The story of how I feel about my mother. An essay about mom: how to write, tips, examples

Cool! 12

In the essay, the girl talks about her mother, who brings her up alone.

Family is the main wealth of every person. Thanks to our parents, we were born. It is they who give us a ticket to a happy life. Mom is one of the first words that the baby begins to speak, it was he who saw her heart from the inside.

I, like all children, also have a mother. Of course, I will say that she is the best in the world, because she not only gave me life, but also madly loves and cares. My mother's name is Alla. She is the most beautiful, kind and affectionate. She has big green eyes and brown hair. She is small in stature, so she seems fragile and tender. She has soft hands that are always happy to hug me. A radiant smile on my face illuminates with its warmth even in the saddest moments of my life. If troubles and failures lie in wait, mother will be the first to come to the rescue. She is respected by my friends and acquaintances.

As soon as I was born, my mother became my guardian angel, and I was her reliable support and support. She always said that I was the meaning of her life.

I understand the responsibility of being a mother. It's not enough just to love and pat on the head. It is necessary to grow, educate and educate a worthy person. My mother works tirelessly to feed and clothe me. She has to stay late at work so she can go to the movies or the park with me on Saturday. I understand that she gets tired and help with housekeeping.

On nights like this, when my mommy has a lot of work, I cook dinner and do wet cleaning, then I set the table and wait for her. Having crossed the threshold, mom smells the fragrant smell of food, washes her hands and we sit down at the table together. We can discuss many topics in just one evening. The baggage of life experience that my family gives me will help me throughout my life.

It so happened that we do not have a dad, but my mother is not to blame for this and is trying to raise me for two. I appreciate it and will be grateful all my life that she never gives up, she fights alone for our happiness. I have never seen her cry, although I heard her crying into her pillow at night, and in the morning with reddened eyes she goes to work. My soul is torn in these moments. I understand that it is very difficult for her and I will never upset her.

We make repairs together, go shopping. How can I leave her alone with household chores. My family knows everything about me, we have no secrets from each other. I'm always ready to get good advice from her.

In the future, I will also become a mother and I want my children to be as proud of me as I am of my mother. She completely forgot about her feminine happiness, giving all her warmth and love to me. There are few like her. I will never leave her, in my old age I will take care of her and will definitely please her with grandchildren. We will all gather at a huge table and we will remember everything happy moments my childhood, so that my children not only know what I was, but also be proud of their grandmother.

Thank you, my dear mother, for giving birth to me, for loving and sacrificing yourself for my happiness. Thank you for the sleepless nights spent by my bed and for every day you gave me. You're very Strong woman and I really want to be like you. I love you very much.

More essays on the topic: "My mother":

My mother is the dearest person to me. I love her so much. I love not for something, but just like that, just because I have it. I am very proud and cherish my mother. I don't have anyone close to her. My mother's name is Tatyana Nikolaevna. She's beautiful. I love my mother's smile and big green eyes, which sparkle with mischievous lights, fervent laughter and her hands, caring, warm, two palms dear to me. My mother is very kind, gets along well with people, everyone respects and loves her. She knows how to support in difficult times and warm with her warmth, when sometimes I feel sad and bitter.

Mom takes care of my brother and me from birth, gives us her kindness, care, tenderness and maternal love. I am very grateful to my mother for everything she does. Yes, and I always try to help her with something. I help my mother carry heavy bags of groceries, help with cleaning our house. My mother is a very tasty cook, and I love helping her with this. I learn a lot of useful things while cooking. Mom teaches me the necessary and useful knowledge that will be useful to me in life. I also love to walk with her - I'm always interested. We go to visit, to the cinema, to exhibitions, just breathe fresh air.

I want my mother to never be upset, to always be joyful and cheerful, and her eyes shone like the sun. I want her smile to please me and the people around me more often. I want to wish my mother happiness, health and everything that she would like, but has not yet come true. May all her dreams come true. After all, not only we, children, need love, attention and care - mom needs them too. Dear Mom Mom, I love you very much! I will try to please you every day with my studies, good behavior and will always help you. Mom, thank you for having me!


From the moment of birth until old age, his mother is next to a person. From the very beginning of the child's life, she loves him more than anything in the world, protects him from all adversity, worries about him.

