Active games for the autumn ball. Games for the autumn ball

Participants compete in twos. On the floor, around each of them scatter autumn leaves, real or cut out of paper. In one minute, using the ordinary pins provided by the presenter, you need to attach as many leaves as possible to your clothes. The most "leafy" maple wins.

Best autumn couple

The guys get the task: within half an hour, for example, to find a mate, come up with an interesting name, for example, Mr. Spikelet and Miss Wheat or Mr. Wind and Miss Cobweb. Each couple should briefly introduce themselves, show. Then, according to the applause of the guests, we choose the best - creative, artistic, cheerful, bright autumn couple.

Wind-wind, you are mighty

Pieces of colored paper crumpled into balls depicting fallen leaves are placed in front of the participants. At the command of the leader, each player blows on his "leaf", trying to move it to the finish line. The one who does it first becomes the winner and receives the title of "Mighty Wind", the rest of the participants are "Breezes" and obey the main "Wind" until the end of the event.

Stocks for the winter

The guys are divided into 2-3 teams of the same number of people. At a certain distance from the teams, there are identical sets of fruits and vegetables (pumpkin, grape vine, 3 apples, 2 pears, 2 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 10 nuts, and so on). On the “start” command, the first participants run to their pantry, take only one item (fruit or vegetable) and carry it into their team’s bag. Then the second participants run, also take one item each and carry it into their bag, then the third participants, and so on. The game lasts 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of participants and the number of vegetables. The team that makes the largest reserve wins. That is, at the end of the game, the bags of each team are weighed and the winner is determined.

Get over the puddle

Guests are divided into pairs: boy-girl. In the middle of the room is a large puddle (drawn with crayons, cut out of paper, made from a piece of cloth). Each pair accelerates and tries to overcome the puddle, that is, jump over it. But since the puddle is very large: both long and wide, it will not be easy to overcome it, and the couple that manages to jump over the puddle together, holding hands, will receive a prize.


In one part of the hall they put a basket with apples, and in the other - two empty baskets. Participants (“hedgehogs”) compete in twos. Each of them needs to bring more apples to their basket at a time. You can use your clothes for this, but you can’t take them off yourself. Apples that fall out of hands or clothes are not counted. The most agile "hedgehog" wins.

autumn cupcake

Each participant receives a simple cupcake, on the common table there is a set of multi-colored mastic (which can be purchased at any pastry shop). If this is not possible, you can make simple blanks from plasticine as cupcakes and also choose plasticine of various colors as mastic. On the “start” command, each participant starts decorating their cupcake on an autumn theme. All participants are given 5 minutes to work. According to the voting results, the most beautiful autumn cupcake is chosen and its author is awarded a prize.

bird flocks

Participants are divided into teams, depicting flocks of birds. At the command of the leader, the flocks migrate around the hall to the music. One "flock" flies through another, while catching other "birds" and dragging them along. The team that created the largest flock by capturing the most "birds" from other teams wins.


Two players are each given a long stick. Each of them should lightly touch the participant (mushroom) with this stick, after which he joins his bunch, that is, he takes the edge of his clothes and follows him everywhere. Each next "mushroom" clings to the edge of the previous one's clothes. The mushroom picker who has collected the longest bunch of participating mushrooms wins.

Hares gray and white

All participating hares are initially considered gray and run around the clearing (in the hall) in random order. Two competing players receive a roll of bandage, a piece of which must be wrapped around any part of the hare's body at least once. A hare with a bandage is considered white, that is, having changed its fur coat. The winner is the participant who changed the fur coats to more hares. The competition is overseen by two hosts.

The autumn ball at school is a riot of colors, vivid memories, positive emotions and the best opportunities for realizing the creative potential of schoolchildren of all ages. Someone loves the Autumn Ball for funny scenes, someone - for the opportunity to flaunt in an original costume, and someone loves this holiday for interesting contests. Moreover, the competitions for the Autumn Ball enjoy the same success as the students elementary school as well as high school students. As a rule, the scenario of the holiday involves funny contests, sometimes active or intellectual. And to have fun from the heart and win even a symbolic prize is loved not only by children, but also by young people and older people. Next are waiting for you original ideas and videos of funny and funny contests for the Autumn Ball, which are perfect for elementary school, students in grades 5-7 and high school students.

