Your wish is not fulfilled. Parable "The Price of Desire

A notice hangs on the door of the store: “If Your wish not executed, it means it has not yet been paid.

At the back of the universe is one shop. There has been no sign on the store for a long time, it was once blown away by a space hurricane, and the owner did not begin to nail a new one, because every local resident already knew that the store sells desires.

The assortment of the store was huge: almost everything could be bought here. Huge yachts, apartments in Moscow, marriage, the post of vice president of a corporation, money, children, a favorite job, big breasts, winning a competition, big cars, football clubs, power, success, diamond rings and much, much more. Only life and death were not for sale.

Everyone who came to the store (and there are, after all, those who wish who have never entered the store, but remained sitting and wishing) first of all found out the price of their desire. The prices were different.
For example, a favorite job was worth giving up stability and predictability, willingness to plan and structure your life on your own, faith in your own strengths and permission to work where you like, and not where you need to.

Power cost a little more: you had to give up some of your beliefs, be able to find a rational explanation for everything, be able to refuse others, know your own worth (and it should be high enough), allow yourself to say “I”, declare yourself, despite approval or disapproval of others.

Some prices seemed strange: marriage could be obtained almost for nothing, but happy life cost a lot: personal responsibility for one’s own happiness, the ability to enjoy life, knowing one’s desires, giving up the desire to fit in with others, a small sense of guilt, the ability to appreciate what is, allowing oneself to be happy, awareness of one’s own value and significance, rejection “victim” bonuses, the risk of losing some friends and acquaintances.

Not everyone who came to the store was ready to immediately buy a desire. Some, seeing the price, immediately turned around and left. Others stood in thought for a long time, counting the cash, and thinking about where to get more money. Someone began to complain about too high prices and asked the owner for a discount or asked when there would be a sale. And there were those who took their savings out of their pockets and received their cherished desire wrapped in beautiful, rustling paper. Other buyers looked enviously at the lucky ones, whispering among themselves that, probably, the owner of the store was their friend and they got the desire just like that, without any difficulty.

The store owner was often asked to lower prices in order to increase the number of customers. But he always refused, saying that the quality of desire would suffer from it.

When the owner was asked if he was afraid of going broke, he shook his head and answered that at all times there will be brave people who are ready to take risks and change their lives, to abandon the usual and predictable life, able to believe in themselves and in their desires, having the strength and means to pay for the fulfillment of their desires.

When you last time did you go to the wish shop? How much is your wish worth? Do you have the means to fulfill it? Do you have the strength to get the necessary funds? Are you ready for the fulfillment of desires? (with)

At the back of the universe there was one shop. There was no sign on it for a long time - it was once blown away by a hurricane, and the owner did not begin to nail a new one, because every local resident already knew that the store sells desires.

The assortment of the store was huge, you could buy almost everything here: huge yachts, apartments, marriage, the post of vice president of a corporation, money, children, your favorite job, a beautiful figure, winning a competition, big cars, power, success and much, much more. . Only life and death were not sold - this was done by the head office, which was located in another galaxy.

Everyone who came to the store (and there are, after all, those who wish who have never entered the store, but stayed at home and just wish) first of all found out the price of their desire.

The prices were different. For example, a favorite job was worth giving up stability and predictability, willingness to independently plan and structure your life, faith in your own strengths and permission to work where you like, and not where you need to.

Power cost a little more: you had to give up some of your beliefs, be able to find a rational explanation for everything, be able to refuse others, know your own worth (and it should be high enough), allow yourself to say “I”, declare yourself, despite approval or disapproval of others.

Some prices seemed strange - marriage could be obtained almost for free, but a happy life was expensive: personal responsibility for one's own happiness, the ability to enjoy life, knowing one's desires, giving up the desire to match others, the ability to appreciate what is, permission to be happy, awareness of one’s own value and significance, rejection of “victim” bonuses, the risk of losing some friends and acquaintances.

Not everyone who came to the store was ready to immediately buy a wish. Some, seeing the price, immediately turned around and left. Others stood in thought for a long time, counting their cash and wondering where to get more money. Someone began to complain about too high prices, asked for a discount or was interested in a sale.

And there were those who took out all their savings and received their cherished desire, wrapped in beautiful rustling paper. Other customers enviously looked at the lucky ones, gossip that the owner of the store is their friend, and they got the desire just like that, without any difficulty.

The store owner was often asked to lower prices in order to increase the number of customers. But he always refused, because the quality of desires would also suffer from this.

