Santa Claus from polyurethane foam. Santa Claus do-it-yourself: cotton papier-mâché Paint the figure of Santa Claus from plaster

Elena Mitenkina

I love you very much toys handmade . When there is free time, something is sure to master I create, I paint. With children, we love to be creative, we constantly draw and sculpt something. Children love it tinker, they put their whole soul into their work, reflect their inner world and of course discover something new. In the process of work, of course, they develop figurative thinking, fine motor skills, perception of shape and color, a sense of beauty.

Often using paper, cardboard and other materials familiar to us, we wanted to try something new in our work. Set your eyes on plaster. Ordered figurines. toys and in our free time we gradually paint them under different types murals. Just finished recently painting of plaster figurines of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. November will fly by unnoticed and the New Year will knock on the door, so these figurines toys will look great at the New Year tree, please the eye, decorate our group.

Required to work: plaster toys(can be from another material, PVA glue, brush, gouache.

1. Prepare a toy for painting dry until the surface is smooth and dry.

2. Mix glue and gouache together.

3. Getting Started painting.

Like these ones we got toys. Create, create, give each other JOY!

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The New Year is already so close... and here is my New Year's gift: a master class on making cotton Santa Claus!

For work we need:

  • flesh colored polymer clay
  • eye beads (or ready-made eyes)
  • velvet (or any other beautiful fabric)
  • acrylic paints
  • fabric outlines
  • plastic bottle
  • scotch
  • glue gun
  • foil
  • wire
  • starch.

Let's start by determining the size of our future grandfather. I needed a grandfather 50 cm tall, based on this I calculated the size of the head (you can find the proportions of the human body on the Internet). Let's start from the head!

We roll a dense ball from foil, a little smaller than our future head, and cover it with flesh-colored polymer clay from above:

If there are ready-made eyes, then it’s great, if not, then we take suitable beads, like mine, and press them into place for the eye. If the plastic layer on the foil ball was thin, it would take considerable force to press the beads into the foil.

If you, like me, use beads instead of eyes, then perhaps at this stage you can paint them white, which I did not do and regretted later.

Let's start sculpting the face! Do not think that it is so difficult ... personally, it was also my first muzzle, the main thing here is that the eyes and nose turn out well, the rest is successfully hidden under the mustache, eyebrows and beard of the grandfather. I will show step by step photos how I did it:

This is the face I got. As you can see from the last photo, the shape of the head is not round... more like just a face, but it's not critical! We, in fact, needed the face itself, we will later supplement the rest with cotton wool. I send my muzzle to bake!

After baking, we tint the nose and cheeks of our grandfather to get a blush and draw eyes:

That's when I realized that the whites of the eyes needed to be painted over in advance ... it was quite difficult to paint over them without smearing the eyelids with white paint.

We cover the finished face with plastic varnish. I remind you that the products polymer clay(plastics) can be coated ONLY with a special varnish!!! If there is none, then it is better to leave it uncovered, because. Not all varnishes are suitable for these purposes. An unsuitable varnish may simply not dry on the plastic, or it may begin to stick for a while and the whole work will be ruined!

Now you need to make a blank for the rest of the grandfather, i.e. his body. For this we need a plastic bottle and scotch tape!

My bottle turned out to be quite soft and easily deformed, and it was also too small in terms of "growth", so I strengthened it by wrapping it in several layers with adhesive tape, and put it on top with a crumpled newspaper to the desired "growth", also securing it with tape!

But the head turned out to be quite heavy, and the body structure is very light, so I decided to make the bottom heavier. This could be done by filling the bottle with something, but in my case it was too late to do this, because. I already wrapped everything with tape. So I went the other way ... between the layers of tape I laid glass pebbles (I didn’t find anything else, although I could use something less scarce) and again wrapped everything with tape:

This is approximately the kind of blank that should turn out.

Now we fix the head. We drill a hole in the head (by the way! The hole for the mounting stick could also be made in advance, even before baking) and glue the mounting stick, and then paste it all into our workpiece. I have a newspaper on top of it, so the stick went in quite easily:

Preparation for Santa Claus is ready! Well, now the fun part! We begin to sculpt it from cotton wool.

