The bird hit the window and flew away - as the signs say. The dove hit the window and flew away, is this a good sign? We learn from the interpretation of this sign

Even for those who do not consider themselves to be animal lovers, a dead bird falling at their feet will not be the most pleasant event of the day. But what if a bird died that flew in through the window, or someone threw it on the threshold of your house? Here, only a few will keep their composure, the rest will grab their heads in fright: “a bad omen”! But how to interpret it correctly? And is this a sign at all or an unfortunate accident?

Find a dead bird...

On the road. If you stumble upon a body covered with feathers on your way somewhere, this, in fact, is not yet a sign, but simply an unpleasant event. Alas, birds die every day. rushing on high speeds cars, dogs and cats, diseases and old age, which birds are subject to in the same way as all living creatures ... It is not surprising that from time to time we stumble upon their little bodies in different parts of the city. True, there is a belief that a dead raven on the road means failure in the business you are heading for. But the most reasonable way out for you in this case would not be to focus your thoughts on a sad find, but to calmly continue on your way. Most likely, more than a dozen people will see the poor fellow today, so if this is a sign, then the big question is for whom.

In the yard or garden. Unlike the previous case, this message is almost “nominal” and it symbolizes the discord that you can have with other people, but not relatives (it is no coincidence that you found the carcass before you managed to return to the house). Weigh your every word before giving vent to irritation, and conflict will be avoided. After all, there are signs for that and signs so that you can predict a possible bad development of events and correct your actions.

Near a window or door. If a dead bird on the side of the road does not cause joyful feelings, then it is even more unpleasant to make such a find on your own doorstep or under the window. It’s good if you live in a private house, and neighbor’s cats dart around the area around - in this case, “sabotage” can always be attributed to them. And do not puzzle over its meaning! Believe me, the furry predator did not have something to tell you in his thoughts! Another thing is that sometimes the carcass is thrown with the specific purpose of harming the inhabitants of the dwelling. Naturally, it is extremely painful to realize that there is a person in this world who has harbored such a serious malice against you, but you definitely don’t need to overreact emotionally to this incident and lose peace and sleep because of it. Such "magic" is built on this in order to scare you and thereby make a breach in psychological protection. Why play into the hands of ill-wishers? Without touching the bird, wrap it in newspaper or a rag, bury it away from home, and then forget about it once and for all.

On the balcony or in the room. Depending on which breed the bird belongs to, the interpretation of the signs also changes:

The bird does not always symbolize something. Sometimes it's just a bird

  • The dove of superstition is interpreted as a disease of someone living in the house.
  • Sparrow - the loss of a significant amount of money, but not critical. However, if you have a side source of income, you may lose it.
  • Magpie portends an unfair accusation of slander. Be careful what you say about other people, otherwise you risk earning a reputation as an avid gossip.
  • A dead swallow is a twofold sign. On the one hand, it quite logically denotes sadness and tears. On the other hand, the first who in the spring discovers a dead bird on his way, the belief promises a good year.
  • An owl (sometimes this happens) warns that you do not listen well to the voice of reason and neglect wise advice.

If it crashes into an obstacle and crashes to death

A bird hit the window glass with a swing, fell and died? It's sad, but it's too early to drink a sedative. Some signs believe that this event portends you ... a meeting with friends. Moreover, the degree of fun will depend on the size of the bird: a dove means a wide feast, a sparrow means short gatherings in a cafe. If the sign bothers you, buy a bottle of good wine, invite two or three friends home and “perform” it yourself.

The belief about a dove knocking on a window or wall, by the way, has one more interpretation. If a marriageable girl lives in the house, she is unlikely to become a bride before the end of the year. And for the better! It is believed that a marriage entered into contrary to this sign will be unhappy and will quickly cease to exist.

But it is worth discarding mysticism, and the reason for the strange behavior of birds becomes banal and somewhat pleasant for the hostess of the house: you simply have very clean glasses! Small pichugs so often do not notice them that in some places special stickers are attached to the windows to scare away the silly ones.

Flew into the house and died

If you happened to find a bird corpse in your own apartment, thoughts of bad signs will involuntarily come into your head. However, even in this case, it is too early to despair: contrary to the general misconception, belief threatens with troubles and sorrows only if you yourself, voluntarily or involuntarily, contributed to the bird's death. If there was an accident, a dead bird in the house portends a series of bad, but far from fatal events. The titmouse is considered an exception, since these birds are traditionally regarded as messengers of happiness. But for every bad omen there is an "antidote", so do not despair. We will dwell on this issue in more detail a little later.

