The best reader for android. Read books on iPad using OPDS catalogs Cons of free apps

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    There are many ways to download the reader, of which two are the main ones. And so, let's consider how to load the reader into the book. The first download method involves connecting the e-book to the computer with a USB cable. After that, the computer will see the internal memory of the book in the memory card inserted into it as "removable disks".

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    Then you can simply copy the necessary files to them (these are books, as well as music files in mp3 format). The second way is to remove the memory card from the e-book. After removing the card, it is inserted into the computer reader.

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    At present, it is possible to mount a reader for reading memory cards in a computer (like a device that reads floppy disks). You can also connect an external memory card reader to your computer via a USB connector. You can download the necessary books, applications, programs, etc. to the memory card inserted into the reader by simply copying them there.

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    There are also other free exotic ways to use the reader and download it. For example, by connecting the reader to a computer or the Internet via Wi-Fi. However, only those who have electronic readers with Wi-Fi can upload books to the reader in this way.

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    As you can see, downloading books to readers is very simple. Moreover, this can be done in a very short period of time. You can use any of the above download methods, whichever is more convenient for you to use. You can also try all the methods first, and then choose the one that suits you for further download.

With the development of computer technology, the time of paper distribution of literature seems to be slowly fading away, since now it has become much easier to distribute books, newspapers, magazines through digital media, network storage, etc. Indeed, the book deteriorates from time to time, the paper loses its qualities, turns yellow, and an unpleasant smell appears. In addition, it takes up a lot of space on the shelf, which is simply unacceptable in modern living conditions. In its digital copy, nothing is subject to damage, the time of such a book is useless, and losing it with proper care is much harder than the paper version. In addition, the size of a complete digital library is also of great importance. It is much easier to put a tablet or laptop (or even an electronic book reader) in a backpack with a program recorded on it and several hundred (or even thousands) of your favorite works than to constantly carry a whole bunch of Talmuds tied with a ribbon. It's literally stone Age! Therefore, today we will talk with you in more detail, how to read books on computer using one of the best freeware e-readers FBReader(fortunately, its portable versions are available on both Windows and Android with Apple, so finding the distribution kit you need will not be difficult).

To open an e-book on a computer, you first need to download it from the Internet. There are a huge number of resources with electronic repositories and digital libraries on the net, so we suggest that you search for them yourself. If it’s really hard for you to find a good library where all the works and masterpieces of world literature you prefer would be stored, we suggest looking at the resources, or Of course, much more valuable and rich digital libraries can be found on the net, and we leave you the right to search for them on the Internet. But for a start, this, perhaps, will be quite enough, and we invite the most purposeful of our users to leave their findings in the comments under the article.

So, we've dealt with that. What else do you need to read electronic literature, except for the tablet ( personal computer, laptop, book reader, PDA, etc.) and an electronic copy of the book itself? We also need a reader program that can open books in the appropriate format and display information to the user himself. You can also find plenty of such programs on the net: these are CoolReader, and ICE Book Reader, and Caliber, and several dozen other software products available absolutely free of charge and without any functional restrictions. But in our article, we will analyze in detail one of the most popular readers in the CIS countries called FBReader, which has everything that the most avid reader and user of digital libraries needs: support for any, even the rarest formats, and adjusting the brightness and contrast of the screen, and selection of the size and appearance of the font, and any other most popular options. Download the version of FBReader you need to the appropriate operating system you can on the official page of the project -

FBReader installation procedure

How to read books on a computer using FBReader? So, let's assume that your device is running Windows, and we need a version specifically for this operating system. We go to the above official website of the project and select the version for Windows from the list of systems.

A form for downloading a distribution kit for the OS version of your choice opens. We click on the button to start downloading the latest version of the stable installation package and proceed to the download procedure.

When the installer is downloaded, proceed to install it by double-clicking on the exe file.

At the first iteration, we are asked to specify the installation path for the program's boot files. Leave the path unchanged and click the Next button.

