History of machine tool building in the world. The development of machine tool building in Russia at the beginning of the 17th-20th centuries

machine tool, the leading branch of mechanical engineering, which creates for all sectors of the national economy metalworking and woodworking machines, automatic and semi-automatic lines, complex-automatic production for the manufacture of machines, equipment and metal products, etc. construction materials, press-forging, foundry and woodworking equipment.

The appearance of metal-cutting machine tools is associated with the development of large-scale capitalist production, with the organization of the first industrial enterprises factory type. The widespread use of machine guns, and then steam engines, required an increase in the accuracy of processing parts. This problem could be solved only with the invention of machines for the production of machines and, first of all, metal-cutting machines with a mechanical support. The creation of a mechanical caliper dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. Russian mechanic A.K. Narts in 1738 he built the world's first machine tool with a mechanical support and a set of interchangeable gears. Narts and other Russian masters (M. Sidorov-Krasilnikov, Machine tool industry Shelashnikov, Ya. Batishchev) were designed in the 18th century. a number of metal-cutting machines (machines for drilling gun barrels, various aggregate machines). However, the inventions of the Russian masters could not be widely used and famous, because. the need of feudal-serf Russia for a small number of machines (mainly for the manufacture of weapons) was provided by separate small factories.

Britain at the end of the 18th century. Favorable conditions have developed for the development of machine production of machines. By the 1790s include the work of the English mechanic G. Maudsley on the creation of a machine tool with a mechanical support. The mechanical support, transferred from the lathe to other metal-cutting machines, laid the foundation for machine tools with a developed actuator.

Subsequently, the main types of metal-cutting machines were designed in Germany, France and other countries; many inventors worked on their creation. So, for example, in the 1820-30s. American E. Whitney developed several designs for Colt's weapons factories milling machines , in 1829 a patent for milling machine was issued in the name of J. Nesmith, the owner of large English engineering plants, in 1861 - a patent for an improved milling machine in the name of the American firm Brown and Sharp. By the 2nd half of the 19th century. In the main, models of milling, revolving, planing, slotting, and other machine tools were developed, mainly to meet the needs of the railroad that had begun. construction and ocean shipping. Machine tools became known under the brand name of the largest machine-building firms Whitworth, Nesmith, Sellers, Pratt, and others that produced them. In the first half of the 19th century. leading role in the global Machine tool industry played UK; in the 2nd half of the 19th century. the United States has surpassed it. During the same period Machine tool industry began to develop in Germany.

In Russia, the first enterprise for the production of metalworking machine tools was the Byrd plant in St. Petersburg (1790). In 1815 metal cutting machines began to produce the Tula Arms Plant. In 1824, the Ilis plant was built in St. Petersburg for the manufacture of steam engines and machine tools. At the end of the 19th century many machine-building plants, along with other products, produced machine tools. The entire production of metal-cutting machine tools in Russia in 1913 amounted to 1.8 thousand pieces, the fleet of installed machine tools in 1908 totaled 75 thousand units. In the total mass of machine tools entering the industry, the share of domestically produced machine tools was only 16-24%, the rest was imported.

During the years of Soviet power Machine tool industry was essentially re-created. The implementation of the decision adopted by the 14th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in December 1925, which determined the general course for the industrialization of the national economy, required the priority development of heavy industry, domestic engineering and, along with this, the production of metal-cutting machine tools. As a result of special government measures carried out in 1929-30, the organizational prerequisites necessary for the planned development of a specialized machine-tool industry in the USSR were created. The formation of Stankotrest on May 29, 1929 was the date of the official creation of an independent industry Machine tool industry In 1930, the State All-Union Association of the Machine-Tool Industry Soyuzstankoinstrument was founded on the basis of amalgamation of machine-tool building and tool trusts. The Moscow Machine Tool Institute (Stankin) was opened to train specialists; machine-tool faculties were organized at the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman and the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. M. I. Kalinina. In order to create a scientific and experimental base for the developing Machine tool industry In 1931, the Research Institute of Machine Tools and Tools (since 1933 - ENIMS) was created in Moscow. For the first time in the USSR and in Europe, ENIMS in 1934 developed modular multi-spindle machines.

Reconstruction of existing enterprises and construction of new ones made it possible to increase production capacity for the production of metal-cutting machine tools during the years of the 1st five-year plan (1929-32) by 2.5 times. During the years of the 2nd Five-Year Plan (1933-37), the number of machine-tool factories increased by 1.8 times, and the output of machine tools more than doubled. The volume of Union production of machine tools in 1937 exceeded the level of 1913 by 33 times. At the same time, not only the number of machine tools produced increased, but their range also expanded. The production of automatic and semi-automatic machine tools, grinding and gear-cutting machines, and heavy-duty machine tools began. In 1940, the total number of mastered standard sizes of manufactured machine tools exceeded 320.

