Cool sketches for February 23 for a corporate party. Variant of the scenario with competitions for the most accurate, smart and "dance"

And so, let's think about how to make February 23 not just a holiday, but a fun and funny holiday. While you were thinking, we came up with our own ideas, which we posted on this page. Watch them and amaze men with your originality.

Modern sketches for February 23 for a corporate party from women. Funny, new for men!

Well, not much time is left for the beautiful half of humanity to prepare for February 23rd. But men expect from their colleagues and girlfriends a holiday and Have a good mood. And then the girls, well, it’s impossible to hit their faces in the dirt. And if so, then here are the new scenes for February 23 for a corporate party from women to make it fun. Funny and funny scenes will help to congratulate male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day and make this evening unique and unlike anything else.

The first scene is a musical congratulation.
What is a holiday without a song?! And on the occasion of February 23, beautiful, funny, but military and festive songs should be performed.
For this scene, the girls must learn some kind of dance, for example, change the usual soldier's march into something bright and danceable. After all, the song is such that you want to march. The song itself is a reworked song to the motive - the soldier has a day off. In our version of the song, it is sung that today is a holiday for men and girls dress up in honor of the holiday. So you can turn the march into how the girls put on makeup and dress beautifully.
Here is the lyrics of the remastered song:

Scene two - congratulations from famous women.

What man does not dream of having some famous woman approach him. In this scene, all the secret desires of your men will come true.
To make this scene bright and funny, you need to rehearse and you need to find outfits for the images. And the images here are as follows: Venus, Vasilisa beauty, Scheherazade, Isolde and Pamela Anderson. These girls, in honor of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, decided to congratulate the men. You girls will have to find outfits for their images and select candidates who can handle the role. And then everything is simple - after the words of the host, the girls take turns coming out and saying their speech. The men admire and fall to the floor in amazement.
Scene text:

Scene three - the girls are discussing gifts for men.
In this scene, three girls are sitting and discussing what to give men on February 23rd. In the process of discussion, they reach the point that the most the best gift for them will be - love! Do you agree with this?
Watch the video skit, memorize and do the same performance for your men:

Scene four - girls are drafted into the army
This is a fictional scene, because in our country girls are not drafted into the army. But in honor of February 23, we will show men how real girls are chosen for military service!

Military commissariat. There is a table. A nurse is sitting next to him. On the other side of the nurse are girls who are being drafted into the army. The doctor runs in and says to the nurse:
- Love, what happened? Why was I called to work so urgently?

- urgently, because a new call to the army was announced. And they called - it's Monday, it's still a working day.

- is it because of this? So this is nonsense. Now we will quickly send everyone to the army. (to the conscripts) Do you want to join the army? You are all healthy!

The conscripts shout indignantly:
- No, we don’t want to, we are not fit, we are sick.

- who is not suitable there? Come on, give me your medical history here.

The doctor takes a medical history from one recruit, lifts it up and looks at it. He speaks:
- I can not see anything.

Then he puts the story aside, and a thousand rubles remain in his hand, which he also looks at the light and says:
- Ah, now I see, I see that you are all glowing with happiness, because you are not fit for the army. This is confirmed by three zeros.

The conscript leaves the stage with joyful cries.

- so, who else is there with us. Ah, you are my soul! Come here. Look (shows a photo), what do you see there?

- I see love and two people in love.

- ish you, what imagination. And I see my son, my boy, who shows promise and goes to higher educational institution! And here you are, which interferes with his life. Everything is decided - you are fit to serve on a submarine!

- maybe still in a submarine. But not on her?

Everyone will serve in a submarine, and you will know in a submarine. How to ruin a child's life.

Doctor addressing nurse:
- maybe all of them to the fleet, for three years?

Conscripts in chorus:
- no, we can't, we all have love!

Everyone has? Is everyone in love? Then you are not to me, you to the venereologist first. Check your love...

The recruits leave the stage. Doctor:
- dear men, remember that serving is not just a year, two or three years away from home. This is a year, two or three years to protect us, girls who are waiting for you and believe in love! Happy holiday to you!

Scenario of the festive buffet for February 23 this is an original version of congratulating colleagues with a costumed surprise, warm words and a sincere desire to surprise and please them.

