What to do if you have lost your passport abroad. What to do if you have lost a child? How to survive the death of a child How long will the police look for the phone

No one is immune from the sudden loss of a job. You should not always be afraid, however, you should prepare in advance. If your money is in perfect order and you have a financial airbag, losing your job will not be a shock to you. If you're prepared, you won't have to face debt. A new job will be chosen by you at will, and not out of desperation. So, here are four steps that will allow you to properly prepare, study them and act according to the described plan.

Determine your financial situation

Assess your financial situation before you hit a disaster. Many people do not think about their income and debts, because they do not want to accept reality, they subconsciously understand that the situation is not the most rosy. In fact, ignorance is wrong, in a moment of crisis you will regret that you did not think about your money earlier. So, the first step in preparing for a hypothetical loss of income is to assess the financial situation. Do it at least once a year to keep track of your progress. A lot can change in a year, so this approach is the right one. Always be aware, and then nothing can become a shock for you, because you will be ready for possible difficulties.

Develop your work network and stay vigilant

Of course, layoffs can sometimes come as a real surprise, but there are some signs that can tell you a lot. How are your competitors doing? Is the boss planning to lay off? If you know the answer to such questions, you can understand whether your situation is stable. If layoffs are already happening, you should review your resume and prepare to look for new opportunities that will match your experience. Being active is the best thing you need at a time like this, so always try to be proactive. This will help you quickly get out of a difficult financial situation.

Find out about severance pay and other bonuses

Be sure to check your employer's layoff policy in advance. Do ex-employees receive benefits? If yes, on what basis is it calculated? Is experience taken into account, or maybe other criteria are important? You need to know what to expect, because then it will be easier for you to understand what you can count on in a crisis. Be sure to find out in advance if the company will pay for your insurance for a while, and if so, how long it will last. All this knowledge will be extremely useful for you: you can easily plan your actions in one or another scenario for the development of further events.

Create an emergency fund

Now, more than ever before, every person should think about acquiring a fund "for a rainy day." There is no consensus among financial experts on how many months stocks should be put aside. You need to focus on how much you will look for a job that suits your level of experience and responsibility. The last thing you want at a critical moment is having to take an unwanted low-paying job simply because you won't be able to survive otherwise. The amount of money in your emergency fund will help you find a job that will bring you happiness. On average, financial experts advise saving money for six months of existence without income. This amount will be a good basis for your personal reserve, which will guarantee your safety. Calculate your monthly budget and you will be able to understand what you need to do next and how you need to save.

What if the worst happens?

Losing your job will be much easier to deal with if you are prepared financially and emotionally. Prepare for the worst, and if it does happen, you will be able to survive it. To do this, you will need a few additional tips. For example, if you receive post-employment benefits, try to spend it as carefully as possible, primarily paying rent, rent or mortgage, car payments, bills, and groceries. Evaluate your budget and you will be able to understand what expenses are most important to you. If you have the opportunity, get insured as soon as possible. Try to stop using credit cards if you don't have a job yet. Use them only in an emergency. If you have loans, contact creditors and let them know that you have lost your job, but are actively looking for one, arrange for your payments to be reduced for a while. Finally, get organized when looking for a new job. Start by updating your resume and discussing with your circle of friends all the possible options for you. The financial aspects of losing a job are a major source of stress. If you are prepared, it will be much easier for you. This will allow you to reduce the emotional stress that is inevitable in such a situation. Emotional comfort will help you find a job faster.

While you are in a foreign country, the main problem for you is the loss of a passport. Without an identity document abroad, you will not be able to go back. In order not to remain an illegal immigrant in a foreign land, you need to contact several services.

1. Lost and Found

If the backpack with documents was not torn out of your hands, you just left it somewhere and didn’t find it on the spot, there is a chance that the bag was given to the Lost and found department of the airport, or to the bus driver, or to the cafe waiter. Accordingly, you should contact the same place to find out if the loss was found.

If bank cards are also gone, it is better to block them at this stage, because depriving you of all the money is a matter of several minutes for attackers.

2. Police

If the bag was not found, it is obvious that it fell into the wrong hands. In this case, go to the nearest police station and explain the problem. If you do not know the local language and the law enforcement officers do not speak English, show acting skills, show pantomime, draw what happened on paper, arrange a puppet show - anything to make you understand.

Your goal is to report the theft and get a document that proves it.

As recommended General recommendations Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a document from the police is not mandatory for issuing a certificate of return to the Russian Federation. But its presence will facilitate understanding at the consulate.

