Cutting wheel GOST 21963 82.

Price 5 kop.



Official edition


UDC 621.922: 621.93.026.23: 006.354

Group G25




cutoff wheels. Specifications

OKP 39 8i200; 39 8300

| ST SEV 562-77, ST SEV 563-77]

Instead of GOST 21963-76

Decree State Committee USSR according to the standards of December 7, 1982 No. 4653, the validity period is set

from 01.01.84 to 01.01.89;

in part of clause 2.11 - from 01.01.86

Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to cutting wheels on bakelite (B) and vulcanite (C) bonds, intended for abrasive cutting and slotting.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 562-77, ST SEV 563-77.


1.1. Circles must be made without reinforcing elements or with reinforcing elements (U).

1.2. The dimensions of the circles must correspond to those indicated in the drawing and in table. 1 and 2.

Official publication Reprint prohibited

* Reissue (April 1987) with Amendment No. 1 approved in December 1986 (ICC 3-87).

© Standards Publishing, 1987


Indications of the reading scale of the device, kHz, for circles with dimensions (Dxd)



shape factor,

F■ 10 4 , m- 1

10 GOST 21 $63-82

Table 1 Table 2

Wheels without reinforcing elements Wheels with reinforcing elements mm mm

6,3; 0,6; 1,0; 2,0

0,3; 0,6; 1,0; 2,0; (3,0); 3,2

2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 3,5

2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2

2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

(\6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,3; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2

ol 200; 20 230

2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,3; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2

0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,3; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

1,0; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

1,6; 2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

Note. Sizes enclosed in brackets are not recommended.

Example symbol circle with outer diameter #=400 mm, height #=4.0 "mm, bore diameter d=51 mm, from normal electrocorundum grade 14A, grain size 40-N, with sound index 41, on bakelite bond (B), s reinforcing elements (U), with a working speed of 80 m/s, unbalance class 2:

1.1, 1.2.


2.1. Circles must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Wheels should be made from grinding materials of grain sizes indicated in Table. 3.

Table 3

Note. At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture circles from other brands, grit sizes of grinding materials or their mixtures.

2.3. The accuracy of the manufacture of circles must comply with the standards specified in table. four.

2.4. The uneven height of the circles should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 5.

2.3, 2.4. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.5. The grain composition of the grinding material is according to GOST 3647-80.

2.6. The concavity or convexity of the planes of the circle should not exceed the uneven height of the circle.

2.7. Wheels with a height of 2.5 mm or more on a bakelite bond with reinforcing elements must be made with calibration bushings.

2.8. Unbalance classes according to GOST 3060-86 should be: for circles with a grain size of 63 or less - 1 or 2; for wheels with a grain size of 80 and larger - 1, 2 or 3.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.9. Damage to the edges is not allowed with a length and width of more than 2 mm in an amount of more than two - for circles with a diameter of up to 400 mm, a length of more than 5 mm, a width of more than 3 mm in an amount of more than four - for circles with a diameter of more than 400 to 900 mm, a length of more than 9 mm, with a width of more than 5 mm in the amount of more than six - for circles with a diameter of more than 900 mm.

2.10. Circles should not have cracks.

2.11. Bakelite bonded wheels with Z)<600 мм должны Изготовляться со звуковыми индексами: 25; 27; 29; 31; 33; 35; 37; 39; 41 и 43; круги на вулканитовой связке с £)^600 мм - со звуковыми индексами: 27; 29; 31; 33; 35.

A table of instrument readings depending on the sound indices is given in the mandatory appendix.

2.12. Wheels on a bakelite bond with D>600 mm should be produced in the following degrees of hardness: CM2; C1; C2; ST1; ST2; STZ; T1; T2; VT1 and VT2; circles on a volcanic bond with £>> 600 mm - ST and T.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.13. The mechanical strength of wheels on a vulcanite bond and circles without reinforcing elements on a bakelite bond should ensure their operation at operating speeds of 50 and 60 m/s; the mechanical strength of wheels with reinforcing elements on a bakelite bond should ensure their operation at operating speeds of 60, 80 and 100 m/s.

2.14. It is allowed to produce circles with different corrugations of the end surfaces or with a double-sided undercut, which reduces the height of the circle from the periphery to its center within the height tolerance.

2.15. Rules and norms of safe work - in accordance with GOST 12.3.028-82.

2.16. The values ​​of the grinding coefficient when cutting workpieces with a circle of normal electrocorundum, grain size 50 and coarser, degrees of hardness ST1-T1, with reinforcing elements, with a marked working speed of 80 m/s and a feed rate of at least 300 mm/min must correspond to those indicated in Table. 6 (cut workpiece - a bar of steel grade 12X18HI0T according to GOST 5949-75), or in table. 7 (cut workpiece - pipe according to GOST 8732-78 from steel 10 according to GOST 8781-71) or in table. 8 (the workpiece to be cut is an ordinary steel pipe according to GOST 3262-75, fireclay bricks of the SHA-1-5 brand according to GOST 8691-73 and a brick made of dinas ED-2 brand according to GOST 1566-71).

Table about

Circle diameter O, mm

The largest diameter of the workpiece, mm

Electric motor power, kW, not less

Grinding coefficient, not less than

Table 7

S. 4 GOST 11943-82

Table 8

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 1).


3.1. To control the compliance of wheels with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer must carry out acceptance control and periodic tests.

3.2. Acceptance control for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.9 and 2.10 subject each circle; according to paragraphs. 1.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 2.11, 2.12-10% of the batch, but not less than 5 pieces; according to clause 2.13-1% of the lot, but not less than 3 pcs. for circles with a working speed of up to 60 m/s and 10% of the lot, but not less than 5 pcs. - for circles with a working speed over 60 m/s.

The batch must consist of circles of the same size, one characteristic, simultaneously presented for acceptance according to one document.

3.3. If, during the acceptance control, a non-compliance with the requirements of the standard is established for more than one of the controlled indicators, then the batch is not accepted.

If a non-compliance with the requirements of the standard is established for one of the controlled indicators, then a second control is carried out on a double number of circles for all indicators.

If there are defects in the resampling, the lot will not be accepted.

3.4. Periodic tests for compliance with the requirements of clause 2.16 are subjected to circles that have passed acceptance control, in an amount of at least 5 pcs. from the party.

3.3, 3.4. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

3.5. Periodic tests should be carried out at least once every one and a half years in accordance with GOST 15.001-73.

It is allowed to carry out tests at the consumer's working conditions.


4.1. The control of the size of the circles is carried out using universal measuring instruments.

GOST 219*3-82 S. 7

4.2. The uneven height of the circle is determined by the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the measured height at 4 diametrically opposite points of the periphery of the circle, located at a distance of (10±1) mm from the edge of the circle.

4.3. Hardness control - according to GOST 18118-79, GOST 19202-80, GOST 21323-75, GOST 25961-83.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

4.4. Control of unbalance of circles - in accordance with GOST 3060-86.

Note. Unbalance control of circles with an outer diameter of up to 250 mm is allowed not to be carried out.

4.5. Test circles for mechanical strength - according to GOST 12.3.028-82.


5.1. On the end surface circle or label must be clearly marked:

the symbol of the circle (for /) ^ 150 mm it is allowed not to apply the dimensions of the circle, the letter U, the class of unbalance, the designation of the standard);

technical control stamp, batch number.

The designation of the standard, batch number and sound index can be applied to reverse side circle.

Note. It is allowed to put on a circle or label an indication of its purpose.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

5 2. The hardness of wheels, the control of which is not provided for by GOST 18118-79, GOST 19202-80 and GOST 21323-75, should be marked in accordance with the recipe.

5.3. When using a mixture of grinding materials different brands or grit to mark the main grade or main grit.

5.4. The marking must be waterproof and be preserved during transportation and storage.

5.5. Circles up to 1 mm high must be packed in boxes or bags. In a box or package, circles of the same size, one characteristic and one lot must be packed. The box or package must be labeled with the full characteristics of the circle.

Circles with a diameter of up to 400 mm are allowed to be packed in boxes.

5.6. Boxes or packages, as well as circles with a height of over 1 mm, are packed in boxes in accordance with GOST 2991-85 or barrels in accordance with GOST 5958-79 and GOST 8777-80, as well as in boxes and barrels that were in

use, but ensuring the safety of circles during transportation. The weight of a box or barrel with packed circles must not exceed 80 kg.

It is allowed to transport circles in containers of types AUK-1.25, AUK-0.625 according to GOST 18477-79 or other containers intended for transportation of circles.

5.7. The container must be marked with inscriptions and warning signs “Caution, fragile!”, “Afraid of dampness” in accordance with GOST 14192-77.