A mother's love is limitless. Who, if not she, gives the last piece to the children, who takes on the hardships of domestic work only so that the child is healthy and happy. There were even cases when a mother sacrificed her life to save a child.

For any mother, a child is the most precious thing in life. For mom, we will always be children who need to be caressed, comforted, and helped. And it doesn't matter how old we are. She will always love regardless of age. No wonder a child who has just learned to speak is the first to pronounce the word "Mom". He even then understands that there is no closer person in the world. And no matter what happens to you, mom will always be there for you. She will still take care of you, love you even through distances.

I love my mom very much. I know that in difficult times she will always come to my aid.

My mother's eyes are kind, calm, you will always find sympathy, compassion in them when you are in trouble. If you are lucky, then you will see joy and love in them. When I look into my mother's eyes, my soul immediately becomes calm and joyful. For me, there is no more kind, close, understanding person in the world.

It is not for nothing that they say that each of us thinks his own mother is more beautiful, because each of us loves his mother. This means that the most beautiful person for us is the person whom we love more than anything in the world. It doesn't matter if he is old or young, handsome or not, rich or poor.

The best and wisest person for a person is his mother, and she must be protected, loved and respected.

Mommy! For sixteen years now we have been walking along the Earth with you. How quickly time has flown by, how much we have seen and experienced over the years, mother!

At sixteen, you already feel like an adult, a person. I became what I am, thanks to your attention. She became not a “mother's daughter”, but your “continuation”. When I hear from someone: “Arina is all in the mother”, I am proud of it, believe me. You taught me to love my neighbor, taught me to work. By her example, she proved to me that there is real friendship and loyalty in life, there is well-deserved happiness, and that all this is born out of love for people.

My dear! I owe you so much. I don’t know how, but with your motherly heart you always feel that I feel bad: they offended me, they didn’t notice, they didn’t understand. My happiness is in your advice, in your warm hands, in your slightly sad smile.

Mommy, my dear, I will never forget how many nights you spent next to my bed while I was sick. I will never forget any of your fairy tales told at night, I will never forget my birthdays, when you arranged a real holiday, no matter how hard it was and no matter what obstacles stood in your way.

How many worries and troubles you have! But you don’t demand anything from anyone, you don’t expect help, and all by yourself, all by yourself, you spin all day long, like a squirrel in a wheel: work - home - family and work again. You know how to hide your tears, your problems, your troubles from me, so that I grow up calmly, so that I don’t see your tears.

Please don't be sad and don't cry. Life is too short to waste it on tears. And I don't want you to get old, mom. Let birthdays come and go, let the years go by, and you still don't get old!

Mommy! I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused you. Why do I sometimes allow myself cruel words and deeds? Then I feel sick of it myself. ... But oddly enough, you do not scream, but seem to remain indifferent. But this is only an appearance, but in reality it is hard for you, no, you are not angry, you just hurt, it hurts a lot. I never notice it because I'm selfish. Forgive me that I do not understand your inner feelings for me and sometimes remain indifferent when cats scratch in your soul.

Maybe I want to come up, ask for forgiveness and say that you are the dearest person in the world to me and that I love you most of all, but something always gets in the way ...

You always tell me: “When you become a mother, you will understand me!” Of course, you're right, I still don't understand everything in this life. Years will pass, and only then will I understand that it is too late to ask for forgiveness. How then I will reproach myself for everything said and unsaid, how excruciatingly painful it will be ...

Mom, thank you for everything! Dear, sweet, beloved, the most beautiful! Let's never quarrel and never part! Let's live happily ever after! And together we will live to see the days when you will teach the first steps and the first words of your grandchildren and granddaughters.

Mom, mom ... Such a dear, such a sincere word that carries so many memories, so much warmth and kindness. You pronounce this word "mom", and your heart is filled with beauty, incomparable to anything. feeling - feeling love for her, for the one and only. And let everyone have their own, mother, but there is no one better than my mother in the world. Not only gratitude lives in my heart, but also love. This is love, such as only a child can have for a mother, that unique, beautiful and sensitive, which happens only to one person, which will last for a lifetime, which will never leave my heart.

An essay about mom is a difficult task about the closest person. This is the topic in primary school and later in high school. You need to understand what exactly you want to write, make a plan, short and then expanded, and after that start writing down your thoughts.

How to plan an essay

Read the title carefully and say to yourself everything you want to say. If the essay about mom is not limited to one topic, then you can definitely develop the plot of your story in any direction.