During the three pre-war five-year plans, a large number of new machine-tool plants, including the Kramatorsk plant for heavy machine-tool building, the Kyiv machine-tool plant, the Kharkov radial-drilling machine-tool plant, and the Moscow Stankolit plant, and others. By 1941, there were 37 specialized machine-tool plants in the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 Machine tool industry was transferred to the fulfillment of orders for the defense industry. The organization of mass production of ammunition, combat vehicles, artillery and other weapons required the creation of new specialized, modular and simplified operating machines. A number of factories began to use in-line production methods. During the war years, the largest Novosibirsk plant "Tyazhstankogidropress" was built. A. I. Efremova, Sterlitamak plant named after. V. I. Lenin.

In 1950, by the end of the Fourth Five-Year Plan, 70,600 machine tools were produced. During 1946-50, about 250 new types of general-purpose metal-cutting machine tools were mastered, more than a thousand standard sizes of special and modular ones. The production of automatic lines from modular machines has begun. In 1946, the first automatic line for processing the engine head of the KhTZ tractor was manufactured. In 1950, an automatic plant for the manufacture of pistons was launched.

By the 70s. established large centers Machine tool industry with first-class factories, numerous design bureaus, research organizations in the Union republics. So, for example, in Litov. The SSR created a complex of factories for the production of precision machine tools, a branch of the Research Institute of Machine Tool Building (ENIMS) with pilot production, a department of the design institute "Giprostanok"; in the Armenian SSR there are a number of machine tool and tool factories, a branch of the Scientific Research Institute of Machine Tool Building, as well as a design and technology institute. For an increase in the production of metal-cutting machine tools, see the data in Table. one.

Tab. 1. - Production of machine tools in the USSR


Thousand PCS.

Million rub. (in wholesale prices of enterprises on July 1, 1967)

1913 (within the borders of the USSR until September 17, 1939)


within the modern borders of the USSR






The share of imports of metal-cutting machine tools in consumption decreased: by the end of 1966 it was 3% against 10% in 1938. Technical progress Machine tool industry characterized primarily by qualitative changes in the structure of output, improvement technical parameters metal cutting machines.

During the years of the 8th five-year plan (1966-70), as a result of the measures taken to improve the management of the industry and enterprises, their technical re-equipment, and the improvement of specialization and organization of labor, the efficiency of production increased significantly. The return on assets in the machine-tool industry as a whole increased by 9%, due to the growth in labor productivity, almost 80% of the total increase in production was received. The output of automatic and semi-automatic lines for mechanical engineering and metalworking in 1970 amounted to 579 sets and increased by more than 2.5 times compared with 1965 (see Table 2).

Tab. 2. - Production of automatic and semi-automatic lines for mechanical engineering and metalworking







Sets, pcs.






With a general quantitative increase in the output of metal-cutting machine tools over the five-year period by 9%, output precision machines increased by 42.2% and compared with 1960 - more than 4 times. The output of machine tools of particularly high precision increased by 74.8%. In the general type of machine tools in 1945, there were 9 standard sizes of precision machine tools, and by the end of 1970 more than 400. Only jig boring machines were mastered over 30 models.

At the beginning of 1971, the type of mastered heavy and unique machine tools amounted to 450 standard sizes (about 28% of the total type). Wide and dimensional range of types of manufactured machines. Most of the heavy machine tools being created are designed within predetermined unified ranges. They have common design solutions and are connected by a system of wide unification of units and parts.

In the 8th Five-Year Plan, research and development work on the creation of modern metal-cutting machine tools with numerical program management(CNC). The successes achieved over the past 10-15 years in the development of electrical engineering, radio electronics, in the creation of control systems for mechanisms, made it possible to start mastering machine tools with program control, which are becoming one of the main types of machine tools that automate technological processes in enterprises with individual, small-scale and serial production. In 1970 they were produced 1588 against 16 in 1960, in 1974-4410 units. During the 4 years of the 9th five-year plan (1971-1975), about 60 new models of CNC machine tools were mastered and put into mass production, including more than 40 models of machine tools with automatic tool change. Work on the creation of automated sections of metal-cutting machine tools with CNC with group program control for the complex machining of the same type of parts is taking on a wide scale. For example, ENIMS and its pilot plant have created a section equipped with CNC machines for processing a wide range of parts such as bodies of revolution (shafts, flanges, bushings, disks) with centralized computer control and automated preparation of programs. To solve the problems of accelerated development of the production of CNC machine tools in Machine tool industry a number of measures are being taken, in particular, in-line production of CNC machine tools is being organized at individual plants, most of the most qualified machine-tool plants are involved in the production of such machine tools. Electrophysical and electrochemical methods of metal processing have been widely used, and dimensional processing with a light beam is increasingly being used. These methods sometimes supplement, and in some cases completely replace, the processing of parts by cutting and pressure. Electric spark machines have been developed and are being produced for the precise processing of small parts and for cutting shaped contours with a wire electrode; electropulse machines - for three-coordinate processing of shaped details; anode-mechanical, electrocontact - for processing ingots from special steels and other works; light beam machines - for making holes with a diameter of 0.03 to 0.5 mm in any materials; ultrasonic machines - for processing hard and large materials; electrochemical machine tools, etc. Their introduction into industry makes it possible to achieve significant technical progress in individual industries. Usage light beam and ultrasound for processing diamond dies and dies made it possible to solve the problem of complex processing of these products, as a result of which the duration of their roughing was reduced from tens of hours to several minutes, and the duration of finishing was reduced by 4-5 times.