5.8. Each batch of circles must be accompanied by a document containing:

trademark manufacturer;

circle symbol;

lot number;

release date;

the number of packed circles;

image of the State Quality Mark for circles that have been assigned the State Quality Mark in accordance with the established procedure.

5.9. During storage and transportation, the circles must be protected from atmospheric precipitation.

5.10. The shelf life of circles on a bakelite bond should not exceed six months, on a vulcanite bond - no more than twelve months. After the expiration of the storage life of the circles, their suitability for work must be determined by testing for mechanical strength in accordance with GOST 12.3.028-82.

5.11. The height of the stacks during storage and transportation of circles should be no more than:

300 mm - for circles with a diameter of up to 150 mm;

600 mm - for circles with a diameter of St. 150 to 300 mm;

1000 mm - for circles with a diameter of St. 300 mm.

5.12. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to transport wheels without packaging in conditions that ensure their safety.

Sec. 6. (Deleted, Rev. No. 1).





instrument reading scale

for circles with dimensions (Dxd)



Shape factor, F 1 "0 \\ m-1

GOST 21963-2002
(ISO 603-15-99, ISO 603-16-99)

Group G25




Grinding wheels for cutting off.

OKP 39 8200
39 8300
ISS 25.100.70

Introduction date 2004-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK95 / PK "Abrasive Tool" (JSC "NPK "Abrasives and Grinding")

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes N 22 dated November 6, 2002)

State name

Name of national authority
for standardization

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus

State Standard of the Republic of Belarus



The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"


State Standard of Ukraine

3 The standard fully complies with the requirements of international standards ISO 603-15:1999 "Bound abrasive products. Dimensions. Part 15. Cutting wheels for stationary or portable machines", ISO 603-16:1999 "Bound abrasive products. Dimensions. Part 16. Cutting wheels for manual machines.

The standard takes into account the requirements of international and European standards: ISO 525:1999 "Abrasive products. General provisions"in part of sections 1 and 3, 4.2 and 4.11; ISO 13942:2000 "Abrasive products, Dimensional tolerances and runout tolerances" in part 4.3 and 4.5; EH 12413:1999 "Safety requirements for bonded abrasive products" in part of sections 1 , 3, paragraphs 4.2 and 4.11

4 Decree of the State Committee Russian Federation on standardization and metrology dated April 28, 2003 N 134-st interstate standard GOST 21963-2002 was put into effect directly as state standard Russian Federation since July 1, 2004

5 INSTEAD OF GOST 21963-82

The amendment was made by the legal bureau "Kodeks"

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This International Standard applies to cut-off wheels with bakelite bond with or without reinforcement (BF) and vulcanite bond with or without reinforcement (R).

Cut-off wheels are designed for cutting and slotting metal materials(M) and non-metallic materials (NM).

The requirements set out in sections 3, 4 (except for 4.2 and 4.12), 5 (except for 5.3), 6-8 are mandatory.

Mandatory requirements that ensure the safety of life and health of citizens are set out in 4.11.

The standard can be used for the purpose of certification of cutting wheels.

2 Normative references

GOST 12.3.028-82 Occupational safety standards system. Machining processes with abrasive and elbor tools. Safety requirements

GOST 12.4.026-76* System of labor safety standards. Signal colors and safety signs
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 12.4.026-2001 applies.

GOST 15.309-98 System for the development and production of products. Testing and acceptance of manufactured products. Key points

GOST 3060-86 Grinding wheels. Permissible unbalanced masses and method of their measurement

GOST 3647-80 Grinding materials. Classification. Granularity and grain composition. Control methods

GOST 25961-83 Abrasive tool. Acoustic method for controlling physical and mechanical properties

GOST 27595-88 Grinding materials and abrasive tools. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 30513-97 Abrasive and diamond tools. Safety test methods

3 Classification and dimensions

3.1 Circles should be made of the following types:

41 - flat;

42 - with a recessed center.

3.2 The dimensions of the circles must correspond to those indicated in figures 1, 2 and in tables 1 and 2.

Picture 1

Picture 1

Table 1

In millimeters


0,3; 0,6; 1,0; 2,0; 2,5; 3,2


0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,25; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; 3,2

0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,25; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; 3,2

10; 13; 16; 20

1,0; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,2

0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,25; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,2

13; 20; 22,23; 32

0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,25; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,2; 4,0

13; 20; 22,23; 32

1,0; 1,25; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,2; 4,0

22; 22,23; 32

1,0; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,2; 4,0

1,6; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,2; 4,0

22; 22,23; 32

1,6; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,0; 3,2; 4,0

20; 25,4; 32

2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,2; 4,0; 6,0

22,23; 25,4; 32; 40; 51

2,5; 3,2; 4,0

22,23; 25,4; 32; 40;

3,2; 4,0; 5,0

25,4; 32; 40; 51; 60

3,2; 4,0; 5,0

25,4; 32; 40; 51; 60

4,0; 5,0; 6,0

32; 40; 51; 60

5,0; 6,0; 8,0

32; 40; 51; 76,2

60; 80; 100; 152,4

6,0; 8,0; 10,0

8,0; 10,0; 13,0

80; 100; 152,4

100; 152,4; 203,2

150; 152,4; 203,2

203,2; 304,8


Figure 2

Figure 2

table 2

In millimeters

2,0; 2,5; 3,2

2,0; 2,5; 3,2

115; 125; 150; 180; 230

2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,2; 4,0

4,0; 5,0; 6,0

4,0; 5,0; 6,0


1 Dimensions in brackets are not recommended.

2 At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to produce circles with sizes other than those indicated in the table.

3 Limit deviation for 10 mm should be +0.21 mm.

An example of a symbol for a wheel of type 41 with an outer diameter of 400 mm, a height of 4.0 mm, a bore diameter of 32 mm, made of normal electrocorundum grade 14A, a grain size of 80-N, with a sound index (ZI) of 41-43, on a bakelite bond, with hardening elements for cutting metal with a maximum working speed of 80 m/s, the 2nd unbalance class:

Cutting wheel 41 400x4.0x32 14A 80-H 41-43 BF M 80 m/s 2 class. GOST 21963-2002

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Circles should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 Wheels can be made of electrocorundum (A) and (or) silicon carbide (C) materials with grain sizes 125-5 (F16-F220) according to GOST 3647.

4.3 The accuracy of the manufacture of circles must comply with the standards specified in table 3.

Table 3

In millimeters

The size

Previous off

Outside diameter :

Up to 100 incl.

St. 100 "150"

" 150 " 400 "

" 400 " 600 "

" 600 " 1000 "

" 1000 " 1800 "

Height ; :

Up to 1.6 incl.

St. 1.6" 3.2"

" 3,2 " 4,0 "

" 4,0 " 5,0 "

" 5,0 " 6,0 "

" 6,0 " 10 "

4.4 The uneven height of the circles* should not exceed the values ​​specified in Table 4.
* Until January 1, 2005

Table 4

In millimeters

4.5 Radial and end runout* of the wheel should not exceed the values ​​specified in Table 5.
* From January 1, 2005

Table 5

In millimeters

4.6 The convexity of the planes of the circle * should not exceed the unevenness of the height of the circle.
* Until January 1, 2005

4.7 Unbalance classes according to GOST 3060: 1 and 2 - for grain size 63 and finer; 1, 2 or 3 - for grit 80 and larger.

4.8 Wheels must not be cracked.

4.9 Damage to the edges is not allowed with a length and width of more than 3 mm in the amount of more than two - for circles with diameters up to 400 mm; more than 5 mm long, more than 3 mm wide, more than four - for circles with diameters over 400 to 900 mm; more than 9 mm long, more than 5 mm wide, more than six - for circles with diameters over 900 mm.

4.10 Wheels on a bakelite bond should be made with sound indices 25-49, on a vulcanite bond - 23-45.

The values ​​of sound indices depending on the readings of the "Sound-110M" and "Sound-107" devices for wheels of type 41 are indicated in Appendix A; for circles of type 42 - according to technical paper approved in the prescribed manner.

4.11 The maximum working speed of the circle should be, m / s:

50, 63 - for circles on a bakelite bond without reinforcing elements;

80, 100, 125 - for circles on a bakelite bond with reinforcing elements;

50, 63, 80 - for wheels on a vulcanite bond.

Safety requirements - according to GOST 12.3.028 and GOST 30513.

