Application for measuring internet speed for iphone. INetwork Speed ​​Test

It's no secret that ISPs tend to promise their customers great internet speeds, but have you ever wondered what speed you're actually paying for? You can check the real speed of downloading and downloading data via the Internet using free online services, a list of which we have presented below.

In addition to your internet speed, they will also help you determine possible problems with the network, such as packet loss, latency, and physical hardware problems.

If you don't want to bother, just type in your favorite search engine (for example, Google) "test internet speed" and click on the first result of the search results. Not that these tools provide a lot of information, but they work quickly and easily.

Perhaps the most popular service for measuring Internet connection speed among Russian users.

Ookla diagnostic software bandwidth used by a number of services presented in this article. However, Ookla also has its own service, which provides complete information about your Internet connection.

The technologies used by are very complex, but they work very fast. The service selects the nearest server out of 1000 available, conducts a full test and provides data on upload and download speed, latency and packet loss.

After testing, you can fill out a questionnaire, saying what speed your provider promises, how much you pay for it and what you actually get. This data helps Ookla build an impressive database of internet speeds for various users.

In addition, there is an application for iPhone and iPad (link).

Yandex.Internetometer - Internet speed test from Yandex

You can check the Internet speed using the Yandex.Internetometer service. To do this, you just need to press the button measure and wait some time for data collection. The service will provide information about the speed of the incoming, outgoing connection, as well as user data, such as: IP address, browser name and version, device screen resolution settings and region. is a web speed checker based on HTML5. The service reproduces the real conditions of uploading and downloading from the browser by requesting large files and determining their download speed. You can see the speed as a curve in real time and compare it with previous results.

When conducting a test, the service does not choose a location, but determines the fastest and most reliable server out of 90 available. In order to reproduce the real conditions of working with the browser, all files are uploaded and downloaded not simultaneously, but sequentially.

Bandwidth Place

Bandwidth Place is another service based on HTML5. It is very lightweight, so it can be used on various devices. The site itself has been operating since 2002, however, support new version HTML appeared in 2013, making the service compatible with mobile devices.

Bandwidth Place selects a server to test by the lowest available ping or by location and servers to see how distance affects speed and latency. In addition to information about internet speed, the site also provides news about broadband services and suggestions for more advanced connectivity options.

Google has an internet speed test service developed by the Measurement Lab (M-Lab). It is very easy to run it, just click on the appropriate button. A small window will open where you can see the download and upload speed. is a simple site owned by Netflix, and by "simple" I mean it couldn't be easier. The service automatically starts a speedtest and shows the real speed of your Internet.

The company has launched the service primarily for users who want to test whether their Internet can support the viewing of the content it offers, especially in 4K format, which requires high speed. However, anyone can use it and at any time. If you're not interested in latency and packet loss data, feel free to choose

Speedtests from ISPs

Those who want to get the most accurate and, so to speak, personalized speed test can turn to the appropriate services from the Internet providers whose services they use. Many providers offer their customers services to check the speed of the Internet, and often they are available even to those who use the services of other providers.

In fact, there are a lot of similar services from telecom operators on the Internet. Just go to your ISP's website and see what they have to offer. Alternatively, search Google for the name of your ISP and the phrase "speed test".

To check internet speed on iPad or iPhone, there are a few steps that need to be taken properly:

  • 2. Since Safari (the default web browser on iPad) does not support Adobe Flash, please go to and download and install Puffin web browser.
  • 3. After installation, open the Puffin web browser.
  • 4. Enter SPEEDTEST.NET in the address bar and press the key Input on the right side of the screen.
  • OOKLA SPEEDTEST, scroll down and tap the link.
  • 6. full site, click START TEST to run a speed test.

Note: The prerequisites/requirements and process described above are common for iPhones and iPads with the only difference being the interface layout that can be displayed in portrait when using an iPhone.

How to Check Internet Speed ​​on Android Device?

