Summer photo session in nature. Features of organizing photo shoots for girls in nature

When there are only a few days left before the planned outdoor photo shoot, everyone tries to rehearse beautiful poses for her in front of the mirror. It would seem that the angle is successful, but in the photo it looks ridiculous. How to be in such a situation? Experienced photographers cope with this task easily, because they know several dozen of the most best poses for a photo shoot. In this article we will talk about the most successful of them.

Photo Tips

Successful, in your opinion, ideas of poses for a photo shoot need to be “tried on”. If in this position you feel uncomfortable, constrained, then it is worth changing it. Good pictures are obtained only if the model and the photographer have established psychological contact, agreed on the same “wave”. Secondly, you must clearly understand what you want to achieve from the frame? Romance? Innocence? Sexuality? Playfulness? If you have solved all the questions above, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a selection of poses that in most cases guarantee decent shots.

So portraits. The most favorable angle is the look that the model throws over her shoulder, turning away from the lens. Such a portrait, made against the backdrop of nature, is filled with dynamics. As if you were walking, and you were called. Sweet, mysterious, natural. No less successful are shots made according to the "rule of thirds", as well as sitting with closed knees.

Another good angle is shooting a model lying on her stomach or back from ground level. Such photos are romantic, tender, natural and sexy at the same time. Against the backdrop of lush grass and a bright riot of summer flowers, the girls look amazing! Try taking a couple of shots with the lens above the model.

A slender girl can be photographed sitting, with her legs laid aside. If the model considers herself unattractive in this perspective, then her legs should be crossed. In this position, any figure looks advantageous. You can take a photo by focusing on the eyes from the bottom position.

If you want to be photographed while standing, experiment with the position of the arms, legs, rotation of the body and head. There is no single option for a successful photo. An experienced photographer can “catch” a good angle even while the model is “trying on” comfortable poses. Photographs in which the model is depicted with hands in the back pockets of trousers or shorts look stylish and somewhat defiant. And if you lean your back against the wall and put your hands in the side pockets of your clothes, then the photo will turn out to be relaxing, languid. A similar effect can be achieved by raising your hands up. As a support, you can use any vertical surface (trees, poles, and so on).

The best positions for expectant mothers

Picking up women during the event is not so easy. Firstly, the expectant mother should be comfortable, and in the presence of a rounded belly, this is problematic. Secondly, the photo should emphasize all the charm of her position, so taking pictures from the back does not make sense. And, of course, you can’t lie on your stomach, squat down. But you can comfortably sit on a blanket, in a hammock, rocking chair, lie down on the grass or walk in the park while the photographer does his job. If there is a future dad or older children nearby, the photo will turn out to be even more soulful and touching.

Women's successful poses for photo shoots on the street - that's the topic of our today's article. Surely, she will interest you, because every girl strives to have as many beautiful pictures as possible. The knowledge that you will gain in the process of studying the following sections will certainly be useful to you, because all of you, our dear readers, love to be photographed.

The magic of the process

High-quality work of the photographer is a guarantee Have a good mood fashionistas. She helps every lady feel like a real model, despite the fact that the forms are far from ideal, and in your own face you see a lot of flaws. Shooting on the street is, in general, a great joy, because against the backdrop of natural landscapes and city streets, there are a huge number of opportunities to take really beautiful pictures. But here, as in any other business, it is important to take into account a number of factors, otherwise the result will not be so rosy and positive. But you, our dear readers, will not treat this with negligence and coldness? That's right, everything must be approached wisely!

So, let's start our conversation with a description of the most successful positions of the body and limbs. We will not describe each specific case, because it all depends on what image you want to appear in front of the camera lens. We have provided just a few recommendations below.

  • When photographing in full growth, try not to strain the muscles of the body. Unclench your fists, feel the relaxation of all parts of the body, with the exception of the spine and neck.
  • Try to keep a beautiful posture, the stoop has not yet adorned any woman and has not made her a real beauty queen!

  • You can bend one leg slightly, turn your shoulder towards the photographer, and place one hand on your waist.
  • If you want to capture yourself in a seated position, position your torso three-quarters of the way around the camera lens and extend your lower limbs slightly. In no case do not take a frontal pose. This is valid only for photographing on different documents.
  • Relax as much as possible while taking the portrait. The smile should be natural and natural, so you can remember some pleasant moment at this moment. And one more rule: do not strain your facial muscles, this is very important!
  • Owners of a wide face should turn it slightly to the side and down.