4.12 Cutting factors are given in table 6.

Table 6

circle notation

processed material

Feed, mm/min

Working wheel speed, m/s

Engine power, kW, not less

cutting point, not less than

14A63-H; 80-N 35-39 BFM

Steel 10: pipe 83x4 mm

15 (stationary machines)

41, 42 - 400x4x32


fireclay brick
230хх113х65 mm

4 (stationary machines)

41, 42 - 400x4x32


Steel 45: pipe 25x4.5 mm

15 (stationary machines)

41, 42 - 230x3.0(2.5)x22.23

14A40-H; 63-N 35-39 BFM

Steel 10: pipe 21.3x2.8 mm

(manual and portable machines)

Cutting mode

4.13 On the label of the circle must be clearly marked:

Country of manufacture, legal address;

Circle symbol (for 150 mm it is allowed not to apply the unbalance class and the standard designation);

Batch number or release date (month and year);

OTC stamp;

Mark of conformity for certified products:

Safety signs (sign numbers 3.2; 3.5-3.7) according to GOST 12.4.026;

Maximum frequency of rotation of the circle, min;

Colored stripes according to GOST 12.3.028;

Barcode (if available).


1 In the symbol of the circle, it is allowed to use the grain size designation in accordance with GOST 3647, Appendix 6.

2 The interval of sound indices should be applied in the amount of not more than three.

3 Batch number or date of issue, as well as the stamp of the quality control department, can be applied to the packaging.

4 On circles with 500 mm it is allowed to mark on the end surface of the circle.

4.14 Wheels of the same size, same specification and same lot are packed in carton boxes ensuring their safety during transportation and storage.

It is allowed to pack circles in shrink film.

4.15 The box must be labeled with:

Trademark and name of the manufacturer;

Country of manufacture, legal address;

Circle symbol;

date of manufacture;

OTC stamp;

The number of circles.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 To control the compliance of circles with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer must carry out acceptance control and periodic tests in accordance with GOST 15.309.

5.2 Sample size during acceptance control:

4.8, 4.9, 4.13 - 100%, 3.2, 4.3-4.7, 4.10 - 10% of the lot, but not less than 5 pcs., 4.11 - 1% of the lot, but not less than 3 pcs. - for circles with a working speed up to 63 m/s, 5% of the lot, but not less than 5 pcs. - for circles with a working speed over 63 m / s, 4.14 - at least 5 boxes from the lot.

5.3 The scope of periodic tests: according to 4.12 - at least 5 pcs. party, at least once a year.

6 Control methods

6.1 Dimensional control should be carried out using universal measuring instruments. The control according to 4.8, 4.13 and 4.14 is visual.

6.2 The uneven height of the circle should be determined by the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the measured height at four diametrically opposite points of the periphery of the circle, located at a distance of (10 ± 1) mm from its edge.

6.3 Control of unbalance of circles - according to GOST 3060.

Note - Unbalance control of circles with 250 mm is allowed not to be carried out.

6.4 Sound indices should be controlled in accordance with GOST 25961.

6.5 Testing wheels for mechanical strength - according to GOST 12.3.028 and GOST 30513.

6.6 The cutting coefficient (the ratio of the area of ​​the cut workpiece to the area of ​​the worn part of the circle) when the circle is triggered up to 0.75 of the initial one is calculated by the formula

, (1)

where - number of circle cuts;

- cross-sectional area of ​​the workpiece being cut, cm;

I - diameter of the circle before and after cutting, cm.

7 Transport and storage

7.1 Transportation and storage - according to GOST 27595.

8 Manufacturer's warranties

8.1 The manufacturer must ensure that the wheels comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of operation, transportation and storage.

APPENDIX A (mandatory). The values ​​of sound indices depending on the readings of the Zvuk-110M and Zvuk-107 devices during the control of circles of type 41