The next step is to select the components to install. We tick the components of the application we need and click the “Install” button to start the installation procedure directly software product. If the first component "FBReader" is mandatory for installation, then the second component“Create Shortcut on Desktop” is used to create a shortcut to the program launch file on the desktop. If you do not need it, uncheck this component.

To start the installation procedure, click on the "Install" button.

At the end of the installation procedure, when all the files have been copied to the hard drive, a notification will appear with the inscription "Completed" on top. Close this window by pressing the “Close” button at the bottom of the form.

So, now everything is ready - the application is installed on the hard drive, and we can use it to open the book we like.

Launching and pre-settings FBReader

We launch FBReader by selecting the item we need in the Start menu.

At the first launch, by default, a standard description of the application opens before us with details of the program's preliminary settings. The most important thing that we need to specify before starting to work with the program is the path to the directory where all your books are stored. The FBReader electronic reader will add it to the index, and after scanning, your books will be on the list available for reading.

Click on the gear button to open the "Settings" window.

Here, in the "Catalogs with books" field, separated by a semicolon, you must manually specify the path to the directory where your digital library is stored. Those folders that are already specified by default should not be deleted. Just add one more value at the end. Important note: do not leave spaces after the previous value, otherwise the path you need is not recognized correctly.

It is also worth ticking the "Search for books in subdirectories" box if you store books in a structured form by author or genre. In this case, all books in the subdirectories will be added to the index.

Now, if you have specified everything correctly, by pressing the first button on the top panel of FBReader called "Library", a complete list of the library you have compiled will open. How to read books on a computer now that we have prepared all the settings? Yes, it’s very simple: select the work we need and start reading.

How to navigate the book and library?

If you have already opened the book you are interested in, you can scroll through it either by scrolling the mouse wheel or using the keyboard by pressing the up and down arrow keys. To go to the table of contents, click the corresponding button on the top bar.

Now about how to read books on a computer using search. This is another useful feint - search in the contents of the book. If you started one of the books, but there was a pause later, and you returned to the same work after a while, you may have forgotten how this or that character is related to the main character. The logical solution would be to look for references to him in the content, and look at the initial occurrences of the character's name in context. So you can remember what role the hero you forgot plays in the plot of the work. The search button is also located on the top panel, in its central part.

Two buttons on the right "up" and "down" allow you to navigate between occurrences of the search word in the contents of the book. So, you can look at all occurrences of the key query in the content and remember exactly what happened to a particular character in the course of the plot.

Additional FBReader settings

There are quite a few settings in the program, but we will focus on the most important of them. In the "Language" section, you can set the interface language. This option is configured in the "Default Language" field. If you want to see all labels for button names in another language (for example, in English), simply set it in this field.

Another important option is flipping. You can scroll through several lines at a time by setting the appropriate value in the above field. So, scrolling will be much faster, and you will not have to look for a continuation of the story for a long time.

The last handy feature in this section is to enable scrolling by tapping the screen. If you touch the text at the top of the working window, scrolling will be done backwards. If you tap on the bottom half of the form, the text will scroll forward. A very convenient option that migrated to FBReader from a similar standard function, incorporated in almost all book readers without exception.

Finally, the last parameter that is worth dwelling on in more detail is “Colors”. Here you can choose any color for the background of the working window, links, indicator, the text itself, in the end, in accordance with your taste preferences. It all depends on your imagination. Choose the color shades you like, and reading will be a real pleasure for you without fatigue for the eyes and visual senses.

FBReader understands almost all e-book formats without exception. Don't be confused by the name of this product: in addition to fb2, the application also copes very well with mobi, epub and html.

We hope that with the material presented, we have revealed for you the answer to the question “How to read books on a computer”, and now you can find this or that interesting book on the Internet and devote an hour or two of your free time to it.

"Paper or eBooks?" - the question is about as strong as Shakespeare's "To be or not to be?". Indeed, the scale of the universe.