If you have the confirmation of the application in your pocket, there is one more thing. Thieves can appropriate everything of value, and throw away documents. Respectable citizens in this case often bring the found papers to the police. So ask what number and how often you should call to find out if it's missing.

3. Diplomatic representation

With a certificate from the police, go to the consulate of the Russian Federation. Please bring two 35 x 45mm or 30 x 40mm photos with you.

The main task is to verify your identity.

If you still have an internal one, there will be no problems. If he is also missing, you will have to find two Russian citizens over 18 years old and with passports in their hands, who will confirm in writing that you are who you say you are. If you are traveling alone, try looking for compatriots in groups on social networks and forums. In extreme cases, consular employees who are also citizens of the Russian Federation can come to the rescue.

Any documents with photographs and stamps will come in handy. True, consular staff will need additional time to check them. Copies of internal and foreign passports will also not be superfluous.

As a result, in the diplomatic mission you will be issued a certificate for entry into the Russian Federation, according to which you can return to your homeland.

With a certificate, you must enter the Russian Federation within 15 days. You will then have three days to hand it in to the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

4. Airline

At the front desk you will be waited with your passport. Therefore, contact the airline in advance and explain that circumstances have changed.

It is better to arrive at the airport early, as the airline staff may have additional questions for you.

Where to go in Russia

After returning to the country, you will have to go through a quest to get all the lost documents. This can be done in several ways.

1. Portal "Gosuslugi"

Select the section "Life Situations", then - "Your documents are lost or stolen?", and get access to the relevant services. Then follow the instructions on the site.

2. Multifunctional centers

Here you can get duplicates of SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy, marriage and divorce certificates, internal and foreign passports. You can sign up for the MFC online.

3. Relevant departments

For passports, you will have to go to the migration department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your region, for SNILS - to the pension fund, for a driver's license - to the traffic police, for a compulsory medical insurance policy - to an insurance company.

Documents of non-state importance, such as a student ID card or a work pass, restore through the services that issued them.

How to prepare in case of loss of documents

Top tip: keep an eye on things, it will help to avoid all problems. But there is more that can be done.

  • Write down the phone number of the embassy on several sheets of paper and put them in your pockets so that the number is at hand. If a backpack and a jacket are stolen, the contacts of the diplomatic mission will be found, for example, in jeans.
  • Make electronic copies of your internal and foreign passports, deposit them with a responsible comrade who, in the event of an emergency, will be able to send them to you via the Internet.
  • Agree with friends about in case money is lost along with the documents. With these funds, you can take pictures and get to the consulate.

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100% +

Renat Garifzyanov
Revelations of Guardian Angels
What to do if you have lost a loved one

This book will change the way you think about death.

And about life...

Renat Garifzyanov

On August 15, 2005, at 5:20 am on the Moscow-Rostov highway, my fiancee Elena died in a car accident. The two of us drove by car from Krasnodar to Moscow. Unexpectedly, the oncoming BMW turned sharply into our lane, there was a head-on collision between two cars.

The blow fell on the part of the car where Lena was sitting. She died instantly. She was 26 years old. I stayed alive.

The BMW driver was blamed for the accident.

Everything happened exactly as the Guardian Angels once predicted.

To be honest, I did not want to share this grief with readers. But after the death of Elena, I began to meet people who happened to experience the same tragedy - the loss of a loved one. There were more and more such people, letters began to come from readers with similar questions: a loved one died, why did this happen, where did the Angels look, could it have been avoided, who is to blame, what to do next?

Previously, this part of life passed somewhat away from me. Rather, I understood that grief befell these people, expressed my sympathy, but I realized how unbearable this pain was only after I myself buried my closest, most beloved person.

All of us, the unfortunate ones who have lost our loved ones, are united by one thing - no one knows how to live now as before.

In an instant, the world around you changes so much that there is simply no place left for former happiness, joy and tranquility. How to live on is not clear. And most importantly, I don’t particularly want to live, it makes no sense.

The worst thing is that people who lost loved ones began to think that everything that happened was not just like that, it was a manifestation of the wrath of God. No one can understand why and how they angered the Almighty.

Why were their loved ones taken from them, what kind of punishment is this? Where's the justice? And if God exists, then why does He allow such cruelty and heartlessness? Why does He always take the best ones ahead of time? Where is any logic here?

I must say right away: it was probably easier for me to survive everything that happened than for all other people. Because I believe in the existence of the afterlife, I believe in the immortality of the soul, because I have a connection with the Heavenly world through Lyubov Ivanovna.