Table A.1

Sound index

17.7 to 19.2

15.1 to 16.4

13.9 to 15.0

12.4 to 13.5

11.8 to 12.8

10.1 to 10.9

9.90 to 10.7

St. 19.2 "20.7

St. 16.4" 17.6

St. 15.0 "16.2

St. 13.5" 14.5

St. 12.8" 13.8

St. 10.9" 11.8

St. 10.7" 11.6

" 20,7 " 22,1

" 17,6 " 18,9

" 16,2 " 17,4

" 14,5 " 15,6

" 13,8 " 14,8

" 11,8 " 12,6

" 11,6 " 12,4

" 22,1 " 23,6

" 18,9 " 20,2

" 17,4 " 18,5

" 15,6 " 16,6

" 14,8 " 15,8

" 12,6 " 13,4

" 12,4 " 13,2

" 23,6 " 25,1

" 20,2 " 21,4

" 18,5 " 19,7

" 16,6 " 17,6

" 15,8 " 16,8

" 13,4 " 14,3

" 13,2 " 14,0

" 25,1 " 26,6

" 21,4 " 22,7

" 19,7 " 20,8

" 17,6 " 18,7

" 16,8 " 17,8

" 14,3 " 15,1

" 14,0 " 14,9

" 26,6 " 28,0

" 22,7 " 23,9

" 20,8 " 22,0

" 18,7 " 19,7

" 17,8 " 18,7

" 15,1 " 16,0

" 14,9 " 15,7

" 28,0 " 29,5

" 23,9 " 25,2

" 22,0 " 23,1

" 19,7 " 20,7

" 18,7 " 19,7

" 16,0 " 16,8

" 15,7 " 16,5

" 29,5 " 31,0

" 25,2 " 26,5

" 23,1 " 24,3

" 20,7 " 21,8

" 19,7 " 20,7

" 16,8 " 17,6

" 16,5 " 17,3

" 31,0 " 32,5

" 26,5 " 27,7

" 24,3 " 25,5

" 21,8 " 22,8

" 20,7 " 21,7

" 17,6 " 18,5

" 17,3 " 18,2

Shape frequency factor
, m

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

From 9.51 to 10.30

8.86 to 9.59

8.51 to 9.22

7.80 to 8.45

8.08 to 8.75

7.61 to 8.24

From 7.38 to 8.00

St. 10.3" 11.1

St. 9.59" 10.3

St. 9.22" 9.93

St. 8.45" 9.10

St. 8.75" 9.43

St. 8.24" 8.87

St. 8.00" 8.61

" 11,1 " 11,9

" 10,3 " 11,1

" 9,93 " 10,6

" 9,10" 9,75

" 9,43 " 10,1

" 8,87 " 9,51

" 8,61 " 9,23

" 11,9 " 12,7

" 11,1 " 11,8

" 10,6 " 11,3

" 9,75 " 10,4

" 10,1 " 10,8

" 9,51 " 10,1

" 9,23 " 9,84

" 12,7 " 13,5

" 11,8 " 12,5

" 11,3 " 12,1

" 10,4 " 11,1

" 10,8 " 11,4

" 10,1 " 10,8

" 9,84 " 10,5

" 13,5 " 14,3

" 12,5 " 13,3

" 12,1 " 12,8

" 11,1 " 11,7

" 11,4 " 12,1

" 10,8 " 11,4

" 10,5 " 11,1

" 14,3 " 15,1

" 13,3 " 14,0

" 12,8 " 13,5

" 11,7 " 12,4

" 12,1 " 12,8

" 11,4 " 12,0

" 11,1 " 11,7

" 15,1 " 15,8

" 14,0 " 14,8

" 13,5 " 14,2

" 12,4 " 13,0

" 12,8 " 13,5

" 12,0 " 12,7

" 11,7 " 12,3

" 15,8 " 16,6

" 14,8 " 15,5

" 14,2 " 14,9

" 13,0 " 13,7

" 13,5 " 14,1

" 12,7 " 13,3

" 12,3 " 12,9

" 16,6 " 17,4

" 15,5 " 16,2

" 14,9 " 15,6

" 13,7 " 14,3

" 14,1 " 14,8

" 13,3 " 13,9

" 12,9 " 13,5

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

6.30 to 6.83

6.72 to 7.28

6.58 to 7.13

6.45 to 6.99

5.75 to 6.23

5.55 to 6.01

From 5.54 to 6.00

St. 6.83" 7.35

St. 7.28" 7.84

St. 7.13" 7.67

St. 6.99" 7.53

St. 6.23" 6.71

St. 6.01" 6.47

St. 6.00" 6.46

" 7,35 " 7,88

" 7,84 " 8,40

" 7,67 " 8,22

" 7,53 " 8,06

" 6,71 " 7,19

" 6,47 " 6,93

" 6,46 " 6,92

" 7,88 " 8,40

" 8,40 " 8,96

" 8,22 " 8,77

" 8,06 " 8,60

" 7,19 " 7,67

" 6,93 " 7,39

" 6,92 " 7,38

" 8,40 " 8,93

" 8,96 " 9,52

" 8,77 " 9,32

" 8,60 " 9,14

" 7,67 " 8,15

" 7,39 " 7,86

" 7,38 " 7,85

" 8,93 " 9,45

" 9,52 " 10,1

" 9,32 " 9,87

" 9,14 " 9,68

" 8,15 " 8,63

" 7,86 " 8,32

" 7,85 " 8,31

" 9,45 " 10,0

" 10,1 " 10,6

" 9,87 " 10,4

" 9,68 " 10,2

" 8,63 " 9,10

" 8,32 " 8,78

" 8,31 " 8,77

" 10,0 " 10,5

" 10,6 " 11,2

" 10,4 " 11,0

" 10,2 " 10,8

" 9,10 " 9,58

" 8,78 " 9,24

" 8,77 " 9,23

" 10,5 " 11,0

" 11,2 " 11,8

" 11,0 " 11,5

" 10,8 " 11,3

" 9,58 " 10,1

" 9,24 " 9,70

" 9,23 " 9,69

" 11,0 " 11,6

" 11,8 " 12,3

" 11,5 " 12,1

" 11,3 " 11,8

" 10,1 " 10,5

" 9,70 " 10,2

" 9,69 " 10,2

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

5.13 to 5.55

5.04 to 5.46

5.04 to 5.46

4.75 to 5.15

4.38 to 4.75

4.38 to 4.75

4.26 to 4.61

St. 5.55" 5.98

St. 5.46" 5.88

St. 5.46" 5.88

St. 5.15" 5.55

St. 4.75" 5.11

St. 4.75" 5.11

St. 4.61" 4.97

" 5,98 " 6,41

" 5,88 " 6,30

" 5,88 " 6,30

" 5,55 " 5,94

" 5,11 " 5,48

" 5,11 " 5,48

" 4,97 " 5,32

" 6,41 " 6,84

" 6,30 " 6,72

" 6,30 " 6,72

" 5,94 " 6,34

" 5,48 " 5,84

" 5,48 " 5,84

" 5,32 " 5,68

" 6,84 " 7,26

" 6,72 " 7,14

" 6,72 " 7,14

" 6,34 " 6,73

" 5,84 " 6,21

" 5,84 " 6,21

" 5,68 " 6,03

" 7,26 " 7,69

" 7,14 " 7,56

" 7,14 " 7,56

" 6,73 " 7,13

" 6,21 " 6,57

" 6,21 " 6,57

" 6,03 " 6,39

" 7,69 " 8,12

" 7,56 " 7,98

" 7,56 " 7,97

" 7,13 " 7,53

" 6,57 " 6,94

" 6,57 " 6,94

" 6,39 " 6,74

" 8,12 " 8,54

" 7,98 " 8,40

" 7,97 " 8,39

" 7,53 " 7,92

" 6,94 " 7,30

" 6,94 " 7,30

" 6,74 " 7,10

" 8,54 " 8,97

" 8,40 " 8,82

" 8,39 " 8,81

" 7,92 " 8,32

" 7,30 " 7,67

" 7,30 " 7,67

" 7,10 " 7,45

" 8,97 " 9,40

" 8,82 " 9,24

" 8,81 " 9,23

" 8,32 " 8,71

" 7,67 " 8,03

" 7,67 " 8,03

" 7,45 " 7,81

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

4.03 to 4.37

4.04 to 4.38

3.97 to 4.30

3.36 to 3.64

3.36 to 3.64

3.36 to 3.64

3.29 to 3.56

St. 4.37" 4.70

St. 4.38" 4.72

St. 4.30" 4.63

St. 3.64" 3.92

St. 3.64" 3.92

St. 3.64" 3.92

St. 3.56" 3.84

" 4,70 " 5,04

" 4,72 " 5,05

" 4,63 " 4,96

" 3,92 " 4,20

" 3,92 " 4,20

" 3,92 " 4,20

" 3,84 " 4,11

" 5,04 " 5,38

" 5,05 " 5,39

" 4,96 " 5,29

" 4,20 " 4,48

" 4,20 " 4,48

" 4,20 " 4,48

" 4,11 " 4,38

" 5,38 " 5,71

" 5,39 " 5,73

" 5,29 " 5,62

" 4,48 " 4,76

" 4,48 " 4,76

" 4,48 " 4,76

" 4,38 " 4,66

" 5,71 " 6,05

" 5,73 " 6,06

" 5,62 " 5,95

" 4,76 " 5,04

" 4,76 " 5,04

" 4,76 " 5,05

" 4,66 " 4,93

" 6,05 " 6,38

" 6,06 " 6,40

" 5,95 " 6,29

" 5,04 " 5,32

" 5,04 " 5,32

" 5,05 " 5,33

" 4,93 " 5,21

" 6,38 " 6,72

" 6,40 " 6,74

" 6,29 " 6,62

" 5,32 " 5,60

" 5,32 " 5,60

" 5,33 " 5,61

" 5,21 " 5,48

" 6,72 " 7,06

" 6,74 " 7,08

" 6,62 " 6,95

" 5,60 " 5,88

" 5,60 " 5,88

" 5,61 " 5,89

" 5,48 " 5,76

" 7,06 " 7,39

" 7,08 " 7,41

" 6,95 " 7,28

" 5,88 " 6,16

" 5,88 " 6,16

" 5,89 " 6,17

" 5,76 " 6,03

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

3.12 to 3.38

2.88 to 3.12

2.88 to 3.12

2.88 to 3.12

2.87 to 3.11

2.83 to 3.07

2.83 to 3.07

St. 3.38" 3.64

St. 3.12" 3.36

St. 3.12" 3.36

St. 3.12" 3.36

