Who is a spectral analysis laboratory assistant. The salary level of the profession of a spectral analysis laboratory assistant

Job Description. Carrying out qualitative and quantitative spectral analyses, preparation of electrodes and samples for analysis. Preparation of standard solutions of developer and fixer. Preparation of spectral equipment, shooting, photo processing of photographic plates and measurement of spectrograms. Turning the quantometer on and off. Performing a photographic quantitative spectral analysis of cast iron, carbon and medium alloy steels for alloying elements, non-ferrous metals and alloys based on them under the guidance of a highly qualified laboratory assistant.

Must know: general information about optics, photography, electricity and chemistry; spectral analysis method; the essence of the method of three standards; chemical designation of alloying elements; appointment of various electrodes for spectral analysis; rules for handling reagents and acids; requirements for the quality of samples and analyses; basic provisions of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis.

§ 149. Laboratory assistant for spectral analysis (3rd category)

Job Description. Drawing up a survey plan and shooting spectrograms in order to perform high-quality photographic spectral analysis of simple objects. Checking the correct operation of photoelectric equipment: logarithmicity, electrical and photoelectric reproducibility. Sample transfer to solution or oxide. Performing a photographic quantitative spectral analysis of cast irons, carbon and medium alloy steels for alloying elements, non-ferrous metals and alloys based on them. Semi-quantitative analysis of medium alloy steels on steeloscopes.

Must know: fundamentals of optics, photography, electricity and chemistry; optical schemes and types of spectral instruments; microphotometer device; circuit diagrams of excitation sources; methods for measuring intensity; methods for constructing calibration graphs; allowable discrepancies between parallel analyses; methods of photometry of spectra; basic information about the structure of metals and alloys.

§ 150. Laboratory assistant for spectral analysis (4th category)

Job Description. Performance of non-standard (single) analyzes by spectrochemical method. Control over the quality of preparation of metal samples, electrodes. Chemical preparation of samples for spectrochemical methods of analysis of low concentrations and impurity elements in accordance with work instructions. Preparation of metal oxides. Preparation of synthetic standards and standard solutions. Performing quantitative analysis of samples using spectrochemistry methods. Qualitative and quantitative determination of components in heat-resistant corrosion-resistant steels, alloys and titanium alloys. Performing quantitative photographic and photoelectric spectral analysis according to work instructions of rocks, ores, products of their enrichment and metallurgical processing, alloyed steels, aluminum and copper alloys for alloying elements. Analysis of samples of cobalt silicon powder. Nickel analysis (anodes, melts, bases). Measurement of the wavelength of spectral lines using the spectrum of iron. Performing analysis for hydrogen and oxygen in alloys. Steeloscopic analysis of non-ferrous alloys. Performing local spectral analysis of non-ferrous alloys and medium alloy steels. Processing the results of spectral analysis using modern tools computer science.

Must know: conditions for the excitation of spectral lines; dependence of the intensity of spectral lines on the concentration of the element being determined; sources of light; main characteristics of spectral prism and diffraction instruments; characteristics of the emulsion curve; analysis of alloy solutions; essence of analysis methods pure substances; device and electrical circuit of generators. Methods of automated information processing.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

§ 151. Laboratory assistant for spectral analysis (5th category)

Job Description. Performance of non-standard (single) analyzes by photoelectric, photographic methods. Analysis of oxides, salts, fluorides, fluxes and slags. Production of synthetic standards for salts, oxides, fluxes and slags. Preparation of titrated solutions. Performing Local Spectral Analysis welds, defects in alloys. Participation in methodological work using photographic, spectrochemical, photoelectric, local and other spectral methods of analysis. Processing the results of spectral analysis using modern means computer technology.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

Must know: reasons for excitation of the spectra; spectral devices; methods of recording spectra; characteristics of spectral lines, qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis of alloys, solutions, oxides, salts, fluorides, fluxes, slags; determination of small impurities; methods of preparation of titrated solutions, the method of additions. Methods of automated information processing.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

§ 152. Spectral analysis laboratory assistant (6th category)

Job Description. Performing qualitative analysis of unknown samples. Metrological assessment of performed non-standard analyzes using computer technology. Certification analysis of the material of standard samples by the globular arc method with the production of preliminary primary oxide standards. Arbitration analysis. Installation, adjustment, focusing and adjustment of spectrographs, microphotolectors, quantometers, spectroprojectors and other spectral equipment and projection devices. Interlaboratory control of finished products. Supervision of the work of laboratory assistants of lower qualification. Processing the results of spectral analysis using modern computer technology.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

Must know: arrangement of spectral instruments and their optical schemes; basic metrological concepts; formulas for calculating the accuracy and reproducibility of analysis methods; methods of recording spectra; methods of pre-enrichment of samples; methods for determining small impurities; atlasanalytic lines; rules for adjustment and adjustment of serviced spectral equipment. Methods of automated information processing.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

Secondary education required.