It seems that we have told you the basics of the basics, but now we will move on from this theory to some interesting points. So, for example, before a photo shoot, you should open your closet and carefully sort through all the things. Think over your image down to the smallest detail, try on several ensembles, see which combination will be optimal. Think over every detail from the color of the socks, which will be hidden from prying eyes, to the color of precious stones, encrusted in small stud earrings or a pendant.

When choosing a suitable location for filming, be guided by your own character and mood. So, relaxed ladies with an eccentric character can pose on a crowded street. They are simply not confused by the looks of passers-by and the compliments of men passing by. But it is better for women who are modest by nature to retire and hide from the prying eyes of curious people and onlookers.

Another important point: for that occasion it is not a sin to visit a beauty salon. There you will get the perfect styling and makeup. It would be nice to think about your favorite pens - your nails will not interfere with a spectacular decoration.

What is static and “what does it eat with”?

A photographer who has not only great experience, but also the makings of an artist, can tell a lot about how important details are. Here you need to find the right angle and make the girl look in the right direction. If you do not trust a specialist, you can flip through fashion magazines and get a lot of ideas and good solutions from there. In general, all poses are conditionally divided into two groups - static and dynamic. We are going to talk about the first ones now.

This method allows you to make very beautiful and bright shots. When a girl is in one position for some time, the photographer can choose the most favorable angle. For example, in a professional studio, a chair or a suitcase can become the main figure in the background. They are deployed sideways to the lens, while it is not necessary for you to sit on them. A pose in which a woman only leans slightly on a piece of furniture, puts one knee on it or turns her profile will look very impressive. On the street, benches in the park, the porch of a house, a wall, a tree, a concrete slab, etc. can serve as such art objects.

Attention!If you want to take a prone or reclining position, remember that the limbs that are closest to the lens will appear longer.

Dynamic is life!

Have you ever thought that wedding photographers rarely approach guests and ask them to freeze for a few seconds with a stretched smile on their face? The answer is simple: they want to capture sincere moments of happiness and joy for the couple, when a person does not pay attention to the camera and does not notice it, but completely surrenders to his own emotions and impulses.

A street photo session can also take place in the constant movement of a girl. Everything here is based on a flight of fancy and your desires. Here are just a few examples:

  • Gather fallen leaves from the ground and throw them over you. The photographer will definitely press the button at the right moment and capture the mood that you want to convey.

  • Owners of long and thick hair can twist their heads so that the wind plays with your curls and ruffles them in different directions.

  • Go up and down the stairs, and the frame will be filled with energy and positive emotions.
  • You can jump up with all your might to demonstrate to the camera all the advantages of your toned figure. Looking at such a picture, you will have a feeling of airiness and weightlessness.

  • Use an open umbrella. Keep peeking out from under it to find out if the rain has stopped.

Interesting! While playing in front of the camera, try not to be distracted by it. Let nothing distract you from the process of playing ball or walking in the park. If you constantly look into the lens, the frames will look unnatural.


In fact, the art of creating correct postures cannot be mastered in five minutes or an hour. The more you train, the faster you will understand which postures will be the most beneficial and correct for you. It only remains for us to give a few tips and tricks that professional photographers often use.

  • Looking over the shoulder is considered one of the most successful angles. It can hide some of the flaws in appearance, including overweight and skin problems. The main thing is to be able to correctly position the body and bend the neck so that it looks elegant.
  • Actively gesture with your hands. Apply them to your face as if you are thinking about something or are concerned about something.
  • You can lie on the ground and slightly turn your head towards the camera.

  • Stretch your socks, back and stick out your chest. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will become like a peacock trying to demonstrate to everyone around you all its charms.

Attention! If you are holding an event at sea and your body is practically naked, choose a swimsuit that can advantageously hide all figure flaws. Having taken the next pose, look around, because any folds on the stomach, even the smallest ones, can greatly spoil the impression of you.

And a little more about angles and not only

Street photo shoots are considered the most popular, because it is against the backdrop of nature that a woman can reveal her full potential. Therefore, at the end of the article, we will once again talk about what poses will look beautiful and relaxed on the street:

  • In the crowd you can feel like a queen and the object of everyone's attention. To do this, it is enough to stand up straight and raise one knee, and spread your arms to the heavens or to the sides. Professionals often call this body position the sonorous word "triumphant."
  • To turn into a real supermodel for a while, put all your body weight on one hip and put your hand on it.
  • To make the image relaxed and sophisticated at the same time, stand up straight and cross the lower limbs.
  • When shooting, you can lean on miscellaneous items- the effect will be simply amazing!

