Who does the recalculation of utilities. List of grounds for recalculation of utility bills

Any citizen who has a roof over his head one way or another is faced with the need to pay for utilities. Regardless of whether he is the owner of the property or the tenant. The norms of utility payments are usually determined centrally - at the municipal level and at the level of the management company.

At the same time, there are payments that are paid depending on the area of ​​​​the apartment, and there are those that depend on the consumption of the service or the number of residents in the apartment. However, any utility standard can be recalculated. There are several legal reasons for this. How to do a recalculation utilities can be found in this article.

Grounds for the recalculation of utilities

The grounds for the recalculation of utilities are:

Temporary absence of residents in the apartment they occupy,
- a long-term interruption in the provision of any utility service, provided that the interruption exceeds the duration established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation,
- provision by the utility service provider of inadequate quality

Changes in the form of ownership of the apartment.

In each case, there is a special procedure for processing the recalculation. However, in any case, it is necessary to start by writing and submitting to the Criminal Code recalculation statements.

The procedure for recalculating utilities in the temporary absence of residents in the apartment

If there are no tenants in the apartment for more than 5 calendar days, then they have the right to recalculate utilities. The truth is there is one essential condition- the apartment should not be equipped with individual metering devices. This means that it will be possible to recalculate the payment for cold and hot water, and natural gas, only if meters are not installed. Otherwise, the accounting of consumed services will still be carried out in accordance with their indication. Services that will be recalculated in any case are garbage disposal and the use of an elevator.

So, if you went on vacation, on a business trip or went to the hospital, then you need to notify the Criminal Code. Documents confirming the fact of absence must be attached to the application. Ideally, declare your absence in advance. Then the locksmith will simply block and seal the water and gas. In this case, you definitely don’t have to prove anything to anyone. If nothing has been done in advance, then you can request a recalculation of utilities upon return. Residents have only 30 days to do this. It is important to remember that home maintenance and heating services are not subject to recalculation.

The procedure for recalculating utility services is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 in section 4 “On approval of the Procedure for recalculating the amount of payment for certain types utilities for the period of temporary absence of consumers in the occupied premises, not equipped with an individual and (or) common (apartment) metering device. "In accordance with it, the application, along with documents confirming the temporary absence of residents in the apartment, must be transferred to the accounting department of the Criminal Code.

In accordance with clause 90 of the said Procedure, the accounting department will have to recalculate utility bills in proportion to the number of days when tenants-consumers of services were temporarily absent from the apartment. This number of days is determined by the number of full calendar days of absence, excluding the day of departure from the apartment and the day of return. The deadline for recalculation is set at 5 business days from the date of receipt of the tenant's written application.

If the tenant who submitted the application for recalculation of utilities was unable to submit documents confirming the duration of the absence, or if those documents that he submitted cannot confirm the temporary absence of the tenant during the entire declared period or part of the period specified in the application for recalculation, the Criminal Code charges utility bills for such a period in full. In addition, in relation to such a fee, if it was delayed by tenants, measures may be taken, article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, penalties and fines for the consequences of late and payment of utility bills.

Documents on the basis of which the recalculation of utilities can be made:

1) Copy of the order about a business trip or a copy of the travel certificate. A certificate from the place of work about the fact of a business trip with copies of travel tickets with dates is also suitable.

2) Certificate of location on treatment in a hospital or certificate of spa treatment together with copies or originals of travel documents.

3) Travel tickets issued in the name of the tenant or their certified copies. If the tenant used electronic travel documents during the trip, then he must take from the carrier their certified printout on paper, as well as other documents issued by the carrier confirming the fact of the trip - a boarding pass for an airplane, a receipt for boarding a train and other documents.

4) Paid bills for accommodation in a hotel, inn, hostel or other place of temporary residence.

5) Document about temporary registration tenant at the place of his temporary residence.

6) A certificate from a gardening partnership confirming the period of temporary stay of the tenant at his dacha.