Any essay should have an introduction, body and conclusion.

In the introduction, you need to voice the topic, discuss the meaning of what you have to write in the main part. It should not be very large, 4-6 sentences is enough if it is an essay of average length. can also be placed in the first part. Tell us about the appearance, character, work of the person most dear to you. The final sentence of the introduction is better to make some enticing thought. For example: “My mother and I have a lot of funny stories, and I will tell one of them now.” In this way, you encourage the reader to continue studying your essay.

In the main part, you will present the very funny story or some interesting one that was mentioned in the previous sentence. This part of your essay should be the largest. At least 8-10 sentences. The story should be complete, do not cut it off at the most interesting place.

At the end, you can praise your mother for her love and care for you. Write a couple of warm and tender words addressed to her. For an essay, 4-6 sentences are enough so that the beginning and end are approximately the same in volume. But personally mom can say a lot more!

There are several tips for successful essay writing. If now you have a blank sheet in front of you and you are going to write an essay about your mother, then try using some of them:

An example of an essay for grades 1-2

Children in elementary school are usually assigned a short essay with no specified length requirements. However, it is from this age that it is necessary to start writing essays correctly. Example: "My mom is the best in the world! Her name is Natalya, and she is 38 years old. She is very beautiful. She has blue eyes, blond hair and is tall. She is also thin, although she loves to cook.

Mom works as an accountant. This is a very difficult profession. She considers people's salaries. If she's wrong, people won't get paid. So she can't be distracted."

Examples of essays for grades 3-4

For older kids, the task is more difficult. Example: "When I was asked an essay about my mother, I was very happy. Everyone should know my mother, because she is the best. She has three cats, because she works as a veterinarian. She often saves the lives of animals. It's a pity that many animals not at home.So mom brings them to us, and then finds them loving family. My mom is the kindest!

My mom is my friend. I can always ask her for advice. For example, if a girlfriend offended me, my mother will always be able to judge us. Or if I need help with my lessons, she will never refuse. It's a very difficult job being a mom."

An example of an essay for the 5th-6th grade

AT high school, in 5-6th grade, a common topic is "How I help my mother." This essay is not difficult, you can see by looking at the example: “My mother is very hardworking. She works full time as a manager. And then he comes home and takes up his post again. First check the lessons of the children (and she has three of them), then cook dinner for the whole family, then the laundry, a little cleaning and many other household chores.

Of course, as the oldest, I try to help my mother. I check my sisters' lessons. They are in 2nd and 3rd grade. I also take them home after school and feed them lunch that mom leaves in the fridge. I also water the flowers and walk our dog before my mom comes home from work. We sometimes even meet with her near the subway and walk a little together.

It is very important to help mom, because she does so much for all of us!”

Many schoolchildren are afraid to write essays, but this is a completely simple and interesting thing!

“Daily communicating with our children, we do not notice how quickly they grow up, how they become smarter and wiser. But comparing two creative work the same children, you clearly see the changes. How wiser you have become in a year, my beloved students! So, essays about mothers of the past and this year. Read, be surprised and rejoice!”

Teacher - Podkokho Yulia Anatolyevna

Compositions of second graders. 2015–2016 academic year

Elizabeth Samyshkina

Dear Mom! I love you for taking care of me and cooking for us every day. You're trying to look after us the best you can. You are kind, beautiful and most beloved! You always try to finish the work as soon as possible so that we have more time to be together. Mom loves us even when we play. I see you so little, but it's not your fault, it's just that you long work but you help us, you earn money for us. I wish you never get sick, so that you can be a queen and that you can sleep!

Esther Griner

My mom is good and serious!

Anastasia Konkova

My mom is the best in the world! She is always kind and takes care of granny! She always calms me down and doesn't tell anyone too much. She loves me very much and I love her very much! Mom will always support me. She loves me for who I am, and I love her very much (although she sometimes swears). Mom always helps me with lessons, she is the best!

Anna Yelesina

My mother is very kind, smart, caring, beautiful! She does everything to make us happy and I wish her happiness, health and that no one offends her, a lot of rest, so that everyone loves her, stay as beautiful and smart!

Alexandra Lepekhina

My mother is very kind and beautiful! She loves cleanliness and is afraid of heights. Mother! I wish you all the best, health and happiness! I want you to be beautiful and slim, to rest more often and all the best!