If we add to this good dance music and a few funny contests, then the holiday will turn out bright and will be remembered for a long time by the male half of the team. (Thanks to the author Fedunova T.A.)

The introductory part of the buffet table scenario for February 23.

Completely empty stage.

1 vote (from backstage): One time! Dear friends! Please break away from the delicious salads and listen to the important government message! Today, February 23, 20…, there will be an unprecedented surge on this stage positive emotions aimed at glorifying the males!

Two presenters come out to the sounds of very energetic music.

1st presenter: My God, my God! How many attractive men in one room!

2nd host: Lord! We are glad to see you more than ever! Allow me, on behalf of and on behalf of the Women's Council of the world community, to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

1st presenter: Lovely! Be strong and brave! Don't be afraid to make tons of money! And don't be shy about beautiful women!

2nd host: That's pretty much all we want from you!

We turn on a bravura march, just a few musical phrases. At this moment, four or five girls with different items in the hands - a ladle, an accounting ledger, a bottle of baby food and a rattle, a bucket with a rag, etc.

First girl: God! When will this hard labor end?

Second girl: Don't say I won't make it to the weekend! The fifth, then the tenth! Every two minutes is a disaster, and the report should have been handed in yesterday!

Third girl: And the boss is totally pissed off! Whatever you do, he doesn't like it!

Fourth girl: Yes-to! What about home, is it better? No time to even drink tea!

Fifth girl: What tea?! Also, read a book! In the morning, as usual, but things do not become less!

Again, the same head sounds from behind the scenes.

First girl: Holiday? Why haven't I heard about the holiday?

Second girl: Hurrah, comrades! That is, girls!

Third girl: Now let's rest!

Fourth girl: And what holiday is it?

Fifth girl: Yes, does it matter?

AT the song "Little" turns on. The first girl runs backstage and drags a tray with a bottle of vodka and small glasses. The ladies stage a merry drinking of the bottle.

1 vote: Heh heh! (music cuts off). Comrades women, have a conscience! Really, apart from my voice, nothing tells you that today is not your day ... Ugh! Holiday! So, let me “rejoice” you that today we have Defender’s Day ... (Microphone whistle and hiss again).

First girl: Damn, I didn't give you a drink!

Third girl: Wait, what kind of defender did he mean there?

Fourth girl: Go, the surrounding nature!

Fifth girl: Are you really, really drunk? Your male voice meant - Defender of the Fatherland Day! After all, February is in the yard! What other defender can be in February?

All: Exactly!

First girl: So their defenders, ugh! Men! We must congratulate!

Second girl: (stroking her thighs) Yes, no question, congratulations!

Everyone runs backstage, laughing and squealing.

Scene for February 23 "Captured by the Amazons".

Presenter 2: All nominations received their winners.

Congratulation "Life without you is empty!"

There is a beautiful day in February,
When we congratulate men!
There is no "Man's Day" on earth,
But we are correcting the error.
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples for that.
For you all our beauty,
We do not lose faith in love.
Lipstick for you
For you, we destroy your hair with a curl.
And in high heels
We hurry to those we love!

Our dear men! Remember: we love you!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Presenter 1: Our dear men! How can even the most beautiful words convey what you mean to us?!

Presenter 2: Just let me congratulate you again! Happy holiday! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Presenter 1: It's a pity, but our festive and entertaining and enticing program has come to an end! We really hope that you liked both our songs and our dances! Remember: this was all made especially for you, because we really, really wanted to surprise you! After all, a woman can not only cook deliciously and cleanly wash! For the sake of her beloved man, she can even turn into an Amazon!

There are three chairs in front of the audience. The leaders enter and take their positions on the chairs.

Presenter 1:
We have gathered today, gentlemen, on one delicate occasion - the men's holiday is coming on February 23rd.

Presenter 2:
How male?!

Presenter 3:
How male?!

Presenter 1:
Here is such an opportunity. Even on the day of the defenders of the Fatherland, it is required to give gifts.

Presenter 2:
Here are those on!

Presenter 3:
There was no trouble, so give it up!

Presenter 2:
Shower more gifts! Strange, I dreamed that I fed the chickens, and this was for gifts, but for me, and not like someone else!

Presenter 3:
No, come on, it's called a party! For the sake of which I slept all night on curlers (it would be great if a girl with a short haircut like “hedgehog”).