7) Other documents that, in the opinion of the tenant himself, can confirm the fact and duration of his temporary absence from the apartment.

The procedure for recalculation for utilities when providing services of inadequate quality or lack of utilities for a long time

In the event that the MC supplies consumers with a utility service or service that does not comply with the standards for this type of service, the tenant may require a recalculation of such a service or services. To do this, it is necessary to draw up an act on the non-provision of utilities or the provision of utilities of inadequate quality. Such an act, at the request of the tenant or tenants, must be drawn up by the Criminal Code. Each tenant has the full right to independently request the drawing up of an act. If the UK refuses to do this, you must contact the Housing Inspectorate.

The procedure for recalculation for utilities when providing utilities of inadequate quality and with interruptions exceeding the duration established by law is enshrined in the Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 No. 354.

After drawing up the act, the Criminal Code sends it to the "Unified Settlement Center". This is where the recalculation takes place. The results of this recalculation should be reflected in the receipt for payment for housing and utilities in the column "recalculations". At the same time, the calculation of the amount of reduction in the accrual of utilities is made only on the basis of address data received monthly from the district dispatch services of utilities.

The procedure for recalculating utilities when changing the form of ownership of an apartment

According to the rules of Art. 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the structure of payment for an apartment and utilities for a tenant under a social tenancy agreement or a contract for renting a dwelling of a state or municipal housing fund differs from the structure of payment for an owner's apartment.

Therefore, residents who have privatized residential premises are recalculated for utilities from the date of issuance of a certificate of state registration ownership. This recalculation is charges for the service are deducted“Renting a dwelling” and accruals for the “overhaul” service are carried out.

Recalculation for utilities in accordance with the current norms of Russian legislation is the right of citizens under certain conditions stipulated by government regulations. In particular, it is in the government decree Russian Federation 354, there is a complete list of situations in which the homeowner has the right to demand a recalculation for him. The same document regulates the requirements regarding the volume and quality of public services provided.

The issues of recalculation for utilities are directly dealt with by the management company, housing and communal services or a homeowners association, depending on who is responsible for submitting them for a particular house. In general, there are two reasons to recalculate:

  • Absence of the consumer at home for more than five days due to departure for vacation, rest or treatment in another locality, as well as under other circumstances;
  • Unsatisfactory quality of housing and communal services and their non-compliance with legal requirements.

The first reason provides for a very simple procedure in which the homeowner simply writes an application addressed to managing organization and attaches to it documents confirming its absence. The second reason entails a number of checks, the purpose of which is to fix the fact of non-compliance and violations.

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Norms for the duration of the provision of services

Since the fact of poor-quality provision of housing and communal services is a significant reason for the recalculation of payments, it also includes the fact that they are not provided in principle. There is no single value for the allowable interruption, since each service has its own norms, beyond which it is impossible to go.

Permissible rate of lack of supply of utilities
Cold water No more than four hours at a time and no more than eight hours a month without deviation in the level of pressure and the quality of the submitted resource
Hot water No more than four hours at a time and no more than eight hours a month, and no more than 24 hours when emergencies without deviation in the level of pressure and quality of the supplied resource, but with an allowable deviation in temperature from three to five degrees
Drainage systems No more than four hours at a time and no more than eight hours a month
Electricity No more than two hours with two power supplies and no more than 24 hours with a single source without frequency and voltage deviation
Gas supply No more than four total hours per month without quality deviations and with a permissible pressure deviation of 0.0005 MPa
Heating system No more than 24 hours in total and no more than 16 hours at a time. At 12 degrees in the room - no more than 8 hours at a time. At a temperature of 10-12 degrees - no more than 4 hours

What is poor quality

Speaking about the quality of public services, the rule says that it is measured exclusively by experts, through professional measurements. So, for example, cold water is evaluated by the pressure of its supply, hardness, transparency, chemical composition, color and the presence of precipitation. Hot - according to the temperature, which should range from sixty to seventy-five degrees. In the case when the owner of the dwelling has doubts that he is supplied with high-quality water, it makes sense to contact the sanitary and epidemiological station or pay for an independent examination.

