted to take.

It will not work - she will not give, she will fight to the end. And so far, she's stronger.

If you have brains, you know the reason,” she whispered before pressing a point on the immobilized opponent's neck.

The world of Kei plunged into darkness.

Lar took a deep breath of satisfaction. And she grimaced in displeasure: the boy Kei still managed to touch her casually on the sternum. Good, how good. Combat skills are top notch and could still be improved. He calculates the situation, albeit not to the end, but over the years and the experience of a good mentor, this skill can be honed. As a teacher, Lar dreamed of such a student - a voluminous front of amazing work. For all her practice, out of hundreds of wards, she remembered only five people with such potential. Unfortunately, only Colonello survived.

But as a Keeper... she was delighted to be able to give a beating to a puppy who had encroached on her place. For too long, Lar dreamed of such a life, she got it too hard to give it to anyone now.

And even more so a traitor!

Not too harsh with the boy, then? - Skualo appeared from the shadows, grinning, wiping the greenish liquid from the blade, which served as the blood of the creatures of the Labyrinth. Another screeched over his head and crashed to the floor, split into four pieces.

Just right, ”Lar chuckled, chopping the monster that appeared from behind the turn with a chain. - He began to ask himself again, to overestimate himself. His life teaches nothing.

Plants entwined Kei's body and swallowed it, dragged it underground - this is how the Labyrinth removed the losers, sending them beyond its limits.

Then ... - flashed a predatory smile. - Vrooy, let's move on!

Of course, - the woman beamed predatory.

Gokudera looked angrily at his sister, in whose thin fingers shone sharp poisoned needles engulfed in a scarlet flame. In combat, the Vongola ring provided an undeniable advantage, yet a piece of Trinisete crafted by master gunsmiths. However, Bianchi did not seem to know fatigue. Still in perfect business suit, heels. Not a single strand escaped her elegant hairdo as she hopped across the small area created by the Labyrinth. Gokudera only had time to dodge the needles, preferring not to think about what they were lubricated with. Bianchi has always been distinguished by the sophistication of thinking.

The labyrinth was amazing. No wonder his wife was Chrome. She taught him to distinguish between illusions, to bypass many, to see through them. After their relationship improved, she became seriously concerned about the safety of her man.

Therefore, Hayato looked with terrifying admiration at the crowds of monsters emerging from the walls, flyers or like snakes. And he hit them, killed them, smearing a greenish slimy liquid on brass knuckles. His checkers tore their insides, the monsters died with squelching sobs.

And he was almost not surprised when he saw a small platform, closed on all sides, on which Bianchi was waiting for him. The sister smiled and silently attacked, her needles gleaming in the rustling darkness of the Labyrinth, scratching the skin. Over the years, her skill has improved, and Hayato already felt how everything is blurred in his eyes from small doses of slow poison that got through the cuts. He dropped to one knee, but was still trying to get up when he felt the plants wrap around him from head to toe. Before consciousness had time to go out, he saw the shiny thin chains and long white hair of people who had joined Bianchi.

The life of every illusionist depends on his feelings, on the organs of perception. From the ability to feel the world around him. If the illusionist cannot feel the presence of a stranger nearby, if he cannot overcome someone else's deceit and cannot figure out where the truth is and where is the mirage, he dies. If the illusion is consumed by a stronger illusion, the nebula loses any encounter. Therefore, their bodies are so vulnerable, open to pain - due to increased sensitivity.

Mukuro possessed such skills even more than the others. In the laboratory, and even then, life was not conducive to self-deception. Either he had to urgently learn to survive, or give up.

He leaned his forehead against the wall, almost pressed against the thorny branches. After all, this is just an illusion, even if drops of hot blood flow down the forehead. Suspended thought that the bomber would kill him for hurting his sweet wife, but right now he just needed to understand the structure of the mirage that surrounded him. That was the only way he could get inside and capture it.

He saw that the Labyrinth was created more than once. A living, semi-intelligent being who knew his duties perfectly. However, I also saw that this time they are slightly different from the usual ones. Not much, just a discrepancy in a couple of commands and settings, but they were decisive.