Presenter 1:
And yesterday, for the sake of this, I went on a strict diet according to the “Air” system. Three sips in the morning, a sip in the afternoon and half a sip in the evening.

Presenter 2:
Yah! How is the effect?

Presenter 3:
Are you full?

Presenter 1:
You can live.

Presenter 2:

Presenter 3:
Girls, we are distracted, what are we going to do with these very, as they are called something ... men!

Presenter 1:
A holiday is a responsible business. Still, Defender of the Fatherland Day. You won't let anyone in here.

Presenter 2:
Correctly! You need to check them for professional suitability!

Presenter 3:
Let's get down to business!

The presenters put on white hats, on which a red cross is drawn or sewn, bandages are put on their hands.

Presenter 1:
Candidates for defenders of the Fatherland, get ready to pass the medical commission!

Presenter 1 takes out a centimeter, Presenter 2 scales, Presenter 3 an enema.

Presenter 1:
Helpers needed!

Presenter 2:
Take out one by one!

Two women from the audience (they have been warned in advance and must volunteer to help themselves). Women take one man at a time and take them to the medical commission.

First, a man is weighed, then he is brought to the leader with a centimeter (it depends on age, looseness and other similar things - you can play that the value of the measurement applies only to the male detail below the waist), which measures height, chest, hips.

After weighing and measuring Presenter 3 with enema:
Enema lightness of the body!
Every patient knows, whether he is a schoolboy, an assistant professor,
That slags harm the body, but I drive these kaki!
If you suffer from a migraine, an enema of five liters a day will help!

The fate with an enema can be avoided by fulfilling the sports and physical culture standard. In order to make an indulgence for the stronger sex in honor of the holiday, men are given a choice: do push-ups a certain number of times, leave the weight (you will have to get this prop), sit down so many times, etc. One of the men (somewhere after passing through the examination of half of the men) will be warned in advance, he will agree to an enema (he will not want to pass the sports and physical education standard), Leading 1 and Leading 2 take him out by the hands, and Leading 3 defiantly ends the procession with an enema in hands. The procession leaves, the door closes, men's cries are heard: "Oh, ah!". Some time passes, the procession returns. The man is a little undressed (as if he had to dress quickly, his shirt is not quite tucked in, the collar is unbuttoned, etc.), his whole face is in kisses, if possible on the neck and further to taste. Then the remaining men are called one by one. It’s up to them to decide whether they want an enema or not in favor of push-ups and squats.

After inspection Presenter 1:
Lists all men by name. Recognized fit for service in spare parts at the festive table (named the location of the ceremony) companies (Company name).

The men take their positions. The hosts take off their medical elements. The music begins to play. White dance.

Presenter 1:
Like it or not, you can’t turn away from gifts.

Presenter 2:
And where is it written that just lay it out and lay it down?

Presenter 3:
Correctly! Gifts are given only to the strong!

Presenter 1:
Comrade women! You have a big responsibility! So far, three sets of gifts have been prepared. So let's do a draw.

Women are given blank sheets of paper. Each must write one name and surname of the man whom she considers worthy of receiving the first batch of gifts.
Then the presenters collect the leaves and sort them. Three men, for whom more votes were cast, are called to the hall (if it turns out that someone has the same number of votes, then the winner is chosen by drawing, for example, who will do 10 push-ups faster or otherwise).

The selected candidates are dressed in scarves (if possible, in dresses or a skirt and a jacket), they are given two shopping bags in their hands. At the finish line there are gifts (everything that the company can afford: from chewing gum to elite cognac, you can traditional gifts - shaving foam, socks). Let's say it costs three things (in any case there will be 3 things): socks, a bottle of beer, chewing gum. The task of the men is to walk in a step (the style of which the leader will set) to the finish line, take one thing, return to the start, again go to the finish line in a different style, which the leader will also set, take the second thing, return to the start and one more run. The first time they have to walk with the step of a cheerful grandmother, the second - with a fashionable flirtatious woman, the third - with the gait of a business woman going to work, as if hammering piles. Collected things men remain as a keepsake. You can play a super prize by voting, which will determine the demonstrator of the best gaits.

Musical pause. You can dance again or women can perform a comic congratulation song for men.