The quality of the power supply is measured in terms of current and voltage. Poor supply manifests itself in the form of electrical appliances not working at full capacity or their lack of response to connecting to the network.

Heating is evaluated by system pressure, room temperature, water impurities. Of course, all that in this case is usually of interest to the owner and tenants is the warmth in their housing. To understand whether it is worth sounding the alarm, you can initially measure the temperature indicators yourself, referring to the following standards:

  • 18-20 degrees for living rooms;
  • 18 degrees for kitchens;
  • 25 degrees for sanitary facilities;
  • 12 degrees in pantries.

Regarding the gas supply, it is checked chemical composition and system pressure. Visually, problems can only be determined by the low rate of boiling water.

Initial actions

If any of the above problems and inconsistencies are identified, it is necessary to call the operator of the emergency dispatch service, informing him of the improper provision of services. The operator is obliged to document each call, making up the corresponding applications after. When calling, it is important to clarify that the entry has been made, ask for the number of your application and the last name, first name of the dispatcher.

After the application is left, you need to call the management company, saying that their services are supplied with violations, and demand that specialists be sent to take the necessary measurements and draw up an examination report. It is important to immediately agree on when and at what time the specialists will come, so that the applicant must be at home.

It is worth noting that one call and one check of the management company is by no means enough. You need to call and demand a specialist daily, in order to have several acts on hand confirming that the violations are systematic, and not one-time. In addition, it is important to remember that housing and communal services will be recalculated only for those days for which the tenant has acts. If for some of the days there is no such document, there will be no recalculation for it either. In this regard, since not every citizen has the opportunity to be at home every day in working time management company, it makes sense to cooperate with neighbors.

Documents for recalculation

The recalculation procedure due to the absence of a tenant in the apartment is carried out upon confirmation of this fact documented. To do this, one of the following documents is attached to the application:

If recalculation is required due to the provision of poor-quality supply of resources, verification acts for each of the days are attached to the application. They must contain the date and time of the examination, the address of the apartment in which the measurements were taken, and the name of the owner. It also indicates the nature of the violations and the date from which, upon the fact of the check, the short supply of the service began. Among other things, ways to eliminate the violation should be indicated.

Application submission and deadlines

Sample application for recalculation

In order to correctly submit an application to the housing department of the management company, it is necessary to write it to the address of the organization on whose balance sheet the house is listed. That is, the request is sent to the address from which the payment document comes. If there are several of these, for example, separately for water, heating and electricity, then applications should be sent to each of these organizations, and not to any one. You can find the details and address of the company on receipts. Phone numbers are also listed there.

The text of the application is allowed to be written in free form. It is important to indicate your requirements for recalculation, the reasons for this, from what period, for what type of utility service. Mandatory date, signature and transcript of the signature at the end.

The application should be sent with the documents attached to it, keeping copies of them for yourself. Sending is only by registered mail with a full description of all attachments and a return notification to know that the letter has been received and to see the date of receipt. Of course, you can submit papers by mail but personally. This should be done within thirty days from the date of occurrence of the event suitable for recalculation. If the recalculation is necessary in connection with the departure, then you can submit a request both before departure and after returning.

Tariff increase and decrease

It also happens that the recalculation made does not entail a decrease in payment, but, on the contrary, an increase in it. This is a typical situation in case of malfunction of accounting devices (meters), which is a violation of the contract. Additional charges apply depending on the severity of the violations. For example, if the recalculation occurs due to the fact that the seals on the meter are broken, then not the indicators of this accounting device will be taken into account, but the standard regional norm per person. That is, if four are registered in the apartment, then this norm is multiplied by four.

It also happens that homeowners, wanting to save money, cut pipes in front of the meter, realizing that this is a deception of utility providers. For this, the controllers will charge violators a fine, and the payment will be calculated according to the rate according to which they made an illegal cut into the pipe. In other words, in addition to the fine, the violator will be required to pay a tariff rate per person ten times higher than usual, which clearly does not come close to saving.