Veronika Savinova

My mom is the best in the world! My mom took me to Swipe School! She tries to do the best for me! She buys me gifts, she always supports me! When I wake up in the morning, she greets me with a smile! When I come home from school, her smile is like a rainbow!

Polina Belova

Mommy always helps me, and my mom and I go to Sweep School. My mom always knows what to do. Rarely is she evil. She once worked in a bank. Mom always loved me very much, did not let me offend! She is positive, successful, dear, I love her! I am very glad that I have such good parents! I love them!!!

Anya Gurieva

Mom is my love! This is the love of every person for life! My mother's name is Olya, she is kind and good! When I'm sick, she gives me medicine. Sometimes I get a little offended with her when I see how she and her brother play. She was also an October baby. I wish my mother happiness and joy, so that she does not take offense, so that she cooks deliciously and is the best!

Sasha Grigorieva

My mother is the person who is very valuable to me, she loves, she will not leave, she will support. I have a lot in common with my mother, for example, we are both forgetful! Mom has a birthday on November 15, like Yulia Anatolyevna, but my mother is a different person. My mother says that she is ugly, but I am sure that she is very beautiful! Mom is a real hostess and cook, she is very responsible for our house, and my dad and I love and appreciate her very much, she is best mom. She is a cartographer, like Papa, I love my mom, she is the best!

Zhenya Ivanya

My mom is very nice! She is kind, cheerful, caring, she is the director of "ZAASO", this is a very serious job, she works from 9 to 18 hours. She gets very tired after work, but we play with her, this gives her strength and we continue to play!

Alexander Kostecki

My mommy helps me do my homework, plays with me, takes care of me, heals me. My mother has a very kind character, once, when I fell ill, my father and mother treated me. She helped me get through a very bad illness. I love my mom very much and my dad and I say to her: "Thank you!" Mom caresses me and it always makes me feel better. She cooks delicious food!

Kirill Medvedev

My mother is a photographer and designer. Yesterday, for example, she was at work all day, although she usually works for 3-4 hours. She used to work in a cafe, and now she cooks us very, very tasty pancakes and much more! She helps me do my homework. I love her so much! Sometimes she takes me to work.

Marusya Vasilyeva

I know for sure that my mom is the best! I love her so much! I want to knit a phone case for her out of rubber bands. My mom is a very good cook. But once there was a case when my mother baked an unsuccessful cherry pie. The shortbread was burnt and salty, only the cherry was delicious, but still my mother is the best! And, of course, she cooks more tasty than tasteless! Mommy always helps me and appreciates what I give her!

Katya Antokhina

My mother is very kind, sometimes strict, cheerful, ambitious, honest, smart! She has three favorite colors: green, red and blue. Mom loves to wear dresses, skirts and jeans. My mother works at an institute called GUAP. I want to wish mommy health, happiness, love, success in work and personal life, beauty, prosperity, wealth, intelligence, long, long life!

Milana Studilova

My beloved mother is very kind and good, she always helps me with lessons. Thanks to my mother, I got a dog Armani and Maschino. I love my mother very much and wish her all the best so that in 2016 you succeed, that you smile more and be happy! May this year be better than last!

Essays of third graders. 2016-2017 academic year

“Moms are like buttons: everything rests on them!”
“Having a child is wealth, being a mother is a great happiness!”

Absolutely everything rests on my mom: my studies and my health, my whole life.

For example, my mother helps me prepare for all tests. We study poetry together. When I'm sick, she's always in a bad mood. My mother is very kind, thanks to this, I and she do a lot of things. And she gets very upset when something doesn't work out for me.

I love the way she cooks. She thinks how to feed me tasty and healthy!

My mother is very responsible. She has a very serious job, she comes home very tired. I pity her...

My mom and I love shopping. Mom buys me different things.

That's why I love her so much!

Ekaterina Antokhina, 3rd grade

Who said angels don't exist? It's just that on earth they are called mom"

It's true - everything rests on mothers! Mothers feed us, monitor our health, take care of us. And our nutrition, and our health, and even our mood often depend on mom. Mothers also bring us great and small joys.

You may not notice a lot. Or don't take it seriously. But mothers are different - they notice everything, everything that happens in the lives of children is important to them! Mothers give us so many things: both material and non-material. Although, is it really so important - material or not? Our mothers give us everything!