We advise you not only to use the above recommendations, but also to generate own ideas and actively translate them into reality. And try to capture all the facets of your personality in the pictures. It can be modesty and promiscuity, deceit and innocence, kindness and malevolence, amazement and apathy. Every day we experience a whole range of feelings that can be demonstrated in front of the camera.

Photography is an art, and in any work, as you know, without inspiration there is simply nowhere.I confess that, like most photographers and painters, I am inspired by nature - the natural beauty that so often goes unnoticed in the daily routine.

What could be better than shooting in a park, on the banks of a pond, in a flowering meadow or on a forest edge? Remembering my favorite projects, I understand that nature has a special energy, opening up limitless scope for imagination and fruitful cooperation between the photographer and the model.

Benefits of shooting outdoors: my experience

Even if you have booked a professional photo shoot for the first time, you will not feel awkward in nature, as it sometimes happens in a studio. Against the backdrop of foliage, trees and flowers, it is simply impossible to be constrained, so a person immediately opens up, quickly masters the poses for a photo shoot on the street, and the photos turn out to be just like a selection - lively, natural and sincere.

My task as a photographer is to choose the right time of day, which will allow me to play on the smallest nuances of lighting. In the studio, such natural special effects are not available. Continuing the thought of successful photography, I confess that the success of the project depends not only on the sophisticated equipment and the skill of the photographer - the idea or story that you want to tell through photography is extremely important.

Turning to a professional, no one wants to get a stereotyped photo like "I'm near a flowering tree." Each client rightfully expects to take part in an exciting action, and for this you need to properly prepare - think over poses for a photo shoot in nature and much more.

It is important that the image you choose is in harmony with the appearance, as well as with the location for filming. For example: latex and stiletto boots against the backdrop of a peaceful atmosphere of a wheat field will look extremely strange, but a charming light dress and a straw hat will fit perfectly. Therefore, think in advance who you want to see yourself in this photo shoot, and then choose the right place.

By the way, another reason why I love shooting outdoors is their versatility. You can arrange a photo shoot in the spring, when the first foliage blooms, in a hot flowering summer, in a golden autumn and, of course, in a snowy winter. It all depends on your imagination and the skill of the photographer.

True, on my own behalf, I would advise avoiding filming in extreme heat. Believe me, even the most beautiful poses for a photo shoot in nature in the summer will not save you from floating makeup and spoiled mood, if it’s plus forty outside the window, and you, together with the photographer, are approaching a semi-conscious state. However, even under normal temperature regime do not stretch outdoor shooting for longer than 2-3 hours. A long-running epic can be tedious for both the photographer and the models, especially if young children are involved.

Ideas for a photo shoot in nature: we come up with an image and create a story

Sometimes clients come with a ready-made idea. But often we come up with a story together, choosing poses for a summer photo shoot in nature and discussing the details. By the way, do not be afraid to show the master the work of other photographers that you like. In the process, you can discuss how to bring new ideas to the project you like and create something really original and stylish. My task as a professional is to create a comfortable, trusting atmosphere so that the model can relax and unwind, showing herself to the maximum on camera.

If you're dreaming of a summer photo shoot with an unusual subject, here are some ideas for inspiration:

  • Fairytale and mythological images. If you want to turn into a fairy-tale character, remember the folklore of different times and nationalities. Forest mermaids, fairies, sirens, Amazons. If you feel that such a topic is close to you, you can experiment - the image will definitely turn out to be interesting and stylish.

  • ethnic motives. Slavic clothes with beautiful embroidery look great in a field, pine forest or birch grove. And in a blossoming cherry or apricot orchard, Japanese sophisticated kimonos seem to me. The simplest standing poses for a photo shoot on the street will sparkle with new colors thanks to original outfits. If the theme of the ethnic group is close to you, look on the Internet where you can rent costumes or choose one element that can be beaten during photography.

  • historical characters. If you like a certain era with its outfits and lifestyle, you can do a themed photo shoot in retro style. A long light dress decorated with lace, a lady's umbrella and gloves looks very beautiful and gentle. As you can see, it does not take much to turn into a girl from the last century.

  • Images from cinema, music and literature. Here you can experiment endlessly. Who is closer to you: Bulgakov's Margarita, Mary Poppins, Audrey Hepburn or Frida Kahlo? Femininity, romance, vintage or outrageous?