Drowned in the water

Bird drinker will put an end to accidents with birds

As for the drowned birds, signs conceal a mysterious silence. Perhaps because there is nothing mysterious in this event. Birds often sit on the edge of a container of water to quench their thirst, and if for some reason they fall down (for example, a careless relative pushed them), they can no longer get out. If there is a hunt, evaluate the sign at the place where the bird drowned - in the yard or on the street. Better yet, cover the container with a suitable lid, and the sad incident will not happen again..

Why does a dead bird fall from the sky

A pichuga that has fallen next to you usually portends the appearance of difficulties in the material, business sphere and in relations with people. To protect yourself, do not make spontaneous expensive purchases, carefully fulfill your duties in the service and try not to get involved in conflict situations. By the way, good habit to calculate in advance your actions are guaranteed to bring you good luck, even if no bird fell from the sky.

Is it possible to neutralize the sign?

  • The surest way to ward off a bad sign is not to believe in it. Until you yourself convince yourself that a dead bird portends trouble, belief is powerless over you.
  • If you have already managed to get scared, take a warm shower and, looking at the bathroom drain, repeat several times: “Water-water, where it came from, went there, took all 33 misfortunes with it.”
  • The bird hit the glass of the house and fell? Check if she's dead. To save a feathered bird in such circumstances means to ward off a bad omen from oneself. If it’s too late to help, alas, take the bird away from your home, thoroughly wash the window and immediately throw out the napkin so that everything bad goes with it into the trash. Is there a crack on the glass? Replace it as soon as possible.

Enthusiastically leafing through collections of signs, do not forget to check the calendar. Isn't it the season migratory birds outside? In autumn and spring, these funny creatures in feathers become especially active and less attentive. It may turn out that the “terrible sign” is actually just the result of a pichuga playing, chasing a midge or running away from a stronger opponent. Is it worth it to waste your nerves on this?

To find out why the bird hit the window and flew away, you should study the relevant signs. We will consider them in our article.

In the article:

The dove hit the window and flew away - a sign

Most often, it is the pigeons that crash into the windows, causing a commotion among the residents. Often people are afraid that in this way trouble is knocking on the house, and they begin to set themselves up for bad events. In fact, today this sign is very distorted.

Popular belief says that if a bird hits a window, it brings prosperity and wealth. The meaning of the sign depends on which bird tried to fly into the house. As for pigeons, there are two common opinions.

  1. , which is closely connected with both the world of the living and the afterlife. Some believe that the dove is the soul of a deceased relative who misses loved ones and sends a sign to be remembered.
  2. Others believe that the dove is a harbinger of death and knocks on the window of the house where a sad event may soon happen. At the same time, shamans are sure that if they manage to drive the bird away without verbal contact, they can neutralize the negative program.

Pigeons are amazing creatures, and associated with them a large number of beliefs. To more accurately decipher the phenomenon, pay attention to how one behaved. These seemingly insignificant facts can significantly change the prediction.

positive omens

Each , can be both positive and negative. Much depends on which bird is knocking on the window.


If you become an uninvited guest sparrow, important things await you, on which promotion will depend career ladder and personal life.

You will probably be made an important offer that cannot be refused. If you make the right decision, you can radically change your life in better side.


Good news will bring martin. Most likely, some close relative, friend misses you, and it is advisable to meet this person as soon as possible - he will bring good news. Similarly, the meaning of signs, if a swift crashed into the window. This bird portends a meeting with old friends, an easy pregnancy and the birth of a child.

Also pay attention to whether the feathered friend broke the window or not. Depending on this, the meaning of belief can change for the better. Most often, this suggests that human life will be filled with various events, you will meet new people and receive important news.


If you hit the glass tit you can be absolutely calm. Our ancestors were sure that this is a distant relative of the fabulous Blue Bird. She brings happiness and prosperity to the house. The sign acquires the maximum positive value if the bird not only hit the window, but also flew into the house.

When a bird crashed into the window is not good

If you believe the signs, it does not bode well. The cuckoo brought the news that the family was in for hard trials and experiences.

