Black list of sro rostekhnadzor. Rostekhnadzor's "black list" is replenished with new deadlines

Sale of property of a citizen - procedure in a bankruptcy case individual. This procedure is introduced in the following cases:

  • in the event that the debtor has no income or insufficient income to pay off the debt in the restructuring procedure;
  • if the restructuring plan is not submitted, approved or cancelled;
  • by decision of the meeting of creditors.

The procedure for introducing the procedure

The sale of property is introduced simultaneously with the adoption by the arbitration court of a decision to declare a citizen bankrupt. By the same decision, the court approves the financial manager of the citizen. This may be the same manager who worked in the restructuring procedure, if the meeting of creditors does not propose another candidate for approval.
Initially, the sale of property is introduced for a period of not more than six months, but this period may be extended at the request of the persons involved in the case.

Temporary restriction on travel outside the Russian Federation

After an individual is declared bankrupt court of Arbitration may limit this person travel outside the Russian Federation for a period until the end of the procedure. Restricting exit is the right of the arbitration court, not an obligation. To restrict the exit or not - the judge of the arbitration court decides based on the circumstances of the case, the position of other persons participating in the case and his inner conviction.

Consequences of the commencement of the procedure for the sale of property

1. Bankruptcy estate

All the property of a citizen that is available on the date of the decision of the arbitration court on declaring the citizen bankrupt and introducing the sale of the citizen's property and identified or acquired after the date of the adoption of the said decision, constitutes the bankruptcy estate. The citizen himself is no longer entitled to dispose of this property, in particular:

  • All rights in relation to the property constituting the bankruptcy estate, including the right to dispose of it, are exercised only by the financial manager on behalf of the citizen and cannot be exercised by the citizen personally;
  • transactions made by a citizen personally (without the participation of a financial manager) in relation to property constituting the bankruptcy estate are void.

The following property is excluded from the bankruptcy estate:

  • property according to the list established by Article 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, which cannot be levied;
  • things and assets worth less than 10,000 rubles, if the income from their sale does not significantly affect the satisfaction of creditors' claims.

2. Bank cards

A citizen is obliged, no later than one business day after declaring bankrupt and introducing the implementation procedure, to transfer to the financial manager all his bank cards. Not later than next day the financial manager is obliged to take measures to block transactions with bank cards received by him.

3. Other consequences

After the introduction of the procedure for the sale of property:

  • registration of the transfer or encumbrance of a citizen's rights to property, including real estate and non-documentary securities, is carried out only on the basis of the application of the financial manager. Applications of a citizen submitted before this date are not subject to execution;
  • fulfillment by third parties of obligations to a citizen to transfer property to him, including the payment of funds, is possible only in relation to a financial manager and is prohibited in relation to a citizen personally;
  • the debtor is not entitled to personally open bank accounts and deposits in credit institutions and receive on them cash.

Inventory, valuation and sale of property

According to the law, an individual independently draws up an inventory of his property: when submitting his application or attaches it to the response to the application of the creditor or the authorized body.
If the inventory is not submitted by a citizen, then it is compiled by the financial manager. In this case, the court has the right not to write off the debt upon completion of the procedure for the sale of property.
The appraisal of a citizen's property, which is included in the bankruptcy estate, is carried out by the financial manager independently, on which the financial manager makes a decision in writing. The assessment made may be challenged by a citizen, creditors, an authorized body in a bankruptcy case of a citizen.
The meeting of creditors has the right to make a decision on the assessment of the property of a citizen with the involvement of an appraiser and payment of the costs of this assessment at the expense of the persons who voted for the adoption of the relevant decision.

The property of an individual is sold at auction in the manner prescribed by the Bankruptcy Law. Jewelry and other luxury items, the value of which exceeds 100,000 rubles, and regardless of the value of real estate, are sold at open auctions.

Satisfaction of creditors' claims

The proceeds from the sale of property must be divided among the creditors of an individual. Claims of creditors are divided into

  • current payments;
  • registry requirements,
  • claims secured by collateral;
  • creditors' claims not included in the register.