Today, the Labyrinth was created specifically for him and directed specifically against him. And Mukuro felt the overwhelming will of the pseudo-mind, behind which the anger of its creator was hidden. The boy wanted... to take revenge... to do something.... It's not clear, everything is so unclear and vague. Rokudo would have thought that Fran possessed some aids, if you saw that it is not so. Of all the "doping" for the illusionists, only the rings of Hell remained free, but Tsunayoshi would hardly have allowed her brother to risk his own life like that.

No, the boy was strong, his potential was... amazing. They spoke the truth - with such it is quite possible to deceive even Vendice. If Mukuro had had any of those abilities at his age, he might never have been caught.

And he wouldn't fall for the Vongole's bait.

Didn't meet Tsunayoshi.

For some reason, at the thought of this particular girl, something similar to conscience woke up inside. I wanted to be there again, to be in the place of her Thunderstorm, to be able to blow into her ear and hold her hand.

Mukuro pressed his forehead harder into the stems, ignoring the thorns, and tried to convey his thoughts, feelings deep into where the heart of the Labyrinth lived. And got results! At the mere mention of Tsunayoshi, golden threads of affection flashed inside, warm, family, kindred.

This boy loved Tsuna, was afraid and took care of her.

And the sweeter it will be to take away the prize from him, looking at his torment due to the inability to save the boss.

Mukuro himself did not notice how the plants entwined him, immobilized him. And something sharp stuck into his neck. He tried to turn around and out of the corner of his eye saw Butterflies standing behind him in the company of Skualo.

And then it became painful, painful, burning hot. He was dragged off into the distance, into the darkness. Consciousness began to blur, collapse, like a turret of multi-colored cubes. Bright flashes flickered before his eyes. It was as if they drank all the strength from it, blocked the flow of life-giving moisture.

And in the next moment, he was again trapped in his own unconscious body.

Butterflies exchanged glances and nodded contentedly. Their boss is safe.

For the first time in his life, Carlo was dissatisfied with his own victory. The battle with the Labyrinth, with creatures and plants, with other Guardians... it all seemed so... inexpressive, empty. It was as if he had been circled around his finger, although he could not yet understand exactly how.

Everything, absolutely ALL Butterflies won against his Guardians, defeated them, proving their strength. And then they just as unanimously lost to Skualo, who by that time had neutralized Yamamoto. The swordsman didn't even fight Carlo, waved his hand, turned around and left. And the tenth was credited with the victory.

The maze melted away, marking the end of the workout.

Carlo looked at his subordinates and grimaced in displeasure. Sliced ​​Hibari Kei, by appearance which you can’t tell how bad his injuries are. But he sits evenly, as if he swallowed the pin and does not allow the doctors to get closer to him. Surely, like a real beast, he will go to his lair to lick his wounds.

The poisoned Hayato, whom Bianchi had already dosed with the antidote, shrugged. Indeed, they spoke only about fast poisons, not a word was said about slow ones. So she didn't break any rules.

Yamamoto, covered in bruises and cuts, he got hit hard by Skualo, who did not even think of sparing his former opponent.

Trident Shamal, whose bloodied hand was bandaged by Gokudera. The doctor was all glowing, causing a desire to wipe this smile from his face with his fist.

Actors and their amazing performance.

Gamma, overly responsible as always, had already taken out his tablet and leafed through the documents, ignoring the steaming shoulder that the medic was slowly working on. The man got it from Ryohei, and from the Thunderstorm, but the Guardians themselves did not show obvious signs of life, making Hayato's company under a tree.

Just looking at the Butterflies, Carlo realized what really pisses him off. Despite the loss, despite the wounds, they looked suspiciously—disgustingly—satisfied and happy. He wanted to trample on that self-confidence, wipe them off the face of the earth, but so far he couldn't get close to them. Tsunayoshi, despite all the antics of the Vongola Guardians, still stood up for the people, preventing them from approaching. Whatever Reborn thought about this, Carlo saw the picture opening up to him perfectly. In order to remove Tsunayoshi as he wishes, he must first take care of her Guardians. But Tsunayoshi will always stand in the way of destroying the Butterflies. And Sawada will not be allowed to be killed by his own subordinates, who intend to replace him with her.

