Uae country decoding. Geography of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

federal supreme court is the highest body of the judiciary. As in any modern civilized state, in the UAE the judiciary is separated from the executive.

The Federal Supreme Court is composed of five judges appointed by the Supreme Council. Judges determine constitutionality federal laws and arbitrate disputes between the emirates and disputes between the federal government and the emirates.

Such a system of government may seem authoritarian, but it is natural for the Emiratis, has developed as a result of the history of the country.


Even 8,000 years ago, an ancient civilization arose on the territory of the modern UAE - the culture of Umm an-Nar. The climate then was much milder, which allowed the full development of agriculture. Over time, desertification occurred, and ancient culture faded away.

Until the 12th century, there were no large settlements here, the area was inhabited by nomads, fishermen from the coast and a few inhabitants of the oases. In 632, on the territory of the modern emirate of Ras al-Khaimah, one of the most important battles of the “War against the Apostates” took place - the Battle of Daba.

Since the 12th century, port cities have been flourishing, the emirates have been participating in a developed trading network Indian Ocean, flourishing cultural and commodity exchange. In the 16th century, the Portuguese came to the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, capturing part of the ports.

In the 17th century, Portugal loses its power, the Dutch take control of the Persian Gulf. In the 18th century they were replaced by the British. For a long time, the emirates fall under British influence and partial control.

Read a detailed story in our large and interesting article “”.

Who lives in the UAE

Now (note: the article was written in 2017), only 10% of the population are indigenous Arabs (citizens). The rest are temporary workers from India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Iran, Egypt and other countries.

Their relationships are complex, which we wrote about in detail in the article “”.

The laws

The UAE has a very complex legal system, but also very interesting, it is a unique fusion of Islamic and Anglo-Saxon legal traditions.

Each emirate chooses for itself whether to have its own judicial system or join the federal one. On the this moment(note: the article was written in 2017) Only Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah have their own judicial system.

Sharia does not have the status of law in the UAE, but the country's legislation is largely based on Sharia law. There are Sharia courts in the country that deal with cases of divorce, guardianship, and family disputes. Secular courts handle criminal and administrative cases.

The UAE uses Islamic forms of punishment. For example, lashing is used, several dozen people a year receive similar sentences. Throwing stones as a form of the death penalty has been legalized, although it is now almost never used.

Much that we are already accustomed to is prohibited and punishable in the UAE:

Verbal abuse with sexual overtones can be punished with imprisonment or 80 lashes;

Abortions are punishable, up to 1 year in prison and up to AED 10,000 fine;

Apostasy from Islam is punishable by death;

Homosexuality is punishable by imprisonment - up to 12 years in prison;

You can go to jail for drunk driving or even drinking in a public place, which we talked about in the article "".

Interesting fact that crime in the UAE is very “young”. According to statistics in 2015, about 40% of all offenses were committed by minors (persons under 18).

Last modified 06/21/2019

The UAE is a country located in the Persian Gulf. The full name is the United Arab Emirates, the place is popular with Russian tourists. For everyone, the UAE evokes different associations, for some it's mosques and minarets, for others it's gorgeous beaches, and for others it's a bunch of chic boutiques and shops.


The United Arab Emirates is one of the countries of the Middle East, occupies a certain part of the Arabian Peninsula. To the east, Oman is adjacent to the UAE, Saudi Arabia is adjacent to the south and west, and Iran is to the north. The area of ​​the United Arab Emirates is 83.6 thousand square meters. km., it is comparable to the size of the Czech Republic, Serbia or Austria.

Much of the territory goes under the Arabian Desert. For human life, only five percent of the territory falls, and for agriculture, even 1.2 percent.

Population statistics for 2017 - 10 million people.

Division into Emirates

Abu Dhabi is considered the largest emirate, its area is 67320 sq. km, which is 80.5 percent of the territory of all emirates. Second place is occupied by Dubai with 3880 sq. km, almost 17 times inferior to Abu Dhabi. The smallest is Ajman, its area is 259 square meters. km.

Dubai is recognized as the most convenient and populated emirate. Dubai is home to 2.5 million people. Least of all people live in Umm al-Quwain, only 75 thousand. Sheikh is given full power, it is determined by the constitution.