It is better to take cotton wool in rolls and of good quality, then it unwinds well and is easy to cut and much easier to work with.

Cooking "kissel". Dilute a tablespoon of starch in a small amount of cold water and pour a glass of boiling water, stirring vigorously. The paste should turn out without lumps.

We cut off a layer of cotton wool (cotton wool can be cut like a fabric) and spread it with "jelly" on both sides, and then we wrap our grandfather like a mummy.

Do not try to make a fur coat even and beautiful the first time. We will have several cotton layers, each of which needs to be dried thoroughly. After the starch paste dries, a crust will form on the surface of the cotton wool, as if paper or something like that, and the cotton wool inside will remain soft and fluffy! This is the beauty of cotton toys By the way ... before you start working with cotton wool and paste, take care of the presence of water nearby. It can be a sink with a tap, or just a basin with water and a towel, because. with each new piece of cotton wool, you can only work with clean hands.

We make a cotton hat for our mummy, for one thing and aligning the shape of the skull, we sculpt eyebrows (although they can be done later). From above, you can once again coat the workpiece with "jelly". Cotton must be well smeared! ... and this is what we should get:

Trying on...

We put our mummy to dry, we hang our hands separately so that they do not touch unnecessary objects, otherwise they will dry out.

As the workpiece has dried, you can cover it with another layer of cotton wool (this also applies to hands), until you reach the desired volume of the fur coat. Try to make the last layer of cotton wool as even as possible, I did it well by gluing strips of cotton wool vertically, and not wrapping them horizontally, as before. Here is my final result already after drying:

If the cotton does not adhere well, then you can fix it with threads, I did it on my hands, for reliability, and thus edited the shape of my hands.

Well ... you can start fitting the fur coat with velvet. I do this with a glue gun. We cut out a fur coat and fit our workpiece:

According to my idea, the floors of the fur coat should diverge a little at the bottom, so I made an insert of silver brocade that will peek out from under the fur coat.

Hands are also covered with velvet:

At this stage, I paint the mittens with silver paint. Let's try.

Now you need to refine the bottom. We cut out a circle of suitable diameter from cardboard and fit it with a cloth.

We glue the bottom, and for reliability I also sewed it on:

Let's move on to fur coats.

We cut out strips of cotton wool of the desired size, as before, coat them with paste and glue them to the fur coat:

We make the edge of the sleeves and with the help of a glue gun we fix the hands in place.

We cut out the collar and put it on a fur coat:

In the same way, climate the beard.

To make it more textured, I make separate strands of cotton and add to the beard:

All! You can dry grandfather!

After the grandfather has dried, I correct the flaws and decorate it. In some places, the cotton wool could not adhere well to the velvet, I glue it with hot glue from a gun. I add a belt and paint the fur coat using acrylic outlines for the fabric (although I think any outlines will do):

I made the staff according to the same principle as my grandfather ... I wrapped the stick with cotton, dried it and painted it with silver paint, like mittens:

I decorated it with a silver outline, crystal paste (like ice) and an openwork metal bead!

And here he is, handsome Morozko, ready to celebrate the New Year with us!

The New Year is just around the corner and, therefore, it's time to prepare New Year's gifts and decorations. And who is the main character on New Year's Eve?

That's right, even children know this. It's Santa Claus! And so I decided to make a figurine of Santa Claus for a child in the garden, so that it would stand on the street, on the playground. I must say right away that I made this sculpture last year and it has already successfully passed the test in winter, frost and children, and this year it will again delight us with its presence :)
From what I will make the figure of Santa Claus, I knew right away: from polyurethane foam. Firstly, it is quite budgetary (considering the size of Frost - 115 cm), secondly, it is quite fast, since the foam dries for 15-20 minutes and the next layer can be applied, thirdly, products made from polyurethane foam are light and are not afraid of any weather conditions, with one caveat - the foam must be well isolated from sunlight and moisture. Under the influence of direct sunlight, the foam turns yellow and collapses, and if water gets inside the figurine, then during frost it crystallizes and the figurine can “tear”. How to avoid all this and make a figurine that will last more than one year, I will tell below, in my master class.
So, stock up on patience and a vacuum cleaner, as the work is quite dirty and dusty.
First, I found on the Internet a picture of Frost, which we will do. We need general form, we will make our own details.