St. 3.11" 3.35

St. 3.07" 3.30

St. 3.07" 3.30

" 3,64 " 3,90

" 3,36 " 3,60

" 3,36 " 3,60

" 3,36 " 3,60

" 3,35 " 3,59

" 3,30 " 3,54

" 3,30 " 3,54

" 3,90 " 4,16

" 3,60 " 3,84

" 3,60 " 3,84

" 3,60 " 3,84

" 3,59 " 3,83

" 3,54 " 3,78

" 3,54 " 3,78

" 4,16 " 4,42

" 3,84 " 4,08

" 3,84 " 4,08

" 3,84 " 4,08

" 3,83 " 4,07

" 3,78 " 4,01

" 3,78 " 4,01

" 4,42 " 4,68

" 4,08 " 4,32

" 4,08 " 4,32

" 4,08 " 4,32

" 4,07 " 4,31

" 4,01 " 4,25

" 4,01 " 4,25

" 4,68 " 4,94

" 4,32 " 4,56

" 4,32 " 4,56

" 4,32 " 4,56

" 4,31 " 4,54

" 4,25 " 4,48

" 4,25 " 4,48

" 4,94 " 5,20

" 4,56 " 4,80

" 4,56 " 4,80

" 4,56 " 4,80

" 4,54 " 4,78

" 4,48 " 4,72

" 4,48 " 4,72

" 5,20 " 5,46

" 4,80 " 5,04

" 4,80 " 5,04

" 4,80 " 5,04

" 4,78 " 5,02

" 4,72 " 4,96

" 4,72 " 4,96

" 5,46 " 5,72

" 5,04 " 5,28

" 5,04 " 5,28

" 5,04 " 5,28

" 5,02 " 5,26

" 4,96 " 5,19

" 4,96 " 5,19

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

2.83 to 3.07

2.83 to 3.06

2.52 to 2.73

2.52 to 2.73

2.52 to 2.73

2.48 to 2.69

2.41 to 2.61

St. 3.07" 3.30

St. 3.06" 3.30

St. 2.73" 2.94

St. 2.73" 2.94

St. 2.73" 2.94

St. 2.69" 2.90

St. 2.61" 2.82

" 3,30 " 3,54

" 3,30 " 3,53

" 2,94 " 3,15

" 2,94 " 3,15

" 2,94 " 3,15

" 2,90 " 3,10

" 2,82 " 3,02

" 3,54 " 3,78

" 3,53 " 3,77

" 3,15 " 3,36

" 3,15 " 3,36

" 3,15 " 3,36

" 3,10 " 3,31

" 3,02 " 3,22

" 3,78 " 4,01

" 3,77 " 4,00

" 3,36 " 3,57

" 3,36 " 3,57

" 3,36 " 3,57

" 3,31 " 3,52

" 3,22 " 3,42

" 4,01 " 4,25

" 4,00 " 4,24

" 3,57 " 3,78

" 3,57 " 3,78

" 3,57 " 3,78

" 3,52 " 3,72

" 3,42 " 3,62

" 4,25 " 4,48

" 4,24 " 4,47

" 3,78 " 3,99

" 3,78 " 3,99

" 3,78 " 3,99

" 3,72 " 3,93

" 3,62 " 3,82

" 4,48 " 4,72

" 4,47 " 4,71

" 3,99 " 4,20

" 3,99 " 4,20

" 3,99 " 4,20

" 3,93 " 4,14

" 3,82 " 4,02

" 4,72 " 4,96

" 4,71 " 4,94

" 4,20 " 4,41

" 4,20 " 4,41

" 4,20 " 4,41

" 4,14 " 4,34

" 4,02 " 4,22

" 4,96 " 5,19

" 4,94 " 5,18

" 4,41 " 4,62

" 4,41 " 4,62

" 4,41 " 4,62

" 4,34 " 4,55

" 4,22 " 4,42

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

2.48 to 2.69

2.48 to 2.69

2.48 to 2.69

2.45 to 2.65

2.38 to 2.58

2.24 to 2.43

2.24 to 2.43

St. 2.69" 2.90

St. 2.69" 2.90

St. 2.69" 2.90

St. 2.65" 2.86

St. 2.58" 2.78

St. 2.43" 2.61

St. 2.43" 2.61

" 2,90 " 3,10

" 2,90 " 3,10

" 2,90 " 3,10

" 2,86 " 3,06

" 2,78 " 2,98

" 2,61 " 2,80

" 2,61 " 2,80

" 3,10 " 3,31

" 3,10 " 3,31

" 3,10 " 3,31

" 3,06 " 3,27

" 2,98 " 3,18

" 2,80 " 2,99

" 2,80 " 2,99

" 3,31 " 3,52

" 3,31 " 3,52

" 3,31 " 3,52

" 3,27 " 3,47

" 3,18 " 3,38

" 2,99 " 3,17

" 2,99 " 3,17

" 3,52 " 3,72

" 3,52 " 3,72

" 3,52 " 3,72

" 3,47 " 3,68

" 3,38 " 3,58

" 3,17 " 3,36

" 3,17 " 3,36

" 3,72 " 3,93

" 3,72 " 3,93

" 3,72 " 3,93

" 3,68 " 3,88

" 3,58 " 3,78

" 3,36 " 3,55

" 3,36 " 3,55

" 3,93 " 4,14

" 3,93 " 4,14

" 3,93 " 4,14

" 3,88 " 4,08

" 3,78 " 3,97

" 3,55 " 3,73

" 3,55 " 3,73

" 4,14 " 4,34

" 4,14 " 4,34

" 4,14 " 4,34

" 4,08 " 4,29

" 3,97 " 4,17

" 3,73 " 3,92

" 3,73 " 3,92

" 4,34 " 4,55

" 4,34 " 4,55

" 4,34 " 4,55

" 4,29 " 4,49

" 4,17 " 4,37

" 3,92 " 4,11

" 3,92 " 4,11

Frequency Shape Factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

2.24 to 2.43

2.23 to 2.42

2.19 to 2.38

2.21 to 2.39

2.21 to 2.39

2.21 to 2.39

2.20 to 2.39

St. 2.43" 2.61

St. 2.42" 2.61

St. 2.38" 2.56

St. 2.39" 2.57

St. 2.39" 2.57

St. 2.39" 2.57

St. 2.39" 2.57

" 2,61 " 2,80

" 2,61 " 2,79

" 2,56 " 2,74

" 2,57 " 2,76

" 2,57 " 2,76

" 2,57 " 2,76

" 2,57 " 2,75

" 2,80 " 2,99

" 2,79 " 2,98

" 2,74 " 2,92

" 2,76 " 2,94

" 2,76 " 2,94

" 2,76 " 2,94

" 2,75 " 2,94

" 2,99 " 3,17

" 2,98 " 3,16

" 2,92 " 3,11

" 2,94 " 3,12

" 2,94 " 3,12

" 2,94 " 3,12

" 2,94 " 3,12

" 3,17 " 3,36

" 3,16 " 3,35

" 3,11 " 3,29

" 3,12 " 3,31

" 3,12 " 3,31

" 3,12 " 3,31

" 3,12 " 3,30

" 3,36 " 3,55

" 3,35 " 3,54

" 3,29 " 3,47

" 3,31 " 3,49

" 3,31 " 3,49

" 3,31 " 3,49

" 3,30 " 3,49

" 3,55 " 3,73

" 3,54 " 3,72

" 3,47 " 3,65

" 3,49 " 3,68

" 3,49 " 3,68

" 3,49 " 3,68

" 3,49 " 3,67

" 3,73 " 3,92

" 3,72 " 3,91

" 3,65 " 3,84

" 3,68 " 3,86

" 3,68 " 3,86

" 3,68 " 3,86

" 3,67 " 3,85

" 3,92 " 4,11

" 3,91 " 4,10

" 3,84 " 4,02

" 3,86 " 4,04

" 3,86 " 4,04

" 3,86 " 4,04

" 3,85 " 4,04

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

2.16 to 2.34

2.02 to 2.18

2.02 to 2.18

2.02 to 2.19

2.00 to 2.17

1.98 to 2.15

1.98 to 2.15

St. 2.34" 2.52

St. 2.18" 2.35

St. 2.18" 2.35

St. 2.19" 2.36

St. 2.17" 2.33

St. 2.15" 2.31

St. 2.15" 2.31

" 2,52 " 2,70

" 2,35 " 2,52

" 2,35 " 2,52

" 2,36 " 2,53

" 2,33 " 2,50

" 2,31 " 2,48

" 2,31 " 2,48

" 2,70 " 2,89

" 2,52 " 2,69

" 2,52 " 2,69

" 2,53 " 2,70

" 2,50 " 2,67

" 2,48 " 2,65

" 2,48 " 2,65

" 2,89 " 3,07

" 2,69 " 2,86

" 2,69 " 2,86

" 2,70 " 2,86

" 2,67 " 2,83

" 2,65 " 2,81

" 2,65 " 2,81

" 3,07 " 3,25

" 2,86 " 3,02

" 2,86 " 3,02

" 2,86 " 3,03

" 2,83 " 3,00

" 2,81 " 2,98

" 2,81 " 2,98

" 3,25 " 3,43

" 3,02 " 3,19

" 3,02 " 3,19

" 3,03 " 3,20

" 3,00 " 3,17

" 2,98 " 3,14

" 2,98 " 3,14

" 3,43 " 3,61

" 3,19 " 3,36

" 3,19 " 3,36

" 3,20 " 3,37

" 3,17 " 3,33

" 3,14 " 3,31

" 3,14 " 3,31

" 3,61 " 3,79

" 3,36 " 3,53

" 3,36 " 3,53

" 3,37 " 3,54

" 3,33 " 3,50

" 3,31 " 3,47

" 3,31 " 3,47

" 3,79 " 3,97

" 3,53 " 3,70

" 3,53 " 3,70

" 3,54 " 3,71

" 3,50 " 3,67

" 3,47 " 3,64

" 3,47 " 3,64

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

1.99 to 2.16

1.97 to 2.14

1.68 to 1.82

1.68 to 1.82

1.68 to 1.82

1.66 to 1.79

1.65 to 1.79

St. 2.16" 2.32

St. 2.14" 2.30

St. 1.82" 1.96

St. 1.82" 1.96

St. 1.82" 1.96

St. 1.79" 1.93

St. 1.79" 1.93

" 2,32 " 2,49

" 2,30 " 2,46

" 1,96 " 2,10

" 1,96 " 2,10

" 1,96 " 2,10

" 1,93 " 2,07

" 1,93 " 2,07

" 2,49 " 2,65

" 2,46 " 2,63

" 2,10 " 2,24

