Iron glass. metallic glass

Formation and propagation of shear bands on the surface of a metallic glass sample (Pd79Ag3.5P6Si9.5Ge2)

Under scanning electron microscope The stepped structure of the shear band is clearly visible.

Similar shear bands are formed along the edges of the cracks, which leads to the destruction of the crack tip and prevents its further growth.

Due to their amorphous structure, metallic glasses can be as strong as steel and ductile as polymeric materials, they are able to conduct electricity and have high corrosion resistance. Such materials could be widely used in the manufacture of medical implants and various electronic devices, if not for one unpleasant property: fragility. Metal panes tend to be brittle and resist fatigue loads unevenly, which calls into question their reliability. The use of multicomponent amorphous metals (composites) solves this problem; however, it is still relevant for monolithic metallic glasses.

As part of a new study, conducted jointly by scientists from the Berkeley Lab and the California Institute of Technology, a way has been found to increase the fatigue strength of bulk metallic glasses. Bulky palladium-based metallic glass, subjected to fatigue loading, performed just as well as the best of composite metallic glasses. Its fatigue strength is comparable to that of commonly used polycrystalline structural metals and alloys such as steel, aluminum and titanium.

Under load, a shear band is formed on the surface of palladium metallic glass, i.e., a local area of ​​significant deformation, which takes on a stepped shape. At the same time, the same shear bands appear along the edges of the cracks separating the “steps”, which blunts the crack tips and prevents their further propagation.

Palladium is characterized by a high ratio of bulk and shear modulus , which conceals the brittleness inherent in glassy materials, since the formation of “multilevel” shear bands that prevent further crack growth is energetically more favorable than the formation of large cracks that lead to rapid destruction of the sample. Together with high

World economic crisis does not stop active innovative developments in the field of space research. Metallic glass "with strange properties", first invented in 1960 by Paul Duwetz, seems to have finally found a worthy application. Its updated composition is planned to be used in the creation of space research robots. The OKNA MEDIA portal tells about the new material and the NASA project on space robotization.

Volumetric metal glass as a futuristic object

When Paul Duwetz poured a molten hot metal-based compound in 1960 and observed its properties during rapid cooling, it could not have occurred to him that this unusual invention would not only inspire futuristic cinema, but also become a real basis for new space programs. Initially, the composition obtained by Duwetz was extremely fragile and brittle. It was called ultra-quick frozen, because it was produced with sharp temperature fluctuations and the simultaneous casting of the composition onto a rapidly rotating copper cylinder. Cooling took place at a rate of 10,000,000 K/s.

Amorphousness as the main property immediately determined new material. The name "bulk metallic glass" originated in the 1970s to refer to new macroscopic palladium alloys with a volume of 1 mm and a three-dimensional structure. This name was given because the alloy was only fundamentally metallic, and its key property was fluidity, or vitrification, as the experimenters called it. In fact, metallic glass is a two-phase “glass-metal” structure, where a composite based on a metal or compounds of various metals continuously turns into a glassy state upon cooling and undergoes a reverse transformation into a solidified metal upon subsequent heating at a sufficiently high rate of the heating process.

a photo: different variants metal glass surfaces - composition after curing

Subsequently, this ability of the alloy to metamorphoses prompted the artists, screenwriters and director of the cult film about the Terminator to create the image of self-generating killer robots from flowing metallic glass. However practical use composition has so far been extremely narrow, and was mainly in the field of microforging. Until recently, the arguments that bulk metallic glass could be used in the space industry were of an exclusively "presumptive" nature.

Metal glass: practical application - Space

To date, NASA is the first organization where bulk metallic glass, or BMG, will become a member of a large-scale space program to robotize the universe. The main difficulty when working with metallic glass lies in the recipe: the composition remains fragile, if you do not find a filigree proportion between the metals participating in the alloy. Also, crystallization helps to prevent the formation of cracks with the help of special substances, which, by forming crystal lattices, fasten the slip bands inside the alloy and prevent it from “breaking”. Until now, experiments with metallic glass have made it possible to use it in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), in the production of implants and surgical instruments.

Compress cannot be stretched: amazing propertiesbmg

Along with fragility - a problem that space robot makers have to deal with and solve - metallic glass has almost supernatural flexibility, high anti-corrosion performance, and even self-healing properties after removal of the applied load - almost like in a movie. An interesting "weakness" of BMG is its instability to various kinds of stretching. However, when changing the thickness to the index< 10 нм образцы становятся гораздо более устойчивыми к деформациям, чем при толщине < 1 мм, что также называется «странным свойством» металлического стекла. Пока ученые работают с трехмерными микромоделями из металлического стекла и бдумывают пути снижения себестоимости использования состава для его широкого применения в производстве и промышленности, американское космическое агентство заявило о создании роботов-исследователей на основе BMG.

Terminator in real space

photo: despite being fantastic, the film reflected the main properties of BMG - it melts easily and hardens quickly and firmly

Unlike the playful cinematic prototype, NASA designs are aimed exclusively at peaceful space exploration programs. The stability and "good behavior" of BMG specimens under compression allows the alloy to be used to create robots aimed at working with very cold objects. This is important for the operation of Curiosity space rovers, which cannot operate on lubrication without heating, and the heating process on this moment became too costly.

Metal glass allows you to design a kind of protective shell that will protect cars from cold temperatures and will significantly reduce energy consumption for heating. The flexibility of metallic glass allows it to flow around any shape and surface when heated, and therefore its protective functions can be used for almost any product of any shape. The use of substances for the crystallization of the composition and the randomization of atoms in the alloy increases its protective properties and makes it insensitive to loads. One of the disadvantages is still a large weight of the alloy and the finished structure from it.

Metal glass in Russia and cooperation with NASA

In Russia, the innovative high-tech BMG material will begin to be developed at the NUST MISIS University on the basis of the Advanced Energy Efficient Materials laboratory. Under the leadership of Akihisa Inoue, a professor at Tohoku University (Japan), who is a recognized world expert in the field of materials science and metallic glass, an advanced metallic glass will be developed, which, according to scientists, will surpass steel in strength. It is quite possible that in the future Russian and American scientists will create a joint space program, where BMG will be involved.

Today, despite economic sanctions and complexities in the Russian-American political landscape, US-Russian cooperation in space exploration continues. One of the interesting experiments will be a ground-based program to study a person during a long isolation in order to prepare astronauts for staying on alien stations, for example, on Mars or the Moon, with the participation of the Institute of Biomedical Problems Russian Academy Sciences.

The program was described in detail in an interview with one of the Russian news agencies on December 6 by the director of the Human Science Program at NASA, William Palosky.

Program Martian and Metallic Glass

The program is designed to build a two-week isolation experiment with the participation of Russian and American specialists, which will help to study and determine the capabilities of the human body in conditions of simulated stay in space based on the Russian module Mars-500. The project will be implemented in 2017-2018. IBMP specialists (Institute of Biomedical Problems) will become participants in experiments in NASA isolation systems. It also provides for the participation of one astronaut from Japan in the project.

Unlike the movie The Martian, the experiment will be conducted in groups of four to six people and on Earth. William Palosky said that both sides, both Russian and American, are equally interested in strengthening and expanding cooperation in space exploration. The preliminary statements of the new US President regarding the development of cooperation between our countries in the space sector also show interest and inspire optimism.

It is possible that in the future new robots made of bulk metallic glass will contribute to the work of international crews in orbit and stations outside the Earth.

photo: amorphous and crystalline structures in the composition of BMG at the heart of its "changeable" properties - strength and fluidity Despite the long period of time - more than 50 years from the date of discovery - the properties of metallic glass and the two-phase glass-crystal structure have not yet been studied and represent a vast territory for revolutionary technological experiments and discoveries with the aim of applying in various fields. human activity– from electronics and medicine to space robots. A new surge of interest in metallic glass in our time is in line with the search for the use of an alloy with the addition of polymers to the composite and its maximum commercialization.

At the very beginning of this essay, we found out that when normal conditions solidification of a liquid metal, its atoms form a crystal lattice of one type or another. The strict periodicity of a system of ions is called “long-range order”. For example, with repeated repetition in space of that combination of ions, a body-centered cubic lattice is reproduced. In the presence of long-range order, we can accurately indicate the coordinates of any ion if we know its serial number with respect to an arbitrarily chosen initial ion. All ion positions, all interatomic distances are clearly defined.

Returning to the system of atoms, we will call such a situation “short range order”. One can quite accurately indicate the coordinates and the number of atoms surrounding a given atom, but more distant predictions can no longer be made. But in nature there is another category of substances, which are called amorphous. When cooled, when the energy of thermal vibrations of atoms becomes so low that they can no longer travel freely, these substances retain the structure of the liquid. Here we can only talk about short-range order in the arrangement of atoms. The movement of the “crowd” seems to gradually subside, people push each other less and less vigorously and, finally, freeze in their random places, swaying slightly from side to side.

Ordinary glass, resin, wax, asphalt are examples of naturally amorphous materials that do not have the correct crystalline structure. Such materials, when heated and cooled, only change their viscosity, but there are no fundamental changes in the mutual arrangement of their constituent atoms.

In crystalline bodies, such changes in properties during heating occur much more sharply, and the melting itself - in pure metals - occurs at a strictly defined temperature, so that the melting point of a metal is one of its fundamental physical characteristics(constant). If the external pressure does not change and the metal is well cleaned of impurities, then by the appearance of the first drop during heating, one can determine the temperature with an accuracy of tenths of a degree.

The question arises: is it possible to “freeze” the atomic structure that is characteristic of a liquid in a metal alloy, is it possible to deprive the metal of long-range order in the solid state. After all, then we can expect a significant change in all those properties that are determined by the correct structure of the crystals.

In principle, the method by which such a problem can be solved is clear - one must try to sharply increase the cooling rate of the liquid metal in order to quickly descend to the temperature range where atoms can no longer change their neighbors. Calculations and experiments have shown that it is indeed possible to suppress the crystallization process, but this requires cooling rates of the order of millions of degrees per second. One of the developed methods consists in spraying small drops of liquid metal onto a well-polished surface of a rapidly rotating cold copper disk. A drop on the disk surface is smeared with a very thin layer (several micrometers), and the good thermal conductivity of copper ensures a high heat removal rate.