In the 70s. in Machine tool industry work is underway to create and introduce into production new unified ranges of machine tools. In 1971-75, 51 ranges were installed, including 277 basic and 682 unified models of machine tools. All machine tools of scales of a similar technological purpose are designed according to the principle of constructive similarity, which creates the possibility for their wide unification, allows you to create specialized production.

The development of the designs of machine tools and automatic complexes in the near future will be carried out in the following directions: a complete transition from non-automatic machines to semi-automatic and automatic machines; expanding the application of program control and computer science in the designs of all main types of metal-cutting machines, in automatic and semi-automatic lines; creation of sections from machine tools with program control, machining centers; creation of complex automatic lines, sections, workshops and automatic plants controlled from a computer for engineering industries with large-scale and mass production of products; development and creation of designs of industrial robots built into automatic lines, into complexes automated production and in other types of equipment for mass production.

Based on the achieved pace of development and scale of production in Machine tool industry in the USSR, a significant production and technical potential has been created in the form of an available fleet of metal-cutting machine tools. The dynamics of the development of the fleet of machine tools, the decrease in their age composition and the change in the qualitative structure are the result of the work of owls. Machine tool industry which provides the material and technical base of mechanical engineering and metalworking. This allowed the owls. Machine tool industry take one of the leading places in the world in the production of a wide range of modern machine tools for the most diverse needs of the national economy.

Successfully developing Machine tool industry and in other socialist countries (see Table 3).

Tab. 3. - Production of metal-cutting machine tools in individual CMEA member countries, pcs.









In Bulgaria, between 1950 and 1974, the output of machine tools grew almost 17 times. As of January 1, 1970, the machine park consisted of more than 40,000 metal-cutting machine tools, of which 58-60% were domestically produced.

the GDR has a developed Machine tool industry In 1972, the annual production of machine tools amounted to 4.3% of world production, and among the CMEA member countries, it took second place (in terms of value). The production of automated, special and specialized machine tools, automatic lines and modular machine tools, CNC machine tools is increasing. 60-75% of all manufactured machine tools are exported.

In Poland, the group of lathes occupies the largest percentage in the total output. Automatic and semi-automatic lathes in 1974 accounted for 3.8% of the total output. The production of grinding machines is increasing every year, the share of which in 1974 amounted to 15.6% of the total output. The output of heavy machine tools, especially specialized ones, for railroads is increasing. transport, CNC machines.

In Czechoslovakia Machine tool industry- the leading branch of mechanical engineering. It has a wide range, is distinguished by a variety of types of machines (light, heavy, universal and specialized); 250-290 main types of machine tools are manufactured. The share of the grinding group in 1972 accounted for 42.5% of the total output. A large share in the total output of machine tools is occupied by the turning group (about 25%). From the beginning of the 60s. great attention is paid to the design and manufacture of CNC machines of various types.

Before the 2nd World War 1939-45 there was no Machine tool industry In 1972 about 13,000 machine tools were produced. In the technical direction Machine tool industry The SFRY is oriented toward further expansion of the production of automatic and semi-automatic machines and CNC machine tools. Own production machine tools in Yugoslavia does not yet cover the need for this equipment, so the import of machine tools significantly exceeds their domestic production.

Of the capitalist countries, the greatest development Machine tool industry received in the USA, Germany, Japan, France, Great Britain, Italy (see Table 4).

Tab. 4. - Production of machine tools in the largest capitalist countries



thousand pieces

million dollars

Thousand PCS.

million dollars

United Kingdom






Germany is one of the world's major manufacturers of metal-working equipment, with 433 companies involved in its production. In 1974, 206.7 thousand pieces were produced. In the structure of production of metal-cutting machine tools, the largest share in terms of cost is occupied by grinding, lapping and polishing machines - 20.1%, turrets and automatic lathes - 16.2%, milling machines - 13.8%, lathes, cutting and thread-cutting machines account for 12.3%. The FRG lags far behind the USA and Japan in the production of CNC machine tools (in 1971-816). The FRG is the largest exporter of metal-working equipment among the capitalist countries (in 1972 its share in world exports was 34.5%).

In the USA, according to the 1967 census, there were over 1,200 enterprises, including 897 enterprises engaged in the production of metal-cutting machine tools, 348 enterprises, the production of forging and pressing machines, and about 60% of them are small. On the large enterprises with more than 500 employees, 60% of the industry's output is produced. In 1974, 273,000 metal-cutting machine tools worth $1,514 million were produced, including 857 automatic lines and 884 machine tools for electrophysical and electrochemical processing methods. The share of metal-cutting machine tools and CNC systems is kept approximately at the same level - about 20% of output in value terms. The USA is a country that mainly imports machine tools. This is due to the high cost work force in the USA (as a result - high prices for equipment). The main suppliers of metalworking equipment are the FRG (up to 80% of imports) and Japan (12,000 machine tools in 1972). Among the buyers of American machine tools, the leading place belongs to the European capitalist countries (more than 40%).