To check the internet speed on Android devices, there are several steps that must be followed:

  • 1. Swipe your finger on the screen to unlock your device.
    Note: Before proceeding, download and install Adobe Flash on your Android device.
  • 2. Open the default web browser on your device.
  • 3. in the address bar, type SPEEDTEST.NET .
  • 4. Click Input from the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • 5. After you are redirected to a web page OOKLA SPEEDTEST, tap Visit full site link below.
  • 6. once redirected, click the button START TEST to run an Internet speed test and wait until you see the results.

Internet Speed ​​Checker Apps for Android and iOS

In addition to using websites to test the speed of your mobile Internet, you can download and install compatible third-party applications operating system to phone/tablet. Listed below are a few popular third-party apps for testing mobile internet speed:

1. Mobile speed test

Platforms – Android and iOS

OOKLA introduces one-touch internet speed test app for Android and iOS devices. The most accurate results are displayed in less than 30 seconds of time. The application offers the following sophisticated features:

  • Checks the upload and download speed of available Internet connections.
  • Measures Internet speed using the closest test server speed in order to provide the most accurate results.
  • Upload and download speed that the results can be seen separately.

2. Internet speed test

Platforms - iOS

Internet Speed ​​Test is an intuitive Internet speed testing tool for iOS devices. The application offers various fragmented configuration options for advanced users (usually professionals) through which they can use the application in its entirety. A few basic features that Internet speed test has (at the time of this writing) include:

3.SpeedSmart WiFi Speed ​​Test & Mobile Network Speedtest

Platforms - iOS

SpeedSmart WiFi Speed ​​Test & Mobile Network Speedtest is developed by VeeApps, and along with Internet testing on your iOS devices, the app can also:

  • Checking the delay in data transmission.
  • Troubleshoot internet speed if your iOS device can have any.
  • Choice best speed test server according to your location.

4. Speed ​​Test & WiFi Finder

Platforms: iOS

Developed by Frederic Lipfert, speed test& WiFi Finder allows you to check the internet connection speed on your mobile phone. In addition to this, the app can also detect that there are open wireless networks available in nearby areas. Some other features that the app offers include:

  • Calculate and display results in less than 20 seconds.
  • Test results, keeping traces of the past.
  • Detect available open fast Wi-Fi hotspots.

5. Internet speed test 3G, 4G, WiFi

Platforms: android

Internet speed test 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi application developed by Speed ​​Test Ltd. The application is one of the most popular programs and is used by most of the mobile Internet users around the world. it free app can be downloaded directly from the Google Play Store for Android devices to test the available internet connection speed in a few seconds. A few additional features offered by the 3G, 4G, WiFi Internet Speed ​​Test include:

  • Antenna drop and upload internet speed can be determined with one touch.
  • Along with download and upload speed tests, latency and packet loss can be measured using the application.
  • A detailed history of past results can be kept for future reference and comparison.
  • The app allows you to share speed test results on some of the main social networks. (You can share results within the app itself).
  • The application is compatible for almost all Android devices from major vendors worldwide.

The times we paid for home Internet based on the traffic spent, long gone. Now almost everyone in the apartment has their own "unlimited", limiting the use of the Internet except perhaps by speed. Nevertheless, the problem with the amount of downloaded traffic for our portable devices, such as a smartphone or tablet, has not gone away, so we have to constantly monitor the spent megabytes every day so as not to be left without the Internet at one fine moment. But here's how it is most convenient to track it - the question, of course, is an interesting one.

Business in Russia is another topic of eternal debate. After all, there is always the possibility that the operator will turn off your Internet for exceeding the limit at a time when it has not yet been reached. And how to check it? Suddenly you are being deceived?

Of course, on your smartphone or tablet, you can always view statistics on the used megabytes, but this is not so convenient. In addition, you should always remember this. Well, let's look at the options available to us, and then decide which one is best for traffic accounting. So what do we have:

1) Using the built-in iOS solution for collecting statistics.
2) Installing a separate application from the telecom operator.
3) Installing a third party application from App Store to check statistics.
4) Jailbreak and subsequent installation of third-party software from Cydia.
5) Buying an unlimited package for the Internet.

