Zp education instructions for filling out utility benefits. Instructions for Completing Form N CV-education

The deadline for granting federal statistical observation according to the form 3inform. The Instructions for filling out Form N ZPsots, approved by this order, were amended by the order of Rosstat dated April 5. Rosstat has updated forms for institutions of education, culture, science, education, information on the number and wages. Form ZPnauka quarter Information on the number and remuneration of employees of organizations engaged in scientific research and development, according to. Errors are found during data validation. Form N ЗПnauka OKUD DATA ON THE NUMBER AND PAYMENT. The type code of the reporting institution is indicated in the form ZPkultura in accordance with the List of types of institutions social sphere and science to collect and. They do not agree with the set of 211, the configurator determined that it does not fit Vacation compensation upon dismissal. The ZPnauka form has a frequency of delivery once a quarter. Received a letter from a higher organization about the need to provide statistical form ZPnauka monthly. Form of statistical observation ZPnauka for 2018. Regulated reporting

Details on Form N ZP Education are provided by a large education in the liver. Form ZPnauka Information on the number and remuneration of employees of organizations engaged in scientific research and development, according to. by categories of personnel Form ZPnauka Information about the number. Instructions for filling out form N ZPkultura. Instructions for filling out the Zp Science Form. New form ZPobrazovanie, ZPzdrav, ZPnauka, ZPkultura, ZPsots 2016, 2017 download the form and instructions. Form in in electronic format. Form ZPnauka Form ZPobrazovanie implementation of state programs subprograms of the Russian Federation Form 1GP has a frequency List of forms. Monitoring of the average wage Form ZPobrazovanie Memo of the department of labor statistics, science, education and culture of the Federal. NovayaZP science Information on the number and remuneration of employees of organizations that carry out. Form for drawing up reg. Attachments, form ZPnauka

Information in the form of ZPeducation is provided by respondents subordinate to the authority local government that manages the area. report in the form ZPNauka. Information in the form of education is provided. Statistical form ZPnauka. Statistical form of RFP science. ЗПnauka Information on the number and remuneration of employees of organizations engaged in scientific research and development, by category of personnel. Information on the number and remuneration of employees of organizations engaged in research and development, by personnel categories. Form ZPNauka 2018, 2017 download the form and instructions Form zpobrazovanie Information about the number. New form, report ZPobrazovanie, ZPzdrav, ZPnauka, ZPkultura, ZPsots 2015 download the form. 27, Information on the number and remuneration of workers in the healthcare sector by categories of personnel ZP form. Respondents in the form of federal statistical observation ZPnauka further form are legal entities organizations, regardless of

The following rules have not been checked. Form 2 science Information on the implementation of scientific research and development is submitted to the territorial bodies of Rosstat by legal entities, except for small entities. In column 1 of the main tabular part of the ZP formation form, data are provided on the average number of employees on the payroll or the average payroll. The ZPnauka form is filled out by legal entities except for small businesses, regardless of the departmental affiliation of the state and. ZP form is healthy. The form ZP science according to is not filled out separate divisions. New monthly form of federal statistical observation ZP science Information about the number and. Information on the number and remuneration of employees of organizations engaged in scientific research and development, by category.

If the institution operates in the field of education, then in the payroll settings (section Setup - Payroll) you need to check the box Enterprise of the social sphere and choose ZP-Education (Sphere of education).

For the correct automatic filling of the form No. ZP-education in the form of a guide Positions(chapter Personnel - Positions) field must be filled

The choice is made from the directory Social sphere monitoring reporting lines .

The directory contains only those categories of personnel that relate to the field of activity selected in the settings. Opposite the category is the line number in the report ZP-education, which will include an employee accepted for this position. The head of the institution, the deputy head of the institution, as well as the category of other personnel are present in all types of institutions.

If the institution maintains a staffing table (in the settings personnel records checked Maintained staffing history(chapter Settings - HR Accounting- link Staffing setup), then you need to check the filling of the field Reporting line ZP-Education (Education) in the staffing line on the tab Additionally when approving, changing the staffing table (Fig. 3). By default, the field is filled with the value set in the reference Positions.

