Who is a travel agent and how to contact him? Tour Operators and Travel Agents - Their Differences What Travel Agents Do.

Olga Grafskaya, CEO tourism bureau "Bonjour Travel"

Looking for travel job

Work in tourism attracts job seekers with the opportunity to see the whole world. I almost always hear this from novice employees. Experienced employees are willing to argue that not everything is so fabulous. Any, even the most expensive medal has flip side. Our foreign partners arrange so-called information and study tours for employees of travel agencies. I must say right away: there are never free tours, and the conditions are completely unroyal! The meaning of such trips is to see with your own eyes what we offer customers, to get personal experience and express an opinion that is far from the phrases from the advertising booklet.

Such tours are organized out of season, and these trips are very difficult. Every day, the agent inspects several hotels, and in countries of mass tourism it comes to several dozen. Your head is spinning and you start to get confused. Experienced specialists make notes, comments for themselves, someone takes photos or videos. And newcomers just walk, look and admire. And in the end, they can't remember anything. For rest, one day is usually left, the rest of the time is working. Partners look at how someone behaves on such tours, and if they understand that the agent is incorrect, he can be blacklisted and will not be invited to the next round. It is possible to travel around the world, but if an employee is constantly traveling, when will he work?!

Who and why works in tourism

The labor market in tourism, like many others, is also experiencing a shortage of personnel. It is divided into two parts: these are young girls with no experience, who believe that there is nothing difficult in this area, and experienced professionals who have worked in the industry for more than one year. The disadvantage of the former is not even in the lack of experience, but in the fact that many do not want to learn.

People from the second category do not need to be trained, they come with a client base, which is good for the head of the agency, but there is a minus here too. Such an employee wants to receive exclusive working conditions. They may not bring direct losses to the director, but the profit for the agency will be zero, since the manager who brought the client will get all of it.

Fabulous salaries in tourism are rare. There is a twofold situation on the market: on the one hand, there is a glut of supply, on the other hand, there is a reduction in the industry as a whole. Therefore, the range of salaries for a tourism manager is from 20 to 60 thousand rubles. But it all depends on the person and his desire to earn.

The perfect travel agent resume

The most important thing in the resume of applicants in the field of tourism is work experience. But this does not mean that I will not accept a person without experience. It is important for me that the employee was interested in earning, not getting.

Template phrases are often written in the resume: purposefulness, responsibility, career opportunities. You can look through dozens of profiles and not find a single worthy candidate. How can you talk about some serious career growth in a travel agency? This work is very interesting, despite all the difficulties that you have to face every day. The increase in wages in tourism depends not only on the management, but also on the employee himself. At the interview, I ask the question: “Are you ready to put in the effort to attract new customers? If so, which ones? If not, why not? Many job seekers are willing to take a small flat fee and do nothing else. I will refuse such an employee.

Personal qualities for professional growth

In tourism, attentiveness is very important, because an insignificant mistake only in writing the personal data of tourists can lead not only to a fine, but also to the threat of disrupting the trip.

An important role is played by punctuality, the desire to develop independently and constantly learn. Exploring new countries, sightseeing routes - isn't it interesting?

And, of course, responsibility is extremely important! Here is an example, or rather, my nightmare, which, I really hope, will never happen in practice. A tourist must fly away on a long-awaited vacation and he needs to get a visa. The employee scrupulously fills out all the documents and takes them to change. On the way, he loses his tourist passport. Money can be borrowed and paid for by a tourist, but what to do with lost passport?! To say that after this trust will be lost is to say nothing!

Learn to travel and sell travel

A travel agent can get an education in specialized higher educational institutions. When there was a boom in tourism, there were many educational courses on tourism. Now the industry is in decline - not only travel agencies are closing, but also educational institutions. But the presence of a diploma, unfortunately, does not mean anything.

Tourist routine

In fact, a travel agent has a lot of responsibilities: from keeping the workplace clean to being ready to answer their clients at any time of the day or night. The motto of our agency: "Your personal consultant 24 hours." The schedule of the agent is irregular, especially during peak seasons. In the off-season, the load is less. I do not force all employees to be at the workplace when there is no load. Someone is engaged in self-development, someone comes up with methods to optimize their work and attract new customers. I welcome and encourage this.

