Presentation on the theme of a snowman in a fairytale castle. Snowman birthday presentation

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\ The first snowmen were portrayed as evil snow monsters of enormous size. This is no coincidence, because in those ancient times, harsh winters with severe frosts and blizzards brought a lot of trouble. Most likely, it was then that beliefs appeared, according to which snowmen pose a great threat to people. Only over time, the snowman became a symbol of the winter holidays!

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In Russia, snowmen have been sculpted since ancient pagan times and revered as the spirits of winter. They, like Frost, were treated with due respect and asked for help and to reduce the duration of severe frosts. By the way, snowmen and the Snow Maiden are our Russian property. Our ancestors believed that winter natural phenomena(fogs, snows, blizzards) are commanded by female spirits. Therefore, to show them their respect, they sculpted snowmen.

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According to an old European parable, St. Francis of Assisi considered the creation of snowmen to be a kind of method of dealing with demons. And according to another Christian legend, snowmen are angels. After all, snow is a gift from heaven. This means that the snowman is none other than an angel who can convey people's requests to God. For this little snowman, they sculpted from freshly fallen snow and quietly whispered their desire to him. They believed that as soon as the snow figurine melted, the wish would immediately be delivered to heaven and would soon come true.

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In Europe, snowmen were always made near houses, generously decorated with garlands and household utensils, wrapped in scarves, and branched brooms were handed into hands. In the details of their "clothes" a mystical character is guessed. For example, a nose in the form of a carrot was attached to propitiate the spirits that send harvest and fertility. An inverted bucket on the head symbolized prosperity in the house.

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According to an old legend, at the end of the 15th century, around 1493, the Italian sculptor, architect, poet Michelangelo Buonarroti first made a snow figure. According to historical research, the first written mention of a snowman is found in an 18th-century book: it speaks of a “beautiful snowman” of gigantic proportions.

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It was only in the 19th century that snow creatures “took better” and soon became an indispensable attribute of Christmas and New Year. Greeting cards with a picture of a cute smiling snowman surrounded by cheerful children quickly gained popularity. It is curious that, in the view of European peoples, a snowman is always a male creature, they never had snow women and snow maidens. IN English language there is only one word to designate it - "snowman".

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Worldwide records are set for sculpting the tallest snowmen. The highest snowman in Europe flaunts on the slopes of a ski resort in Austria, in the town of Galtür: its height has reached 16 meters 70 centimeters. And the record for creating the tallest snowman in the world was set in the United States of America in 1999, its height is 37 meters 20 centimeters, and its weight is 6 thousand tons of snow. Used resources ?newsid=13886 showthread.php?t=87277 May the Snowmen bring you happiness and good luck in the new year!

Such a great idea came up with the collector Cornelius Grötz from Germany. He began to collect images of a snowman as a young man and entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2008 with his collection! It has more than three thousand exhibits! And all this - Snowmen! And this collector offered to celebrate the Day of the Snowman. Cornelius thought thus: First, in the middle of January there is snow in many countries. Secondly, the number 18 looks like a snowman holding a broom. Thirdly, fortunately, there was no international holiday on this day! In addition, the Snowman can become a symbol for actions in defense of environment, after all, Snowmen are terribly afraid of warming. It will become warmer everywhere, the snow will disappear, and with it the Snowman.

In Russia, Snowman Day is celebrated on February 28, so we are lucky: we have the opportunity to celebrate twice!!! This day is a good occasion to get together with the whole family and have fun.

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The first snowmen were depicted as evil snow monsters of enormous size. This is no coincidence, because in those ancient times, harsh winters with severe frosts and blizzards brought a lot of trouble. Most likely, it was then that beliefs appeared, according to which snowmen pose a great threat to people. Only over time, the snowman became a symbol of the winter holidays!

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In Russia, snowmen have been sculpted since ancient pagan times and revered as the spirits of winter. They, like Frost, were treated with due respect and asked for help and to reduce the duration of severe frosts. By the way, snowmen and the Snow Maiden are our Russian property. Our ancestors believed that the winter natural phenomena (fogs, snows, blizzards) are commanded by female spirits. Therefore, to show them their respect, they sculpted snowmen.