As a basis, I took a plastic bottle, which was available, poured sand with stones inside for stability (in fact, this could not be done, it is already great) and inserted a wooden stick from a children's shovel on top.
It turned out the frame of the future figure.

Then we take newspapers and begin to add volume to our blank. We fix newspapers with paper tape.

When we collect the required volume with a newspaper, we glue the entire blank with kraft paper on top: it will be easier to apply foam later.
When everything dries up, we take the foam and continue to add volume to our Grandfather. When working with foam, I advise you to use gloves, since the foam is very difficult to wash off the skin, and it does not wash off clothes at all. The floor must also be covered with newspapers or film.
When working with foam, I use a special gun (pictured), which allows you to adjust the flow of foam and reduce its consumption. Thin layers of foam should be applied: this way they dry faster and the next layer can be applied.

We continue to apply the foam layer by layer. Try to keep as few gaps and gaps as possible. If you apply a lot of foam at once, then greatly increasing in volume, it becomes empty inside. And when we then cut off the excess foam, we will have to fill these holes with fresh foam.
At the bottom of the sculpture, we glue the cardboard and also foam it. Unfortunately, I did not film this moment, but I think that everything is clear anyway. If you don't understand, ask, I'll be happy to answer.

Having collected the required volume on our Frost, we begin to move on to the details. We outline the face, very roughly, the place of the cap and begin to make the collar of the fur coat. To do this, take a thick cardboard or, as in my case, a calendar cover, and fix it in place with masking tape. After that, we begin to apply foam to the cardboard collar.

When all parts of the figure are completely filled in and look a little like Santa Claus, we take a mock-up or construction knife and begin to cut off everything superfluous. Knife blades must be sharp to make clean cuts. Foam dulls them very quickly and therefore they need to be changed quite often. If suddenly we cut off too much or didn’t like something, you can always increase the volume again and cut off the excess again. This work is not very fast, but very creative.

Gradually we move from the general to the particular. We draw the details, we pay special attention to the face of Santa Claus, his beard. Fill large cavities with foam.

When the result suits you, you can sand the sculpture of Frost a little: the foam is perfectly skinned.
Then we apply acrylic putty. You can apply with a brush, but I applied directly with my hands: it turns out much faster. We applied one layer - dried it, sanded it a little and applied the second layer. From the first time it is difficult to close all the holes in the foam. It is very important to isolate the foam well from direct exposure to light and water, as I said above.
We sand the second layer more carefully. Perfect smoothness still cannot be achieved, but we don’t need to. After painting, the irregularities on the fur coat and hat look like astrakhan fur. The face should be given more attention: more carefully fill all the bumps with putty and sand well. On the beard and mustache, draw hairs and strands with a toothpick.

It's time for painting. First, I painted all of Santa Claus with white acrylic paint. Then, those places that should remain white, I sealed with masking tape. For coloring a fur coat and a hat, I used car enamel in a can. I didn’t like it very much: a rather strong smell that disappears for a long time and plus it dries for a long time. Longer than just acrylic spray paint. I usually paint with Bosco, which is my favorite.
One bottle of car enamel was enough for me to cover 2 times.
The only plus of this paint: rich red-cherry color. Another important point: she did not fit well on white acrylic paint and went craquelure. Of course, it turned out to be original in the end, but unplanned. This has never happened with Bosco.

Here is such a beautiful craquelure turned out.

This is what Frost looks like after painting.

Now it needs to be spruced up a bit. We take a white lacquer marker, you can acrylic paint and a thin brush, you can contour, and we begin to apply patterns on Frost's fur coat.

Then I started painting the face. First I mixed umber + pink + ivory and applied it on my face. I covered the mustache, beard and edge on the hat and fur coat with mother-of-pearl silver: it turned out to be a real frost. The photo does not convey this, unfortunately. Then, on the beard and mustache, I applied a little black acrylic, diluted to a state of water. Wiped off excess with a dry cloth.

Then I drew the eyes and applied blush to the cheeks. True, I again got carried away and did not photograph the intermediate stages of work.
When everything was dry, I covered it with several layers of acrylic spray varnish, paying particular attention to the bottom.