Each agency has regular clients, and we maintain their files. We store all the data so that each time you do not ask to send the same documents. We keep a history of trips, wishes, comments. Our regular customers do not need to explain what they want to get from the rest. They only say dates and wishes for choosing a country. Everything else is our job. Moreover, this part of the routine duties is the most creative, it provides an opportunity to please and surprise the client, to guess his desires.

Nothing to hide

In other industries, the practice of non-intervention of a specialist in a client's decision has been adopted. We have it the other way around. If we are talking about regular customers, then I already know what they need, and I advise based on their preferences. But if the client chooses a country or a hotel himself, I will definitely talk about the nuances that can ruin a vacation or upset a tourist. But I never insist. This is a personal choice of a person, and it must be reckoned with.

For example, a couple of years ago, several of my clients wanted to New Year go to Egypt. I did not refuse them and lose clients. The result, I think, is well known. The Egyptian direction was closed, and it was necessary to resolve the issue of a return Money. You could say: "Do it yourself, you chose this country, now these are your problems." But I can't afford it, and for several months I fought with partners for the return of the funds of my tourists.

nervous work

Difficult clients have always been and always will be. It is very hard with people who are used to criticizing everything and seeing the bad even where there is none. It is difficult with those who first ask a question about the size of the discount, without even saying what they want. Any work should be financially rewarded.

Now on tourism market very difficult situation. The crisis, sanctions, imperfection of legislation and, unfortunately, dishonesty and financial unscrupulousness of partners have a very negative impact on the position of the agent in the market. After all, a tourist comes to the agency and trusts us, but we are not the last resort and cannot control or influence all the links that are involved in this process. Unfortunately, this cannot always be explained, and some colleagues meet with their clients in court, although the agent did his job at 100% and even more. But the argument is simple: "We came to you, so you are responsible for everyone."

Profession without career

The job of a manager is a bit of a chore from a technical point of view. But it is very diverse: new clients, new requests, new countries, new hotels. Career development occurs in a horizontal plane. There is no step-by-step promotion from an ordinary employee to the director of your own agency. I can’t call it a career prospect, I think it’s more like a transition to a new level. It is not enough for the director of the agency to have knowledge of tourism alone, he must understand both accounting and legislation, and know the work of a manager. You can hire employees who will be responsible for a certain segment of the work, but this is financially expensive. I know a few examples former directors agencies that closed their companies and went back to hired employees, because they did not want a huge responsibility on their shoulders.

Sometimes employees leave. Someone - to larger agencies, someone - to a tour operator, and someone, completely disappointed, - in general from tourism. Some do not want to hear about tourism anymore, others remember this experience with warmth!

One of my partners had a travel agency in another country. Everything got tired, and she closed it. She went to rest in Georgia, and fell in love with this country so much that she stayed there and opened ... yes, yes, a travel agency! She studied the history of Georgia and herself, as a director, often accompanies groups as a guide.

"Jobs for the Young"?

Many people think that a tourism manager is a job only for young people. But I do not agree that in tourism, employees over forty years old are rare specimens. On one information tour, I met an agent who was 72 years old! She has more enthusiasm and energy than some young girls. I have a lot of respect for these people.

How to become a travel agent?

The fastest option that does not require higher education would be specialized courses. It is budgetary, does not take much time and in a few months will give the first fruits.

But there is a side effect here: in such a short period of time, a huge amount of information is given - not all people are able to absorb it in full. Upon completion, you receive a certificate of completed courses and the opportunity to work in entry-level positions.

Of course, if you want to move further in this field, you should go to college or university.

Another opportunity to get the profession of a travel agent is given by various colleges of service and tourism. Faculty name: tourism manager. Such institutions create a more complete picture of the future specialization in the head of a young student.

The study lasts an average of two to three years, it happens both on a paid and free basis. At the end of the study period, the college usually guarantees the student employment, which is a good help for specialized courses.

The third option is higher educational institution. Faculties: tourism manager, travel agent and others. In universities, students get a complete picture of the tourist destination, study management and marketing, without which there is little sense in this profession.

This is the longest and the surest way to become a travel agent. Specialists from higher education always in demand and have every chance to have good salary, because the main income of a travel agent is a percentage of sales.