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According to an old European parable, St. Francis of Assisi considered the creation of snowmen to be a kind of method of dealing with demons. And according to another Christian legend, snowmen are angels. After all, snow is a gift from heaven. This means that the snowman is none other than an angel who can convey people's requests to God. For this little snowman, they sculpted from freshly fallen snow and quietly whispered their desire to him. They believed that as soon as the snow figurine melted, the wish would immediately be delivered to heaven and would soon come true.

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In Europe, snowmen were always made near houses, generously decorated with garlands and household utensils, wrapped in scarves, and branched brooms were handed into hands. In the details of their "clothes" a mystical character is guessed. For example, a nose in the form of a carrot was attached to propitiate the spirits that send harvest and fertility. An inverted bucket on the head symbolized prosperity in the house.

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According to an old legend, at the end of the 15th century, around 1493, the Italian sculptor, architect, poet Michelangelo Buonarroti first made a snow figure. According to historical research, the first written mention of a snowman is found in an 18th-century book: it speaks of a “beautiful snowman” of gigantic proportions.

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It was only in the 19th century that snow creatures “took better” and soon became an indispensable attribute of Christmas and New Year. Greeting cards with a picture of a cute smiling snowman surrounded by cheerful children quickly gained popularity. It is curious that, in the view of European peoples, a snowman is always a male creature, they never had snow women and snow maidens. In English, there is only one word for it - "snowman".

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Worldwide records are set for sculpting the tallest snowmen. The highest snowman in Europe flaunts on the slopes of a ski resort in Austria, in the town of Galtür: its height has reached 16 meters 70 centimeters. And the record for creating the tallest snowman in the world was set in the United States of America in 1999, its height is 37 meters 20 centimeters, and its weight is 6 thousand tons of snow.

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The smallest snowman is a snowman 5 times thinner than a human hair, the diameter of the balls is less than 0.01mm. It consists of two nano-balls of tin, its eyes and mouth are burned out by a focused ion beam, and its nose is made of platinum. It was created by specialists from the London National Physical Laboratory created the smallest snowman in the world.

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Used resources ?newsid=13886 showthread.php?t=87277 May the Snowmen bring you happiness and good luck in the new year!

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FEBRUARY 28 RUSSIAN SNOWMAN'S BIRTHDAY Our cheerful snowman is accustomed to children's laughter. He walks in the yard Days and nights in January. Instead of eyes - two coals, A scarf with a fringing, And a red carrot is visible from afar. According to one legend, snowmen are angels. After all, snow is a gift from heaven. And if the snowman is an angel, then he can convey people's requests to God. They conveyed their requests in this way - they sculpted a small snowman from freshly fallen snow and quietly whispered their desire to him. They believed that as soon as the snow figurine melted, the wish would immediately be delivered to heaven and would soon come true.

One morning in December, Boy Styopa in the yard, Fashioned a snowman. In his round sides, Instead of hands, he stuck two branches, Inserted coins instead of eyes, He made a nose from carrots, Marked his eyebrows, Even put on a hat, a scarf, Moving away a little, looked: It turned out to be a snowman, Growth, not at all large. Very kind and funny.

When did the first snowmen appear? When did the first snowmen appear? This fun winter idea has been known to people for more than one century. According to an old legend, the first snowmen were portrayed as unkind ferocious snow monsters of impressive size. This is no coincidence, because in those ancient times, ruthless winters with severe frosts and dank blizzards brought a lot of trouble ... Only in the 19th century, snow creatures "broke up" and soon became an indispensable attribute of Christmas and New Year. In Europe, snowmen were always made near houses, generously decorated with garlands and household utensils, wrapped in scarves, and branched brooms were handed into hands. In the details of their "clothes" a mystical character is guessed. For example, a nose in the form of a carrot was attached to propitiate the spirits that send harvest and fertility. An inverted bucket on the head symbolized prosperity in the house. In Romania, the custom of decorating a snowman with "beads" of garlic heads has long been known. It was believed that this contributes to the health of the household and protects them from the leprosy of dark power. In Russia, snowmen have been sculpted since ancient pagan times and revered as the spirits of winter. They, like Frost, were treated with due respect and asked for help and to reduce the duration of severe frosts. And the month of January is sometimes even called “snowman”. For our people, the snowman is one of the favorite New Year's characters.