At present, the industrial production of dozens of alloys in the amorphous state has already been established. It turned out that alloys of transition and noble metals with metalloids (nonmetals, carbon, boron, phosphorus, etc.) are the easiest to amorphize, and there are alloys in which crystallization can be suppressed at a cooling rate of the order of thousands and even hundreds of degrees per second.

What properties of amorphous alloys are especially valuable for technology? As expected, amorphous metals differ in many ways from their crystalline counterparts. Although the elastic moduli during amorphization decrease by an average of 30 (the interatomic bond forces decrease), the strength and hardness increase sharply. The absence of dislocation leads to the fact that metallic glasses are stronger than the best alloyed steels. High hardness determines their excellent wear resistance. True, the plasticity of amorphous alloys is low, which could even be expected, since the “carriers” of plasticity are dislocations. Yet metal glasses are not as fragile as ordinary glass. They can, for example, be rolled at room temperature.

Another major advantage of amorphous metal alloys is their exceptionally high corrosion resistance. In many very aggressive environments (sea water, acids), metal glasses do not corrode at all. For example, the corrosion rate of an amorphous alloy containing iron, nickel and chromium in solution of hydrochloric acid practically equal to zero. For comparison, we can say that the corrosion rate of the “classic” corrosion-resistant alloy of iron with nickel and chromium (the famous stainless steel, which is called “stainless steel”) in the same environment exceeds 10 mm / year. The main reason for such a high corrosion resistance of amorphous alloys, apparently, is that, having no crystal lattice, they are also devoid of characteristic “defects” of crystals - dislocations and, most importantly, boundaries between grains. The high packing density of atoms in a crystal near these “defects” decreases so sharply that “enemy agents” easily penetrate into the metal along them. It is important that the defect-free structure of the amorphous alloy is transferred to the thin oxide film that forms on its surface at the initial stages of the corrosion process and further protects the metal from direct contact with the “aggressor”.

The combination of some physical properties of amorphous alloys, in particular, magnetic and electrical ones, also seemed very interesting. It turned out that alloys based on ferromagnetic metals (iron, nickel) in the amorphous state are also ferromagnetic.

If we go back to the cores of transformers, it will be seen that replacing conventional transformer steel with an amorphous alloy will provide huge energy savings. In the USA, it is estimated that eddy current losses are reduced by a factor of 4. The unusual combination of magnetic and electrical properties of metallic glasses allows them to be used with great effect for other current converters, sensors, cores, and various kinds of relays.

The number of components in alloys increases with the requirements. Alloys with a dozen or more components are no longer uncommon. Their composition is a great art, since the components must work in harmony and harmony. It is not for nothing that metallurgists call the creators of new alloys composers.

To manufacture such compositions in industry is often more difficult than to compose. The components have different melting points, Chemical properties, density. If during melting it is still possible to control many processes using vacuum or protective atmospheres, fluxes, dividing the melt into stages, then during crystallization it is possible to influence the course of events only by the cooling mode. This is where the components show their character. Some stubbornly do not want to dissolve in the total mass of the alloy and stand out in layers, others eagerly absorb all impurities and impurities, forming persistent and harmful compounds, others crystallize into too large or too small grains, violating the structural homogeneity of the alloy. And the more components, the more such problems.

To get rid of the difficulties associated with crystallization, it is possible to make metal from a mixture of particles, granules or fibers, by pressing and welding them into a continuous mass. This is how the technology of composite metals arose, and then powder metallurgy. This was the first attempt to start a revolution in metallurgy, but it was only partially successful.

Powder metallurgy and composites occupy an important but rather limited area in the production of metal products. This is, first of all, the production of hard alloys for tools, then the manufacture of products from refractory metals - tungsten, molybdenum and others, the melting of which is associated with technical difficulties, and finally, the production of parts with a special structure - porous, fibrous, scaly.

Powder technology is limited, first of all, by the cost of production, which is still ten times higher than products obtained by traditional metallurgical methods. In addition, although diffusion of components occurs during sintering and some chemical reactions occur, composites still have the properties of a mixture, and not an alloy.

The second attempt took place relatively recently, when a new science - the physics of metals - discovered that the theoretical strength of the metal is one and a half to two orders of magnitude higher than the real one. It turned out that the low strength of the metal is due to defects in the crystal lattice. The number of defects in a metal can be commensurate with the number of atoms; therefore, the density, or the concentration of defects per unit volume, is used in calculations. If this value is close to zero, which corresponds to an ideal crystal, then the strength of such a crystal is close to theoretical. With an increase in the concentration of defects, the strength first rapidly decreases, and then begins to increase again, but much more slowly. The minimum usually corresponds to the actual strength of the bare metal. Impurities, alloying additives, deformation increase the concentration of defects and increase the strength of the material.

The task was to obtain defect-free and sufficiently large metal single crystals. However, it has not been resolved so far. True, it was possible to grow thin, several tens of microns, and up to one and a half centimeters long, almost defect-free crystals of some metals. Their strength really turned out to be many times higher than usual. High-strength composites were even made from such “whiskers”. But things have not yet gone beyond the laboratories: the growth rate of the “whiskers” turned out to be too low, and therefore the price was too high.

The third attempt to revolutionize metallurgy is being made today.

A quarter of a century ago, experiments on the rapid cooling of metal melts, which were carried out in order to obtain a submicroscopic structure of the metal, found that in some cases there is no crystal lattice in the metal at all, and the arrangement of atoms is characteristic of a structureless, amorphous body. This was not a surprise: solid amorphous bodies - glasses are obtained by supercooling a liquid melt. True, a very low cooling rate is sufficient for the formation of ordinary glasses. For metals, however, in order to determine crystallization, enormous cooling rates are needed - millions of degrees per second. This speed was achieved when portions of the molten metal were shot into the water - particles with an amorphous, glassy structure were obtained.

Something else was unexpected: amorphous metal has completely different properties, not similar to those of crystalline metal. No, a metal remains a metal, with all its characteristic properties - brilliance, electrical conductivity, etc. But it becomes several times stronger, resistance to corrosion increases, electromagnetic characteristics change, and even one of the most stable constants - the modulus of elasticity. But the main advantage of the new material lies in the fact that all the necessary components are perfectly connected and coexist in it. With ultra-rapid cooling, the alloy solidifies before the antagonist components have time to manifest their antagonism.

Amorphous alloys are called metallic glasses. Interest in them is growing rapidly. Now the task is not only to obtain alloys with new properties, but also to create their industrial technology. And there are still a lot of unresolved problems. The first of the received metal. glass was an alloy of Au--Si . Then it was possible to obtain in the amorphous state not only alloys, but also some pure metals - from Ge, Te and Bi to pronounced Al, V, Cr, Fe, Ni and others. This required fantastic cooling rates - up to 10 10 K/s. However, the amorphous state of the metal remained unstable - when heated, crystallization began. It was necessary to find alloys with reasonable cooling rates and temperatures, with a stable amorphous structure.

On the basis of these theoretical concepts, metallurgists are now compiling amorphous alloys, obtaining excellent practical results. There are already metallic glasses whose critical velocity is only 100–200 K/s, and the glass transition temperature is several times lower than the melting temperature of the main component. Such, for example, are the double alloy Pd80Si20, alloys Ni80P20, Fe80B20, Au81Si19 and many others with a twenty percent addition of silicon. It is easy to see that the total content of metalloids in all these alloys is about 20%. What properties of metallic glasses are especially valuable for modern technology?

First of all, the researchers were interested in the ferromagnetic properties of alloys based on iron, nickel and cobalt. Metallurgy prepares for industry hundreds of thousands of tons of special electrical steels and alloys in the form of a thin sheet. Of these, 95% are armored iron, dynamo and transformer steels. From the sheet, the cores of electric motors and generators, transformers and magnetic circuits are recruited. Materials for the cores of electrical machines are called soft magnetic. They must have high magnetic permeability, high saturation induction, and significant electrical resistivity. This is extremely important to reduce hysteresis and eddy current losses and to improve efficiency. electrical machines.

Transformer and other electrical steels are an alloy of iron and silicon. Moreover, more than 4% of silicon cannot be added, but even at the same time, the metal turns out to be brittle, rolls poorly, and easily loses the much-needed soft magnetic properties. As a result, losses in the cores usually reach 0.3-1%, and the efficiency drops. True, there are also softer magnetic materials. These are permalloys - alloys based on iron and nickel, which are used in tape heads and other precision instruments. However, they are ten times more expensive than steel and also easily lose their properties during processing or overheating. And the soft magnetic properties of metallic glasses turned out to be at the level of permalloys best brands, moreover, these properties are more resistant and stable.

Since the expected cost of industrial metallic glasses is even lower than that of electrical steel, the use of the new material promises enormous benefits. About 1,275 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity are produced in our country annually. On its way to the consumer, the electric current passes at least four times through electrical devices - generators, transformers, electric motors. And there are losses everywhere. If they are halved only in the cores, this will amount to a saving of 20 billion kWh. And some brands of metallic glasses reduce losses not by 2, but by 3-4 times. So the interest in new materials is understandable and justified. To this it must also be added that, due to the lower electrical conductivity than that of steels, metallic glasses partially or completely eliminate the need to insulate the plates in core packs. And this means a reduction in size and an increase in efficiency. electrical machines.

The mechanical properties of metallic glasses are no less attractive. An amorphous metal is on average 5-7 times stronger than its crystalline counterpart. For example, the Fe80B20 alloy has a tensile strength of 370 kgf / mm 2 - ten times stronger than iron, twice as strong as the best alloy steels.

The disadvantages of metallic glasses, as well as of all glasses in general, include their low plasticity, as well as a characteristic decrease in strength with increasing loading rate. And yet there are reasons to consider amorphous alloys as plastic glasses: they can be cut and cut into strips in stamps, into strips and wire, they can be bent and woven, so it is not difficult to imagine woven amorphous metal meshes instead of reinforcement in reinforced concrete slabs, the strongest fibrous composites, ropes and many other products, where the unique strength of metallic glasses will save thousands of tons of metal.

aluminum steel wire(KAS-1A), nickel-tungsten wire (VKN-1).