Presenter 1:
What defender of the Fatherland does not dream of a harem?

Presenter 2:
A secret ballot was held.

Presenter 3:
The winners of which were (names two men).

The winners are given rubber bands of different colors, for example, one is green, the other is blue. While the melody sounds, they must walk (run) around the hall and put this elastic band on the hand of the “wife” in their harem (if someone has already chosen a “wife”, the other does not have the right to take it). When the harems are created (at the end of the melody), a "family photo" is taken. Then the harems must strip their husband down to his underwear. The first harem to cope with this task receives a super prize (each “wife” gets a large chocolate bar), and the harem that loses a prize (each “wife” gets a small chocolate bar). " Family photo with a naked husband.

Presenter 1:

Presenter 2:

Presenter 3:
And don't say you haven't heard!

Presenter 1:
Love the one and only!

Presenter 2:
Look what the harems are up to!

Presenter 3:
Women in chocolate, and men in shorts!

Harems carry their husbands out of the door in their arms, after a while they return. Kisses on the entire bare area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body (they can be drawn with lipstick). The song "If I was a Sultan" is included. The harem dances to her near her husband.

"Husbands" announce a toast. Raising glasses.

Presenter 1:
Well, my dears. We also have a valuable prize.

Presenter 2:
And, most importantly, rare!

This time women are called to the stage (the number of women in the team depends on the number of women in the team, but at least 2). How many teams will also be possible. Minimum 2. Chairs are needed (you can just use the ones on which the presenters sat). Each team is given socks, barbecue skewers, thread, scissors, satin ribbon and, if possible, decorative paper, mesh or organza for wrapping paper. Women should make a bouquet of roses out of socks (the sock is wound around a skewer in a spiral and fastened with a thread, then all the skewers are connected and wrapped in paper or decorated with satin ribbons). Then all the men are invited to the hall, they stand in a row or in several rows (depending on the space), and the women turn their backs and throw their bouquets. The one who caught the bouquet takes it for himself.

Now you can eat, dance, and the celebration in honor of February 23 ends with the presentation of gifts to men.

A few words about the design of the hall. It's no secret that the stronger sex is breathing unevenly towards mouth-watering pops and outstanding busts. You can print these attractive body parts and write wishes for men on them. Post such posters around the hall, let them read and enjoy the view.

To whom __________________________________
Address _________________________________
You, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On military duty and military service", and in connection with the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day, you need "_____"________________ 201__ by ________ hours to appear on the issue of conducting military field training, at the assembly point at ____________________________________ with personal things, personal service weapons, in dress uniform.
Have with you military document, identity card, fluorographic picture, blood test, ECG, reference from the last place of work, good mood.

Head of the Department of Defense of the city of ____________________

Colonel _____________

Vedas: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to welcome you to the evening dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day!

We congratulate you warmly
Happy Army and Navy Day
Let there be joy
That honors and loves someone.
And let the smile flash
And let the wrinkles disappear
And let spring sing in my soul
Today is your holiday, men!

Gentlemen reserve officers! Welcome to military training! We must warn you that a surprise awaits you - along with you, cadets of the Ladies' Military Academy LLC "_________________________" will participate in the exercises. We ask you, as already experienced warriors, to take part in the training of recruits. Be mentors to our still so young division - help, advise, cheer, participate. Let's make this evening unforgettable for both new recruits and veterans.

There is no reason to call women the weaker sex -
Among us are talents, warriors, minds,
But if next to us are not men
Could we reach our heights?

So, we announce military field training!

Commander-in-Chief: Platoon, line up! For the solemn acceptance of the oath, equal, quietly!

(Women become)

Vedas. reads text:
We, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, present at solemn event dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, entering this hall, we take the oath and solemnly swear to be devoted to our men until the last minute of the festival.
We swear to unquestioningly fulfill the duties entrusted to us, to monitor the fullness of plates and glasses, to sing the virtues of our men, to amuse them, and to please their sight and hearing, to endure the hardships of high heels.
We undertake to conscientiously protect men and the people's property entrusted to us, strictly keep the secret of everything that happened at the holiday, as a state secret.
If we break the military oath we have taken, then let us be severely punished and there will be no March 8 for us!

