How to make an inventory of an attachment to a registered letter. Written Notice

Registered mail is a postal item that has an identification number. Using this number, you can track the movement of the item on the website of the Russian Post. At each stage of the movement of correspondence, the identifier is entered into a single database, which is regularly updated.

Registered mail is handed over to the addressee or his representative, who has a power of attorney, in person. The addressee must sign the notice or statement upon receipt of the letter. If the recipient is not at home, the postman leaves a notice of registered mail. In this case, the addressee must come to the post office and receive correspondence after presenting the passport.

The weight of registered mail should not exceed 100 grams when sent within Russia or 2 kg when sent abroad. Registered letter can be of two types: simple or 1st class. Class 1 shipments are moved to the delivery point using aviation, so they reach the addressee much faster. Of course, the delivery of class 1 items is more expensive than ordinary ones.

Registered letter with notification - what is it?

Often, for registered mail, they also choose such an additional service as notification of delivery. This is a document confirming the receipt of the letter by the addressee. When sending important papers, it is official proof that the mail has been delivered to the recipient.

To apply for this service, you need to fill out a special notification form for the delivery of a registered letter, which can be obtained at the post office. The form filled out by the sender is sent to the destination along with the letter. After delivery of the correspondence, the recipient signs the notification, and it is sent back.

What is allowed in registered mail?

According to Order 114-p of the Russian Post, it is allowed to attach only written messages to any letters, including registered ones. The weight of the shipment must not exceed 100 g, and the size must not exceed 229 x 324 mm. Photos, manuscripts, printed editions should be sent as a parcel. For them, the maximum allowable weight is 2 kg.

How to send a registered letter?

To send registered mail, you need to contact any post office. Depending on the size and weight of the letter, you should take an envelope of the right size, indicate the recipient's and sender's addresses on it, fill out the appropriate forms for additional services. The postal employee will calculate the cost of shipping, accept payment and issue a receipt.

Simple custom

If the sender does not need a notification of receipt, he can simply send registered letter without any additional services.

Custom with notice

To send a registered letter with a notification, you must first fill out the notification form, give it to the employee along with the letter and tell what other Additional services You need.

Custom with a description of attachments

To forward a valuable postal item, use such an additional service as an attachment inventory. It is available only for shipment within the territory of Russia. The sender fills out a special form in two copies, which lists the items or documents to be sent, their quantity and declared value. The declared value is the amount that the sender will be able to receive if the registered item is lost or damaged.

The letter is handed over to the postal employee open, sealed after comparing the inventory and contents. One copy of the inventory remains with the sender. The addressee can open such a postal item in the presence of postal workers and check it against the inventory.

If it turns out that the correspondence did not reach in full, the post office employee draws up an act. The act is sent to the main post office of the settlement, on the basis of it, an investigation is carried out within up to two months. Based on the results of the investigation, the recipient is compensated for the value of the items not received in accordance with the declared value. If the payment of compensation is delayed or refused to pay, you can use it.

How much does a registered letter cost?

The cost of sending a registered letter of the Russian Post depends on many factors: the weight of the letter, the distance between the points of departure and destination, the class of departure, etc. Tariffs for the delivery of letters and notifications are posted on the official website of the Russian Post. However, it is not easy to calculate the costs of a registered letter on your own, because you need to take into account many nuances.

To find out the approximate cost of sending, you can use the postage calculator on the Russian Post website. To do this, the online service indicates where and where the correspondence should be delivered, the weight or number of sheets in the letter, the delivery method, select the desired additional services and calculate the price.

Delivery times for registered mail

The delivery time for a registered item depends primarily on the distance between the points of departure and destination. The deadlines for sending written correspondence between cities of regional and regional significance are given in Resolution No. 160 of March 24. 2006. From the regional or regional center to cities on the territory of subordination, letters should arrive in 2 days, from the regional center to the rest settlements- in 3 days.


Since registered letters are rarely sent by ordinary citizens, they may have questions regarding this type of mail.

What is the difference between a registered letter and a regular letter?

A registered letter differs from a simple departure by mandatory registration. The sender simply drops a regular letter into the nearest mailbox. Registered mail is handed over to the postal worker. The employee applies the so-called dashed line to the registered item mail ID(ShPI) and registers it in a single database. Then he weighs the letter, specifies the method of delivery, accepts payment and issues a receipt. Registered mail is handed over to the addressee in person, and the postman puts a simple letter in the mailbox with the apartment number.

How to fill out a notice of delivery of a registered letter?

A form for notification of delivery of registered mail can be obtained from the postal worker or printed from the site and filled out in advance to save time. On the front side you should indicate:

  • type and category of shipment;
  • Name and address of the recipient of the notification of delivery;

On the back of the form indicate:

  • type and category of postal item;
  • Name and address of the recipient of the registered letter.

Forwarding mail by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt is a guarantee that the letter will not be lost and will be handed over to the recipient personally, and the sender will be informed of the delivery.