Composite materials with non-metallic matrix. Neme-

talc matrix is ​​polymeric, carbon and ceramic materials. Epoxy, phenol-formaldehyde and polyamide matrices are used as polymers. Strengtheners are glass, carbon, boron, organic, inorganic (whiskers of oxides, borides, carbides, nitrides) fibers; metal wires; dispersed particles. According to the type of hardener, polymer composites are divided into glass-, carbon-, boron- and organo-fibers.

AT layered materials (see rice. 8.3, c) fibers, threads after impregnation with a binder are laid in planes, which are assembled into plates. By changing the way the fibers are stacked, an isotropic or anisotropic CM is obtained.

Fiberglass- This is a composite of synthetic resin and fiberglass (reinforcing component). Non-oriented glass fibers have short fibers and oriented glass fibers have long fibers. This gives fiberglass high strength.

Carbofibers (carbon fiber) consist of a matrix - a polymer binder and a hardener - carbon fibers (carbon fibers). The binder is a synthetic polymer (polymeric carbon fiber) or carbon fiber with a carbon matrix - pyrolytic carbon (coke).

Boron fibers consist of a polymeric binder and a hardener - boron fibers.

They have high strength (higher than carbon fibers) and hardness, thermal and electrical conductivity, high chemical resistance and fatigue resistance. They are superior to metal in vibration resistance.

Organic fibers consist of a polymer binder and reinforcing agents - synthetic fibers. They have high specific strength and rigidity, are stable in aggressive environments, and are insensitive to damage.

AT In mining engineering, composite materials are used for the manufacture of friction and anti-friction parts, drilling tools (crown bits), conveyor parts, combine harvesters, electrodes, electrical contacts.

8.4. metal glass

metal glass(amorphous alloys, glassy metals, metglasses) are metal alloys in the glassy state, obtained after cooling the melts at high speeds (< 106 К/с). Металлические стекла – это «замороженные» расплавы, т.е. метастабильные системы и поэтому они кристаллизуются при нагревании до температуры около 0,5 Tпл . Образуют металлические стекла переходные металлы (Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni), благородные и поливалентные неметаллы (C, B, N, Si, P, Ge), которые являются стеклообразующими.

Metallic glasses are single-phase, do not have structural defects (vacancies, dislocations). They have high strength, high ductility,


Chapter 8

high corrosion resistance. Some of them are ferromagnets or they absorb sound weakly.

Magnetically soft metallic glasses are obtained on the basis of Fe, Co, Ni with the addition of 15–20% of amorphous elements - B, C, Si, P (for example, Fe81 Si3 5B13 C2 with a high value of magnetic induction). Amorphous alloy Co66 Fe4 (Mo, Si, B)30 has high mechanical properties.

Stable amorphous alloys have high corrosion resistance. For example, metal glasses based on Fe and Ni with 3–5% Cr.

The use of metallic glasses determines their magnetic and corrosion properties.

Control questions and tasks

1. Give examples of grades of antifriction alloys.

2. Give examples of brands of lead and tin babbits.

3. What structure determines the antifriction properties of babbits?

4. What is the purpose of copper alloying babbits?

5. Give examples of grades of zinc-based alloys.

6. What materials are called cermets?

7. Describe the porous cermet and its properties.

8. List the advantages and disadvantages of cermets.

9. What process is called sintering?

10. Name the types of structural cermets, their properties, purpose.

11. Give the characteristics of tool metal-ceramics. What is its purpose?

12. What are the types of cermets special purpose with special properties and how are they obtained?

13. What materials are called composite?

14. What are the components of composite materials?

15. How are composite materials classified?

16. Describe metal matrix composites, dispersed ion-strengthened and with a fibrous hardener.

17. Give a characteristic of composite materials with a non-metallic matrix.

18. What materials are called metallic glasses? Describe their properties and types.

19. Name the types of protection of metals from corrosion and describe them.



Chapter 9 Mineral loosened, dispersed and stone materials

9.1. natural stone materials

Inorganic minerals are chemical elements and compounds (oxides, oxygen-free compounds of elements) that do not have metallic properties. These materials have chemical resistance, incombustibility, hardness, resistance to heat, stability of properties. Their disadvantages are high brittleness, low resistance to temperature changes, stretching and bending.

Natural stone materials (PCM) - Construction Materials,

obtained from rocks by mechanical processing (crushing, melting, splitting, etc.), after which the structure and properties of the rock are almost completely preserved (Table 9.1).

According to the nature of the surface treatment, PCM is divided into the following types:

natural building stones(stone products) - sawn wall materials and facing stones,architectural and constructionproducts (steps, window sills), road materials (setting stones, side stones), products for hydraulic structures, lining of bridge supports, technical products(marble boards, calibration plates, granite shafts for paper-making equipment),decorative and artistic products;

rough stone materials- rubble and boulder stones, crushed stone, gravel, sand.

The reasons for the destruction of PCM are the freezing of water in pores and cracks; frequent changes in temperature and humidity; chemical corrosion under the action of gases (oxygen, hydrogen, etc.) and substances dissolved in ground and sea water.

Table 9.1

Classification of PCM by manufacturing method

Preparation method

RMB examples

From an array of stone-cutting machines

Blocks-semi-finished products, large

From semi-finished blocks with

Wall stones and blocks

slabs, solid steps,

next stone processing*

window boards

Splitting blocks with after-

side stones, slabs and stones

hewn, paving stones, checkers for

blowing treatment

paving, etc.


Directional splitting


blocks without further processing

Explosion of rocks and separation

rubble stone

fine fractions


crushing rock with

Crushed stone, artificial sand

division into factions

Grinding rock

Ground mineral rock

shock, stone flour

* Process of giving to a natural stone of the necessary form and external furnish.

To protect stone materials from destruction, the following methods are used:

constructive protection is giving products a shape that facilitates water drainage, and a smooth polished surface of the cladding;

physical and chemical protection is the impregnation of the surface layer with sealing compounds, the application of hydrophobic (water-repellent) compounds, film-forming polymer materials(transparent and colored).

Natural building stones (NCS) . it construction material from rocks after their sawing with preservation of structure and properties. According to their density, they are divided into lungs (density less than 1,800 kg/m³) and heavy.

Strength is a consumer property of PSK. Its meaning is used

zuetsya in the marking and evaluated by the ultimate compressive strength σcom, MPa, samples in the air-dry state.

Consumer properties also include abrasion and wear. For pavement, floors use solid fine and medium-grained rocks.

The water resistance of PSK is evaluated by the softening coefficient Krm (for hydraulic structures, Krm is at least 0.8; for external walls - at least 0.6).

Frost resistance is evaluated by the number of cycles of alternate freezing and thawing: F10, F15, ..., F500. It depends on the composition, structure and


Chapter 9

humidity PSK. High frost resistance in dense stones with a uniform-grained structure and low - in layered structures.

Fire resistance depends on the composition and structure of the stone. At elevated temperatures, some rocks (gypsum, limestone) can decompose, while others (granite) can crack.

According to their purpose, PSK is divided into: wall, facing, profiled, road.

To give the surface texture, the following types of PSK processing are used: shock, abrasive, thermal.

Wall stones are obtained from dense, porous tuffs and limestones. General requirements to wall stones: solidity; density from 900 to 2,200 kg/m3; σco = 5–15 MPa for dense limestones and σco = 5–40 MPa for tuffs; Krm = 0.6–0.7; frost resistance - not lower than F15; decorative appearance. Finely porous natural stones are not veneered. Wall stones for laying walls (type I) and partitions (type II) are produced in grades 4, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 300 and 400 (brand numbers correspond to

value σco ).

Wall blocks have normalized linear dimensions with tolerances< 10 мм. Каждый камень заменяет в кладке от 8 до 12 кирпичей, а их масса – не выше 40 кг. Один из возможных вариантов размеров стеновых камней – 390×190×188, а крупные стеновые блоки для механизирован-

noah laying - 300 × 800 × 900.

Sawn and chipped piece stones from limestone, dolomite, tuff are used for laying the abutments of bridges, fortifying slopes.

Facing stones- these are rocks of beautiful color and pattern (decorative) with the necessary frost resistance (at least F15), strength (σco at least 5 MPa), solidity. Large blocks are obtained from blocks of natural stone after sawing, followed by mechanical processing.

Facing stones can be from igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The strength classification is as follows: strong (σco > 80 MPa); medium strength (σco = 40–80 MPa); low strength

(σco< 40 МПа).

By durability, 4 classes are distinguished: very durable (the beginning of destruction after 650 years); durable (200–250 years); relatively long-lived (75–120 years); short-lived (20–75 years). By decorativeness, highly decorative, decorative, low-decorative and non-decorative stones are distinguished.

According to their purpose, facing stones are divided into:

on the lining of hydraulic structures (granite, igneous rocks with high strength and hardness);

slabs for exterior cladding of buildings (limestone, dolomites, sandstones, tuffs); subway wall cladding is most often made of marble;

plinth slabs (from resistant rocks).


Chapter 9

The texture of the front surface of the facing plates can be mirrored (polished), polished (polished with powder), polished with an abrasive tool and sawn.

Road stone materials obtained from igneous and sedimentary rocks that are not weathered.

Road stone materials are divided into the following types:

side stones in the form of a beam long 70–200 cm from solid igneous rocks (diabase, basalt, granite); they are made straight and curved, high (up to 40 cm) and low (up to 30 cm);

paving stones in the form of bars for paving roads from fine and medium grain

solid strong (σco not less than 100 MPa) igneous rocks (basalt, granite, diabase, etc.); paving stones can be high BV (up to 160 mm high), medium BS (130 mm), low BN (100 mm);

chipped and cobblestones in shape as a multifaceted prism (chipped) or oval (cobblestone) from diabase, basalt, granite;

paving slabs in the form of rectangular slabs of layered mountain

Rough stone materials . This group includes bu-

tovy and boulder stones, crushed stone, gravel and sand.

Rubble stone - large fragments of rocks, which are obtained by explosive mining of limestone, dolomite, sandstone. Its types in shape: torn, bedded, flaky (the width is three or more times the thickness). Hydraulic structures, foundation masonry are erected from buta, crushed stone is obtained.