We decided to put in our two cents and asked the myth-makers about what kind of books they prefer - paper or electronic, what devices and applications they use, where and how they read books. In general, if you have long wanted to know, but were embarrassed to ask - we ourselves told everything 🙂

I like books in electronic format. There are several reasons for this: e-books have a convenient font and a small gadget you can take with you anywhere. AT recent times I travel often, so I carefully guard the free space in my backpack. There are no such problems with the e-reader. I use the Amazon Kindle reader.

As for paper books, I often take them in order to carefully examine the illustrations. Otherwise, I prefer the electronic version. I also always have a MacBook and an iPhone at hand. If I read on a laptop, then I use Acrobat Reader for PDFs, which are immediately synchronized with the application of the same name on the iPhone.

Most of all I love paper books. Nothing can replace the smell of a fresh cover, the rustle of new pages. And the process itself, when you first pick up a book from a bookstore shelf or receive it in a parcel, reminds New Year's fairy tale. I usually wait for parcels with books no less than New Year's gifts 🙂

Of course, today you have to read e-books as well. They are more convenient and practical, but I believe that, for example, fiction must be read on paper. Firstly, you can always stop, think, leave notes or pencil scribbles in the margins as a keepsake for posterity 🙂 And secondly, I am convinced that the charm of each particular book can only be fully felt when you hold it in your hands, take it Take it to the bath with you or carry it in your bag.

After everything she has experienced, she becomes somehow closer, dearer and more sincere. This is no longer just some abstract book, but a part of your life.

But the electronic reader is very convenient for work and travel. She is light and unpretentious. For many years I have had one single Pocket Book, which has served me faithfully and has never let me down. She reads 8 document formats, which is enough for me.

Also, while working at MIF, I read a lot of books from a computer monitor. This is convenient, especially when it comes to children's books. You can evaluate pictures, spreads, see some details. And in principle - reading from a computer disciplines. You always know that now is the time for work, and you will rest later 🙂

For the past few years, I have been reading mostly e-books. If you need to move around a lot, especially in public transport, the "reader" is an indispensable thing. I am in love with my e-book. When I go to choose a bag for myself in the store, I take it with me so that it fits exactly inside. However, I agree with those who say that "readers" cannot create the same feeling of comfort that you feel when sitting with a paper book in your hand. That is why I always buy all my favorite works on paper.

If you ask me which reader to buy, I will recommend mine - Sony PRS-T2.

I love her because:

  • I don't even remember when last time Charged it, it does not require recharging for a very long time.
  • Thanks to electronic ink (e-ink), the eyes do not get tired of it.
  • The case (which can be purchased separately) comes with a flashlight that creates the right lighting.
  • Most importantly, it has a set of dictionaries! It is very convenient to read texts in foreign languages: you press the stylus on an unfamiliar word - translation options drop out. What would I do without it!
  • Enjoy reading!

I read e-books in two applications - for pdf I most often use GoodReader, and I read MYTH books in epub in iBooks, it's very convenient there.

Before (2-3 years ago) I read only paper books. I liked to hold a “full-fledged” book in my hands, make bookmarks, pencil notes. And it was difficult to perceive the text from the screen: it was inconvenient to navigate in the book and did not remember what was read well. But at some point, when I ran out of room for books at home and I realized that the iPad in my bag is much lighter, I began to actively read from the screen. And got used to it. Now I read 30% on paper, 70% in in electronic format.

In paper form - children's books, illustrated editions, albums, reference books. In general, all books where the design and visual structure is more important than the text. Or it can be ordinary text books that I can’t buy in electronic form, but I really want to read it. Everything else I read on the iPad.

Myth books are stored in iBooks. For books from other publishers, the LitResa application is installed. If I see an interesting novelty, I prefer to buy right there. Usually this is a multi-page artist and non-fiction.