The angels explained everything in great detail - why people die so early, what is the reason, what happens next, what is the meaning of everything that happened.

First of all, this book is intended for those who, like me, have lost a loved one.

May God grant that after reading this book you will feel better in your soul and your pain in your heart will calm down.

In previous books, it has already been told that from Heaven, the death of a person looks completely different than from Earth.

It's like a sailboat at sea. If you look at it from below, from the bottom, you see a gloomy wooden case covered with algae and shells; if you look at it from above, from Heaven, you see snow-white sails and slender masts, a bird flying on the waves.

Try to change the angle of view, raise your consciousness from the depths to the heights, stop looking from below at the bottom of the ship of your life and thinking that this is the whole ship. Take a look at the ship from above, understand its true size and real beauty.

I will add one more thing - all the events, all the people described in this book are real. No fiction, everything is strictly documented.

Chapter 1
It is impossible to pass by your destiny

"Recognize her by her eyes"


I have never talked about my personal life in books before. Everything was so good with me that I was afraid to jinx this happiness in some way.

Of course, I thought that someday I would tell the whole world about this, but it always seemed to me that it was too early.

Now that time has come.

In 1998, at one of my first meetings with Lyubov Panova 1
Lyubov Panova is a woman who can hear the voices of the dead, who can predict the future.

I asked an important question for me:

- What awaits me in my personal life?

Lyubasha perked up (she loves questions related to her personal life: emotions, love - this is her element). Twisting a coin in the mirror, she said:

- You will meet an extraordinary girl. You will be extremely happy.

I blossomed like a May rose. To be honest, I did not expect another answer and for some reason I was always sure that everything would be fine in my personal life.

I asked a clarifying question:

How will this meeting happen?

This time, Lyubasha twirled the coin around the mirror for a very long time, I even began to think about the fact that, probably, not all questions can be asked to Guardian Angels. Finally Luba replied:

- Acquaintance will take place in the south. You will walk down the street, she will sit on a bench. You will see her, come and meet her...

For about ten seconds, I silently digested this message - some street, a shop, I'm walking, she's sitting ... Somewhere in the south. I asked a very natural question:

“And how do I recognize her?”

Lyuba answered instantly:

- They say by the eyes. You will feel it.

I thought even harder. Somehow everything is too vague - you will recognize it by the eyes ...

What if I look the other way, suddenly I can’t determine at the first glance that the girl of my fate is sitting in front of me, suddenly she turns away and does not look at me, suddenly she will sit with her back to me, suddenly I will walk along the other side streets or go for a walk on the wrong day ...

How many things can happen! A million "all of a sudden" can happen!

And then what?

Can it not happen that after many years the Angels will say to me: “And you yourself are to blame. In such and such a year, you passed by the girl of your destiny, looked at her, felt nothing and moved on. What other questions might there be?

It became incomprehensible to me - does my happiness really depend on such an accident as a successful meeting on the street somewhere in the south? Where is the guarantee that everything will happen exactly as the Guardian Angels say?

I decided to clarify:

- What if I pass by?

My noticeable excitement was transferred to Lyubasha. She again began to rotate the coin on the mirror, then briefly answered:

They say you won't pass.

I silently looked at Lyuba, trying to understand the reason for such reticence.

Lubasha shrugged her shoulders.

“They don't say anything anymore.

"She'll have the character you want"

I began to ask leading questions:

– How do I recognize her? How will she look like? What will she be like?

Lyuba again turned to the mirror. The answer struck me with its simplicity and versatility.

- They say so - as Renat wants, so she will look. Whatever character he wants, so he will be.

After these words, I was a little confused. In principle, a very competent and correct wish - indeed, I can only love the girl who looks like the ideal image that has developed in my head.

But do such ideal girls exist in nature? And is it really that simple?

I kept asking:

- And in what south will I meet her? South is big. In what even the city?

- In Krasnodar.

- And when?

“After you write your first book…

I thought:

– What is the connection? What is this, a contract? I’ll write a book, and for that I’ll be given an acquaintance with a girl, and if I don’t write, then there will be no acquaintance ... So, or what?

Lyubasha again turned to the mirror:

They say there is no connection. The books are on their own, the girl is on her own. You will write a book anyway, and you will meet a girl anyway. This is your destiny. It's just that the sequence in life is like this - first a book, and then a girl.

My brain worked at a frenetic pace.

- Not. She will have no idea about books or you until she meets you.

Here I could not resist:

“Can’t you just take and say the girl’s name, her age?”