Current payments

Current payments are claims against the debtor that appeared after the bankruptcy petition was accepted for production. Current payments are paid on a priority basis. But at the same time, among the current payments themselves, there is the following order:

  • in the first place, alimony, court expenses in a bankruptcy case, remuneration of the financial manager and persons involved by him are paid;
  • in the second place - arrears in the payment of severance pay and wages of persons who worked for a citizen under an employment contract;
  • in the third place - claims for payment for housing and utilities
  • in the fourth place - the remaining current payments.

Within the same queue, claims are settled in chronological order, that is, first those claims that arose earlier.

Registry requirements

Register claims are claims included in the register of claims of a citizen's creditors. The register of creditors' claims is maintained by the financial manager.
Such claims are paid in the following order:

  • first of all, claims for causing harm to life (health), as well as claims for the payment of alimony, are satisfied;
  • in the second place, calculations are made for the payment of severance pay and wages of persons who worked for a citizen under an employment contract;
  • thirdly, settlements with other creditors are made.

In case of insufficiency of money, the claims of several creditors of the same order are repaid proportionally.

Claims secured by a pledge of property

The pledged property is described, evaluated and sold according to the same rules as any other property of the debtor. The only difference is the procedure for distributing the money received from the sale of the collateral. 80% of the proceeds from the sale of the subject of pledge is directed to the repayment of the creditor's claims for obligations secured by the pledge of the debtor's property.
The funds remaining from the amount received from the sale of the subject of pledge are deposited into a special bank account of a citizen, in the following order:

  • 10% of the proceeds from the sale of the subject of pledge to pay off the claims of creditors of the first and second priority in case of insufficiency of other property of a citizen to pay off these claims;
  • the remaining funds to cover court costs, expenses for paying remuneration to the financial manager, expenses for paying for the services of persons involved by the financial manager in order to ensure the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him, and expenses related to the sale of the subject of pledge.

Claims of creditors unsatisfied at the expense of the value of the subject of pledge under obligations secured by the pledge of property of a citizen shall be satisfied as part of the claims of creditors of the third priority.

That is, the pledgor in any case receives at least 80% of the value of the sold pledge, regardless of the repayment of current payments and other registry requirements.

Claims of creditors not included in the register

Claims of creditors not included in the register, or so-called off-register claims, are claims filed by creditors in violation of the deadline for filing claims. These claims are satisfied after the full repayment of all current payments, claims of pledged and registered creditors. As a rule, by this time there is no money left.

Completion of the procedure for the sale of property

Upon completion of the sale of property and settlements with creditors, the financial manager prepares a report, which is submitted to the arbitration court for approval. The report shall be accompanied by copies of documents confirming the sale of the property of an individual and settlements with his creditors, as well as a register of creditors' claims indicating extinguished claims.
Having considered the report, the arbitration court completes the procedure for the sale of property, and issues a ruling on this. The bankruptcy of a citizen is considered completed.
By general rule, after the completion of the procedure, a citizen declared bankrupt is released from further fulfillment of creditors' claims, including creditors' claims not declared during the consideration of the case.