In Japan, about 270 firms are engaged in the production of metal-cutting machine tools. During 1960-70, the production of metal-working equipment increased by a factor of 7 in terms of value, and the total output of metal-cutting machine tools increased by more than 3 times (80.1 and 257 thousand pieces, respectively). In 1973 the country produced machine tools worth about 305 billion yen. The output of special machine tools grew at an accelerated pace (98 pieces in 1960 and 4,046 pieces in 1973). Since 1965, the production of CNC machines began; in 1967 their release amounted to 129 pieces, in 1971-1379, and in 1974-3046. Japan has reached the 2nd place among the capitalist countries in the production of CNC machine tools in pieces; their cost in 1973 amounted to 15.6% of the total cost of production of machine tools. By 1973, Japan had changed from an importer of machine tools to an exporter. The Italian machine tool industry accounts for 6% of the value of world production of metalworking equipment, the output of which in 1974 amounted to 185,000 tons. t(by weight). 450 firms are engaged in the production of machine tools and forging and pressing machines. During 1965-74 their output increased 6.3 times in value. In the structure of production, the share of drilling and thread-cutting machines was 26%, lathes - 14%, grinding machines - 7.5%, milling machines - 4.1%, boring machines - 1.2%. The production of CNC machine tools is widely developed. Italy is one of the world's largest exporters of machine tools (4th place among the capitalist countries). 40% of all machine-tool products are exported. In 1973, 4185 units were exported. CNC machine tools in the amount of 25,620 thousand dollars

In the UK, about 200 firms are engaged in the production of metalworking equipment, of which 20 account for 70% of production. The largest number in the production of machine tools for 1974 were: lathes - 38.2%, milling - 11.3%, grinding - 15.6%. Specific gravity CNC machine tools in the total output in 1974 amounted to 9.5% (calculated by value). In the machine tool industry

Russian machine tool industry has gone a long way of its development before it acquired modern features. The beginning of this path can be traced back to 1712, when Andrei Nartov, a Russian mechanic, invented one equipped with a self-propelled caliper. Many other craftsmen who created cutting, filing, drilling, and some other machines entered their names in the history of Russian machine tool building - Pavel Zakhava, Yakov Batishchev, Alexei Surnin, Lev Sobakin.

Domestic masters developed not only mechanical, but also optical devices. Their first samples were made during the reign of Peter I in an optical workshop, which was organized by the emperor. The year 1726 was marked by the opening of the department of optics at the Academy of Sciences, as well as the founding of an optical workshop, led by M.V. Lomonosov.

The first Russian enterprise for the production of machine tools for metalworking steel, which was founded in St. Petersburg in 1790. In 1815, production was launched at the Tula Arms Plant. It should be noted that at the end of the 19th century, many domestic machine-building enterprises began to produce machine tools along with other products they manufactured.

Historical documents say that in Tsarist Russia from 1914 to 1917 only 80-100 thousand machine tools were used for metal processing. Rapid growth industrial production, which manifested itself in such industries as metalworking and engineering, was due to the industrialization of the national economy. In the first years of Soviet power, the machine tool industry was actually created anew. On May 29, 1929, Stankotrest was formed: this day became the official date for the emergence of the machine tool industry. By 1932, turning, grinding, and some other types of equipment produced eight specialized factories; On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, 41 such plants were already operating in our country.

Describing the stages of development of the domestic machine tool industry, one cannot ignore the creation in 1933 of ENIMS - the Experimental Research Institute of Metal-cutting Machine Tools. It was in ENIMS that for the first time in Europe multi-spindle modular machines were developed. A colossal contribution to the development of the machine tool industry was made by VNIIII - the All-Union Scientific Research Institute.

In the postwar years, two main goals were set for the machine tool industry - to increase the volume of output and improve it. specifications. Minsk, Ryazan, Kolomna, and many other machine-tool plants were put into operation. In the 70s of the XX century, the production of CNC machine tools was launched, the number of models of which was about 60, while more than 40 models had the ability to automatically change tools. Electrochemical and electrophysical methods of metal processing, as well as dimensional processing using a light beam, are widely used.

Machine tool building is the most important branch of mechanical engineering in Russia, producing a variety of machine tools - metal-cutting, woodworking, for processing other materials, as well as forging and pressing equipment, machines and apparatus for thermal spraying and surface heat treatment, etc. In addition, machine tool enterprises produce spare parts and accessories for machine tools, provide installation, maintenance and repair services for their products. Machine tool factories do not produce end products for public consumption, but the machines they produce are the main means of any industrial production. Consumers of the products of machine-tool plants are enterprises of transport and agricultural engineering, the military-industrial complex, power engineering, metallurgy, manufacturers certain types consumer goods.