Again there was a long pause, Lyubasha fiddled with the mirror, finally gave out:

– Usually They never say such things… Her name is Lena. At the time of the meeting, she will be 22 years old.

The flow of my questions has not dried up:

– Do I have to feel it? Could it be that she recognizes me first?

- Not. You recognize her and approach her. She will understand who you are only after a while.

I felt somehow uncomfortable. That is, it turns out that the entire responsibility lies entirely with me. Somewhere in Krasnodar, which I have never been to in my life, I will need to recognize my girlfriend on some street at the first sight.

Lyubasha, sensing my anxiety, said soothingly:

- They say that it is not given to everyone - to find your love at first sight. But that's how you will be. At first sight, and nothing else. You can do it. They will advise you at the right time.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew it. That is, at the right time, they will still warn me in advance. Through Luba, of course. Then, of course, you can be calm.

Lyubasha continued:

“They say you yourself will feel a hint from Them in your heart.

I scratched the back of my head. The heart, of course, tells a lot. Go figure out which of these clues are true and which are false...

Okay, well at least they said the name. And age. With such data, you feel more confident. Although, of course, she will not sit on the street with a poster: "I am Lena." How can I determine which of the girls on the streets of Krasnodar is my one and only?

Not so simple

Acquaintance, however, did not take place on the street, but in my office in a newspaper in Moscow. But outwardly, the girl seemed to fit my beauty standards. Nice elegant blonde with a beautiful figure.

But there was one "but" ... To call the character of this girl ideal, in my opinion, would be a serious sin against the truth. She was too energetic, assertive, independent. In no way did she arouse the desire to show male care for her.

Just in case, I began to show interest in her - who knows, maybe I don’t hear my heart well enough? Who can accurately explain how real love at first sight differs from temporary love at first sight?

Subconsciously, I felt that this particular girl was not my option. The more I got to know her, the more I became convinced that I was right.

Naturally, I asked the Angels through Lyuba about this girl. Lyuba conjured over the mirror and said:

- They say let him talk. His heart will tell him.

My heart told me that my fears were not in vain.

After some time, another acquaintance unexpectedly surfaced in me - naturally, also Lena, again 22 years old and the corresponding appearance.

As ordered.

And again the angels answered the same:

- Let him talk and listen to his heart.

The second time, the heart's cues were easier to hear. That's not mine.

Then off we go. Contrary to all the laws of probability, for some reason I began to come across only 22-year-old girls with the name Elena on my life path. Girls with other names in nature did not seem to exist.

Such a coincidence could not be a simple coincidence. The angels have repeatedly said that nothing is accidental, every little thing matters.

Apparently, in this way I was trained, forcing me to listen to my heart every time.

Now it became clear to me why the Angels do not like to tell people the name of the future half. The imagination is played out so much that any owner of this particular name begins to seem better and more attractive many times over. It's easy to make a mistake.

“You will move from Moscow to Krasnodar and meet her…”

In September 1999, Lyuba unexpectedly told me:

– Renat, the Angels advise you to move from Moscow to Krasnodar. It will be easier for you to write books there, and there you will meet your destiny.

To be honest, I didn't doubt for a moment. There was a powerful conviction within me that this was the way to do it. For more than a year I had been in regular contact with the Angels, the work on the first book was in full swing, I knew that They could not advise anything bad.

I came to Krasnodar and rented a two-room apartment in the city center on Lenin Street (now Sobornaya). Then he moved all his things from Moscow.

Work on the first book, Inception, was already nearing completion (pardon the pun). I lived only for this book, I worked on it day and night, I slept and dreamed of a new, freshly printed volume with a blue cover. For me, moving to Krasnodar was quite natural.

To my surprise, ALL of my Moscow acquaintances were completely shocked by this act. If a person abandons an arranged life in the capital and goes to an empty place in the province for no reason, then most likely the matter was not without hypnosis.

When I visited Moscow on short trips, I saw surprise and pity in the eyes of my acquaintances. When I began to talk about fate, about the fact that I was waiting for an acquaintance with my beloved girl, loud literary glory, something similar to irony and regret began to slip in the eyes of my interlocutors.

I was later told that behind my back they began to call me a sectarian who fell under the influence of hypnosis.

I just listened to my heart.

Together with me, my friend Sergey moved to Krasnodar (he had his own motives for moving - troubles in Moscow).