Attachment Description- this is a document that is enclosed in a postal item and contains the name, quantity and cost of the items sent. The inventory of attachments is used when sending valuable letters, parcels, parcels. This document must be stamped by the post office before the postal item is sealed.

Attachment description form has standard form 107.

How to fill out an attachment description

Consider the procedure for filling out the form of the inventory of attachments to the mailing.

First, specify the type of shipment: valuable letter, parcel or package.

Then in the line "To" we write the full name, in the line "To" - the mailing address of the recipient.

We proceed to filling out the table, in which we indicate the payment order number, the name of the items being sent, their quantity and cost (in rubles). The declared value affects the amount of compensation in case of loss of the postal item. But at the same time, it is important to consider that the higher it is, the greater the insurance fee for the shipment. postal parcel. At the request of the sender, it can be omitted.

In the line "Sender" we put a signature.

The position is indicated below and the signature of the postal worker who checked all the completed information is put.

The inventory of the attachment is compiled in two copies - one of them is enclosed in the postal item, the second is received by the sender along with the receipt. This document is written by hand or completed on a computer. Corrections are not allowed. Before sealing the postal item, a stamp of the postal item is put on the attachment inventory form.

How to make an inventory of attachments by sending documents by registered mail. Tips, recommendations, practical experience. (10+)

Sending documents by mail with a list of attachments

You may need to send official documents by mail with a list of attachments in the following cases:

  • If such form of sending is determined by law. For example, reports in tax office.
  • If such form of correspondence is determined by the contract.
  • If a conflict situation arose and it is necessary to record the fact of sending documents.

In the second case, even if there is no conflict yet, you need to be careful about correspondence, as problems may arise in the future, and you will need to confirm that the correspondence was conducted in full accordance with the contract.

When compiling an inventory of attachments, try to indicate the individual features of the documents that you send, so that you can later determine whether the documents that you sent were filed in your correspondent's archive. Remember that even if there is no conflict situation, employees simply tend to lose papers, and then, to avoid punishment, forge them. In the inventory, try to describe the document in such a way that it cannot be faked or replaced. Be sure to indicate the name and outgoing number of the document in your accounting (if any), as well as the fact that it is laced and numbered if it consists of several pages. For example, "Official claim with the conclusion of the expert commission, ref number 235. The set is laced and numbered." The notification of delivery will be sufficient reason, the recipient will not be able to remove or replace the sheets, since he will not be able to re-lace the document and put your signature or the signature of your employee and the seal of your company.

If the document sent by mail with a list of attachments has only one page, then be sure to write that this is a signed original. You need to write like this: "Original application with a signature" or "Complaint with a notarized signature", and not like this "Application", "Complaint". If you write according to the second option, then you will never be able to prove that you actually sent.

If the document contains several sheets, then it must be laced and numbered. Read how to properly lace up a document.

When sending a letter to the tax office, you should not especially worry that the sheets will be replaced there. There are simply no people in the tax office who are interested in such a substitution. But if you send a complaint, claim, some kind of order or a signed contract, then the situation may turn out to be interesting for your counterparty to falsify.

Attachment description example


Attachments in a valuable letter

Where 111111, Mokhnansk, Proezd Medvedei, 1

Addressed to CEO LLC "Peat and soil A" Ivanov M. E.

Please note that the post office cannot refuse you to include the full title of the document in the inventory.

Be sure to keep attachment descriptions and receipts.

I do remote consulting. We develop various documents (regulations, procedures) and send them to the customer by mail with a list of attachments. Documents are considered handed over if they are sent by mail. There have been a couple of cases where customers wanted their money back on the grounds that the kits didn't contain something (when in fact they did). Typically, this situation is due to the fact that the customer's priorities change, and he no longer needs the ordered and paid documents. There is a temptation to refuse documents and return the payment. But sending in response a photocopy of such a postal inventory of attachments (with an indication that the documents were stitched) removed all questions, since the customer understood that he would not succeed in forging the lacing (and we can prove its presence on the basis of the inventory).

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An out-of-court procedure for settling disputes may be established by law or by agreement. In these cases, sending a claim by mail to the subject that violated the rights of the applicant is mandatory. In addition to the mail channel, there are other ways to send a complaint. These include:

  • filing a claim in person;
  • through the Internet.

Claim work can also play another role: in particular, it helps in solving practical problems. For example, if one of the participants in a legal relationship does not perform or improperly performs its obligations, the party whose rights have been violated has an urgent need to solve problems to stimulate its counterparty to fulfill its obligation. In this case, it is necessary to record the fact of a violation by the party of the terms of the contract, to find out the opinion of the participant on an issue that is controversial for both parties. This will help you submit a claim. e-mail or through other communication channels.

