Sculpt characters from plasticine. How to mold Soviet cartoon characters from plasticine

Modeling helps children develop fine motor skills and imagination. And this contributes to the formation of speech, attention, coordination and visual memory. A wide variety of figures can be made from plasticine. Very often they are cartoon characters. It can be cats, dogs, ponies and others.

One of the favorite cartoons among children is "Pony from Ponyville", whose characters are charming little horses with a bright long mane and tail. It is not always possible to collect a complete collection of such animals, but the child himself or with the help of his parents will be able to make a plasticine horse.

How to mold a pony from plasticine

Both girls and boys will want to learn how to sculpt ponies from plasticine. It will be interesting for each child if he is given the opportunity to make a plasticine animal himself, and then name it. No need to make a horse one to one like a cartoon character. You can choose the color scheme of your choice.

Materials needed for modeling

To make a plasticine pony, you will need the following:

  1. Plasticine, preferably wax. You can take any other mass for modeling.
  2. stack.
  3. Sticks for making legs.
  4. Oilcloth or a special board for modeling.

The procedure for making crafts

Basic rules must be followed modeling techniques to understand how to make a pony with your own hands. The creative process will help the child learn to combine colors. For example, you need to choose such shades for craft items so that they are combined with the color of the body. You can use the color matching chart.

The craft is ready. The child can boast that he now knows how to make a plasticine pony. You can make such little animals on weekends or, for example, in rainy weather, when there is no desire to go outside. Plasticine is easy to mold not only ponies, but also other cartoon characters.

bee maya

Many children are very fond of the funny Maya the Bee. It will be interesting for them not only to watch the cartoon, but also to make a plasticine bee.

It turned out amazing bee Maya, which everyone will make, having mastered the order of doing the work step by step.

princess figurine

Princesses are the main characters of some cartoons. In her fairy-tale world there are luxurious castles, balls and many stunning dresses. A charming princess can be molded from plasticine. For manufacturing you will need the following:

Before molding a princess from plasticine, you need to form a dress frame and a corset from a pink mass. To do this, roll a third of the bar into a ball, and form the frame of the dress in the form of a cone from the remaining part. Connect the resulting parts together using a toothpick. In this case, the rounded part should be located on top, it will be a corset.

For decorating a skirt dazzle lush ruffles. Roll up sausages from the lilac and pink mass and divide them into several pieces. Turn each part into a sausage again, flatten slightly and stick on the frame. In this case, the shades of the material must be alternated. You should get voluminous folds.

Lay a yellow plasticine ribbon at the junction of the corset with the skirt. Twist the ends of the ribbon, and fasten the bow in the central part.

The neck and head of the princess are attached to the body (it is also a corset).

Brown mass is suitable for making hair. First, draw the strands of the face, and then the top of the head.

Make eyes out of black material. Glue them into pre-prepared pits on the face.

Then add the stick figure. Fashion the sleeves from the pink mass, and the handles from the beige. Connect the details and attach to the body of the princess.

Make a crown from a piece of yellow plasticine. To do this, roll out the cake and cut a strip with cloves. Connect the strip and turn the cloves out a little, the tips of which are decorated with beads.

Decorate the dress with beads too. You can make earrings from two identical beads.

Using a skewer, draw a mouth, hair and patterns on the dress. Plasticine princess is ready.

Pony from mastic

Characters from the cartoon "My Little Pony" will be a wonderful decoration for a birthday cake. It is easy to make a little pony from mastic, a master class will help you learn how to do this. It is necessary to prepare:

  1. Mastic balls: three pink, one lilac or purple, two black and two white.
  2. Toothpick.
  3. Water to wet fingers.

The pink ball is used to shape the horse's head. Need to sculpt the nose, ears and mouth.

From the second ball of the same color, make the torso, and from the third, make legs extended downwards. Hooves do not need to be molded.

Attach the legs to the body, rubbing with your fingers the places where the joints of the parts are visible. Fasten the head to the neck, then to the body, using a toothpick.

Make eyes out of white balls. Stick circles of a dark purple hue on them, and place black dots in the center, you will get pupils.

To form the tail and mane, take the purple mass. Using a toothpick, give a relief surface resembling wool.

From the remaining mastic, make accessories in the form of hearts and flowers to decorate the cake. Similarly, you can make a pony figurine from other colors. It will look more realistic if the horse's logo is attached to the side.

What are the benefits of sculpting

In addition to plasticine, you can sculpt crafts from polymer clay. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is used for sculpting small figures. Such material is suitable for creating decorative ornaments.

Modeling contributes to the proper development of speech and the construction child's inference. Knowledge of the basics of art helps to develop imagination and creativity in other areas.