Here my mother allows me a lot, she really appreciates freedom! She also takes me to school and wushu. I have a great mom! I think that all mothers are just as kind and caring!

I think for all mothers are the best people. And mothers, however, are like buttons, everything rests on them. And mothers hold on to all their relatives. Including us.

Artyom Firsov, 3rd grade

“Only a mother for the sake of her children is capable of the impossible”

I think that all hope and care is on my mother. Mom does everything for the family, for example, cooks soup, cleans, irons, takes the children to school, prepares outfits for the holiday and wakes the children up early for school. Mommy! I want to wish you happiness, health, so that everything works out for you at home. Believe in yourself, everything will work out, you will have time for everything, you can do everything. In general, I love you very, very much, more than anyone.

Anna Guryeva, 3rd grade

"Mom - one word, four letters, eternal meaning ..."

My mother once told me that there are no ideal people ... Probably, this is true ... but for me, my mother is ideal. My mother's name is Natasha. She is a teacher and teaches children music. All children love my mother very much. She is funny, very kind and always knows how to joke funny. My mom knows how to keep secrets. I always consult with her and I can tell her everything. My older sister and brother also trust my mother with their secrets and mysteries. Mom loves us very much and will always help good advice or a joke.

Mom and I are always together. She helps me. We love to walk together, go to the cinema, travel. I know if mom is around, then everything will be fine!

Veronika Savinova, 3rd grade

“Mommy, did you have a dream?
- Was!
- And now?
“And now he’s sitting next to him and asking questions!”

My mother is the best, and I love her, and she loves me. My mother has blonde and very beautiful hair. She is very slim because we go to the gym on weekdays. And my mom is great, because she married my dad, who is the most cheerful of all dads, I have not seen others like him.

Also, I think my mom is kind of weird because she doesn't like her birthday. How can you not love receiving gifts? I do not understand… . I like to help my mother, but she does not always allow me. He thinks I can't do it and I won't succeed. My mother does a lot for me, not for the topic. Subject is my brother. He is 4 years old. Mommy buys beautiful clothes for me. My mom is like a button, she keeps everything going. She is the best person on the planet! I love her very much!

Anastasia Konkova, 3rd grade

“And I don’t need your praise, my mother’s smile and her words are enough for me”

I have a kind mother, she loves me very much. For me, my mother is the most important thing in life. She is ready to help, explain, suggest. I remember there was one case when I really wanted a dog for myself, and then my mother found a very cute dog and, after looking at many photos, we went to persuade my father, we could not persuade him the first time. But then, when I went to bed, my mother persuaded him. And after a while we had a dog named Armsney. Then, after some time, thanks to my mother, we had a second dog named Moschino. When dogs appeared in our family, my mother became kinder, we began to walk more. And when my mother has no time, I have someone to play with.

When I was little, I walked with my mother more. Even sometimes I composed poems for my mother, but for some reason I didn’t tell them to her. After we had dogs, I started helping my mother at the dog show. Thanks to my mother, we went to Moscow for an exhibition. I really enjoyed this exhibition. I really enjoyed our joint trip to China. We stayed there only two days, but my mother bought me a lot - clothes, a toy, and a lot of things.

When my father is busy, my mother brings me to school. My mother is very good and kind. I don't even know what words to describe it. She is very good. When I get sick, my mother treats me. Also, thanks to my mother, we went to Dubai with her. It was very cool and fun with my mom! Before we went to Dubai, we got another dog named Dolchi. But we had to sell Moskino.

Milana Studilova, 3rd grade

“Remember about Mom, because only she will believe in you and in you”

I love my mother very much: she is kind, always helps. If dad swears at me, then mom will protect me, calm me down. By the holiday of March 8, I made her a gift. The class and I embroidered flowers from ribbons. I made many colors: first turquoise, then aqua, yellow and orange.

I think if mom was not in the house, then it would be just a mess! Thank you mom for caring, for happiness, for mercy, and for love.

My mother is very creative: for example, she sewed a skirt for me and embroidered a fox. When I am in the fourth grade, my mother will sew for me the picture that I will draw. It will be pink or light peach in color.

My mother's name is Oksana, which is a Ukrainian name, and my father calls her Ksyusha. It's a completely different name though.

My mother knows how to cook well, she bakes cookies, knows how to roast nuts and pick spices for them.