The products of machine tool factories have a variety of purposes, types and sizes: from complex automatic production lines several hundred meters long for large-scale industrial production to miniature lathes used to repair watch movements.

The basis of the machine tool park of a machine-building enterprise is metalworking machines, divided into:

  • milling,
  • grinding,
  • sharpening,
  • drilling,
  • turning,
  • sheet bending,
  • slotting.

The production process of a machine tool factory is divided into procurement, processing and assembly phases. The machine tool industry is characterized by a long production cycle: it takes an average of 5-6 months to manufacture one machine tool. Production is represented by the following main workshops: foundry, mechanical assembly, thermal, tool, mechanical repair.

Modern production needs machines that meet the requirements of speed and high accuracy of manufacturing parts at low cost to complete the work: with systems electronic control, digital indication, the possibility of including several machines in a single production line. In the world machine tool industry are widely introduced technological innovation. Among latest trends– integration of several processes in one machine, the ability to control machines via the Internet, the modular principle of building reconfigurable equipment, the production of machine tools for processing latest materials- combined fibers of ceramics, hard-to-machine and heat-resistant alloys, etc., the use of nanotechnology. Not the least attention is paid to the design and ergonomics of modern machines.

Due to the fact that machine tool building is the industry most sensitive to economic downturns and upswings, Russian machine tool plants cannot yet compete with the world's leading manufacturers, which was greatly facilitated by a significant drop in production in the 90s. Despite the fact that the wear of the machine park on Russian enterprises exceeds 70%, and the average age of machine tools is more than 15-20 years, the demand for Russian machine tool products remains extremely low on domestic market. However, the high potential laid down in the industry back in Soviet times still allows Russian machine-tool enterprises to export up to 40% of their products even to countries with developed own machine-tool industry - the USA, China, Japan, Germany. The combination of high-level engineering solutions embedded in Russian machine tools with a strong element base (electronics, electrics, hydraulics) of foreign manufacturers makes it possible to obtain machine tools High Quality. But the share of Russian machine tools in the world market is still extremely small - only 0.3%. In 1990, the USSR was in 3rd place in the production of machining products, today Russia occupies only 22nd place in the ranking of the world machine tool industry.

The beginning of machine tool building in Russia was put by the invention in 1712 by the Russian mechanic Andrey Nartov lathe with self-propelled caliper. The development of the industry is associated with the names of Russian craftsmen - Yakov Batishchev, Pavel Zakhava, who worked on the creation of drilling, filing, cutting and other machines used in the processing of gun barrels, Lev Sobakin, Alexei Surnin.

The continuously increasing importance of machines in all branches of production caused the rapid development of machine tool building - the technical base of the entire machine-building industry. Metalworking machine tools were the basis for the production of machines by machines. Their purpose is the processing of various metal blanks in order to obtain parts of a certain configuration, with specified dimensions, shape and quality. The larger the scale of machine production, the more mass production of parts should be, the more perfect and productive should be the machines that ensure the processing of the necessary parts. The mechanical support, originally used for lathes and screw-cutting lathes, was subsequently turned into a very perfect mechanism and transferred in a modernized form to many machines intended for the manufacture of machines.

As the mechanical support, gear system, feed mechanism, clamping devices and some other structural elements of the kinematic scheme are improved, metal-cutting machines turn into more and more advanced machines. In the 70s of the XIX century. mechanical engineering already had the main working machines, which made it possible to mechanically perform the most important metalworking operations.

An outstanding role in the development of machine tool building was played by the machine-building plant created by Henry Model. In essence, it was a real school of mechanical engineers who developed the progressive technical traditions of the founder of the English machine tool industry. Here such prominent designers, researchers and inventors in the field of mechanical engineering as D. Whitworth, R. Roberts, D. Nesmith, D. Clement, E. Whitney and others began their work and creative activity. a machine system of production was already used: transmissions connected a large number of working machines set in motion by a universal heat engine. This plant initially manufactured parts for steam engines, and later produced turning, planing and other mechanical machines. Following the model of the G. Model plant (later the Maudslay and Field plant), many machine-building enterprises began to be created.

The leading position in the world machine tool industry was occupied by the factories of Nasmyth, Whitworth, Sharp and Robert in England, S. Sellers", "Pratt and Whitney", "Brawn and Sharp" in the USA. In the 70-90s, American enterprises, having mastered the production of new types of machine tools (turning-turret, universal-milling, rotary, boring, grinding), began to technically outstrip the English machine tool industry. In Germany, the production of machine tools began to develop mainly from the 60s - 70s of the XIX century. The companies "Reinecker", "Schiss", "Heimer und Pielz", "Waldrich", "Weisser" and others arose here.