By building the order of work on modeling in stages, the child learns to plan, to correctly distribute his means and forces. You can ask him to verbally reproduce the sequence of making a pony or any other animal from plasticine. It is important that in the process of creating a sculpture, children do not lose sight of small details.

If you take a softer mass, then the child can be sculpted from 1 year old.

Attention, only TODAY!

Plasticine modeling for children is one of the first creative activities that they can do. Even the smallest, under the supervision of adults, will be able to fashion the simplest figures from plasticine. This lesson is very useful for the child, he learns the world, communicates with his parents. During modeling, fine motor skills of the hands improve, which has a beneficial effect on brain function and contributes to the development of speech.

Plus, it's a very quiet activity, so many parents put it off until the evening to make it easier to fall asleep. Crafts from plasticine can be very diverse, the main thing is that they arouse interest in the child.

It is important for parents to provide the child with high-quality and safe plasticine, it is advisable to have a set of a large number bars of bright saturated colors. The wider the palette, the more scope for imagination is provided to the child at work. You will need a wooden or plastic board for work, a small plastic knife, a stick. Empty rods from ballpoint pens, paper clips, matches, toothpicks are useful for connecting individual parts. Stock up on wet wipes.

cartoon characters

All children love cartoons, and they will be interested in how to mold their favorite cartoon characters from plasticine, what kind of plasticine smeshariki will look like, for example.

Let's try to mold one of the heroes - Barash. From lilac plasticine, roll one large ball for the body, several small ones are useful for curls. From the same plasticine we will prepare the arms and legs, we will decorate the hooves. From white and black bars we will prepare circles for the eyes, white ones are larger, and black ones are very tiny. With the help of a wooden stick we will decorate the ears. Purple plasticine will be needed for the spout and horns.

Connect all the details together, our beloved Barash is ready to participate in your games. How, by changing some details, you can make the rest of the characters in this cartoon.


Plasticine food is very useful for girls while playing with dolls. They will be happy to take part in the creation of sweet delicacies for their toy daughters. Let's try to make ice cream from plasticine in a waffle cup.

You will need plasticine of two colors. For a glass, you need to take light brown or beige plasticine, and for the ice cream itself - any, because its variety today is simply amazing. To make a waffle cone, roll out a round cake to the desired size. With a stick or ruler, lightly pressing, mark out a grid imitating a waffle pattern.

Make a cone out of this cake so that the notch remains on outer surface. Insert a ball of a different color into the horn. Ice cream is ready.

computer hero

All parents know that computer games completely absorb the attention of children. Distracting them from the screen is not an easy task. Invite them to mold their favorite Minecraft characters from plasticine. Let's figure out how to sculpt Herobrine together with a child.

For its manufacture, you will need plasticine of brown, beige, blue and blue colors. Roll a ball out of brown, you can easily fashion a cube out of it. It turned out the head, on which you need to attach the face - a piece of beige plasticine. From a white bar, make eyes, and from a dark one - a nose and mouth. Herobrine's torso will be blue, he will need one box and two cubes. Connect them with toothpicks and you will get a short-sleeved T-shirt. Prepare a blue parallelepiped, connect a black plate to it with matches or toothpicks.

Connect the torso with the head and legs. Hands should be beige. Apply a grid to the surface, it should look like small squares. In the same way, you can sculpt the rest of the heroes of this computer game.

For the little ones

Heroes computer games older children will be interested, the smallest are interested in learning how their favorite animals are made from plasticine. You can try to create a hero of many cartoons, a big and kind elephant.

For its manufacture, we need a material of blue color. If the kid wants to make a pink elephant, do not forbid him. From a piece of blue material we make a ball, we draw a pipe from it. For the body, you will need to make an elongated ball - an oval. The elephant has four legs, we roll out four columns for them. We connect all our blanks. Now you need to attach the head and tail.

The ears of an elephant are large, if made of plasticine, they can fall off. Try cutting them out of cardboard of the same color and attaching them to your head. Don't forget to make eyes for the elephant. Here is a new toy for your child.


Most likely, girls will really want to make plasticine flowers for their mother or grandmother as a gift. To make any flower, you must first prepare everything small items, such as cores, petals, twigs, which are then joined together. From colorful bright flowers you can make an interesting gift.

It is convenient to lay out an unnecessary CD as the basis of this craft. You will need plasticine of bright colors, toothpicks. We start by sculpting the petals and leaves of the intended flowers. From the green mass we sculpt leaves and stems. With the help of a sharp stick on the leaves and petals we make relief lines. We spread the pattern on the disk, completely covering its surface. The original souvenir is ready.

One should not think that a child who picks up plasticine for the first time will be able to create a masterpiece. He needs to be taught everything. After you and your child have mastered the manufacture of simple figures, you will be able to create more complex characters, make voluminous panels. To begin with, the main thing is to arouse interest in the little one, and after the first animal, he will want to mold a whole zoo. It is clear that the first plasticine crafts from your creator will only remotely resemble the original. It doesn’t matter, over time everything will work out, most importantly, do not forget to praise the baby more often.