Climate conditions in the UAE

Summer in the Emirates is unbearably hot, daytime temperatures can approach 40-44 degrees. On the territory of the Arabian Desert, the thermometer scale can show up to 51-53 degrees. In the Persian Gulf, the water temperature often reaches 36-38 degrees, it can be dangerous when swimming for a long time. Also, at the maximum air temperature in the summer season, the sand heats up very much, it becomes literally “burning”.


Emirates tourism statistics are hard to track as all Emirates maintain their own visitor statistics. It often happens that the same tourist flies to Dubai airport, but wants to live in Abu Dhabi, then this tourist can be counted more than once.

In 2017, according to statistics, about 19 million tourists visited the Emirates.

The tourism industry is rapidly going up in the Emirates. In 2015, 14.2 million people visited the country, in 2016 - 17 million people, but by 2030 the UAE wants to receive 30 million visitors.

Due to tourism in the country for the year there is an increase of approximately 68.6 billion dirhams, which is as much as 18.3 billion dollars. The Emirate of Dubai in tourism GDP is twice the oil revenue.

The country's tourism industry employs 3 percent of the population, and the figure is increasing every year. One of the main tourist destinations is Dubai. In 2017, out of 19 million people who visited the country, 15.2 million people ended up in Dubai.

Dubai will overtake London soon retail sales and will become the main "shopping mecca".

However, in 2018 the growth rate of tourism and retail is likely to decline. In the emirates, there are no VAT and VAT taxes, which gives the minimum price on the shelves. In 2018, it is planned to introduce VAT at a rate of 5 percent, then prices will start to rise. The United Arab Emirates wants to significantly increase the flow of tourism. By 2020, it is planned to build many more hotels, in which the capacity will reach 57,000 rooms.

In addition to shopping, many tourists are interested in visiting sandy beaches, as well as world-famous ones: Dubai Mall, Sheikh Zayed Mosque, the famous fountains of Dubai, Ferrari World parks. Dubai is home to 200 different nations, so there are chic restaurants with various cuisines.

Political system

The UAE is 7 emirates, each has its own ruler, whose power is limited.

Now federal structures regulate the banking sector, territorial waters, labor Relations extradition of people who have committed crimes. Other issues can be decided by the emirs. The highest representatives of the state are the President and the Prime Minister. The main authorities are:

  • The Supreme Council;
  • Council of Ministers;
  • federal supreme court;
  • federal national council

The supreme body representing the executive and legislative power is the Supreme Council, in which there are 7 emirs. The Supreme Council can elect / remove the President, as well as the Prime Minister, reserves weighty decisions. For a decision to be made, the consent of 5 emirates is required, and two of them are mandatory - Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Such an interesting democratic form is taking place in the United Arab Emirates. The Supreme Council is convened 4 times a year, and also in cases of urgent need.

Council of Ministers. When the Prime Minister is appointed by the Supreme Council, he proposes the composition of ministers to the President. With the approval of the president, cabinet work begins. The Council of Ministers decides important questions currently in the country, it consists of 22 members.

The Federal Council is the parliament of the Emirates, it has 40 deputies. Dubai and Abu Dhabi present 8 candidates each, Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah nominate 6 candidates each, Umm al-Quwain, Ajman and Fujairah nominate 4 candidates each.

The federal national council can discuss laws and make constitutional changes. The Federal National Council is an advisory body, it has no power, it can propose ideas to the government.

The Federal Supreme Court is the highest body representing the judiciary.

History of the UAE

About 8 millennia ago, on the site of the present Arab Emirates, a civilization was born - Umm-an-Nar. At that time, the climate was milder, and agriculture developed. Then came the era of deserts, the centers of culture began to fade.

Before the onset of the 12th century, there were no large settlements on the territory, the territory was inhabited by nomads, residents from oases.

The year 632 was remembered for the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah by an important battle.

The 12th century is characterized by the flourishing of ports, the establishment of trade across the Indian Ocean, the development of trade, and the exchange of cultures.

The 16th century is remembered by the arrival of the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, there is a partial capture of ports.

In the 17th century, the Dutch come to replace the Portuguese, they take the Persian Gulf under their control.

18th century - the displacement of the Dutch by the British, then the emirates fall under the rule of Britain.