He, for his part, also strongly believed in the predictions of the Angels. In the early days, when he and I went out for a walk on the streets of Krasnodar, he continually pushed me on the shoulder: “Look, there is a pretty girl. Maybe it's her? Take a look…”

It should be noted that our tastes with Sergey regarding girls differed quite a lot, so the options he chose for me, except for a smile, did not cause anything. He liked girls who were energetic, independent, self-confident, leaders in life, on the contrary, I was attracted to girls who were calm and romantic. In the end, I broke down and said:

- Seryoga, I should feel my own version. It is I personally, and not anyone else ... No one but me can know my fate better than myself.

In the first months of my life in Krasnodar, walking along the streets of the city, I carefully peered into the faces of all the girls I met, especially those who were sitting on benches.

My heart was stubbornly silent and never skipped a beat.

“You can buy an apartment in the city where you want to…”

Meanwhile, things in Krasnodar did not go quite the way I had imagined at the beginning.

I had to go through many hardships. After living in Krasnodar for a year and a half, I began to seriously think about returning back to Moscow. There is no trace left of the original romantic mood. The more I thought about life, the more I came to the conclusion that my future is entirely connected with Moscow.

Staying in Krasnodar began to weigh me down. When I asked the Angels through Lyuba: “What is my future, in what city will I live, where will I buy an apartment?” I got the standard response:

- You will buy an apartment in the city in which you want ... And you will live there.

Such a vague answer did not satisfy me, so I continued to torture:

– Will I live in Krasnodar?

Lyubasha moved the coin for a long time, then briefly answered:

- They say no.

That is, Krasnodar in my life is only a temporary stop. I remembered how, at the very first meeting with Lyuba in June 1998, the Angels answered the same question: "You will live in Moscow."

I did not see the point of being in Krasnodar. The city is charming, but by my standards very quiet and small. I really missed the city life.

I shared my thoughts with Lyuba that it would probably be better for me to return to Moscow, to a city close to me in spirit.

The prediction came true

On the same day, March 25, 2001 (I remember this date very well), Sergey and I walked along the main street of Krasnodar - Krasnaya - and made plans for the future. We resolved the issue of moving to Moscow, discussed many household details.

After the decision was made to return to Moscow, Krasnodar immediately faded in my eyes, became some kind of alien, extraneous city.

Sergey and I walked down the street, not paying any attention to the surrounding girls. The mood was absolutely unromantic.

Unbeknownst to ourselves, we wandered into Pionersky Park (the central square opposite the regional administration of the Krasnodar Territory). And as we walked down the side alley, I accidentally noticed two girls sitting on a bench out of the corner of my eye.

Something got me hooked. The eyes of one of the girls seemed to me somehow special. More precisely, not even her eyes - noticing me, the girl immediately looked away - I saw her face for just a fraction of a second, but suddenly something fluttered in my heart.

Without slowing down, we passed by. After walking twenty paces, I said to Sergei:

- You have to go to the girls.

- To what?

- To the right of us they were sitting on a bench, didn’t you notice?

- We must come. It seems she is.

- Yes, what are you? My companion was amazed. - Seriously? Are you talking about that Lena?

He was surprised. For a year and a half of my life in Krasnodar, this was the first time that I so openly reminded him of that prediction and offered to approach the girl.

- Are you sure? Have you seen her before? We quickly passed, you didn’t really see it ...

- I don’t know, Sereg, for some reason I’m sure that it’s her. Let's go.

We went back to the girls, sat down on a bench with them, started talking.

The more I looked at her, the more I became convinced that this was her - my chosen one. I liked absolutely everything about her - her face, eyes, hair, lips, eyes, eyelashes. She remained silent, hid her eyes, was visibly embarrassed, occasionally glanced briefly in my direction, and practically did not participate in the conversation. Her garrulous friend was responsible for both.

Before that, I mentally imagined this meeting many times. I thought I would see her - for a long time I would look closely, listen to my heart. When I understand that this is it, I will gather my courage and come up. Naturally, I will probably be very worried. Worry if she likes me. Probably, in a fever I will carry all sorts of nonsense.

When a guy really likes a girl, for some reason the usual ease in communicating with ladies instantly disappears somewhere. When a young lady does not cause strong emotions, then you communicate easily, without problems.

Many times I imagined exactly what I would say to her at the first meeting. He came up with various beautiful, as it seemed to me, phrases, words filled with a special, subtle, meaning.

In fact, at the right moment, all my homework was completely erased from memory. I sat nearby, silently admiring her unearthly beauty, and an extraordinary lightness and emptiness reigned in my head.

As it turned out later, at the first meeting, my future bride liked my restraint and calmness most of all.

“My girlfriend and I never meet on the streets. Olya, my friend, she is so combative that she will kill anyone in an instant. And then, I don’t know why, they relaxed. You somehow approached so calmly, you didn’t frighten us.”