Grandfather turned out to be quite weighty and stable and I had to take him to the garden by car :) The children were happy!

This year I plan to make a figurine of a deer and a sleigh so that grandfather can safely travel and deliver gifts to the children.

Santa Claus under the Christmas tree - with a luxurious beard, in a long fur coat and even a seemingly warm hat - this is really New Year's.

The classic voluminous Santa Claus is a do-it-yourself variant of do-it-yourself crafts from cotton papier-mâché. Such New Year's toys decorated Christmas trees decades ago. Not only Santa Clauses, but also Snow Maidens, various funny little animals, balls, etc.

The technique of cotton papier-mâché is very simple. Materials: ordinary cotton wool and paste or PVA glue. Another - wire for the frame. Although you can use something else as a frame. For example, a plastic bottle or a Styrofoam cone (it will be even easier).

If you decide to do Christmas decorations from cotton papier-mâché using a paste, first you have to cook it.

1 option. Flour paste

Dilute in 1 glass of cold water 2 tbsp. spoons of flour. Stir, trying to "break" all the lumps. Pour in a stream into 1 liter of boiling water, stirring all the time. Reduce the heat under the saucepan and cook for a couple of minutes (do not stop stirring).

Option 2. A paste of their starch

2 tbsp. Pour starch spoons into a saucepan with 1 glass of cold water, stir well. Add boiling water to make a total of 1 liter of liquid. Immediately put on fire, stirring, wait until it begins to "gurgle", and immediately turn it off.

With PVA glue, of course, it’s easier (if only because you don’t need to cook it).

When making New Year's toys with your own hands, you can use any of these adhesive masses, but choose a flour paste if you are sure that you can apply layers of cotton wool evenly: otherwise, do-it-yourself crafts will “go” with yellow spots after drying. Although this is important if the toys are on the Christmas tree (or under the Christmas tree) white color, otherwise the situation can be corrected with bright colors.

Santa Claus do-it-yourself: step by step

If you are making a wire frame, the wire should be twisted like this.

On the details of the frame (torso, legs, arms, head), tightly wind the cotton wool in layers (while dry).

When the figure gains sufficient thickness, we fix the cotton wool with threads or tape.

We proceed to the most important thing: gluing cotton layers. First, we divide the cotton wool into thin layers.

We well lubricate each element of the craft with our own hands with a paste or PVA glue and apply layers of cotton wool. The layers should get wet completely, so do not spare the paste.

When the figure is formed, with the help of small pieces of cotton wool soaked in a paste or glue, we sculpt small details (basically, you will have to work on the face).

To make the surface of the craft more even, try to ensure that the thickness of each layer is uniform over the entire area (without lumps).

If there is thin (like cigarette) paper, paste over the workpiece with it - this will make the surface even smoother. That's it, now we send the craft for drying (it will take 2-3-4 days - depending on the size), and then we paint (better acrylic paints, but others are not excluded (gouache, for example).

Although you can do it differently: stick on 3-4 layers of cotton wool, dry for a couple of days and only then continue pasting. It will take longer, but the craft will be neater.

Santa Claus with his own hands on a plastic bottle or a foam cone is done in almost the same way, but only hands will need to be made of wire.

By the way, to make the craft more stable, you can use a special doll holder. You can buy it at a craft store, but it's easy to make your own.

Look at the options for Santa Clauses from cotton papier-mâché, maybe some details will seem interesting to you.

Let's see how you can create unique Christmas crafts. for a competition in school or kindergarten in the form of Santa Claus. I will also show you how to decorate gifts for the New Year with the symbol of Santa Claus. Let's start with gifts...

Santa Claus on a gift

How to do it yourself.

(simple options).

Here in the photo below we see an excellent New Year's decoration for the most common gift wrappings made of gray wrapping paper.

For the first idea you will need:

  • a round shape made of white cardboard, a piece of red cardboard,
  • red pompom (or plain wadding + PVA glue + red gouache)
  • a piece of white foam packaging (which is often put in boots in the store, or in boxes with appliances). Or (if you do not have such material) you can take white cardboard and glue it with cotton pads.)