1. iOS already knows everything

Absolutely every iOS device has a built-in tracker that counts your spent megabytes. Its use is perhaps the simplest of all the above options. You can find usage statistics on iOS by going to Settingscellular and go down a little lower in the menu to the item Fare statistics by cellular.

Here we have general traffic statistics for all your activities, and just below - for each individual application. At the very end of the list there is a statistics reset button, by clicking on which the countdown will start from zero - this will be relevant for counting traffic at the beginning of each month. In addition, among the applications you use, you can disable those that, in your opinion, should not consume too many valuable megabytes, thus preventing them from accessing the network.

- Already in every iPhone and iPad.
- Ease of use.
- Work in the background.
- Statistics for each application.
- Ability to disable certain applications.

- Statistics need to be reset every month or painstakingly monitor it.
- No notifications when the limit is reached.

2. Trust your carrier

Every self-respecting operator a few years ago allowed to manage their tariffs directly to the subscriber himself, making for each Personal Area. However, progress does not stand still, and the LC in the web versions has been replaced by applications that replace it. However, the quality and usability of the applications themselves leave much to be desired. It often becomes quite difficult to find the necessary information in an overloaded interface, so this option is only acceptable for users of mobile operators somewhere in America or Europe.

- The most accurate statistics directly from the mobile operator.
- The application is free.
- Notifications about reaching the limit (not always).

— Usually a disgusting support.
- Terrible application optimization (for operators in Russia and the CIS).
- Not an intuitive interface.
- Often justified distrust of the operator.

3. Applications from the App Store

In addition to official applications from telecom operators in the store Apple apps there are many other solutions that will help you keep track of precious megabytes, and at the same time notify you when a certain threshold of downloaded traffic is reached. Perhaps the most popular of these is data usage co modest price at 33 rubles. However, there are others, even free analogues, but, unfortunately, of different quality. Separately, it is worth highlighting the application Traffic Monitor, which has proven itself well for a long time.

- Automatic reset of statistics and counting on a new one.
- Notifications about reaching certain traffic limits.
- Restrictions can be set by yourself (for example: daily, weekly, etc.).
- User-friendly interface, graphing.
- Independent traffic count.

- Not all (and not always) applications can work correctly in the background.
— You have to pay for quality (as an exception, you can try Traffic Monitor).

4. Applications from Cydia

Here, of course, everything is clear: first you need to jailbreak your device in order to gain access to the Cydia application store. However, hacking the device does not mean that now you can install anything for free. Not at all. As with the App Store, Cydia has a fair amount of apps, but most of them also cost money.

Perhaps the most popular are WeeTrackData, which, in addition to working in the background, can be built into the notification center for quick access to it, and CCMeters, which can also be displayed in the CU, however, to install it, you will have to install an additional software CCLoader.

— Of course, work in the background.
- Quick access to the application from the Notification Center.
- Notifications about reaching the limit.

- Jailbreak required.
“It often costs money.
— Depending on the software, you may need to install additional components.

4. Down with restrictions!

One of the most simple ways forget about the headaches about traffic costs - connect unlimited Internet. Undoubtedly, this option can “fly a pretty penny”, but if this is not a problem for you, this method will be the most painless. Another thing is that not all operators offer unlimited tariffs. There are packages for 80-100 GB, but they run out anyway. On the other hand, you don't download Blu-Ray movies on iOS for days, do you?

Alternatively, if there is an operator in your city that provides truly unlimited traffic, then you can simply use its services, as I did.


If you look at the problem from the other side, then you can think not about counting traffic, but minimizing it. For example, use third-party browsers with this capability. By the way, Opera Mini has long been able to compress it. Or if you can't stand anything different from Safari, you can try Onavo Extend, a standalone application that works on the same principle. Unfortunately, it is not available in the Russian version of the App Store.

How much traffic do you spend per month? Is what the operators offer enough? Tell us about it in the comments!

In addition to your internet speed, they will also help you identify potential network issues such as packet loss, latency, and physical hardware problems.

If you don't want to bother, just type in your favorite search engine (for example, Google) "test internet speed" and click on the first result of the search results. Not that these tools provide a lot of information, but they work quickly and easily.