Fun competitions for the Autumn Ball for elementary school

Since the competitions are a great addition to the main concert program of the Autumn Ball, they are certainly included in the script. In particular, funny competitions are simply indispensable for the Autumn Ball in elementary school: they give the holiday ease, allow children to relax and get a lot of positive emotions. Speaking of separate ideas for competitions for the Autumn Ball in elementary school, ideally they should combine both humor and activity. It is preferable to choose an autumn or school theme so that the competitions resonate with the main idea of ​​​​the Autumn Ball in elementary school. Below you will find examples of just such fun contests.

Connoisseurs - competition for the Autumn Ball for elementary school

Competition on the knowledge of fruits and vegetables, which are harvested in the fall. Participants are shown posters or photos depicting different fruits and vegetables, and if they ripen in the fall, then you need to shout out their names. To make the contest fun, photos of animals, funny pictures, and fairy-tale characters are added to the selection. Slides change quickly. If one of the participants names any non-thematic picture, then he is eliminated from the game.

Autumn Wind - competition for the Autumn Ball for elementary grades

From 2 to 6 people can participate in this competition at the same time. Each participant is given a small piece of crumpled paper or a cotton ball. The finish line is determined, to which you need to move the lump, blowing with all your might. The one who completes the task first wins.

Thrifty Animals - competition for the Autumn Ball for elementary school

At the end of the hall are two large baskets of fruits and vegetables. Participants are divided into teams, they are blindfolded. In turn, each participant tries to get to the basket in order to bring their team as much supplies as possible. The trick is that it is quite difficult to do this by touch, especially considering that there may be inappropriate items in the basket, for example, toys, which in the end will not count.

Funny contests for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7

Funny contests for the Autumn Ball are also relevant for grades 5-7. Competitions with a sports component are especially good. Riddles contests, in particular, about autumn phenomena, changes in weather and animal behavior, are also great. Pupils in grades 5-7 are already quite well versed in history, so such competitions can be held with interesting questions about the history of the region or famous events that took place in the fall in different years world history. But the most relevant will be funny contests for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7 with elements of competition. Below you will find examples interesting competitions for children of this age category, which can be used for the Autumn Ball.

Harvesting - a funny competition for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7

Potatoes should be hidden in advance in the hall where the Autumn Ball will be held. Competitors are given buckets or baskets. They must collect as many tubers as possible in a certain time. The competition is held under very cheerful music.

Under the Umbrella - Funny High School Fall Ball Competition

Participants of the competition should be divided into two teams with an equal number of people, you can participate in classes. Each team is given a regular umbrella. The team with the most members under its umbrella will win. At the same time, you can increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe umbrella with the help of improvised materials, for example, outerwear.

Funny contests for the Autumn Ball for high school students (grades 9-11)

Funny contests for the Autumn Ball are also popular among high school students who are happy to perform funny tasks for speed or dexterity. Also, for students in grades 9-11, team competitions will also be relevant, for example, for ingenuity and creativity. Also can be used for funny contests for the Autumn Ball for high school students (grades 9-11) the format of popular competitions from KVN. The presenter asks small questions about autumn, to which teams of participants must give funny answers in 30 seconds, as in the KVN “Warm-up” contest. You will find other interesting options for funny contests for the Autumn Ball for high school students (grades 9-11) below.

Gifts of Autumn - funny competitions for high school students at the Autumn Ball

Several participants are called in to taste the gifts of autumn. Each of them pulls a piece of paper from a hat with a certain number that corresponds to a fruit or vegetable. The participant is then led to their product, which is hung on a string. Task: eat a vegetable / fruit at speed without the help of hands. To make the competition even funnier, in addition to apples and pears, you can hang beets, cabbage or walnuts.

Autumn wreath - funny competitions for grades 9-11 for the Autumn Ball

Only guys are called for the competition. Each of them is given a bouquet of maple leaves, which they must transform into a wreath. At the same time, they can use a stapler or tape. The competition is also held for a while and with cheerful music.