1971 - Great Britain leaves the Persian Gulf, 7 emirates form the state - the United Arab Emirates.

Who lives in the Emirates

Emirates has a difficult system legal relations. For each emirate there is a choice - the presence of its own judicial system or adjacency to the federal one. Often in the UAE they rely on Sharia prohibitions. Sharia courts can resolve issues related to guardianship, divorce, and family disputes. Secular courts are responsible for the criminal and administrative part. There is a place for Islamic punishment in the UAE. For example, dozens of people receive lashes as punishment. The death penalty, stoning to death, is legal in this country, but it is used extremely rarely.

In the UAE, many things are subject to prohibition and punishment. For apostasy from Islam - execution. Abortions are not respected in the country - they are given 1 year in prison or a fine of 10,000 dirhams. For non-traditional orientation there is a risk of getting up to 12 years in prison. Oral humiliation with sexual overtones is punishable by a battle with whips. Drunk driving can also land you in jail and get a hefty fine. Drinking alcohol in public places is also punishable by fines. Interesting feature- 40 percent of all violations are accounted for by minors.


As many people think that the United Arab Emirates only do what they pump oil. In fact, this is completely false. Not all emirates are engaged in oil, its reserves are concentrated in two emirates, these are: Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Umm al-Quwain has small oil reserves, but they do not need to be taken into account. If you look at the 2017 statistics, you can see that only 4 percent of Dubai's GDP is allocated to oil. The main oil rigs are concentrated in Abu Dhabi. GDP in this emirate reaches 60 percent.

All emirates are rapidly promoting their economies, growth is noticeable Agriculture. Cultivation of dates in the Emirates is widely developed. The Emirates are engaged in the development of the financial sector, the insurance business, and the service sector. One of the most profitable industries for the UAE is tourism. Transport plays an important role in the country's GDP.


The biggest successes of the UAE are the widely developed air and water transport. In the UAE, you will find many of the world's leading airlines. This is:

  • Emirates;
  • Etihad;
  • Air Arabia;
  • Fly Dubai

Emirates is often used for long distances with transfers.

Dubai International is a huge air hub between the European and Asian parts, it is in 3rd place in the world in terms of passenger traffic. In 2016 alone, 83,600,000 people were received by the airport in Dubai.

Dubai is famous for its giant harbour. There are chic aircraft carriers belonging to the US Navy flotilla.

Transport within the country does not lag behind, a subway was built in Dubai, besides, automation is widely developed here, you will not meet drivers in the subway. Buses, a taxi network are widely used in the Emirates, there is a place for trams.

Armament in the UAE

The UAE has its own small army, the number of which is 65 thousand people. This is explained by the fact that only their own citizens are taken to the service, there is no recruitment of Indians or Pakistanis into the army, and there are not so many indigenous people in the Emirates.

The Emirates Air Force has 100 F-16 fighters, 30 transport aircraft, 2 reconnaissance aircraft, 13 helicopters, 2 AWACS aircraft.

As for ground weapons, here you can find powerful tanks from France, there are 388 of them, there are armored vehicles, tanks from England in the amount of 76 pieces, a lot of armored vehicles. The biggest disadvantage of the UAE army is the lack of experience.

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Geography of the UAE

The United Arab Emirates are located in the southwest of Asia between the states of Oman and Saudi Arabia, washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf. The outskirts of Dubai are occupied by deserts, mountains are located in the north of the country. The highest point in the country is Mount Jabal Yibir with a height of 1,527 km. The coastline of the country is 650 km. Most of the coast is covered with salt marshes.

The southern and western part of the largest emirate, Abu Dhabi, is occupied by sand dunes; in the desert where the emirate is located, there are two main oases with fresh water.

State structure of the UAE

The policy of the UAE is carried out within the framework of the republican system and absolute monarchy. The state consists of 7 emirates, which are monarchies: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Dubai, Ras al-Khaimah and Umm al-Quwain. The head of state is the Emir of Abu Dhabi, and the head of government is the Emir of Dubai.

Weather in the UAE

The country has a subtropical climate with hot summers and cool winters. It is best to come to the Emirates in October, November and February, March, when the air temperature does not exceed + 25C°. In the first winter months, the weather can be unpredictable - it often rains and there is high cloud cover.