Everything in my life did not turn out the way I imagined it in my mind. I had only a couple of seconds to notice my fate, while we, without slowing down, passed by. After a few more seconds, I decided to return. I sat down next to her, not even thinking about what I would now talk about. He was silent not from his confidence, but from the fact that there was not a single sensible thought in his head.

Everything happened on full automatic. As if not with me. As if someone was telling me the right words in my ears.

“Is your name Lena?”

Hearing my question, she turned in surprise in my direction:

Yes, Lena. How do you know?

“I just like the name.

I wasn't even surprised by her answer. I would be surprised if she had a different name. And the age, of course, was appropriate - 22 years.

I sat on a bench and could not believe in the reality of what was happening. It turns out that the Angels described to me three years ago not some abstract supposed acquaintance, but precisely this situation!

How is that even possible?!

I offered to get up, take a walk, everyone agreed, got up. When I took Elena by the arm, Sergey whispered in my ear:

- Did you like this one? And I thought it was different.

All evening Sergey did not take his loving eyes off Lenin's friend Olya. She was just in his taste - energetic, fighting, provocative, seductive.

I smiled to myself - how different people's views are. No one can feel like a soul mate for you. The world is so arranged that in any case you will have to look for your destiny personally.

The next day I invited Lena to a restaurant. We spent the whole evening together, then walked along the night street, kissed at the crossroads, and cars drove around us, honking. We didn't notice anything or anyone around us.

When, at the first opportunity, I asked the Angels about Lena through Lyubasha, I naturally received a standard answer:

- Let him talk. And he will listen to his heart... - And they added: - If he wants to know for sure, for sure, let him go and look at Lenin's mother, and everything will be clear to him right away.

The mention of my mother disturbed me somewhat.

What should I see there?

Lyuba spread her hands:

- Do not speak. Let him go. He will see for himself, he will understand everything at once.

Looking ahead, I’ll say right away: indeed, as soon as I saw Lenin’s mother, I immediately understood everything. Sweet, calm woman, charming. Exactly the same as Lena herself. More precisely, Lena grew up the same as her mother.

In the future, for all the years of our life together with Lena, her mother never once tried to get into our relationship, did not try to give any advice or at least somehow show her power sideways. It seemed to me that she was even afraid to breathe in our direction.

It was exactly what I dreamed of.

Later, of course, I told Lena that our meeting had been predicted in advance, three years in advance. She was naturally surprised.

“But how did you recognize me in the first place?”

- You look like my ideal image.

- What is this image?

I smiled.

– Tall, slender blonde with long hair!

Now it was Lenin's turn to smile.

“Do you even remember what I looked like at the first meeting?” I had brown hair, a short haircut, I was in a coat and I was sitting on a bench. When did you manage to see all this in me?

I even got confused. Indeed, everything was so. In fact, at the first meeting, besides her eyes, I didn’t have time to see anything else. But that was enough.

Eyes say much more about a person than clothes and hairstyle.

The loss of a mobile phone is as unpleasant as it is unexpected, since it can happen almost anywhere: on the street, in a store, on a minibus, on a train, or even at home. What to do if the phone is lost? Actively seek, get depressed or run for a new one? Let's try to talk about exactly what actions you need to follow if this unpleasant event happened to you.

Action plan

At that moment, when an ordinary day slips you a very unpleasant force majeure in the face of an empty pocket instead of a mobile phone lying there, many react differently: someone will feel lonely and put an end to the loss, others will inform friends or relatives, buy a new phone and promise to be more careful in the future.

For this category of people, this article will end with this paragraph, but if you are going to be as active as possible, and only one thought comes to your mind: your phone is lost, what to do - know that you have to put a lot of effort, time and nerves into finding the loss, especially that no one can give any guarantees in this difficult matter.

At the moment of losing the phone, there is often a second person present - a pickpocket or any other intruder, so the faster you react, the higher the chances of a successful result.

What should I do if I lost my phone on the street, in a crowded place or in a minibus? Try to cast a suspicious glance around the people present: suddenly someone will give himself away with an involuntary gesture or begin to look away. Ask a passerby, friend or fellow traveler for his mobile phone (after explaining the situation) and call your number. If the attacker did not have time to escape, then you have every chance to hear a familiar melody. In the case of a vibrating call, you will have to strain your hearing.

It often happens that after a call from a third-party phone, you will feel soothing signals from your immense purse or diplomat.