Form and type of claim

There is no unified form for writing a claim. But the document must reflect certain provisions:

  1. Claim addressee.
  2. Information about the applicant.
  3. The essence of the complaint on the merits of the case.
  4. A clear statement of the requirements for the person who violated the rights of the applicant.
  5. An indication of the applicant's intentions if his requirements are not satisfied within the agreed time.
  6. The date of writing the document, the signature of the person who compiled it, the transcript of the signature.

The date and signature of the document are mandatory details, without them the claim is invalidated. The claim is drawn up in two copies: one is transferred to the person who violated the rights of the applicant, the second remains with the originator of the complaint, on which the persons who accepted it leave a signature. But what if the claim is not submitted in person, but through the mail?

postal channel

How to send a claim by mail? The law allows filing a complaint postal service. It is not necessary to send a statement through the mail in a simple letter, since there is a high risk that it will not reach the addressee, or the addressee will deny receiving the claim in court. Mail provides various options for sending letters. How to send a claim by mail? In the following ways:

  • notification letter;
  • valuable letter;
  • a valuable letter with a description of the attachment;
  • a valuable letter with a description of the attachment and notification.

Claim by registered mail with notification. The recipient of the document signs for it, so in the future it will not be possible to refer to the fact that the recipient is not familiar with the claim. However, it is better to send a claim by a valuable letter, but with a description of the attachment. The sender will spend a little more time on this compared to the first option. But this type of postal correspondence will be in the post office until the recipient comes to the post office and picks up the letter against signature. Although there is no guarantee that the addressee in without fail pick up the document addressed to them.

The best option

If you list all the options for sending the document in question via mail, then the best of them is to send a valuable letter with an inventory and acknowledgment of receipt. In this situation, the recipient will be notified that the letter has arrived to him, in addition, he can familiarize himself with its contents. The process for submitting a claim with a description of the attachment and notification is as follows:

  1. You need to prepare two copies of the application.
  2. For the description of the attachment, the mail issues the bank unified form F-107. Fill out the form at the post office.
  3. Form F-107 records the address, index of the recipient, name of the organization, list of papers attached to the claim. In the "declared value" field, you can put a dash or specify the amount.
  4. The sender of the claim must sign each of the forms and hand them over to the postal employee. It is in his competence to check the correspondence of the inventory and data of the recipient. If the inventory corresponds to what is stated in the attachment, the postal employee certifies the acts with a signature, a seal of the post office.
  5. One copy of the act in a certified form is enclosed in a letter, which is sealed. The second copy is sent to the sender.

For the service of compiling a reconciliation and notification of receipt, the post office charges a fee. The amount is small, but if the sender decided to compensate for his expenses, then he can recover them from the person who violated the terms of the transaction. When the addressee picks up the letter, the applicant will receive a notification about it. This will serve as evidence that the other party is aware of the requirements set out in the complaint.

For a letter of value, the sender indicates a "declared value", which is fully or partially refundable if the letter is lost or damaged.

Like a registered letter, a valuable letter is a registered item, its delivery and delivery can be tracked using a tracking number. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a valuable letter is handed personally to the addressee against signature or to the addressee's representative by proxy.

To calculate the time and cost of delivery, use the postal calculator or check out the rates for delivering letters in Russia and abroad.




Maximum weight

229 × 324 mm (C4 format)

In the Russian Federation - 100 g

Abroad - 2 kg

Minimum size

110 × 220 mm (Euro envelope) or 114 × 162 mm (C6 format)

Maximum size

229 × 324 mm (C4 format)

Maximum weight

In the Russian Federation - 100 g

Abroad - 2 kg

How to send

  1. Buy any envelope of the right size, enclose a letter and write the address . You can buy an envelope at the post office.
  2. Give the envelope with the letter to the post office employee and state the amount of declared value in rubles that you want to receive as compensation in case of loss or damage to the letter.
  3. If you need a notification of receipt, take the notification form on the table at the post office (for shipments within Russia - the form f. 119, for shipments abroad - the CN 07 form), fill it out and give it along with the letter to the Postal employee.
  4. If you need an inventory of the attachment, fill out 2 copies of the inventory form (f. 107) and send it along with the letter to the operator. Or fill out the forms on the website.
    ATTENTION! A letter with a description of the attachment is sent to the department employee in open form for reconciliation.
  5. If you need a cash on delivery service, tell the operator the amount of cash on delivery in rubles.
  6. If SMS notification is required, fill in the SMS notification form and hand it over to the operator.

Additional services

  • Delivery Notice. You will receive a receipt signed by the addressee.
  • Attachment Description. You will receive a confirmation by the postal worker of the content of the letter and the date it was sent.
  • C.O.D. To receive a letter, the addressee will have to pay the amount you specified.
  • SMS notification on the arrival of the item at the office and delivery to the addressee. The service is available only when shipping within Russia.
  • Air shipment- Air transport is delivered faster.

Please note that the Inventory of attachments, Cash on delivery and SMS notification services are only available for sending shipments within the territory of Russia.