More about working with staffing can be found in the article Schedule.

For reconciliation of the report ZP-education with data on the number of employees, you can generate a report (section Human Resources - Human Resources Reports - Headcount and staff turnover) - rice. four.

In the form of a report, you must:

  1. Choose a period - a quarter, six months, 9 months or a year (depending on the period of statistical reporting).
  2. Select an institution in the field Organization.
  3. The heading of the report indicates the number, average payroll employees of the institution for the selected period.
  4. The report shows the average headcount broken down by months.

To check the payroll fund, you can generate a report Analysis of salary in general for the period(chapter Salary - Payroll reports - All reports - Analysis of salary in general for the period) - rice. 5.

The reconciliation report must:
1. Select a period - a quarter, six months, 9 months or a year (depending on the period of statistical reporting).
2. Select an institution in the field Organization.
In the report, you can view the indicator Accrued and compare it with the payroll, which is filled in the regulated form of statistics ZP-Education.

To fill in the statistical form ZP-Education it is necessary to generate a corresponding report in 1C- Reporting(chapter Reporting, information - 1C-Reporting - Create - Statistics: ZP-Education) - rice. 6.

The form is filled out from the directory Organizations, as well as for all accruals made in the program.

To fill in the report with the number of employees belonging to a particular category of personnel, as well as about the wage fund for each category, you must click the button Fill

You can then verify the information displayed in the report against the information in the reports. Average headcount and Accrual analysis formed earlier.

For the correct distribution of the payroll fund by funding sources (columns 6-11 of the report), it is necessary to create documents Reflection of salary in accounting(chapter Salary - Reflection of salary in accounting) for each month of the report.

The prepared report can be printed by clicking the button. Seal, save in Excel format by clicking the button Print - Save, upload to file by button unload, check for the correctness of filling in the information about the institution by clicking the button Verify.

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Instructions for filling out form N ZP-science

1. Respondents in the form of federal statistical observation N ZP-science are legal entities, regardless of the departmental affiliation of state and municipal forms of ownership (except for small businesses), carrying out activities in the field of scientific research and development, related in accordance with OKVED to the type economic activity"Research and Development" (code ).

Data about average headcount and the average number of external part-time workers (columns 1 and 2), as well as the accrued wage fund (columns 3 and 5) in line 01 must be consistent with the relevant data of form N P-4. For organizations with less than 15 employees, not related to small businesses and reporting in the N P-4 form quarterly, the data on line 01 must be consistent with the data in the corresponding columns of the P-4 form for the corresponding period.

For other organizations reporting in the form N P-4 with a monthly frequency, the data of the accrued wage fund on line 01 must be consistent with the amount of the corresponding data in the form N P-4.

18. Line 01 indicates the payroll of all employees of the organization.

Line 02 indicates the number of scientific workers (researchers). A scientific worker (researcher) is a citizen who has necessary qualifications and professionally engaged in scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (FZ N 127-FZ of August 23, 1996). Legal basis assessment of the qualifications of scientific workers and the criteria for this assessment are determined in the manner established by the federal body executive power that performs the functions of generating public policy and legal regulation in the field of scientific and scientific and technical activities, and are provided state system certification (as amended by federal laws dated July 23, 2008 N 160-FZ, dated July 27, 2010 N 198-FZ).

Line 05: Researchers include: Chief Researchers; leading researchers; senior researchers; researchers, junior researchers.

On line 06 from line 05, the chief researchers, leading researchers and senior researchers are distinguished.

On line 07 from line 05, researchers and junior researchers are allocated.

On line 08: reflect engineers, designers, technologists, economists and other scientists (researchers) who do not hold scientific positions, but are professionally engaged in research and development and directly create new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems that are not included in lines 03 - 07, having completed higher professional education.

Line 09 gives the number of technicians.