Sawada .... An eternal reminder of mistakes, of mistakes made. That he should have erased her then, in Namimori, defenseless, helpless. But no, he went on about the old man, the law on non-interference in the lives of ordinary people. Yes, and the father put pressure on family ties. What connections, come to your senses! He never considered a small, frightened girl in a dirty dress his equal.

Underestimated. And as a result, his own Guardians plan to betray him. And for whom? For the unbearable, indestructible Sawada, whom he has not been able to get close to yet. Bye.

Mukuro... seems to have found the meaning of today's performance. Instead, Chrome Dokuro sat next to her husband. And Carlo did not feel the already familiar "flavor" of the Fog emanating from him. Even the Vongola ring on his finger didn't react at all.

So they needed to disable the illusionist. Carlo narrowed his eyes. And you can’t prove their involvement: it’s just a regular workout. Perhaps, in contact with other people's mirages, Mukuro just... overdid it. He overestimated his strength. Carlo seemed to see in reality those innocent eyes, those false words and polite smiles.

Good evening, boss.

A smiling Shoichi was sitting in the armchair by the bed. The red-haired guy slowly put the gun back into its holster.

And you're not ashamed? Tsuna chuckled.

No, the genius shrugged. In the eyes - no remorse. But you look rested.

The girl laughed, waved her hand at the Sun, and, wrapping herself in a thin blanket, went to the bathroom.

I must admit, Sunny was right: she looked refreshed, the circles under her eyes disappeared, her skin no longer resembled parchment yellowed from time to time. On the contrary, her cheeks turned pink, her eyes sparkled.

Well, now what to do with them? Punish for guardianship and anxiety? Tsunayoshi snorted as she tied the ribbon around her throat.

In the bedroom, a tea set and a plate of fragrant, crispy buns with honey and raisins were already waiting for her. The girl purred like a thoroughbred cat, licking her fingers, catching with her lips large flakes of a golden, sweet crust.

Charm, - she washed down with jasmine tea and closed her eyes in bliss.

Do not be distracted, - Irie moved the plate closer. - You need to eat well. Bread and honey contain...

I don't get distracted. It's impossible to tear yourself away from them," Tsunayoshi crunched, grabbing another bun. Why don't you eat yourself?

I'm full, - the Keeper dismissed, typing something in a portable computer.

Then where is everyone else? - the buns were over, and Tsunayoshi, after wiping her sweet fingers, again turned into the head of the squad.

Shoichi did not have time to answer: it was this moment that the Butterflies chose for their appearance. The door swung open, and a group burst into the room, cheerfully discussing something. They exchanged impressions, gesticulated from the abundance of emotions.

And they froze like mice when they saw the boss in a business suit. She folded her arms across her chest and narrowed her eyes.

I did not speak not because I do not trust. I trust you more than anyone else. You are my friends, my family. I will never have anyone closer to you, and never, - she sighed, looked around at them. - But I am an adult, I soberly assess my strengths and capabilities. If I hadn't been sure that I could manage, hold out until Fran returned, I would never hide anything. You and I have our own tasks, and the sooner we complete them, the sooner we can leave here.

Butterflies looked at each other, Tsunayoshi saw how they were reluctant to admit that she was right. They all wanted to end the investigation as soon as possible and return to their duties. And she herself was never a daredevil, and would not take risks. Not by myself, not by my people. I was just sure it would work.

Tsuna, yet... - Lar came up and hugged her. - Tell us if something happens. Necessarily. We... we're all worried about you.

Tsunayoshi smiled warmly, hugged both women, sent a warm look to the others.