When the owner was asked if he was afraid of going broke, he shook his head and answered that at all times there will be brave souls who are ready to take risks and change their lives, to abandon the usual and predictable life, able to believe in themselves, having the strength and means to in order to pay for the fulfillment of their desires.

And on the door of the store for a good hundred years there was an announcement: "If your desire is not fulfilled, it has not yet been paid."

February 13

In fact, what is necessary for the development of your soul is always fulfilled. Just accept it as a fact. If your desire has not yet come true, then you are not ready. Yes, you can be good, kind, glorious, sensitive, compassionate, forgiving, full of many other virtues. But if someone has, and you don’t have what you want, this does not mean that the world is wrong like that. After all, it is so easy for our abundant and generous Universe to give us health, a loved one, money, Good work wonderful friends. We come into this world with a specific task of the soul. Some of us promise to easily cope with earthly hardships. Others are ready to honor the loss of loved ones, material wealth. Some decide to be merciful, to serve humanity. Others dream of building a worthy relationship, removing pride in themselves, learning to understand and forgive loved ones. We take on some obligations, but when we are born, we forget about it, so that later, among a series of non-random coincidences, living through moments of joy, grief, happiness, sadness, find ourselves again, increase the vibrations of our soul.

There are no accidents in the world. The right meeting at the right time, an unexpected phone call, a phrase said by a stranger on the street, a book that fell into your hands in an incredible way, and thousands of other, at first glance, “accidents” can change a person’s life, direct them in the right direction. But you yourself must be ready for change. And even when you have read hundreds of articles and books, forgave everyone and believed that YOU DESERVE ALL THE BEST, but WORRY that your desires are not fulfilled, it means that you have just embarked on the WAY OF FULFILLMENT OF WISHES. There is still (maybe a lot of) work to be done. You just believe in your HEART, your Angels, seek and find signs from them. They are constantly telling you something, but how often do you try to stop the running of your thoughts, listen to the silence, calm yourself with meditation and listen to their advice.

After all, a person, if you look at it, is a rather fragile creature. How easy it is for someone to twist their leg, catch a cold, be late for important meeting not receive the necessary news in time. Any "accident" can end a person's life. However, humanity lives and develops. Because there are no such “accidents”. Angels protect us. If they “didn’t save it”, then it’s time to get new lessons or there is no other way to turn your attention for something important. And in the end, you will still understand that everything was right in your life, but it is better to have time to do it in this life, and not when it ends)).

Of course, you deserve all the best that is in the world! And your angels think so too! Therefore, they tirelessly help in your development on Earth. And if the time has not yet come for the fulfillment of what you have planned, then use the energy that you spend on experiences, on the search for something to please yourself with your beloved. Or maybe you will notice that to please another is even greater happiness. Do you think you have no one to give a smile, a kind word? Wrong! All the people around are just waiting for your smiles, they just skillfully hide it)). One small condition .... not only children, but also adults are waiting for a sincere smile, the one that is drawn by the soul.

There are a huge number of magical rituals to attract good luck, a loved one, material abundance, to fulfill a desire. And they all work! Yes, yes, absolutely! But if the Angels see that the fulfillment of a certain desire will lead to undesirable consequences for you and the world, then sorry! And if your kid pulls and pulls his hands to the fire, because it burns so beautifully and cheerfully, you will stop him, right? Even if you know that when he grows up, he will become a famous circus performer and will skillfully handle burning torches. Everything has its time. Let him grow up. And it happens like that. I want to make my child happy. You buy him sweets every day, you say that you need to brush your teeth after sweets, otherwise they will get sick later, and you warn him not to forget to share with friends. He diligently fulfills the first days. And then he is too lazy to brush his teeth, and he stopped treating his friends, he slowly turns into a greedy person. Well dear! Since you do not obey, why should I spoil your good soul with my actions. Semolina is also sweet.

Everything has its time. Gratitude for what you have now opens new doors. This is not only a truth known to all sorceresses, it allows you not to cling to the speedy fulfillment of desires. It so happened that sometimes I have to be a healer not only of the body, but also of the soul. Let me give you a few examples from the lives of people who are good good people, those who may live not far from you.

Maria suffered from a difficult relationship with Igor, he met in parallel with another woman. She loved him, dreamed of how he would leave the one, the other and be only with her. After 7 years, their relationship ended. Masha got rid of jealousy, learned to forgive, love in spite of everything. After 2 years, she met Ilya. She is happy. She knows how to forgive, she is not jealous, but Ilya has nothing to forgive, and he never gave reasons for jealousy.