Gravel is loose material in the form of rounded grains 1–10 mm in size, which is obtained by natural destruction (weathering) of sedimentary rocks. Impurities in gravel - dust, clay, if sand is present (25-40%), then the material is called a sand-gravel mixture. The properties of gravel depend on the rock and are regulated technical requirements standards.

The strength of the gravel grains should ensure that the concrete strength is 20–50% higher than the specified one. According to the degree of frost resistance, gravel F15, F25, F50, F100, F150, F200, F300 are distinguished. This characteristic is important if the gravel is used for the manufacture of concrete structures for harsh climatic conditions. Natural gravel is also used for the preparation of reinforced and unreinforced concrete as a coarse aggregate. Gravel is used for concrete grade up to 300, the requirements for it are given in GOST 8268-82.

Crushed natural stone obtained by crushing stones into pieces

5–70 mm in size from frost-resistant rocks with σco = 120–200 MPa. Crushed stone is obtained from granite, diabase, igneous rocks, from sedimentary rocks (limestone, dolomite). Natural crushed stone is called gruss. Crushed stone often has an acute-angled shape, and the best shape is a cube or tetrahedron. Crushed stone is cleaner than gravel.

Metallic glass formed by an alloy (Zr 1-x Ti x) a1 ETM a2 (Cu 1- Ni y) b1 LTM b2 Be c containing at least 50% of the amorphous phase, where ETM is an early transition metal selected from the group containing vanadium, niobium, hafnium and chromium, the atomic percentage of chromium not exceeding 0.2 a1; LTM - late transition metal selected from the group containing iron, cobalt, manganese, ruthenium, silver and palladium; x and y are atomic fractions, the value of x lies in the range from 0 to 1; the value of y is in the range from 0 to 1; the value of a2 does not exceed 0.4a1; the value (a1+ a2) is in the range 30 - 75; the value of (b1+b2) is in the range of 5 to 62, the value of b2 does not exceed 25, the value of c is in the range of 2 to 47, and the alloy has a cooling rate required to suppress crystallization of less than 10 3 K/s. The technical effect of the implementation of the invention is to increase the resistance of metallic glass to crystallization. 6 w.p., 34 w.p. f-ly, 3 tab., 5 ill.

The invention relates to amorphous metallic alloys, commonly referred to as metallic glasses, which are formed by the solidification of melts during the cooling of the alloy to a temperature below its glass transition temperature, before significant homogeneous nucleation and crystallization occurs. In recent years, there has been considerable interest in metal alloys that are amorphous or glassy at low temperatures. Ordinary metals and alloys crystallize when their liquid phase is cooled. However, it has been found that certain metals and alloys, when cooled sufficiently rapidly, can exist in a supercooled state and remain at room temperature in the form of an extremely viscous liquid or glass. Typically, this requires cooling rates of the order of 10 4 to 10 6 K/s. In order to achieve such high speeds cooling, a very thin layer (eg less than 100 µm thick) or small droplets of metal is brought into contact with a conductive substrate which is kept at room temperature. The small size of an amorphous substance is a consequence of the need to remove heat at a sufficiently high rate to suppress crystallization. Thus, previously developed amorphous alloys were available only in the form of thin strips or films, or in the form of powders. Such tapes, films, or powders can be made by flash-cooling a melt on a rotating chilled substrate, by casting a thin film on a cold substrate moving under a nozzle assembly, or by "splash-cooling" droplets between cooled substrates. Considerable effort has been put into finding amorphous alloys that are more resistant to crystallization so that less critical cooling rates can be used. If crystallization could be suppressed at lower cooling rates, then thicker samples of amorphous alloys could be obtained. When forming amorphous metal alloys, one always has to deal with the hard-to-remove tendency of a supercooled melt to crystallize. Crystallization occurs due to the nucleation and growth of crystals. Generally speaking, a supercooled liquid crystallizes quickly. In order to obtain a hard amorphous alloy, it is necessary to melt the starting material and cool the liquid from the melting temperature T m to a temperature below the glass transition temperature T g , bypassing crystallization. In FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram showing temperature versus time on a logarithmic scale. Melting temperature T m and glass transition temperature T g are indicated. The representative curve "a" shown shows the onset of crystallization as a function of time and temperature. In order to obtain a solid amorphous substance, the alloy must be cooled from a temperature above the melting temperature to the glass transition temperature without crossing the protruding part of the crystallization curve. The above crystallization curve "a" schematically shows the onset of crystallization of some previously obtained alloys from which metallic glasses were formed. Typically, this required cooling rates in excess of 10 5 K/s, typically in the order of 10 6 K/s. The second curve "b" in FIG. 1 is a crystallization curve for later developed metallic glasses. The required cooling rates for the formation of amorphous alloys have been reduced by one, two, and even three orders of magnitude, which is quite significant. The third crystallization curve "c" schematically indicates the amount of additional improvements that become possible when using the present invention. The protruding part of the crystallization curve is shifted by two or more orders of magnitude towards longer times. Cooling rates of less than 10 2 K/s and preferably less than 10 3 K/s become possible. Amorphous alloys have been produced at cooling rates as low as 2 or 3 K/s. The formation of an amorphous alloy is only part of the problem. It is desirable to be able to obtain components of products of complex shape and three-dimensional objects with sufficiently large sizes from amorphous materials. In order to obtain an amorphous alloy or bonded amorphous powder and form them into a three-dimensional object having good mechanical integrity, it is necessary that the alloy can be deformed. Amorphous alloys undergo significant homogeneous deformations under the action of an applied load only when they are heated to a temperature close to or above the glass transition temperature. Again, it should be emphasized that rapid crystallization usually occurs in this temperature range. Thus, as shown in FIG. 1, if an amorphous solid once formed is reheated above the glass transition temperature, there may be a very short time before the alloy crosses the crystallization curve. For the first obtained amorphous alloys, the crystallization curve "a" crosses within milliseconds, and mechanical forming above the glass transition temperature is practically impossible. Even for improved alloys, the time during which processing can be carried out is still in the order of fractions of a second or a few seconds. Fig. 2 is a schematic plot of temperature and viscosity on a logarithmic scale for amorphous alloys as supercooled liquids ranging from melting temperature to glass transition temperature. The glass transition temperature is generally considered to be the temperature at which the viscosity of the alloy is on the order of 10 12 P. A liquid alloy, on the other hand, may have a viscosity of less than 1 P (water at room temperature has a viscosity of approximately 1 cP). As can be seen from the schematic representation of FIG. 2, the viscosity of an amorphous alloy decreases slowly at low temperatures, then rapidly changes above the glass transition temperature. An increase in temperature of only 5 o C can lead to a decrease in viscosity by an order of magnitude. In order for steel deformations to be possible at low applied loads, it is desirable to reduce the viscosity of the amorphous alloy to a value of no more than 10 5 P. This means that it is necessary to heat the substance well above the glass transition temperature. The processing time of the amorphous alloy (i.e., the time that elapses from the moment of heating above the glass transition temperature to the moment of crossing the crystallization curve in Fig. 1) is preferably on the order of a few seconds or more, so that there is enough time to heat up, take the necessary actions , work and cool the alloy before noticeable crystallization occurs. Thus, in order to give a good reshaping ability, it is necessary that the crystallization curve be shifted to the right, i.e. towards the big times. The resistance of metallic glass to crystallization can be related to the cooling rate required to form glass when cooled from the alloy. It is an indicator of the stability of the amorphous phase when heated during processing above the glass transition temperature. It is desirable that the cooling rate necessary to suppress crystallization be in the range of 1 to 10 3 K/s or even less. As the critical cooling rate decreases, more time is left for processing, and samples with a larger cross section can be obtained. Further, such alloys can be heated to a temperature significantly higher than the glass transition temperature, while for a time sufficient for processing under industrial conditions, crystallization is not observed. Thus, the present invention, in accordance with its preferred embodiment, claims a class of alloys that form metallic glass when cooled below the glass transition temperature at a cooling rate of less than 10 2 K/s. These alloys contain beryllium in the range of 2 to 4 at.% or narrower range depending on the other elements that make up the alloy and the required critical cooling rate, and at least two transition metals. Transition metals are at least one early transition metal that is in the alloy in an amount of 30 to 75 at.%, and at least one late transition metal, which is in the alloy in an amount of 5 to 62 at.%. , depending on what elements make up the alloy. Early transition metals include elements in Groups 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the Periodic Table, including the lanthanides and actinides. Late transition metals include elements of groups 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the Periodic Table. A preferred group of metallic glasses has the formula (Zr 1-x Ti x) a)Cu 1-y Ni y) b , Be c , where x and y are atomic fractions; a, b and c denote atomic percent. In this formula, the values ​​of a, b and c depend in part on the proportions of zirconium and titanium. Thus, if x is between 0 and 0.15, then a is between 30 and 75%, b is between 5 and 62%, and c is between 6 and 47%. If x is between 0.15 and 0.4, then a is between 30 and 75%, b is between 5 and 62%, and c is between 2 and 47%. When the value of x is in the range of 0.4 to 0.6, the value of a is in the range of 35 to 75%, the value of b is in the range of 5 to 62%, and the value is in the range of 2 to 47%. When the x value is in the range of 0.6 to 0.8, the a value is in the range of 35 to 75%, the b value is in the range of 5 to 62%, and the c value is in the range of 2 to 42%. When x is between 0.8 and 1, a is between 35 and 75%, b is between 5 and 62%, and c is between 2 and 30%, with the restriction that the value of 3c does not exceed (100-b) when the value of b lies in the range from 10 to 49%. Further, the fragment (Zr 1-x Ti x) may also contain an additional metal selected from the group including from 0 to 25% hafnium, from 0 to 20% niobium, from 0 to 15% yttrium, from 0 to 10% chromium, from 0 to 20% vanadium, 0 to 5% molybdenum, 0 to 5% tantalum, 0 to 50 tungsten, and 0 to 5% lanthanum, lanthanides, actinium and actinides. The fragment (Cu 1-y Ni y) may also contain an additional metal selected from the group consisting of 0 to 25% iron, 0 to 25% cobalt, 0 to 15% manganese, and 0 to 5% other metals from the groups 7-11. The beryllium fragment may also contain an additional metal selected from the group including up to 15% aluminum, while the content of beryllium is at least 6%, up to 5% silicon and up to 5% boron. The content of other elements should not exceed two atomic percent. These and other features of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description, which is explained by the following drawings, where in Fig. 1 schematically shows crystallization curves for alloys that are amorphous or metallic glasses; in fig. 2 is a schematic representation of the viscosity of an amorphous glass alloy; in fig. 3 is a state diagram of a quasi-three-component system showing the glass transition region in the alloys of the present invention; in fig. 4 is a phase diagram of a quasi-three-component system showing the glass transition region for a preferred group of glass-forming alloys containing titanium, copper, nickel and beryllium; in fig. 5 is a phase diagram of a quasi-three-component system showing the glass transition region for a preferred group of glass-forming alloys containing titanium, zirconium, copper, nickel and beryllium. Detailed description inventions

