How to learn to identify a problem. Text problem wording

1. How to formulate the problem?

    Read the text carefully and think about what idea (thought, concept) did the author spend efforts for? What did he want to say? Found? Try to ask a question to this thesis - it will be the problem of the text, formulated in an interrogative form. It is possible to formulate the problem using the construction with the genitive case: the problem of what? - influence…, responsibility…, roles… etc.

    The problem should be taken on a larger scale than just a special case described by the author ( the problem of mercy, moral choice (between what and what), social justice, cruel attitude (to what or to whom?), loneliness, purpose and meaning (life, writing, etc.), complexity of life, role (books, music, nature etc.) in a person's life and others. As a rule, the described case for the author is a reason for reflection or an illustration for reflection on the problem. This should be remembered. But at the same time, it is impossible to formulate the problem very generally: the problem of man, the problem of good and evil. The problem should be formulated rather narrowly, but not reduced to specific example given in the original text.

    The word "problem" (or "question") must necessarily sound in the text. And do not confuse the problem with the author's position. The position is designated as a thesis (complete sentence), and the problem is formulated either as a question, or a combination of the word "problem" with a noun in the genitive case.

2. How to comment on the text?

    Commentary is not a paraphrase, not a continuous quotation. To comment on the text, you must understand what does the author do to make the reader think about a particular issue.

    Important state and comment on the same problem, not different- the author in the text can raise several problems, it is important for you to talk about only one.

    Reflect on some questions related to the read text:
    It is important to analyze the text from the point of view of the problem you have identified and those aspects of it that will allow you to formulate the position of the author. What is important here is the word, image, detail, vital material on which reasoning is based, reliance on authoritative opinion (quotes) .
    The following options are possible:

    1) If artistic text and there is a plot, of course 1-2 sentences to convey the essence of the plot. Next, you can answer next questions:

    • On whose behalf is the narration being conducted (no need to put an equal sign between the hero-narrator and the author of the source text)?
    • Why does the author use this particular material to illustrate his point of view? Is the situation depicted by the author typical? What facts, details, important from the point of view of the indicated problem, does the author pay attention to? Why? What impression does this make on the reader?
    • What did you, as a reader, notice in the story? What mood is the author in? (sad irony, sarcasm, sadness, sadness, joy, etc.) It is necessary to indicate how this manifests itself (preferably based on the writer's (or publicist's) choice of specific words, details).
    • Why does the character (narrator) act in this way? How does this act help to understand the author's position?

    2) If journalistic or scientific text, then the following questions can be answered:

    • What does the author do so that readers understand his point of view (what life (scientific) material attracts)?
    • How does the author build evidence (comparison, contrasting facts (positions), citing, emphasizing important details)?
    • What exactly did you, as a reader, note in the narrative (author's intonation, irony)? What seemed strange to you, unexpected?
    • How does the author lead the reader to understand his point of view?
    Please note that you need to comment on the problem reflected in the text, and not just the text and its topics, and not just the problem in isolation from the text.

Author's position in publicistic text, is likely to be labeled directly, and is easy to spot. It is better not to quote the whole sentence, which reflects the author's point of view, but to quote it in part or convey it in your own words. However, if you quote, the score will not be lowered. If artistic text, the position of the author may not be stated directly. Here it is necessary to pay attention to some features of a literary text:

  • If the author simply talks about an event without interfering with the narrative, and his position is still not indicated directly, you can write something like this: The writer does not directly express his attitude to what is happening, but we, the readers, are well aware that ... (conditionally speaking, it is unacceptable to do so, because it entails ...).

    Some authors use a "mask": they speak on behalf of the hero-narrator, make him utter frank nonsense, commit unseemly acts, while they themselves seem to remain on the sidelines, it is difficult to determine their position. What to do in such cases? Need to take a closer look, what are the actions of the hero and what are their consequences? What is the narrator's speech like (especially if it contains speech errors)? If the character is acting, from your point of view, wrong, then perhaps the author thinks the same way as you. Simply put, no need to put an equal sign between the author and the hero-narrator.

Avoid sentences with multiple nouns in the genitive case, for example: rises in the text the problem of conveying meaning public speeches to the listeners.

In such cases, the noun should be replaced by a verb: how convey meaning public speaking to listeners?

At the same time, many students naively believe that with the help of a limited set of ready-made speech formulas, one can write a good essay. Remember that in any essay you should go from the text, from the logic of the author's thought, and not adjust the author's text to the template phrases you know.

So, the use of typical constructions requires the author of the composition to have certain skills. Let's try to give some advice.

1. Choose from the list of proposed constructions those that most accurately convey your idea or the idea of ​​the author of the source text.