Come on, my friend, dare my friend, Roll your snowball through the snow. It will turn into a thick lump, And it will become a snowman. His smile is so bright! Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom. But the sun will bake a little - Alas! - and no snowman.

Nowadays, the creation of snow figures remains not a favorite winter activity for children and adults. All over the world they set records for sculpting the most-most snowmen. The highest snowman in Europe flaunts on the slopes of a ski resort in Austria, in the town of Galtür: its height has reached 16 meters 70 centimeters. And the record for creating the tallest snowman in the world was set in the United States of America in 1999, its height is 37 meters 20 centimeters, and its weight is 6 thousand tons of snow. Nowadays, the creation of snow figures remains not a favorite winter activity for children and adults. All over the world they set records for sculpting the most-most snowmen. The highest snowman in Europe flaunts on the slopes of a ski resort in Austria, in the town of Galtür: its height has reached 16 meters 70 centimeters. And the record for creating the tallest snowman in the world was set in the United States of America in 1999, its height is 37 meters 20 centimeters, and its weight is 6 thousand tons of snow.

How big, How big, How big Our snowman! We sculpted not together, Not three, Not four, We worked with the whole yard!

Our snowman grew and grew. Aunt Masha has outgrown, Uncle Sasha has outgrown! Head up to the stars!

It has been dark outside for a long time, We are standing, looking out the window - He is bored there At night alone!

Growth from a hill - a small one Tomorrow we will make a snowman!

One - hand, two - hand -

We're making a snowman!

Three - four, three - four,

Let's draw a wider mouth!

Five - find carrots for the nose,

We will find coals for the eyes.

Six - put on a hat askew.

Let him laugh with us.

Seven and eight, seven and eight

We will ask him to dance.

Nine - ten - snowman

Over the head - somersault!!!

Well, the circus!

Why look for it in the mountains? You will find it in the yards. From year to year, from century to century Bigfoot lives here. He stands on the yard heel, holding a broom

in hand. He amuses the guys all day, Bucket, put on on one side ...


The presentation was made

primary school teacher

Sultanbaeva Anna Vasilievna

The presentation "Snowman's Birthday" is intended for pupils of the senior preschool age in kindergarten. The presentation can be used during the entertainment dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Snowman according to the fabulous calendar, world day snowman and Snowman Day in Russia. The presentation contains informative information about the winter character.

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"Snowman Birthday Presentation"




fairy tale calendar

we are celebrating Snowman's birthday.

World Snowman Day is considered to be the birthday of the Snowman.

snowman day

celebrated in Russia.

A snowman is a simple snow sculpture consisting of three snowballs (balls) obtained by sculpting snowballs and rolling snow on them. The largest lump becomes the snowman's abdomen, the smaller one becomes the chest, and the smallest one becomes the head. The rest of the body can be done in different ways. Snowman arms can be made from two branches, but sometimes arms are made from two small snowballs.

In the "hands" of the snowman is given a shovel or broom. Sometimes a snowman is supplied with two feet of snowballs, as if peeking out from under the skirt of his fur coat. The nose of a snowman is made from carrots, but other materials (pebbles, sticks, coals) are sometimes used. They also denote other facial features. If possible, put a bucket on the snowman's head.

In ancient times, snowmen were portrayed as unkind, ferocious snow monsters of large sizes. This is no coincidence, because then there were ruthless winters with severe frosts and dank blizzards and brought a lot of trouble. It was then that beliefs appeared that snowmen pose a threat to people.

In Europe, snowmen were always made near houses, generously decorated with garlands and household utensils, wrapped in scarves, and branched brooms were handed into hands.

A nose in the form of a carrot was attached to propitiate the spirits that send harvest and fertility. An inverted bucket on the head symbolized prosperity in the house.

In Russia, snowmen have been sculpted since ancient times and revered as the spirits of winter. They, like Frost, were treated with due respect and asked for help and to reduce the duration of severe frosts.

No wonder there is an expression "mother winter", "father frost". And the month of January is sometimes even called “snowman”.

For our people, the snowman is one of the favorite New Year's characters.

In glorious Soviet cartoons“Snowman-mailer”, “When the Christmas trees are lit” the snowman acts as a faithful helper of Santa Claus with the housework.

In the Soviet Union, snowmen were skillfully painted on greeting cards. Wonderful children's fairy tales are dedicated to snowmen.