On a white cardboard round eye shadow or blush draw spots on the cheeks, black beads-eyes with a marker. In a bowl, stir red gouache and PVA glue (a couple of drops of paint on a teaspoon of glue), dip a piece of cotton wool into this mixture. From this sticky red cotton we mold a ball with our hands - we dry it on a battery (it will dry overnight).

Cut out a triangle from red cardboard. We glue it on the edge of a white round (Santa Claus's forehead) - it is better to glue it dry, that is, use a glue stick or double-sided tape, since wet PVA glue will wet the cardboard and make it bend.

On top of the connecting line (between the cap and the head), we lay the “fur edging”, as I already said, it is better to cut it out of the foamed packaging material. Or glue the cardboard with cotton pads and cut out the edging of Santa Claus's hat from such “cotton-hairy paper”

And here two more ideas crafts-pendants in the form of Santa Claus - already from just cardboard ... and cardboard with paper molds for cupcakes.

Here are large packages with Santa Claus in large sizes.

You can even make a package yourself from a sheet of gift paper. The template here is very simple. You can make such a drawing yourself with a pencil, cut it out, bend along the fold lines and it's ready. Beautiful box - glue the face and beard of Santa Claus to it and you're done.

You can do your own hands from cardboard (or from soft felt, or formiam as in the photo below) to make PACKAGING-POCKETS for gifts, decorated with Santa Claus appliqué on top.

Here is a diagram-drawing of such a pocket made of colored paper or cardboard. We bend along the lines, glue the sides and the container for sweets and chocolates is ready.

It remains only to glue the head of Santa Claus with a beard and a hat on top. Simple and fast, no complexity. You will enjoy making such quick pocket crafts with Santa Claus, a snowman, angels and other New Year's characters with your own hands.

Here is a soft felt or fleece pouch that is suitable for gifting a smart phone, or jewelry. It will be nice to receive such a gift, decorated manual labor and the imagination of the donor.

Santa Claus WITH CANDY
(just do it yourself).

Here's another new craft for this year. Santa Claus hides a candy in a bright wrapper in his tummy. A simple children's craft that you will quickly understand and can do with your own hands in one sitting.

As you can see (in the photo below), there is nothing complicated or tricky here. It’s just that Santa Claus’s tummy and back is a ONE PIECE - in shape it looks like a GAME EIGHT, which has a hole only in the upper turn of the number.

This "figure eight" is bent in half - and we get a tummy with a hole in the center in front and a closed back in the back. At the top we fix our halves with a drop of glue, or with a stapler or tape. And it remains for our Santa Claus to glue his head with a beard and legs-stand.

Santa Claus do it yourself

Craft in the technique of "spider line".

There is an article on our website where I show in great detail how to make such balls of glue threads and a small air balloon with my own hands. In this article, “Thread Balls and a Sea of ​​Crafts Using the Spider Web Technique,” ​​I posted a master class. Therefore, I will not explain in detail here, so as not to waste unnecessary words. Follow the link, it's all there.

And just look at the photo below and fall in love with these cute Christmas characters made from thread balls. Simple and fast. In one evening we make balls, in the second evening we glue them with colored paper parts - and a worthy craft is ready to go to the New Year's exhibition at a school or kindergarten.

You can not glue the balls with paper parts, but immediately put on such a cap on the top ball - where a face with a mustache and beard is already glued to the cone-cap.

In general, such caps made of cardboard (from the photo above) can be put on ordinary white balloons. And you get a quick craft on New Year in the form of Santa Claus. Such quick crafts are convenient. (By the way, there are a lot of links quick ideas crafts for decorating the New Year's office).

Santa Claus with his own hands.

balloon craft

in papier-mâché technique.

Here you can make such a pot-bellied nosy - sweet and charming Santa Claus from the cheapest materials. PVA glue + paper white napkins + balloon + gouache for coloring.

What is the secret of the SIMPLICITY of this Santa Claus craft.

The papier-mâché technique is very simple. If you mix a paper napkin with PVA glue - mold something from this mass and dry it, we will get a dense, almost wooden, hard craft.

This principle of creating a durable material from fragile paper and liquid glue became the basis of the Papier-mâché technique.