The information portal "All About Self-Regulation" publishes a list of SROs for which Rostekhnadzor has suspended entering information into the register.
SROs based on membership of persons engaged in construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities:
1. SRO-S-079-25112009 SRO KRB (Non-profit partnership of road construction companies Self-Regulatory Organization "Major Repair and Improvement"), Moscow;
2. SRO-S-085-27112009 "PERESVET" (Non-profit partnership for the creation of a children's summer camp"PERESVET"), Pushkino;
3. SRO-S-109-11122009 "InstallationTeploSpetsstroy" (Non-profit partnership Association construction organizations"MontazhTeploSpetsstroy"), Moscow;
4. SRO-S-112-14122009 "MOTS" (Non-profit partnership "Interregional association of transport construction"), Moscow;
5. SRO-S-123-18122009 “SRO OS “KBR” (Non-profit partnership “Self-regulatory organization “Association of Builders of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic”), Nalchik;
6. SRO-S-155-25122009 SRO NP "MOSO "OboronStroy" (Self-Regulatory Organization Non-Profit Partnership "Interregional Association of Construction Organizations "OboronStroy"), Moscow;
7. SRO-S-169-11012010 SRO "SASZ" (Non-profit partnership Self-regulatory organization "Building Alliance of the North-West"), St. Petersburg;
8. SRO-S-205-02032010 "StroyRegion" (Non-profit partnership of builders "StroyRegion"), Gatchina;
9. SRO-S-214-05042010 "SINGLE STANDARD" (Non-profit partnership to promote quality improvement construction works"SINGLE STANDARD"), Moscow;
10. SRO-S-220-28042010 "REGIONSTROYSERVICE" (Non-profit partnership "Association of organizations engaged in construction, reconstruction and overhaul" REGIONSTROYSERVICE "), Moscow;
11. SRO-S-221-30042010 "Commonwealth of builders" (Self-regulatory organization Non-profit partnership for the promotion and development construction activities"Commonwealth of Builders"), St. Petersburg;
12. SRO-S-224-03062010 "PSS" (Non-profit partnership "Professional Construction Union"), Safonovo;
13. SRO-S-232-28012011 "Civil Engineer of the North-West" (Non-profit partnership "Civil Engineer of the North-West"), St. Petersburg;
14. SRO-S-246-13062012 "National Alliance of Builders" (Non-profit partnership for assistance to construction organizations "National Alliance of Builders"), Moscow;
15. SRO-S-251-03082012 NPS GlavStroy (Non-commercial partnership of builders GlavStroy), St. Petersburg;
16. SRO-S-252-03092012 NP "Solidarity" (Non-profit partnership "Interregional Association of Construction Organizations "Solidarity"), Moscow.
SROs based on membership of persons performing engineering surveys of capital construction objects:
17. SRO-I-011-23122009 " survey organizations Northwest" ( Non-profit partnership"Prospecting Organizations of the North-West"), St. Petersburg.
SROs based on membership of trainees project documentation capital construction objects:
18. SRO-P-012-06072009 NPP "Soyuzpetrostroy-Proekt" (Non-profit partnership of designers "Soyuzpetrostroy-Proekt"), St. Petersburg;
19. SRO-P-019-26082009 EADC "Project portal" (Non-commercial partnership Expert-analytical center of designers "Project portal"), Moscow;
20. SRO-P-034-12102009 "ROPK" SRO (Non-profit partnership "Regional association of designers of Kuban" self-regulatory organization), Krasnodar city;
21. SRO-P-044-09112009 " Design organizations North-West” (Non-profit partnership “Design organizations of the North-West”), St. Petersburg;
22. SRO-P-055-16112009 "Oboronproekt" (Non-profit partnership "Association of designers "Oboronproekt"), Moscow;
23. SRO-P-064-30112009 "AIP (SRO)" (Non-profit partnership "Architects and engineers of the Volga region (self-regulatory organization)"), Nizhny Novgorod;
24. SRO-P-076-11122009 "MO SPETSPROEKT" (Non-profit partnership "Interregional association of special design"), Moscow;
25. SRO-P-084-15122009 "EnergoTeploMetallurgProekt" (Non-commercial partnership Association of design construction organizations "EnergoTeploMetallurgProekt"), Moscow;
26. SRO-P-101-23122009 "Architects of the Black Sea" (Non-profit partnership "Architects of the Black Sea"), Sochi;
27. SRO-P-110-29122009 SRO NP "UPSZ" (Non-commercial partnership "Office of Designers of the North-West"), St. Petersburg;
28. SRO-P-122-25012010 SPECIAL PROJECT ASSOCIATION (Non-profit partnership "Association of designers of hazardous production facilities"SPETSPROEKTOBEDINENIE"), Moscow;
29. SRO-P-147-09032010 "MOAPP-SME-OPORA" (Non-profit partnership "Interregional association of architectural and design enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses - OPORA"), Shchelkovo-4;
30. SRO-P-149-12032010 "KOP" (Non-profit partnership "Kazan association of designers"), Kazan;
31. SRO-P-150-12032010 SRO "MSSPSZ" (Non-profit partnership Self-regulatory organization " Interregional Union designers of fire protection systems”), Balashikha;
32. SRO-P-155-20042010 "SINGLE PROJECT STANDARD" (Non-profit partnership for assistance in organizing and regulating the improvement of the quality of performance design work"SINGLE DESIGN STANDARD"), Moscow;
33. SRO-P-160-13082010 "EO" PLOSZ "(Non-profit partnership" Unified Association of Designers for Leningrad region and North-West"), St. Petersburg;
34. SRO-P-164-28012011 "Design engineer of the North-West" (Non-profit partnership "Design engineer of the North-West"), St. Petersburg;
35. SRO-P-173-03082012 NPP GlavProekt (Non-commercial partnership of designers GlavProekt), St. Petersburg;
36. SRO-P-174-01102012 NP National Alliance of Designers GlavProject (Non-profit partnership National Alliance of Designers GlavProject), Moscow.