For a long time, I couldn't get used to working with notes. I've read PDFs and tried the most different ways: I wrote out quotes with my hands, copied and saved in different notebooks and applications, took screenshots and uploaded them to OneNote (I have all the notes there).

All this was unsystematic and inconvenient, while a colleague, Dima Utrobin, our Commercial Director, did not advise a simple and ingenious solution - read in epub. This format allows you to email selected quotes to yourself or save them to Notes on your iPad. Everything is done automatically, without hands.

This is a very important point for me. I love it when everything is kept in one place where I can easily get to. Everything should be fast and at hand. As a result, I completely lost the habit of writing out quotes from paper books with my hands. And this for me is another argument in favor of the e-book.

I hardly have time to read paper or e-books, so I usually listen to audiobooks. To do this, I bought an iPod Shuffle 3 years ago (such a mini-version for athletes, without a screen). Very small and light. When I take a bath, I generally cling it to my earlobe. Holds a charge up to 7 days (depending on bitrate and playback volume). I download 2 gigabytes of books and listen on the road or, for example, when I go shopping.

Natalia Babaeva, Development Director

Actually, I love paper. I usually have a paper book completely covered. There is no living space on the margins and endpapers. I write not only excerpts from the book, but also the thoughts born in the process of reading. Sometimes I get to the decomposition of the project =) This is not enough in the e-mail.

I read e-books on two occasions:

  1. if it is very long, it’s less scary to read and you don’t have to carry a thick volume with you,
  2. if I prefer linear reading along it (without jumping from chapter to chapter). Approximately half of the books that I read are in electronic form.

I love reading on paper. The phone is small and uncomfortable. The "reader" is a little annoying, there are problems with the encoding, but sometimes I use it. I read on my phone before going to bed, so as not to disturb the sleeping person next to me. I read in the standard iBooks application - in my opinion, very convenient - and in Acrobat Reader.

I read only paper books for three reasons. Firstly, it is much more pleasant than reading electronic versions: touch the cover, paper. Secondly, creative books cannot be felt without holding them in your hands. Thirdly, MYTH has too beautiful books to refuse such pleasure. =)

However, many friends prefer electronic versions of books: they are more mobile and cost less than paper books. But in the case of creative notebooks and coloring books, friends are forced to take my side: you can’t fully enjoy coloring in electronic form.

I read a lot and often. I prefer paper books, but I often use e-books as well. I am a supporter of active reading - I emphasize interesting places, make notes in the margins, leave bookmarks. And many programs allow you to do this in an e-book.

It's actually easier to list the places where I don't read, because I read ... almost everywhere. Here I tried to remember where I read in the last week. The result was the following list: in public transport, in music school(while she was waiting for her son from class), at the entrance to the martial arts hall (again, while she was waiting for her son), at home, in the park, at the bus stop ... Well, of course, at the workplace: the good work not only allows, but also obliges to read a lot 🙂

What are my reading secrets? Actually none. Unless I make a list of those books that I want to read (although it does not decrease with each book read, but only increases weekly).

My son and I also have two other lists - they include books read since the beginning of the year. And his list so far is one book larger than mine. A very motivating thing for both, in fact.

I read both electronic and paper books. But I like paper ones more: I am a 100% kinesthetic, and for me the feeling of holding a high-quality book in my hands, flipping through the pages, putting bookmarks is simply indescribable

Most of all, of course, I love paper books: the smell of the pages of a new book is one of the most attractive in the world. Reading paper books is somehow cozy at home. And always a pleasure. And if I have to travel, I always run into a bookstore and buy books - like birthday candy. And then I read, read and read 🙂 Yes, and, fortunately, they have not yet come up with “notifications” that pop up in the real world about new messages and letters, so nothing distracts from reading and you can safely immerse yourself in a book.

At work, in 95% of cases I read electronic books - from a laptop (more often) or a phone (less often). The undoubted advantage of e-books is that the notes that I save in Evernote or a document in Google Docs are easy and quick to take. Nothing needed will be lost.