Most likely, serious health problems will fall on one of the relatives. Often such birds were a harbinger of severe epidemics or other life-threatening diseases.

But it is impossible to consider a negative omen as an axiom. Perhaps the bird just got lost, sat on the windowsill and accidentally hit the glass. If there was a wooded area near the house that began to be cut down, the bird could lose its home and make a nest under your roof.

If we consider this phenomenon not from a mystical point of view, but from a scientific one, birds perceive their reflection as another individual and try to attract her attention by knocking, and do not warn of terrible changes in your life.

If the bird sat on the windowsill, knocked on the window, flew in through the window or walks along the edge of the eaves, you should not immediately regard this phenomenon from a mystical point of view, frighten yourself with terrible beliefs and prepare for the worst. Feathered friends are not always harbingers of misfortune. Tune in for the best, think that the birds will bring good news and attract only positive energy into your life.

In contact with

Our ancestors attributed to birds a connection with the other world, which carried out communication with deceased relatives. Many considered them messengers of angels who convey important messages to people, tried to warn about serious events through them. At the same time, a significant part of the signs about the bird that hit the window promised good news.

Hit the window and flew away

The most ambiguous sign, which has a dual interpretation: the bird brought with it very bad (severe illness or death of a close relative) or good news (solving an important matter or problem).

If the bird continues to hit the window with its beak, not wanting to fly away, this is an unkind sign, a warning that you need to be careful in your movements in the very near future, especially if there is a long road ahead.

But if the bird continues to beat out the window to the girl of marriageable age, you should expect the arrival of matchmakers soon.

A light one-time knock on the window, according to ancient signs, meant the imminent arrival of guests. And how many knocking birds will be, so many guests should be expected.

The interpretation of signs also depends on the breed of bird:

  • The swallow carries good news from relatives and friends.
  • A swift or a stork is knocking for a long-awaited pregnancy.
  • Tit portends great joy, happiness and success. According to popular beliefs, it was this breed that was considered a relative of the legendary Blue Bird, carrying happiness on its wings, a messenger of the forces of light.
  • Sparrow portends monetary losses, financial fraud, fraud or robbery of the owners.
  • The dove has long been considered connected between the world of the living and the dead, and therefore it conveys mournful news about the deterioration of health or the imminent death of relatives.
  • The sound of forest birds (cuckoo, owl or eagle owl) brought the most terrible news - the spread of epidemics and other natural disasters.

Hit the window and crashed

The worst omen is if the bird hit and died. This indicates the death of a very close person or relative that has come or is coming. Another bad interpretation is a close natural disaster, which birds can feel long before its onset.

Read also the detailed meaning will take if the dove beats out the window, sits on the windowsill or makes a nest on the balcony

What to do

You can mitigate the severity of a bad omen by the following actions:

  • Examine the scene. If the bird is alive but injured, give it first aid, feed it and release it into the wild. If she died, bury her as far away from home as possible.
  • Wash the window thoroughly after impact, if it is cracked, replace it as soon as possible.
  • Be sure to feed the birds on the street away from home as soon as possible, and it is advisable to find exactly the breed that hit the window.
  • Put candles in the church for the health of relatives and friends, you can also feed the birds there.

dream interpretation

A dream about a bird hitting a window also most often does not bring good news. It is believed that birds in a dream symbolize the souls of deceased relatives. A dream portends a serious illness or death of close relatives, especially if the bird died after being hit.

Another interpretation of sleep is receiving news from a loved one whom the dreamer has not seen for a long time.

However, for a woman who wants to get pregnant or get married, if a bird hit the window in a dream, this is a good sign.

What does it really mean

In our time, there are enough logical explanations why a bird can hit the window of an apartment building:

  • It is saved from a predator, especially if it is small in size. The bird simply does not see a transparent window and seeks to get into the first shelter that comes across.
  • Through the window, the bird could see something very attractive or tasty on the windowsill or table by the window. Usually these are young birds, just getting acquainted with the world, which still have little idea of ​​the structure of a human dwelling.

  • The bird can be elementary drunk. In the thaw or late autumn, many fruits remain on the trees, which begin to ferment under the influence of positive temperatures. As a result, the birds, drunk on drunken mountain ash, lose their orientation in space, and accidentally hit the window.
  • The bird takes its reflection in the window behind its own kind and knocks trying to attract its attention.