Instead of white paper napkins, you can use a regular NEWSPAPER. But then it will be necessary to paint it on top with white paint (acrylic or gouache) before drawing Santa Claus on it.

What do we do.

Step 1 Let's buy a balloon with an elongated tail (that is, pear-shaped). We inflate it so that it retains its slightly elongated pear shape. Turn the ball upside down and insert it inside the vase (to make it more convenient to work with). You can even fix it with tape a little to this vase - so that it does not jump out of it.

Step 2 We tear white napkins into shreds (or leave them whole, as you prefer). We smear part of the ball with PVA glue - put a white napkin on this puddle. On top of the napkin, we again smear PVA glue with a wide brush and again put a napkin on this wet place. Thus, we glue the entire ball in several layers - generously pouring glue and generously laying layers of napkins. Leave it all to dry (overnight).

Note - you can glue the ball with newspaper, dry it and paint it white. Or start the first layers from the newspaper. And the upper last layers should be made from a white napkin, then it will not be necessary to paint white.

Step 3 We crumple the napkins into large lumps - these will be the same. We also pour glue over it, also glue it with napkins, forming a wet papier-mâché crust. Let it dry too

Step 4 We take out the ball from the vase-pot on which it stood. We turn it upside down (we will cover this empty place that was in the vase with Santa Claus's hat, it will not be visible. With a marker on the dry round paper surface of the ball, draw the silhouette borders of all the elements of Santa Claus - a face with a nose, a beard, a fur coat. We decorate this gouache round coloring Do not forget to glue the legs

Note. For papier mache, you need a lot of PVA glue. If you buy it in the stationery department (where the glue is in small jars-tubes) you will overpay 5 times the cost. Better and cheaper to buy PVA glue in liter buckets in the construction departments of the store. For one liter of glue you will pay about 2 dollars. And such a bucket will be enough for you for a whole bunch of crafts. Any PVA glue with the inscription "universal" or "construction" is suitable for you. In composition, it is no different from the usual clerical PVA school glue. The manufacturer can be any. With this bucket, you will not only make Santa Claus out of papier-mâché, but also a snowman and a penguin (also based on balloon). Details in other articles on this site.

By the way, on the basis of the BALLOON, you can make a variety of crafts with Santa Claus. You can decorate a ball pasted with newspaper with stripes of colored fringe. We buy rolls of colored crepe paper in stationery. we cut it into strips, cut them into a fringe, glue the BALL IN A CIRCLE with fringe strips. It turns out another version of Santa Claus crafts with his own hands - mischievous and furry.

Or you can decorate a balloon covered with a newspaper with a FLEECE WINDING - a very cozy and warm craft will turn out from a soft material.

We make our own Santa Claus

from stones and natural materials.

Ordinary stones - river small or large cobblestones can become the basis on which the New Year's fairy tale will sprout.

You can just find oval stable stones (or make them stable with plasticine). Cover the stones with white gouache (sprinkle with hairspray to fix the color and so that it does not stain your hands). Then, on a white background, draw all the lines of the future Santa Claus. Decorate with gouache each drawn sector. And then once again draw clear black boundaries between the elements of the picture - make the outlines with a black marker. Markers are great for drawing on stones. It is best to use a CD signing marker - it does not wash off and does not get your hands dirty.

On suitable flat pebbles, you can depict any New Year story. An article-lesson on creating beautiful New Year's drawings is already on our website "Family Bunch".

And from several stones (also painted with gouache) you can put together a whole plot application on a single background, cut out of plywood.

We buy in hardware store small leaf plywood (or we find a suitable one next to the entrance in a pile of garbage). Cut out a round piece. We tint with ink in the color of snow and the color of the sky. And against this background we lay out Santa Claus, his bag, his deer, his sleigh ... anything.

Please note that the stones perform only one part of the element - the rest are painted with paints, lined with twigs, ropes and other natural materials.

It is not necessary to choose smooth rounded pebbles. The most uneven curved stones can work to your advantage. Stack them, try them on to each other and try to see the outlines of your future crafts in this styling. Who knows what masterpiece your little "rock garden" will give birth to on a piece of paper.

Also, shells can be used as a natural material for crafts in the form of Santa Claus. It will turn out interesting and beautiful.

