Journal of the secrets of astrology. Weekly magazine about stars and astrology Magazine astrology

Professional magazine "Astrology" published regularly since 1997 every quarter and is aimed at people who are seriously interested in astrology, both professional astrologers and those who study astrology for their own needs.
Due to its volume, the magazine "Astrology" allows you to cover the entire spectrum of astrology from A to Z, from methodological materials to fundamental works.
The magazine "Astrology" also publishes materials on areas close to astrology: psychology, TARO, spiritual practices, occultism, feng shui, mantic, etc.
The journal "Astrology" is registered by the Russian Press Committee, registration certificate No. 015012 dated 06/24/1996

Chief editor of the magazine "Astrology" - Kopylov Vladimir Mikhailovich.

Archive of the magazine "Astrology"


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    To the magazine "Astrology" for 2020 you can subscribe to the editorial. In this case, you will receive the next numbers by mail in conventions.

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    CIS (Belarus and Kazakhstan) for 1 number - 400/650 rubles, for half a year (2 numbers) - 800/1300 rubles, for the whole of 2020 (4 numbers)- 1600/2600 rub.

    You can also order any of the issues of the Astrology magazine that were missed or not received at the time.
    The cost of 1 copy of the magazine "Astrology", published in 1997-2006 years, with sending by mail for Russia / CIS is 360/590 rubles, published in 2007-2012 gg. - 370/600 rub.

    for 2013-17 for Russia / CIS for 1 number - 380/610 rubles, for half a year (set - 2 numbers) - 760/1220 rubles, for the whole year 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 or 2017 (set - 4 numbers) - 1400 / 2300 rub.

    The cost of ordering already published issues of the magazine "Astrology" in 2018-2019 for Russia/CIS for 1 issue - 400/650 rubles, for half a year (set - 2 issues) - 800/1300 rubles, for the whole year 2018 or 2019 (set - 4 issues) - 1500/2500 rubles.

    Money for a targeted subscription must be transferred to the address of the editorial office:

    119048, Moscow, PO Box 151

    Kopylov Vladimir Mikhailovich

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    A targeted subscription to the Astrology magazine for 2019 can also be issued by "Unified Directory" Postal Department of the Ministry of Communications Russian Federation(it has a green cover)


    Index - 42489.

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  • A special offer for those who are already accustomed to living on the INTERNET. Now you can subscribe to our publications via the INTERNET.

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    Learn the secrets of history - it's interesting ...

    Reading now

    The beginning of the era of aeronautics, or aeronautics, is considered to be the date of November 21, 1783, when the first flight of people took place in Paris on a filled with hot smoke. hot-air balloon, which was built by the Montgolfier brothers - Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne. However, at the beginning of the 19th century, A.I. Sulakadzev in the manuscript "About air flying in Russia since 906 AD" cited an excerpt from an earlier chronicle, which says that back in 1731 in Ryazan, the clerk Kryakutnoy made a bag “... like a big ball, inflated it with filthy and smelly smoke, made a loop from it, sat in it, and the evil spirit lifted it higher than a birch , and then hit the bell tower, but he clung to the rope, which is what they call, and remained still alive.

    Since the day when people learned how to build ships, many of them safely went to the bottom. Scientists managed to raise ancient Greek galleys, Scandinavian longships, English frigates from the seabed. But the dream of every underwater prospector is a Spanish galleon filled with treasures.

    In many countries of the world there are churches in which the incorruptible remains of saints are displayed. Some of them have already begun to decompose, but there are those who, even centuries after death, continue to resist. destructive forces nature. How do human remains become incorruptible?

    After what Enrico Fermi, who was often called the Prometheus of the 20th century, did, the world became completely different, for he acquired a new, unprecedented power source of energy. People who knew Enrico in early childhood would never have said that a great future awaits this quiet little boy. His family was the most ordinary one that a modest railway official could have.

    Vasilisa Volodina: how to use talismans according to the sign of the zodiac

    Astrologer and TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina shares a recipe for happiness that everyone can achieve. She suggests using a special amulet to attract money and love.

    The red thread from Israel is a very popular amulet today. With it, you can attract financial stability and prosperity to your home, as well as find the love of your life. Vasilisa Volodina, an astrologer and TV presenter, shared the secret of how, with the help of a red thread, representatives of any Zodiac Sign can significantly improve their lives. People wearing this amulet notice that their personal life is gradually getting better: new interesting acquaintances appear, relationships in the family and with a loved one are being established.

    It is also very important that the red thread helps in self-realization. Her energy helps to get a position with a good salary and successfully start undertakings. For some, the red thread amulet has already managed to give a good career advancement. According to Vasilisa Volodina herself, the power of the red thread is such that the positive charge of energy that you receive will act throughout your life. The thing is that this amulet is not just made in the Holy Land. It is nominal, which means it carries the energy of the word and the Family.

    How to attract money with the help of a red thread according to the sign of the zodiac

    Fire Signs: These include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. They are energetic and have all the makings of a leader. Difficulties can arise with envious people and sometimes at the wrong time with the explosive nature of these ...

    Circulation: 295,000 copies. Format: A4. R Distribution: Russia. 1 time per month

    Exclusive placement of advertising in the magazine

    Monthly "Secrets of Astrology" - produced since 2012, publishing house S-Media. For several years, the publication has already managed to form a circle of regular readers who are fond of astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling.

    The word astrology, translated from Old Slavonic, is star-gazing, and translated from ancient Greek, it means star, thought, reason. Many people are fascinated by the starry sky, people wonder what effect the stars can have on their lives, and whether it is possible to learn about their future and the future of loved ones by studying the ratio of stars and planets in the sky at key moments in a person's life. And that's where astrology comes in! People are moving to a new level of comprehension of similar, cyclical events, both in heaven and on earth. What follows is the conclusion that there are correlations between processes unfolding in parallel. In other words, first patterns are revealed in recurring events on Earth and in the sky, then they are systematized, and then future events on Earth are predicted.

    Journal "Secrets of Astrology", namely, for such a readership, thinking and enthusiastic. Among the permanent headings of the magazine: the secrets of the Universe and fantastic discoveries, astrology and magic, the past, present and future of our planet; news of the celestial sphere; lasting astrological influences and practical advice; astrological chronicles; news bulletins and historical references; astrological health calendar; planetary influence prediction. A reader's forum has been organized on the pages of the publication. A professional astrologer answers letters from readers. In addition, in the newspaper you can find classical and financial horoscopes, news of astronomy, astrophysics and astronautics. There is even a section "School of an astrologer", where practical lessons on astrology are organized for readers.

    Journal "Secrets of Astrology" comes out once a month, on 32 A4 pages. The circulation of the publication is distributed throughout Russia, by subscription and retail, in largest networks press sales, grocery stores Dixy and Magnit, as well as in 42,000 branches of the Russian Post, over the past time, is 295,000 copies. In the magazine "Secrets of Astrology" it is appropriate to advertise goods and services, as well as biologically active additives that contribute to the improvement of the human body.