For several years now, there have been rumors in the construction community that the system of self-regulation we know will soon come to an end. That the heads of self-regulatory organizations are about to fly (and the collected money of the builders will fly with them in an unknown direction). And that everything is about to be completely different. Now it is clear that it was in 2017 that these rumors really became a reality. At […]

  • The boy shouted "wolves" for a very long time. So, gentlemen: wolves. This is far from the first construction self-regulatory organization that is excluded from the register of Rostekhnadzor on a tip from the National Association. It is far from the first time that hundreds of careless construction companies have been left without security clearances, thousands of construction workers have been left without work, and many thousands of their family members without a livelihood (and all this, […]

  • The cost of joining an SRO is one of the first indicators of a self-regulatory organization that you should pay attention to. Unless, of course, overpaying for the same things twice or more is not in your rules. However, if it were in your rules, you would hardly become successful businessman, is not it?

  • How many bloody tears have already been shed about regionalization... But regionalization is not the only rotten apple that lawmakers treated the construction industry to in 372-FZ. There is also " single register specialists”… This innovation concerns everyone. Builders moving to regional SROs. Anywhere not moving builders. Designers and surveyors who were not affected by regionalization at all. Requirements for professionals […]

  • Everything, gentlemen. All notifications accepted, notifications are no longer accepted. The deadline for their submission was the first of December. What does this mean for those who made it — and for those who didn't? What to do next? Let's figure it out. The first stage of changes related to the transition to regional self-regulatory organizations has been completed. At this stage, the builders were required to decide […]

  • However, for many construction companies, the list of self-regulatory organizations is much more interesting - silent people who, as of November 25 (ie, with a delay of 3 weeks), have not sent information about the status of their compensation funds.

    News agency " Building bussiness"carried out such work with the list of NOSTROY and compiled a" black list "of SROs, about which there is no information in any list. It turned out that this list included 50 SROs - from Voronezh to St. Petersburg.

    There may be several reasons for getting into this list, including the bad work of the Russian Post (although 3 weeks is already too much), as well as a disregard for reporting and, most importantly, the lack of funds from SRO compensation funds.

    In any case, construction companies should consider whether to choose these SROs to move to their region or, on the contrary, try to leave those SROs who categorically do not want to advertise their activities.

    1. Association self-regulatory organization "Builders of the Chernozem Region"
    short name
    ASRO "Builders of the Chernozem Region" (Voronezh)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-005-28042009
    Chairman of the Board of ASRO "Builders of the Chernozem Region" Mikhin Petr Valentinovich
    General Director of ASRO "Builders of the Chernozem Region" Nikulin Alexander Dmitrievich

    2. Association "Self-Regulatory Organization" Interregional Alliance of Construction Enterprises "
    short name
    Association "SRO "MASP" (Volgograd)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-034-04092009

    Rudnev Alexander Fedorovich

    Kuzmina Tatyana Alexandrovna

    3. Association Self-regulatory organization in the field of construction "Tsentrstroyekspertiza-status"
    short name
    Association SRO "Centrstroyexpertiza-status" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-037-11092009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Volovik Mikhail Valentinovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Manita Ekaterina Viktorovna

    4. Self-regulatory organization Union "Construction Regional Association"
    short name
    SROS "SRO" (Krasnodar)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-047-07102009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Kazibekov Ibragim Gadzhievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Ladatko Alexander Petrovich

    5. Non-commercial partnership of enterprises of housing and communal services "Housing complex"
    short name
    NPP Housing and Public Utilities "Housing Complex" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-052-22102009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Gorbunov Vladimir Borisovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Zelenov Alexander Viktorovich

    6. Association "Self-regulatory organization of builders of the Novgorod region "Stroybusinessinvest"
    short name
    Association SRO SNO "Stroybusinessinvest" (Novgorod)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-070-16112009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Mukharev Anatoly Alexandrovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Shilov Alexander Ivanovich