Looking at a dove, people see a beautiful proud bird. No one even thinks about thinking badly about a feathered creature. But seeing how the dove crashed into the window, the opinion of the majority instantly changes.

Superstitious people believe that this is a bad omen that brings death to the house. But before you panic, you should understand a little about all the intricacies of the appearance of this bird behind the glass.

If you notice that the feathered bird crashed into the window and does not fly away, you should not draw hasty conclusions and drive the bird away with fear. You should pay attention to various nuances and then you can find out what the feathered creature wants to tell you about.

The appearance of a dove behind glass, followed by a blow to it, may turn out to be an accident. It's possible the bird didn't notice. clear glass and crashed into him. It means absolutely nothing.

Well, if the blow was not accidental, and the bird deliberately beats several times at your window, then this is a harbinger of the death of a loved one.

If grief recently happened in your house and someone close died, and a few days later a dove appeared in the window and knocked, this may mean that the spirit of the deceased missed his relatives and, incarnated as a heavenly bird, flew to see him for the last time.

If a dove knocked on the window, and then flew into the house and holds a flower or a twig in its beak, then this indicates good news soon. In gratitude, you should let the bird out into the street and sprinkle crumbs on it.

What does a bird look like

If a dove hit the window, you need to pay attention to it appearance and color.

Small details can also affect the interpretation of signs.

  • If a dark-colored dove hit once and flew away, then this portends unpleasant news. If, after the blow, he remained on the windowsill and knocks, this means that news of the death of someone you know awaits you.
  • A sick, shabby dove beats into glass, which means that it is a harbinger of the death of a close and dear person.
  • A harbinger of amazing news is a sign when a dove of an unusual breed or color beats or knocks on glass. If such a bird sits on the frame and knocks on the glass, it means that soon you will find out interesting news.
  • If the dove hit the glass and lost a lot of feathers, then the one who sees this will have to experience great disappointment and regret about what happened in his life.
  • There were traces of blood at the site of the bird's strike - nothing good can be expected. Death is knocking on the door and it will take a loved one.

Times of Day

The time at which you saw the bird outside your window also makes its own adjustments to the interpretation of signs.

  • If a dove beats against glass at night, when the inhabitants of the house are sleeping, this means that news will come from distant relatives.
  • If a bird knocks and rushes along your window at dusk, then this is a harbinger of the appearance of envious people who will certainly take bad actions against the inhabitants of the house.
  • It is a good sign if a dove woke you up in the morning with its knock on the glass. This means good news awaits you.
  • In the event of a bird hitting the glass after dinner, the news will be bad and will not bring joy.

Who saw

Also, the sign can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the circumstances prevailing in the house and on the one who saw the bird.

In a house in which a sick person is located, the appearance of a dove in a window opening means a quick death. The sufferer will have a journey to a beautiful world, to which a beautiful bird has flown to accompany him.

A dove hit the window and a pregnant woman saw it - a sign is interpreted in favor of an early birth. It is necessary to prepare, as the long-awaited baby will be born in the near future.

A dove flying to the window on the eve of a wedding or other equally important event is a harbinger of strong feelings. So that they turn out to be a simple excitement before a joyful event, you should appease the bird and treat the dove with bread crumbs. In that case, it will be a good omen.

If a girl, having heard a knock on the window, saw cooing pigeons on the windowsill, then this means that she will soon be married.

Pigeon hit car window

Cars appeared relatively recently. Therefore, there is practically no interpretation of signs when a dove hits the glass of a car. But don't take it lightly. Just in case, be careful on the road, avoid recklessness and follow the rules of the road.

If a dove hit your window and the interpretation does not bode well, you can try to pay off by feeding the bird with grain or bread crumbs. Having appeased the feathered one, you will be able to drive away the approaching trouble from yourself.

Some people believe that the sign will come true only for those who believe in it. Maybe there is some truth in this. After all, expecting trouble, we kind of lure them.

Therefore, you should not worry too much if you suddenly saw a dove hit the window. Try to pay him off and believe that trouble will bypass you.

Watch a video about folk signs about pigeons.

Quite often, a person who flies through the window large bird, panic sets in. This is justified by the fact that human thinking immediately begins to look for dirty tricks and a hidden negative message. It has never been possible to forget about them after such events and live at a normal pace of life. Folk signs convince us that if a dove hit the window and flew away, then unpleasant events should be expected.