In the context of the present invention, metallic glass refers to a substance that contains at least 50% by volume of a glassy or amorphous phase. The ability to form glass can be ascertained using a spray-cooling method with a cooling rate of the order of 10 6 K/s. Most often, the substance used in the present invention contains almost 100% amorphous phase. For alloys suitable for fabricating parts larger than 1 µm, cooling rates of less than 10 3 K/s are preferred. To avoid crystallization, cooling rates should be 1 to 100 K/s or less. Suitable glass forming alloys can be identified by their ability to form layers at least 1 mm thick when cooled. Such a cooling rate can be achieved using a wide range of techniques, such as spray cooling alloys into a cooled copper mold to form plates, strips or parts with a developed surface from amorphous substances with dimensions from 1 to 10 mm or more, or spray cooling into a container. from silicon or glass in order to obtain rods with an approximate diameter of 15 mm or more. For cooling glassy alloys can be used conventional methods such as spray cooling to produce thin foils, flash cooling of the melt in a single or double roller mill, cooling of the melt with water, or planar flow forming to produce sheets. Since low cooling rates can be used and the amorphous phase is stable after cooling, other more economical methods can be used to make parts with a developed surface or large samples that can be deformed to obtain parts with a developed surface, such as casting of bars or ingots, casting in a mold , metal powder pressing, etc. An amorphous alloy in the form of a rapidly solidified powder can also be obtained by the atomization process, in which the liquid is broken into droplets. Jet atomization and gas atomization are examples. If liquid droplets come into contact with a cold electrically conductive substrate having high thermal conductivity, or fall into an inert liquid, then granular substances with particle sizes up to 1 mm containing at least 50% of the amorphous phase can be obtained. The preparation of these substances is advantageously carried out under an inert atmosphere or under vacuum, since many of these substances are highly reactive. In accordance with the present invention, a number of new glass forming alloys have been identified. The range of alloy compositions suitable for obtaining glassy or amorphous substances can be set in several ways. Some compositions form metallic glasses at relatively high cooling rates, while preferred compositions form metallic glasses at relatively low cooling rates. Although the ranges of alloy compositions are determined in accordance with state diagrams of a three-component or quasi-three-component system, such as the diagrams shown in FIG. 3-5, the boundaries of the existence of an alloy may vary somewhat as new materials are introduced. The boundaries encompass alloys that form metallic glass when cooled from melting temperature to below the glass transition temperature at a rate of less than about 10 6 K/s, preferably less than 10 3 K/s, and often at significantly lower rates, most preferably at a rate of less than 100 K /With. Generally speaking, acceptable glass forming alloys contain at least one early transition metal, at least one late transition metal, and beryllium. A good glass transition can be observed for some ternary berylium alloys. However, the glass transition is even better, i.e. glass transition at low critical cooling rates to avoid crystallization can occur in quaternary alloys containing at least three transition metals. Even lower critical rates are observed for five-component alloys, in particular, those containing at least two early transition metals and at least two late transition metals. common property a wide range of metallic glasses is that the alloys contain from 2 to 47 at.% beryllium. (Unless otherwise stated, the percentages given here are atomic percentages). The content of beryllium is preferably from about 0 to 35%, depending on the other metals present in the alloy. A wide range of beryllium content (from 6 to 47% is illustrated by the phase diagram of a three-component or quasi-three-component systems shown in Fig. 3, for a glass composition in which zirconium is an early transition metal and/or zirconium containing a relatively small amount of titanium, in particular 5% The second vertex of the state diagram of the three-component system shown in Fig. 3 is an early transition metal (ETM) or a mixture of early transition metals.In accordance with the present invention, the early transition metal includes metal 3, 4, 5 and 6 groups of the Periodic table, including lanthenides and actinides Previous IOAC designations for these groups were IIIA, IVA, VA and VIA Early transition metal content ranges from 30 to 75 at % Early transition metal content predominantly ranges from 40 up to 67%. late transition metal (LTM) or mixture of late transition metals. In accordance with the present invention, the late transition metal includes metal 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 groups of the Periodic table, including lanthanides and actinides. Previously accepted designation for these groups according to the classification of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry was VIIA, VIIIA and IB. Get glassy alloys, in which the content of the late transition metal in three-component or more complex alloys is from 5 to 62 at.%. The content of the late transition metal is preferably from 10 to 48%. Many compositions of three-component alloys with at least one early transition metal and at least one late transition metal, the content of beryllium in which is from 2 to 47 at.%, form good glasses when cooled at an acceptable cooling rate. The early transition metal content is 30 to 75% and the late transition metal content is 5 to 62%. In FIG. 3, the phase diagram of the ternary system shows a smaller hexagonal figure denoting the boundaries of preferred alloy compositions for which the cooling rate during glass formation is less than 10 3 K/s, and many of which have critical cooling rates of less than 100 K/s. In this ternary phase diagram, ETM denotes the early transition metals above and LTM denotes the late transition metals. The diagram can be considered quasi-ternary since many of the glass forming compositions include at least three transition metals and can be quaternary or more complex. The area of ​​the larger hexagon, as shown in FIG. 3, indicates the region of glass formation for an alloy having a slightly higher critical cooling rate. These areas are limited by composition intervals for alloys having the formula