    7. Association of Construction Companies "Self-Regulatory Organization" Interregional Construction Alliance "Unity"
    short name
    Association "SRO" MSA "Unity" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-085-27112009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Kurilenkova Olga Evgenievna
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Selivanov Andrey Sergeevich

    8. Self-Regulatory Organization Non-Commercial Partnership “Association of Construction Organizations “EnergoStroyAlliance”
    short name
    SRO NP "EnergoStroyAlliance" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-089-27112009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Frolov Kirill Evgenievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Razgonyaev Mikhail Mikhailovich

    9. Self-regulatory organization Non-profit partnership "Professional community of builders"
    short name
    SRO NP "PSS" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-098-04122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Titov Oleg Leonidovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Vasiliev Andrey Nikolaevich

    10. Union of construction, installation and service organizations "Kotlogazmontazhservis"
    short name
    Union "Kotlogazmontazhservis" (Moscow, passes to the Moscow region)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-102-07122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Yurchenko Alexander Anatolievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Litvinov Oleg Leonidovich

    11. Association in the field of construction "Interregional Guild of Builders"
    short name
    Construction Association "MGS" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-105-08122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Kudinov Sergey Mikhailovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Ananchenko Sergey Stanislavovich

    12. Association Self-regulatory organization in the field of construction "Interregional Assistance Center in the organization of quality control of construction works"
    short name
    Association SRO "Mezhregionstroykontrol" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-106-08122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Ponomarev Dmitry Petrovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Mayboroda Olga Borisovna

    13. Self-regulatory organization Association of Builders of Small and Medium Business
    short name
    SRO A SMSB (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-119-17122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Kaikov Mikhail Igorevich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Filippov Dmitry Sergeevich

    14. Association “Self-Regulatory Organization “United Producers of Construction Works”
    short name
    Association "SRO "OPSR" (St. Petersburg)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-131-21122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Zaitsev Sergey Vladimirovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Petushkova Natalia Sergeevna

    15. Association "Regional Sectoral Self-Regulating Construction Association of Employers" DORMOST "
    short name
    Association "ROSSO-DORMOST" (Irkutsk)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-141-23122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Batrashov Vladimir Borisovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Ivanov Kirill Valentinovich

    16. Association Self-regulatory organization for the support of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of construction "Stroyregion-Razvitie"
    short name
    Association SRO "Stroyregion-Development" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-143-23122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Martsinkevich Stanislav Mikhailovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Manita Ekaterina Viktorovna

    17. Self-regulatory organization Union of Builders of the Upper Volga
    short name
    SRO Union of Builders of the Upper Volga (Kostroma)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-149-24122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Nagorov Evgeniy Gennadievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Firko Mikhail Ivanovich

    18. Self-regulatory organization Non-profit partnership "Interregional Association of Construction Organizations "OboronStroy"

    short name
    SRO NP MOSO OboronStroy (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-155-25122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Kozin Denis Nikolaevich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Yasakova Irina Gennadievna

    19. Self-regulatory organization Union "Builders of St. Petersburg"
    short name
    SRO Union "Builders of St. Petersburg" (St. Petersburg)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-157-25122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Penkov Andrey Borisovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Britov Oleg Alekseevich

    20. Self-regulatory association "Krasnoyarsk builders"
    short name
    SA "KS" (Krasnoyarsk)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-163-28122009
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Shabunin Vladimir Dmitrievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Shapovalov Anatoly Sergeevich

    21. Association Self-Regulatory Organization "Interregional Organization Commonwealth of Professional Builders"
    short name
    SRO "MOSPS" (Nalchik)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-178-19012010
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Atakueva Marina Takhirovna
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Mordukhaev Oleg Semenovich

    22. Association Self-Regulatory Organization "Interregional Association of Construction Companies"
    short name
    Association SRO "MOSK" (St. Petersburg)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-180-20012010
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Kiselkov Anton Sergeevich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Bazarov Alexander Yurievich

    23 . Non-commercial partnership "Union of Builders "REGION"
    short name
    NP "Union of Builders" REGION "(Yekaterinburg)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-189-01022010
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Prikhodko Sergey Vladimirovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Plaksin Denis Gennadievich