Before working at MIF, I bought books and read paper versions in 80% of cases. Now the situation is the opposite - I read 80% only in electronic form. I have an iPad mini4, the iBooks program suits me completely. It is most convenient to work with versions of epub files, since in this case you can highlight text with a marker and add notes. I have a whole library in my iPad, without it Hermione's bag would be needed. Paper books have 100 pluses, but there is also one minus - deforestation, the lungs of our planet.

As for e-books, I'm a fan of paper books. Of course, I have an e-book, I always take it with me on the road or vacation, but only because it takes up little space. This is such a necessary measure, like instant coffee instead of freshly roasted, ground and cooked in a Turk over a fire. Some kind of compromise.

Books printed on paper are a completely different matter. Everything from the first acquaintance with the book, its unique smell of printing ink, snow-white pages that are still difficult to open completely, including the pleasure of future reading and the desire to look at the last page to see how this story ends, is like magic, like the evening before the holidays, like a first date. 😉 So I am for paper books!

I do not read e-books at all - only those books that do not come out in paper. I always wait for paper, I only buy paper. And if I read electronically, then it's banal with ipad through iBooks.

Nemtseva Irina, production manager of MIF publishing house

I like paper books more, I love the tactile feeling when you flip through, you see how much is left to read.

I love both paper and e-books! Since I mainly work with illustrated and gift editions, the paper version is ideal for them: hold them in your hands, look at photos, drawings, read in a special mood 😉 I enjoy reading text books on electronic media. Moreover, for the last year and a half - I have a baby - it’s hard to find time for reading, so I use the achievements of civilization to the fullest. I have an e-book on the kitchen table - while my son is eating, I manage to read 10 pages. While the child goes to bed (he is still small for fairy tales), I sit next to him in an armchair and read from a smartphone. The smartphone is synchronized with the computer, and when my son falls asleep, I can move to the table and continue reading from the computer. I also love summari. For parents with young children, this is just a godsend. In general, there would be a desire, you can almost always find time for reading 🙂

I prefer paper books. But more and more I read e-books. I don’t pay much attention to readers, apparently, I immediately got lucky) I use iBooks

Of course, I like paper books more, but electronic books are more convenient to read anyway. Unfortunately, I can’t give advice on readers and applications, I just read PDF from a tablet)

As for reading, I read electronically from my phone, but since it has os simbian, which Nokia no longer supports, none of the formats presented on our site are suitable for my phone. So I download, convert to another format and read. But this is only because of convenience, and I like paper books more and read them when possible.

What books do you prefer? Tell us in the comments what you like to read, what applications you use and what you can advise us and readers.

Large diagonals and high resolution in modern Android devices make the reading process more convenient and fun. Choosing an application for reading e-books, the user is guided by personal needs and tastes. For some it is important to support a large number of formats, someone needs access to network libraries. For example, I will never use the "reader" if it does not provide night mode reading. Someone will say that what matters most is the content, not the form. And here I, perhaps, agree, but I would like to draw an analogy with paper books. It's much nicer to hold a book in your hands. beautiful cover with a clear and beautiful font. The same can be projected onto reading applications. Like it or not, but it is with paper books that we subconsciously compare electronic counterparts. And the more we find similar moments, the more likely it is that we will choose a particular program. It is these “close to reality” reading applications that we have tried to select for you.

- the most famous and popular book reader for android. Although it does not have the easiest interface, but after spending some time setting it up for yourself, you will be 100% satisfied with the result. The application supports all popular formats: fb2,, .txt, .rtf, .doc, .epub, .chm, .pdb, .prc, .mobi.
You will not find built-in stores here, but you can open the desired book from any directory on the root system of your device. Beautiful background textures, page turning effect and convenient work with the table of contents will help you plunge headlong into reading for hours.