(Zr 1-x Ti x) a1 ETM a2 (Cu 1-y Ni y) b1 LTM b2 Be c . In the above formula, x and y are atomic fractions, and a1, a2, b1, b2, and c are atomic percentages. ETM stands for at least one additional early transition metal. LTM stands for at least one additional late transition metal. In the example shown, the amount of another early transition metal is from 0 to 0.4 of the total amount of zirconium and titanium, and the value of x is in the range from 0 to 0.15. The total content of the early transition metal, including zirconium and/or titanium, ranges from 30 to 70 at.%. The total content of late transition metal, including copper and nickel, ranges from 5 to 62%. The amount of beryllium is from 6 to 47%. Within the smaller area hexagon shown in Fig. 3, there are alloys having low critical cooling rates. Such alloys contain at least one early transition metal, at least one late transition metal, and 10 to 35% beryllium. The total early transition metal content is 40 to 67% and the total late transition metal content is 10 to 48%. If the composition of the alloy contains copper and nickel as the only late transition metals, the nickel content should preferably be limited. Thus, if b2 is 0 (ie, if there is no other late transition metal) and some early transition metal is present in addition to zirconium and/or titanium, then the proportions of nickel and copper should preferably be approximately equal. This is desirable because other early transition metals are sparingly soluble in copper, and the addition of nickel promotes the solubility of elements such as vanadium, niobium, and the like. If the content of the other early transition metal is low, or if zirconium and titanium are the only early transition metals, then the nickel content of the composition is preferably about 5 to 15%. This can be determined from a stoichiometric formula where b.y is between 5 and 15. Previous research has been on two- or three-component alloys that form metallic glass at relatively high cooling rates. Four-component, five-component and more complex alloys containing at least three transition metals and beryllium have been shown to form metallic glasses at much lower critical cooling rates than previously thought possible. It has also been shown that, at an appropriate beryllium content, ternary alloys containing at least one early transition metal and at least one late transition metal form metallic glasses at lower critical cooling rates than previously prepared alloys. In addition to the transition metals mentioned above, metallic glasses can contain up to 20 at.% aluminum, while the content of beryllium remains above six percent, up to two atomic percent silicon and up to five atomic percent boron, and in some alloys up to five atomic percent other elements, such as bismuth, magnesium, germanium, phosphorus, carbon, oxygen, etc. The proportion of other elements in the glass-forming alloy is preferably less than 2%. Preferred proportions of the other elements are 0 to 15% aluminium, 0 to 2% boron and 0 to 2% silicon. In order to ensure low cooling rates and relatively long time processing, the content of beryllium in the above metallic glasses should preferably be at least 10%. The early transition metals are selected from the group consisting of zirconium, hafnium, titanium, vanadium, niobium, chromium, yttrium, neodymium, gadolinium and other rare earth elements, molybdenum, tantalum and tungsten in descending order of preference. The late transition metals are selected from the group consisting of nickel, copper, iron, cobalt, manganese, ruthenium, silver and palladium in descending order of preference. The most preferred group consists of early transition metals such as zirconium, hafnium, titanium, niobium and chromium (up to 20% is the total content of zirconium and titanium), and late transition metals such as nickel, copper, iron, cobalt and manganese. The lowest critical cooling rates are observed for alloys containing early transition metals selected from the group consisting of zirconium, hafnium and titanium, and late transition metals selected from the group including nickel, copper, iron and cobalt. A preferred group of metallic glasses has the formula (Zr 1-x Ti x) a (Cu 1-y Ni y) b Be c where x and y are atomic fractions and "a", "b" and "c" are atomic percentages . In this composition, x is between 0 and 1, and the value of y is between 0 and 1. The values ​​of a, b, and c depend to some extent on the value of x. When x is between 0 and 0.15, then a is between 30 and 75%, b is between 5 and 62%, and c is between 6 and 47%. If x is between 0.15% and 0.4%, then a is between 30% and 75%, b is between 5% and 62%, and c is between 2 and 47 %. When x is between 0.4 and 0.6, a is between 35 and 75%, b is between 5 and 62%, and c is between 2 and 42%. When x is between 0.6 and 0.8, a is between 35 and 75%, b is between 5 and 62%, and c is between 2 and 47%. When x is between 0.8 and 1, a is between 35 and 75%, b is between 5 and 62%, and c is between 2 and 30%, with the restriction that the value of 3c does not exceed (100-b) when the value of b lies in the range from 10 to 49%. In FIG. 4 and 5 show the glass transition regions for two exemplary compositions in the (Zr, Ti)(Cu, Ni)Be system. For example, in FIG. Figure 4 shows the state diagram for a quasi-three-component system, where x = 1, i.e. titanium-beryllium system, in which the third vertex of the state diagrams of the three-component system is formed by copper and nickel. The large area in Fig. 4 limits the glass transition region, as indicated numerically above, for the Ti(Cu,Ni)Be system. The compositions within the larger region form glasses when cooled from the melting temperature to below the glass transition temperature. Preferred alloys are indicated by two smaller areas. Alloys whose composition falls within this range have the lowest critical cooling rates. Similarly in FIG. 5 shows a larger hexagon corresponding to compositions in which x = 0.5. Metallic glasses are formed by cooling alloys whose composition is within the area of ​​a hexagon. Further, the fragment (Zr 1-x Ti x) in these compositions may contain a metal selected from the group including up to 25% hafnium, up to 20% niobium, up to 15% yttrium, up to 10% chromium, up to 20% vanadium, and these values are given for the entire composition of the alloy, and not just for a fragment (Zr 1-x Ti x). In other words, these early transition metals can replace zirconium and/or titanium, while the fragment is retained as described earlier, and the content of the replacement element is given as a percentage of the entire alloy. Under appropriate circumstances, up to 10% of a metal selected from the group consisting of molybdenum, tantalum, tungsten, lanthanum, lanthanides, actinium and actinides may also be included. If a dense alloy is desired, tantalum or uranium may be included, for example. The fragment (Cu 1-y Ni y) may also contain an additional metal selected from the group including up to 25% iron, up to 25% cobalt and up to 15% manganese, and these values ​​are given for the entire composition of the alloy, and not just for the fragment ( Cu 1-y Ni y). Up to 10% of other metals from groups 7 to 11 can be included, but they are too expensive for alloys designed for industrial production. Some of the precious metals may be added to provide anti-corrosion properties, although the corrosion resistance of metallic glasses is generally good compared to the corrosion resistance of the same alloys in crystalline form. The beryllium fragment may also contain an additional metal selected from the group including up to 15% aluminum, while the content of beryllium is at least 0%, silicon up to 5% and boron up to 5% of the composition of the entire alloy, the preferred content of beryllium in the alloy is at least 10 at. %. Generally speaking, 5 to 10% of any transition metal is allowed in the glassy alloy. It should also be noted that the glassy alloy can withstand the presence of significant amounts of substances that can be considered random or impurity. For example, a significant amount of oxygen can dissolve in metallic glass without a noticeable shift in the crystallization curve. Other incidental elements such as germanium, phosphorus, carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen may be present in less than about five atom percent total, and preferably less than about one atom percent total. A small amount of alkali metals is also acceptable, alkaline earth metals or heavy metals. Exist different ways to express a composition that is good for glass forming alloys. They include formulas for compounds in which the proportions of various elements are expressed in algebraic form. The proportions are interdependent because high proportions of some elements that readily promote glassy phase retention can overcome the influence of other elements that are capable of promoting crystallization. The presence of elements other than transition metals and beryllium can also have an important influence. We believe that oxygen in an amount that exceeds the solubility of oxygen in the hard alloy is able to promote crystallization. This, we believe, is the reason why particularly good glass-forming alloys include significant amounts of zirconium, titanium, or hafnium (hafnium is quite interchangeable with zirconium). Zirconium, titanium and hafnium in the solid state dissolve oxygen well. Industrial beryllium contains or interacts with a significant amount of oxygen. In the absence of zirconium, titanium, or hafnium, oxygen can form insoluble oxides, which are centers of heterogeneous crystallization. This follows from tests on some ternary alloys that do not contain zirconium, titanium or hafnium. Appearance samples obtained by spraying on cooling, which do not form amorphous solids, suggests the presence of precipitated oxide phases. Some elements included in the composition in small proportions can affect the properties of the glass. Chromium, iron and vanadium increase strength. However, the chromium content should be no more than about 20% and preferably less than 15% of the total amount of zirconium, hafnium or titanium. For zirconium-, hafnium- and titanium-containing alloys, it is generally preferred that the titanium atomic fraction in the early transition metal-containing alloy fragment be less than 0.7. Not all early transition metals are equally desirable in composition. The most preferred early transition metals are zirconium and titanium. Vanadium, niobium, and hafnium are next in the order of preference for early transition metals. The next order of preference is yttrium and chromium, with chromium being limited as previously stated. In limited amounts, lanthanum, actinium and lanthanides and actinides may also be included. The last of the preferred early transition metals are molybdenum, tantalum and tungsten, although in some cases they may be desirable. For example, tungsten and tantalum can be useful in metallic glasses with relatively high densities. Of the late transition metals, copper and nickel are most preferred. In some compositions, the presence of iron is particularly desirable. The next series of preferences among the late transition metals are cobalt and manganese. Some compositions should preferably not contain silver. Silicon, germanium, boron and aluminum can be considered as components of the beryllium fragment of the alloy, and any of them can be included in its composition. If aluminum is present, the beryllium content must be at least 6%. The aluminum content should preferably be less than 20%, and even more preferably less than 15%. The most preferred compositions contain a mixture of copper and nickel in approximately equal proportions. Thus, a preferred composition contains zirconium and/or titanium, beryllium and a mixture of copper and nickel, with the amount of copper, for example, ranging from 35 to 65% of the total amount of copper and nickel. The following are expressions for the formulas of glass-forming compositions of various sizes and compositions. Such alloys can be obtained as a metallic glass containing at least 50% amorphous phase by cooling the alloy from a temperature above the melting point, passing the glass transition temperature at a sufficient rate to avoid the formation of more than 50% of the crystalline phase. In each of the formulas below, x and y denote atomic fractions. Subscripts a, a1, b, b1, c, etc. denote atomic percent. Exemplary glass forming alloys have the formula

(Zr 1-x Ti x) al ETM a2 (Cu 1-y Ni y) b1 LTM b2 Be c

Where early transition metals include Y, Nb, Hf and Cr,

At the same time, the chromium content of them is not more than 20%. The late transition metals are predominantly Fe, Co, Mn, Ru, Ag and/or Pd. The amount of another early transition metal is up to 40% of the amount of the fragment (Zr 1-x Ti x). When x is between 0 and 0.15, (a1+a2) is 30 to 75%, (b1+b2) is 5 to 62%, b2 is 0 to 25%, and c ranges from 6 to 47%. When x is in the range of 0.15 to 0.4, (a1+a2) is 30 to 75%, b2 is 0 to 25%, and c is 2 to 47%,

Advantageously, the value of (a1+a2) is from 40% to 67%, the value of (b1+b2) is from 10% to 40%, the value of b2 is from 0% to 25%, and the value of c is from 10% to 35%. When the value of x is greater than 0.4, the amount of the other early transition metal can be up to 40% of the amount of the zirconium and titanium fragment. Then, when the value of x is between 0.4 and 0.6, the value of (a1+a2) is between 35% and 75%, the value of (b1+b2) is between 5% and 62%, the value of b2 is between 0 and 25 %, and the value of c is from 2 to 47%. When x is between 0.6 and 0.8, (a1+a2) is 35 to 75%, (b1+b2) is 5 to 62%, b2 is 0 to 25%, and the value of c is from 2 to 42%. When x is between 0.8 and 1, (a1+a2) is 35 to 75%, (b1+b2) is 5 to 62%, b2 is 0 to 25%, and c is from 2 to 30%. In these alloys, there is a limitation that for an x ​​value of 0.8 to 1, the value of 3c does not exceed (100-b1-b2) when the value of (b1+b2) is from 10 to 49%. Preferably, when x is in the range of 0.4 to 0.6, (a1+a2) is 40 to 67%, (b1+b2) is 10 to 48%, b2 is 0 to 25 %, and the value of c is from 10 to 35%. When x is between 0.6 and 0.8, (a1+a2) is 40 to 67%, (b1+b2) is 10 to 48%, b2 is 0 to 25%, and the value of c is from 10 to 30%. When x is between 0.8 and 1, or (a1+a2) is between 38 and 55%, (b1+b2) is between 35 and 60%, b2 is between 0 and 25%, and c is 2 to 15% or (a1+a2) is 65 to 75%, (b1+b2) is 5 to 15%, b2 is 0 to 25% and c is 17 to twenty%. The glass-forming composition is preferably a ZrTiCuNiBe alloy having the formula

(Zr 1-x Ti x) a (Cu 1-y Ni y) Be c ,

Where the value of y is between 0 and 1,

And the value of x is in the range from 0 to 0.4. When x is between 0 and 0.15, then a is between 30 and 75%, b is between 5 and 62%, and c is between 6 and 47%. If x is between 0.15 and 0.4, then a is between 30 and 75%, b is between 5 and 62%, and c is between 2 and 47%. Preferably, a is in the range of 40 to 67%, b is in the range of 10 to 35%, and c is in the range of 10 to 35%. For example, a good glass forming composition is Zr 34 Ti 11 Cu 32.5 Ni 10 Be 12.5 . If you deviate slightly from the above limits, then equivalent glass-forming alloys can be obtained. When the value of x in the above formula is in the range of 0.4 to 0.6, the value of a is in the range of 35 to 75%, the value of b is in the range of 5 to 62%, and the value of c is in the range of 2 to 47%. When x is in the range of 0.6 to 0.8, a is in the range of 35 to 75%, b is in the range of 5 to 62%, and c is in the range of 2 to 42%. When x is in the range of 0.8 to 1, a is in the range of 35 to 75%, b is in the range of 5 to 62%, and c is in the range of 2 to 30%, with the limitation that the value of 3c does not exceed (100-b) when the value of b lies in the range from 10 to 49%. Preferably, when x is in the range of 0.4 to 0.6, a is 40 to 67%, b is 10 to 48%, c is 10 to 35%. When x is in the range of 0.6 to 0.8, a is 40 to 67%, b is 10 to 48%, and c is 10 to 30%. When the value of x is between 0.8 and 1, or the value of a is between 38 and 55%, the value of b is between 35 and 60%, and the value of c is between 2 and 15%, or the value of a is between 65 and 75% , the value of b is from 5 to 15%, and the value of c is from 17 to 27%. In the most preferred range of compositions, the fragment (Zr 1-x Ti x) may include up to 15% hafnium, up to 15% niobium, up to 10% yttrium, up to 7% chromium, up to 10% vanadium, up to 5% molybdenum, tantalum or tungsten , up to 5% lanthanum, lanthanides, actinium and actinides. The fragment (Cu 1-y Ni y) may also include up to 15% iron, up to 10% cobalt, up to 10% manganese, up to 5% of another metal from groups 7 to 11. The beryllium fragment may also include up to 15% aluminum, up to 5 % silicon and up to 5% boron. The total content of random elements is preferably less than 1 at.%. Some of the glass-forming alloys can be expressed by the formula