UAE language

The official language of the country is Arabic. English is widely spoken among the local population.

Religion UAE

Islam is the state religion of the Emirate, but the government of the country gives residents freedom of religion. 76% of UAE residents are Muslims, 9% are Christians and 15% are followers of other faiths (mainly Hinduism).

UAE currency

The country's monetary unit is the UAE dirham (Dh). 1 dirham = 100 fils. Banknotes of 5, 10, 20.50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 dirhams are common. Coins - 1 dirham, 50, 25, 10 and 5 fils.

Often, currency exchange offices offer better rates than banks. Not all banks exchange traveller's checks. On the main streets of the cities there are ATMs that accept international bank cards.

Customs restrictions

Allowed duty-free import into the country:

  • alcoholic beverages (strong alcohol - 2 l / 2 l. Wine)
  • tobacco products (cigarettes - 1,000 pcs. / cigars - 200 pcs. / tobacco - 1 kg.)

It is forbidden to import into the country, weapons, narcotic substances.

Without declaring, you can import any amount of money.


It is customary to tip up to 10% of the bill if the tip is not already included in the bill.


The traditional UAE souvenirs include camel figurines, coffee pots, and dates. Fans of ancient weapons will find khanjar daggers, safe arabi sabers, and guns here. Interior decorations are popular among tourists: caskets made of wood with turquoise, figurines of steatite, marble goblets, rosaries, bottles with multi-colored sand.

On the streets of cities you can find copies of watches of famous brands. Hookahs, essential oils, aromatic balls are brought as gifts.

A lot of jewelry made of gold and other precious metals can be found at the Gold Souk in Dubai. People come to the Emirates for cheap cars, household appliances and electronics, prices for these goods are lower here due to low duties on imported goods.

Office Hours

Banks of the country work from 8 am to 1 pm (Sat. - Wed.). On Thursdays, banks are open from 6:00 to 12:00, Friday is a day off.

Most shops are open from 9 am to 1 pm, then from 4:30 pm to 10 pm seven days a week. Restaurants are open until 1 am, nightclubs - until 3 am.

Photo and video shooting

It is forbidden to take photos and videos of strategically important objects - bridges, airports, as well as public institutions, palaces of sheikhs and police stations. Residents of the UAE do not like to be photographed without permission, it is offensive to photograph local women.

National features of the UAE.


As in many Muslim countries, it is not recommended to appear on the streets of the UAE open clothes. It is forbidden to drink alcohol in public places, although tourists are not treated so strictly, but you need to remember that in Sharjah alcohol is prohibited even for visitors.

In the emirates, only certain shops under a special license can sell alcoholic beverages.

For showing excessive attention to the residents of the Emirate, as well as for foul language in public places, violators face a fine or imprisonment.

Mains voltage:


Country code:


First level geographic domain name:


Emergency Phones:

Ambulance - 999, 998
Police - 999
Fire - 997

On the Arabian Peninsula, in southwestern Asia, there are 7 states united in a federation - the United Arab Emirates. "Coast of Pirates" - this was the name of this federation, which includes the following emirates: Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah, Ajman, Al-Fujairah, Umm al-Kawain Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The largest of them is the emirate of Abu Dhabi, while Ajman is the smallest.

The state occupies an area of ​​more than 83 thousand square meters. km and borders Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The waters of the Persian Gulf wash the northern coast of the country, the Gulf of Oman - the eastern. The islands of Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa also belong to the UAE.

When looking at the country from a bird's eye view, the outlines of its territory are similar to the horn of a rhinoceros.

Sandy deserts and salt marshes occupy most of the area of ​​the United Arab Emirates. Rocky and sandy deserts lie in the western part of the country. The Hajar Mountains occupy the northeast and east. Mount Jabal Yibir, reaching 1527 m, is considered the highest point in the country. Flat salt marshes are common along the coast. Sand dunes extend east of El Udayd Bay. Coral reefs and islets line the country's coastline, which is indented with small bays.

There are no permanent rivers in the country. The valleys are crossed by dry channels, wadis, periodically filled with water. A number of sources of fresh water have been found on the coast of the Persian Gulf.