§ 152a. Spectral analysis laboratory assistant (7th category)

(introduced by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

Job Description. Carrying out precision and non-standard spectral analysis of the elemental composition of various samples of spent nuclear fuel and certified samples using standard samples. The choice of conditions for conducting analyzes on a spectroanalytical complex, taking into account the properties of the analyzed substances, conducting analyzes on a spectrometer. Determination of microimpurities in commercial products. Separation of transuranium elements and fission products by extraction and other methods. Analysis by fractional distillation. Precision cleaning of extractants and preparation for work. Checking the spectrum analysis complex. Work in local network automated system laboratory analytical control. Determination of impurities in highly active products subject to vitrification. Implementation of quality and quantitative analysis on emission spectrometers controlled by a PC. Calibration of emission spectrometers. Adjustment of analytical programs. Participation in research work.

Must know: fundamentals of the structure and properties of metals and alloys; fundamentals of atomic emission spectrometry; fundamentals of radiochemistry; properties of ionizing radiation; arrangement of spectrum-analytical complexes; techniques for switching and tuning spectral equipment in the transition from one method of analysis to another; the principle of separating individual radioactive elements; rules for mathematical processing of test results; principles of using various databases within the local network; features of the spectral analysis of steels, non-ferrous metals and their alloys.

Requires secondary vocational education.

Issue approved by Decree State Committee USSR on Labor and Social Affairs and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31 / 3-30
(as edited by:
Decrees of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 12.10.1987 N 618 / 28-99, dated 18.12.1989 N 416 / 25-35, dated 15.05.1990 N 195 / 7-72, dated 22.06.1990 N 248 / 10-28,
Decrees of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 12/18/1990 N 451,
Decrees of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 24, 1992 N 60, of February 11, 1993 N 23, of July 19, 1993 N 140, of June 29, 1995 N 36, of June 1, 1998 N 20, of May 17, 2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2007 N 497, of October 20, 2008 N 577, of April 17, 2009 N 199)

Spectral analysis laboratory assistant

§ 148. Laboratory assistant for spectral analysis (2nd category)

Job Description. Conducting qualitative and quantitative spectral analyses, preparation of electrodes and samples for analysis. Preparation of developer and fixer standard solutions. Preparation of spectral equipment, shooting, photo processing of photographic plates and measurement of spectrograms. Turning the quantometer on and off. Performing a photographic quantitative spectral analysis of cast iron, carbon and medium alloy steels for alloying elements, non-ferrous metals and alloys based on them under the guidance of a highly qualified laboratory assistant.

Must know: general information about optics, photography, electricity and chemistry; spectral analysis method; the essence of the method of three standards; chemical designation of alloying elements; assignment of various electrodes for spectral analysis; rules for handling reagents and acids; requirements for the quality of samples and analyses; the main provisions of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis.

§ 149. Laboratory assistant for spectral analysis (3rd category)

Job Description. Drawing up a survey plan and shooting spectrograms in order to perform high-quality photographic spectral analysis of simple objects. Checking the correct operation of photoelectric equipment: logarithmicity, electrical and photoelectric reproducibility. Sample transfer to solution or oxide. Performing a photographic quantitative spectral analysis of cast irons, carbon and medium alloy steels for alloying elements, non-ferrous metals and alloys based on them. Semi-quantitative analysis of medium alloy steels on steeloscopes.

Must know: fundamentals of optics, photography, electricity and chemistry; optical schemes and types of spectral instruments; microphotometer device; circuit diagrams of excitation sources; intensity measurement methods; methods for constructing calibration graphs; allowable discrepancies between parallel analyses; methods of photometry of spectra; basic information about the structure of metals and alloys.