If you have not watched a cartoon or a fairy tale about Pinocchio with your child, have not read this interesting work, then it's time to do it. Although Pinocchio is already an outdated character, today he has been supplanted by all kinds of superheroes and transformers, he remains famous and in demand.

Pinocchio is a wooden boy with a very long, besides curious, nose. In this modeling lesson, we will mold it from plasticine so that your child will have an incentive to read a fairy tale again or watch an amazing story on the screen.

To sculpt Pinocchio, you need to take:

  • yellow and orange plasticine;
  • red and blue plasticine;
  • matches and stack.

1. Roll up a small yellow ball. It is this (or orange) color that will help us imitate the surface of a tree covered with varnish on top. Namely, that was Pinocchio's toy.

2. Stick a long nose on the ball - now the appearance of the character can be traced. Mark the eyes with the head of a match.

3. Attach eyes and red eyebrows.

4. From the same orange plasticine, make curls for a long bang of a wooden boy.

5. Put a cap on your head. To make it, fashion a cone from a red plate, press down the bottom with your fingers. Then stick thin strips of a contrasting color, for example, yellow, onto the cone-cap.

6. Attach the ears.

7. Make the torso. Orange plasticine is suitable for this. Draw out a thin cylinder, add a collar and a row of buttons. Add cone sleeves on the sides.

8. Attach thin yellow straws to the sleeves.

9. Make shorts from two blue cylinders. Continue the shorts with yellow tubes, attach shoes to the lower ends. It is convenient to assemble all the details on matches, so initially lay them inside. Also, matches will make the figure stable.

10. Attach the legs to the T-shirt.

11. And attach the head to the upper part of the body - the collar.

Plasticine Pinocchio boy is ready. Now he can learn the alphabet with your child.

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Everyone loves plasticine and crafts from it: appliqués, figurines of animals and people, transport, products and much more. Even with a minimum level of skill, but following step by step instructions handicrafts are created very similar to the original. From plasticine of any quality - soft or traditional - you can mold the characters of your favorite cartoons, Russian and foreign. This craft will be very popular with the child. The process itself is also fascinating, and later you can even play with such plasticine heroes. Moreover, plasticine characters can become characters of a cartoon made with their own hands.

What could be more pleasant than returning to childhood, and at the same time telling your child about it? Heroes of Soviet cartoons appear less and less on the screen, but they are quite easy to mold from plasticine.

Let's get started!

Crocodile Gena

To sculpt the crocodile Gena, you will need dark green plasticine. Roll the plasticine into a ball, form a head in the shape of a droplet. The nose is pointed, the forehead is high.

Make two indentations on it - for the eyes.

Using a stack, cut through the mesh on the muzzle.

Eyes are made like this:

  1. Eyeballs are formed from white balls.
  2. A blue dot of the pupil sticks on top.
  3. On the blue dot - black.

A cylinder-shaped hat is made from black plasticine.

The body of a crocodile is molded from lilac plasticine. This is his coat. A match is attached to the top to keep the head firmly.

Around the neck match, you need to form a white collar and make a bow tie from black plasticine.

Sleeves are also molded from lilac plasticine, hands are stuck down - green squiggles.

The next step is to stick buttons on the tailcoat and make legs:

  • Pants made of blue plasticine;
  • Boots are black.

It is important that the child helps the parent in this matter. Let the forms of the toy not be perfect, but Gena is made with soul!

The crocodile's head is attached to the match's neck.

Attached to the back (also on a match) is a tail made of green plasticine. With the help of the stack, a grid is also drawn on it.

The cartoon character is ready to please the child and parents!


Comrade Gena - the eared animal Cheburashka, is made a little easier! For crafts you will need:

  • plasticine brown;
  • a piece - red;
  • piece of white
  • beige and black.

From brown plasticine, you need to roll one larger ball and two smaller ones.

From small balls it is necessary to form two flat cakes - the ear. They are attached to the head.

The face of the animal is made from a beige cake.

It is necessary to make recesses for the eyes and a triangular nose.

The eyes of Cheburashka are made of white and black plasticine.

Eyebrows and an orange mouth appear on the face.

The body for the animal is made of brown plasticine. A matchstick sits at the top to securely attach the torso to the head.

From beige plasticine you need to make a cake for the tummy.

Paws - legs and handles are made from small pieces of plasticine. All of them have an oblong shape and are alternately attached to the body.

It is necessary to stick three nails of black plasticine to the handles in the form of droplets.

The charming animal is ready and can take its place next to fellow Gena!