In Russia, machine tools for weapons production (turning, drilling, milling, thread-cutting, broaching, grinding, polishing) were manufactured at the Tula Arms Plant. In the future, such machines began to build Izhevsk, Sestroretsk, Lugansk plants. Founded in Moscow plant br. Bromley (now "Red Proletarian") became the first Russian specialized machine-tool plant; on the All-Russian Exhibition in St. Petersburg in 1870, he exhibited several original machines: radial drilling, longitudinal planing, cross planing. At the Polytechnic Exhibition in Moscow in 1872, the plant received a gold medal for the exhibited planer and wheel lathes. In 1900, the factory br. Bromley successfully demonstrated his products at the World Industrial Exhibition in Paris. Other machine-tool enterprises also appeared in Russia: Felzer in Riga, Phoenix in St. Petersburg, Shtoll and Weichelt in Moscow, plant br. Maminykh in Balakovo, "Stol" in Voronezh, Grachev's and Dobrov's factories in Moscow. However, in general, the production of machine tools in Russia was insignificant even in the 900s; it did not satisfy the needs of the developing industry either in terms of quantity or technical level. This was the reason for the significant import of foreign machine tools for Russian factories and factories.

World machine tool industry in the last third of the 19th century. had five main types of metal-cutting machines. The predominant part of the machine park was made up of lathes, which were used to process the outer and inner surfaces of bodies of revolution. On lathes, they turned smooth and stepped shafts, cones, balls, various shaped surfaces, bored cylinders, holes, and cut threads. The second large group consisted of drilling machines designed for drilling and processing holes, as well as for boring and threading. Planing machines, divided into horizontal and vertical (grooving), were used to process flat surfaces of products. The use of milling machines for processing the outer and inner surfaces of especially precise parts, as well as for obtaining shaped products, expanded. Finally, the fifth group of metalworking equipment consisted of grinding machines, on which parts of various shapes were finished using abrasive materials and tools.

In turn, specialized types of machine tools were differentiated by the nature of the work performed in manufacturing process technological operations. There are machines designed to perform one specific or several similar operations. So, in the group of universal lathes, a specialized machine appeared for boring long cylindrical and hollow products (such as gun barrels and propeller shafts). A horizontal boring machine was created, designed for precise boring of internal surfaces. The specifics of processing large parts of small length and large diameter caused the appearance of lathes. For heavy, large-sized products that are difficult to install on conventional lathes, vertical lathes are created. A prominent role in metalworking begins to play turret lathes, equipped with a special turret, in which various cutting tools are fixed. Some turret-type machines allowed up to 12-16 tools to be installed in one head.

Other types of machines are also differentiated. Of the drilling machines, radial drilling machines stand out, designed for drilling and subsequent processing of holes in large-sized parts that cannot be installed on conventional drilling machines. For planing the planes of large body parts (such as frames, beds, machine bodies), powerful longitudinal planing machines with a moving table 3-4 m long or more are created. Longitudinal and rotary milling machines appear, which allow processing several massive parts at the same time. Along with conventional grinding machines, circular grinding machines for external grinding, for internal grinding, etc. are being designed. Equipment specially designed for cutting teeth in gears is being created: gear hobbing, gear shaping, gear planing machines. The complication of machine parts and the specialization of metalworking lead to the emergence of spline milling, keyway milling, broaching, honing and other special machines.

In parallel with the development of metal-cutting equipment, there was a process of technical improvement of other types of machine tools designed for metal processing. Thus, the need to obtain large metal blanks caused the design and construction of giant machines for forging and pressing metal products. In the 70-80s, steam hammers with a mass of falling parts of 50-75 tons worked at the Krupp factories in Germany. In 1891, a huge hammer with a mass of the working part of 125 tons was built in the USA. The height of this giant was 27.5 m, and the anvil weighed 475 tons; from the blows of the machine during its operation, the nearby factory buildings and buildings shuddered. The difficulties of operating giant hammers led to the spread of powerful hydraulic presses at machine-building plants for the production of large forgings. With a working force of a hydraulic press of 10 thousand tons, it replaces a hammer with a mass of falling parts up to 500 tons (the construction and use of such a hammer would be extremely difficult). Without powerful hydraulic presses, it would have been impossible to build many giant machines, in which individual parts weighed tens or more tons.

Increasing the productivity of metalworking equipment required the greatest possible mechanization of the main and auxiliary operations, and the reduction of unproductive time. At the same time, the narrowing of the functions of machine tools led directly to the simplification of the operations they performed and thus created favorable conditions for the introduction of automatic processes. Semi-automatic and automatic machines were created, in which the supply of the cutting tool in working position, the supply of the tool and its retraction after work to its original position were performed automatically, without human intervention.

The first automated machines were woodworking machines, designed in the USA by K. Wipple and T. Sloan. One of the first metal-cutting machines was created by the American X. Spencer in 1873 on the basis of a revolving machine. Cams and a camshaft are used as a control device in this machine. The automatic machines of the Cleveland system that appeared in the 70-80s had devices for thread rolling, for fast drilling of holes, cutting slots, and milling four planes. Automata of the Brawn and Sharp system, etc., also became widespread.

The technical progress of the machine tool industry led to the creation in the 90s of the XIX century. multi-spindle automatic machines; their appearance was caused by the desire to maximize the number of simultaneously working tools and thereby increase the productivity of the machine by combining operations. In multi-spindle machines, dozens of shaped-cutting, through-line and axial tools could be included in the work. However, during this period, machines of this type were not yet widely used.