How to choose clothes and accessories for a photoshoot

To make the photos stylish, it is important to consider how the outfit will look in the frame. My practice shows that there are some nuances here:

  • Always beautiful poses for a photo shoot on the street are advantageously emphasized by draped elements - stoles, shawls, capes, long flowing skirts.
  • Openwork and transparent details, if appropriate, help to play in contrast and achieve interesting effects. Lace puffy sleeves on a dress, a multi-layered skirt or a delicate veil on a hat will do.
  • You can add charm to the image in the photo using details fluttering in the wind - feathers, ribbons or simply loose hair.
  • In nature, accessories made from natural materials look cool - wreaths of fresh flowers or bouquets.

TOP-5 successful compositions for outdoor photography

  • If the shooting will take place in a garden or in a park, I advise you to find an alley where the crowns of trees are intertwined together - such accents look great in the photo. It is necessary that the model and the photographer stand on one line in the center of the alley. It is beautiful when the model seems to leave and looks into the lens in a half turn.

  • In a meadow with low grass, you can sit down beautifully and spread a fluffy skirt around. The photographer must shoot from the same level as the model's face.

If we work near a reservoir, in reeds or in tall grass, excellent shots are also obtained. You can catch the moment when the model comes out of the thickets of grass, gently deflecting the stems in front of him.

  • When the session is in the field or on the coast, and a good wind is blowing, I like to use any kind of flowing fabric - a scarf, a shawl, the hem of a dress.

  • If the model is standing on a small hill, you can shoot it from below, creating a feeling of flight and weightlessness. It's great if at this time it's foggy or it's drizzling outside. True, here it is important to take into account the comfort of the model, the safety of the equipment and understand whether the game is worth the candle.

One of the main criteria for a successful photo shoot is the individual and correct approach of the photographer. If you have any questions regarding the photo session itself, please contact me.

I am convinced that a photo shoot is a fascinating process of joint creativity of a model and a photographer, which brings genuine pleasure to both. The most important thing is an individual approach and the right angles, then any person will come out an order of magnitude better and get great photos! Leave all your questions in the comments, by the way, for the development of the project, you can help your friends by reposting 🙂 Thank you for your attention and have a nice day!

Professional photographer in St. Petersburg - Nikolai Gulik

A person can stop a moment. The shutter of the camera, as if by magic, captures a memorable moment of unforgettable emotions. How nice it is to sort through the pictures and mentally immerse yourself in that past day! Happy experiences and quivering feelings immediately come to life in my head. We need to make more cards-copies of emotionally colored events. After all, there will be many other days, but this one will never happen again. The summer period is considered the most successful for shooting outdoors.

Ideas for a photo shoot in summer

Before you go to be photographed, it is important to think over the concept of the event. Of course, everyone wants to get bright and beautiful shots. For the sake of this, it is recommended to think over several options for shooting in advance. It is important to carefully prepare so that the resulting cards are successful.

Lovers of spontaneous shots should also consider ideas for a photo shoot in the summer, as this is the time when you can get the most positive and colorful shots. Below we consider the main variations and locations of summer projects.

Squares and parks

The forested area in itself is an ideal background, pleasant for perception. Juicy colors will provide photos with the necessary flavor. Flowers and trees will play the role of an indispensable accent in setting the right frame. Photo shoot locations in summer are full of nature's energy, so it's worth taking advantage of this seasonal perk. Some parks have fountains. The energy of water will add a certain zest to the setting of the frame.

What can you do surrounded by a gorgeous landscape? That's right: enjoy nature and the environment, relax. The model in the frame should behave at ease and look peaceful, being in complete harmony with nature. Staged shots are best left for studio walls. Relaxation and peace - that is the success of successful shots in the summer silence.

Field with flowers, herbs or sunflowers

Bright colors just beg to stay in high-quality pictures. Ideas for a photo shoot in the summer necessarily include the option of shooting in flowering fields. To ensure the idea, it is necessary to take care of transport in order to travel outside the city and find the desired territory.

The flower idea is a classic outdoor shot. Juicy colors combined with a light romantic image will leave wonderful memories for a lifetime. The intention of the photographer should be to convey the emotions of the human face as accurately as possible. A photo shoot in nature in the summer is a unique chance to capture the incredible creations of the planet and touch them. It is these feelings that should be reflected in the pictures. If at the end of the project you see a beautiful background, a satisfied person and a wonderful atmosphere that beckons you to return to that day, then the idea was a success.

The correct posture should be relaxed. You can skillfully beat the situation with a bouquet of flowers in your hands, or weave a fragrant wreath and decorate your hair with it. A few shots of the model relaxing in the thick grass will be the perfect ending.