She knows how to draw beautifully: by the New Year she draws wrapping paper, and her dad prints it. And when you need to wrap something, mom glues the sheets. This year, my mother wants to compose the Russian alphabet. She comes up with a letter, draws a picture for it, and then she connects all the leaves, and you get an alphabet book.

My mom can do almost everything! She is the best!

Vasilyeva Maria, 3rd grade

“Thank you for everything I tell you!”
Mommy, sweet, gentle, nice, kind, smart and radiant.
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness.
Thank you for everything I tell you!

My mother's name is Nikitina Olga Petrovna. She is now 33 years old. She has dark brown hair, brown eyes. Mom loves taking pictures and knitting. She knitted hats and even a blouse for my toy. Mom also gets beautiful pictures. She also cooks delicious food. She is good at meat, charlotte, muffins, and more. Mom does beautiful hair. When dad is away, she takes us to school. My mother is also very smart, she studied at five at school. If I get sick, she heals well. If I find it difficult to study, she will help me.

Anna Nikitina, 3rd grade

"A mother's love is the only love from which one cannot expect betrayal"

My mother is sweet, gentle, nice, kind, smart and radiant. Mom takes care of the family, helps when needed. She helps even just like that, in advance. Mom takes care of the cats, and about us and about herself. In the morning, mom tells us that it's time to get up. Mom cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner. My mother loves to go on excursions, go to museums, read and learn something new. Mom tries to make us feel good when we are sick, mom takes care of us. If something is not clear, mom will explain. Mom makes sure that the cats do not fight, do not quarrel ... My mother loves to play with cats, with me and with the whole family. If I learned a verse and asked my mother to listen, my mother will always listen. Often I ask my mother to buy something for me in the store, my mother will buy it. And if I ask her to go to the store with me, my mother goes. Sometimes I manage to persuade my mother to buy me ice cream in the winter. And in the summer, mom often buys ice cream for the whole family. Mom walks with me, goes to the amusement park. My mother buys me books, toys and various sweets. Mom loves all the drawings and crafts that I make for her. Even if the drawing or craft didn’t work out very well or didn’t work out at all, mom will still like it. Almost every day my mom picks me up from school. If possible, my mother picks me up late from school, because I like to leave school late. If we have a tea party on the day I have a workout, my mother gives me the opportunity to choose where to go - for a workout or a tea party. If I choose the tea party, my mom will call my trainer to say there's no practice today. Often after training, I want to work out tricks, if we are not in a hurry, my mother will allow it. I'm really thirsty at training, my mom either takes something to drink from home or buys me a drink where I work out. Thank you for everything you do for us Mom!

Anna Yelesina. 3rd grade

"Mother's hands - the embodiment of tenderness"
“Mom is the first word, mom is the main word in every destiny”

Mom's hands are not just hands. They are the embodiment of love, tenderness, warmth, this is experienced by those who truly love and appreciate their mother. As soon as you touch these hands, you can drown in love and care. And you can’t just say that these are just hands. It's part of your mom's love. And your hands for mom are a piece of her heart. You can't feel it in other people. After all, mom is the most important thing in life. Why mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness? Yes, because mother's hands are always affectionate and caring! Even if mom is old, but for you - these are the most best hands. If mom is far away, you will still feel mom's hands.

This is the feeling when you feel the presence of your mother always. This is attachment to mom or love. And mom will feel you, because she misses you so much. And when you are together, this feeling explodes from the joy of meeting! Parts of your heart and mother's are connected!

Mom cannot be imagined without her hands. Even if you like hugging or kissing, you will still represent her hands. Mom's hands are magical, they do everything for you: they cook food, iron clothes, help you get dressed and more. Mom’s hands are also the strongest, because mom will help to lift everything, even very heavy ones.

I can say with accuracy that mom's hands are part of our heart and mom's love! Both you and I will know that mother's hands are the most magical and strong!

Alexandra Grigorieva, 3rd grade

“I know what happiness is. Happiness is to see your mother happy.”

AT recent times I was sad. Recently, my mother flew to hot countries. I was lonely and bored, and when my mother sent me pictures, I look at them with joy. In sad moments, I really dreamed that right now a happy mother would appear in front of me, and I would also become cheerful. But soon she will arrive and, probably, I will smile like never before, and we will go with her to the concert of my favorite singer. It seems to me that when my mother comes, she will be very happy, just like me! This will be the best day of my life. Although every day when mom is happy is the best!