Olga was ill with an incomprehensible illness. Neither doctors nor healers helped her. Numerous meditations, mental walks to the Temple of Healing also had no effect. Family relationships deteriorated. She took the attention of her loved ones for granted. Everyone is tired, she is tired. Sewing saved her. All day long, sitting in bed, she embroidered birds. And suddenly she realized that she was happy and ready to embroider all her life, even in a wheelchair. Embroidered paintings are still successfully sold in a souvenir shop.

Vika could not have children. No, she believed that she could, but the disappointing results of the surveys reported quite the opposite. On the part of the spouse, adoption was out of the question. The husband could not imagine existence without procreation, he went to the woman who bore him a child. Magical rituals to attract love "did not work." She was alone. She got married only 10 years later, when a wonderful soul came to their city on a business trip. He was widowed a year and a half ago, he raised his daughters alone. This is a wonderful friendly family. Vika does not regret such a long wait.

Cyril was unlucky in business. His apartment was lined with symbols of success and attracting material abundance. Once a month, he cleaned the apartment, freeing himself with gratitude from unnecessary energies, saying goodbye to the past and opening the way to a successful future. Cyril believed that he deserved the best, especially since he lived in good conscience, helping people whenever possible. As it turned out later, he needed to move to another city, where a successful business was opened, and he met his beautiful wife.

Christina lived with her mother in a cramped apartment, a "closet", as she herself called it. She dreamed of living space separate from her mother. Her mother was not an evil woman, she was just constantly depressed and Christina did not want to go home. She earned a lot, but the money flowed like sand through her fingers. Quietly in the kitchen every evening, when her mother went to bed, Christina communicated with young people on the Internet in the hope of getting married and finally leaving her mother. But only when she forgave her mother and completely accepted her, and even hurried home after work in order to have time to have dinner with her mother, she had the opportunity to buy an apartment and get married ... She is still thinking. And he believes that if the time has come, then everything will be easy.

PARABLE: Wish Store

At the back of the universe there is one shop. The sign on the store hasn’t been there for a long time, it was once blown away by a space hurricane, and the owner didn’t nail a new one, because every local resident already knew that the store sells desires.

The assortment of the store is huge: here you can buy almost everything. Huge yachts, houses, marriage, the post of vice president of a corporation, money, children, a favorite job, big breasts, winning a competition, big cars, football clubs, power, success and much, much more. Only life and death were not sold (this was done by the head office, which was located in another Galaxy). Everyone who came to the store (and there are those who wish who have never entered the store, but remained sitting on their butt and only wanting) first of all found out the price of their desire. The prices were different. For example, a favorite job was worth giving up stability and predictability, the willingness to independently plan and structure your life, faith in your own strengths and allow yourself to work where you like, and not where you need to.

Power cost a little more: you had to give up some of your beliefs, be able to find a rational explanation for everything, be able to refuse others, know your own worth (and it should be high enough), allow yourself to say “I”, declare yourself, despite approval or disapproval of others.

Some prices seemed strange: marriage could be obtained almost for nothing, but a happy life was expensive - personal responsibility for one's own happiness, the ability to enjoy life, knowing one's desires, giving up the desire to conform to others, a slight sense of guilt, the ability to appreciate, then, what it is, allowing yourself to be happy, awareness of your own value and significance, rejection of “victim” bonuses, the risk of losing some friends and acquaintances ...

Not everyone who came to the store was ready to immediately buy a wish. Some, seeing the price, immediately turned around and left. Others stood in thought for a long time, counting the cash, and thinking about where to get more money. Someone began to complain about too high prices and asked the owner for a discount or asked when there would be a sale. And there were those who took their savings out of their pockets and received their cherished desire wrapped in beautiful, rustling paper. Other buyers looked enviously at the lucky ones, whispering among themselves that, probably, the owner of the store was their friend and they got the desire just like that, without any difficulty.

The store owner was often asked to lower prices in order to increase the number of customers. But he always refused, saying that the quality of desire would suffer from it. When the owner was asked if he was afraid of going broke, he shook his head and answered that at all times there will be brave people who are ready to take risks and change their lives, to abandon the usual and predictable life, able to believe in themselves and in their desires, having the strength and means to pay for the fulfillment of their desires ...