Speaking of lowering the tariff, this is possible when the tenant leaves, interruptions and poor-quality supply of utilities.

How long does it take to process a request

After the application with the documents is submitted, it must be registered immediately, with an entry in the registration journal and assignment to the application registration number and dates. After that, within ten days, service providers must give the applicant a written official response in person or by mail. it simplified diagram for recalculations due to temporary departure.

If there is a complaint about poor quality services or their illegal interruption, it is recorded in the fact log and is subject to mandatory verification. Only after that will an official response be given, which will also indicate the solution to the problem. The verification is carried out in the presence of the applicant, and the completed act must be handed over to him within three days.

All overpaid financial resources returned to the person in kind or as payment in advance. It can be noted that the second option is even more convenient, since it will be automatically taken into account by the service provider. If the money is needed in the form of cash, an additional application must be submitted to the institution providing the services and, in some cases, to the bank where the current account is opened. At the same time, it is worth noting that this option is very protracted and the funds will not be returned quickly.

How to file a complaint and examples of new calculations

To recalculate utility bills, if there are grounds for it, you need to contact the management company or other similar organization, be it housing and communal services, HOA or others. If, however, it is not so easy to achieve what you want and the citizen encounters unlawful refusals, the scheme of his actions is as follows:

In fact, for timely recalculation, for example, of heating, it is necessary to focus on the start dates of the heating season set in the region. Moreover, even one locality in each district has its own launch schedules for each house. So, for example, if, according to the schedule, the heating was supposed to be turned on on October 4, and turned on on the 8th, adding an extra 4 days to the receipt, this is already a reason to demand a recalculation. However, it is necessary to have confirmation that the launch took place exactly on the 8th, and not according to the schedule. To do this, you need to require a copy of the act. It may not be easy to get it, but these are the legal rights of citizens that are important to uphold. Knowing how to recalculate for utilities, you can deal with the irresponsibility of officials more effectively.

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Water consumption is considered according to the standards specified in the law. Of particular importance are the meter readings, which must be of adequate quality and transmit valid readings. If it shows incorrect values, the recalculation may be refused.
The recalculation is done by submitting an application, which indicates where the citizen submitted it, possible reasons for filing, how much they paid before the recalculation, when the testimony was taken in last time and other conditions.

Recalculation for water according to Decree 354

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation regulate certain issues of providing certain services to citizens. Section eight governs the procedure for recalculating water meter readings. This includes both hot and cold water supply. In order to make a recalculation for utilities, a citizen must be absent from home there for five consecutive days.

At the same time, recalculation occurs only when the residential premises are not equipped with general or individual metering devices (meters). The fee for common house needs, however, is not recalculated. They are calculated according to the tariffs and standards provided for in the corresponding region.

For what period do the recalculation of water

According to the standard, the owner needs to know about the period from which the recalculation can be made. If there is a meter in the first three months, the fee is determined by the average consumption rate. Further calculations are carried out according to the standards provided for in the respective region.

This scheme is applied only when a citizen has metering devices installed in the apartment. If there are none, then the norm for the consumption of hot and cold water provided for in the region of the Russian Federation is initially applied. This happens by analyzing receipts from housing departments and water supply meters.

New rules were introduced, according to which such calculations take place within six months, and after that, employees of the management company or the water utility come and take readings.

Should the water utility recalculate

Vodokanal, by its own will, does not have the right to carry out recalculation actions. This happens exclusively at the request of a citizen temporarily absent from the residential premises. You can force the recalculation of incorrectly calculated water fees by contacting various government agencies, for example:

  • housing inspection;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • court (for example, in the case when you have been credited with too much money).

In order to have legal grounds withdrawal of expenses for the past period, you need to provide evidence of your absence. Witness testimonies may be taken into account. medical institutions, from sanatoriums, court decisions, etc.