All in unison: We swear! We swear! We swear!

commander in chief- Disperse!

Vedas.- I ask you to take your places at combat posts.

(Women sit down)

Vedas. Dear friends, let's raise our glasses and celebrate this significant event - the fact that our ladies have joined the ranks of the Armed Forces!

Today is a holiday for men
And we want to congratulate our colleagues,
There are many reasons for this
What can a man be praised for:
For daily hard work
For the fact that he loves the work very much,
For the fact that he, forgetting comfort,
Goes on business trips with confidence.
For having women in their arms
Ready to wear every day
With him, a woman knows no fear,
He is devoted to a woman immensely.

The word for congratulations is given to the Head of the Ladies' Military Academy LLC "_______________________" ...

(Congratulations chief accountant)


Vedas: Today, for the sake of the holiday, our cadets changed their camouflage uniforms to festive outfits. Accordingly, we will conduct exercises not in combat, not in combat, but in variety and choir. Watching a congratulatory song, reading congratulatory chants, the quality of the execution of the commands “pour-wai”, “drink-wai”, “sing-wai”, “dance-wai”. Let's tell you about the everyday life of the Ladies' Military Academy. By the way, let me give you, as gifts, something that we cannot do without on any trip, which gives a feeling of satiety, a pleasant smell and a good mood.

(Dry rations are awarded)

Ved.: let's raise our aluminum mugs and drink a fighting hundred grams so that our gifts remind you on a long trip that there are tastier dishes in the world, for this you just need to always return home.



We do not curse fate perverted
And raise a fiery glass
For those who now rule the military service
And who once "plowed" her!

So let our wines splash in our glasses,
When the rear is securely provided!
For the valiant defenders of the fatherland
On this glorious Day of the Armed Forces!

The word for congratulations is given ________________________________ ...


Vedas: For the convenience of the review, the command decided to organize four departments. (Divides by tables). All four branches during the event must show their readiness for an unexpected attack of the holiday, as well as their physical and moral preparation for any turns of today's events!
First division! Get ready and congratulate the men!

The first table congratulates

To the melody "Songs of the Pilots" from the movie "Heavenly slug":

Tonight, tonight, tonight
Without you, men, let's face it, there is nothing to do!
We will gather around the table
Glasses full pour,
And for the men we love, we will sing a song.
It's time for us to confess

Always lean

There will be a lot of luck

You guys are brave, brave, brave!
So slender, beautiful, curly!
We'll drink one, we'll drink two
For your glorious deeds
But don't have a headache tomorrow!
It's time for us to confess
That we love you dearly, we love you, we love you dearly!
Always lean
On your faithful we want a shoulder!

Let fate sometimes be cruel to us, let it be!
Never allow despondency in your heart!
There will be a lot of luck
Everything will change, you know!

(everyone drinks)

Vedas: Second branch! Stand up for congratulations!

The second table congratulates

Group "Factory"
To the tune of the song "Factory Girls"

Ah, why are you so unlucky?
Time to report again
Again, the balance must be reduced,
There is no time to love.
Pr: Accountant girls
Everyone is working "with a bang!",
Only their personal lives
Not exactly decent.
Though winter, and even spring -
We work late
Tell me how to be?
Gotta get married!

Where can I get men in the office?
If only one came to the department.
To help us balance
On holiday, he circled all of us in a dance.
Pr: Accountant girls
Everyone is working "with a bang!",
Only their personal lives
Not exactly decent.
Though winter, and even spring -
We work late
Tell me how to be?
Gotta get married!

(everyone drinks)

Vedas: Third section! To congratulations, the equalization of namushchins!

The third table congratulates
To the tune of the song "Smuglyanka"

Sometime in the winter
I looked into our office.
What? What?
The office is busy!
The appearance of the buffet
We see many reasons
We will celebrate the holiday
And congratulations to all men!
Ex: One and two and
Let's make a wider circle
And congratulations
All the men in the circle of girlfriends,

Hi from girls!!!

We are impossible
And capricious - do not appease,
To put it bluntly, it's impossible
Understand the girl's soul.
But we promise you
Work on yourself!
Let the glasses clink
And the wine flows like a river!
Ex: One and two and
Let's make a wider circle
And congratulations
All the men in the circle of girlfriends,
Light sparkles in the twilight of candles
Hi from girls!!!