Winnie the Pooh

Soviet Winnie is a kind fat man with sad eyes. It is not difficult to make his figurine from plasticine.

It all starts just like previous work: two balls of brown plasticine are taken. They will be needed for the torso and head.

The balls are connected with fingers and the junction is smoothly, well smeared. After all, Winnie does not have a neck as such!

The blank looks like a strange figure that looks like a walnut.

Two small pieces of plasticine are taken in a darker color - dark brown or black.

Buns are rolled from segments-sausages. These are ears. They are attached to the bear's head.

A nose appears on the muzzle - a black ball. A white droplet on it will add a resemblance to a cartoon character.

A cake of the same color as the ears is added to the front part. There will be eyes.

The eyes are two white dots and dark pupils. Everything is simple!

The paws are next:

  1. Two bars for legs.
  2. Two bars for handles.
  3. Claws are attached to all paws.

When the legs and arms are in place, cute Winnie the Pooh is ready!

You can create scenery for the characters and shoot your own cartoon with their participation. It will be fun!

For example, it is very easy to make treats for animals and play with them like real toys.

plasticine treats


Soviet cartoon characters are quite simple to perform. From plasticine of several colors, you can create a bright craft and a toy in one bottle.

Plasticine modeling for children is one of the very first creative activities. This type of activity is very useful for both kids and adults. This is a great way to spend time with the benefit of your child. Many mothers teach their child this technique from the age of 2, because. it is during this period that the development of fine motor skills of the hands takes place, and also the kids learn to apply their imagination in business.

For kids middle group kindergarten and also for children senior group modeling from plasticine is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the hand. This will allow them to further develop writing skills and develop creative abilities. If the child refuses to use plasticine, invite him to make crafts from soft dough.

There are a lot of sculpting techniques and techniques. Let's consider some of them.

  1. Constructive - the child sculpts a figure from separate parts, hence the name. The kid masters this method of modeling in 2-3 years;
  2. Sculptural - the child conceives some kind of image for himself, and then sculpts it from one piece of plasticine, giving the necessary shape to his product;
  3. Combined - a combination of the two previous methods. Most often, children sculpt large parts using the sculptural method, and small parts - in separate parts. A child masters this method of modeling, as a rule, at the age of 5;
  4. Modular molding - construction from individual parts, thereby creating an image from modules, animals are usually molded. This technique is used by older children, usually 1-2-3 grade.

You can make anything from plasticine, whether it will be cars or bunnies, crickets or spiders, ice cream or candy, or maybe it will be flowers for mom - it's up to your little sculptor, and you, in turn, can help the baby do an incredible thing.

For the little ones


Let the child do everything himself, and you can just observe and give a little hint. Take a piece of red plasticine and roll a large ball out of it, flatten it a little.

Next, we will make a smaller ball from black plasticine - this will be the head. It should be attached to the body with a toothpick. Also separate the wings of the insect with a toothpick. We blind small flattened balls from black plasticine - these will be dots on the body.

Make eyes and mouth, as well as horns using red wire.


Blind 2 balls: white - larger (torso), green - smaller (head).

Shape the head and connect it to the body. Horns and legs are made of wire.

Shape the wings out of black plasticine.

The craft is ready!

Favorite cartoon characters

After watching cartoons, every child dreams of having their favorite characters from them. In the article we will tell you how to mold characters from the cartoon "Cars".


We will make 4 identical balls from black plasticine, flatten them - these are the future wheels of the car.

Take blue plasticine and make 2 squares different sizes, connect them as shown in the photo. Let's lean back a little. Let's put a smile on the front.

We take white plasticine and form a rectangle, roll it out, make a windshield. We fix the wheels, and also make tires from blue plasticine on them. We fashion eyes, headlights and side windows and a smile.


Using black plasticine, we make 2 balls, flatten them, we get wheels. We make 2 rectangles from blue plasticine, connect them, as shown in the figure.

From white plasticine we make a windshield and Guido's smile. From the blue material we make a visor, the hands of the typewriter and the side windows are made of gray. We form the eyes.

Based on our lessons, you can also make other characters of this cartoon step by step.

In order for you to get bright and interesting figures, you need to choose high-quality plasticine. Play Doh material is made using the latest technologies, it is absolutely safe for kids of any age, both for babies of 4 years old and for a child of 10 years old.

Sculpting a scorpion

First you need to knead the plasticine well. Take a piece of red plasticine and make a ball out of it, then stretch the ball into an egg shape. The body of the scorpion is ready. From the material of red color we will make claws. To do this, take 2 identical pieces, form 2 balls, then sculpt the details of the required shape.

Using orange plasticine, we make 4 "fingers" of the scorpion in the form of drops. From the material of the same color we make 6 legs. We sculpt 6 black dots for the end of the legs of the scorpion.