2. Correctly include information from the source text in ready-made speech formulas, change them if necessary (not forgetting the requirements of grammar and speech culture).

3. Think through logical transitions from one thought to another. Each paragraph of the essay should represent a relatively complete whole.

The problem of the text is the question that the author reflects on. .

This question may not have a clear answer:What is the sense of life? What is beauty? What determines the formation of a person's personality? The problem may be some contradiction, a conflict between some groups of people, their views on life, such as the problem of "fathers" and "children".

Quite often, a text may touch upon several issues. Which of them should be the basis of the essay? Focus on the issue that

    gives a lot of scope for expressing thoughts, i.e. corresponds to your knowledge, life and reading experience.

Of particular difficulty is the identification of problems in the text of the artistic style, which describes the relationship of the characters, their actions, etc. In a work of art, the general patterns of life identified by the writer are embodied in specific artistic images. It requires the ability to generalize, to abstract from particulars, specific details of a given text. You can ask the following questions about the text:

    What aspect of a person's life does this situation reflect? ( Social- man and society; political- man and government, ecological- man and Environment; moral (ethical)- human relations, moral values.)

    What similar situations, cases do you know?

    What personality traits of the characters are shown in this situation? (Compassion, mercy, nobility / rudeness, selfishness, cruelty, etc.)

    What abstract concepts help characterize the essence of the described situation? (Understanding/misunderstanding, friendship/betrayal, heroism/cowardice, love/hatred, etc.).

Formulation of the text problem in the form of a question:

If necessary …

What for…

What happens if…

Is it possible to…

What to do…

Who benefits...

Who is to blame for...

When it will be…

Where …

How to explain…


How are connected...

How does it affect...?

This is one of the problems with the text. The author of the article reflects on this. This question is considered by the author. The author tries to answer this question.

If you find a problem, you can use the following technique:

1. Formulate the main idea of ​​the author in the form of a complete sentence.

2. Think about what question this sentence answers.

3. Write down this question, which is the problem statement.

For example, the author of the text convinces us thatknowledge of history helps a person to better understand the events of the present. So the corresponding problem can be formulated as follows:What gives a person knowledge of history? or Why does a person need to know history?

Exercise 1.What problems are not touched upon by K. G. Paustovsky in the text?

    the problem of human destiny;

    the problem of maternal love;

    the problem of loneliness;

    the problem of old age;

    breaking the link between generations;

    the problem of civic duty;

    the problem of the meaning of life;

    the problem of life and death.

Task 2. In the above fragments, the formulation of the problem is given, which K. G. Paustovsky reflects on. Evaluate fragments of essays, if necessary, edit or write your own version.

    “The author of this text is G.K. Paustovsky. He writes about Katerina Ivanovna, a lonely old woman. What significance did the hero of the text play in the life of Ekaterina Ivanovna? What role do compassion and mercy play in society? Why do children leave their parents and leave them to their fate? The problem raised by the author is extremely relevant today.

    “The author of this text, K. G. Paustovsky, talks about the warm feelings evoked in the soul of the hero Katerina Ivanovna and her loneliness. In connection with this topic, the author is interested in the problem: “Why did her daughter Nastya leave her”?

    “Paustovsky puts in the text about Katerina Ivanovna very actual problems. First, it is a problem of relationships in the family. Secondly, the writer makes you think that sometimes a stranger is closer to his own daughter ... "

    “In my opinion, talking about Katerina Ivanovna, who was “alone in the world,” Paustovsky highlights in a new way one of the most tragic problems of mankind - the rupture of ties between generations, which in our time entails a non-ideological conflict (as, for example, , in the novel "Fathers and Sons"), but, it would seem, something quite ordinary and therefore even sadder - a lonely old age.

    “Each of us wants to meet old age not alone, wants to have loving family, children, grandchildren, who will have something to tell and who will have something to teach, and everyone dreams that loved ones are always there and never left to the mercy of fate.

Like all people, the heroine of the story, K.G., also wanted this. Paustovsky Katerina Ivanovna. The author makes the main problem of lonely old age, at the same time condemning the moral deafness of beloved children in relation to their parents.


1) Katerina Ivanovna never complained about anything, except for senile weakness. (2) But I knew from a neighbor and from the stupid kind old man Ivan Dmitriev, the watchman at the fire shed, that Katerina Ivanovna was alone in the world. Katerina Ivanovna has a few. (4) An hour is not even, and she will die without seeing her daughter, without caressing her, without stroking her blond hair of “charming beauty” (as Katerina Ivanovna spoke of them).