(everyone drinks)

Vedas: Fourth division! Get ready and congratulate the men!

Fourth table congratulates
To the tune of "Gypsies"

If I were rich
And besides, it's beautiful
To do with me
Our company is cute!
Pr: Oh, once! Again!
Many, many more times!

If I had a foreign car
I put it at the gate
That deep trace of sadness
Left with colleagues.
Pr: Oh, once! Again!
Many, many more times!

If I drank cognac,
Yes, even wine glasses,
That became famous among you
Elite manners.
Pr: Oh, once! Again!
Many, many more times!

I would show a striptease
Yes, I'm afraid of confusion.
Everyone will shout "encore" to me,
I lost my embarrassment.
Pr: Oh, once! Again!
Many, many more times!

(everyone drinks)

Ved.: And now, our dear men, let me present you with our gifts - these are irreplaceable, unique, multifunctional tablets for cards! Plastic and paper, various advantages. As an addition, you will receive a metal applicator to bruised places, it is also an air thrower, it is also a bottle-beer payer, it is also a saver. (wallet and ruble)

I propose to fill the glasses. Let's drink to the fact that if suddenly these purses stop closing, it will happen not because the lock has broken, but because of overcrowding!
And now, invite everyone to the dance.


The second part of the Merlison ballet


How often are we unfair to men,
Though they themselves are capricious, jealous, talkative
And only once a year we are kind,
Forgetting insults, we wish men:

Unconquered mountains, impassable forests,
Friends, so worthy, girlfriends trouble-free
Smart bosses, various enemies:
But better weakened and safe

Cars - foreign cars, normal neighbors,
Powerful computers, virtual dating,
The problems are only conditional, the successes are real.
The tasks are simple, but very relevant.

Love of different sexes, love is very different
Calm, fun and even dangerous
Brilliant ideas, friends, so that with beer,
And himself, so that he always remains beautiful!


Vedas: And now, two people from each squad to check the accuracy of a march towards me!
Gentlemen of the officers, would you mind showing the girls HOW EXACTLY to use such a weapon as a dart?

Accuracy Competition

Vedas: As stated in the Military Regulations, a soldier must be able to recognize the enemy among the trees, birches and bears! And yours - and in general you need to know in person! Let's check how well we know our friends in arms?

Back to back competition

Let's drink to combat training,
Strength, accuracy, courage and skill
For deeds, and for merit,
And for taking care of each other!


Vedas: And everyone knows Golden Rule, spelled out in golden letters in each Charter: the first paragraph "The commander is always right!" point two .. well, everyone knows, right? “If the commander is wrong, see point one!” but sometimes commanders are loyal, take care of their fighters.

(Chief boo and someone sing a song)

Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan
To the melody of the song "Do you believe me or not"

I'm late today
Back to work as usual
BUT told the boss,
That my tram broke down.
Of course I believe you
Can there be any doubt
I rode in it myself
Let go of your Mercedes.
And at lunchtime
I didn't drink wine at all
I'm just tired b-i-lno
Do you believe me or not?
Do you believe me or not?
Of course I believe you
Here the work is tiring.
Just hide the corkscrew away...
It will be our secret...
Our secret with you...

Vedas: Let's drink to our fair Commanders!!!

Vedas. For a long time in Russia, the heroes measured their strength. And I invite here the two most powerful men, to demonstrate their fighting qualities, the ability to stand up for themselves and the woman they love, to repulse the enemy.

*competition "Boxing"*

Dear ladies and gentlemen, we are reporting from a friendly boxing match. Today there is a European heavyweight champion ______________1_____________ and the champion of Asia, Africa and countries Latin America ______________2_____________ - the best of all the declared candidates for the fight! In the blue corner and white shorts - ______________1____________________. Welcome! In the red corner and green shorts - ______________2____________________. Boxers are warming up, coaches are giving the last instructions, setting to win! Boxers put on gloves, work out movements, punches.
See how excited the audience is! The hall is standing on its feet, some on its ears - as it is more convenient for someone! Everyone is anxiously awaiting the outcome of the fight, cheering up their boxer. It will be a hard fight, real boxing! What will be the tactics of the fight, in what round we will be shown a masterful knockdown - we will see in the course of the fight, but for now it remains only to get sick. Cheer for our super professionals. The talents of boxers are immediately visible, look how ______________1_____________ is warming up, what kind of stance ______________2____________________ has! Both on their faces clearly read the helmet and the desire to enter the ring and win! Win! With a powerful blow to knock out an opponent! Yes! It will be real boxing! We've been waiting for this event for a long time, and now it's here. Boxers are invited to the ring! Shake each other's gloves. Get your sports equipment, get ready.. Let's get started!