The growth in the volume of metalworking made it necessary to revise all previously existing means of cutting metals and caused their significant improvement. The invention of high-speed steel in the early 900s, which marked a major progress in tool production, had a particularly strong effect on the development of machining technology. This steel, first proposed in 1898 by the Americans Taylor and White, was called high-speed steel for its ability to maintain cutting properties at high cutting speeds.

Cutters made of high speed steel were first demonstrated at the World Industrial Exhibition in Paris in 1900. With the use of these cutters, the cutting speed was almost 5 times higher than the speeds allowed for cutters made of ordinary steel. carbon steel. The addition of special alloying elements (manganese, chromium, tungsten) to steel significantly increased the hardness of the tool and its red hardness, i.e., the ability to maintain its working properties when heated during processing. The hardness of the new steel did not fall even when heated to red heat (at a temperature of 600 ° C). Numerous experiments conducted in 1901-1906 led Taylor and White to the conclusion that the best high-speed alloy is steel with a content of 0.67% carbon, 18% tungsten, 5.47% chromium. 0.11% manganese, 0.29% vanadium and 0.043% silicon. High-speed steel of this composition was hardened by heating to a very high temperature (over 900 ° C), followed by rapid cooling in water. Tools made from high speed steel soon became widespread.

Even greater hardness and wear resistance were given to the cutting tool by hard alloys, in which carbides of alloying elements - tungsten, molybdenum and chromium formed the basis of the working part of the tool. In 1907, the Englishman Haynes was granted a patent for a hard alloy made of cast carbides, which he called "stellite". In subsequent years, other hard alloys of this type were also created, which, however, did not receive wide distribution at that time, since they were very brittle with high hardness and red hardness.

The use of tools made of high-speed steel and hard alloys led to a gradual change in the design of equipment, to the emergence of the so-called "quick cutting machines". To fully utilize the cutting properties of the new tools, machine tool designers had to provide greater cutting forces and faster speeds than with carbon steel cutters. More machine drive power, more speed steps, faster control and maintenance were required. Renowned technologist Prof. A. D. Gatsuk in the preface to the book by F. Taylor wrote that the appearance of high-speed steel opened new era in mechanical business.

Technological progress in the field of metalworking and machine tool building was inextricably linked with a new field of theoretical and experimental research, which later constituted the theory of metal cutting.

The beginning of the scientific study of the processes of mechanical processing of metals was laid by the works of the famous Russian scientist, Professor I. A. Time. His studies of the chip formation process in the 60-80s at different feeds and cutting speeds made it possible to identify a number of patterns of chipping and fracture of metal chips, to formulate the theoretical foundations of metal cutting and to establish some cutting laws.

The results of numerous studies by I. A. Time were presented in his original work “Resistance of metals and wood to cutting. The theory of cutting and its application to machine-tools" (1870). The main provisions of the theory of cutting were further developed by Thieme in his Memoir on the planing of metals, published in 1877 in Russian, French and German, and then in the fundamental two-volume work Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering. Questions of the mechanics of the cutting process and the dynamics of metalworking were studied in detail by prof. K. A. Zworykin. His book "The Work and Force Required to Separate Metal Chips" (1893) was a valuable addition to the works of I. A. Time and was an important contribution to technical literature. The problem of rational cutting of metals attracted the attention of a number of other Russian mechanical engineers: A. V. Gadolin, P. A. Afanasyev, and A. P. Gavrilenko. In Europe, the phenomena that occur during the cutting of metals were fruitfully studied by Clarinval, Coquilla, Jossel, Tresca (in France), Hart, Harting, Wiebe (in Germany), and others.

important role in the development of theory and practical methods cutting metals played the work of the American engineer F. Taylor. In the 1980s, he carried out mass experiments to determine the optimal cutting angles, cutter shapes, and metal cutting speeds. Based on almost 50 thousand experiments conducted over 26 years, it was found that each specific task includes up to twelve independent variables (metal quality, chip thickness, cutter cooling, etc.). Studying the dependence of cutting speed and tool life, analyzing the time spent on each operation, Taylor empirically, and then theoretically established the most advantageous cutting conditions in metalworking, which had a great practical value for mechanical engineering. Since detailed calculations of cutting conditions proved to be quite laborious, Taylor and his employees compiled special "machinery plant counting rulers" with which machine operators could determine the necessary cutting conditions. Taylor's research, outlined in The Art of Cutting Metals, was then supplemented and summarized in his work on the basics of the organization of industrial enterprises, which later served as one of the justifications for the "sweatshop" system of organizing capitalist production.