You can invent your own New Year's pictures from magic pebbles. Do not forget to spray the craft with hairspray - this way it will become brighter and will not stain your hands with gouache, smear. Also, you can sculpt some details of such a panel craft from plasticine (it can also be covered with hairspray) ... or sculpt from papier mache (a paper napkin mixed with PVA glue, see the paragraph above in this article).

Craft Santa Claus

From plasticine.

From ordinary plasticine (or polymer clay) you can also make a beautiful Santa Claus. The main thing is to work slowly and remember to wash your hands when moving from one color of plasticine to another. There we will get the pure colors of the details and the whole craft will look neat.

After making the craft, you need to dry it in a cool place and sprinkle with hairspray. This is necessary so that it ceases to be sticky and does not collect room dust. You can cover the craft with acrylic matte varnish with a soft brush. Acrylic craft varnish is available at stationery or craft stores.

Such lacquered, non-sticky plasticine figures are also good because they can be used inside small Snow capsules. Where will the foam snowball go. Capsules for plasticine Santa Claus can be made with your own hands - from transparent plastic bottles. Cut off the top and bottom from them and docked them together. Pour glitter for nails, sequins or foam balls inside or cut fluff from pillows with scissors - the fluff will slowly settle creating the illusion of snowfall.

Can do flat crafts from plasticine. Roll out colored plasticine with a rolling pin on the table. A wooden rolling pin is not suitable - it leaves rough marks on the plasticine. As a smooth rolling pin, a glass round bottle or can of any deodorant is suitable.

We put a stencil image on the rolled out layer of plasticine (details of Santa Claus, or his clothes). Circle with a sharp object. Remove the stencil and cut with scissors along the scratched lines. We get planar details from which it is possible to fold a plasticine graphic application. Or make just such a craft to decorate the kitchen in the New Year's style (as in the photo below).

You can learn ideas for plasticine crafts in the form of Santa Claus from New Year's cakes decorated with mastic characters. Santa Claus is often molded from sweet confectionery mastic from different angles. Google New Year's cakes and you will find many ideas for plasticine New Year's heroes.

You can find even more New Year's plasticine ideas for children's crafts in the classroom and at home in a special article on our website.

Santa Claus do it yourself


Pine and spruce cones can also be painted with gouache (like the stones from the paragraph above). And in a painted form, the bump immediately becomes interesting basis for New Year's crafts in the form of Santa Claus. We insert button beads, a fluffy dusting duster dyed with white gouache becomes a lush beard. Cut out a hat from a piece of felt.

Also in the company of Santa Claus with your own hands (also from cones) you can make a deer (with fluffy wire horns), a snowman, a penguin in a felt scarf, and a green Christmas tree cone decorated with beads and flowers cut out of lace.

Other bright crafts-toys from pine and spruce cones are collected in a large article with photos.

Volumetric Santa Claus

From modular origami.

If you know how to fold the Origami module. Then it doesn’t cost you anything to create such a pot-bellied Santa Claus. YouTube is full of videos that will teach you how to fold a triangular origami paper module in 2 minutes. For 2 pm make yourself a bunch of modules (family will help), and on the third evening fold Santa Claus. Assembly takes place without glue. Each module is nested into each other - like a groove in a groove.

green fir tree also consists of a modular origami. And you can make a snowman and a deer, if you think with your head ...

Santa Claus do it yourself


We all know how to make paper cones - like bags for seeds. We need a semicircle - which we roll into a bag and glue the side seam of the bag with glue (or not with glue, but with a stapler).

Or paper latches can be provided on the bag - cuts and ears that fit into each other. On the template below, we see that we have an incision on the left (a short dotted line), and a protruding eyelet on the right (along the edge of the hem of the fur coat). We cut out such a template (diagram below), color it and put it into a bag - inserting the eyelet into the cut (or you can simply fix everything with glue without any ears).

Santa Claus is easy and quick to make based on a regular cone. Below I give large diagrams for large figures. The natural size of the scheme corresponds to the A3 format - it's like two landscape pages. Printing on the printer will not work - you need to go to the print center. But the craft will be large, pleasant in size.

Here is another large template for Santa Claus paper crafts - it is also A3 - print in the center of the printout.