§ 150. Laboratory assistant for spectral analysis (4th category)

Job Description. Performance of non-standard (single) analyzes by spectrochemical method. Control over the quality of preparation of metal samples, electrodes. Chemical preparation of samples for spectrochemical methods of analysis of low concentrations and impurity elements according to work instructions. Preparation of metal oxides. Preparation of synthetic standards and standard solutions. Performing quantitative analysis of samples using spectrochemistry methods. Qualitative and quantitative determination of components in heat-resistant corrosion-resistant steels, alloys and titanium alloys. Performing quantitative photographic and photoelectric spectral analysis according to work instructions of rocks, ores, products of their enrichment and metallurgical processing, alloyed steels, aluminum and copper alloys for alloying elements. Analysis of samples of cobalt powder for silicon. Nickel analysis (anodes, melts, bases). Measurement of the wavelength of spectral lines using the spectrum of iron. Performing analysis for hydrogen and oxygen in alloys. Steeloscopic analysis of non-ferrous alloys. Performing local spectral analysis of non-ferrous alloys and medium alloy steels. Processing the results of spectral analysis using modern computer technology.

Must know: conditions for excitation of spectral lines; dependence of the intensity of spectral lines on the concentration of the element being determined; sources of light; main characteristics of spectral prism and diffraction instruments; characteristics of the emulsion curve; analysis of solutions and alloys; the essence of methods for the analysis of pure substances; device and electrical circuit of generators. Methods of automated information processing.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

§ 151. Laboratory assistant for spectral analysis (5th category)

Job Description. Performance of non-standard (single) analyzes by photoelectric, photographic methods. Analysis of oxides, salts, fluorides, fluxes and slags. Production of synthetic standards for salts, oxides, fluxes and slags. Preparation of titrated solutions. Performing local spectral analysis of welds, defects in alloys. Participation in methodological work using photographic, spectrochemical, photoelectric, local and other spectral methods of analysis. Processing the results of spectral analysis using modern computer technology.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

Must know: reasons for excitation of the spectra; spectral instruments; methods of recording spectra; characteristics of spectral lines, qualitative and quantitative methods for the analysis of alloys, solutions, oxides, salts, fluorides, fluxes, slags; determination of small impurities; methods of preparation of titrated solutions, method of additions. Methods of automated information processing.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

§ 152. Laboratory assistant for spectral analysis (6th category)

Job Description. Performing qualitative analysis of unknown samples. Metrological assessment of performed non-standard analyzes using computer technology. Certification analysis of the material of standard samples by the globular arc method with the manufacture of preliminary primary oxide standards. Arbitration analysis. Installation, adjustment, focusing and adjustment of spectrographs, microphotolectors, quantometers, spectroprojectors and other spectral equipment and projection devices. Interlaboratory control of finished products. Supervision of the work of laboratory assistants of lower qualification. Processing the results of spectral analysis using modern computer technology.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

Must know: arrangement of spectral instruments and their optical schemes; basic metrological concepts; formulas for calculating the accuracy and reproducibility of analysis methods; methods of recording spectra; sample pre-enrichment methods; methods for determining small impurities; atlas of analytical lines; rules for adjustment and adjustment of serviced spectral equipment. Methods of automated information processing.

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

Secondary education required.

§ 152a. Spectral analysis laboratory assistant (7th grade)

(introduced by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2008 N 577)

Job Description. Carrying out precision and non-standard spectral analysis of the elemental composition of various samples of spent nuclear fuel and certified samples using standard samples. The choice of conditions for conducting analyzes on a spectrum analysis complex, taking into account the properties of the analyzed substances, conducting analyzes on a spectrometer. Determination of trace impurities in commercial products. Separation of transuranium elements and fission products by extraction and other methods. Analysis by fractional distillation. Precision cleaning of extractants and their preparation for work. Checking the spectrum analysis complex. Work in the local network of the automated system of laboratory analytical control. Determination of impurities in highly active products subject to vitrification. Performing qualitative and quantitative analysis on PC-controlled emission spectrometers. Calibration of emission spectrometers. Adjustment of analytical programs. Participation in research work.

Must know: fundamentals of the structure and properties of metals and alloys; fundamentals of atomic emission spectrometry; fundamentals of radiochemistry; properties of ionizing radiation; arrangement of spectrum-analytical complexes; techniques for switching and tuning spectral equipment in the transition from one method of analysis to another; the principle of separating individual radioactive elements; rules for mathematical processing of analysis results; principles of using various databases within a local network; features of the spectral analysis of steels, non-ferrous metals and their alloys.