((Zr, Hf, Ti) x ETM 1-x) a (Cu 1-y Ni y) b1 LTM b2 Be c ,

Where the atomic fraction of titanium in the fragment ((Hf, Zr, Ti)ETM) is less than 0.7, and the value of x lies in the range from 0.8 to 1, the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 75%, the value of (b1 + b2) lies in the range from 5 to 57%, and the value of c lies in the range from 6 to 45%. Preferably, the value of a is in the range of 40 to 67%, the value of (b1 + b2) is in the range of 40 to 67%, the value of (b1 + b2) is in the range of 10 to 48%, and the value of c is in the range of 10 up to 35%. Otherwise, the formula can be expressed as

((Zr, Hf, Ti) x ETM 1-x) a) Cu b1 Ni b2 LTM b3 Be c ,

Where the value of x lies between 0.5 and 0.8. If ETM stands for yttrium, neodymium, gadolinium and other rare earth elements, then the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 75%, the value of (b1 + b2 + b3) lies in the range from 6 to 50%, the value of b3 lies in the range from 0 to 25%, the value of b1 lies in the range from 0 to 50%, and the value of c lies in the range from 6 to 45%. If ETM stands for chromium, tantalum, molybdenum or tungsten, then the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 60%, the value of (b1 + b2 + b3) lies in the range from 10 to 50%, the value of b3 lies in the range from 0 to 25% , the value of b1 lies in the range from 0 to x(b1 + b2 + b3)/2, and the value of c lies in the range from 10 to 45%. If ETM is selected from the group consisting of vanadium and niobium, then the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 65%, the value of (b1 + b2 + b3) lies in the range from 10 to 50%, the value of b3 lies in the range from 10 to 25% , the value of b1 lies in the range from 0 to x (b1 + b2 + b3)/2, and the value of c lies in the range from 10 to 45%. Preferably, when ETM stands for yttrium, neodymium, gadolinium and other rare earth elements, the value of a is in the range of 40 to 67%, the value of (b1 + b2 + b3) is in the range of 10 to 38%, the value of b3 is in the range of 0 up to 25%, the value of b1 lies in the range from 0 to 38%, and the value of c lies in the range from 10 to 35%. If ETM stands for chromium, tantalum, molybdenum or tungsten, then the value of a lies in the range from 35 to 50%, the value of (b1 + b2 + b3) lies in the range from 15 to 35%, the value of b3 lies in the range from 0 to 25% , the value of b1 lies in the range from 0 to x(b1 + b2 + b3)/2, and the value of c lies in the range from 15 to 35%. If ETM stands for vanadium and niobium, then the value of a lies in the range from 35 to 55%, the value of (b1 + b2 + b3) lies in the range from 15 to 35%, the value of b3 lies in the range from 0 to 25%, the value of 1 lies in the range from 0 to x(b1 + b2 + b3)/2, and the value of c lies in the range from 15 to 35%. In FIG. 4 and 5 show slightly smaller area hexagons which represent the preferred glass forming compositions, i.e. compositions in which x = 1 and x = 0.5, respectively. These regions are smaller hexagons on the state diagram of a quasi-three-component system. It should be noted that in FIG. 4 shows two relatively smaller area hexagons for preferred glass forming alloy compositions. For both of these preferred ranges of existence of the composition, very low critical cooling rates are observed. By way of example, a very good glass forming composition has the approximate formula

(Zr 0.75 Ni 0.25) 55 (Cu 0.36 Ni 0.64) 22.5 Be 22.5 . A sample of this material was cooled in a 15 mm diameter fused silica tube, which was immersed in water and a completely amorphous ingot was obtained. The rate of cooling from the melting temperature, bypassing the glass transition temperature, is estimated at approximately two to three degrees per second. Among the various combinations of materials that fall within this range may be unusual mixtures of metals that do not form at least 50% of the glassy phase at cooling rates less than about 10 6 K/s. Suitable combinations can be easily identified by simple melting using an appropriate method of heating, cooling with a spray and checking the amorphousness of the sample. Preferred compositions are readily intensified at low critical cooling rates. The amorphous nature of metallic glasses can be easily ascertained by a number of well-known methods. X-ray diffraction patterns of completely amorphous samples show broad diffuse scattering maxima. If the crystalline substance is present together with the glassy phase, then relatively sharp Bragg diffraction peaks corresponding to the crystalline substance can be observed. The relative intensities corresponding to sharp Bragg peaks can be compared with the intensities corresponding to diffuse maxima and the content of the amorphous phase can be estimated. The content of the amorphous phase can also be estimated by differential thermal analysis. The enthalpy of heating the sample to initiate crystallization of the amorphous phase is compared with the enthalpy of crystallization of a fully glassy substance. The ratio of these values ​​determines the molar fraction of the glassy substance in the original sample. Transmission electron microscopy can also be used to determine the glassy fraction. In electron microscopy, a glassy substance exhibits little contrast and can be identified by its relatively lacking characteristic features image. The crystalline substance has a much greater contrast and is easy to distinguish. Electrode diffraction can then be used to confirm the presence of the detected phase. The volume fraction of amorphous material in a sample can be estimated by analyzing images observed using transmission electron microscopy. The metallic glasses formed by the alloys of the present invention typically exhibit significant bending ductility. The foil obtained by spray cooling exhibits bending ductility in the range of 90° to 180°. In the preferred formulation range, fully amorphous 1 mm thick tapes exhibit flexural ductility and can also be rolled to approximately 1/3 of their original thickness without macroscopic cracking. Such rolled samples can still be bent at an angle of 90 o . The amorphous alloys of the present invention have high hardness. High Vickers hardness values ​​indicate high strength. Because many of the preferred alloys have a relatively low density of 5 to 7 g/cm 3 , the alloys have a high strength to weight ratio. However, if a higher density is required, then the compositions may include heavy metals such as tungsten, tantalum or uranium. For example, high density metallic glass can be made from an alloy with the general composition (TaWHf)NiBe. It is desirable that the preferred compositions contain a significant amount of vanadium and chromium, since in this case the alloys exhibit greater strength than alloys that do not contain vanadium and chromium. Examples. Table below. 1 alloys that can be cast into strips 1 mm thick containing more than 50% amorphous phase. In table. 1 for many alloys, their properties are also presented, including the glass transition temperature Tg, expressed in degrees Celsius. The column labeled Tx gives the temperature at which crystallization begins when an amorphous alloy is heated above the glass transition temperature. The measurement method used is differential technical analysis. A sample of the amorphous alloy is heated above the glass transition temperature at a rate of 20° C. per minute. The temperature at which the enthalpy change indicates the onset of crystallization is recorded. The samples are heated in an inert gas atmosphere, however, its purity corresponds to that of an industrial inert gas, and it contains some oxygen. As a result, the surface of the samples is slightly acidified. We have shown that there is a higher temperature at which the sample has a clean surface, so that homogeneous rather than heterogeneous nucleation is observed. Thus, the probability of homogeneous crystallization may actually be higher than that found in these tests for samples that do not contain oxides on the surface. The column labeled T indicates the difference between the crystallization temperature and the glass transition temperature, both of which are determined by differential thermal analysis. Generally speaking, higher values ​​of T indicate a lower critical cooling rate for the formation of an amorphous alloy. It also indicates that there is large quantity time for processing an amorphous alloy at a temperature above the glass transition temperature. A T value greater than 100° C. indicates a particularly good glass forming alloy. The last column of the table. 1, denoted by Hv, shows the Vickers hardness of the amorphous composition. Generally speaking, higher hardness values ​​are indicative of greater strength of metallic glass. In the following table. 2 shows a number of compositions found to be amorphous when cast as a 5 mm thick layer. In table. 3 shows a number of compositions found to contain more than 50% amorphous phase, and typically 100% amorphous phase, when spray-cooled to form a foil about 30 microns thick. Here, a number of classes and examples of compositions of glass-forming alloys with low critical cooling rates are considered. It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that the glass transition ranges given are approximate and compositions that fall slightly outside these exact ranges may be good glass formers, and compositions that fall approximately within these ranges may not be glass formers at cooling rates less than 1000 K/s. Thus, within the scope of the claims specified in the claims, the present invention can be carried out with some deviations from the given exact compositions of the compositions.