" 2,10 " 2,24

" 2,10 " 2,24

" 2,07 " 2,21

" 2,07 " 2,20

" 2,65 " 2,82

" 2,63 " 2,79

" 2,24 " 2,38

" 2,24 " 2,38

" 2,24 " 2,38

" 2,21 " 2,35

" 2,20 " 2,34

" 2,82 " 2,99

" 2,79 " 2,96

" 2,38 " 2,52

" 2,38 " 2,52

" 2,38 " 2,52

" 2,35 " 2,48

" 2,34 " 2,48

" 2,99 " 3,15

" 2,96 " 3,12

" 2,52 " 2,66

" 2,52 " 2,66

" 2,52 " 2,66

" 2,48 " 2,62

" 2,48 " 2,62

" 3,15 " 3,32

" 3,12 " 3,29

" 2,66 " 2,80

" 2,66 " 2,80

" 2,66 " 2,80

" 2,62 " 2,76

" 2,62 " 2,75

" 3,32 " 3,48

" 3,29 " 3,45

" 2,80 " 2,94

" 2,80 " 2,94

" 2,80 " 2,94

" 2,76 " 2,90

" 2,75 " 2,89

" 3,48 " 3,65

" 3,45 " 3,62

" 2,94 " 3,08

" 2,94 " 3,08

" 2,94 " 3,08

" 2,90 " 3,04

" 2,89 " 3,03

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

1.65 to 1.79

1.65 to 1.79

1.63 to 1.77

1.34 to 1.46

1.35 to 1.46

1.32 to 1.43

1.17 to 1.27

St. 1.79" 1.93

St. 1.79" 1.93

St. 1.77" 1.90

St. 1.46" 1.57

St. 1.46" 1.57

St. 1.43" 1.53

St. 1.27" 1.37

" 1,93 " 2,07

" 1,93 " 2,07

" 1,90 " 2,04

" 1,57 " 1,68

" 1,57 " 1,68

" 1,53 " 1,64

" 1,37 " 1,47

" 2,07 " 2,20

" 2,07 " 2,20

" 2,04 " 2,18

" 1,68 " 1,79

" 1,68 " 1,79

" 1,64 " 1,75

" 1,47 " 1,56

" 2,20 " 2,34

" 2,20 " 2,34

" 2,18 " 2,31

" 1,79 " 1,90

" 1,79 " 1,91

" 1,75 " 1,86

" 1,56 " 1,66

" 2,34 " 2,48

" 2,34 " 2,48

" 2,31 " 2,45

" 1,90 " 2,02

" 1,91 " 2,02

" 1,86 " 1,97

" 1,66 " 1,76

" 2,48 " 2,62

" 2,48 " 2,62

" 2,45 " 2,58

" 2,02 " 2,13

" 2,02 "2 ,13

" 1,97 " 2,08

" 1,76 " 1,86

" 2,62 " 2,75

" 2,62 " 2,75

" 2,58 " 2,72

" 2,13 " 2,24

" 2,13 " 2,24

" 2,08 " 2,19

" 1,86 " 1,96

" 2,75 " 2,89

" 2,75 " 2,89

" 2,72 " 2,86

" 2,24 " 2,35

" 2,24 " 2,35

" 2,19 " 2,30

" 1,96 " 2,05

" 2,89 " 3,03

" 2,89 " 3,03

" 2,86 " 2,99

" 2,35 " 2,46

" 2,35 " 2,47

" 2,30 " 2,41

" 2,05 " 2,15

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

1.32 to 1.43

1.33 to 1.44

1.30 to 1.41

1.16 to 1.26

1.26 to 1.37

1.26 to 1.37

1.24 to 1.35

St. 1.43" 1.54

St. 1.44" 1.55

St. 1.41" 1.51

St. 1.26" 1.36

St. 1.37" 1.47

St. 1.37" 1.47

St. 1.35" 1.45

" 1,54 " 1,65

" 1,55 " 1,66

" 1,51 " 1,62

" 1,36 " 1,45

" 1,47 " 1,58

" 1,47 " 1,58

" 1,45 " 1,56

" 1,65 " 1,76

" 1,66 " 1,77

" 1,62 " 1,73

" 1,45 " 1,55

" 1,58 " 1,68

" 1,58 " 1,68

" 1,56 " 1,66

" 1,76 " 1,87

" 1,77 " 1,88

" 1,73 " 1,84

" 1,55 " 1,65

" 1,68 " 1,79

" 1,68 " 1,79

" 1,66 " 1,76

" 1,87 " 1,98

" 1,88 " 1,99

" 1,84 " 1,95

" 1,65 " 1,74

" 1,79 " 1,89

" 1,79 " 1,89

" 1,76 " 1,87

" 1,98 " 2,09

" 1,99 " 2,10

" 1,95 " 2,05

" 1,74 " 1,84

" 1,89 " 2,00

" 1,89 " 2,00

" 1,87 " 1,97

" 2,09 " 2,20

" 2,10 " 2,21

" 2,05 " 2,16

" 1,84 " 1,94

" 2,00 " 2,10

" 2,00 " 2,10

" 1,97 " 2,07

" 2,20 " 2,31

" 2,21 " 2,32

" 2,16 " 2,27

" 1,94 " 2,03

" 2,10 " 2,21

" 2,10 " 2,21

" 2,07 " 2,18

" 2,31 " 2,43

" 2,32 " 2,43

" 2,27 " 2,38

" 2,03 " 2,13

" 2,21 " 2,31

" 2,21 " 2,31

" 2,18 " 2,28

Frequency Shape Factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

Table A.1 continued

Sound index

1.12 to 1.21

1.01 to 1.09

1.01 to 1.09

0.96 to 1.04

0.84 to 0.91

0.84 to 0.91

0.81 to 0.87

St. 1.21" 1.30

St. 1.09" 1.18

St. 1.09" 1.18

St. 1.04" 1.12

St. 0.91" 0.98

St. 0.91" 0.98

St. 0.87" 0.94

" 1,30 " 1,40

" 1,18 " 1,26

" 1,18 " 1,26

" 1,12 " 1,20

" 0,98 " 1,05

" 0,98 " 1,05

" 0,94 " 1,01

" 1,40 " 1,49

" 1,26 " 1,34

" 1,26 " 1,34

" 1,20 " 1,28

" 1,05 " 1,12

" 1,05 " 1,12

" 1,01 " 1,08

" 1,49 " 1,58

" 1,34 " 1,43

" 1,34 " 1,43

" 1,28 " 1,36

" 1,12 " 1,19

" 1,12 " 1,19

" 1,08 " 1,14

" 1,58 " 1,68

" 1,43 " 1,51

" 1,43 " 1,51

" 1,36 " 1,44

" 1,19 " 1,26

" 1,19 " 1,26

" 1,14 " 1,21

" 1,68 " 1,77

* 1,51 " 1,60

" 1,51 " 1,60

" 1,44 " 1,52

" 1,26 " 1,33

" 1,26 " 1,33

" 1,21 " 1,28

" 1,77 " 1,86

" 1,60 " 1,68

" 1,60 " 1,68

" 1,52 " 1,60

" 1,33 " 1,40

" 1,33 " 1,40

" 1,28 " 1,34

" 1,86 " 1,96

" 1,68 " 1,76

" 1,68 " 1,76

" 1,60 " 1,68

" 1,40 " 1,47

" 1,40 " 1,47

" 1,34 " 1,41

" 1,96 " 2,05

" 1,76 " 1,85

" 1,76 " 1,85

" 1,68 " 1,76

" 1,47 " 1,54

" 1,47 " 1,54

" 1,41 " 1,48

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

End of Table A.1

Sound index

0.80 to 0.87

0.76 to 0.82

0.67 to 0.73

0.67 to 0.73

0.66 to 0.71

0.52 to 0.56

0.54 to 0.58

St. 0.87" 0.93

St. 0.82" 0.88

St. 0.73" 0.78

St. 0.73" 0.79

St. 0.71 " 0.77

St. 0.56" 0.61

St. 0.58" 0.63

" 0,93 " 1,00

" 0,88 " 0,95

" 0,78 " 0,84

" 0,79 " 0,84

" 0,77 " 0,82

" 0,61 " 0,65

" 0,63 " 0,67

" 1,00 " 1,07

" 0,95 " 0,01

" 0,84 " 0,90

" 0,84 " 0,90

" 0,82 " 0,87

" 0,65 " 0,69

" 0,67 " 0,72

" 1,07 " 1,13

" 1,01 " 1,07

" 0,90 " 0,95

" 0,90 " 0,95

" 0,87 " 0,93

" 0,69 " 0,74

" 0,72 " 0,76

" 1,13 " 1,20

" 1,07 " 1,14

" 0,95 " 1,01

" 0,95 " 1,01

" 0,93 " 0,98

" 0,74 " 0,78

" 0,76 " 0,80

" 1,20 " 1,26

" 1,14 " 1,20

" 1,01 " 1,06

" 1,01 " 1,07

" 0,98 " 1,04

" 0,78 " 0,82

" 0,80 " 0,85

" 1,26 " 1,33

" 1,20 " 1,26

" 1,06 " 1,12

" 1,07 " 1,12

" 1,04 " 1,09

" 0,82 " 0,87

" 0,85 " 0,89

" 1,33 " 1,40

" 1,26 " 1,33

" 1,12 " 1,18

" 1,12 " 1,18

" 1,09 " 1,15

" 0,87 " 0,91

" 0,89 " 0,94

" 1,40 " 1,46

" 1,33 " 1,39

" 1,18 " 1,23

" 1,18 " 1,24

" 1,15 " 1,20

" 0,91 " 0,95

" 0,94 " 0,98

Shape frequency factor
, m

Indications, kHz, for circles with dimensions

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2003



shape factor,

F■ 10 4 , m- 1


Indications i

reference scale of the device, kHz, for circles with dimensions (DXd)

C range m/s

From 2400 to 26O0i

4.75 to 5.15

4.40 TO 4.76

4.26 to 4.61

3.97 to 4.30

St. 2600 » 28100

St. 5.15 » 5.55

St. 4.76 » 5.13

St. 4.61 * 4.97

St. 4.30 > 4.63

» 5.13 » 5/.50

> 4.97 » 5.32

:" 5.32 s" 5.68

» 6.34- » 6.73

:» 5.29 » 5i.62

> 7,13 > 7,53

» 6.96 > 7.33

» 6.29 » 6*62.