The forest is one of the most mysterious places for photography. The female figure looks very organic against the backdrop of majestic trees and shrubs. A photo shoot in nature in the summer involves careful thinking through the image. The plot from a fairy tale can be colorfully depicted using the appropriate props. The most interesting options are the images of "Alice in Wonderland", "Cinderella", the guardian of the forest.

The style of clothing is also important. There are two win-win moves: create a romantic entourage with the help of outfit and accessories, or emphasize independence and willpower. The wardrobe must be defined in a color scheme that is in harmony with green and yellow.

Marine theme

In hot weather family photo session in summer it can be arranged on the sea or river bank. This is the perfect combination of relaxation and creating new pictures for a memorable archive. The mission of the photographer is to capture relaxed emotions, it is advisable to choose good angles, since the body in a swimsuit does not always look in the best way. The option of transforming into mermaids can also be implemented within the framework of the chosen theme. A photo session in nature in the summer is a great chance to have fun and productively spend time.

Summer cafe

IN summer period many establishments are being transformed into cafes with open terraces, cozy balconies are beginning to function. A harmonious combination of the interior, good weather and properly selected wardrobe items will help create beautiful shots.

Return to childhood

Walking on a sunny day is a real pleasure. One of the options for entertainment during a walk can be a photo shoot on the street. In summer, it is easy to choose a suitable bright day for such an event. An important condition for success will be the selection of attributes: bubble, kites and balloons, balls and toys. In order for the photos to turn out beautiful, you need to abstract from all the problems and have fun. Vivid emotions of a positive mood will give warmth while viewing such summer pictures.

Dandelions in the meadow

Dandelions in summer are lovely flowers associated with warmth and sunshine. Both yellow and already fluffy white buds are perfect as an idea for a photo shoot in the summer. Especially for children. You can collect them, blow off the fluff beautifully and just wallow in the clearing. Models should be warned to be careful: dandelion stains are problematic to wash off clothes, they can easily ruin their favorite dress, and a photo session of children in the summer can be overshadowed.

city ​​walk

The architectural buildings of the city are also worthy of being a backdrop for summer photos. The image for a city walk can be absolutely anything. It is important to choose interesting places that look decent in the frame. Good pictures can be obtained at an abandoned construction site or in a sparsely populated part of the city. Such an atmosphere cannot be achieved at other times of the year, so you need to use summer days for creative ideas.

country picnic

Everyone remembers those beautiful commercials when friendly company eating in nature. Any family can have such shots, it is enough to take everything you need for a picnic and go to an attractive lawn. You should choose bright dishes and simple products that will organically fit into the overall landscape. If you ignore the photographer and talk nicely, you get classic shots of a happy family.

The riot of colors of the hot season is easy and simple to capture in photographs if you properly prepare for the process. On long winter evenings, the heart will experience a joyful thrill from the experienced sensations and strive to repeat them again and again. Photography is an opportunity to stop time here and now. It is necessary to use this unique honor and make more good shots.

Preparing for a wedding takes a lot of time and effort, and the holiday itself will fly by in an instant. The newlyweds wish not only to have a fun, romantic wedding day, but also dream of keeping the best, most pleasant moments in their memory for life, and photographs will help to do this. A wedding photo shoot in nature is an ideal option to get beautiful, high-quality, original pictures that will decorate a family album, and also remind you of the happiest day and joyful moments.

Ideas for a wedding photo shoot in nature

After registering at the registry office, a young married couple is not in a hurry for a banquet, but, as a rule, goes for a walk. All this in order to take the first few pictures for your family album, to capture the first minutes of life together. Where to go for a photo session, how to choose a place to make it original, and what accessories and props are needed? This is a small fraction of the issues that concern young people during the organization wedding photo shoot. Watch a video with an example of beautiful wedding photography in nature:

Each experienced photographer has dozens of ideas and shooting scenarios in his stock.

  • Firstly, the idea depends on the time of year, since the warm period promises many more options and places for photography.
  • Secondly, big role when choosing and implementing an idea, a couple of newlyweds play, because even at the first meeting good photographer will be able to determine which shooting option suits these lovers: a romantic, beautiful photography or an extravagant, crazy, unusual photo shoot.

In order to decide on the choice of location and the idea of ​​holding wedding photography in an open space, you need to consult with a specialist, listen to his ideas and advice. But if the bride and groom have their own wishes and their own vision of a wedding photo shoot (for example, they want to shoot where their first date, meeting or marriage proposal took place) - do not be shy. This is a holiday of two hearts and everything should be as the main heroes of the occasion wish.