Work as a travel agent

A tourism manager or travel agent sells and arranges tours, advises clients on various issues: from the peculiarities of a particular country to the availability of wi-fi in a hotel room.

Here it is important to be able to find an approach to each client, to understand and take into account their needs, to be stress-resistant, and most importantly, to have information. A good travel agent is the most erudite person who knows about different countries ah the most important and up-to-date information.

How much do travel agents earn?

The salary of a travel agent consists of a rate and a percentage of sales. The assistant tourism manager has the lowest salary, on average in Moscow it is 20-35 thousand rubles, and in Russia 15-20 thousand rubles. A novice tourism manager earns 35-45 thousand in Moscow and 20-30 thousand in Russia per month - it all depends on sales.

A good agent with experience and a well-established base can earn from 50 thousand and more, it all depends on him.

In the field of tourism, people who know how to sell tourism products are valued, forming a circle of regular customers, which will later generate income.

The prospects for this profession are the director of a travel agency or his deputy. With the successful mastery of these professions, a top manager follows, he manages the tourism business and creates the direction of its development. The top manager monitors the increase in the company's profits and bears a huge responsibility.

Explore tourism schools and education systems. Complete travel agent training at a college or independent training school.

  • Colleges may offer diplomas or certificates in tourism and hospitality, and provide broad or advanced study of all aspects of the travel and hospitality industry.
  • Travel agent training schools, on the other hand, offer more accelerated programs that specialize in specific travel agent duties, such as studying destinations, booking systems, or sales and marketing.

Get a certificate. Certification shows customers that you are familiar with the standards and professional ethics established by the certification body or educational institution in your field of study. The tourism industry has several widely recognized certification bodies.

  • Travel Institute offers a number of certified programs (Certified Travel Counselor, Certified Travel Associate or Certified Travel Industry Executive).
  • Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) also offers respected and internationally recognized tourism industry certification programs.
  • Find a job. To become an online travel agent, look for work in a travel agency at home or contact a leading agency to help you manage your travel business.

    • Work with a reputable travel agency. Many travel agencies make it possible to stay at home longer by working online through their resources and computerized systems. The advantage is that you can be a permanent employee with support, resources, salary and benefits offered by the company.
    • Find a parent agency to organize your own independent travel company. The main travel agency offers tour operator services, marketing support, online assistance, and access to booking sites and travel service providers. If you work with a leading agency, you only get a commission.
  • Find out about the requirements for registering as a travel agent in your area or country. Some states in the US require travel agents to be registered as sellers of travel services. This regulation helps protect the consumer and ensures that travel agencies follow the law when implementing travel offerings. In addition, countries such as Australia require a license for travel agents, which you should be aware of when starting your online travel business. Make sure you comply with local laws as set by local authorities.

  • Become a member of tourism associations, societies and organizations. Joining travel associations is considered a great way to stay connected to news and trends in the travel industry. Travel associations may also offer support and continuing education to their members.

    • The International Air Transport Association (IATA)/International Airlines Travel Agent Network (IATAN) are important entities to merge if you are looking to book flights as an online travel agent.
  • Surely each of us at least once in our lives, when booking tickets and making trips, wondered how much travel agencies earn. And really, what is the turnover of the average company in this area? Is it worth starting this particular business if you have a certain amount of free funds and want to work only for yourself? Let's talk about everything in order.

    Experts and entrepreneurs agree that even a small but well-organized tour operator can earn 250,000 rubles. Is it a lot or a little? It's hard to say. Profit is a relative thing. For example, for the capital, this is quite an achievable and realistic figure.

    In the provinces or in a small Russian town, the agency's earnings can be several times lower. True, in order to approach even this result, it is necessary to invest some funds. And before you rub your hands in anticipation of profits and exaggerate the question of how much tour operators receive, you should take risks and work hard.

    Tempting profit

    Let's get back to the tempting figure of a quarter of a million rubles. Let's understand completely concrete examples, what needs to be done, how much work to do in order to have this amount in your monthly asset. The goal will be achieved if you sell at least 70 tours in 30 days, the average cost of which will be 60,000 rubles. As a rule, this is a regular tour for two people. Most travel agencies try to work in this range.