An important feature of mechanical engineering in the late XIX - early XX century. there was an increase in the accuracy of the production of machines. This was largely due to the work of the famous English machine tool builder D. Whitworth, who introduced the principles and methods of precision work into mechanical engineering. Whitworth owns the invention of the first measuring machine; he introduced measuring gauges into the practice of mechanical engineering and achieved the ability to measure machined surfaces with an accuracy of hundredths, and later to thousandths of a millimeter. Whitworth gauges, which allowed for an accuracy of fitting machine parts of the order of one ten-thousandth of an inch, were already in the 80s and 90s an integral part of every large engineering plant in Europe and America. In the last years of Whitworth's life, his enterprise could manufacture measuring machines that ensured accuracy to one millionth of an inch. At the Whitworth plant, the principles of standardization and interchangeability of threads on screws were first implemented, which subsequently found the widest application in mechanical engineering and became the basis for the creation of unified and standard machine parts and assemblies.

The manufacture of numerous parts and parts of machine equipment on specialized and high-performance metal-cutting machines in compliance with the methods of accurate measurements, on a solid basis of normals, standards and principles of interchangeability of parts, prepared the technical basis for the transition of mechanical engineering to serial and mass production of products.

Machine tool industryoriginally developed mainly in the old machine-building centers. The location of machine tool plants is influenced by labor intensity ...

Machine tool industry. Machine tool industry specialized in the manufacture of automatic machines and lines, aggregate machines, flexible production systems, machine tools with numerical...

Machine tool industryis the basis of scientific and technological progress of all mechanical engineering. … Big development machine tool industry received in many areas.

So, among the machine-building centers, the largest are: Samara ( machine tool industry, bearing manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing...

Basic information. A brief overview of the history of domestic machine tool industry. The production of primitive machine tools has been known since ancient times.

The most rapidly developing electrical engineering, instrumentation, machine tool industry. Many industries are metal-intensive...

The composition of the plant precise machine tool industry in the main includes mechanical assembly shops with auxiliary and service premises.

Machine tool industry. The rapid development of mechanical engineering was associated primarily with the rapid growth machine tool industry- the basis of the production of machines by machines.

In the Volga region developed machine tool industry and instrument making, production of bearings; auto construction; river shipbuilding; tractor construction and agricultural...

...(dredges for the gold mining industry), hoisting and transport engineering (overhead cranes), machine tool industry, electrical engineering...

Take a look at the life around you. Streams of cars rush along the streets of cities and villages. Arrows of tower cranes are floating over residential areas under construction. Leaving a thin "melting" trace, an air liner flies over the clouds. In space, in the air, on earth and under water, mechanisms created by man serve, and hence the details of these mechanisms, made skillful hands machinists.

Mechanical engineering is one of the foundations of industry. Human life is unthinkable without cars. modern society. Coal, oil, ore, electricity are mined with the help of hammers, presses, machine tools. Without knowing the origins of the history of the development of the profession of a machine operator, it is impossible to comprehend the complexity and significance of this profession.

Since during the entire development of the machine tool craft, new progressive discoveries in machine tool building have appeared, which causes an increase in industrial production.

The development of machine tool building in Russia.

“All Russian artisans are excellent, very skillful and so smart that everything that they have never seen before, not only they have not done, will be understood at first sight and will work as well as if they were used to it from childhood, especially Turkish things: saddlecloths, harnesses, drills, sabers with a gold notch.

So wrote in his diary one of the associates of False Dmitry, a writer and military man named Maskevich, who together with him took part in the campaign against Moscow in 1611.

Of course, the conquering gentry was primarily interested in gold-woven saddlecloths and expensive harness, but he correctly noticed the sharpness and business skill of the Russian artisan. Our domestic craftsmen, especially those who worked in metal, have always amazed both fellow tribesmen and overseas guests with their skill and invention. Let us recall how N. Leskov described one of these people - the famous Tula blacksmith Levsha, who managed to "shoe an English flea" - a miniature machine gun - toys - "to shoe horseshoes". The work of N. Leskov is not an invention. In Tula, in fact, there were the most skillful craftsmen, especially at the arms factory, who became famous for making unique weapons, looking at them, and today you are amazed at the filigree mastery of metal processing techniques by Russian masters. Such abilities of self-taught Russians inspired, it must be said, a description of some foreigners who visited our country.

Of course, in the conditions of a backward serf economy, and even earlier in the conditions of overcoming the Mongol-Tatar yoke, the use of the achievements and inventions of our craftsmen was limited to very narrow limits. But these achievements were kept in the memory of the people, now and then revived in special settlements of artisans, hereditary masters.

Speaking about metalworking in Russia, it must be remembered that it was, especially in the 9th-10th centuries, revered as an art, not a craft. In the depths of centuries, the domestic traditions of blacksmithing, a skill that stands next to the machine tool, also go away.

Forged in Ancient Russia and household items, and military weapons. In Kyiv in the XII century, blacksmiths were a very honorable stratum of the population, enjoying privileges.

The history of the emergence of a centralized Russian state headed by Moscow, the history of the Russian people are inseparable from their struggle for independence, the struggle against foreign enslavers. These victories were won thanks to the strength and stamina of ordinary people, their desire to preserve their way of life, to save their native land. And at the same time, thanks to Russian weapons.