It is not so difficult to find suitable places for wedding photography within the city: it can be park areas, gardens, embankment along the river. Pictures of historical monuments or architectural buildings are popular. But it is unlikely that all this can be compared with the beauty of real nature, with untouched, spacious fields, enchanting forests and flowering gardens. Only here nature is presented in all its glory and it will help to make unique wedding photographs.

With inscriptions or three-dimensional letters

popular but original idea carrying out photography of a wedding is a photo with various letters and inscriptions. The advantage of this type of shooting is the ability to conduct it at any time of the year and in any weather. Mandatory props for a photo shoot of this kind are inscriptions and three-dimensional letters that make up words. The following are considered symbolic and frequently used words, expressions: “Love”, “Wedding”, “Just Married”, “Happy”, “happiness”, the initials of the spouses, the date of the wedding, the surname of the newborn family.

Wedding photo shoot in the field

Summer is the best time for a wedding celebration, and main reason this is good, warm, sunny weather. At this time of the year, there are much more options for holding a wedding photo shoot, the choice depends on the wishes of the newlyweds and how the photographer sees it all. Unusually enchanting, breathtaking pictures are obtained during a photo shoot in a field where rye or wheat is earing, charming, so simple, but at the same time breathtaking wild flowers bloom, and the sun plays with its rays.

For a photo shoot in the field, the newlyweds will need some accessories that will help make the pictures more romantic. As attributes, a wreath on the head of a girl from wild flowers or a bouquet, a piece of light fabric, which will help to make the image of the bride airy, weightless, air balloons, windmills. If the photographer has his own scenario for a photo session, he can suggest the use of other props necessary to implement his idea.

In a blooming garden

Spring is a charming time when nature wakes up after a long winter sleep and is ready to show all the beauty and brightness of colors. A wedding at this time of the year provides an opportunity to take wonderful pictures in a blooming garden against the backdrop of flowers blooming after winter. A photo against the background of flowering trees will help reveal the romantic essence of young spouses, show their love, tenderness. For this kind of shooting, no additional accessories or attributes are required - nature has taken care of everything, creating a charming background.

In a clearing strewn with autumn leaves

Autumn is the time of the year that captivates with a riot of colors. A wedding during this period is a magical event, indicating that the feelings of young spouses are blooming and becoming more romantic, brighter, although nature and everything around is preparing for winter hibernation, tranquility. Romantic shots will turn out well in an autumn park, in a clearing strewn with colorful leaves. A blanket and other picnic items or autumn attributes can be used as accessories. The main thing is that the wedding photo shoot should not be overshadowed by rain, which is not uncommon in autumn.

Pictures on the water or near the pond

From the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, wedding photo shoots near a pond or directly on it are especially popular with newlyweds. What could be more romantic and unforgettable than shooting on the beach or the first joint trip on a boat, catamaran as a husband and wife? And when such a walk is filmed by a master of his craft, this guarantees original pictures and memory for many years to come.

A variety of, sometimes even unpredictable places near a reservoir can be used as a place for photography. First of all, it can be the coast of the sea, the bank of a river or a small lake. Original photographs are taken on a bridge over a pond or on a pier. Risky and courageous couples are sometimes ready for a desperate step - a photo session directly in the pond. But it is worth considering, in this case, you definitely need to have spare clothes in order to look decent at the banquet.

A young family sets off on a big voyage down the river called "life". It will be symbolic to ride on a small, cozy boat along the quiet surface of the river, enjoying the silence, solitude and company of each other. The photographer, capturing this moment on his camera, will help to keep these romantic, joyful moments not only in the memory of the bride and groom, but also in the pictures.

In a birch grove

A walk through a birch grove can give the sea positive emotions young spouses. After all, what could be better than fresh air, the beauty of nature and a loved one nearby? Romantic, sincere atmosphere will help to make great pictures filled with love, tenderness, beauty. For such a wedding photo shoot, no additional accessories or attributes are required.

In a jump or comic poses

In order to get funny, original pictures from the wedding, you can implement interesting idea- take pictures in a jump or a funny, comic pose. The very process of photography will give a lot of positive emotions, pleasure, besides, how interesting it will be to watch these pictures after a few years. Such photographs can be taken both with the newlyweds and attracting guests. Newlyweds who wish to receive original photos, it is worth rehearsing the jumps in advance, and a professional photographer will be able to take wonderful pictures, successfully catching the frame.