Contacting the police

What to do if the phone is lost at the station, beach or in a store? After you have made a test call and made sure that your phone is not in your purse or somewhere nearby, the first thing to do is to contact the nearest police station. In theory, the on-duty PPS should work out the territory of the loss in hot pursuit, but in reality, the servants of the order are very reluctant to rush to search for your phone.

Sometimes it happens that some police officers know local people involved in such fishing, and can quickly talk to them until your device is sold or dismantled.

Blocking the SIM card of a mobile phone

What to do if your android phone is lost? Blocking a SIM card immediately at the time of loss is not worth it. If your phone has been stolen and a negligent pickpocket calls from it in the first few hours, it will be much easier for the police to find it.

It is necessary to contact your telecom operator to block the SIM card two to three hours after the loss. Instant blocking will only be reasonable if your personal account holds a significant amount of money or other confidential information.

Application to the police

What to do if the phone is lost, and the duty officers on duty could not find it in hot pursuit? Write a statement and take it to the duty department. The application is necessary not only for the police to start working on the fact of the loss, a copy of it is a significant reason for cooperation for your telecom operator, otherwise it may refuse to disclose the location of the mobile phone to you.

It is important to note that it is necessary to contact the police department at the place of abduction, and not at the place of residence. The application is submitted in free form, but when writing it is necessary to take into account some nuances. What to do if you lost your phone and the case was launched, in no case should you mention that it was missing, write - stolen, otherwise the entire search procedure will be significantly delayed.

Indicate your full name, contact details by which you can always be contacted, the place and time of the theft of the phone, as well as technical characteristics. In theory, any regular police officer must accept your application.

After submitting the application, be sure to write down its registration number from a special journal, otherwise it will be lost in the mass of the same ones. By this number, you can easily recognize the name of the investigator who is dealing with your unpromising case, and you can follow the further search for the phone.

IMEI code

What to do if you lost your android phone, and you have the documents on its purchase along with the warranty card? As it was written above, in the application, among other data, the technical characteristics of the device are also indicated, where one of the most important details is the IMEI (“have”) of the missing device.

IMEI is a kind of fingerprint of your smartphone, consisting of 15 characters, which reflects brief information about the device. With the help of “have”, the operator can track the movement of your smartphone in GSM-spaces and find out its current location with fairly high accuracy. The mobile operator, knowing your IMEI, is able to block the missing phone at the level of its subnet.

In most smartphones, "have" is indicated in four places: in the program code, under the battery, in the warranty card, and on the phone's packaging. In order to find out the IMEI in the Android operating system, just dial the combination * # 06 # and write it down somewhere.

In many European countries, searching for a missing phone by IMEI code is a priority. In our country, with this method of searching, things are very sad. According to the law, the mobile operator can provide a report on the movement of the phone by IMEI only after a police request, which greatly delays the case. In addition, attackers savvy in their business can replace your “have” with another one, after which it is almost impossible to find the loss.

Don't settle down

What should I do if I lost my phone and all the above points were completed? Continue to be persistent, call your investigator and ask more often about the fate of the investigation. Establish normal human contact with the police officers who are involved in your case, then the chances of success will increase significantly.

Try to walk around the places of buying or selling stolen goods, and suddenly, among the many gadgets, you will come across exactly that one and only phone. Then at least in this, albeit in a very unpleasant way, you will solve your problem.

Phone found

What to do if you lost your phone at home or found it yourself? First of all, call the police to your investigator and thank him for successfully solving the case, then inform the telecom operator in order to avoid blocking or other GSM prohibitions and try not to lose your phone again.


After you have carefully and point by point completed all of the above, you can praise yourself: now you know what to do if your phone is lost. And if it was not possible to find him, then there is no need to become depressed, you fought to the last and did everything in your power.

There are special forums, blogs and projects where people who have lost their mobile phones unite, and as moral support and at least some kind of reassurance, you can honorably bury your device there, indicating the city and date of loss, and at the same time add a comment with wishes for the health of the kidnapper .

Whether your phone will be lost or stolen is almost impossible to predict, but if such a nuisance happened to you, then remember that no one but yourself is interested in finding it.

You can, of course, mourn at your leisure about the loss, and then go to the store for a new phone, but someone will embark on a bold search for their favorite smartphone and, with good luck, will find it, especially since a month after the loss of the gadget is that time when his return is the real deal.

It remains only to wish all owners of mobile phones never to lose them, and if they do, then quickly find them. Be vigilant and store your gadgets in safe places, away from the sun and nimble hands.