    24. Association "Self-regulatory organization of repair and construction companies"
    short name
    Association "SRO RSK" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-193-08022010
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Vitsko Victor Andreevich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Vinyukov Leonid Valentinovich

    25. Association of construction organizations self-regulatory organization "Interregional quality"
    short name
    ASO SRO "MK" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-196-10022010
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Filenko Ilya Ivanovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Mikulin Oleg Evgenievich

    26. Non-profit partnership "Self-regulatory organization "National Association of Professional Construction Organizations"
    short name
    NP SRO NOPSO (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-206-09032010
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Iglin Alexander Vladimirovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Kuznetsova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna

    27. Union of Builders self-regulatory organization "ZhilKomStroy"
    short name
    SS SRO "ZhilKomStroy" (Krasnoyarsk)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-210-24032010
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Tarashchansky Mikhail Vitalievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Gantimurov Anatoly Konstantinovich

    28. Self-regulatory organization Association "Alliance of enterprises of the construction complex"
    short name
    SRO Association "APSK" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-215-08042010
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Yarmosh Andrei Vladimirovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Samokhin Andrey Nikolaevich

    29. Association "Self-regulatory organization "Interregional Alliance of Builders"
    short name
    Association "SRO "MAS" (Moscow region, rural settlement Semenovskoe)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-217-19042010
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Rogozhkin Vladimir Vasilievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Khlynov Alexander Vladimirovich

    30. Self-regulatory organization Association "First Volga Construction Association"
    short name
    SRO Association "PPSO" (Kazan)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-222-30042010
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Musaev Eduard Anvarovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Khannanov Alexey Yurievich

    31. Association "Self-Regulatory Organization "Engineer-Builder"
    short name
    Association SRO "Construction Engineer" (St. Petersburg)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-232-28012011
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Shkunov Andrey Alexandrovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Inasaridze Dmitry Yurievich

    32. Non-commercial partnership Self-regulatory organization "National Community of Builders"
    short name
    NP SRO "National Community of Builders" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-237-19052011
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Lyashchenko Alexander Anatolievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Brovko Alexander Petrovich

    33. Association of builders Self-regulatory organization "Regional Association of Construction Organizations"
    short name
    Association SRO "ROSO" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-243-09042012
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Yudina Natalya Borisovna
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Khamukov Rustam Zalimgerievich

    34. Association "Self-Regulatory Organization "International Construction Association"
    short name
    Association "SRO" MSO "(Belgorod)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-247-20062012
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Bobrikov Andrey Yurievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Parfenov Igor Vladimirovich

    35. Non-profit partnership "Voluntary construction partnership "Center for Special Construction and Repair"
    short name
    SRO NP "DST CSSR" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-248-25062012
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Kapitonov Vyacheslav Anatolievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Kobozev Anatoly Vasilievich

    36. Association Self-Regulatory Organization "General Alliance of Construction Organizations"
    short name
    ASRO "GASO" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-249-12072012
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Sychev Mikhail Alekseevich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Dovganich Victor Ivanovich

    37. Association of Builders "Regional Building Alliance"
    short name
    AS "RSA" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-250-26072012
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Afanasiev Nikolay Vasilievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Jandieri Georgy Robinzonovich

    38. Association "Interregional Association of Construction Organizations "Solidarity"
    short name
    Association "Solidarity" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-252-03092012
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Baronin Sergei Nikolaevich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Kiliyan Yuri Igorevich

    39. Self-regulatory organization Union of Builders "Interregional Association for Construction, Repair and Technical Supervision"
    short name
    SRO UNION "MAS RemTechNadzor" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-254-03102012
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Ponomareva Oksana Yurievna
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Khaburzania Alexander Napoleonovich

    40. Association "First Construction Association"
    short name
    Association "PSO" (Rostov-on-Don)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-260-29012013
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Fedorov Alexey Yurievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Kalinin Vadim Albertovich

    41. UNION "Russian Association of Builders"
    short name
    UNION "ROS" (Leningrad region, Vsevolzhsk)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-263-20032013
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Bebykh Nikolai Mikhailovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Gerasimov Alexey Petrovich