(5) Nastya sent money to Katerina Ivanovna, but even that happened intermittently. (6) No one knows how Katerina Ivanovna lived during these breaks.

(7) Once Katerina Ivanovna asked me to take her to the garden, where she had not been since early spring, weakness did not let her.

(8) - My dear, - said Katerina Ivanovna, - you won’t exact from me, from the old one. (9) I want to remember the past, finally see the garden. (10) In it, as a girl, I read Turgenev. (11) Yes, and I planted some trees myself.

(12) She dressed for a very long time. (13) She put on an old warm cloak, a warm scarf and, holding tightly to my hand, slowly descended from the porch.

(14) It was already evening. (15) The garden flew around. (16) Fallen leaves prevented walking. (17) They crackled loudly and moved underfoot, a star lit up in the green dawn. (18) Far above the forest hung the sickle of the month.

(19) Katerina Ivanovna stopped near a weather-beaten linden tree, leaned her hand on it and cried.

(20) I held her tightly so that she would not fall. (21) She cried like very old people, not ashamed of her tears.

(22) “God forbid you, my dear,” she told me, “live to such a lonely old age!” (23) God forbid!

(24) I carefully led her home and thought: how happy I would be if I had such a mother!

(According to K.G. Paustovsky)

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USE (essay) Text problem

The PROBLEM of the text is the subject of discussion, the question on which the author argues.

Types of problems philosophical social political moral environmental aesthetic General issues Device And Society Life Activities State. power Spiritual life of man Interaction between man and nature Perception of beauty by man

Determine the problem of this text How and with what can one really compare the beauty of Baikal? We will not assure you that there is nothing more beautiful than Baikal in the world: each of us loves and loves his own side, and for the Eskimo or Aleut, as you know, its tundra and icy desert is the crown of natural perfection and wealth. From birth, we absorb the air, salts and pictures of our homeland, they influence our character and to a large extent organize our life composition. Therefore, it is not enough to say that they are dear to us, we are part of them, the part that is composed natural environment; in us her ancient and eternal voice is bound to speak and speaks. It is pointless to compare, giving preference to anything, the ice of Greenland with the sands of the Sahara, the Siberian taiga with the Central Russian steppe, even the Caspian Sea with Baikal, you can only convey your impressions about them. All this is beautiful in its beauty and amazing in its life.

Algorithm for identifying the problem of the work Analyze the actions, speech of the characters Determine what qualities are manifested in these actions What abstract nouns call these qualities (duty, honor, selfishness) Formulate the problem using keywords Identify the main idea of ​​the text Write it down as a complete sentence Determine which question answers this sentence Write down this question, which is the problem

Ways of formulating the problem Formulate in your own words: A) problem + noun in R.p. The author invites us to think about the problem of “fathers and children” B) using interrogative sentences Can an individual person influence the course of history? This is the problem that has attracted the attention of the author. To quote “Why is the TV replacing the book now?” - D. Likhachev begins his text with such a question. Indicate the number of the sentence in the text

Typical constructions for formulating a problem Problem (what?) Complex, important, serious, deep, relevant, acute, etc. The problem (what?) of upbringing, education, patriotism, heroism, the meaning of life, fathers and children, nobility, the influence of the beauty of nature on a person, the preservation of the native language O. of the author in R.p.) the problem is raised ... The text proposed for analysis (full name of the author in R.p.) is devoted to the problem ... The text (full name of the author in R.p.) made me think about a complex problem .. How (why, why) ...? It was this problem that attracted the attention of the writer. (Full name of the author in R.p.) invites its readers to think about the problem

What does an expert check? No. Criteria for evaluating the answer to the task 25 The content of the essay K1 Formulation of the problems of the source text The examinee correctly formulated one of the problems of the source text. There are no factual errors related to the understanding and formulation of the problem. 1 The examinee could not correctly formulate any of the problems in the original text. 0 If the problem is formulated incorrectly or is not formulated, then the work according to the criteria K1-K4 is estimated at 0 points

Typical Mistakes The history of mankind is the history of its culture, and therefore an attack on culture is always an attack on humanity as a whole. Genghis Khan burned cities and destroyed shrines not only out of innate malice, but also because of the lack of elementary culture, misunderstanding that, apart from the horse and the tent, there are other values ​​in the world. I say this not as an apology to Genghis Khan, but with a different purpose - to explain that civilized vandals act not from ignorance, not from darkness, but relying on a clear conviction that the destruction of a high culture in general or some people is good. In one case, the idea comes to mind to burn other people's cities, and drag the valuables from museums to our own, in the other, to cancel Chaliapin. And instead of joining the peaks of art, envy and aggression arise. (according to N. Samvelyan) This text raises the problem of the history of mankind and armed conflicts. N. Samvelyan's text puts forward the problem of the significance of culture for a person. Mankind has improved throughout its history. Why do envy and aggression still exist? This question arises after reading the text. The problem of the text is that it is necessary to protect and protect cultural heritage humanity, not destroy it. The problem of the text is that the history of mankind is the history of its culture. And Genghis Khan burned cities and destroyed shrines, as he was an uncultured person.