Vedas: And our field exercises are coming to an end. We hope, our dear men, that you have appreciated the ability of our ladies to help you in all your affairs and undertakings. As the song says: “Just whisper to us, we will come to the rescue!”
Remember who Venus chose from all her admirers on Olympus. Mars, god of war. And although the military is about speed, onslaught and, sometimes, retreat, women love the military. And we once again offer to drink for our armed forces, for their courage and heroism, and for the representatives of our glorious army present here!
Happy holiday, dear men!

Dear colleagues, friends!

“Gentlemen military personnel, dear men of _________________________ LLC!

I heartily congratulate you on the national holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day!
I express my gratitude to you for your selfless service in the ranks of my knights! The stronger my army, the stronger and calmer the peace in my soul.
My memory carefully preserves the exploits of many generations of my defenders - from the warriors of Alexander Nevsky to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and those who performed and continue to perform their military duty.
Having sworn allegiance to me once, you continue the glorious traditions of the army by your example. From time immemorial, men went into battle for me, did not betray and did not give into the wrong hands, because I am the only one with them. Let women not be jealous of their men in love for me, but appreciate, respect and inspire them to exploits.
And I, in turn, will generously provide you, my beloved sons, with all my bins and resources, valleys and hills, beauty and vast expanses!

Your Motherland"

Today for you, dear men,
Let's raise a solemnly sonorous glass!
For strong hands, for thoughts of depth
In minds worthy of high praise!

For your health, for your accomplishments,
For your success always and in everything.
For our confidence and comfort,
For our peace of mind night and day!

You are our protection, we trust you
Caring for the world for our children.
We inspire you with love for deeds,
Hope - in search of new ideas!

May weekdays and holidays be your joy,
And in each of the days let the finest hour come.
We wish you happiness - a worthy reward,
Raising a glass to you today!

cool script corporate party with a unique entertainment program that allows all men present to honor comic nominations and giving them a chance to demonstrate their best qualities in exciting competitions, will help arrange an unforgettable holiday, dedicated to the day Defender of the Fatherland.

Hall decoration: The venue of the holiday is decorated with balloons, posters depicting the military with the faces of the staff of the team (photoshop to help) and comic congratulations from 23 February. Before entering the hall you need to attach a "stadiometer".

Required attributes:

  • Height meter
  • Evaluation sheets
  • Props for contests
  • Presents for men


For the role of hosts, you should choose two sociable and cheerful employees who will be able to attract men to participate in competitions.

Event progress

In the hall, on one of the walls, there is a “height meter” with markings from 1 to 2 m.

Near the labels are the following inscriptions:

  • 1 m 60 cm - "Economic"
  • 1 m 65 cm - "Small and remote"
  • 1 m 70 cm - "Superlover"
  • 1 m 75 cm - "Eurostandard"
  • 1 m 80 cm - "Star of the catwalk"
  • 1 m 85 cm - "Ideal man"
  • 1 m 90 cm - "The Hope of Basketball"
  • 2 m - "Alpha male"

At the entrance to the hall where the festive event will be held, guests are greeted by a woman with a bandage on her hand “Assessment point”. She says that only men who have “assessment sheets” will be able to enter the hall and invites them to undergo an examination. Girls in white coats give each representative of the strong half of humanity a form in which his last name, first name, patronymic and age are indicated. "Nurses" weigh men, measure the volume of the chest and measure height with the help of a "stadiometer". All data is recorded in the "evaluation sheet", while the growth is indicated in accordance with the names that were next to the labels.

Participants of the event hand over the forms at the entrance to the hall and take their places at the tables. The festive party begins with congratulations from male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is preferable to fulfill all congratulations in poetic form using beautiful toasts. It is worth mentioning all the men by name, to say a few pleasant words about each. entertainment program it is recommended to start after the participants of the event “satisfy the first hunger”.