FBReader can be safely called one of the best "readers". In addition to numerous customizable reading options, the app has a sense of style! FBReader looks especially organic on devices with Android 4.0 and higher. The menu, settings, display of read pages and much more are made in the holo-style inherent in the standard Android interface. It is impossible not to note the excellent optimization of the application and very smooth navigation within the program itself. Users can also find various plugins for accessing network libraries.

In principle, another good application for reading e-books, which has one indisputable advantage - synchronization with Dropbox. Having similar functionality with the programs described above, it has an excellent appearance and built-in access to various bookstores.

Aldiko Book Reader is the simplest and most convenient program for reading books on Android smartphones and tablets. The application has a simple and minimalist design. In other words, nothing more to distract you from reading. The lack of a Russian-language interface and a small number of supported formats, of course, are a little disappointing, but the simplicity and decent work on devices running not the most latest versions Android has allowed this app to provide over 10 million downloads to date!

"Omnivorous" application for reading electronic literature. It has an original interface in the form of a "circular" menu with various controls, which is called by pressing the center of the screen. Working with text is very conveniently implemented: selection, creation of quotes and comments, snapshots of individual sections of the screen. The font size can be adjusted by a simple "slivers" on the display. Even if it doesn't deserve to be defined the best program for reading, then it will be able to compete on a par with the leaders with functionality and “bells and whistles”.

Download various applications. The reader does not have to be read-only at all, you can download a lot of different applications there! Bring up the menu on the main page and select Apps.

  • You can download applications social networks- Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. Actually, if you want to share with the world news about what you read and what you like about these books, then such applications will serve you faithfully.
  • You can also download the Netflix app (if you have the appropriate Account) or HBO to watch movies and shows directly from the reader.
  • Even games can be downloaded to the reader! For example, free versions of Candy Crush Saga, Words with Friends and other games.
  • Sideloading (installing apps from unknown sources) is a great way to install apps on your reader that aren't available through Amazon. In this case, you need to go to the settings, then More, then Device, and then find the phrase “Allow Installation of Applications” or “Apps from Unknown Sources” and activate this option. You will then be able to download apps from third-party Android app sources. To do this, you need to go from the reader to the network, go to the site from which you are supposed to download the application, find the application and click on the “Download” button or similar. Then go to the Amazon app store and download the ES File Explorer app there (this will help you find apps from third-party publishers). When it downloads, open it and go to the downloads folder. There you will find the app you downloaded. Select it, agree with everything and click Install. Once the app is installed, open it.
  • Convert PDF files. Alas, the Kindle opens the .pdf as if the page size of the text is exactly the same size as the screen. In other words, the text can simply be compressed to the point of obscenity and unreadability. To avoid this, you need to send a .pdf file to your reader with the word "convert" in the subject line. Kindle will then convert the .pdf to its format.

    • However, this is an experimental feature that does not always give a qualitative result. However, it's better that way!
    • And yes, you can upload .pdf files to your e-reader, either converted to native Kindle format or not (and you can read them instead of books).
  • Problem solving. Alas, even Amazon readers can suddenly start to work incorrectly. The reasons for this are darkness, and most of them can only be corrected by a specialist. However, before you panic and look for the address of the nearest service center, you should check something yourself - but, of course, not when the reader is constantly overheating, such problems require replacement of components.

    • If your screen is frozen or seriously freezes, then hold down the power button for 20 seconds. Then release the button, but press it again for another 20 seconds. The start screen should appear. There can be many reasons for the appearance of a “frozen” screen - from outdated firmware and clogged memory to overheating and low battery power.
    • Email not working? Yes, sometimes. Sometimes it does not turn on at all, sometimes it works, but only for a short time. Either way, it's annoying. The best way deal with this - download the third-party app K-9 or Kaiten mail, or buy the Enhanced Mail app.
    • Problems with access to the network can lead to white heat, because if there is no connection, then there is no opportunity to buy books! In this case, you need to check the connection (upper right corner of the screen). If the signal is weak, but still there, then restart the reader. Also check the battery level - sometimes this affects the quality of the connection.