» 7.92 » 8.32:

> 7.10 » 7.45

Shape factor, F W 4, m-1



C range m/s

Indications of the reading scale of the device, kHz, for circles with dimensions (DXd)

From 2400 to 2600 st.

3.36 to 3.64 St. 3.64" 3.92" 3.92" 4.20" 4.20" 4.48" 4.48 > 4 S 76" 4.76" 5.05" 5.05" 5.33" 5.33" 5.61" 5.61" 5.89" 5.89" 6.17

From 3.12 to 3.38 St. 3.38 » 3.64

> 3.64 » 3.90 » 3.90 » 4.16 » 4.16 » 4.42

> 4.42 » 4.68 » 4.68 » 4.94

> 4.94 » 5.20 » 5.20 » 5.46 » 5.46 » 5.72

From 2.51 to 2.71 St. 2.71 > 2.92 » 2.92 » 3.13

> 3.13 » 3.34 » 3.34 » 3.55 » 3.55 » 3.76

> 3.76 > 3.97 » 3.97 » 4.18

> 4.18 » 4.38 » 4.38 » 4.59

From 2.48 to 2.69 St. 2.69 > 2.90 » 2.90 » 3.10 » 3.10 » 3.31 » 3.31 » 3.52 » 3.512 » 3.72 » 3, 72" 3.93" 3.93" 4.14" 4.14" 4.34" 4.34" 4.55

1.93 to 2.10 St. 2.10" 2.26" 2.26" 2.42" 2.42" 2.58" 2.58" 2.74" 2.74" 2.90" 2.90 > 3.06 » 3.06 » 3.22 » 3.22 » 3.39 » 3.39 » 3.56

Shape factor, F 10\ m-1


C range m/s

Indications of the reading scale of the device, kHz, *for circles

dimensions (DXd)

1 Sound to! index

From 2400 to 2600

2.02 to 2.19

1.53 to 1.66

1.68 to 1.82

St. 2600 » 2800

St. 2.19 » 2.36

St. 1.66 » 1.79

St. 1.82 » 1.96

> 1.79 » 1.91

» 2.53 > 2.70

» 2.17 » 2.30/

» 2.42 > 2.56

» 4000" » 4200

> 3.37 » 3.54

» 2.55 > 2.68

> 4200 » 4400

Shape factor, F Yu 4, m-1

When re-determining the sound index, the instrument reading should be in the range of 1.06 /tsh, where / is the instrument reading; / max; /min - upper and lower limits of the zamar interval

indexed sound index.

Introduction date 01.01.89

Section 1 shall be supplemented with clause 1.1a:

1 - for cutting off metal products with a temperature of not more than 600 ° C (general purpose);

6 - for cutting glass;

“An example of a symbol for a circle with an outer diameter £) -400 mm, height H-4 mm, bore diameter mm,

from normal electrocorundum grade 14A, grain size 40-N with a sound index of 41, on a bakelite bond (B) with reinforcing elements (U), with a working speed of 80 m / s, unbalance class 2, for cutting hot metal: 400X4X51 14A 40 -N 41 BU SO mJc 2 cl. 2 GOST 21963-82

Paragraph 2.2 shall be stated in a new wording: “2.2. Circles on a bakelite bond should be made from grinding materials and grit sizes indicated in Table. 3.

Table 3

Silk material


Circle view


electric venom

White electrocorundum





Black silicon carbide

53C; 54C; 55C

Green silicon carbide

Approved and put into effect by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 05/20/88 No. 1396

Introduction date 01.01.89

Section 1 shall be supplemented with paragraph 1La:

“1.1a. Circles should be made of the following types:

1 - for cutting off metal products with a temperature of not more than 600 ° C (general purpose);

2 - for cutting products from hot metal with a temperature of more than 600 ° C;

3 - for burn-free cutting of metal;

4 - for cutting titanium alloys;

5 - for cutting magnetic circuits;

6 - for cutting glass;

7 - for cutting non-metallic materials (dinas, chamotte, etc.).

Table 2 is supplemented with note 2: “2. By request of the consumer is allowed

to produce circles with dimensions D and d other than those indicated in Table. 2".

Clause 1.2. An example of a symbol should be stated in a new edition:

“An example of a symbol for a circle with an outer diameter £> = 400 mm, a height of 4 mm, a bore diameter d = 51 mm, made of normal electrocorundum grade 14A, grain size 40-N with a sound index of 41, on a bakelite bond (B) with reinforcing elements (U), with a working speed of 80 m / s, unbalance class 2, for cutting hot metal: 400 X4 X51 14A 40-N 41 BU SO mJc 2 class. 2 GOST 21963-82

Paragraph 2.2 shall be stated in a new wording: “2.2. Circles on a bakelite bond should be made from shlnfmaterials and grain sizes indicated in table. 3.

GE table



Circle view



White electrocorundum





Black silicon carbide

53C; 54C; 55C

Green silicon carbide

C. 2 CHANGE No. 2 GOST 21963-82


1. At the request of the consumer, it is allowed (production of circles of other brands, grain sizes, grinding materials or their mixtures.

2. Wheels on a vulcanite bond should be made from normal or chromium-titanium corundum grades 13A, 14A, 15A, 93A, 94A, grit 6-50, general purpose.

Clause 2.9. Replace value: 2 with 3.

Paragraph 2.11 shall be stated in a new wording:

“2.11. Wheels on a bakelite bond should be made with sound indices from 25 to 51, on a vulcanite bond - from 23 to 45.

A table of instrument readings depending on the sound indices is given in the mandatory Appendix 1.

Paragraph 2.12 shall be excluded.

Paragraph 2.13 shall be stated in a new wording:

“2.13. The mechanical strength of the wheels on the vulcanite bond should ensure their operation at a working speed of 50; 60; 80 m/s; the mechanical strength of wheels on a bakelite bond without reinforcing elements should ensure their operation at a working speed of 50; 60 m/s; the mechanical strength of wheels on a bakelite bond with reinforcing elements must ensure their operation at a working speed of 80 and 100 m/s.

Clause 2.14. Replace the words: “within the height tolerance” by “not more than 30%”.

Paragraph 2.16 shall be reworded as follows: “2.16. The grinding coefficients of circles must correspond to those indicated in Table. 6.

Table 6

Circle view

Outer circle diameter, mm

Processing mouse material

Workpiece dimensions, mm

Working wheel speed, m/s

Steel 45 or steel 12X18H10T

Continuation of the table. 6

Circle view

Outer circle diameter, mm

Processing my material

Workpiece dimensions, mm

Working wheel speed, m/s

Feed, mm/min

Electric motor power, kW,

Grinding coefficient, not less than

D 3 \u003d (0.13- -0.15)

Steel 12X18H10T

0z= (0.1- -0.12) D K

Titanium alloy VT8, VT20

Magnetic core made of electrical steel ST 3413

Glass С52-1

Glass fiber electrotechnical sheet GOST 12652-74

Dinas brick D-2 in accordance with GOST 1566-71

* Circles on a vulcanite bond.

Clause 3.5. The first paragraph shall be reworded as follows: “Periodic tests should be carried out at least once a year. The procedure for conducting periodic tests - according to GOST 15.001-73 ».

Paragraph 4.3 shall be stated in the new wording “4.3. Sound index control - by GOST 25961-83 ».

Section 4 shall be supplemented with clause 4.6. “4.6. The grinding coefficient is determined when the wheel is actuated up to a diameter of 0.75 from the initial one without cooling (for works 6 and 7 - with cooling).

Paragraph 5.1 shall be reworded as follows: “5 1. On the end surface of the circle or the label must be clearly marked

name of the manufacturer*;

circle symbol (for £><150 мм допускается не наносить размеры круга, букву У, класс неуравновешенности, обозначение стандарта).

It is allowed to put an indication of the purpose of the circle instead of a digital designation.

By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to apply an interval of sound indices in an amount not exceeding 3.

On circles with a diameter of 600 to 1500 mm, sound indices are marked in accordance with the recipe (with a diameter of 600 to 1200 mm until 07/01/90);

technical control stamp;

batch number or release date (month and last two digits of the year);

the highest frequency of rotation of the circle *.

* By order of the consumer.

Paragraph 5.2 shall be deleted.

Paragraph 5 4. Delete the words: “be waterproof and”.

Paragraph 5.5 shall be reworded as follows: “5.5. Other requirements for labeling, as well as packaging, transportation and storage - according to GOST 27595-88 ».

Paragraphs 5.6-5.12 shall be excluded.

The appendix shall be stated in a new edition:

Table 1 Table 2

Wheels without reinforcing elements Wheels with reinforcing elements mm mm

6,3; 0,6; 1,0; 2,0

0,3; 0,6; 1,0; 2,0; (3,0); 3,2

2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 3,5

2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2

2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

(\6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,3; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2

ol 200; 20 230

2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,3; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2

0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,3; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

1,0; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

1,6; 2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

2,0; 2,5; (3,0); 3,2; 4,0

Note. Sizes enclosed in brackets are not recommended.