The population of the country exceeds four million. For 1 sq. km of its area accounts for 64 people. About 33% of the inhabitants are women. The birth rate, as well as population growth, is very high. The average age to which UAE citizens live is 74 years.

One third of the population of the UAE are ethnic Arabs: Bedouins, Saudi Arabs, UAE Arabs, Omani Arabs, Egyptian Arabs. 11% is accounted for by indigenous people. People from other countries (India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.) make up about 80%. Indians and Pakistanis are the most numerous.

Arabic is the official language in the UAE. For 40% of the population, it is native. Urdu, Hindi, Pashto, Balochi, Malay, Somali, Telugu and Bengali are spoken in immigrant communities. Spoken English is spoken by the majority of the country's inhabitants.

Republican and monarchical systems are combined in the state structure of the UAE. The Emir of Abu Dhabi, the largest emirate, heads a federal state consisting of seven emirates, in which an absolute monarchy rules. Power in the state is inherited. The president also commands the country's armed forces. The Emir of Dubai heads the government.

The general policy of the state is determined by the Supreme Council of the Union, which includes the heads of all emirates. The Council of Ministers owns executive power. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers is approved by the Supreme Council. The Supreme Council appoints the Vice President, whose term of office is limited to five years. The National Council, according to the constitution, has legislative power. However, in practice, it is only an advisory body.

Dirham is a monetary unit that circulates on the territory of the state.

In order to eradicate piracy, in 1883 an agreement was signed between the states that make up the federation and Great Britain, according to which it ensured their safety. The federation was called "Treaty Oman" until December 1971. After gaining independence, the country was renamed the United Arab Emirates.

The state is part of many international organizations– UN, IMF, etc.

The country has a dry and hot climate. In summer, the temperature stays within 30-35°C, sometimes rising to 50°C. Sandstorms are a fairly common occurrence. A bit cooler in winter (+20-23°C). The amount of precipitation falling per year varies from 100 mm to 400 mm. The rainy season lasts from November to May, occasionally accompanied by heavy downpours that wash out roads.

Greenery covers the mountainous regions in the north and east of the country. The rest of the vegetation cover in the UAE is the result of human activities. Date palm, grapes, tamarisk and acacia grow in oases on the mountain slopes. Bananas, tobacco, lemons, mangoes, various grains, vegetables, etc. are grown in the country.

Among the representatives of the animal world: camels, leopards, gazelles, jerboas, snakes and lizards. Coastal waters abound with fish.

The country is famous for its markets.

The state structure of the United Arab Emirates is a unique combination of republican and monarchical systems. The UAE is a federal state, consisting of seven emirates - absolute monarchies. The state is headed by the Emir of Abu Dhabi, the government is headed by the Emir of Dubai.

The coast of the Federation of Arab Principalities of the Persian Gulf was granted to Great Britain by treaty in the 19th century to control defenses and to assist in foreign affairs. In 1971, six of the seven emirates of "Treaty Oman" - Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Dubai and Umm al-Quwain - announced the creation of a federation called the United Arab Emirates. The seventh emirate, Ras al-Khaimah, joined it in 1972. In terms of GDP per capita, the UAE is next to the leading Western European countries. Huge financial resources from oil revenues and a moderate approach to foreign policy allowed the UAE to take a vital place in the affairs of the region. The largest emirate - Abu Dhabi - occupies 85% of the territory, one third of the population of the UAE lives here.

All emirates are absolute monarchies, only in Abu Dhabi there are advisory bodies - the Cabinet and the National Advisory Council, which brings this emirate closer to a constitutional monarchy. Each emirate has its own government and administrative bodies.

The rulers of the emirates make up the legislative body - the Supreme Council, which elects the president and vice-president of the federation for a period of two years. The president appoints the prime minister and members of the cabinet. The Federal Council of Ministers, headed by the President, is accountable to the Supreme Council. The Federal National Council consists of 40 representatives from each emirate and is an advisory body. Since the founding of the UAE in 1971, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who has ruled Abu Dhabi since 1966, has been the head of state and president. On November 3, 2004, after the death of his father Khalifa ibn Zayed Al Nahyan, he became the second president of the United Arab Emirates.