What type of problems are these? Set a match. What is the danger of the policy of nationalism? Can social injustice be avoided? What is the meaning of human life? Do you need to take care of the people around you? Does man have the right to intervene in the life of nature? A. Philosophical B. Political C. Ecological D. Moral E. Social

Choose the right problem Man stood out as a man in the process of knowing nature. Knowing it, he realized himself as a thinking, creative being. Knowledge was a real satisfaction. It is satisfaction, complete, harmonious, perhaps because the knowledge of nature is communion with it and with eternity. And because knowledge occurs through creativity, a person discovers something new, creates. He is a creator. He is the creator, he is a god, mankind was formed not by emperors, priests, but by those who created the ax, the wheel, the plane, who found cereals, who followed the stars, who discovered iron, radio waves. What is harmony? What is the role of knowledge in the process of human development? What are the limits of knowledge of the surrounding world? What are the prospects for technological progress?

Formulate and write down the problem A person's brightest time is childhood. Everything that is connected with childhood seems wonderful later. This golden, but, alas, no longer accessible country attracts a person all his life - only memories remain, but how sweet, how insatiable, how they excite the soul. Even the hardships suffered in childhood do not seem terrible later, but are painted in a softening, reconciling light. (according to V. Soloukhin)

Formulate and write down the problem When the rich man Rothschild is praised in my presence, who from his enormous income devotes whole thousands to the upbringing of children, to the treatment of the sick, to the charity of the old, I praise and am touched. But praising and touching, I cannot help but recall one wretched peasant family who adopted an orphaned niece into their ruined little house. - We will take Katya, the woman said, - our last pennies will go to her - there will be nothing to get salt, salt stew ... - And we ... and not salty, - answered the man, her husband. Rothschild is far from this guy. (according to I.S. Turgenev)

Mistakes in formulating the problem The author of the text reflects on the problem of national conflicts The author of the text reflects on the problem of national conflicts Who benefits from inciting ethnic strife? Y. Lotman discusses this problem. Who benefits from inciting ethnic hatred? Y. Lotman discusses this problem. The text raises the problem of nationalism of peoples The text raises the problem of interethnic hostility Y. Lotman poses to the reader the problem of national conflicts. Yu.Lotman invites the reader to think about the problem of interethnic conflicts. The author of the text suggests thinking about the following problem: is it possible to avoid racial discrimination? The author of the text suggests thinking about the following problem: is it possible to avoid ethnic conflicts?

Writing is the hardest part of the exam. Its successful completion is important for every student, because the score for the essay is almost half of the primary score for the entire work. A "littered" essay will prevent you from getting a high score on the exam, even if the test part is completed perfectly.

The correct definition of the problem of the source code is a significant component of success. A correctly found problem allows you to get points for K1-K4. A problem is considered correct if it actually exists in the text. Moreover, in the materials for the expert, your problem may not be indicated if it is not the main one. This does not mean that the correct thought will not be counted: experts are guided by common sense and count unusual, but correct formulations.

Reading the text

The original text must be read at least twice. The bigger, the better. The most important thing is to catch main idea. You can check the quality of work on the text by trying to retell the content: if important points omitted in the retelling, the text needs to be read again. Read until you are sure that you have understood the content correctly. But watch the time, it goes very fast in the exam.

Emphasizing the important

At the second or third reading of the text, we highlight the points important for the future essay: the conclusions of the author, events, reasoning. You can write on printed exam materials, so just circle or underline the phrases you want. So it will be easier for the eye to cling to the text and quickly find the main thing. But do not get carried away, do not circle too much information.

Ask a question

After reading the text and highlighting the key points, we ask ourselves: "What did the author want to tell the reader by writing this text?". Answer the question yourself. Determine the topic of this question and understand what the author was worried about. The question that worries the author is the problem of the source text. As you can see, it is very easy to find it. It will be even easier if you use it in essays or read about their types. The main thing is to slowly understand the meaning of what you read, to get to the point.

Writing an essay

We start writing an essay by choosing one of the ways to formulate the problem. You can work with an essay in software or build its structure in your head. The main thing is that everything is correct and meets the criteria.