Power of attorney to turn off the phone Rostelecom sample. Termination of the contract with Rostelecom: Internet, telephone, television Sample power of attorney from Rostelecom

It follows from the above norm of the law that any management of the connected services provided by PJSC Rostelecom must be carried out by the subscriber personally.

The same conclusion can be reached by analyzing paragraph 14 of the Government Decree "On the procedure for the provision of communication services" dated December 09, 2014 No. 1342, which states that the parties to the contract are a citizen, or individual entrepreneur, on the one hand, and the telecom operator, on the other hand.

Important! Connection or disconnection of any service is a change in the contract, which, like termination, is possible only on the basis of an agreement between the parties (paragraph 1 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

It follows from this that a power of attorney will be required in any case, regardless of the name, cost and duration of the connected / disconnected service and the type of contract concluded / terminated.

Who can act as a trustee and an attorney?

In cases where a legal entity acts as a trustee, a power of attorney to represent interests in Rostelecom is issued on a general basis, i.e. in simple writing.

Such a power of attorney, as a rule, is issued by the sole executive body acting on the basis of the charter of the legal entity.

However, a power of attorney may also be issued by another person authorized by the power of attorney to delegate his powers. It should be remembered that only those powers that are specified in the original power of attorney can be delegated.

The right of substitution must be specified separately in the original power of attorney.. If there is no such indication or an indication is made that the power of attorney was issued without the right of substitution, the powers cannot be delegated.

Note! In a situation where the principal is a legal entity, the attorney may be not only an employee of this legal entity, but also any other individual or legal entity.

A power of attorney issued by an individual or an individual entrepreneur also does not require notarization (remember the substitution) and is made in. The rules for such a power of attorney are exactly the same as for a power of attorney issued by a legal entity. An individual or legal entity can act as an attorney, regardless of who the principal is (we talked about the nuances of granting the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity in detail).

What information is inside?

When specifying the data of the principal and the attorney in the power of attorney, be guided by the principle of maximum identification.

In cases where one of the parties is a legal entity, be sure to indicate the full name of the legal entity as it is indicated in the charter, TIN, KPP and OGRN of the organization, the position of the sole executive body and the grounds on which it operates.

If an individual entrepreneur appears in the power of attorney, then be sure to indicate in full the surname, name, patronymic, as well as the number of the certificate of state registration citizen as an individual entrepreneur.

Is the trustee or attorney an individual? In this case it is necessary to indicate the surname, name, patronymic in full and passport details:

  • series and number;
  • date of issue;
  • authority issuing the passport.

In all cases, you will need to indicate the location. For legal entities and IP is a legal address, for - registration address (on how to draw up a power of attorney to represent interests from IP to an individual, read).

Basic rules for writing and formatting

Reference! PJSC Rostelecom does not impose any special requirements on powers of attorney that are not provided for by applicable law.

When preparing a power of attorney, you can use the sample located on the website rt.ru or prepare a power of attorney yourself.

You can learn more about how to correctly draw up and fill out a power of attorney, as well as see sample documents.

Detailed step-by-step instructions for compiling

As stated earlier, the power of attorney should be made on the letterhead of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

  • A power of attorney that does not specify an expiration date is considered valid for one year. from the moment of its commission (paragraph 1 of article 186 Civil Code RF).

    Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Power of attorney term

    1. If the term of its validity is not specified in the power of attorney, it shall remain in force for one year from the date of its execution.

      A power of attorney that does not specify the date of its execution is void.

    2. A power of attorney certified by a notary intended for performing actions abroad and not containing an indication of its validity period remains valid until it is canceled by the person who issued the power of attorney.

    In general, it can be seen that the power of attorney provided by the subscriber to PJSC Rostelecom does not differ from the powers of attorney provided to other telecom operators, is made in and does not require significant effort in drawing up.

When you made a decision to connect the Internet, telephone or television from the company, then an appropriate contract for the provision of services was concluded with you. If suddenly, for some reason, you decide to disable any service, then you need to write an application to terminate the contract. In this article, we will look at the procedure and the list required documents.

Application for termination of the contract with Rostelecom

First of all, we need to fill it. Open it in text editor and you will see the following page:

As you can see, we will need the number of the contract concluded with you, as well as information about the employee in whose name the application will have to be written. Naturally, you do not know the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, so you will have to call the nearest branch of the company and clarify who to write the application to. After that, carefully read your contract, as it describes the conditions for terminating the contract. If you have rented any equipment or paid in installments, you will need to pay the full cost. Another very important thing is the amount of time that has passed since the conclusion of the contract. If it is less than a year, then look in the contract for information on the amount of compensation upon termination of the contract.