The official name of the country: United Arab Emirates

Common country name: Emirates

Official name in country language: al-Imarat al-Arabiya al-Muttahid

Common name in country language: No

Former name: Oman Negotiated

Abbreviation: UAE

Administrative-territorial division of the UAE

The UAE consists of 7 emirates:

  • Abu Dhabi
  • Ajman
  • Dubai
  • Ras Al Khaimah
  • Umm Al Quwain
  • fujairah
  • Sharjah

The capital of the UAE is the city of Abu Dhabi.

UAE Constitution: adopted December 2, 1971; acts on permanent basis since 1996

UAE legal system: based on a dual system - Sharia courts and civil courts; does not accept compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

Suffrage in the UAE: No

Executive branch in the UAE: head of state - President, ruler of the emirate of Abu Dhabi; Vice President and Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister. Cabinet: Council of Ministers - appointed by the president. In addition - the Supreme Council of the Union, consisting of the seven rulers of the emirates; The Supreme Council of the Union is the highest constitutional body in the UAE, determines the general policy and sanctions of federal legislation, and the Council of Ministers is responsible to the Supreme Council for the implementation of these policies; meets four times a year; the rulers of the emirates of Abu Dhabi and Dubai have veto power.

Elections: The post of President of the United Arab Emirates is combined with the post of Emir of the capital emirate of Abu Dhabi. Since the emirate itself is an absolute monarchy, power in it, and therefore in the entire state, is inherited. The President of the UAE is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Chairman of the Supreme Defense Council. The head of state signs decrees and resolutions, confirmed by the Supreme Council, regulations, adopted by the Council ministers. In addition, the president appoints members of the diplomatic corps, senior civil and military officials, declares an amnesty or confirms death sentences. The Vice-President is appointed by the Supreme Council of the Union for a 5-year term. The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister are appointed by the President.

Legislative branch in the UAE: Legislative power in the UAE is represented by the Federal National Council (Majlis al-Ittihad al-Watani), which consists of representatives from each emirate, the number of which is enshrined in the constitution and is determined depending on the population, political and economic situation in a particular emirate. Each emirate is free to choose its own method of electing representatives to the National Council. Currently, the Council consists of 40 deputies (8 each from Abu Dhabi and Dubai, 6 each from Ras al-Khaimah and Sharjah, and 4 each from Fujairah, Quwain and Ajman).

The National Council is not a legislative body in the full sense of the word, since it does not have legislative initiative. Its powers include only the discussion of laws proposed by the Council of Ministers and to make amendments and additions at its discretion. The Council also has the power to veto any bill. However, in this case, the President has the right to pass the law after approval by the Supreme Council of the Union.

Judiciary in the UAE: The judiciary in the UAE is represented by the Supreme Union Court, which is the supreme federal court of the United Arab Emirates. It consists of a chairman and 4 independent judges (judges are appointed by the president). The Supreme Court regulates relations between the emirates, members of the Supreme Union, federal and local authorities.

Coat of arms of the United Arab Emirates

The emblem of the United Arab Emirates depicts a yellow falcon - a symbol of autocracy in the country, most of which is desert. The tail unit symbolizes the seven emirates - seven feathers.

If earlier falconry was a way of subsistence for the inhabitants of the coast, now it has been preserved as an elite entertainment, accessible only to the most affluent people. Now in the UAE such hunting is prohibited (in order to preserve the number of desert animals), and lovers of this sport have to fly to other desert countries, for example, to Turkmenistan. By the way, in Dubai there is a special hospital for falcons with anesthesia equipment, cardiac pacemakers and X-ray machines.

On the chest of a falcon in a red circle (a symbol of courage and independence in the struggle for freedom), a wooden schooner "dhow" smoothly glides along the blue sea waves. It was on such ships that Arab divers went to sea for pearls. And not only they - warlike pirates plowed the sea. Trade and maritime affairs have long been the main occupations of the inhabitants of the coast. From the West and the East, jewelers, pearl and jewelry merchants came to the ports of the Arabian Peninsula.

UAE flag

The flag is made in pan-Arab colors: red, green, white and black, symbolizing overall Arab unity. Separately, each of the colors has its own meaning: green - fertility; white - neutrality; black - "black gold". UAE merchant ships often use a red flag with the national flag in the upper left part as a flag.