Achievements of modern medicine it's pointless to deny. They are expressed both in a significant increase in life expectancy, and in a noticeable improvement in its quality, a decrease in the level of mortality, including child mortality. After all, there was a time, and more recently, when death in infancy, in early childhood, as well as miscarriages, stillborn children, were such a common occurrence that it was difficult to find a large family that had never encountered this.

But of course, both then and now, the loss child turns into a crushing blow for, especially for a woman. How to withstand, how to withstand this blow? Do not break down, do not sleep, do not ruin the family and do not commit suicide? These are very difficult questions that a woman experiencing grief usually shouts into the void. There are no unambiguous answers to them, and coping with grief is not easy and simply will not work. But you can’t give up, surrender into the arms of depression. It is necessary to the best of one's own strength to go through this difficult period in life as painlessly as possible for oneself and loved ones.

Look for support because you need it. Ask for it openly, don't be shy. Unspokenness gives rise to so many sufferings, so do not torture yourself. Find someone who is willing to listen to you and help you with a simple soothing word. Someone who cares about you, whose opinion is important to you. And be sure to speak up.

forgive yourself. When something very bad happens in life, a person begins to look for the cause. This behavior is due to the unwillingness to get into such a situation again. The search for the cause goes hand in hand with the search for the culprit. And the first on the list of the guilty of a mother who has lost her child is always herself. You don't need it, it's not your fault. There is no point in asking questions like "Why me?" and "Why did I get it?" - they are meaningless, and bring only pain. You will never get answers to them, so stop hurting yourself. And tell yourself: "It's not my fault." Say it out loud, so that you yourself believe it, several times: "It's not my fault. Losing a child is not my fault. It's not my fault." The feeling of guilt will hang on you as a heavy burden for a very long time, and it will not be easy for you to move on in life if you do not drop this burden.

See that after this, your the search for the guilty did not spread to others. Most often, the closest person at the moment, your man, falls under it. Don't blame him either. Don't really blame anyone. Bad things happen, they happen from time to time, and there's nothing we can do about it. It's nobody's fault - repeat it like a mantra.

You may, however, hard to look into your husband's eyes. That happens. It is rightly said that small troubles hold the family together, and big ones destroy it. Don't let your family fall apart. Don't avoid your husband, don't avoid talking to him. If it hurts you to see him, that's okay. This is normal, you have every right to do so, the main thing to remember is that neither he nor you are to blame for what happened. You may both need to be alone for a while. Say that you need to live separately for a while, if possible. Be sure to specify at the same time that you do not hold anger at him and do not consider him guilty. No need to think that this is so obvious, be sure to say it out loud, looking into his eyes, so that he believes that no understatement is left between the two of you.

Do not be offended by relatives and friends who will start avoiding you. Perhaps this will not happen, but do not be upset, do not be offended and do not be angry if you see that in this difficult moment for you, when you need help so much, you do not find it anywhere, and close people try not to meet on your way. It takes a lot of courage to look into the eyes of a woman who has lost a child. People don't know how to react in such a situation. This often happens to them, they are afraid, and explain their behavior in this way: "I don't know what to talk about with her." They become ashamed of the fact that everything is fine in their life, while grief knocked at your door.

Try to get lost at work. Whatever you do, now is the time to pick up as many, as many projects as you can, and dive right into them. Meaningful activity drives heavy thoughts out of your head and keeps you from going crazy. It is not known how long it will take you to experience all this in yourself, maybe it will be a year, or maybe five years. In any case, pursuing your own career is now a very good option. But do not close yourself off from people, especially from your own children, if you have any. Do not let yourself turn into a workaholic, remember that work is just a way to relieve stress for you.

If you dive into work for some reason not an option, try going on a little trip. Do not try to look back at someone else's opinion, do not think that this is inappropriate, and this is not how a grieving mother should behave. You don't owe anything to anyone, and you certainly shouldn't mourn for show. Your task is to survive this, and if someone does not like the way you do it, then this is entirely his problem, let him enjoy his own opinion. On the journey, you will be a little distracted. A good option would be a trip to nature, or a trip to beautiful places. The noise of the metropolis is pressing, nowhere does a person feel so alone and abandoned as in a human anthill, and nowhere does he feel so one with the whole world as in nature, clean and fresh.

Look for those who survived the same misfortune, just like you. Today, the Internet helps us a lot in this, but there are also special rehabilitation groups where you can communicate with other women who are going through or have already gone through such a disaster in a more personal way. When you see that you are not alone, that other women have also experienced this at one time, you will have hope that one day the pain will go away and you will be able to return to a normal existence. And get on with your life.