The presenters invite all the men present in the hall to take part in the show program "Man of the Year".


Competition "Sharpshooter"

For the competition, you will need three targets, arrows with Velcro from the game of darts. Task: as accurately as possible (preferably in the "ten") to hit the target with a dart. The most accurate participant becomes the winner in the nomination "Sharpshooter".

Contest "Hit it"

Men receive 5 nails, hammers and blocks of wood. Task: drive all the nails into the bar with a hammer. The winner in the nomination "Economical man" is the one who coped with the task faster and better than anyone else.

Smell Contest

For the competition, you need to prepare a blindfold and several containers with spices. Task: to smell the spice. The one who coped with the task best of all becomes the winner in the nomination "Sharp scent".

The hosts report that the popular group "VIA Gra" came to congratulate all the men on the holiday.

A musical break is held (performance by girls dressed as members of the VIA Gra group with the song February 23).

Then the presenters offer all the participants a little refreshment (a feast with toasts and congratulations).

Competition for women "The most attentive"

All women present are invited to participate in the competition. Task: carefully look at the proposed video sequence (make a slide show using photographs of male colleagues who participate in the holiday) and determine which of the men they belong to by body parts.

  1. First video sequence "These eyes are opposite." Women need to determine which of the men owns the eyes on the slide. First, the eyes of the man are shown, and then, when the answer is given, the whole face is shown.
  2. Second video sequence "Amazing Smile" recognize a man only by his lips.
  3. Third video sequence "Strong male back": recognize the man from behind.

The most active participants are awarded with lollipops. Men, whose body parts were guessed with ease, become winners in the nominations "Expressive eyes", "The most charming smile", "Courageous man".

Competition "Best Actor"

The presenter reads the poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly”, as if she is frightened, and then tells the rules of the competition to the participants. Task: you need to read the verse, adhering to a certain image. With the help of a lottery, it is determined to whom in what way the rhyme is to be told.


  • embarrassed
  • Like a Japanese
  • Like a Georgian
  • Like a person who doesn't pronounce the letter "r"
  • Like a little child
  • mysteriously
  • Sexually
  • offended
  • enthusiastically

The strength of the applause determines who did the best job. The winner is awarded the Actor of the Year nomination.

Competition "Harem"

Oriental music sounds and the hosts offer women present in the hall to dance (a small master class on oriental dances is held), and men take a closer look at the dancers, because they will have to be “sultans” for a while and assemble their harem from the ladies present at the festival. All male participants are given ribbons or rubber bands for money of a certain color. Assignment: while the music is playing, the "sultans" should put on the "bracelets" on the women's wrists. The more "concubines" you can "ring", the better. An important rule: one lady cannot wear more than one rubber band. The winner in the nomination "Loving man" is the one who has more "harem".

Competition "Stirlitsy"

Men are invited to become "Stirlitz" for a while. A girl is invited from the audience to conduct the competition. Participants are invited to carefully examine her outfit and try to remember even the smallest details. Then the “observation object” is taken out of the hall and several details are changed on it: they unbutton a button, tie a scarf, remove or put on earrings, or a ring on a finger, change a blouse. The more inconspicuous details are changed, the better. After the manipulations, the “object” is returned back to the hall. The task for the participants: to find the differences between the previous image of the girl and the created one. The man who called the largest number distinctions, becomes the winner in the nomination "The most observant man".

Competition "Fishermen"

Option 1. Props for the competition: a fishing rod with a fishing line to which a sinker is tied, empty beer bottles, a stopwatch. The task for the participants: to hit the neck of the bottle with a sinker, make a "cut" and "pull" the fish (pull the fishing rod so that the bottle falls on its side). The winner in the nomination "Fisherman of the Year" is the player who caught the most "fish" in 1 minute.

Option 2. This option is good for the case when the nomination "Fisherman of the Year" needs to be assigned to several participants at once. Props for the competition: three ropes 3 meters long, with sticks tied to them at the ends; dried fish tied to a rope in the center. Task for the players: stand opposite each other and grab the sticks tied to the rope. On a signal, quickly start winding the rope around the stick in order to be the first to get to the fish. Whoever spins the rope first is the winner.