Perhaps the most popular service for measuring Internet connection speed among Russian users.

Ookla's bandwidth diagnostic software is used by a number of the services presented in this article. However, Ookla also has its own service, which provides complete information about your Internet connection.

The technologies used by are very complex, but they work very fast. The service selects the nearest server out of 1000 available, conducts a full test and provides data on upload and download speed, latency and packet loss.

After testing, you can fill out a questionnaire, saying what speed your provider promises, how much you pay for it and what you actually get. This data helps Ookla build an impressive database of internet speeds for various users.

Yandex.Internetometer — Internet speed test from Yandex

You can check the Internet speed using the Yandex.Internetometer service. To do this, you just need to press the button measure and wait some time for data collection. The service will provide information about the speed of the incoming, outgoing connection, as well as user data, such as: IP address, browser name and version, device screen resolution settings and region.


If you want to get more information about how your Internet works, use the service. The tool runs several tests and provides useful data for matching. The service provides two separate tests for upload and download speed, so you need to run both to get the full picture.

At the end of the test, the results are compared with the results of other users who have recently taken the test, so you can evaluate the quality of your ISP's service. also displays a graph of speed changes over time, which makes it possible to determine at what point a connection problem occurred. For those who find it too complicated, the service offers simple instructions and explanations. is a web speed checker based on HTML5. The service reproduces the real conditions of uploading and downloading from the browser by requesting large files and determining their download speed. You can see the speed as a curve in real time and compare it with previous results.

When conducting a test, the service does not choose a location, but determines the fastest and most reliable server out of 90 available. In order to reproduce the real conditions of working with the browser, all files are uploaded and downloaded not simultaneously, but sequentially.

Bandwidth Place

Bandwidth Place is another service based on HTML5. It is very lightweight, so it can be used on various devices. The site itself has been operating since 2002, but support for a new version of HTML appeared in 2013, making the service compatible with mobile devices.

Bandwidth Place selects a server to test by the lowest available ping or by location and servers to see how distance affects speed and latency. In addition to information about internet speed, the site also provides news about broadband services and suggestions for more advanced connectivity options.

Measurement Lab (M-Lab) - service for checking the speed of the Internet from Google

Google has an internet speed test service developed by the Measurement Lab (M-Lab). It is very easy to run it, just click on the appropriate button. A small window will open where you can see the download and upload speed. is a simple site owned by Netflix, and by "simple" I mean it couldn't be easier. The service automatically starts a speedtest and shows the real speed of your Internet.

The company has launched the service primarily for users who want to test whether their Internet can support the viewing of the content it offers, especially in 4K format, which requires high speed. However, anyone can use it and at any time. If you're not interested in latency and packet loss data, feel free to choose

Speedtests from ISPs

Those who want to get the most accurate and, so to speak, personalized speed test can turn to the appropriate services from the Internet providers whose services they use. Many providers offer their customers services to check the speed of the Internet, and often they are available even to those who use the services of other providers.

In fact, there are a lot of similar services from telecom operators on the Internet. Just go to your ISP's website and see what they have to offer. Alternatively, search Google for the name of your ISP and the phrase "speed test".

Company Xcellent Creations released its utility for analyzing the speed of the Internet connection iNetwork Speed ​​Test a few months ago, but only today, surfing the boundless expanses of the AppStore service in the hope of finding one necessary application out of 10,000 thousand available, I stumbled upon it. It so happened that for no reason, I became interested in the speed of Internet access of my keyboardless pet.

Tool iNetwork Speed ​​Test fit perfectly. simple interface, high speed measurements and an accurate result - that's what I needed initially. iNetwork works with all networks: Wi-Fi, EDGE and 3G. It is possible to save up to 10 last results obtained during the test. I found an interesting opportunity in the program - determining the coordinates of the user's location with an accuracy of up to a degree of latitude and longitude.

P.S. The program offers to create a free account for some unknown reason, but did not dare to create, as there are suspicions that my mailbox will fall into the hands of "evil guys", or maybe I'm just paranoid.