Funny contests for the Autumn Ball for youth, video

Quite often, the Autumn Ball, and with it funny contests, are held not only in schools, but also for young people and students. In this case, the topics and format of such competitions in the scenario may coincide with those for high school students (grades 9-11). At the same time, funny contests for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7, and even for elementary school, can also be remade for a more adult audience. For example, the competition "Under the umbrella" will be funnier and more relevant for young people if you replace a large umbrella with a children's one. See other examples of funny contests for the Autumn Ball for youth in the video below.

1 Leading
Leaves are the letters of summer
What went unanswered
What fly without an addressee
To nowhere, to nowhere...

2 Leading
I love this time of year!
Feast of gold and crimson.
Blue roaring freedom
The clarity of the inevitable end.
But how it rushed and whipped!
It rained, the winds whipped them.
Nature has coped, and it has come
This precious time

1 presenter. Hello dear guests. We are glad to welcome you to our evening dedicated to the "Golden Autumn".

2 Lead. And today we bring to your attention the game "7th Sense", in which our participants will fight for the queen.

1 presenter. We invite gamers. Meet: participant number 1, etc. ... we ask the participants to take their places.

2 Lead. And now I will tell you about the rules of the game. You will be participating in contests that will be closely watched by our queen, who is behind the scenes, closely watching the game. She will choose the most worthy at the end of the game. Therefore, after each competition, we will say goodbye to one of you, these are the rules of the game.

1 presenter. 1 competition - "My business card" and a musical gift to the queen.

2 Lead. While the queen is determined in her choice, a musical number sounds for you.

1 presenter. I announce the choice of the queen and the participant under number ... leaves us, because ... (the queen explains why, and the leader reads out). We see the participant off with consolatory applause.

2 Lead. Meanwhile, I announce the 2nd contest - "The best declaration of love." Participants in 4 minutes must come up with a declaration of love and voice it. And so that the fans do not get bored, a competition is held with you.

1. The swallows are gone,
And yesterday dawn
All the rooks flew
Yes, like a network, flickered
Over that mountain.
(A. A. Fet)

2. Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The day became less frequent
Forests mysterious canopy
With a sad noise she was naked ...
(A. S. Pushkin)

3. Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces,
The ice is fragile on the icy river,
Like melting sugar lies...
(N. A. Nekrasov)

4. Autumn! All our poor garden is sprinkled,
Yellowed leaves fly in the wind;
Only in the distance they flaunt, there at the bottom of the valleys,
Brushes of bright red withering mountain ash.
(A. K. Tolstoy)

5. Covers a golden leaf
Wet ground in the forest...
I boldly trample with my foot
Spring forest beauty.
(A. Maikov).

So, the contestants are ready. The participants are performing. The answer came from the queen. We are left by the participant under number ... Because ... We see off the participant with consolatory applause.

1 presenter. We have 4 participants left, passions are heated to the limit and I announce the 3rd contest "The Best Autumn Bouquet"

You must make a bouquet in 2 minutes, which will be sent to the queen for evaluation.

2 Lead. While the queen chooses the best bouquet, Nastya will sing for you.

1 presenter. There was a response from the queen, the participant under number leaves us ... Because ...

2 Lead. Meanwhile, I announce the 4th contest " Best gift". Presents are presented to your attention (TV, ladle, basin, glass, car, cow, star, piglet). You must choose 1 gift and then you must explain why you chose it. While the contestants are getting ready, the fans will have some rest.

Questions for the fans.

1. Do you believe that "marshmallow" is related to the wind? (Yes, among the Greeks, Zephyr is the god of the west wind).

2. Not a bumblebee, not a bee, but stings? (nettle).

3. Grows and breathes, but can't walk? (plant)

4. When it grows, then it turns green. It will fall, then it will turn yellow. Will it lie down and turn black? (sheet).

5. Youth of the day? (morning).

6. What kind of tree is standing, there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling? (aspen).

7. In the evening - with water, at night - with water, and during the day - in heaven? (water).

8. A type of transport whose passenger can wish a happy flight and at the same time a happy voyage? (hydroplane).

So, the participants are ready.

The answer came from the queen. She did not like the gift of the participant under No. ... Because ... The participant under No. is leaving us ... We send off with consolatory applause.

1 presenter. I announce the final competition: you have 4 words written on a piece of paper, using these words make up a quatrain.

While the contestants are creating a poetic masterpiece, a musical number sounds for you.

Participants are ready and read out their works.

The queen chooses the best poem. We say goodbye to participant number ... Because ... And we have one participant number ... who has to pass the last test. Throughout the game, the not simple character of the queen was revealed. How do you imagine her? Create an image of a queen.

2 Lead. It's time to meet the autumn queen. Rise up to the queen and present her to us.

You have been chosen and therefore are proclaimed the "King of Autumn". (the coronation of the king takes place).

1 presenter. And I invite the king and queen, as well as our guests to the disco to continue the fun.

The entertainment part of the dance evening will make it even more interesting. Team and pair competitions diversify the program of the autumn ball. Thematic vocal quizzes will cheer up the participants of the event. General dance games will not let anyone stand aside, and each guest will feel at ease. Active contests will help guys and girls to become closer and determine the king and queen of the ball.

    The game "Ladies invite gentlemen"

    Girls and boys play. The more participants, the more interesting. Boys should be one less than girls. Players take to the dance floor.

    Rhythmic music is on. Everyone dances separately, keeping a small distance. When the fast music changes to slow, the girls should ask the guys to dance. The participant who does not get a pair leaves the game and takes with her one gentleman of her choice. The game continues until one pair remains. The host announces them the king and queen of the autumn ball.

    There are 3 boys in the competition. The host blindfolds them and puts glasses with different drinks on the table (you can use juices, sweet water, compotes).

    In the first stage of the competition, the guys must determine the drinks by smell. The participant who recognizes the fewest drinks leaves the competition. In the second stage, the boys must identify them by tasting them. To complicate the task, you can mix two drinks in one glass (for example, add a little coffee to Pepsi - this will give a strong foam and change the taste, or add cocoa).

    The winner is the participant who manages to solve the most drinks.

    The game "Leaf fall"

    The game is played at the end of the autumn ball. All students participate in it.

    To carry it out, it is necessary to hang autumn leaves in the hall on the ceiling on threads of different lengths, attach them to the curtains and spread them out in different places.

    After the leader’s command “the game has begun”, the children begin to actively collect leaves. For the extraction of leaves that are located high, participants can plant each other. After 1 minute, the host stops the game and counts the number of leaves that each class has collected.

    The fastest and most resourceful class receives balloons as a gift.

    3 people with good vocal abilities participate in the competition. All spectators receive a ticket (an ordinary small leaf can act as a ticket).

    The task of the contestants is to sing any song on the autumn theme. After all participants cope with the task, the audience votes for the best performer by collecting tickets.

    The participant with large quantity votes.

    There are 5 guys in the competition. It takes place in 3 stages. In the first, the participants must quickly turn into hussars, that is, draw a mustache, put on a shako and a belt with a saber. All paraphernalia must be prepared in advance. The delayed guy is out.

    The hussars then test their luck with cards. A deck is laid on the table, and each participant draws 3 cards from it. The two contestants with the lowest cards are out of the game.

    The last stage is a verbal duel. The reason for the contention is announced to the hussars (for example, a dispute about ladies, horses, an insult). The guys should discuss and argue, communicating only with phrases and words inherent in the former speech.

    A contestant who manages to out-argue or drive an opponent into a dead end is declared a true hussar.

    5 couples "boy-girl" participate in the competition. If the guys do not know how to waltz, the leader should show them a couple of steps and give them a few minutes to master the movements.

    The music turns on. Pairs line up in the starting position. In the outstretched hand of the gentleman, the leader gives a saber made of foam. The couples begin to waltz. At the moment when the music is interrupted, the gentlemen should quickly get on one knee, and the ladies should sit down on it and tuck their legs. The sword must be held high above the head. The slowest pair is out of the game.