    We count further. We multiply seventy by sixty thousand, we get four million two hundred thousand rubles in revenue. The commission received from the tour operator for the implementation of these tours is 12%. This is the figure that you can get if you do not work directly with the tour operator, as many new agencies do, but through special center by booking. So, if this figure is reached by your travel agency, and you can sell 70 tours within a month, you can earn a good commission - 504,000 rubles.

    Fly in the ointment, or let's talk about expenses

    Along with the question of how much travel agencies earn, one should also understand how much they spend. The figure of half a million rubles literally beckons to start your own business. But how much will you really have on hand after you make all the necessary payments? Main article expenses are employee salaries. In this matter, you should lay the amount of 100,000 rubles. This money should be enough to pay for the work of a couple of managers and a courier (we will talk about how much a travel agent receives later). Move on. Approximately 50,000 will be required to pay for the rent of your office, as well as communications.

    How much do travel agencies earn?

    The experience of many entrepreneurs in this area proves that without full-fledged and systematic advertising, a business will stand still.

    Therefore, a very large (relative to other costs) budget should be laid for these purposes. After deducting other minor expenses, you will receive an amount approximately equal to a quarter of a million rubles.

    Now let's see how much you need to invest in order to earn this money. Before you start a business, be sure to monitor. Find out how many companies are currently operating in your city, with which tours and in which price range they work. This will help you correctly calculate your strength, determine what kind of office you need and what kind of staff, what trips to offer to customers in order to successfully compete.

    We do not sell petrol

    The tourist business is attractive because it does not require super-large investments, like, for example, some kind of industrial plant or the same gas station. At the first stage, you should only equip an office for two or three people. At the same time, you should not spend a lot on the design of the room or its repair.

    The experience of many entrepreneurs in this area proves that most customers easily make purchases of tours in mid-level offices that are not cluttered with figurines from different countries. A person who comes for a ticket just needs to sit comfortably on a chair or a soft sofa and comfortably, without being distracted by the surroundings of the office, complete all the required documents. Therefore, adhere to strict and calm minimalism. In addition, consider the fact that tourism is not a field of activity that will pay back hundreds of thousands of rubles spent just on an office.

    If in the future you want to impress your competitors and customers with some exotic and make a “awful” repair, then earn really good money, for example, several million rubles, and only then spend it on office surroundings.

    City amendment

    We would like to emphasize once again that the costs associated with opening a business can be very different in Moscow and in another Russian city.

    Accordingly, the answer to the question of how much travel agencies earn can be very variable. In our material, we consider the Russian capital as a platform for business.

    At the initial stage, according to our calculations, the entrepreneur will need to spend approximately 400,000 rubles at a time. And if we take into account the fact that a travel agency will become profitable only for 2-3 months of work, this means that you should have an amount of about 800,000 rubles. This money will be needed in order to equip your office and at first just keep afloat. It also includes rent and staff salaries.

    Main value

    By the way, about the last. Good managers don't roll around on the road. Therefore, value your staff. At the first stage, you can recruit medium-skilled personnel. Further, as the company grows, you can gradually increase the level of professionalism of your staff through work in your company and special courses. If the budget has a sufficient amount, then it is better, of course, to immediately recruit professional staff.

    How much do travel agents in Moscow earn? Here much depends on the activity and initiative of the employee. On average, according to experts, he receives 45,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, this amount is lower - around 35,000. In other large cities, it is even lower - about 20,000 rubles. When estimating how much travel agents earn on average in Russia, keep in mind that here, as in any other business, it is very important what experience a person has. Experienced employees can earn two to three times the salary of newcomers.

    What else do tour operators earn?

    Of course, with a certain amount of creativity and initiative, you can come up with unusual earnings within your company. However, the lion's share of firms involved in the field of tours, try not to spread out. They focus on the main thing - the sale of vouchers - and they succeed quite well in this matter. Therefore, do not puzzle over what travel agencies earn. Their main source of income is commissions.

    If you, as a novice entrepreneur, are not satisfied with the level of income and profit, do not invent anything new, but try to improve the service provided or invite more advanced managers. Then you can significantly improve your financial situation.

    Or maybe ready?

    Some entrepreneurs prefer to buy ready-made and well-established companies instead of starting a business from scratch. What are the risks here? First about the pros. First of all, you save a lot of time. Having made a deal to buy a travel agency, you immediately get a functioning business with an office, client base, equipment and contracts with partners.