Technicians include workers who participate in research and development, performing technical functions, usually under the direction of researchers (operation and maintenance of scientific instruments, laboratory equipment, computer science, preparation of materials, drawings, experiments, experiments and analyzes, etc.). To perform these functions, secondary vocational education and (or) the necessary professional experience and knowledge are required. This also includes engineers, designers and economists who perform technical functions in the implementation of scientific research and development.

Line 10 takes into account support staff, which includes employees performing support functions related to research and development: employees (including managers) of planning and economic, financial departments, patent services, departments of scientific and technical information, technical archives, photographic laboratories, scientific -technical libraries, editorial and publishing departments, standardization and postgraduate departments; workers involved in the installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of scientific equipment and instruments; workers of experimental (experimental) productions; laboratory assistants who do not have higher and secondary vocational education.

Lines 11 - 13 show the medical staff of medical units. Scientific institutions put down information on these lines only if the indicated medical workers are staff members, i.e. are on the payroll of the institution (fall into column 1) or work on a part-time basis ( external part-timers, fall into column 2).

Line 14 takes into account employees who are not included in lines 02 - 13.

On line 15 from line 01, federal budget funds are allocated.

On line 16 from line 01, competitive (program) financing is allocated (funds received on the account of the organization that won first place by decision of the competition commission as a result of summing up the results of the competition for scientific, scientific and technical programs, innovative and other projects related to the implementation of scientific research and developments, based on the submitted by the organization better conditions implementation of the competitive project in comparison with other participants).

19. When filling out the form, the following controls must be performed:

gr. 3 > = gr. 4 across all lines

gr. 3 = sum of columns 6 - 8 across all lines

gr. 5 = sum of columns 9 - 11 across all lines

line 01 = sum of rows 02 + 09 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 across all columns

List of types of institutions in the social sphere and science for collecting and developing the results of federal statistical observation on the number and average wages certain categories of social workers, for whom measures are provided to increase the average wage in accordance with the Decree of the President Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 N 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy"

The codeGroup nameThe composition of the group
2 Science institutions
2.1 Research institutes
2.2 Scientific and Practical Centers and Centers for Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation of the DisabledScientific and practical centers and centers for medical and social expertise and rehabilitation of the disabled, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor of Russia

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Instructions for Completing Form N CV-education

1. Respondents in the form of federal statistical observation N ZP-education are legal entities (except for small businesses) - organizations operating in the field of education, regardless of departmental affiliation of state and municipal forms of ownership:

Preschool educational institutions,

2. Information in the form N ZP-education is provided by respondents subordinate to the local government body exercising management in the field of education, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education, and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, - in territorial authority Rosstat at the location, as well as to the relevant authorities in the field of education (by affiliation) at the time and address indicated on the form.

Educational organizations and institutions (except for those subordinate to the local government body exercising management in the field of education, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education, and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) provide the form to the territorial body of Rosstat at their location and the founder .

Line 19 contains information about scientists educational institutions of higher professional education, of which, line 20, researchers are allocated.

A scientific worker (researcher) is a citizen who has the necessary qualifications and is professionally engaged in scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (FZ N 127-FZ of August 23, 1996). The legal basis for assessing the qualifications of scientists and the criteria for this assessment are determined in the manner established by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of scientific and scientific and technical activities, and are provided by the state certification system (as amended by the Federal laws of 23.07.2008 N 160-FZ, of 27.07.2010 N 198-FZ).

Researchers include employees who are professionally engaged in research and development and are directly involved in the creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems, as well as the management of these activities. To perform these functions, a completed higher professional education is required. The category of researchers also includes administrative and managerial personnel directly managing the research process (including heads (deputy heads) of scientific organizations and departments that carry out research and development).

Researchers include employees who carry out scientific management of research and development on scientific problems of a fundamental and applied nature and (or) are directly involved in their conduct: chief researcher, leading researcher, senior researcher, researcher, junior researcher, etc. .

On line 21 - information on scientific workers of educational institutions of additional professional education is indicated, of which, on line 22, scientific employees are allocated.