1. Metallic glass formed by an alloy containing beryllium, characterized in that the alloy has a cooling rate required to suppress crystallization of less than 10 3 K / s, and the glass is formed by an alloy further containing at least one metal selected from the group containing titanium and zirconium, and at least one metal selected from the group containing copper and nickel, in the following ratio of components, at.%:

Beryllium - Rest

2. Glass according to claim 1, characterized in that it is formed by an alloy additionally containing at least one transition metal selected from the group containing ETM and LTM in the following ratio of components:

(Zr 1-x Ti x) a1 ETM a2 (Cu 1-y Ni y) b1 LTM b2 Be c1 ,

Where ETM is an early transition metal selected from the group containing vanadium, niobium, hafnium and chromium, and the atomic percentage of chromium does not exceed 0.2 a1;

LTM - late transition metal selected from the group containing iron, cobalt, manganese, ruthenium, silver and palladium;

X and y are atomic fractions;

A1, a2, b1, b2 and c are atomic percentages;

The value of x lies between 0 and 1; the value of y lies in the range from 0 to 1; the value of a2 does not exceed 0.4a1; the value (a1+a2) is in the range 30 - 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 3. Glass according to claim 2, characterized in that if the value of b1 + b2 lies in the range from 10 to 49, then 3c does not exceed (100-b1-b2). 4. Glass under item 2 or 3, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0 to 0.15, then the value (a1+a2) lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 6 to 47. 5. Glass according to claim 2 or 3, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.15 to 0.4, then the value (a1 + a2) lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 6. Glass according to claim 2 or 3, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.4 to 0.6, then the value (a1 + a2) lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 7. Glass according to claim 2 or 3, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.6 to 0.8, then the value (a1 + a2) lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 42. 8. Glass according to claim 2 or 3, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.8 to 1, then the value (a1 + a2) lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 30. 9. Glass according to any one of paragraphs. 2 - 8, characterized in that the value (a1+a2) lies in the range from 40 to 67; the value (b1+b2) is in the range from 10 to 48; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c is in the range of 10 to 35. 10. A metallic glass formed from an alloy containing beryllium, characterized in that the alloy has a cooling rate required to suppress crystallization of less than 10 3 K/s, and is formed from an alloy further containing at least a metal selected from the group containing zirconium, titanium and hafnium, and at least one transition metal selected from the group containing ETM and LTM in the following ratio of components:

((Zr, Hf, Ti) x)ETM 1-x a (Cu 1-y Ni y) b1 LTM b2 Be c ,

X and y are atomic fractions;

In this case, the atomic fraction of titanium in the fragment ((Hf, Zr, Ti)ETM) is less than 0.7, the value of x lies in the range from 0.8 to 1; the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value (b1+b2) is in the range from 5 to 57; the value of c lies in the range from 6 to 45. 11. Glass according to claim 10, characterized in that the value of a lies in the range from 40 to 67; the value (b1+b2) is in the range from 10 to 48, the value of c is in the range from 10 to 35. from a temperature above the melting temperature to a temperature below the glass transition temperature at a rate that prevents the formation of more than 50% of the crystalline phase, characterized in that the alloy has a cooling rate required to suppress crystallization of less than 10 3 K / s, and an alloy is produced that additionally contains at least one metal selected from the group containing titanium and zirconium, and at least one metal selected from the group containing copper and nickel, in the following ratio, at.%:

At least one metal selected from the group containing zirconium and titanium - 30 - 75

At least one metal selected from the group containing copper and nickel - 5 - 62

Beryllium - Rest

13. The method according to p. 12, characterized in that they produce an alloy additionally containing at least one transition metal selected from the group containing ETM and LTM in the following ratio of components:

(Zr 1-x Ti x) a1 ETM a2 (Cu 1-y Ni y) b1 LTM b2 Be c ,

Where x and y are atomic fractions;

A1, a2, b1, b2 and c are atomic percentages;

ETM - an early transition metal selected from the group containing vanadium, niobium, hafnium and chromium, and the atomic percentage of chromium does not exceed 0.2a1;

LTM - late transition metal selected from the group containing iron, cobalt, manganese, ruthenium, silver and palladium; the x value lies between 0 and 1; the value of y lies in the range from 0 to 1; the value of a2 does not exceed 0.4a1; the value (a1+a2) is in the range 30 - 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 14. The method according to claim 13, characterized in that if the value of b1+b2 lies in the range from 10 to 49, then the value of 3c does not exceed (100-b1-b2). 15. The method according to p. 13 or 14, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0 to 0.15, then the value (a1+a2) lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 6 to 47. 16. The method according to claim 13 or 14, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.15 to 0.4, then the value (a1+a2) lies in the range 30 to 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 17. The method according to claim 13 or 14, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.4 to 0.6, then the value (a1 + a2) lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 18. The method according to claim 13 or 14, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.6 to 0.8, then the value (a1 + a2) lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 42. 19. The method according to claim 13 or 14, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.8 to 1, then the value (a1 + a2) lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value (b1+b2) lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 30. 20. The method according to any one of paragraphs. 13 - 19, characterized in that the value (a1+a2) lies in the range from 40 to 67; the value (b1+b2) is in the range from 10 to 48; the value of b2 does not exceed 25; the value of c is in the range from 10 to 35. 21. A method for producing metallic glass containing at least 50% of an amorphous phase, including the manufacture of an alloy containing beryllium and at least one metal from the group containing hafnium, zirconium and titanium, and cooling its temperature above the melting temperature to a temperature below the glass transition temperature at a rate that prevents the formation of more than 50% of the crystalline phase, characterized in that the alloy has a cooling rate required to suppress crystallization of less than 10 3 K / s and an alloy is produced that additionally includes at least one transition metal selected from the group containing ETM and LTM in the following ratio of components:

((Zr, Hf, Ti) x)ETM 1-x) a (Cu 1-y Ni y) b1 LTM b2 Be c ,

Where ETM is an early transition metal selected from the group containing vanadium, niobium, yttrium, neodymium, gadolinium and other REMs, chromium, molybdenum, tantalum and tungsten;

LTM - late transition metal selected from the group containing nickel, copper, iron, cobalt, manganese, ruthenium, silver and palladium;

X and y are atomic fractions;

A, b1, b2 and c are atomic percentages,

The atomic fraction of titanium in the fragment ((Hf, Zr, Ti)ETM) is less than 0.7; the value of x lies in the range from 0.8 to 1; the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value (b1+b2) is in the range from 5 to 57; the value of c lies in the range from 6 to 45. 22. The method according to p. 21, characterized in that the value of a lies in the range from 40 to 67; the value (b1+b2) is in the range from 10 to 48; the value of c lies in the range from 10 to 35. 23. A metallic glass formed by an alloy containing beryllium, characterized in that the alloy has a cooling rate required to suppress crystallization of less than 10 3 K/s and the glass is formed by an alloy further containing at least one metal selected from the group containing titanium and zirconium, and at least one metal selected from the group containing copper and nickel, in the following ratio of components:

(Zr 1-x Ti x) a (Cu 1-y Ni y)) b Be c ,

Where x and y are atomic fractions;

A, b and c are atomic percentages,

The value of y lies in the range from 0 to 1 and where the value of x lies in the range from 0 to 1; the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 24. Glass according to claim 23, characterized in that if the value of b lies in the range from 10 to 49, then 3c does not exceed (100-b). 25. Glass under item 23 or 24, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0 to 0.15, then the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 6 to 47. 26. The glass according to claim 23 or 24, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.15 to 0.4, then the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 27. The glass according to claim 23 or 24, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.4 to 0.6, then the value of a lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 28. The glass according to claim 23 or 24, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.6 to 0.8, then the value of a lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 42. 29. The glass according to claim 23 or 24, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.8 to 1, then the value of a lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 30. 30. Glass according to any one of paragraphs. 23 - 29, characterized in that the value of a lies in the range from 40 to 67; the value of b lies in the range from 10 to 48; the value of c lies in the range from 10 to 35. 31. Glass according to any one of paragraphs. 23 - 30, characterized in that the fragment (Zr 1-x Ti x) additionally contains a metal selected from the group including at. %: hafnium - up to 25, niobium - up to 20, yttrium - up to 15, chromium - up to 10, vanadium - up to 20, molybdenum - up to 5, tantalum - up to 5, tungsten - up to 5, and lanthanum, lanthanides, actinium and actinides - up to 5; the fragment (Cu 1-y Ni y) additionally contains a metal selected from the group including at.%: iron - up to 25, cobalt - up to 25, manganese - up to 15, metals from groups VII-XI - up to 5, and the beryllium fragment additionally contains a metal selected from the group including, at.%: aluminum - up to 15 with a value of c equal to at least 6, silicon - not more than 5 and boron - not more than 5. 32. A method for producing metallic glass containing at least 50% of the amorphous phase, including the manufacture of an alloy containing beryllium, and cooling it from a temperature above the melting temperature to a temperature below the glass transition temperature at a rate that prevents the formation of more than 50% of the crystalline phase, characterized in that the alloy has a cooling rate required to suppress crystallization, less than 10 3 K / s, an alloy is made that additionally contains at least one metal selected from the group containing titanium and zirconium, and at least one metal selected from the group containing copper and nickel, with the following ratio of components, at. %:

(Zr 1-x Ti x) a (Cu 1-y Ni y) b Be c ,

Where x and y are atomic fractions;

A, b and c are atomic percentages,

The value of y lies in the range from 0 to 1 and where the value of x lies in the range from 0 to 1; the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 33. The method according to claim 32, characterized in that if the value of b lies in the range from 10 to 49, then 3c does not exceed (100-b). 34. The method according to p. 32 or 33, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0 to 0.15, then the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 6 to 47. 35. The method according to p. 32 or 33, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.15 to 0.4, then the value of a lies in the range from 30 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 36. The method according to p. 32 or 33, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.4 to 0.6, then the value of a lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 47. 37. The method according to p. 32 or 33, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.6 to 0.8, then the value of a lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 42. 38. The method according to p. 32 or 33, characterized in that if the value of x lies in the range from 0.8 to 1, then the value of a lies in the range from 35 to 75; the value of b lies in the range from 5 to 62; the value of c lies in the range from 2 to 30. 39. The method according to any one of paragraphs. 32 - 38, characterized in that the value of a lies in the range from 40 to 67; the value of b lies in the range from 10 to 48; the value of c lies in the range from 10 to 35. 40. The method according to any one of paragraphs. 32 - 39, characterized in that the fragment (Zr 1-x Ti x) additionally contains a metal selected from the group including at. %: hafnium - up to 25, niobium - up to 20, yttrium - up to 15, chromium - up to 10, vanadium - up to 2, molybdenum - up to 5, tantalum - up to 5, tungsten - up to 5 and lanthanum, lanthanides, actinium and actinides - up to 5; the fragment (Cu 1-y Ni y) additionally contains a metal selected from the group including, at.%: iron - up to 25, cobalt - up to 25, manganese - up to 15, metals from groups VII-XI - up to 5, and beryllium the fragment additionally contains a metal selected from the group including, at.%: aluminum - up to 15 with a value of c equal to at least 6, silicon - not more than 5 and boron - not more than 5. Priority by points.