    Second important point are reduced risks. Opening a business on your own, you can miscalculate and burn out in the first months of work. If the company has held out on the market for several years, then we can already say that it has occupied its own independent niche. True, it is worth considering the fact that such an organization will cost you much more than a travel agency created from scratch.

    Purchase item

    Now let's talk about what is most valuable in a selling company operating in the tourism industry. It is, of course, employees. It is extremely difficult to find real professionals in their field. And here you immediately get experienced staff with your own client base. This point is especially important. If, for example, a company that has just appeared on the market operates at a loss precisely because of a lack of clientele, then a company with experience is doing much better. You can purchase an agency that will immediately start making a profit.

    On the other hand, the cost of maintaining such a company can increase significantly. Take at least the salaries of employees. We have already mentioned how much a travel agent with experience and its own base receives. Multiply this figure by the number of people in your state. You will receive an increase in your own expenses. And on the other hand, do not forget about how much travel agencies earn, which have already found their niche. If young companies are happy with a quarter of a million, then organizations with a name can well count on a million or more.

    The best option

    Since we are talking about the client base, it is worth noting that it is important to pay attention to the state in which it is. For example, if it is concentrated only in the minds of employees and is not displayed on paper or in electronic form, then we can assume that it simply does not exist. Another plus in acquiring a ready-made business is that it is now quite difficult to find decent premises in the center for reasonable money in the capital. In the case of buying a company with experience, this is possible.

    And now a few words about the disadvantages of acquiring a ready-made company. Chief among them is the price. An organization cannot cost 300,000 rubles. This will talk about some of her serious problems. Experts and experienced entrepreneurs advise paying attention to companies whose value starts from 3 million rubles.

    For this money, you will get a promising office with employees and a decent client base. We hope that our material has helped you understand the question of how much a travel agency earns per month and how much money is needed to open it. Good luck with your own business!

    Going on a trip on vacation, people often turn to different travel agencies. At the same time, many think little about the main difference in companies providing travel services. The federal law"On the basics of tourism activities in Russian Federation» divides travel agencies into travel agents and tour operators and defines their areas of activity.

    Using the services of travel agencies greatly facilitates travel planning: specialists will provide for everything from accommodation and meals to all kinds of cultural programs. The client just needs to decide on the place of rest. A travel contract can be concluded both with a travel agent and with a tour operator. And the trips purchased (purchased) in such organizations are called tours.

    Speaking about the difference between a travel agency and a tour operator, let's say right away that the main difference between them is as follows: the former sell, the latter produce.
    Let us express the difference in such a comparison. A travel agent is a store that sells tours, and Tour Operator- a factory for their production.

    The travel agent searches for and accumulates the offers of tour operators and sells them to customers. Profit from this kind of activity is formed by remuneration of producers of tourism products for the sale of tours.
    The work of tour operators is more diverse. To offer a tour, the tour operator must contact and negotiate with many, figuratively speaking, performers:

    • FROM transport companies to take the client away and bring him back in order to carry out transportation for organizing leisure activities at the very place of stay;
    • With hotels and hotels in the place of stay, because the client must live and eat somewhere;
    • With museums, entertainment and shopping malls, local travel agencies and so on for recreation;
    • FROM local structures health and social insurance to provide clients with a medical insurance policy.

    This list goes on. After all this is done: the price that the tour operator must pay for the client is determined, the time and place of leisure activities are specified, the travel agency's own margins are set to make a profit, a new tour appears in the list of the tour operator's offers and its cost is announced. When the work is completed, the tour operator may offer the tour for sale at the travel agency.

    In their work, travel agencies, as business entities, can combine the activities of an operator and an agent. Like a shop with a factory: a factory can open a shop selling any goods, and a rich shop can expand own production. Of course, companies operating in the tourism business do not open stores, and the combination of activities occurs without going beyond the scope of tourism activities. For example, a tour operator can develop tours in Russia and at the same time offer foreign trips to another operator, that is, act as an agent.

    When going on a tour, you need to know exactly which organization is the operator. And if you use the services travel agency, it is necessary to clarify whether the agency has an agreement with the operator offering this tour. In the event of disputes, the contract must specify the procedure for their resolution with the operator. If this procedure is not specified, then all issues are resolved with the tour operator, as with the main seller of the service.