Requires secondary vocational education.

Quite often, in metallurgy and mechanical engineering, spectral analysis is used to determine the composition of an object. A spectral analysis laboratory assistant can correctly apply this method of study.

Description of the profession

The spectral analysis laboratory assistant not only examines various samples, but also evaluates them with the help of special instruments. He also needs to have an idea of ​​​​how the equipment used functions, what are its features, how to build its work correctly.

The duties of a specialist include quality control of samples taken for analysis, and preparatory work with solutions and equipment.

In order to work as a laboratory assistant, it is necessary to pass a medical commission, briefings, as well as an internship, which can last about 14 days. After completion of the internship, it will be necessary to pass certification, confirming the required level of knowledge. In the future, such an audit will be carried out annually.

The spectral analysis laboratory assistant is informed about the negative factors that he may be exposed to during the performance of his labor obligations. Therefore, he should not neglect safety precautions and special equipment: an apron, gloves, glasses. Also, laboratory assistants are taught to provide first aid in case of emergency.

Before starting work, the laboratory assistant must inspect his working space, check the operability of all devices and the condition of the protective equipment. If any of this does not meet quality standards, has malfunctions and defects, you must immediately contact the higher management with the problem. It is strictly forbidden to start work with incorrectly working equipment.

At the end of the working day, the spectral analysis laboratory assistant must reset his workplace, check the entire inventory, complete the reporting. If the employee works on a shift schedule, he needs to transfer all the data to a colleague.

The spectral analysis laboratory assistant has extensive employment options. For example, he can work in public or private laboratories, conduct research for the metallurgical field or astrophysics.

Where to learn the profession of spectral analysis laboratory assistant?

To work as a laboratory assistant higher education is not prerequisite, although preferred. In this specialty, they are trained in schools and colleges, as well as in specialized courses.

In the process of learning the basics of the profession, future specialists should be familiar with the following techniques: how to carry out preparatory work, what methods of analysis exist, how to prepare the necessary solutions, how to draw conclusions from the results obtained.

Also, in order to assign a new category, laboratory assistants must take refresher courses and pass the final certification. At the same time, the validity of the certificate is 5 years, after the expiration of the period it will need to be renewed.

Ranks of the profession laboratory assistant of spectral analysis

The level of qualification determines what kind of scope of work the specialist will have to do: the higher the category, the more diverse and complex the tasks will be.

Spectral analysis laboratory assistant 2nd grade

Must know various ways spectral analysis. To a greater extent, performs preparatory work, but under the supervision of a colleague with more highly qualified may be allowed to conduct research.

Spectral analysis laboratory assistant 3rd category

Analyzes simple objects. In addition, he knows the principles of operation of the equipment, can configure them, and identify problems.

Spectral analysis laboratory assistant 4th category

It is allowed to conduct non-standard studies that are not regular. He can oversee the work of a 2nd category laboratory assistant and check its quality.

Spectral analysis laboratory assistant 5th category

Knows how to prepare solutions, knows the principles of automated information processing. Can become one of the participants in research where photographic, spectrochemical, photoelectric, local and other spectral analysis technologies are used.

Laboratory assistant for spectral analysis of the 6th category

Working on analysis of unknown samples. It is also his responsibility to supervise finished products and the activities of lower-skilled colleagues.

Laboratory assistant for spectral analysis of the 7th category

Must know the properties of metals and alloys, the features of their structure, what features arise if spectral analysis is applied to them.

Personal qualities of the profession spectral analysis laboratory assistant

For the successful completion of the tasks assigned to him, the laboratory assistant must have certain character traits and personality traits. These include: attentiveness, responsibility, perseverance, readiness for monotonous work, resourcefulness, erudition and curiosity.

For the most part, a laboratory assistant is an employee of intellectual labor, so a professional must have a sharp mind and be ready for creative work. AT labor activity spatial thinking and the ability to assemble in a stressful situation and make decisions quickly will also be indispensable.

The salary level of the profession of a spectral analysis laboratory assistant

Compared to many other working specialties, laboratory assistants have a fairly modest salary. So, the average salary of this specialist is only 24,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of the profession of spectral analysis laboratory assistant

To positive aspects professions include:

    high demand in the labor market;

    the possibility of mastering the profession inseparably from the work process;

    career growth prospects.

Among cons professions should be noted:

  • low salary level.