Termination of the agreement on the Internet Rostelecom

Termination of the contract for the Internet, most often, occurs due to a discrepancy between the actual speed of the Internet stated in the contract. Many users mistakenly believe that the provider is obliged to provide the Internet always at the maximum speed, although the maximum possible speed is indicated in the contract and this does not mean that it will be so. Usually, speed drops occur during peak hours, when most people return from work and sit down at computers and laptops. Technical failures on the line of a higher provider are not excluded.

So, you have decided to connect to another provider. If you have a router or modem that was given to you along with the contract, then we look at the conditions under which it was transferred to you. If you do not have a clause about selling it to you in installments, then it will be enough for you to return it. If such an item is present and the amount of its value has not yet been redeemed, then you will need to pay its full value.

Termination of the contract for

Interactive television has firmly entered our everyday life. Not only is the quality from a conventional antenna several times worse, but the set additional services very extensive. You can watch TV on several TVs at the expense of or even on computers, laptops, tablets and phones at the expense of an additional one. To watch television, Rostelecom needs a set-top box and a video sender. Their cost is very significant and, most often, they are purchased in installments for 36 months. If this period has not yet passed since the conclusion of the contract, then most likely you will need to fully redeem this equipment when terminating the contract. If you rented a set-top box, then it will be enough to pay the costs for the current month of providing this service.

Termination of the contract for the phone Rostelecom

With the advent cellular communication and available mobile phones, the demand for home landline phones has declined. Many believe that these expenses are useless and decide to turn off Rostelecom's phone. Before you complete the application, you should call the technical support and communicate your intentions. It is possible that the manager of the company will call you back and offer the so-called "economical", which will allow you to keep the phone in the apartment and reduce family expenses on it. If you are still firmly convinced that you want to disable it, then you should check the availability on your account and.

List of required documents for termination of the contract with Rostelecom

When you have completed the sample application, you need to prepare the following list of documents:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  2. certificate of ownership of the apartment and its photocopy
  3. contract of sale of the apartment and its photocopy
  4. the contract for the provision of services (Internet, television, telephone)

With all this, you need to come to the Rostelecom office. in your city you can find on our website. Before you go to a particular branch, call there and ask if they accept applications for termination of the contract, since this can not be done in every representative office.

Do not forget about the possibility of temporarily disconnecting the service during your departure or vacation, as this will save you time and you can easily resume using the services you are used to. If you were denied a termination attempt, you must provide a reason for the denial. If it is in the text of the contract you signed, then you will have to fulfill this condition. If it is not there, then you can write registered letter addressed to the leadership of your city and state there in detail the essence of your situation.

You should not think that if you simply stopped paying for a particular service of Rostelecom, then the contract with you is automatically terminated and you no longer have to pay anything. This attitude will lead to the fact that your debt will be transferred to the collection service and they will already begin to remind you of the need to pay. It is the laziness of customers that leads to conflict situations so save your time and nerves.

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A Rostelecom subscriber has the right to independently connect and disconnect the provider's services, however, in some cases it is not possible to perform these actions. For example, a person who has entered into an agreement is on a long business trip or for some other reason cannot refuse to provide communication services. In this case, it would be a reasonable step to prepare a power of attorney for Rostelecom to disable services in advance so that someone else can perform this action (a sample can be downloaded below).

Before proceeding to signing a power of attorney, the subscriber should understand the nuances and make sure that there are no pitfalls. It is worth recalling what functions the document allows you to perform:

  • A power of attorney allows a representative to act on behalf of the principal.
  • The powers of the trustee are limited to the agreed framework.

In other words, if the document states that the representative has the right only to turn off the Internet and phone, then change tariff plan or he will not be able to renew the contract by proxy. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, the subscriber must carefully determine what powers he is ready to entrust to his representative, and what actions he does not allow to perform without his participation.

What is contained in the document for Rostelecom

To issue a power of attorney to turn off the telephone and the Internet, Rostelecom must enter information about the principal and the authorized person. Be sure to indicate the full name, date and place of birth, as well as enter the passport data of the persons appearing in the power of attorney.

It should indicate the actions that the representative has the right to perform, according to the power of attorney. At the end, it is important to note the period for which the document was issued, and also to clarify that the representative does not have the right to delegate his powers to third parties.

Sample power of attorney to turn off the phone and the Internet

To finally dispel doubts about the simplicity of issuing a power of attorney to turn off the phone and the Internet by Rostelecom, below is a sample of what this document might look like ()

You can make sure that it is easy to draw up a document without resorting to the services of a lawyer or a notary. Having issued a power of attorney, the principal can safely go about his business, knowing that, if necessary, the Internet and telephone will be turned off without his participation.


A power of attorney to disconnect from Rostelecom is an excellent way to delegate organizational matters third party. In the case of business trips, relocations and other circumstances that prevent you from personally terminating the contract with the operator, this may be the only way to get rid of contractual obligations.