Kirill Medvedev, 3rd grade

"Mom is sunshine,
The look of wonderful gentle eyes.
Save from a thousand troubles
And help a thousand times

I love my mom! When my mother comes home, my mood rises by itself !!! Mom comes and always has a smile on her face. Yes, it happens when mom quarrels with dad, she still smiles, but we all understand that in her heart she wants to cry, but mom is holding back. I don't understand how mom does it?!

My mother has three children and she takes good care of us, although my mother has a lot of work, she does things until two in the morning, I feel very sorry for her! Even if mom is very, very, very, very busy, she still finds time for tenderness and kindness with me and with others!

We often go to cafes as a family - dad, mom, Ksyusha, Olaf and me! I love it!

We all love Mom so much! I'm very lucky, she's the best! My mother is very kind, I appreciate her not for one, not for two things, but for her whole life for us, because she is the best! Mom is kind, good, beautiful not only in appearance, but also in her soul! I have the best mom!

Elizaveta Samyshkina, 3rd grade

"Mom's love is a cozy courtyard, which is always warm and sunny"

I love seeing my mom happy! When mom is happy and calm, I think that everything is fine with Katya, with dad, with Lisa, and when she is sad, it seems to me that not everything is in order and I feel sad too. Mom is a person who loves me very much. My mother always comes to me when Katya is sleeping and I am very pleased! When I am in a quarrel with my mother, I am very sad, I always go to her to put up or she to me. Mom is best person for me, when I imagine it, I feel good. Mom does almost everything in our house - cleans clothes, irons them, cooks delicious food: soups, salads, pasta, and much more. Mom is everything to me. I love her so much. Mom's hands, her happiness is a part of my heart! Until Katya was born, dad was always at work, and my mother drove me and Lisa everywhere. When I feel the touch of her hand, I feel better. Mom is a teacher in my heart! Mom is not angry with me, it's true. I love her very much!

Alexander Kostecki, 3rd grade

"Mom's love is a garden where the sun shines and it's always spring!"

Unfortunately, not all people have a mother, and I feel very sorry for those people. After all, mom is a person who loves you, you couldn’t live without mom, even if you don’t think so, sooner or later you will tell her anyway: “Mommy, I love you!” Once you realize that mother's love is the best thing in the world. You go to bed and you dream that you are entering the garden, and even if it is winter, it is spring there now, and the sun is shining.

Unprecedented flowers and wonderful trees are growing!

At first you don’t understand where you are, but soon you realize that this is your mother’s love, a garden where the sun shines and it’s always spring! But the dream is over, it's time to get up!

Don't fight with your mom! Sometimes you think that you live in vain in the world, but it's not. Even if you are offended by your mother, forgive her, because she wants the best. There is nothing more precious in life than mother's love, she has the right to scold you, and do not think that she deprived you of a computer or TV because she is sorry. No no! She worries about you, about your eyes. Yes, it is true that mother does not always speak and advise correctly, but so what, everyone can make a mistake. Do not be angry with her, she does not wish you harm, she is very kind, her love for you is sacred. I love my mother very much, I never want to part with her!

Alexandra Lepekhina, 3rd grade

The best person in the world is, of course, my mother. Why do we love our mother? Because she is affectionate and kind, because she knows how to love us and take pity on us, because she is beautiful and smart.

Mom knows how to cook delicious food and it is never boring with her. She knows a lot and will always help us. Mom gives us a feeling of happiness, worries about us, supports us in difficult times. But, most importantly, we love her because she is just a mother.

Mom is the most precious person in the world. As soon as a person is born into the world, he sees the kind eyes of his mother. If she goes somewhere on business, then the baby will cry inconsolably, having lost her. The first word spoken by the baby is usually the word "mother".

The child will grow up and mother takes him to Kindergarten, then to school. And now mom is our best adviser and friend. We share our thoughts and ideas with her, talk about our feelings, about what we have succeeded in, and what we still need to work on.

Mom can be demanding and strict, but we do not take offense at her, because we know that she only wants the best for us.

Mom's smile is the most precious thing in the world. After all, when she smiles, then everything is fine, and any difficulties can be overcome. We are glad when mom supports us in good undertakings, gives advice.