If there is a water meter in the apartment, then the water utility is obliged to make a calculation according to its testimony.

With low-quality or faulty appliances, if they are not sealed, the water utility may refuse to recalculate and collect a fine from the citizen for illegal consumption of water in the house. You can challenge the refusal of the water utility from the relevant charges in the manner prescribed by law.

How to find out about water recalculation

Not always recalculation occurs at the request of a citizen. It is possible to increase the payment amount upwards when a citizen violates the order of water consumption by his illegal actions.

This may be when:

  1. The seals on the meter are broken or it is faulty.
  2. The pipes leading to the apartment are cut off from common metering devices.
  3. Refusal to let housing workers into the apartment for verification of testimony, etc.

You can find out that a recalculation has been made from a special act issued by employees of the city water utility or housing maintenance service. It indicates exactly how illegal consumption was established and what payment for housing and communal services will now be made. You can complain about an illegally issued act to higher authorities or to the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation. In this case, one can refer to the verification of meters, improper performance of duties by employees of the city water canal, etc.

Why, if there is a water meter, receipts come at the norm

This provision applies in several situations. The first of them is when a citizen did not notify authorized services about the installation of such a device. This entails the absence of the necessary seals on it, and, consequently, information about the device in the housing maintenance services. In order to fix this, you need to invite the necessary officials for reconciliation. Recalculation in such situations is not provided.

Second possible cause is that the water meter has long been "expired" and has not been tested. You can correct the situation by inviting employees of the management company to perform the necessary actions.

In the absence of information on consumption rates in the presence of meters, a fine may be imposed on a citizen in the amounts provided for by the administrative law.

How to recalculate for water with installed meters

After the metering device has been installed, it is necessary to invite authorized employees to put seals and issue an appropriate decision on this matter. The technician makes a note about the installation of hot water supply and transfers the act to the citizen.

With this document, the consumer must apply to management company and write an application for the rent to be calculated again for a certain period.

Employees of the management company cannot refuse to change the fee for a certain period. Otherwise, the citizen has the right to go to court and point out the fact of overpayment for communal payments.

Recalculation of water if there are no meters and you were not at home

This happens in accordance with the above Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Such a recalculation occurs in the absence of a citizen in a residential building for more than five days. In that time period there should be no gaps. Such citizens will have to pay for water according to general standards established in a particular region of Russia.

In order to change the amount of payment, a citizen must apply to the management company with a corresponding application no later than a month from the date of his actual arrival at his living quarters. Otherwise, he loses the right to receive concessions while away from home.

The application is made in writing. It must be accompanied by evidence that the person really was not in the living quarters. Some citizens abuse their right and rent out their living quarters during their absence. At the same time, they also apply for a fee reduction. In such situations, the actions of a citizen can be regarded as fraudulent.

Is it possible to recalculate if the water meter readings were transferred after more than 3 or 6 months

In this situation, recalculation cannot be performed. This is due to the fact that the application must be submitted within a month from the date of arrival. If information was submitted over a longer period of time, then recalculation is possible only when, after the expiration of six months, an authorized person of the managing organization visited this dwelling and made the necessary measurements.

A citizen cannot independently indicate the meter readings in the application, they will be invalidated.

Application for recalculation of water meter readings

The application must be in writing. It must include elements such as:

  1. Document's name.
  2. Reference to the management company.
  3. Applicant information.
  4. An indication of the need for recalculation and the reasons for this.
  5. Data on how the payment was calculated and other data.
  6. Date and signature of the document.

Can they refuse to recalculate for water

Such a waiver is possible. It takes place when a citizen has not provided sufficient evidence that he was really absent from his living quarters. Another reason may be that the citizen did not file an application within a month and did not provide access to the apartment for reconciliation of testimony.

The management company does not want to recalculate for water, what to do

In this situation, the citizen is obliged to apply first of all to the housing inspection with a complaint. There he must indicate the reasons for the appeal, the essence of the problem and other circumstances.