An example of a symbol for a circle with an outer diameter of # = 400 mm, a height of # = 4.0 "mm, a bore diameter of d = 51 mm, made of normal electrocorundum grade 14A, grain size 40-H, with a sound index of 41, on a bakelite bond (B ), with reinforcing elements (U), with a working speed of 80 m/s, unbalance class 2:

1.1, 1.2.


2.1. Circles must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.




Shape factor F-10 4 , m -1

2.2. Wheels should be made from grinding materials of grain sizes indicated in Table. 3.

Table 3

Sanding material

Grainy! b

for bundle


Volca whale*

Normal electrocorundum

White electrocorundum

Chrome-plated electrocorundum

94A; 93A; 92A; 91A

Black silicon carbide

56C; 54C; 53C

Note. At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture circles from other brands, grit sizes of grinding materials or their mixtures.

2.3. The accuracy of the manufacture of circles must comply with the standards specified in table. four.

Limit deviations

Outside diameter O.-

St. 150 » 260

Height I:

St. 0^8 > 3.0

Bore diameter d:

St. 51 to 76

2.4. The uneven height of the circles should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 5.

2.3, 2.4. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.5. The grain composition of the grinding material - according to GOST 3647-80.

2.6. The concavity or convexity of the planes of the circle should not exceed the uneven height of the circle.

2.7. Wheels with a height of 2.5 mm or more on a bakelite bond with reinforcing elements must be made with calibration bushings.

2.8. Unbalance classes according to GOST 3060-86 should be: for circles with a grain size of 63 or less - 1 or 2; for wheels with a grain size of 80 and larger - 1, 2 or 3.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.9. Damage to the edges is not allowed with a length and width of more than 2 mm in an amount of more than two - for circles with a diameter of up to 400 mm, a length of more than 5 mm, a width of more than 3 mm in an amount of more than four - for circles with a diameter of more than 400 to 900 mm, a length of more than 9 mm, with a width of more than 5 mm in the amount of more than six - for circles with a diameter of more than 900 mm.

2.10. Circles should not have cracks.

2.11. Bakelite bonded wheels with Z)<600 мм должны Изготовляться со звуковыми индексами: 25; 27; 29; 31; 33; 35; 37; 39; 41 и 43; круги на вулканитовой связке с £)^600 мм - со звуковыми индексами: 27; 29; 31; 33; 35.

A table of instrument readings depending on the sound indices is given in the mandatory appendix.

2.12. Wheels on a bakelite bond with D>600 mm should be produced in the following degrees of hardness: CM2; C1; C2; ST1; ST2; STZ; T1; T2; VT1 and VT2; circles on a volcanic bond with £>> 600 mm - ST and T.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.13. The mechanical strength of wheels on a vulcanite bond and circles without reinforcing elements on a bakelite bond should ensure their operation at operating speeds of 50 and 60 m/s; the mechanical strength of wheels with reinforcing elements on a bakelite bond should ensure their operation at operating speeds of 60, 80 and 100 m/s.

2.14. It is allowed to produce circles with different corrugations of the end surfaces or with a double-sided undercut, which reduces the height of the circle from the periphery to its center within the height tolerance.

2.15. Rules and norms of safe work - in accordance with GOST 12.3.028-82.

2.16. The values ​​of the grinding coefficient when cutting workpieces with a circle of normal electrocorundum, grain size 50 and coarser, degrees of hardness ST1-T1, with reinforcing elements, with a marked working speed of 80 m/s and a feed rate of at least 300 mm/min must correspond to those indicated in Table. 6 (workpiece to be cut - a bar of steel grade 12X18HI0T according to GOST 5949-75), or in Table. 7 (workpiece to be cut - pipe according to GOST 8732-78 made of steel 10 GOST 8781-71) or in Table. 8 (workpiece to be cut - ordinary steel pipe according to GOST 3262-75, fireclay brick of ShA-1-5 brand according to GOST 8691-73 and brick from dinas brand ED-2 GOST 1566-71).

Table about

Circle diameter O, mm

The largest diameter of the workpiece, mm

Electric motor power, kW, not less

Grinding coefficient, not less than

Table 8

Circle diameter D, mm

Workpiece size, mm


Electric motor power, kW, not less

Grinding ratio. at least

230X113 (dinas)

"230X113 (chamotte)

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 1).


3.1. To control the compliance of wheels with the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer must carry out acceptance control and periodic tests.

3.2. Acceptance control for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.9 and 2.10 subject each circle; according to paragraphs. 1.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 2.11, 2.12-10% of the batch, but not less than 5 pieces; according to clause 2.13-1% of the lot, but not less than 3 pcs. for circles with a working speed of up to 60 m/s and 10% of the lot, but not less than 5 pcs. - for circles with a working speed over 60 m/s.

The batch must consist of circles of the same size, one characteristic, simultaneously presented for acceptance according to one document.

3.3. If, during the acceptance control, a non-compliance with the requirements of the standard is established for more than one of the controlled indicators, then the batch is not accepted.

If a non-compliance with the requirements of the standard is established for one of the controlled indicators, then a second control is carried out on a double number of circles for all indicators.

If there are defects in the resampling, the lot will not be accepted.

3.4. Periodic tests for compliance with the requirements of clause 2.16 are subjected to circles that have passed acceptance control, in an amount of at least 5 pcs. from the party.

3.3, 3.4. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

3.5. Periodic testing should be carried out at least once every one and a half years GOST 15.001-73.

It is allowed to conduct tests at the consumer in production conditions.


4.1. The control of the size of the circles is carried out using universal measuring instruments.

4.2. The uneven height of the circle is determined by the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the measured height at 4 diametrically opposite points of the periphery of the circle, located at a distance of (10±1) mm from the edge of the circle.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

4.4. Control of unbalance of circles - in accordance with GOST 3060-86.

Note. Unbalance control of circles with an outer diameter of up to 250 mm is allowed not to be carried out.

4.5. Test circles for mechanical strength - according to GOST 12.3.028-82.


5.1. On the end surface of the circle or the label must be clearly marked:

trademark of the manufacturer;

the symbol of the circle (for /) ^ 150 mm it is allowed not to apply the dimensions of the circle, the letter U, the class of unbalance, the designation of the standard);

technical control stamp, batch number.

The designation of the standard, batch number and sound index can be applied on the reverse side of the circle.

Note. It is allowed to put on a circle or label an indication of its purpose.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

5 2. The hardness of wheels, which control is not intended GOST 18118-79 , GOST 19202-80 and GOST 21323-75, label according to the recipe.

5.3. When using a mixture of abrasives of different grades or grits, mark the main grade or main grit.

5.4. The marking must be waterproof and be preserved during transportation and storage.

5.5. Circles up to 1 mm high must be packed in boxes or bags. In a box or package, circles of the same size, one characteristic and one lot must be packed. The box or package must be labeled with the full characteristics of the circle.

Circles with a diameter of up to 400 mm are allowed to be packed in boxes.

5.6. Boxes or packages, as well as circles with a height of over 1 mm, are packed in boxes according to GOST 2991-85 or barrels according to GOST 5958-79 and GOST 8777-80, as well as in boxes and barrels that were in

use, but ensuring the safety of circles during transportation. The weight of a box or barrel with packed circles must not exceed 80 kg.

It is allowed to transport circles in containers of types AUK-1.25, AUK-0.625 according to GOST 18477-79 or other containers intended for transportation of circles.

5.7. The container must be marked with inscriptions and warning signs “Caution, fragile!”, “Afraid of dampness” in accordance with GOST 14192-77.

5.8. Each batch of circles must be accompanied by a document containing:

trademark of the manufacturer;

circle symbol;

lot number;

release date;

the number of packed circles;

image of the State Quality Mark for circles that have been assigned the State Quality Mark in accordance with the established procedure.

5.9. During storage and transportation, the circles must be protected from atmospheric precipitation.

5.10. The shelf life of circles on a bakelite bond should not exceed six months, on a vulcanite bond - no more than twelve months. After the expiration of the shelf life of the circles, their suitability for work must be determined by testing for mechanical strength according to GOST 12.3.028-82.

5.11. The height of the stacks during storage and transportation of circles should be no more than:

300 mm - for circles with a diameter of up to 150 mm;

600 mm - for circles with a diameter of St. 150 to 300 mm;

1000 mm - for circles with a diameter of St. 300 mm.

5.12. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to transport wheels without packaging in conditions that ensure their safety.

Sec. 6. (Deleted, Rev. No. 1).





instrument reading scale

for circles with dimensions (Dxd)



Shape factor, F 1 "0 \\ m-1