Parental blessing means a lot. It seems as if wings appear behind your back, you want to rush at full sail, striving to achieve your goal. " Maternal blessing does not sink in water, does not burn in fire' says folk wisdom.

Mom's hands are golden. What can't she do! Cooking, cooking, gardening, sewing, knitting, cross-stitching, cleaning the house, babysitting. And my mother knows how to work on a computer, compose poetry and dress beautifully.

How many wonderful words poets and writers dedicated to mothers. Read a poem by the Lithuanian poet Kostas Kubilinskas. How much tenderness and warmth in his lines.

The poem "Mama" (author Kostas Kubilinskas)

Mom, very very
I love you!
So love that at night
I don't sleep in the dark.
I peer into the darkness
I'm in a hurry.
I love you all the time
Mommy, I love it!
Here the dawn shines.
It's already dawn.
Nobody in the world
There is no better mom!

Good, sincere lines. It can be seen that the Lithuanian poet treated his mother with great respect and love.

Let's take care of our moms! I would like them to always be young and healthy, and adversity would bypass them.

Auto text: Iris Revue

Mom is the closest, dearest and dearest person for each of us. And it doesn’t matter at all whether we are small children or already adults, independent people - there is no one in this world more precious than her.

Mom is a big word that carries a lot of light, warmth and love. All we have is all that our mother gave us. She gave everyone the most valuable thing - life.

It is not for nothing that many writers and poets of distant times and modern times speak of the mother as a shrine. And how many songs sound in her honor. In every line of a song or a simple poem, mother is idolized.

Thanks to our mothers, we learned to write and read, to solve all kinds of problems that we meet on the path of life. We have learned to distinguish evil from good and have managed to be kind to all the people around us. Mom taught me to appreciate life and every moment lived. She taught us to work hard and be responsible people. It was mommy who taught us to appreciate people, take care of loved ones, not offend kids and respect elders.

Each of us is grateful to his dear and beloved mother for all the great things that she does, for all the light and all the warmth that she began to give us even when we were not born. We should be grateful to our mothers for all the warmth, for her love and affection, which she gives us free of charge.

Mom is a ray of light on a dark and rainy day. She is a personal Guardian Angel, who in the most difficult moments our life helps us. She protects and advises in those moments when we stumble. Mom is a person who will always listen and support. She rejoices in success and supports in the moment of defeat. Mom loves that we are just her children.
My mom is my pride. She is my support and support. She loves me just like that, no matter what. Mommy forgives me for my worst misdeeds and mistakes in life.

It is a pity that we very often allow ourselves to offend our mothers and do not even think about the fact that we are hurting her with our words, ugly deeds and senseless and thoughtless antics.

It is also a shame that we often share our successes with strangers for us, and we bring our defeats, insults and disappointments to her, to the brightest and brightest star. Why do we so often make mistakes and hurt our mothers? After all, we must appreciate every moment spent with the closest, dearest and dearest person.

You should never forget your mothers, because they never forget about their children.

Being a mother is a calling, which, unfortunately, not everyone appreciates. Is it possible to call that woman a mother who, having given birth, abandoned her child, or even worse, threw it in the trash? Is it possible to call a woman a real mother if, instead of getting something for her baby, she tries to please only herself, get drunk and scold her child? Does the honorary title of MOM deserve the one that constantly mocks the child, beats and scolds him even for the most innocent misconduct? Is it possible to call a real mother one who puts her happiness and well-being above the happiness of her own child? Does this woman deserve to be a mother if she allows others to mock her own little man? No. A real mother will never betray, deceive, replace or offend her baby, she will never value her freedom more than a child. A real mother will always protect her baby and will not let anyone offend. This is who a real, loving and caring mother is.

It is precisely such kind, honest, loving, caring and sincere mothers that simply need to be idolized. Such mothers need to be prayed for daily, hourly and every second.

My mother deserves only praise and attention to herself, because she gave me absolutely everything that a child needs. She gave me a lot of love, tenderness and affection. She surrounded me with care and in difficult moments of life, she is always ready to take me under her tender maternal wing and help with advice. Why, she can just listen and support. Only mommy sincerely rejoices at my victories and achievements. Only she can give really valuable advice. No friends and girlfriends can replace such happiness - just to be next to the most beloved and dear person for me.

Love your mothers!