    42. UNION "Self-Regulatory Organization "Interregional Association of Civil Engineers"
    short name
    UNION "SRO" MAIS "(Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-264-03042013
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Dmitrieva Daria Vitalevna
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Mayatnikov Evgeny Leonidovich

    43. Association of builders self-regulatory organization "Association of construction organizations" ExpertStroy "
    short name
    Association SRO "ExpertStroy" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-265-10042013
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Ionova Larisa Evgenievna
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Grinovetsky Andrey Romanovich

    44. Non-profit partnership Assistance in improving the quality of construction work "National Builders Alliance"
    short name
    SRO NP "Assistance in improving the quality of construction work" National Alliance of Builders "(Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-267-16052013
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Gorbunov Alexander Vadimovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Kuzmin Vadim Gennadievich

    45. Association "Self-Regulatory Organization "Voluntary Association of Builders"
    short name
    Association "SRO "DOS" (Samara region, Togliatti)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-269-03072013
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Pikhtulov Oleg Gennadievich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Petrov Andrey Vasilievich

    46. ​​Non-profit partnership self-regulatory organization of builders of especially dangerous and technically complex facilities "Spetsstroynadzor"
    short name
    Self-regulatory organization "Spetsstroynadzor" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-270-05082013
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Chetyrkin Sergey Ivanovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Kosarev Dmitry Sergeevich

    47. Association "Regional Commonwealth of Builders"
    short name
    Association "RSS" (Pyatigorsk)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-272-08112013
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Artyomkin Nikolai Filippovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Sidorov Andrei Nerunovich

    48. Self-regulatory organization Association of Builders "Construction Alliance Monolith"
    short name
    SRO AS "CAM" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-274-24022014
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Odinokov Sergey Sergeevich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Bulygin Oleg Anatolievich

    49. Association of builders self-regulatory organization "RegionStroyObedinenie"
    short name
    Association SRO "RSO" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-275-07042014
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Gerenkova Yulia Fedorovna
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Kuligin Pavel Evgenievich

    50. Union of Builders Self-Regulating Organization Regional Association of Employers "SpetsStroyStandard"
    short name
    Union of Builders "SpetsStroyStandard" (Moscow)
    Number in the state. registry: SRO-S-276-21102014
    Head of the SRO collegial body:
    Kurtakov Arkady Vladimirovich
    Head of the executive body of the SRO:
    Assessorov Valery Olegovich

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    Thursday, September 3, 2015

    At a meeting of the Council of the National Association of Builders, which will be held on September 10, the fate of the next SROs, in whose work serious violations have been revealed, will be decided, the Construction Business News Agency is sure. Against the background of exclusion from the state register of SRO NP "ROST" and the subsequent throwing of builders in search of a compfund and permits, the agency recalls that about 20 more SROs are in the "development" to identify violations of the law. Some of them may lose their SRO status in the very near future.

    For example, the "Union of Builders "Region"" - the decision on the possibility of its exclusion from the state register was confirmed by the NOSTROY Council at a meeting on August 5, so that the appropriate decision of Rostekhnadzor on this issue may follow at any time.

    An unscheduled inspection by Rostekhnadzor at the suggestion of the national association threatens the Monolith Construction Alliance, in whose work numerous violations of the law were revealed.

    The "Regional Commonwealth of Builders" (Kislovodsk), which was given 3 months to eliminate violations, did not manage to "work on the mistakes". Moreover, the leaders of this SRO even lost the list of their own members, which pushed the NOSTROY Council to an immediate decision to prepare an opinion on the possibility of deleting this SRO from the state register.

    The "black" list continues "Association of organizations engaged in building control, contracting and general contracting works” (NP “Stroykontrol”). This SRO has 103 members, another 108 companies have been excluded, and the comp fund is 51 million rubles, although it should be at least 12 million more.

    Also in the work of the apparatus NOSTROY are the "Regional Construction Association" (St. Petersburg), "Advanced building technology"(St. Petersburg), "National Alliance of Builders" (Moscow), "Best Construction Technologies" (St. Petersburg), "Impulse" (St. Petersburg), "Stroyindustriya" (St. St. Petersburg), "Civil Engineer of the North-West" (St. Petersburg) and "Interregional Innovative Association of Builders" (Tolyatti).