I love you too, guys," she admitted. She rarely talked about it, and such revelations became even more valuable. They seemed to always exist for each other, and they did not need constant confirmation of their own connection. “Besides,” she smiled slyly, “I've known you for years. I am sure: even if something happens to me, you will find out, sniff out the truth and quietly, behind my back, arrange a vendetta. And protect me.

Butterflies smiled.

But what are you planning to do now? - Lar pulled away, sat down on the desk.

Tsunayoshi pursed her lips.

The curtsies are over, she snapped harshly. "The Vongola realized that gentleness won't get us anywhere and decided to take a different path." This is their choice. I'm not going to prove anything, change anything. But I won't leave you unpunished. If I managed to forgive them once, it does not mean that I will forgive them everything else.

And do you already have a plan? Bianchi raised an eyebrow.

Fran moved closer and put his arm around his sister's waist. Fong perched on his shoulder, lightly tugging at the student's lock of hair. Tsunayoshi looked at all of them, relatives, loved ones, and smiled broadly. Like her, they looked forward to fun, adventure and intrigue.

There is. And I'll need that remedy, Gamma...

Later in the evening, Gamma and Tsuna strolled through the park, enjoying the rare moments of calm. Butterflies rushed off to prepare for "strike back", the Guardians of the Vongola had not yet recovered from the day's adventure. It was possible to relax for a while.

Do you think it will work? - they stopped near the lush hydrangea bushes. Tsunayoshi ran her fingertips over the velvet petals, remembering the exact same ones on the sofa seat. Her first talks.... Her jealous Gamma. Sometimes she could be surprisingly blind: only a couple of years later she realized that even then the Guardian was jealous of Laurentio.

And she was jealous. To all the girls in the estate who smiled at the tall, stately blond, enviable groom in the Melfiore family.

Her knowledge of jealousy began with hydrangeas. When she, one sunny summer day, pushed aside a lush branch and saw a girl from the analytical department confess her love to Groza. She herself did not understand what feelings overwhelmed her then. I wanted to scream, burn the landfill to hell. She immediately went to Fran, forced him to do the Labyrinth. For her alone. And for an hour and a half, by killing monsters, she tried to drive out of her head the thoughts of a slender girl's hand lying on a wide, warm forearm.

She succeeded in exorcising the inner demons, succeeded in ridding her soul of the kindling black poison, when she saw the shining gray eyes. Then she realized for the first time that she wanted happiness for him. Even if he never loves her, this look shining with silver and a stormy sky will be enough.

Her love began with hydrangeas.

What are you thinking about? - the man intercepted his thin fingers, warmed them with his breath, almost pressing them to his lips. Tsuna looked at him affectionately, with perceptible tenderness. Only now, when they are alone, you can not hide.

I'm sure we can do it," she nodded. - Especially since Mukuro got out of the game so well. Thank you.

The last one was barely audible. Only for him.

Gamma understood. He nodded. His eyes filled with a radiance of feeling as he again pressed her fingers to his lips. Tsuna blushed slightly as she felt their softness and warmth.

You don't have to worry about them. They made their choice.

And, as always, he was amazingly perceptive. Still, he knew her better than anyone. In one dream, Mukuro was not mistaken - Gamma was the closest.

I know. The curtsies are over, - bitterness spread on the tongue, and the girl looked away. "But I... I didn't expect that from them, Gamma." And for some reason, she didn’t even think that the past years could change them too, - she shook her head, not taking her eyes off the hydrangeas.

Because you believed them, trusted them, - the man said understandingly. - I saw them only as my friends. And they...

Guardians of the Vongola, - Tsuna finished, again plunging into the gray pools.

Scary, Heaven, how scary to take a step. It is scary to open up to someone even more, to imagine that this person will be there all the time, to know and see all the shortcomings. Up to funny fur slippers or the habit of jumping with a toothbrush to the music. Scary....

Gamma has already declared his feelings. Weightless kisses on the skin, their guardianship and care. Full of fire and tenderness looks. Long conversations in the evenings over a cup of tea. And left it to her to decide.

But the heart has already decided a long time ago.