Common signs

If a situation has occurred in which the bird hit the glass and flew away, you should pay attention to what your inner instinct tells you. The thing is that it is intuition that can reveal the meaning of such a case. Only in this way will you be able to understand whether it was a sign of higher powers or an ordinary accident. Much of the correct interpretation depends on more than just the color of the bird or its behavior. You should pay attention to what thoughts you visited at this moment. It is important to look at certain factors.

  1. If the dove hit the window at the very moment when you were solving a difficult problem, then this is a sign of a positive or negative signal from heaven. It all depends on what exactly you set yourself up for.
  2. If the dove turned out to be a dark shade, then trouble awaits you. You should prepare yourself for this in advance so that there is a chance to get out of a difficult situation as a winner.
  3. The dove crashed into the glass, but will not leave your window, you should analyze your lifestyle. It is possible that you need to sort out your thoughts.
  4. If the dove flew to the window not alone, but with its mate, then you have to sort things out with your loved one.
  5. If a bird breaks glass with its own weight, and drops of blood are shown on it, one should prepare for illnesses of loved ones. It is possible that everything will end in death.
  6. The dark bird broke the glass and flew away, the sign speaks of unpleasant news. Fate will test you for strength.

When the bird came

Many folk omens are interpreted depending on what time of day it was at the time of the incident. If a guest arrives at your place before lunch, this is a good sign. This indicates possible good news or an early wedding. It is especially good if the bird visited an unmarried girl.

If the bird decided to visit you after dinner, then it will not bring anything good. It brings only difficulties in all areas of life and constant bad luck, from which it is impossible to get rid of on your own. It is especially dangerous if the bird flew to you at night. The thing is that birds should not fly at night, so her visit can promise great trouble or trouble.

If the bird flew to work

Signs from above can remind us of ourselves in all places of our activity. It is not necessary for the bird to fly to your home. It is possible that she will appear at your work. If the embarrassment occurred at home, then you can still explain the meaning of the signs. If a pigeon appeared at your work, then this may cause problems, because there are a large crowd of people in public places.

The meaning of a folk omen depends on the attitude of a particular person. Some of your colleagues may take this sign as positive. But another part of the team may think that this is a negative sign of higher powers. The most common folk sign says that such behavior of a dove is justified by its confusion in space. Perhaps he just got lost or started looking for a warmer place. You should not immediately perceive his behavior as the highest sign.

If the dove lost its feathers

If the bird hit the glass only once, but that was enough to lose some of the feathers, then this can be interpreted in several ways.

  1. This is a signal that some changes will take place in your life. They will completely change your attitude to the world around you.
  2. This is a sign of negative change. It may happen that you have to reconsider life priorities after an unpleasant event.

Other folk signs say that the bird lets you know that shocking events will happen. You will have to be so disappointed in certain person that you will forever lose trust in the people around you.

see a dead dove

If the dove just sat on the windowsill and does nothing, then you should not wind yourself up in trouble.

But if you witnessed the death of a bird, then you should be wary of trouble in life. There may be death in the home or divorce in marriage.

If you are very afraid for your life, then give up travel or long trips for a while. Go to the doctor to check on your health status. Beware of extreme areas of activity. This will help you save not only your health, but also your life.

Quite often, a feathered guest lets you know that you have been spoiled or evil eyed. Therefore, it is important to seek the help of specialists to determine the presence of black witchcraft. If the signal of the feathered friend is confirmed, then rituals should be immediately carried out to remove black magic. If a bird knocks on the window - what is the sign and what to do (sparrow, dove and other birds)

Dumb pigeon crashed through the window

If a relative died, but 40 days have not passed since his funeral, then he decided to visit you. Perhaps he flew in to remind you of a promise that you could not fulfill, so you should think about this nuance and be sure to fulfill your promise. After that, you need to morally release the dead man. If you constantly miss him, then it will not bring anything good. Constant sorrow does not allow the soul to find its place in the other world.

You can just talk to the bird. You can tell her all your problems. You can be sure that the solution to the problem will come immediately. If the bird is actively beating against the glass of the window, then you should start to panic. Most likely, this is a sign that the deceased decided to take you to another world. At such moments, you should talk to him and ask him to leave you alone.