If this did not bring any results, a citizen can complain to the prosecutor's office or file a lawsuit in court.

Thus, if there are necessary grounds and due to the fact that the citizen was absent from the apartment for a long time, he has the right to recalculate the payment for water consumption. To do this, you need to apply with a statement to the management company and wait for a response from them. In case of refusal, this decision can be appealed.

Recalculation for utilities occurs on the basis of the adopted legislation. If the owner has metering devices, the recalculation occurs automatically upon receipt of information about new data. In the absence of appliances during the temporary absence of the owner and all those living in the apartment, the recalculation is made according to the developed scheme.

What is recalculation

Recalculation is a newly made calculation of the consumer's payment for utilities. If any errors or overlays have occurred, and they are identified, then the management company or housing and communal services will compensate for the overpayment made. But most often the recalculation is done, because in many cases the owners pay not according to the actual consumption of any resource, but according to the standard.

What does it mean? If the owner installs metering devices in a house or apartment, this means that now he will pay not according to the standard, but according to the actually consumed water (electricity, gas). But sometimes failures occur, as in the following cases. For example, for heating, payment is always made according to the standard.

The standard is defined as 1/12 of last year's consumption per year. And every month we pay a fixed fee (since last year). At the end of the heating season in those apartment buildings where common house meters are installed, the housing and communal services recalculate and the overpayment is returned to the consumer. There are also adjustments in the opposite direction.

But the most common types of overpayments are private. The situation model is most often this: the owner of the apartment does not send meter readings. This happens both for objective reasons and for subjective ones.

For example, forgetfulness or a family vacation may cause the owner of the apartment to temporarily not transmit data from his meter. In this case, already the next month after the owner of the apartment resumes the transfer of data, he will be recalculated.

Legal acts

The recalculation has a completely legal basis. In 2011, the government of the Russian Federation adopts the well-known Decree number 354. All sections of this legal act are devoted to the rules for the provision of public services to the population.

In 2017, the next changes were adopted and it can be said how recalculations are currently being made. The situation with the change in fees is reflected in paragraph VIII. The name also reflects some features: recalculation in the absence of consumers.

Only the aspect that concerns residential premises without meters is considered here. Everything is clear with the counters, the recalculation will be done automatically when the next data from the metering devices is loaded. Answers to all questions regarding the legality of the actions of public utilities are given in the Resolution.

Each citizen, owner or tenant of a dwelling, is a consumer according to this document. He and his family consume public resources that provide various organizations or companies. In order to have a basis for a relationship, an agreement is made between the organization and the service consumer.

The guarantor of the relationship between the performer and the consumer is the state and laws. In accordance with Decree No. 354, all citizens have the right to recalculate utility bills. Therefore, the new edition describes in detail the procedure for recalculation in different situations.

What is included in Resolution No. 354

What is included:

  • updated coefficients that determine the standards for drainage;
  • the procedure for mounting measuring instruments has been worked out in detail;
  • with the help of the Decree, the motive for installing the meter is strengthened;
  • a simplified payment scheme for heating was introduced;
  • since 2016, it has become optional to provide information from meters;
  • in case of temporary absence of electricity or other service, payment for it is not charged;
  • order of fulfillment of the above conditions.

A special place is determined by the responsibility of the performer to consumers and laws in the following cases:

  • poor quality of services;
  • damage to life and health due to poor quality services;
  • non-receipt by the consumer of reliable information on the quality of services;
  • terms of the agreement are violated.

In case of violation of these conditions, the contractor must release the consumer from payment or provide him with compensation. Regardless of whether the contract was concluded between the contractor and the consumer, the contractor still compensates for the damage in case of poor-quality services.