And Tsunayoshi took a step....

Despite the twilight, there was no light in the small living room. The Vongola Guardians discussed their next move with Killer Reborn. Strategy to conquer Tsunayoshi.

Cloud was already habitually standing near the window, with his back to the others. Habitual. But this time, Reborn paid attention.

What did you see there, Hibari? - he asked.

The man turned his head and chuckled.

You're less and less likely to succeed, baby.

The guardians stood up at once, went to the window to find out what prompted the unsociable Hibari to such conclusions.

Right in front of them, among the lush blue hydrangea bushes, stood in the arms of her Storm Guardian Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Betrayal is an unexpected blow right in the heart... To every person whom you give trust, you give a sword into your hands. He can protect or destroy you with them. The person you love and trust can do the most. And why do we give everything we have to love, and in return it only pain, betrayal and suffering? such eyes that have not yet known pain, betrayal, and an ocean of tears ... I understand with a sigh - A happy past! Loneliness has one advantage - no one can hurt you. You come home. You wear slippers. You sit down on the sofa. And all around is silence. And each of us decides for himself what it is ... Loneliness, or freedom. Trust is when you give a hand, close your eyes, and allow another to take you across the road. But what a pity when you are betrayed! trust is like a lost life, it is irrevocable. To get a knife in the back, you just need to trust someone to the end. But how painful it is to realize all this! To realize that you were a temporary hobby for a person! to live after all this? When faith is lost! When even friends betray! In such situations, Hugo's statement is recalled: "I am indifferent to the enemy's knife blows, but my friend's pinprick is painful to me." Why he did this, I don’t know ... Everything is so it started well! How painful it is to endure the betrayal of people close to you ... When they just spit in your soul, ridicule what is dear to you .... By this, exposing your soul to the rest ... Probably due to the fact that in my life I had to meet too many such people, I just stopped trusting those who are now next to me ... It became too difficult for me to open my soul to tell about my experiences to those people whom I care about . Maybe those who are close to me now sincerely love me, appreciate and want to know what worries me ... but I can't. It's too difficult for me. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that they are the same traitors who were with me before. Therefore, I constantly keep diaries. The paper will definitely not give away my secrets, will not laugh at my secrets. But more and more often I want to be next to a person in whom I will be confident as in myself. A person who will never believe in gossip about me and will not turn away from me .... I would like to believe that soon I will meet such a person, and I will never again experience the pain of betrayal. When you make concessions for the sake of a person who is dear to you, and step over your principles, be prepared for the fact that this person will step over you, because few people appreciate it. People generally value little: they take everything for granted. Here it is, life. Everything is always the same: one is waiting for the other, but he is not and is not. Someone always loves more than they love him. And there comes an hour when you want to destroy what you love so that it doesn’t torment you anymore. But it doesn’t work! For me, the strongest fear is to become superfluous in the life of that person who is really dear to me. And now this moment has come! because betrayal kills love like a slow-acting poison. First, faith disappears, then hope goes out, and then the heart cools down ... And so it happened .... He cheated on me ..... How to live on? I'm afraid to start a new relationship, I think that everyone will betray me ... And to leave my life without even explaining the reasons why he is leaving! I won’t even know the reasons! There were many interests, there were many plans for life, but everything went awry, and now I don’t want anything, I don’t know where to move, all that I I do - I do as if from under the stick. I don’t know whether it’s worth waiting for time and everything will fall into place by itself, or continue to live, achieve something that you no longer want, and the mood will come by itself ... Maybe it happened to someone ... Please support me .I feel like I'm going crazy! I have insomnia or drowsiness almost every day. Feelings of worthlessness or unreasonable ideas of guilt almost every day; Fatigue or low energy almost every day; Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal intent! I don't want to live! Loss of interest and pleasure in things and activities that used to be pleasant to me. Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. A gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future. Difficulty falling asleep or waking up early. I don’t know if I addressed the address. It feels like life is passing by. Sometimes I just don't want to be here. I don't want to be anywhere. I don't want to see anyone, I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want anyone to see me, I don't want to move, I don't want to breathe. I am 20 years old. I just want to be somewhere where there is simply nothing, where nothing will be wanted or demanded from you. Everywhere I feel like a stranger and I'm lonely. Even at home, I just lock myself in my room, not wanting to see anyone. I really want to cope with this and be happy, but I don’t know how. I’m so tired of everything. I understand one thing, I only interfere with everyone in life. It will be easier for everyone without me. BAD when there is no one ... WORSE when there is no person nearby ... EVEN WORSE when there is no person you love. .. CRUEL when he is, but not near... HORRIBLE to realize that he will never be p further... BAD when there is no one... WORSE when there is no person nearby... EVEN WORSE when there is no person The one you love... IT'S BAD when he's there but not around... HORRIBLE to realize that he'll never be there... There's no way to say "I LOVE YOU STILL". And most importantly, say: "COME BACK, I CAN'T BE WITHOUT YOU..." Loneliness comes from betrayal, you just don't want to try to trust people who have already betrayed you once .. So you want to be loved ... forget about everything, see how you are lovingly hugs and says three important words - I really need you! I'm just tired of proving something to someone ... I just want to leave so that I don't see anything anymore .. ... I want to go somewhere far away to start life anew, forgetting about the past .. But alas! There are no means to do this! only once is love, and everything else is experience. The downside of loneliness is that after a while you begin to get high from this. and you just don't let anyone into your life. Sometimes you really want to go where no one knows your name... Where no one knows you! You can’t run away from yourself! You can’t run away from memories! And trust in people will not return from this! no reincarnation - nothing. After death, we will simply lie down in a wooden, concrete or lead box. Only emptiness will await us. But this emptiness will be the most pleasant gift in my whole life. How I want to see those who believe in me. But there are none, alas. And I have to withdraw into myself, assuring that they exist and simply have not yet been found. Mental illness is just a disease of the soul. In society, no one persecutes a person with bronchitis or joint disease, and mentally ill people are people who have all the same rights as other members of our society. They also suffer from pain, seek love and want to be happy. I never had the desire to jump off the roof, but sometimes I want to jump out of my life, out of my skin. The betrayal of loved ones leaves the deepest scars! Time will not heal them! there are moments when I feel so unhappy and unnecessary that everything seems indifferent. I want to bury myself in a blanket and lie like that for a week. most of all at such moments you expect that right now, in some miraculous way, the right people will remember you and snatch you from the clutches of this incomprehensible loneliness, but nothing happens. and it is at these moments that you realize your loneliness, although it seems that you are not alone in essence. and I want to give everything to hug you at least for a minute. I would really give everything now. It's sad when the people who gave you so many pleasant memories become memories themselves. I rarely find it funny, and less often it's sad. I want to communicate with anyone, see no one! There is no desire, no goals! Everything has lost its meaning!

Don't go back to the past. Be patient. worry. Miss you... But don't come back. It will never be better! It will only add to the pain.

To start floating, you must at least understand that you are sinking. Until a person understands this, he will never throw out of his pockets what pulls him to the bottom.

Trust is like nerve cells: it is practically not restored.

Happiness is like health: when you do not notice it, then it is there.

No matter how many flaws a person has, he will always be perfect if he is loved.

Nowadays, you are no longer surprised when people do not keep their word. On the contrary, you begin to be surprised when the person who gave his word took it and kept it.

If you perceive life as a holiday, no matter what, then it will be so!

Your past is just history. And once you realize it, it no longer has power over you.

Beloved ... I will never contradict
And I don’t take out my anger on the dishes.
We will decide everything calmly and with love,
As he tells me, so I think it will be!

If we begin to listen to the voice of reason, then we will never have love. We will never have friends. We will never get into any business because we will decide: "It will not work" Or: "She will hurt me." Or: "I have already fallen in love unsuccessfully a couple of times, and therefore ...". All this is nonsense! You must not miss life. Jump off the cliff each time and grow wings as you fly down.