But this template is smaller - if you want, you can also increase it to a large size. Each craft is beautiful - agree. So you can imagine how Grandfather Frost proudly stands on the windowsill and pleases the eye. Great craft - elegant and simple.

Children's craft Santa Claus

From toilet paper rolls.

Cardboard rolls are great for kids crafts. Here in the photo below we see how you can beat the image of Santa Claus based on this “toilet-roll” form.

Elements can be made from paper, felt, cotton wool, formiam, fabric or knitted socks.

Santa Claus and dishes

(pots, cups, plates).

And in this section of the article, I want to show how to make an original craft from non-standard material with my own hands.

From flower pots you can collect Santa Claus. We will make a beard for such a grandfather from gypsum plaster. You can buy at a hardware store gypsum plaster(it is cheap in small packaging for a pound you can take). We dilute the gypsum mixture with water to a thick porridge. And quickly, until it thickens and dries, we sculpt a beard to Santa Claus. Pots can also be coated with gypsum porridge, in those places where we depict fluffy fur or snow. If sprinkled on top sequins(with nail powder) it turns out that snowy places sparkle in the sun.

Or here are New Year's crafts from disposable colored cups. Here the cups are stacked in a circle on the floor (glue the round dance with hot glue from a gun). Then, on a round dance, we make the second tier-floor, then the third - they themselves will be rounded into a spherical shape (because the cups at the bottom are narrower than at the edge). We make one ball for the belly and one ball for the head of Santa Claus. From paper and fabric we make mittens, a belt, eyes, a mustache, a hat.

And we begin to make a green Christmas tree from cups according to the principle of a round dance. But inside it we put a cone of paper. And we still attach the cups along the upper floors to the walls of this paper cone.

From the remaining red cups and toilet paper sleeves, you can make cute Frosts with a cotton beard.

And disposable flat plates can be a source of such children's crafts. We put beige paper on the bottom of the plate (this will be the background of the face). Without a beige or pink background (just on a pale plate) it will be ugly.

Craft Santa Claus

From felt and formiam.

Now with the sale a new ornamental material has appeared - formiam. This brainchild of modern technology is very suitable for making voluminous puffy crafts that are well fastened together with hot glue. Here in the photo below you see Santa Claus crafts made from formim (porous thick material).

But crafts made of felt will still be more durable. And warmer to the touch. Kinder, closer.

You can make applications of Santa Claus on a round ball out of felt - you get a pendant toy for a Christmas tree.

Pay attention to how the appliqué details are fastened in the photo below - with rare stitches, details are stuck here (the beard and mustache are held on 4-5 stitches).

If you make a HOOP out of cardboard, wrap it with a cloth and decorate the front with a figure of Santa Claus, then we will get a headdress for the new year. It can be put on for a festive dinner for children, or worn right over a hat on the street - delighting passers-by with its New Year's look.

In addition to hard felt, you can use SOFT FLEECE. This is the material from which hoodies and hoodies are sewn. It is suitable for sewing soft toys in the form of Santa Claus or plump pillows (as in the photo below).

But Santa Claus, where there are FELT (wool for felting) - in the left photo below. As well as a figure of Santa Claus made of a ball of red thread and a piece of white sentipon and a felt hat. The face can be made from a tennis ball tinted in beige.

Knitted Santa Claus.

And New Year's Santa Claus can be crocheted or knitted from threads. Below, for inspiration, I posted a few photo samples of such crafts with my own hands.

You can crochet just a flat figurine. Use it as an applique for a craft, or a toy pendant for a Christmas tree.

You can make a beard from cut bundles of threads (fluffy like a real one) Or simply tie it with a wedge (like a knitting process).

And here is an example of Santa Claus knitted on knitting needles with his own hands. Choose your favorite knitting method and start making a real surprise for the whole family with your own hands. Such christmas toy will accompany your holiday every year, like a tradition, like a family heirloom, made by mom's favorite hands.

These are ideas on the theme of Santa Claus with your own hands - from everything - from paper to knitting. Now you will definitely make yourself a magical Santa Claus who will fulfill your wishes this year. Because you deserve it. Because you are good.

Continuation of PAPER crafts in the form of Santa Claus - in our SECOND article

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.