Lines 23 - 25 provide information about doctors, middle and junior medical personnel. Educational institutions put down information on these lines only if the indicated medical workers are full-time employees, i.e. are on the payroll of an educational institution or work on a full-time part-time basis (external part-time workers).

Line 26 reflects information about employees whose activities relate to the field of culture, working in educational institutions, i.e. who are on the payroll of an educational institution or work on a full-time part-time basis (external part-time workers). This line reflects information about librarians, artistic directors, etc. in accordance with the Unified qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees (Section " Qualification characteristics positions of workers of culture, art and cinematography" (approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 30.11.2011 N 251n). At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the leader structural unit, for example, libraries should be categorized as "executives", i.e. information about them should be reflected in line 03.

Line 27 reflects social workers(in those institutions in which such positions are provided).

Line 28 gives service staff, i.e. administrative and economic personnel (accounting, office, etc.) and other employees who were not included in the previous categories of personnel, i.e. are not reflected in lines 2 - 27.

21. When filling out the form, the following controls must be performed:

Gr. 3 > = gr. 4 across all lines

gr. 3 = sum of columns 6 - 8 across all lines

gr. 5 = sum of columns 9 - 11 across all lines

Page 01 = sum of lines 02 - 05, 07, 08, 11, 14, 17 - 19, 21, 23 - 28.

List of types of institutions of the social sphere and science for collecting and developing the results of federal statistical observation on the number and average wages of certain categories of workers in the social sphere, in respect of which measures are provided to increase the average wage

in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy"

The codeGroup name
1 2
3 Educational institutions
3.1 Preschool educational institution
3.1.1 Preschool educational institutions
3.1.2 Educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age in terms of preschool education
3.2 educational institution
3.2.1 Educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age in terms of primary general education
3.2.2 General educational institutions and boarding schools
3.2.3 cadet institutions
3.2.4 General education boarding schools with initial flight training
3.2.5 Special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with disabilities
3.2.6 Special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior
3.2.7 Health-improving educational institutions of the sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment
3.2.8 Educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance
3.3 Institution of Primary Vocational Education
3.3.1 Educational institutions of primary vocational education
3.3.2 Institutions of primary vocational education Federal Service execution of sentences
3.3.3 Special vocational schools
3.4 Institution of secondary vocational education
3.4.1 Educational institutions of secondary vocational education
3.5 Institution of Higher Professional Education
3.5.1 Educational institutions of higher professional education
3.6 Institution of additional professional education
3.6.1 Educational institutions of additional vocational education (advanced training) for specialists with secondary vocational education
3.6.2 Educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists with higher professional education
3.7 institution additional education children
3.7.1 Centers for additional education of children, development of creativity of children and youth, creative development and humanitarian education, children's creativity, out-of-school work, children's (youthful) technical creativity (scientific and technical, young technicians), children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), aesthetic education of children (culture, arts or arts), children's and youth centers, children's ( teenage) centers, children's ecological (health-environmental, ecological-biological) centers, children's marine centers, children's (youth) centers, children's health-improving and educational (profile) centers
3.7.2 Palaces of children's (youthful) creativity, creativity of children and youth, student youth, pioneers and schoolchildren, young naturalists, sports for children and youth, artistic creativity (education) of children, children's culture (arts)
3.7.3 Houses of children's creativity, childhood and youth, student youth, pioneers and schoolchildren, young naturalists, children's (youth) technical creativity (young technicians), children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), artistic creativity (education) of children, children's culture ( arts)
3.7.4 Stations for young naturalists, children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical, young technicians), children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), children's ecological (ecological and biological) stations
3.7.5 Children's art schools, including by type of art
3.7.6 Children's and youth sports schools
3.7.7 Specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve
3.7.8 Children's and youth sports-adaptive schools and specialized adaptive children's and youth sports schools
3.7.9 Youth Physical Fitness Clubs and Adaptive Youth Physical Fitness Clubs