Deepak chopra perfect health. Ideal health Possibilities of Ayurveda - the new medicine

It is not difficult to draw a portrait of a person in perfect health, since specialists know how the most favorable parts of the face usually look like ...

Imagine, big, fleshy ears are a sign of good health.

Although from an aesthetic point of view they are unattractive, and hardly any poet will sing about them.

A large forehead and large brow ridges look impressive. In fact, their owner can only be proud of a sonorous voice, but hardly ...

A healthy weight is a weight at which a person feels good and has enough energy to work and rest throughout the day.

Unfortunately, modern culture imposes on us the parameters of beauty, which we call healthy.

Moreover, an overweight person may well be healthy if he eats right and exercises regularly, while thin people who do not exercise and eat wrong can be healthy. Therefore, it is very important...

A healthy weight is the weight at which a person feels good and has enough energy to work and rest throughout the day. A healthy weight will not provoke diseases associated with excess weight, such as heart disease, hypertension, cancer, diabetes.

However, weight is only one indicator of your health. Thin people who don't exercise or don't eat right are not necessarily at a healthy weight just because they weigh a little. Conversely, a person...

Heart health in women depends on the length of the legs, say doctors from the University of Bristol (UK).

They established a relationship between the length of the legs in the fairer sex and a predisposition to heart disease.

According to one of the doctors Debbie Lawlor, for every 4.3 cm increase in the average length of the legs, the predisposition to coronary disease decreases by 16%.

According to doctors, the length of the legs depends, in particular, on the diet in childhood and the condition environment...

A healthy spine is the joy of life at any age. But how do you keep your back healthy at a time when we have to spend most of our time in front of computer screens and in car seats? Here are some simple rules.

Move. Try to choose a time each day for at least minimal physical activity. When playing sports, pay special attention to the muscles of the back, because strong back muscles help the spine cope with stress.

Watch your posture. Just so you...

Healthy posture determines the activity of all vital important systems organism.

This position is known to every medical student, but in practice it is rare for a narrow specialist to draw the patient's attention to problems in his posture.

We add that, along with purely medical, in solving this problem, it is also important psychological aspects. Rheumatologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences V. A. Nasonova authoritatively declares that diseases of the musculoskeletal system can be prevented by promoting healthy lifestyle...

Healthy food is expensive, but there are sixteen tips on how to eat healthy and not spend extra money.

And now our advice.

1. Switch to water instead of carbonated drinks. It's more useful and cheaper. Take a bottle of water with you if you go anywhere.

2. Drink tap water. If you are not satisfied with its quality, filter the water yourself. One $7 filter is enough to purify 40 gallons of water.

3. Eat eggs. These are vitamins and proteins literally for a penny ...

Chopra Deepak

Ideal Energy

"Currently, a new medicine is emerging - a medicine in which the psyche, consciousness, thinking and intellect play the leading roles. One of the "architects of this new medicine is Dr. Chopra, an honored and respected doctor who has won the reputation of an advanced medical scientist with his work" .

"Deepak Chadra is rightly called the modern Hippocrates for his original healing methods, which combine the ancient traditions of healing and the achievements of modern medicine."

Yare Kupshinet, Chicago Sun Times

"We would love to live next door to Dr. Chopra to exchange visits with him."

Judith Hooper, New York Times Book Review

"Deepak Chopra's program is delivered in excellent, compelling, engaging language and contains a lot of common sense."

"Dr. Chopra brings us information that will enable us to live long, disease-free lives."

Verni Siegl, MD, Author of Love, Medicine and Miracles

Inexhaustible energy

A comprehensive program of psychophysiological regulation of the body to overcome chronic fatigue

1. Fatigue, energy and the quantum mechanical body

Fatigue is defined as the absence of physical, mental, and emotional energy, and chronic fatigue is its prolonged absence. However, living in modern Western society, you hardly need to define fatigue. Most likely, you are already quite familiar with this problem. And, it is likely that at the moment you are experiencing chronic fatigue.

Despite the fact that fatigue is widespread in modern life, from the point of view of nature as a whole, it is a true phenomenon. First of all, because nature abounds in energy and creative activity. Birds wake up early in the morning, they sing, tirelessly build nests, get food for their chicks; squirrels scurry up and down the trees, jumping from branch to branch; and when spring comes, it seems as if the grass and flowers are about to break out of the ground and reach up in abundance, full of vitality.

This amazing energy is present not only in the biological world, but throughout the physical universe. Waves crash on the shore; rivers rush to the seas with incredible force; the wind roars, sweeping away everything in its path; the Earth rotates around its axis and the Sun with amazing speed; and the Sun itself constantly gives an unimaginable amount of heat and light. Physicists say that the Universe is nothing more than a dynamic, pulsating pope of innumerable energy.

Strange, isn't it? With such a huge amount of energy, how can anyone feel tired? Why do millions of people experience fatigue every day? Why do many of them stay in a state of fatigue for most of their lives?

The contradiction between the prevalence of chronic fatigue in our society and the abundance of energy in nature is a sad paradox. But this same contradiction may give us the key to a real solution to the problem of chronic fatigue. In this book, you will learn many techniques that will allow you to reconnect with nature and, in particular, you will learn how to open the natural sources of energy that are already within you.

But before exploring ways to eliminate fatigue, let's take a closer look at the problem and try to get some idea of ​​its magnitude.

Fatigue is one of the most common complaints people go to the doctor for. Recently, the Journal of the American Medical Association published data that 24% of patients randomly interviewed in one of the clinics complained of chronic fatigue. Among women, the rate was higher - 28% of those who said they were tired, compared with 1% for men. But at the same time, cases of fatigue were noted in almost every fifth man.

There is no doubt that the feeling of fatigue is constantly present in the lives of millions of Americans. But because complaints of fatigue are among the most vague, it is difficult for doctors to evaluate this phenomenon and only occasionally manage to identify its actual cause. Of course, this does not mean that if you experience constant, deep fatigue that lasts for several weeks, you should not undergo a medical examination. On the contrary, in your case, the cause may be obvious and easily eliminated. Your fatigue may be due to anemia, thyroid problems, hepatitis, diabetes, mononucleosis, kidney disease, and other chronic conditions. I recommend a physical examination to rule out these possible causes. But at the same time, I would like to emphasize that the vast majority of those who complain of chronic fatigue fail to identify any specific physical causes that give rise to it. And this is perhaps the single most important conclusion of all that o has been made as a result of numerous studies of this problem.

© 1991, 2000 Deepak Chopra M.D originally published by Three Rivers Press, trademark of Random House Inc.

© Naumenko E., translation into Russian, 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2018


I dedicate this book with heartfelt gratitude: to my family for their great love and support in all my endeavors;

To David Simon, my friend and colleague, for helping me with the book and for giving more attention to this matter than we agreed;

great agent and dear friend Lynn Franklin for her belief in my success;

Huntley Dent, my close friend, for valuable comments that helped me complete the literary revision of the first edition;

to my editor, Peter Gazzardi, who gave me valuable advice to publish the best of what I have written;

to all the staff of the Chopra Wellness Center—doctors, nurses, teachers, support workers—for their continued dedication to perfect health.

Part I
World of perfect health

If our internal forces are in harmony and balance with the environment, we are invulnerable for diseases.


The first version of this book was written almost ten years ago, and since then the world has seriously changed. In our time, there is no longer any objection to the doctrine that health is something more than the absence of disease. And no one seems extreme to say that the human body is not only a mechanical anatomical structure, but also a powerful network of conductors of energy and information. These views are a very important part contemporary ideas about health and disease, life and death.

According to Journal of the American Medical Association(Journal of the American Medical Society), over 40% of Americans regularly use treatments and wellness that go beyond the simplistic materialistic model of the human body. More than 60% of medical educational institutions offer courses in complementary medicine 1
Complementary medicine is all types of non-official medicine used for health purposes in conjunction with official medicine. It is believed that complementary medicine complements the official one, contributing to common goals maintaining health and meeting the demand not provided by official medicine. - Here and below the translator's note.

More and more health insurance companies and medical institutions recognize that patient needs are expanding and fund holistic medicine 2
Holistic medicine is a direction that considers the individual as a whole, and not a collection of organs, while the treatment of patients is carried out taking into account their physical, emotional, mental state and spiritual characteristics.

Attempts to use non-traditional approaches in treatment for a long time caused nothing but ridicule and criticism from the scientific community.

Today, however, many serious scientists study and apply these techniques. The catalog of the National Library of Medicine contains over forty thousand works from the field of alternative medicine. 3
Alternative medicine - methods that are opposed to official medicine (sometimes anti-scientific, used instead of medical means). The concepts of "complementary medicine" and "alternative medicine" are different. While complementary medicine is used in conjunction with mainstream medicine, alternative medicine is used instead of mainstream medicine.

And complementary medicine, and almost half of them are associated with herbal medicine. Increasingly popular are gaining such means of recovery as yoga, meditation, different kinds massage and nutrition techniques. Almost any American pharmacy can offer you its own range of natural products. Most often, they include St. John's wort, ginkgo biloba and echinacea.

Nowadays, the Internet, books and magazines are available anywhere in the world. Thanks to this, people can get health information very quickly and use it as they see fit. Few will agree with me, but I believe that when someone is engaged in self-improvement and the development of self-awareness, this improves the health of the person himself and his loved ones.

When you see and feel how effective thousands of years of healing methods are, you will experience real joy.

At the Chopra Wellness Center in La Jolla, California, we have created the perfect setting for those who seek healing and want to dive deep into Ayurveda and Psychosomatic Medicine. We have developed health preservation courses based on the techniques of holistic medicine. The Magic Start program provides moral and informational support for couples who are about to have a baby. These children receive the makings of superpowers even before birth. Our instructors have received special training and are now looking for new program participants around the world. We dream that thanks to our instructors there will be a generation of healthy individuals striving for knowledge.

On all continents, Chopra Wellness Center graduates teach the main course in psychosomatic medicine and Ayurveda - "Creation of Life". We have trained over 500 instructors for Basic Sound Meditation, a program that teaches you how to deal with stress. It allows people to find a source of internal energy and reveal their creative possibilities. We have a special course for those who are fighting cancer - "Return to Wholeness". He really transforms people. Thousands of men and women have consciously changed their lives when they completed programs to combat chronic fatigue and overweight.

Since the publication of the first edition of this book, I have seen many times how the lives of my readers have changed. Following specific people, changes occurred in society. Now we're walking along revolutionary path that will forever change the way we perceive the world and ourselves. Like the discoveries of modern physics, the eternal wisdom of Ayurveda points to the deep essence of the universe. The world hides a limitless field of possibilities, and they can only be used by those who seek self-healing and transformation. This is the main idea of ​​our book.

I have made major changes to the new edition. We've added new wellness techniques that we've tested with patients at the Chopra Wellness Center. The updated book presents a method of controlled visualization and meditation. It allows you to achieve a deep understanding of reality and change the perception of your own body. We tell you how to consciously establish a psychosomatic connection with your cells, tissues and organs. The book also describes the autonomic and vegetative functions of the body, without which perfect health is impossible.

In the new chapters, we talk about healthy nutrition and herbal medicine and put special emphasis on a balanced healthy diet. The system of harmonious nutrition can be the first step on the path to recovery. The Ayurvedic diet in our book is simple and elegant. We have also selected materials for you on how the mind and body interact during periods of illness and health.

When you see and feel how effective thousands of years of healing methods are, you will experience real joy. We will discuss proven treatments that involve the five senses: sounds, touch, sights, tastes and smells. In the end it all helps internal system self-healing.

To show the connection between our inner and outer worlds, as well as the fact that the world around us is an extension of our body, we have included some fun exercises in the book. Finally, we have tried to make the book understandable and accessible to a wide range of readers.

The more I learn about health, the more I become convinced that true health means much more than the absence of pathologies and negative tests. And even more than the optimal union of mind and body. At its core, health is the highest form of self-consciousness.

For thousands of years the great prophets of the Vedas have said that the main objective caring for the body - to provide a material basis for the state of enlightenment. When a person reaches enlightenment, his inner reference point moves from the ego realm to the spiritual realm. At the same time, he understands that the cognizer himself, the process and the object of cognition are one whole. The boundaries of time and space disappear when we see ourselves as free beings who have only briefly become ordinary people. This state of wholeness, unity, is the basis of all healing, its goal is perfect health.

And I am very happy to help you achieve this goal.

Chapter 1
An invitation to a new level of reality

Each person has such an internal state when he does not feel pain, cannot get sick, grow old or die. When you sink into this state, the outer limitations completely disappear.

This state is called perfect health. This state may last for many years or a couple of seconds, but even in a few moments, profound changes will take place in your consciousness. At the same time, your ideas about life will change, and you will realize that you have moved to a new, higher level of existence. This book is written for those who want to know and accept this new being on a permanent basis.

It is often difficult to determine the causes of illness, but no one has yet proven that illness cannot be avoided. In fact, just the opposite is true. Every day we encounter millions of viruses, bacteria, allergens, fungi, but we rarely get sick. Many doctors talk about cases when terrible meningococcal bacteria live in the respiratory tract of a person and do no harm. Only rarely do they become active and cause meningitis, an infection that affects the central nervous system and can lead to death. People who have had chickenpox have become carriers of the varicella-zoster virus. When a person is stressed, the virus can become active, and then herpes zoster appears on the skin. What causes such an attack? No one knows the exact answer, so scientists have introduced such a thing as "specific host resistance." This means that we, as carriers of microbes, can suppress them or activate them. During 99.99% of human life, microbes are in a passive state, so each of us is much closer to perfect health than we imagine.

Most Americans who died of heart disease had their coronary arteries blocked by plaque and other debris. As a result, oxygen starvation set in and the work of the heart was disrupted. However, different people have heart disease in different ways. A person with a single plaque, or even a small piece of it, may suffer from angina pectoris and chest pain. The other one, who has accumulated enough plaque to completely cut off the flow of oxygen, may feel great. There are cases when people whose coronary arteries were blocked by 85% ran a marathon, while others died of a heart attack with clear vessels. Recently, scientists have found that many elderly people who died of a heart attack suffered from coronary artery disease. All this suggests that the ability to resist the disease depends on the characteristics of a particular organism.

The physical immunity of our body is complemented by a strong emotional resistance to disease. This was clearly expressed by one of the elderly patients: “I have read enough books on psychology to come to terms with the fact that an adult can get sick, grow old and eventually die. But on an emotional and instinctive level, I totally disagree with that. Getting sick and breaking down physically is like a terrible mistake, and I always hoped that someone would correct it.

You will be able to become as healthy as you think possible. When you completely rebuild your consciousness, you will forget about illness and old age.

This lady is now about eighty years old and in excellent physical and mental condition. When asked about her plans for the future, she replies, "You may think I'm out of my mind, but I'm not going to grow old and die." Is it so pointless? It is known that people who consider themselves too busy to get sick have much better health than those who worry too much about their bodies. Another person told us that he became fascinated with the idea of ​​perfect health because it was the right and sometimes the only solution to many medical problems. According to him, to achieve perfect health, you can use the "brainstorming" method, which is successfully used by entire corporations.

Brainstorming is a unique way that allows you to quickly get a solution to a problem. It is as follows. First, a goal is chosen - much more difficult and higher than the achievable result. Then you need to think of everything possible ways to get as close as possible to the target. “If people continue to think and act out of habit,” the man said, “even if they work long and hard, they can achieve no more than ten percent growth. However, to achieve a twofold or tenfold advantage, you need to set goals so high that everyone understands that different results require different actions. ”

Leading Silicon Valley companies use brainstorming to develop software. For example, if it took two years to release the first version of the program, then only one is allotted for the next version. If we managed to reduce the number of errors in the product code to 5%, then the next bar will be error-free code. Those who want to achieve perfect health should act in a similar way: determine the ideal result and ways how to achieve it. In complex productions, you will have to pay eight to ten times more to correct a mistake than to eliminate possible problems from the very beginning. That's why when high quality the result is put in the first place from the very beginning of work, this gives the company a much higher profit compared to normal practice.

The same approach works in medicine. Prevention is much cheaper than cure. A recent poll found that the biggest fear Americans have in their lives is chronic disease with devastating consequences. At the same time, the financial costs of patient care and treatment excite them more than pain and suffering. Many of them are afraid not so much of death as of the fact that the family will not be able to pay for their treatment. Obviously, in medicine, the quality of treatment should come first, and we can apply this principle in each individual case.

Possibilities of Ayurveda - new medicine

The first secret you should know if you decide to achieve perfect health is that you must consciously choose this path. You will be able to become as healthy as you think possible. To get perfect health, it is not enough to improve good health by 5-10%. When you completely rebuild your consciousness, you will forget about illness and old age.

Can we achieve an ideal result if we are dealing with such a complex object as the human body? According to the National Institute on Aging, so far no one has proven that a person will live longer if he changes his lifestyle, exercises, diets, medications and vitamins. Today, scientists are successfully carrying out the prevention of atherosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis - diseases that affect the elderly. But doctors are not yet able to cure all these diseases completely. Often, experts state in public that they were able to cope with cancer and other serious illnesses, but in reality this is not entirely true. The best thing they can do is experiment and try to get closer to curing the disease with their help. For example, when scientists observed a large group of people, they found that they had a reduced risk of a heart attack if they could lower their blood cholesterol levels. But statistics for a group does not guarantee the same result for any person.

If you want to improve your health by two or ten times, you need to deeply study the characteristics of your body. You can do this with the help of Ayurveda, a system that is designed to promote health and avoid disease. The name originated over five thousand years ago in India, and it comes from two words in Sanskrit: Ayus- life and Veda- knowledge, science. Thus, Ayurveda is usually translated as "the science of life". Another, more accurate translation sounds like "the doctrine of the limits of life, the doctrine of a long life."

The purpose of Ayurveda is to show how we can influence our life, control it, avoid the influence of disease and old age. Main principle

Ayurveda is that the mind controls the body and the state of human health depends on whether they are in balance. This equilibrium state brings more health benefits than any known type of immunity.

Ayurveda combines the experience and knowledge of sages who laid down the traditions of teaching long before Egyptian pyramids and kept them for many generations. At the Chopra Wellbeing Center, we have created modern system, which combines the eternal truths of Ayurveda and the achievements of modern science.

Over the past fifteen years, my colleagues and I have treated more than ten thousand patients and trained about three thousand instructors in Ayurvedic medicine. We studied Ayurveda and at the same time deepened and expanded our knowledge of traditional medicine. We have combined Ayurveda and Western medicine and managed to bring ancient wisdom and modern science. When doctors at the Chopra Wellness Center review patient records and examination results, they rely on observations of a sick person. We help our patients turn on their inner vision and achieve a balance of body and mind.

Quantum mechanics of the human body

We must deeply study our body in order to better know its capabilities. From the point of view of Ayurveda, the human physical body has a quantum mechanical structure. Physicists say that the very essence of our nature is at the quantum level much deeper than atoms and molecules. A quantum is an indivisible particle of matter or energy, tens and hundreds of millions of times smaller than any atom. At this level, it is impossible to distinguish between matter and energy. Quanta are made up of invisible vibrations - waves of energy that can easily take on a certain shape. Ayurveda teaches that the same is true for the human body: initially it has the form of invisible but intense vibrations (quantum fluctuations), which then turn into energy impulses and material particles.

The quantum mechanical structure underlies all human life: his thoughts, emotions, proteins, cells and organs. Our body sends us invisible signals at the quantum level and waits for a response. At the heart of our physical essence is a quantum pulse, which counts the quantum heart. Ayurveda states that all organs and processes in our body have analogues in the quantum world.

For us, there would be no benefit from the quantum mechanics of the body if we could not feel it. Fortunately sensitive. nervous system helps our consciousness to perceive these weak vibrations. When a photon of light hits the retina, it has a much weaker effect on it than a speck of dust on a football field. But the retina has special nerve endings—rods and cones—that can sense a single photon and send a signal to the brain that allows us to see light. Rods and cones are like a giant radio telescope that picks up signals from the Big Bang. 4
This refers to the relic radio emission that arose in the first moments of the life of the Universe.

And amplifies them so that we can feel them.

Since Ayurveda acts on the quantum mechanical structure as such, more can be achieved with it than with conventional medicine, which is limited to gross physiology. This is possible because there is much more energy at the quantum level than at higher levels. An excellent example is the explosion of the atomic bomb, a large-scale event that has a quantum nature. Another example is that a laser uses the same light as a camera flash, but at the expense of an effect in which coherent 5
Coherent oscillations are oscillations whose minimums and maximums coincide in time. In this case, the amplification of the luminous flux occurs precisely for this reason.

Quantum fluctuations add up with each other, its energy is enough to burn through a steel sheet.

The examples in the previous paragraph can be explained with the help of quantum theory, which says that there is a huge amount of energy in the deepest levels of matter. Space contains a huge amount of latent energy, and even a small particle of it is enough to burn a star. Only when there is a quantum leap (transition from one energy level to another), this so-called dark energy is released in the form of heat, light and other forms of radiation.

Everyone knows that when a tree burns, much less energy is released than when its atoms are split during a nuclear reaction. But we did not take into account that if we want to create something at the quantum level, we will get the same amount of energy as if we wanted to destroy something. 6
For example, thermonuclear fusion.

Only nature creates rocks, trees, stars and galaxies, and every day we actively build our own body. Each of us is responsible for the body in which he lives.

A few years ago, Dr. Dean Onish, a San Francisco cardiologist, showed that forty patients had reduced fatty plaque deposits that almost blocked their coronary arteries. When the arteries of these patients cleared and oxygen began to flow to the heart, they no longer had constricting pains in the chest and decreased the risk of blockage of the arteries, which could lead to death.

In addition to conventional medicines and surgery, Dr. Onish's group actively used yoga, meditation, and a strict vegetable diet to free the arteries. Recently, Dr. Onish confirmed that such lifestyle changes help treat heart disease. Why are these results considered so significant? Because official medicine had not previously recognized that the development of advanced heart disease can be stopped and reversed.

Chopra Deepak

Ideal Energy

"Currently, a new medicine is emerging - a medicine in which the psyche, consciousness, thinking and intellect play the leading roles. One of the "architects of this new medicine is Dr. Chopra, an honored and respected doctor who has won the reputation of an advanced medical scientist with his work" .

"Deepak Chadra is rightly called the modern Hippocrates for his original healing methods, which combine the ancient traditions of healing and the achievements of modern medicine."

Yare Kupshinet, Chicago Sun Times

"We would love to live next door to Dr. Chopra to exchange visits with him."

Judith Hooper, New York Times Book Review

"Deepak Chopra's program is delivered in excellent, compelling, engaging language and contains a lot of common sense."

"Dr. Chopra brings us information that will enable us to live long, disease-free lives."

Inexhaustible energy

A comprehensive program of psychophysiological regulation of the body to overcome chronic fatigue

1. Fatigue, energy and the quantum mechanical body

Fatigue is defined as the absence of physical, mental, and emotional energy, and chronic fatigue is its prolonged absence. However, living in modern Western society, you hardly need to define fatigue. Most likely, you are already quite familiar with this problem. And, it is likely that at the moment you are experiencing chronic fatigue.

Despite the fact that fatigue is widespread in modern life, from the point of view of nature as a whole, it is a true phenomenon. First of all, because nature abounds in energy and creative activity. Birds wake up early in the morning, they sing, tirelessly build nests, get food for their chicks; squirrels scurry up and down the trees, jumping from branch to branch; and when spring comes, it seems as if the grass and flowers are about to break out of the ground and reach up in abundance, full of vitality.

This amazing energy is present not only in the biological world, but throughout the physical universe. Waves crash on the shore; rivers rush to the seas with incredible force; the wind roars, sweeping away everything in its path; the Earth rotates around its axis and the Sun with amazing speed; and the Sun itself constantly gives an unimaginable amount of heat and light. Physicists say that the Universe is nothing more than a dynamic, pulsating pope of innumerable energy.

Strange, isn't it? With such a huge amount of energy, how can anyone feel tired? Why do millions of people experience fatigue every day? Why do many of them stay in a state of fatigue for most of their lives?

The contradiction between the prevalence of chronic fatigue in our society and the abundance of energy in nature is a sad paradox. But this same contradiction may give us the key to a real solution to the problem of chronic fatigue. In this book, you will learn many techniques that will allow you to reconnect with nature and, in particular, you will learn how to open the natural sources of energy that are already within you.

But before exploring ways to eliminate fatigue, let's take a closer look at the problem and try to get some idea of ​​its magnitude.

Fatigue is one of the most common complaints people go to the doctor for. Recently, the Journal of the American Medical Association published data that 24% of patients randomly interviewed in one of the clinics complained of chronic fatigue. Among women, the rate was higher - 28% of those who said they were tired, compared with 1% for men. But at the same time, cases of fatigue were noted in almost every fifth man.

There is no doubt that the feeling of fatigue is constantly present in the lives of millions of Americans. But because complaints of fatigue are among the most vague, it is difficult for doctors to evaluate this phenomenon and only occasionally manage to identify its actual cause. Of course, this does not mean that if you experience constant, deep fatigue that lasts for several weeks, you should not undergo a medical examination. On the contrary, in your case, the cause may be obvious and easily eliminated. Your fatigue may be due to anemia, thyroid problems, hepatitis, diabetes, mononucleosis, kidney disease, and other chronic conditions. I recommend a physical examination to rule out these possible causes. But at the same time, I would like to emphasize that the vast majority of those who complain of chronic fatigue fail to identify any specific physical causes that give rise to it. And this is perhaps the single most important conclusion of all that o has been made as a result of numerous studies of this problem.

In this book, chronic fatigue refers to a marked lack of energy that lasts for one month or more. This type of fatigue is quite different from acute fatigue, which is usually caused by certain situations, like memorizing material before exams or hasty actions when it is necessary to complete the work on time. Over time and after additional rest, acute fatigue usually disappears. Those who suffer from chronic fatigue continue to feel tired no matter how long they rest. These people feel tired right after waking up in the morning - even more tired after getting out of bed. To solve the problem of chronic fatigue, sleep alone is obviously not enough.

Thus, we can define chronic fatigue as fatigue that a person experiences every day or almost every day for at least one month and which is not cured by sleep or rest.

Mind-Body Alignment and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Despite the fact that cases of chronic fatigue are quite common among the population, many people seem to underestimate the extent to which this phenomenon affects the normal course of life. life process. Research shows that chronic fatigue can be just as detrimental to health as serious medical conditions, such as an unresolved thyroid disorder or a recent heart attack. This fact is all the more remarkable since the vast majority of chronic fatigue sufferers do not have any clear cause for this problem.

In the absence of a cause, it becomes obvious that chronic fatigue occurs most often under the influence of emotional and psychological factors. Thus, in the course of one psychological test, it was found that 80% of those suffering from chronic fatigue had a higher level of depression or anxiety than "normal" people. This brings up a very important point about the connection between mind and body - a thought that will become the central theme of this book. Your mind and emotions can be either the main sources of energy or the main wasters of it, and the choice here is entirely up to you. We will explore this concept in detail below.

Before proceeding further, it is important to mention the category of people suffering from a particularly severe form of fatigue called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Clinically, CFS was isolated as a separate disease in the mid-1980s. Although there is currently no consensus among health professionals as to the causes of this problem, there is evidence that a viral infection or damage to the immune system can be provoking factors.

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 100,000 and 250,000 adults in the country suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. These people experience such extreme and constant fatigue that for at least 6 months their normal daily activity is reduced by at least 50% and this condition is accompanied by special physiological symptoms that distinguish CFS from simple lack of energy. Patients with CFS often sleep 12 or more hours a night and yet have difficulty performing normal daily tasks due to extreme fatigue. People with the usual kind of chronic fatigue are usually able, although not without effort, to cope with their daily duties. CFS also makes people practically incapacitated. In addition, CFS is usually accompanied by physical symptoms such as mild fever, recurrent sore throat, painful lymph nodes, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, and headaches. At the same time, sleep does not seem refreshing, and besides, a person may lose the ability to concentrate and be disturbed by short-term memory.

If you have symptoms suggestive of chronic fatigue syndrome, you should see your doctor for a medical evaluation.

The true sources of chronic fatigue

We have already found out that chronic fatigue is a very common problem. It can manifest itself in a moderate form and interfere with a normal full-fledged life, or it can take the form of CFS and then have truly catastrophic consequences. However, the solution to this problem is always the same: more power.

The remedy for chronic fatigue and at the same time the basis for achieving a more complete sense of life is the ability to "release" that boundless natural energy field that constantly surrounds us. Einstein discovered that every atom of the universe contains a huge amount of energy, and modern physicists continue to demonstrate that everything that exists in the universe comes into being as a result of vibrations occurring in a single field of energy and intelligence, which is the fundamental force of nature. In other words, at the heart of everything that exists is a single source of energy; and it is from this source that all the phenomena of the universe are born. We, human beings, are just local places where the energy and intelligence of the field of the Universe is concentrated. The same intellect and the same energy that govern the entire universe flow through our bodies. We and everything around us are an integral part of nature.

All this will become clear when we consider the structure of the atoms that make up the human body. Quantum physics has shown that atoms are not solid, indivisible particles. They are made up of smaller particles of subatomic matter - protons, neutrons and electrons - that revolve around each other at the speed of light. Within an atom, the distances between these subatomic particles are proportional in magnitude to the distances between stars and galaxies. This means that, in proportion to its size, the human body is comparable to the emptiness of intergalactic space.

From the point of view of physics, even these subatomic particles are rather not solid, material objects, but vibrations of energy that have taken material form. Einstein said that matter is in fact nothing more than energy hidden under another shell. And the great physicists of the 1920s and 1930s confirmed the fact that every physical particle is ultimately a form of energy vibration called...