Here are some points that are considered in the Resolution:

  1. The fee for common house needs is not subject to recalculation. This refers to the case when the owner was absent and the premises were temporarily empty.
  2. Under the two-tariff regime, changing the payment is possible only in relation to the variable component. With regard to the constant component, the following condition has been introduced: if its recalculation is established by law, then after the temporary absence of a citizen, it is made within 5 working days. Days of absence are considered all except the day of departure and arrival.
  3. Recalculation is made only in the case of filing an application and providing documents that confirm the duration of absence. The request is made before departure or no more than a month after arrival.

The following documents are accepted as proof of absence:

  • a copy of the travel certificate with the attachment of travel documents;
  • document on treatment in a hospital or sanatorium;
  • travel tickets issued in the name of the consumer, as well as the fact of their use;
  • bills for staying in a hotel, rented apartment, hostel;
  • a document issued by the FMS on temporary registration;
  • other documents that can confirm the fact of the absence of the consumer.

The main advantage of this document is its transparency and simplicity of presentation of all requirements. After its revisions, it became much easier for the performer and the consumer to regulate their relationship.

On the video about the recalculation of the fee

Main hallmarks The regulation and its amendments is a course towards the widespread installation of appliances. Therefore, the owners of apartments with meters have a clear advantage in cases of, for example, temporary absence.

All interested parties should find out in advance how the rent is recalculated in the event of a temporary absence of tenants in 2019. Otherwise, you may encounter various nuances that will prevent the recalculation. There are not so many changes in the legislation today, but they are.

General information

Every citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to pay rent for the time of living in an apartment. In this case, the rent is charged regardless of whether the owner is absent or not. For those residents who use individual meters, the issue of payment at the time of departure is not relevant. But if the owner pays according to the standards, then he does not need to pay for those services that he did not use.

The rent includes the use of:


    sewers, etc.

And in order not to pay for it during the absence, you should recalculate the rent. The recalculation of the accrued rent for the previous months is carried out on the basis of PP No. 307 dated May 23, 06. You should also be aware that some changes have been in effect since 2019. For example, the rent can be recalculated only when the owner proves the lack of technical capabilities to install individual meters. To do this, you need to issue an appropriate act.

Temporary absence of residents means that utilities have not been used for more than 5 days. If the owner was absent for only 4 days, then he will not be able to issue a recalculation. As for the maximum term, it is not set. And before you make a recalculation of the rent, you need to find out where and to whom you need to contact.

Persons who are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty can also achieve recalculation. In practice, in such a situation it is very difficult to notify utilities in advance of your absence. Therefore, the tenant has the right to request a procedure after release. Naturally, you will need an appropriate certificate confirming the serving of the sentence.

For recalculation, please contact the management company, HOA, etc. In addition, in order to recalculate the accrued rent in the event of a temporary absence of tenants in 2019, the owner needs to choose one of two options. In the first case, it is enough for the tenant to apply to the relevant organization before his departure. The second option is an appeal after returning. Experts advise doing everything in advance so that later there are no problems with housing and communal services.

Read also How to pay rent: what you need to know

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    Collection of documentation. An appropriate application is drawn up, to which then it is necessary to attach certificates confirming the fact of absence.

    Contacting the Criminal Code (HOA) or the supplier.

As for the timing, when a person applies, no more than 1 month must pass from the date of his return. If the deadline is missed, the utility bills will not be recalculated. After submitting the application, authorized employees are required to recalculate within 5 days. Residents will receive new receipts next month.

If the owner cannot prove that he was absent during the calculation of the rent, then he is obliged to pay the bills in full. Otherwise, interest and penalties will begin to accrue on the existing amount of debt. If the owner deliberately refuses to pay, they can turn off the supply of certain resources.

During the calculation, only those days are taken into account when the owner was not really in locality. That is, the day of departure and the day of arrival are never taken into account. For example, citizen Sidorov A.P. left on a business trip on July 4, 2019, and returned on July 26. The recalculation of the rent due to the absence of the specified tenant will be made for the period from 5 to 25 July.

So, the tenant must first draw up an application for the recalculation of rent. There is no established sample of this document, so you can write it in free form. The main thing is that the application contains the following points: